[acs-wg] [asc-wg] OGSA F2F

Sachiko Wada sachiko at ascade.co.jp
Wed Aug 31 07:25:25 CDT 2005

Mike and Pete,

Thank you very much for reporting the OGSA F2F. 
I also read the minutes and content materials on the GridForge.
It sounds great that there was great progress in the relationship between ACS and other EMS activities!

I have some questions.

> We had a good meeting today with the CDDLM team during the OGSA F2F.  
> The minutes from today will contain details, however I wanted to capture 
> some additional points specific to ACS:
> 1.  A need for an integration point between ACS and CSG (Candidate Set 
> Generator) was raised today, by Andrew I believe.  This means that the 
> CSG would need to be able to get the application metadata in order to 
> make an appropriate decision on where a particular job can execute.  I 
> propose therefore that this be considered to ensure that either the 
> entire property set be defined in our spec or that the spec allow for 
> dynamic properties which could be provided by the client when 
> constructing the archive (admin data?).  These would be accessible by 
> the CSG via WS-ResourceProperties, as stated in the strawman.   Is there 
> a standardized namespace to cover such things that would be required 
> (memory utilization, disk space, time, speed, bandwidth, OS, containers, 
> etc)?

I remember that JSDL defines resource requirement terms such as memory, disk space, OS, etc. Was there any mention of JSDL regarding this topic?

> 2.  Andrew also raised a use-case which involves making a copy of an AA 
> and creating a new AA from it by extending it and overwriting some of 
> the contents with perhaps different DD information which might have some 
> particulars for a different organization. This would mean that the new 
> AA would have a new EPR.  We may want to consider this and whether or 
> not our current set of portypes is sufficient.

I think this may be done by retrieving entire archive by "GetArchive" then creating new AA with local modification.

> 3.  Work shall proceed to design a more complete abstract interaction 
> diagram which captures all the moving parts:  EMS: BES, EPS, CSG, JSDL, 
> CDDLM, WS-Agreement, WS-Naming, etc.   This would build on the EMS box 
> slide and would contain boxes representing all the parts to represent 
> more of the ideal goal.  It will most likely be presented at the next GGF.

Sounds good.

> 4.  We should also probably use WS-Names instead of EPRs.  WS-Naming 
> will be discussed tomorrow.

What is WS-Names? Is it the name of XML types? or name of specification?
What is the difference between WS-Names and WS-Naming?
> 5.   Idea of using NFS or CIFS as a protocol/means to read/write was 
> mentioned.

See you on the call!

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