[cddlm] Meeting notes: 22-Sep-2006

Toft, Peter peter.toft at hp.com
Mon Sep 25 10:49:22 CDT 2006


Here are my brief notes from the CDDLM call last week.

Present: Satish, Steve, Dejan, Peter. (Ayla tried to dial-in but was
thwarted by problems with the new dial-in number.)

Meeting Notes:

1) Peter checked on status of the required CDDLM deliverables:
 Foundation Document: complete OGF doc
 SmartFrog Language: complete OGF doc
 Component Model: complete OGF doc
   (but a new version may be available)
 Deployment API: complete OGF doc
 CDL specification: done, needs to be resubmitted
 CDL Interop Report: in progress
 Deployment API Interop Report: in progress
 Component Model Interop Report: in progress

Summary: the key specification documents are complete or nearing
completion as OGF documents. The focus of activity is now on interop
testing across the example implementations, and documenting the results.

2) Checking on the team's availability to further contribute. Satish is
available for about another month or so, Ayla and Stuart's
availabilities are currently unknown (perhaps each of you could comment
on this?). Steve is available for a while.

We agreed that a desirable goal would be to bring things to a graceful
conclusion over the next month

3) We briefly discussed whether a POSIX component was actually needed
(to offer a POSIX-compliant API for deploying software components
against). I am minded to avoid implementing such components as part of
the base standard and to leave this as an exercise for the users of the
CDDLM framework.


- Jun to resubmit the CDL document this week to the OGF editors
- Peter to verify 'ratification' criteria with Hiro and Steve Pickles
- Ayla to forward most recent UFCG interop results [DONE]
- Steve to modify the CDL interop tests to match the current spec.
- Jun/Satish to update the interop document
- Steve to work on Deployment API interop testing

**** Next meeting: ****

- Wednesday 27-Sep-2006
- 2pm UK time
- Dial-in: 
  UK:   +44 1452 560 980
  USA:  +1 866 276 8920
  Conference ID 811956
- Virtual Room:

(Ayla -- let me know if you need me to conference you in, and if so what
number I should use.)

Best regards,

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