[cads] GGF-linked meetings

David De Roure dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Jan 12 02:13:00 CST 2006

For info, as background to our discussions. We've now "badged" a number of
events in the Technology Innovators area as being in conjunction with GGF
(Grid2006, eScience2006, SKG2006, plus workshops), as a mechanism for
mutually beneficial community engagement and building that "on ramp" into
GGF activities. 

Here is an outline of the kind of informal arrangement that is emerging -
this describes the "deal" with the event, not how we choose which events to

1 The event can use the GGF logo. We would be pleased to see the logo appear
in advance publicity and on the Web site.  They can describe this as GGF
endorsement (but it is NOT sponsorship - the phrase "in conjunction with
GGF" is as strong as it gets). 

2. GGF will nominate a liaison person for the conference (currently this has
been the Tech Innovators ADs but this could be broadened - it's likely that
suitable events may already have GFSG members involved in some capacity).

3. GGF will help advertise the event, through its own mechanisms and
membership. (We intend that GGF will have a GGF web page that lists all such
linked conferences - we haven't done this yet.)

4. GGF would like to discuss options for an appropriate presence at the
event, via the liaison.  We would at least like to provide all delegates
with info about GGF, and discuss having an "Introduction to GGF" talk.
Other options include GGF display, hospitality etc.

5. GGF links to presentations after the event to combine with our community
talks, so that the event content is accessible via GGF.

6. GGF can also offer advice through the range of expertise available.  The
liaison person is the link to this expertise.

-- Dave

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