[cddlm] namespaces

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Fri May 20 08:04:09 CDT 2005

I am moving to the following namespaces



The only one I am unsure about is the CDL namespace. On the most recent 
copy of the CDL spec that I have to hand, the URL is


This is from the document; I assume that it is a typo and that it should be


Even, then, it is different from Stuart's proposed scheme, but if the 
CDL is already submitted, we have to flow with it. I would note that 
would be good if at some point in the future we could actually host the 
XSD at the various locations, even though there is no requirement to do 
so -a lot of XML parsers expect to fetch XSD from the (resolved) URI

Dejan, can I flag up namespace consistency as an issue, something we 
need to address as a group to avoid shipping inconsistent documents.


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