[cddlm] Notes from GGF16

Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) dejan.milojicic at hp.com
Wed Feb 22 06:13:24 CST 2006


Below is the summary of notes from GGF16. Thanks to all note takers. I
am missing the 2/15 interop notes, Stephen, can you post them to this
group, please. Steve, can you please post your presentation from the
same session.

Best regards,


CDDLM-WG (and related) Sessions at GGF 16

2/13, 3:30pm: CDDLM #1, Demos of reference implementations
2/13, 5:30pm: CDDLM #2, Relationship to other technologies
2/14, 5:30pm: CDDLM #3, Planning interoperability
2/15, 5:30pm: BoF Interoperability Fests, CDDLM's participation
2/17: OGSA F2F, Continued discussions on OGSA (EMS) & CDDLM 

Quick Update on our Status and Where We are Going

- Documents
  - Two documents are public
  - Two documents finished public comment period, we expect them to
become public documents shortly
  - One document entering public comment 
- Reference implementations
  - Four in place with more or less completeness 
- Interoperability
  - Planned for March-May 2006, but some aspects already accomplished!
- GGF17 (GGF18?) mission accomplished

CDDLM WG session #1, Demos of reference implementations (about 30
people), Note Taker Hiro 

Introduction by Dejan
Session plans in this week

Quick update
Two document are published, two went through PC and will be published
soon, and one starts PC soon.

Jun presents NEC implementation.
It is stored in sourceforge.net, use common test environment, use CDL
test (still growing).
Test tool is using JUNIT.
Handling multiple CDL documents to test <cdl:import>

"CDL processor" and "component generator"
they are based on tomcat and muse with GUI.
Demonstrate deployment and start "footwear shop" application.

What does component generator consume and generate? 

Show Ayla's demonstration without vocal.

Destroy undeploy the stuff? They do not do such optimization, yet.

What is the main difference between this demo and previous demo in
Demo in Boston is just show it works. Now her implementation can take
care of most of CDL specs.
Do you have any statistics for her coverage?
No. but this demo covers many corner cases and becomes much reliable.

Steven's SF based demo
Show "hello world" demo
Use VMware to demonstrate deploying networked machine.
Demonstrate deploying jboss as more realistic example
Do you also use CDL type for this window? No

GLARE presentation
Askalon's grid environment
Based on Globus services
Problem is hardcoded binding between activity and component
Want to move to runtime binding
GLARE activity description = CDL?
Super-peer model is distributed

Do you read CDLLM document? Many of features are already covered by
We've implemented the system one ore more year before and are now
reading specs.
Dejan says they are very glad if you could give feedback in the future.

Wrap up
Dejan recaps another CDDLM sessions in this week.
Dejan emphasizes they have four independent implementations.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm 

CDDLM WG session #2, Relationship to other technologies (about 30
people), Note Taker Jun Tatemura
(participation from DMTF CIM and OASIS WSDM groups)

relationship of CDDLM and BES
WSDM 1.1 (Fred)
- referring to WSRF standardized version
- WSRF expected March
- problem: waiting for WS-Addressing

treat manageability as a profile...

- deployment artifact
- underlying attribute model
- may be good time to start
thinking of mapping
- need experts from DMTF?

future interoperability fest
- getting various groups
to integrate a mock-up

impact from EGA merger
- use cases available?

initial idea on homework

- they are now refining

Hiro explained OGSA EMS discussion/
definition of deployment 
and provisioning (policy) 

CDDLM WG session #3, Planning interoperability  (about 30 people), Note
Taker Dejan Milojicic

- Really in good shape
- Do not have tests for some areas (lists, expressions)
- Jun will complete this some time in March
- Get status report from others where they are (e.g. expressions as well
as generic test reports)
- Dejan will get the format for the interop document
- Steve will automate tests inclusion
- Lazy references not covered here (will be addressed by component
- Jun/Steve will work on this, at least HP & NEC ref impl. but
Softricity and UFCG

Basic deployment API
- Need a common test client, we will have at least 2, Steve & TBD
- HOWEVER: everyone should write his own test clients to be general
enough to run against other servers
- How to enforce that side effects are captured (create files and assert
- Also blurred with the deployment model, we need test components
- See deployment test plan (WSRF properties, create errors, testing

Component Model (& Complete Deployment APIs) 
- What is tested
  - lifecycle
  - notifications (??)
  - file upload
- Everyone should try to have publicly accessible servers (with
passwords) so that we can try doing this ahead of the GGF17
- CRITICAL:  common test components (even if all  different
implementations for each team)
  - file operations
  - assertions

OGSA F2F, excerpt from Andreas' notes: 
CDDLM joint discussion

  A JSDL BLAST example was posted to the list prior to GGF16. Steve
  Loughran introduced a CDL example 'corresponding' to the JSDL
  one. This immediately raised a number of questions on the approach
  - What should the correspondence or relation between a JSDL and CDL
    document? One could encapsulate the other; or there could be a
    reference relation.
  - What is the added value of using CDL? There is not much point in
    simply duplicating the functions in the JSDL document.

  It was agreed that the CDL document should not just reproduce the
  JSDL document but it should instead provide a more detailed
  description of what needs to be set up to make it possible to run
  the job described by the JSDL document.
  - In part this is drawing the line between the deployment and
  - As a general approach it was also agreed out that we should aim
    for a relation such that 'moving the line' between
    deployment/provisioning should not affect the contents of JSDL and
    CDL documents.

  (There was also a repeat of the Sunnyvale (Jan 2006)
  discussion. That is whether configuration actions should be done
  implicitly by the container vs making them explicit. Re-affirmed the
  consensus that configurations actions should be made explicit.)

  How close is CDL to be a declarative vs procedural language? Agreed
  that it can probably be used either way, but with a preference
  towards a declarative use for OGSA purposes.

  Proposal to work out details in a smaller group with people from the
  various groups (JSDL, BES, CDDLM) before bringing it back for an
  architecture review. 
  - Accepted in principle, but was put aside in favor of the following

  ACTION: Steven Newhouse to write up a first draft of a few more
  scenarios on the relationship between JSDL and CDL.
  - To be included in the current EMS scenarios document. 
  - To be delivered by mid-March
  - Review on an OGSA call and continue refinement

** Whiteboard list produced during the discussion

  - Duplication of JSDL in CDL?
  - Directory/user creation
  - What is the difference between 
 [job / application / container] configuration]
  - Where is line between JSDL and CDL and is it policy specific
  - Job lifecycle including deployment and start/stop

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