[acs-wg] Agenda for the Call on Jul 13 Wed 20:00 EDT/Jul 14 Thu 9:00 JST

Keisuke Fukui kfukui at labs.fujitsu.com
Wed Jul 13 04:14:52 CDT 2005


Here is an agenda for the call tomorrow. See you there!

### Proposed Agenda
1. Agenda bashing, role call, note taker & time keeper. (5 min)
2. August face-to-face dates. (5 min)
   Candidate from the GGF14 session:
   Dates: Aug. 1, 2
   Place: RTP in N.C
3. Tentative Glossary definition. (5 min)
    Attached is a version of the final glossary we discussed, with
    some clean ups. Please check the attached glossary if it is ok
    as a tentative glossary to start with.
4. Create or Register. (10 min)
    Is it better to have Create in stead of Register?
    There will be two create: Creating an AA file at
    clients site with IDE and creating an AA entry in the
    repository. We need clarify these. Creation of WS resource
    doesn't need to be "Create"; Creating a subscription to the
    events is called "Subscribe".
    If we use "Create", probably the Destroy will be better choice
    for "Remove" in the current doc.
5. Roles in ACS for the draft spec. description. (10 min)
    See my previous post on this.
6. Data transport in GetContents. (10 min)
    No response from Steve. (To be reconfirmed).
    Protocol option mechanism may be applied to register.
    For the register, in case of http is used, should we allow
    both http server hosted by ACS and http server outside of the ACS?
    For the former case, register *response* should include uri. For
    the latter case, register *request* should take the uri to the
7. Updates (10 min)
    Versioning Extensions to WebDAV. Is this one with generic purpose
    or WebDAV specific?
    If any..
8. Wrap up, Next meeting(5 min)

### Logistics for the call
Date & Time:               Jul 13 Wed 20:00 EDT/Jul 14 Thu 9:00 JST
Dial-in Number:            1-831-600-1000 (Santa Cruz, California)
Participant Access Code:   7771111


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