[CCGT] For discussion on Friday morning's GGF14 call

Julie Wulf-Knoerzer wulf at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 6 14:44:25 CDT 2005

Dear All,

On behalf of the Community Council, I am providing an outline of the two 
program aspects we envision for GGF14 specifically as well as the 
logistical needs of these program elements:

*Workshops - (logistical requirements:  1 room with 50-100 person capacity 
from Mon-Thurs.  Remote access - telecon or AG - would be 
desirable.  Standard A/V.),
*Community (or General) Track - (logistical requirements: 1 room with 
100-150 person capacity from Mon pm-Wed pm.  Standard A/V.  Registration 

We anticipate keeping these two elements separate but understand that this 
is contingent upon availability of space.  If necessary, we will 
intersperse these elements into one track (of increased days).

Below, please find the characteristics of these 2 elements:

Workshops (Classical GGF Workshops):
-Organized by Research Groups and Working Groups,
-Workshops reports must be provided within 3 months of the meeting (we will 
encourage these reports to take the form of a GGF Informational document).
-The GROC solicitation process will be reviewed and modified by the 
Community Council due to time and potential logistical constraints.  We 
would like to do this asap.
-GFSG input will be solicited (both on above process and submissions).
-Community Council will provide bi-weekly GFSG updates.

Community (or General) Track:
This themed session would last from 0.5 to 2 days and is geared towards 
attracting people to attend the whole session and so motivate attendance at 
GGF (people that would not otherwise attend GGF). This track may contain 
keynotes, invited or contributed talks, panels, etc.  They can involve 
applications, technology or standards.

Examples of topics for this track (pulled from the Community Council email 
list archives) include:
STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and used to 
describe parts of  education often viewed as weak in USA.  I think we could 
set up a useful STEM community that could have activities similar to those 
of education part in SCxx.  I suspect we could both benefit a broad 
community and probably compete for various funding opportunities.
On April 25th, I will be talking at a meeting of CENDI which is an 
interagency group of scientific and technical information (STI) managers 
from 12 major federal agencies.  In DoE this is called OSTI.  Together 
CENDI members are meant to represent agencies covering over 95% of the 
federal R&D budget. (http://www.CENDI.gov). These are information systems 
leaders and I was introduced to them as I am helping design of Information 
Retrieval Grid for federating different federal databases 
(http://www.science.gov). I think most corporations have such needs for 
information systems and it could be interesting community.
Note that the CENDI Group exchanges ideas and information covering a broad 
range of themes from policy to standards to technologies that impact or 
have the potential of impacting federal STI systems.

If we had a community track, the GridIR and Portal activities would be very 
relevant. I will certainly encourage them to get involved with GGF and I 
realize it would be useful if for each GGF meeting, we identified 
activities that could be interesting to each of a set of communities we 
support. We also could collect talks such as the one I will give and list 
those of interest to each community.

In coordination with the GGF14 Event Steering Council (ESC), we will 
generate appropriate CFPs, invitations, etc., for the above community 
program activities.  We intend to record our experiences from GGF14 in a 
'community perspective lessons learned' document for use in planning future 
GGF community activities.

I look forward to Friday's discussion and hope this provides further 
background for the community council's role in GGF14.


***New contact information as of 16-Feb***
Julie Wulf-Knoerzer
Manager of Community Development
wulf at ggf.org
ph. 630/252-7163
fax 630/252-4466
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