[cddlm] Component Model draft

Stuart Schaefer Sschaefer at softricity.com
Mon Jan 24 04:10:54 CST 2005


Here is the long promised Component Model draft specification.  As agreed at last meeting, I have the following outstanding issues to resolve:


1)       There is no mechanism for a component to know its own EPR, or to know the system EPR.  So, to do a reference resolution, there is some undocumented magic.

2)       As discussed with Steve, the current system requires all resolutions to be done by the system EPR.  This may be a problem for scalability.

3)       There is no mapping between WS-I endpoint or service EPRs and their host components.  Presumably this matching is done outside of our scope, but it is unknown at this point.

4)       There may be some conflicts in the definition of the CDL and CMP namespaces.  Steve suggested that the component model by a namespace extension to the CDL namespace.  I am not sure I like that, but have found no better alternative yet.


Please take a chance to read the document, and I will schedule a review with Dejan.



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