[cddlm] reviewed copy of the XML-CDL spec; <import>

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Mon Jan 10 11:08:20 CST 2005

Here is an updated copy. It extends the "formatting only changes" 
version of the doc I sent out last week

1. explicit mention of failure conditions on resolution and stuff

2. detail on how we expect import to work.

Query on what the meaning of /.. is? that is, what happens when you try 
and go up from root. Unix says 'stop at /', windows says 'stop at the 
base dir of that system', Ant says 'break in unusual ways', but that may 
be fixed.

I worry about relative references in import.

1. Should someone be able to supply a set of docs to resolve in a single 

2. what schemas are to be mandated.

For reference, smartfrog lets you only deploy one doc, but since all 
import paths

#import "/absolute/paths/only/something.sf"

are resolved in the classloader, you can add other .sf files to the 
classpath to deploy. Which works when you are deploying over RMI (as the 
client effectively expands the stuff inline), but not via SOAP or the like.

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