[cddlm] Draft of deployment API

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Wed Jan 26 05:21:11 CST 2005

Hiro Kishimoto wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Is it worth utilizing WSDM MUWS spec in addition to WSRF/WSN? 
> Thanks,
> ----
> Hiro Kishimoto

I've been trying hard to reduce dependencies on the specification. this 
iteration has gone from one known to work to one that will depend on 
early implementations of WSRF+WSN, such as GT4, the HP/Globus donation 
to Apache (Apollo & Hermes), or an equivalent. Even then we are now more 
dependent on changing specifications, instability of foundational things 
like WS-Addressing, and so it is that much harder from interoperable 

MOWS/MUWS adds more complexity. This does not mean that I am against 
writing manageable code, but think we can get away with it being 
implementation specific. For example, a Java implementation just needs 
to use the JMX APIs, and when a MUWS binding to JMX comes out, then it 
gets MUWS for free. Till then, we get SNMP amongst others.

What opinions does anyone else have?


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