Dorthy Denning is a boot-licking fasicist!!!

attila at attila at
Tue Nov 26 21:18:52 PST 1996

In <199611262215.QAA21070 at>, on 11/26/96 
   at 03:38 PM, "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii at> said:



- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

::Dorthy Denning gave the most pro-government speech I have ever heard. Is
::this clueless bitch on the government payroll?!!
        that she is, most assuredly, but you'll never prove it.

::William Reinsch is a lying bastard. Fucking politions!! Fucking
::goverment!! They all deserve a long rope!!

::Phil Zimmerman was quite good at attacking the government policies.

::<sigh> We are truly a country of fools to have put these jackbooted
::facisit bastards back into office.
        is there a different kind that we are permitted to elect?

        I always thought our truth reporting news media, despite their
    control by big money gave us choices, like

            a republican who has the socialist instincts of FDR, or

            a hill-billy pseudo leftist who sounds like he expects his
            subjects to believe he is a "centrist" or

            Harry Brown, a "republican" in sheep's clothing who just
            wants to give the states the federales' right to declare
            justice at our expense.  Harry received less than 300,000
            votes this time --35% of what the last candidate --guess
            ol Harry was the only one who did not fool the people, or

            big ears and deep pockets... not bad. all that money bought
            8% of the disaffected vote.

        the only _constitutionalist_ running for President was Howard
    Phillips.  I might have voted for the first time in my life if he
    had been on the ballot in Utah.

        some democracy, an assemblage of whores.
            unfortunately, we are the whores
                    sorry O'Rourk, for masticating your quote.

        australia was settle by English prisoners, mostly bankrupts and
    the like. after the original religious settlers, America was settled
    by every bounder who dream of piracy and the liberty to rape, 
    pillage and burn.

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  Cyberspace is OUR Freedom.  
    FUCK your CDA!

  Cyberspace and Information are Freedom!  
    FUCK your WIPO, too. 

  maybe there is an analogy:

  militias:   "the only way they'll take my weapon
              is from my cooling, smoking hand...."

  prez:       "the only way they'll take my executive privileges
              is to impeach me --IF I consent to leave."

  without arms they do not resist; 
    without communication they know not what to resist.
  one of the few conclusions shared by the enlightened: 
    the absolute, corrosive contempt for our elected officials.
  Politicians are like diapers.
    They both need prompt and regular replacement, 
    and for the same reason.
 "In nature, stupidity gets you killed.
   In the workplace, it gets you promoted.
    In politics, it gets you re-elected."

 "Every government is an assemblage of whores.
   Unfortunately, in a democracy, we are the whores."

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