[acs-wg] Roles in ACS

Keisuke Fukui kfukui at labs.fujitsu.com
Tue Jul 12 03:19:03 CDT 2005


As for the roles description, I agree that the proposed definitions contributes
to the better understanding of the ACS for those who read the document. Especially
Producer and Consumer are what are missed in the previous draft. So I'd like to
include them in the chapter 3 Architecture in the specification. My proposal here
is to make the description for the Replicator to be a note rather than a separate
role. It can be placed as, for example (please brush up my English here if you can):
Note: The entity that acts as both the consumer and the producer can provide combined
feature of those, for example, replicating and recreating an archive for modified use
for other task and/or by another client. They can also register the archive to
another instance of ACS.
In my mind, the replicator is a special case for the producer and the consumer.
It doesn't act as the central part of the ACS use cases, either. The above fits
better to that view and contributes to the better understanding for those who read
the specification.

Any comments?


1.1.1	Roles

ACS identifies three broad categories of roles of users of the ARI. Note that these
roles are used purely for the purposes of describing the ARI.  These roles are not
explicitly identified or enforced by ARI. The roles are:
•Producer – owner of an application that is to be archived into ACS. This role
            supports create, update, and delete operations on an AA.
•Consumer – users of ARI that want to retrieve information about an AA or retrieve
            portions of an AA.  This role only supports Get operations.
•Replicator – a special version of Consumer that enables getting a formatted version
            of the complete AA for the purposes of recreating the AA in another
            instance of ACS.

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