[cddlm] Notes

Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) dejan.milojicic at hp.com
Wed May 17 08:31:53 CDT 2006

Attended: Ayla, Flavio, Guilherme, Satish, and Dejan (Steve excused
himself; Jun appears to be sick)

Status and Plans for next week
Ayla, Flavio, Guilherme: finished component model last week, and now
finished missing deployment API testing. They tested against Steve's
portal, have completed 45%. Last week had slightly less but added more
tests. With Satish have some problems with failures. Added some sleeps
in between tests, to reduce stress on the Tomcat server on. Still the
server sometimes goes down, they will work offline with Satish on this.
Plans for this week: perform component model tests against other
endpoints. Stuart has specified some CDL, and components and they will
work on this. Also continue to work on deployment APIs against Steve and
Satish's endpoint. From the email from Ayla, going into more details:
**Implementation status: CDL - 100% done. Deployment API - 100% done.
Component Model - 100% done. **CDL test case: Test cases 58/59 (98.3%).
**Deployment API test case: Test with our portal (100%, 4 tests
remaining were implemented) - it was 88.88% Test with NEC portal
(14/36=38.88%. The server could not stand due to the load) Test with HP
portal (45.16%)

Stuart: Focusing internally on cleanup of the implementation that is not
working. Still needs some time to sync-up with Jun. Still can't parse
all test cases and when they fix some of them other problems pop up.
Deployment APIs is up and running. 20% passing. Started testing on other
end-point with others, but gave up, still focusing on internal. Still
not have endpoints, working with IT to make it happen. For the next
week, if he can not digest CDL, he will post it to Jun and the group.

Satish: component model and CDL complete 100%. Received CDL from
Guilherme and will complete tests against UFCG implementation. 30% have
been completed against HP's portal, but non component model so far.
Regarding the system load on Tomcat, after creating 8 or 9 systems, the
JVM can not take any more load on Tomcat and after initializing 3 or 4
systems, the system has been fully loaded. Need to work on how to
resolve this issue. Need to complete deployment tests against UFCG
portal and what are the CDL tests that they need. Will also help Stuart.

Report from GGF17
GGF17: Satish spoke to Jun for about 2 minuets. GGF went very well and
he could show the interoperability demo, wanted to show portal
implementation and a lot of other things but he did not have too much
time. Did the demo for 15 minutes on interoperability.

Hiro's submission to SDD
Hiro presented submission of combined ACS, CDDLM, and JSDL to SDD.
Presentation went well, there was an extensive set of slides presented.
It is unclear how it will move forward. Hiro will keep us in the loop.

Overall sense of where they are with completeness of Interoperability
(In the sense of completeness of tests against one other endpoint)

UFCG: 30-40% Some tests are not suitable for interoperability. However,
the tests are good. We may want to declare some tests as not required
for interoperability, make it very clear.

NEC: Around 40%, the issue is the same as Ayla described, using your own
test, but without the CDL files from other implementation, you can not
run any of the tests. We should have a single common CDL file that each
implementation can support so that we can freely use the tests against
any target.

Softricity: ~20%. 

Action items: 
1. Jun to report from GGF

2. Satish and Ayla will make an informal proposal how to decide on which
tests go to interoperability and how to have consolidated CDLs.



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