[acs-wg] Your comments on the draft spec.

Keisuke Fukui kfukui at labs.fujitsu.com
Thu Oct 13 03:11:35 CDT 2005

Hello Pete,

How is it going? We hope that we finish the version 1.0 in this
month to make us released for the further step toward 2.0
and EMS discussions. So here are something for you to make it

I need clarifications for some of your comments seen in
the draft 0.51 that we have reviewed at GGF15 sessions.

In the section "3.1.4 Relationship between AA and Job" (Page 14),
you left the comment "D10" below:
Perhaps we could say a unit of “configuration management”

We didn't see problem here in the review at GGF15. Can you
elaborate on this a bit more?
Is the current description for section "4.5 replication"
good to you? If you have more to add, please let us review
and merge it to the current one.

I will appreciate it very much if you briefly address to the above
here. I'm sorry for bothering you this time.
Thanks in advance!!


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