proposal for grid and agents talk in GGF14 community track

David De Roure dder at
Wed May 11 00:24:56 CDT 2005

We propose a 30-45 minute session on Grid and Agents, in which I will
present a short talk on Semantic Grid (based on discussions at GGF13) 
and there will be a response from an invited member of the Agents
community, Jonathan Dale.

Jonathan is a Senior Researcher at Fujitsu Labs America and led the
Agentcities project.  He has been directly involved in the FIPA agents
standardisation activity and in the W3C Web Ontology Working Group.

The objectives of this session are:

1. To discuss grid problems which may be addressed by technologies
developed in the agent based computing community

2. Specifically to consider the role of agents in the context of the 
large number of grid services anticipated in the future

3. To suggest next steps in engagement between these communities

The proposed session involves two short talks and a period of discussion.

This proposal arises from a meeting held in April with a number of senior
members of the agents community as part of the GGF community council
engagement with "technology innovators".  We believe this is an exciting
opportunity to bring the Agents community to GGF, with a view to future
engagement in the standards process.

If approved, this event will be advertised to the agents community,
including the FIPA standards body.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

-- Dave

David De Roure, University of Southampton
Jonathan Dale, Fujitsu Labs America

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