[cddlm] XML-CDL ver 1.0 final(?) draft

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Mon Jan 10 08:32:09 CST 2005


This looks like some aspect of XSD that I don't understand yet (XML 
Schema is like Perl -its too complex to understand more than the subset 
you work with)

variableType and the element ref declare that they have the attribute lazy:

<complexType name="variableType">
     <attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>
     <attribute name="refroot" type="QName" use="optional"/>
     <attribute name="ref" type="cdl:pathType" use="required"/>
     <attribute name="lazy" use="optional"/>

But it is untyped. Does the attribute defined in the base of the schema 
get picked up (yes, I guess it would), so there is no need to restate 
type information?

If this is so, what is the purpose in declaring the attribute at all? 
Just as an aide-memoire to users and XML IDEs?


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