Because the world may be getting closer to some sort of real war, and because among some cypherpunk cadres are claims that crypto solves for everything... the great diviner of truth, and decider of right from wrong. https://www.antiwar.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-war_movement Ex-CIA Officer Asks: What Happens When America Experiences Real War With A Superpower? https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/vietnam-regurgitated/ During my first years as a young CIA officer in Vietnam from 1965-67, I went to school (so to speak) and received the real education of my life. I learned about my government, its politicians, and military leaders. I learned about the lies, the high explosive and chemical bombings, our superior fire power, villages bombed and burned, the payoffs we made to our ranking Vietnamese allies and the reasons for our losing the war. The enemy fought to unite their country and expel foreign domination. The US fought because of corrupt leadership and our losses were a mere fraction being fought on the enemy’s turf with our superior fire power, money and material support. They fought for a cause. We fought for no justifiable reason. They won. We did not. AP image: Napalm strike near US troops on patrol in South Vietnam, 1966. Remember the body bags displayed on the tarmacs of our returning dead from Vietnam? Not like the lack of media coverage today given the damage we inflict. Remember the disapproving reception of our returning soldiers? Now we celebrate them as heroes and wounded patriots. Here, at home, we have not experienced wars employing mass-destruction weapons. Maybe one day will we receive an education about the consequences of wars as a nation. Surely, we learned nothing from Vietnam as it never happened here. Our commitment to the two-decade, multi-country invasions in the Middle East have shown our cowardliness to the world if not to ourselves. Our hypocrisy is stunning. No draft, no engagement (almost no KIA’s each year). Far more troop suicides than battle deaths while displacing, killing and maiming thousands of innocent civilian lives year after year. For whom and what? And, yes, a media in full march step with these disgraceful invasions and occupations. Remember the uproar about Vietnam? Burned draft cards, asylum in Canada, draft dodgers, street demonstrations and sit-ins galore. And why not these now? The unending, shameful action by our government is making sure the public is not paying a price in people. No draft, very limited engagement with the enemy and an approving media. What more can our government and Pentagon ask for? We will keep dropping bombs and feeding others money and weapons to assist with the killing and displacing of innocent populations for us. But are these wars really for us? Certainly not. Remember George W. Bush, and his failing presidency, who was made a hero the morning after 9/11 with his WMD declaration that fooled no one but Americans? Not a sound from the citizenry. Would we try the pitiful WMD routine on China or Russia? They have the ability to hit back. The national celebration that greeted George H.W. Bush in death is a far cry from his presidency. It was not until after 9/11 that George W. Bush obeyed the lobbies’ demands to destroy Iraq that his father was resurrected and the son was hailed as our glorious leader. Remember his welcoming carrier landing which turned out to be a dud? These wars that we persist with are not only cowardly, they demonstrate our lack of respect for other nations, their people and our national conscience. Notably, they demonstrate our being a failed nation not capable of controlling or directing its own interests. We will go down in history as that most powerful, but most surrogate nation ever. Stunningly shameful with the blood of others staining our once proud national emblem. While we busy ourselves with "enemies" that we and "friendly" others have invented, we have become oblivious to the enemy within. The one taking us down.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNsvKdi4mZE Ukraine 2022 CP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQUe6l_ZA3Y Ukraine 2014 AK

Biden HeroProp Speech... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jam_t-gj7HM Biden thinks he can beat Vladimir Putin As they say... govt approval ratings tanking --> manufactured problem/distraction --> faux saviour --> election win Defund Govt, teach voluntaryism NAP ==> No more Govt Wars, Millions++ of innocent people slaughtered by insane politicians launching their global contests for power. Cryptocurrency adoption rising in MktCap during Govt War threat and COVID Freedom Protests since Jan22... power of defunding... perhaps now being recognized and adopted by humanity.

@ProgIntl In January 2002, US elected officials gave a standing ovation to George W. Bush as he lied about the US invasion of Afghanistan in his infamous "Axis of Evil" speech. On 25 February 2022, we are putting the criminals of the War on Terror on trial. http://bit.ly/3rPhd3w And replacing it with a nightmare of "progressive" socialist brutality at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2aGm_oHKh8 You Lose Biden to spend more than $770B in 2023 military budget.

War Or Images Of War? https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/02/20/war-or-images-of-war/ Experienced foreign policy analysts such as Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, and Pepe Escobar, while agreeing that the Biden administration is clearly guilty of provoking Russia over Ukraine, are divided over whether it will lead to war. All agree that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine and that it is clearly justified in demanding safe borders by insisting US/NATO withdraw troops and missiles from the countries surrounding it, stop NATO’s "open door" policy, stop putting nuclear weapons in Europe, etc. Clearly such demands are consonant with the US’s own historical demands for safe borders, evidenced most clearly in the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 when the world nearly suffered a nuclear war over Soviet missiles in Cuba. And equally obvious is the fact that the American posture today is hypocritical in the extreme and can only be accepted by propagandists and those ignorant of history. Image: Associated Press The Biden administration must assume that most people are ignoramuses and that its obvious belligerence and blatant propaganda will pass as some sort of defense of freedom, even when the US engineered a Ukrainian coup d’état in 2014 in support of Neo-Nazis when Biden was President Obama’s vice-president. But that was nearly eight years ago, which is an eternity in a country of amnesiacs. Whether this US persistent aggression is a propaganda charade or not, it is a most dangerous game. In December 2021, Russia claimed that the US was preparing a false flag event to provoke a Russian response. This was dismissed or ignored by the western media as absurd. Recently, however, the Biden administration has been pounding the message that it is Russia that is preparing a false flag event to blame on Ukraine in order to justify a Russian invasion. The western press, led by The New York Times, CNN, The Guardian, and the Washington Post – stenographers for the CIA, British intelligence, and the Pentagon – have become more hysterical by the day pushing this lie without any evidence whatsoever. It is sardonically comical. If evidence doesn’t exist, it can be manufactured, such as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, etc. It’s easy as pie. To call these media the Yellow Press is an understatement. When Russia accuses the US of using "information terrorism," it is of course correct. For we are living in an MKULTRA mind control operation with multiple facets. Ukraine, Covid, economic warfare, etc. – a hydra-headed monster whose goal is total control of regular people, who are treated as morons incapable of reason and the most basic logic. Toward confirming and strengthening this premise, the media provide a daily menu of mixed and contradictory messages meant to confuse, confound, and mess with people’s sense of their own ability to understand the world. If the public is to be convinced that the Russians have started a war, it will be attempted not so much through words as through images, as Gustave Le Bon predicted long ago in his book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. In analyzing the "crowd mind" in 1895, he was addressing the anxiety the middle class was feeling because of popular unrest. The fear of popular unrest, such as the truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada and the Yellow Vests in France, is today a major factor in the propaganda war waged by the elite press. Call it class warfare. This is how opinion-makers marshal support for war. They frame opposition to American involvement in war as treason. pic.twitter.com/dpjOSPgtjU — Max Abrahms (@MaxAbrahms) February 21, 2022 Le Bon argued that the crowd thinks in images, not words, and it is through images that the rulers can control them. Freud agreed with his basic premise that people in groups occupied an "hypnotic state," while adding that this was also true for individuals who craved illusions. Pessimistic as it was, Le Bon’s point about the crowd thinking in images – "The image itself immediately calls up a series of other images, having no logical connection to the first" – was picked up by all the influential propagandists, including the American father of the euphemistically named "public relations," Edward Bernays. Today it is all about images, still and moving ones. Thus, one can expect to see the media using photos and film to create an emotional response in the population to convince it that Russia, not the US is the villain in this standoff. Yet again, it may not be a standoff, for it is possible that the Biden administration is really intent on war because they have become completely untethered from reality and think such a war is winnable. Perhaps they think they can entice Russia to take their bait and do something that can be spun as an "invasion" of Ukraine. This would run counter to Russia’s long-standing, patient diplomatic efforts to resolve these matters and to convince the US/NATO that the unipolar era is over and now that it is a multipolar world there must be an end to the encircling of Russia with US/NATO troops and weapons. We shall see. I don’t know whether there will be a major war or not, but I know how it will be managed. I’ll give you six guesses, as does The New York Times with its newly acquired word game, Wordle. The Grey Lady also knows the answer. It’s not "censor," for that’s six not five letters and they’ve censored the words already. It’s not "slave," for they have prohibited that word since some people might find it offensive or get the idea that censorship is used to create slaves to the lie. It is, as required, five letters and begins with the letter "I". Try to picture it. It’s easy if you try.

Ukrainian President Zelensky's speech before the attack: https://twitter.com/maxseddon/status/1496620289563709443 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XA60pQ53Rs Zelensky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJRMYHBZRw Zelensky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APPjVlUA-gs Putin "I have initiated a call today with the president of the Russian Federation. The result - silence. Although silence should be in Donbass. That is why today, I want to come with an appeal to all citizens of Russia. Not as President. I am appealing to the people of Russia as a citizen of Ukraine. We share more than two thousand kilometres of border. Around it, today, is your army: almost 200,000 soldiers; thousands of military units. Your leadership has approved their movement towards us. Towards the territory of another country. This step can become the start of a big war on the European continent. The whole world is talking about what can happen any day now. A reason can appear at any moment. Any provocation. Any spark. A spark that has the potential of burning everything down. You are told that this flame will bring freedom to the people of Ukraine. But the people of Ukraine are free. They remember their past, and are building their own future. They are building it, not destroying it, as you are told everyday on TV. Ukraine in your news and Ukraine in reality are two completely different countries. The most important difference is that ours is real. You are being told that we are nazis. But how can a nation be called nazist after sacrificing more than 8 million lives to eradicate nazism. How can I be a nazi, when my grandfather has survived the whole war as part of the Soviet infantry, and has died a colonel in an independent Ukraine. You are told that we hate Russian culture. But how can a culture be hated? Any culture. Neighbours are always enriching each other culturally. Yet, that does not make them one entity, and does not separate people into “us” and “them”. We are different, but that is not a reason to be enemies. We want to build our own history. Peacefully, calmly, and truthfully. You are told that I am ordering to attack the Donbass. To shoot. To bomb without questions. Although there are questions: To shoot at whom? To bomb what? Donetsk? To which I have been dozens of times. I have seen their faces and eyes. Artema street? On which I have been on many walks with my friends in the past. Donbass arena? Where I have been rooting with the locals for our boys during the Euros. Shcherbakova Park? In which we were drinking together after our team has lost Lugansk? The home of my best friend’s mom. The place where my best friend’s father is buried. Note that I am now speaking in Russian, yet no one in Russia understands what these names, streets, and events mean. This is all foreign to you. Unknown. This is our land. This is our history. What are you going to fight for? And against whom? Many of you have visited Ukraine in the past. Many of you have relatives here. Some of you studied in our universities. Befriended Ukrainian people. You’re familiar with our character, with our people, our principles. You know what we cherish the most. Look inside you, listen to the voice of reason, of common sense. Hear our voices. The people of Ukraine want peace. Ukrainian authorities want peace. We want it, and we make it. We do everything in our powers. We are not alone. It’s true, Ukraine is supported by many countries. Why? Because we are not talking about peace at any cost. We are talking about peace, and about principles, justice. About everyone’s right to define their own future, of safety, and everyone’s right to live without threat. All this is important to us. All this is important for peace. I know for sure that this is also important for you. We know for sure that we don’t want war. Neither cold, hot, or hybrid. But, if we are threatened; If someone is trying to take away our country, our freedom, our lives. The lives of our children. We are going to defend ourselves. Not attack. Defend. By attacking us, you are going to see our faces. Not backs. Our faces. War is a big distress, and it has a big price - in all meanings of this word. People lose their money, reputation, quality of life, freedom, and most importantly, people lose their loved ones. Lose themselves. A lot of things are always lacking in war. But what is in abundance is pain, dirt, blood, and death. Thousands. Tens of thousands of deaths. You are told that Ukraine is a threat to Russia. This was not true before, not now, and won’t be in the future. You are demanding security assurances from NATO. We are also demanding assurances of our security. The security of Ukraine from you. From Russia. And from other signatories of the Budapest memorandum. Today, we are not part of random security alliances. The security of Ukraine is tied to the security of our neighbours. That is why we are now talking about the security of all Europe. But our main goal is peace in Ukraine, and the safety of our citizens. Of Ukrainians. We are determined to let everyone know about this, including you. War is going to deprive everyone of any assurances. No one will have assurances of security. Who is going to suffer from this the most? The people. Who does not want this more than anyone? The people. Who can prevent all this from happening? The people. If these people are among you. I am sure they are. Public figures, journalists, musicians, actors, athletes, scientists, doctors, bloggers, stand-up comics, tiktokers, and others. Ordinary people. Ordinary, simple people. Men, women, old, young, fathers, and most importantly - mothers. Just as much as the people in Ukraine, no matter how much they try to convince you of the opposite. I know that my announcement will not be aired on Russian television. But the citizens of Russia have to see it. They need to know the truth. And the truth is, that this needs to stop, before it’s too late. And if the authorities of Russia don’t want to talk to us, for the sake of peace, maybe they will talk to you. Do the people of Russia want war? I would’ve very much liked to be able to answer this, but the answer depends only on you - citizens of the Russian Federation."

Ukrainian President Zelensky's speech before the attack:
https://twitter.com/maxseddon/status/1496620289563709443 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XA60pQ53Rs Zelensky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJRMYHBZRw Zelensky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APPjVlUA-gs Putin
War and Putin trending needless assholes on social medias... https://v.redd.it/1m33c9ikrvj81 https://twitter.com/realistqx1/status/1496757503195029508 https://v.redd.it/yqg74fe8bqj81 Zelensky speeches trending top posts on social medias... https://v.redd.it/s64d16bdyvj81 Zelensky day one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px97Tmx94qE Zelensky prewar w inline subs https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaVnBz_Fs55/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVnBz_Fs55/

Swords into plowshares, into today's far better designed and operated opensource ones that is... https://englishrussia.com/2011/11/15/to-chernobyl-by-bike/ https://sueburke.site/articles/chernobyl-the-half-life-of-war/ https://tour2chernobyl.com/privateTour https://thriftynomads.com/how-to-visit-chernobyl

Straight Out Of Dr. Strangelove https://taibbi.substack.com/p/give-war-a-chance More and more, we're told outright war isn't just necessary and right, but the thing that will solve America's existential problems... Robert Kagan Robert Kagan, neoconservative writer and husband to Deputy Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, wrote a piece called “The Price of Hegemony” in Foreign Affairs last week that was fascinating. If I’d written his opening, people would denounce me as a Putin-concubine: Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading. Just as Pearl Harbor was the consequence of U.S. efforts to blunt Japanese expansion on the Asian mainland, and just as the 9/11 attacks were partly a response to the United States’ dominant presence in the Middle East after the first Gulf War, so Russian decisions have been a response to the expanding post–Cold War hegemony of the United States and its allies in Europe. Kagan went on to make an argument straight out of Dr. Strangelove. Instead of doing what some critics want and focusing on “improving the well-being of Americans,” the U.S. government is instead properly recognizing the responsibility that comes with being a superpower. So, while Russia’s invasion may indeed have been a foreseeable consequence of a decision to expand our hegemonic reach, now that we’re here, there’s only one option left. Total commitment: It is better for the United States to risk confrontation with belligerent powers when they are in the early stages of ambition and expansion, not after they have already consolidated substantial gains. Russia may possess a fearful nuclear arsenal, but the risk of Moscow using it is not higher now than it would have been in 2008 or 2014, if the West had intervened then. And it has always been extraordinarily small… A month after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, blood seems to be rushing to all the wrong places across the Commentariat, which has begun in earnest the predictable process of asking the public to dismiss fears of nuclear combat. Headlines of the “We’ll take those odds” variety are springing up everywhere, from the Seattle Times (“Atrocities change the nuclear weapons calculus”) to Radio Free Europe (“Former NATO Commander Says Western Fears Of Nuclear War Are Preventing A Proper Response To Putin”) to Fox (which had on Sean Penn, of all people, to say to Sean Hannity, “Countries that have nuclear weapons can remain intimidated to use them, and we’re seeing that now with our own country”). This is fast becoming a bipartisan consensus. Check out Republican Adam Kinzinger’s recent comment: If we let nukes prevent us from action then expect literally every country to try to get nukes in next few years — Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) April 12, 2022 Most of us look back at 9/11 and wish we’d tried to narrow the scope of the problem, not expand it in grandiose ways and make it the central fact of the lives of every person on the planet. We were told right away that 9/11 meant so much more than a policing problem, that instead of a few nut-jobs slipping through the net, bin Laden’s Twin Tower attacks heralded an inevitable, and desirable, Final Battle between new and old worlds. We’re going through something similar now. The pundit excitement over the final clash between “Democracy and Autocracy” perhaps being at hand reminds me exactly of the open praying for signs of the Apocalypse I once heard among the Rapture-ready flock of pastor John Hagee in San Antonio. We saw a ton of this thinking after 9/11. World-domination advocates who’d been laughed out of meetings for years were taken seriously overnight. Rigid with jingoistic fervor, they were suddenly in print and on air everywhere, bursting with “plans for everyone,” as Iggy Pop put it. Such people always rush to the front of the debate in these moments and they’re always listened to, until about ten years later, when it quietly becomes okay to reflect on a question we probably should have pondered in the moment, i.e. “Hey, are these people crazy?”

Wars are rarely just about what they say on the tin, so this one shouldn't have any such expectations either. https://rumble.com/embed/vy4n9z/ Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity now needs war to try and make it work.

http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/april/25/the-ukr... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRIWDqleKso Ron Paul: The Ukraine War Is A Racket "War is a racket," wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: "A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. .”It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." Gen. Butler’s observation describes the US/NATO response to the Ukraine war perfectly. The propaganda continues to portray the war in Ukraine as that of an unprovoked Goliath out to decimate an innocent David unless we in the US and NATO contribute massive amounts of military equipment to Ukraine to defeat Russia. As is always the case with propaganda, this version of events is manipulated to bring an emotional response to the benefit of special interests. One group of special interests profiting massively on the war is the US military-industrial complex. Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes recently told a meeting of shareholders that, "Everything that ‘s being shipped into Ukraine today, of course, is coming out of stockpiles, either at DOD or from our NATO allies, and that’s all great news. Eventually we’ll have to replenish it and we will see a benefit to the business." He wasn’t lying. Raytheon, along with Lockheed Martin and countless other weapons manufacturers are enjoying a windfall they have not seen in years. The US has committed more than three billion dollars in military aid to Ukraine. They call it aid, but it is actually corporate welfare: Washington sending billions to arms manufacturers for weapons sent overseas. By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine. This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. The more weapons blown up by Russia in Ukraine, the more new orders come from the Pentagon. Former Warsaw Pact countries now members of NATO are in on the scam as well. They’ve discovered how to dispose of their 30-year-old Soviet-made weapons and receive modern replacements from the US and other western NATO countries. While many who sympathize with Ukraine are cheering, this multi-billion dollar weapons package will make little difference. As former US Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter said on the Ron Paul Liberty Report last week: "I can say with absolute certainty that even if this aid makes it to the battlefield, it will have zero impact on the battle. And Joe Biden knows it." What we do see is that Russians are capturing modern US and NATO weapons by the ton and even using them to kill more Ukrainians. What irony. Also, what kinds of opportunities will be provided to terrorists, with thousands of tons of deadly high-tech weapons floating around Europe? Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine and no way to keep them out of the hands of the bad guys. War is a racket, to be sure. The US has been meddling in Ukraine since the end of the Cold War, going so far as overthrowing the government in 2014 and planting the seeds of the war we are witnessing today. The only way out of a hole is to stop digging. Don’t expect that any time soon. War is too profitable.

'Down Payment On World War III': Peace Activists Blast Biden's Ask For More Ukraine Aid by Brett Wilkins via Common Dreams, Peace advocates reacted to Thursday's request by U.S. President Joe Biden for $33 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by warning against what they called a dangerous escalation and by accusing the administration of misplaced priorities. Biden is asking Congress for additional funding for war-ravaged Ukraine, including more than $20 billion in "security and military assistance," $8.5 billion in economic aid, and $3 billion in "humanitarian assistance." Via NBC "It's not cheap. But caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen," said Biden. "We either back the Ukrainian people as they defend their country, or we stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression in Ukraine every day." The president's appeal for additional funds comes on top of the $4.6 billion in security assistance the U.S. has given Ukraine since January 2021, including $3.7 billion since Russian forces invaded the country in February. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women-led peace group CodePink, called Biden's request "a down payment on World War III." "Biden's call for an enormous $33 billion for Ukraine is over half the entire budget for the State Department and USAID," she tweeted, referring to the United States Agency for International Development. "We need diplomacy, not billions more in weapons!" Benjamin also noted that the Biden administration—which refuses to unfreeze Afghanistan's central bank reserves—"won't fill the $2 billion shortfall in the urgent U.N. appeal for the desperately poor people of Afghanistan." $33 billion to the Ukraine. Ppl can’t put food on the table. Rents gone up. Housing prices have gone up. Raises have almost gone down when accounting for inflation. We’re having supply shortages across the board. But we have $33 billion to spend on Ukraine but not US citizens. — Joe Biden Hates Black People (@realnikohouse) April 28, 2022 Jennifer Briney, host of the Congressional Dish podcast, tweeted: "How can the U.S. possibly maintain the already-pretty-clear-fiction that we aren't 'in' the Ukraine-Russia war if we inject $33 billion into it? How can this not lead to escalation?" Ben Freeman, a research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, pointed out that "the $20 billion military assistance package is more than the total defense budgets of all but 13 countries in the world." Others commented on what they implied are the administration's misplaced priorities amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, worsening economic inequality, and the climate emergency. "Biden's $33 billion 'emergency' military aid package for Ukraine is three times the size of the EPA's entire budget for 2022," tweeted CounterPunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair, referring to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. DATA: A cumulative total of U.S. military aid to Ukraine since Russia's Feb. 24 invasion. February 25: $350m March 12: $550m March 16: $1.35b April 1: $1.65b April 5: $1.75b April 13: $2.55b April 21: $3.35b April 24: $3.67b April 28: $14.67b (if approved by Congress) — Jack Detsch (@JackDetsch) April 28, 2022 Writer and activist Margaret Kimberly bemoaned that "Biden is asking struggling Americans who lost their child tax credit for $33 billion after his Ukraine police blew up in his face." Ben Cohen, co-founder of the ice cream company Ben & Jerry's, wondered why Biden is "asking for an extra $33 billion to help Ukraine and not an extra $33 billion to replace every single lead pipe in America" when "we have at least 1.2 million children suffering from lead poisoning here and now."

On Sun, 1 May 2022 20:26:12 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
'Down Payment On World War III': Peace Activists Blast Biden's Ask For More Ukraine Aid
here's a fact that needs to be heavily underscored : this non human turd grancrap is constantly spamming US, jewnazi, anti-russia, pentagon propaganda. In other words, the grancrap jewnazi is the BIGGEST WARMONGER on this fine 'cypherpunk' list. At the same time, this piece of non human pentagon shit and WARMONGER, whines about the US 'left' that happens to be 100% WARMONGERS, exactly like him. Shocking isn't it. So the WARMONGER turd grancrap is whining about the US 'left' WHILE DOING EXACTLY what the US 'left' does. Yeah, only this US shithole, I mean 'libertarian' 'cypherpunk' 'anarchist' mailing list can be such a cosmic joke.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGvO8b-tiaM Why Democrats Warmonger There's difference between giving stuff to or even joining someone (or not) in defending themselves upon being asked to do so (or on human nature to help if incapacitated inability to ask)... and initiating new aggression across new borders yourself. Westerns, in series of escalating rhetoric and action more recently marked by Biden Austin Pelosi Boris politicians etc, are reaching toward that. Rhetoric is everything and West not only hardly making big public speeches on peacemaking, de-escalate, humanitarian, etc, but is making risky endeavours to warmaking... instead of just completing Zelensky's Amazon shopping cart. Putin's rhetoric is just as broken too. East is also completing Putin's Alibaba shopping cart, so nobody can say that both are not doing that. Same with both starting foreign legions, etc. Neutrals can do or say nothing, let one side or other get slaughtered or owned or left in simmering mashup for 1000 years, eventually perhaps to themselves too. In the end, no people's are free under West or East or anywhere else, and will not be free till they free their minds and remove their own governments and religions which have started all wars in history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3lEc-IFr8 The real danger

The Long, Lucrative & Bloody Road To World War 3 Connor Freeman https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/the-long-lucrative-and-bloody-road... Well, this war in Ukraine will last “months and years.” At least, that is what the leaders of the D.C. foreign policy blob, the media, President Joe Biden’s men, Pentagon and NATO leadership have decided. Their plan is to pour oil on the flames and keep the fire raging. Also, Americans are going to have to cough up the dough for another massive aid package, with $20 billion worth of weapons to keep the blood flowing. In total, this next package will cost the taxpayer $33 billion. With Biden’s proposed $813 billion “defense” budget for 2023, the U.S. is spending more on the military and war now than ever before in the country’s history. Now that we have our very own Ministry of Truth, it would appear any national debate over these polices, indeed if such a debate is ever allowed to take place, will likely have to be moderated by cockroaches and Keith Richards. NATO is set to expand again, bringing in Finland and Sweden. This will extend the alliance’s border with Russia by greater than 800 miles and further stoke nuclear tensions, bringing the current brinksmanship to a whole new level. Moscow plans to respond including by increasing air and naval forces in the Baltic Sea and reinforcing its Kaliningrad exclave, which lies between NATO members Poland and Lithuania, with additional nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles. Until 2004, it was unthinkable that NATO would ever expand to Russia’s borders until that actually happened. Like most of our issues with Russia, this is all Bill Clinton and George W. Bush’s fault. Even as Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other leaders in Moscow repeatedly warn of nuclear conflict and World War III, even directly comparing the current situation to the Cuban Missile Crisis, senior Pentagon officials say they are not concerned. Images: AP Nor do our all-knowing rulers appear concerned with the fact that they have “almost zero” ability to keep track of the myriad sophisticated weapons systems they are sending to Ukraine. CNN quoted briefed sources saying intelligence shows American arms are falling into a “big black hole.” They say it’s worth it. Nor do they seem to be concerned with the Russians’ warnings regarding how the West’s weapons flood in Ukraine threatens to expand the war into NATO territory and destabilize Europe. UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss demands the West must “double down” on arms shipments, insisting particularly on “heavy weapons, tanks, airplanes—digging deep into our inventories, ramping up production. We need to do all of this.” Our top diplomat Antony Blinken says the plan is regime change in Moscow, much like his boss did in March with his Polish “gaffe.” Ironically, the $47 billion in weapons and other U.S. aid pledged to Ukraine these last two months will soon surpass the State Department’s entire budget. Eat your heart out, Netanyahu! Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, former Raytheon board member, says the goal is to see Russia “weakened” to the point where it lacks even the capability to defend itself just outside its borders. As Pat Buchanan notes, this policy, whether its intended to or not, pressures the Kremlin to more seriously consider pulling its nuclear trigger. “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” Austin said with a clear eye toward increasing Russian casualties and the long term destruction of Moscow’s conventional power. Perhaps, Austin wants to cripple Russia so severely that his Pentagon can fight a war with China, the “most consequential strategic competitor and the pacing challenge for the Department,” without having to worry so much about Moscow—deemed a second tier “acute” threat, albeit one armed with roughly 6,000 nukes—getting involved. Austin’s Raytheon pals are making a killing on this proxy war as well as the ancillary effects such as European NATO states, at long last, increasing their military spending. “You are making it possible for the Ukrainian people to defend themselves without us having to risk getting in a third World War by sending American soldiers to fight Russian soldiers.” — Biden, to workers at a plant that makes Javelin antitank missileshttps://t.co/lrPmeYcVhe — Cliff Levy (@cliffordlevy) May 3, 2022 As Ron Paul has written, One group of special interests profiting massively on the war is the US military-industrial complex. Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes recently told a meeting of shareholders that, “Everything that’s being shipped into Ukraine today, of course, is coming out of stockpiles, either at DOD or from our NATO allies, and that’s all great news. Eventually we’ll have to replenish it and we will see a benefit to the business.” He wasn’t lying. Raytheon, along with Lockheed Martin and countless other weapons manufacturers are enjoying a windfall they have not seen in years. The U.S. has committed more than three billion dollars in military aid to Ukraine. They call it aid, but it is actually corporate welfare: Washington sending billions to arms manufacturers for weapons sent overseas. By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine. This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. The more weapons blown up by Russia in Ukraine, the more new orders come from the Pentagon. Former Warsaw Pact countries now members of NATO are in on the scam as well. They’ve discovered how to dispose of their 30-year-old Soviet-made weapons and receive modern replacements from the U.S. and other western NATO countries. There is scarcely a status quo to oppose. For weeks, escalations have continued apace. London has deployed SAS troops in Kiev to train Ukrainian troops on English anti-tank weapons. The U.S. is training Kiev’s troops in Germany and two other secret locations in Europe on heavy artillery, radar systems, and armored vehicles. Washington is expanding intelligence sharing with Kiev for its war with Russia in the Donbas, providing howitzers, vehicles to carry them, and an additional 144,000 artillery rounds. Poland is sending tanks to Ukraine, Slovenia has a plan to send large numbers of T-72 battle tanks as well. The Germans will be supplying anti-aircraft tanks to Kiev and the Pentagon says an unidentified European ally is providing Ukraine with warplanes. London’s armed forces minister declared his government’s support for Kiev’s “completely legitimate” attacks inside Russia using British arms. This comes amid an uptick in reports of Ukrainian cross border drone and helicopter assaults including on Russian oil depots, residential areas, and villages. The U.S. and its European allies are implementing a long term policy that looks to exile Russia, looking toward a new world order where they no longer seek to “coexist” with Moscow. London wants Europe to cut off all Russian energy “once and for all,” which would make war more likely, impoverish innocent people, and cause massive recessions. The U.S., NATO, and Russian presence in the Mediterranean Sea has reached Cold War levels, as NATO builds new Eastern European battlegroups. In March, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that any “use of chemical weapons would totally change the nature of the conflict, it would be a blatant violation of international law and would have far-reaching consequences.” This weekend, legislation for a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) has been introduced by Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL). Kinzinger’s announcement calls the would be AUMF a “clear red line,” which would authorize Biden to deploy troops to Ukraine to fight Russians if Moscow should “use chemical, biological, and/or nuclear weapons.” With the almost complete bipartisan Congressional support for the renewal of Lend-Lease and other anti-Russia, pro-war legislation, it is not outside the realm of possibility that this bill and its cynical redline trap becomes law. For nearly two decades, Washington has funded “biological research” and other laboratories inside Ukraine. According to the head of the DoD’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, some of these labs may contain Soviet-era bioweapons. As Dave DeCamp, news editor at Antiwar.com, has reported, The Pentagon funds labs in Ukraine through its Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). According to a Pentagon fact sheet released last month, since 2005, the U.S. has “invested” $200 million in “supporting 46 Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and diagnostic sites.” Moscow has accused Ukraine of conducting an emergency clean-up of a secret Pentagon-funded biological weapons program when Russia invaded. The World Health Organization said it advised Ukraine to destroy “high-threat pathogens” around the time of the invasion. For their part, the U.S. maintains that the program in Ukraine and other former Soviet states is meant to reduce the threat of biological weapons left over from the Soviet Union. While downplaying the threat of the labs, Pentagon officials have also warned that they could still contain Soviet-era bioweapons. Robert Pope, the director of the DTRA’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, told the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in February that the labs might contain Soviet bioweapons and warned that the fighting in Ukraine could lead to the release of a dangerous pathogen. Much like previous Syrian redlines, this is practically the hawks’ invitation to bad actors seeking U.S. intervention to go ahead and launch an attack that could be plausibly blamed on our Hitler du jour to manufacture their desired casus belli. It seems there may be ample sites somebody could hit that would cross Kinzinger’s cleverly drawn line in the sand. And much like the CIA, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda allies in Syria, the Azov Battalion and other Nazi groups, who have taken a humiliating beating thus far in the war, are prime candidates to launch a false flag. If the American people do not wake up and demand an end to our government’s intervention in Ukraine, the U.S. may be directly entering this war soon. If Russia was doing what the U.S. and its allies are doing in Ukraine, in Mexico or Canada, in addition to the unprecedented economic war being waged, these hawks in D.C. would have pulled the aforementioned nuclear trigger months ago.

Election Wizard 🇺🇸 retweeted The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 @ColumbiaBugle May 19 11 Senators Voted No On The America Last $40 Billion Aid Package To Ukraine All Republicans: Blackburn Boozman Braun Crapo Hagerty Hawley Lee Lummis Marshall Paul Tuberville SEOUL — A member of U.S. President Joe Biden’s advance security team has been arrested in Seoul, accused of drunkenly assaulting a South Korean citizen a day before Biden arrived on a visit, police said on Friday.

Meanwhile Back In Washington, & Somalia, & Syria, & Kenya, And... https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/05/26/meanwhile-back-washington-and-... So we hear that former President George W. Bush finally came around to denouncing “the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” This unexpected and belated outburst of truth-telling and self-criticism was, of course, unintentional—just one of those verbal gaffes that the man once entertained the nation with on a regular basis. Realizing his error, the former commander-in-chief quickly explained that the unjustified and brutal invasion he was condemning was, naturally, not that of Iraq, but Ukraine. He brushed his faux pas off as a result of his advanced age, and the audience had a good laugh about it all. Unfortunately, that crowd at the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas was not the only group with reason to smile at the current state of affairs, for these are happy days throughout the entire war-making community. With the nation understandably and justifiably outraged at the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s been widely noted that NATO is back in favor, arms manufacturers are back in clover, and increased military spending is way back in vogue in Washington—not that it ever suffered much of a downswing, mind you. Image: Special Operations Command Africa What’s also happening these days is that the public are paying much closer attention than usual to matters of war. With the Ukraine invasion streaming on every screen, most Americans appear to know far more of the activities of the Russian and Ukrainian militaries than they know about their own—a situation that our domestic military policy makers are probably quite comfortable with. Unfortunately, the rest of us ought to be quite uncomfortable with this situation—as a glance at the back pages of the past week’s news will show. First, there was the announcement that President Biden would be sending troops back to Somalia. Why? In the words of National Security Council spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson, the purpose is to wage “a more effective fight against Al Shabab.” Al Shabab, (“the youth”), a fundamentalist Islamic group thought to have 5,000-10,000 members, has been fighting for control of Somalia since the 2000s. The U.S. started bombing Somalia in 2011. The following year Al Shabab declared allegiance to al-Qaeda. The U.S. has bombed Somalia in every subsequent year. The reason we can be waging war in Somalia? Well, it’s not something much discussed, since the fact that we bomb Somalia is not much discussed in the first place. Used to be that the justification and authorization cited for almost all of the bombs we have dropped in this century was the 2002 Authorization of the Use of Military Force resolution (the one that only Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee of California opposed.) Since that authorization was actually repealed last September, the White House/Pentagon’s operative rationale here now seems to be a sort-of “We’ve always done it this way” thing. This move on the part of Biden—who declared it “time to end the forever war” when he announced the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan—will reverse President Trump’s decision to remove almost all of the 700 Americans previously stationed in Somalia, which Watson called “a precipitous decision to withdraw.” The unofficial word is that about 450 will return. Biden has also approved the Pentagon’s request to attempt assassinations of about a dozen suspected Al Shabab leaders, part of an overall effort—in the words of an unnamed senior administration official—to reduce “the threat to a level that is tolerable.” A prime example of the type of “threat” that Americans might face in that part of the world was the attack that killed three soldiers at the American air base at Manda Bay, Kenya on January 2, 2020. (American soldiers killed in Kenya? We’ll return to that.) And elsewhere on the assassination-attempts-on-enemy-leaders front, the very next day the Pentagon spoke for the first time about civilian casualties resulting from its March 18, 2019 drone strike near Baghuz, Syria. The U.S. military had not originally intended to discuss this matter at all, until the New York Times uncovered the incident in a November, 2021 series on civilian deaths resulting from U.S. air strikes. This recent Pentagon acknowledgment came a week after the Times was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for that series. Although the bulk of its investigation remains classified, the Pentagon does acknowledge 73 casualties including 56 dead, 52 of whom it claims “were enemy fighters, including one child.” The enemy in this case refers to the Islamic State (ISIS). Anonymous officials familiar with the findings acknowledged that all males at the site, armed or not, were assumed to fall into the “enemy fighters” category, despite the Times report that the camp’s occupants included “captives and scores of wounded men who were no longer in the fight and, according to the law of armed conflict, were not legal targets.” The Kremlin has been banking on this shift in western support for the economic war: "Americans are becoming less supportive of punishing Russia for launching its invasion of Ukraine if it comes at the expense of the U.S. economy"https://t.co/9KkfsYhXnw — Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) May 24, 2022 The justification offered for this bombing was the defense of our Syrian Defense Force allies in Syria’s civil war. At the press conference announcing its report, Pentagon spokesman John F. Kirby characterized the Times’ findings as “not comfortable, not easy and not simple to address,” but he assured those present that “We actually do feel bad about this.” No wrong doing was found on the part of any American involved in the military operation, however, nor was anyone found to have improperly covered it up. And why are U.S. military forces currently at war in Syria? Again, it would pretty much seem to come back to the undeniable fact that this is just the sort of thing we do, ever since four airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The very next day following the Pentagon’s self-exoneration in the Syria bombing, it took the opportunity to present even happier news: Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III has nominated Lt. Gen Michael E. Langley to a position that puts him in line to become the U.S. Marine Corp’s first black four star general. If formally nominated by President Biden and confirmed by the Senate, Langley will assume the top position of the U.S. Africa Command, a group said to currently number about 2,000 men and women, about 1,500 of whom actually operate out of Stuttgart, Germany (a country that is host to 40 U.S. military bases and about 35,000 American military personnel). The actual extent of the Africa Command remains a bit murky, though. In 2020, the news website Intercept published a Pentagon planning document that listed 29 U.S. military bases in fifteen different African nations. And why are we in Africa? According to the Africa Command’s website, the organization “counters transnational threats and malign actors.” Indeed, these “malign actors” do appear to be on the rise. For instance, in the course of the decade plus in which the U.S. has been bombing Somalia, the number of militant Islamist organizations operating in the continent has risen from about five to 25. And now it appears that there are at least 29 locations there where Americans might now be threatened. So, with just a brief look at what’s not streaming on every screen, it’s hard to avoid thinking that if there were half as many Americans who knew what our own military was up to around the globe—or if there were half as many Americans who could name even half the countries we repeatedly bomb—as there are Americans who know what the Russian military is doing, people might start talking about making some real changes there.

No Way Out But War https://scheerpost.com/2022/05/23/hedges-no-way-out-but-war/ Permanent war has cannibalized the country. It has created a social, political, and economic morass. Each new military debacle is another nail in the coffin of Pax Americana... Original Illustration by Mr. Fish — “No Guts No Glory” The United States, as the near unanimous vote to provide nearly $40 billion in aid to Ukraine illustrates, is trapped in the death spiral of unchecked militarism. No high speed trains. No universal health care. No viable Covid relief program. No respite from 8.3 percent inflation. No infrastructure programs to repair decaying roads and bridges, which require $41.8 billion to fix the 43,586 structurally deficient bridges, on average 68 years old. No forgiveness of $1.7 trillion in student debt. No addressing income inequality. No program to feed the 17 million children who go to bed each night hungry. No rational gun control or curbing of the epidemic of nihilistic violence and mass shootings. No help for the 100,000 Americans who die each year of drug overdoses. No minimum wage of $15 an hour to counter 44 years of wage stagnation. No respite from gas prices that are projected to hit $6 a gallon. The permanent war economy, implanted since the end of World War II, has destroyed the private economy, bankrupted the nation, and squandered trillions of dollars of taxpayer money. The monopolization of capital by the military has driven the US debt to $30 trillion, $ 6 trillion more than the US GDP of $ 24 trillion. Servicing this debt costs $300 billion a year. We spent more on the military, $ 813 billion for fiscal year 2023, than the next nine countries, including China and Russia, combined. We are paying a heavy social, political, and economic cost for our militarism. Washington watches passively as the U.S. rots, morally, politically, economically, and physically, while China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, and other countries extract themselves from the tyranny of the U.S. dollar and the international Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a messaging network banks and other financial institutions use to send and receive information, such as money transfer instructions. Once the U.S. dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency, once there is an alternative to SWIFT, it will precipitate an internal economic collapse. It will force the immediate contraction of the U.S. empire shuttering most of its nearly 800 overseas military installations. It will signal the death of Pax Americana. Democrat or Republican. It does not matter. War is the raison d’état of the state. Extravagant military expenditures are justified in the name of “national security.” The nearly $40 billion allocated for Ukraine, most of it going into the hands of weapons manufacturers such as Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing, is only the beginning. Military strategists, who say the war will be long and protracted, are talking about infusions of $4 or $5 billion in military aid a month to Ukraine. We face existential threats. But these do not count. The proposed budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in fiscal year 2023 is $10.675 billion. The proposed budget for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is $11.881 billion. Ukraine alone gets more than double that amount. Pandemics and the climate emergency are afterthoughts. War is all that matters. This is a recipe for collective suicide. There were three restraints to the avarice and bloodlust of the permanent war economy that no longer exist. The first was the old liberal wing of the Democratic Party, led by politicians such as Senator George McGovern, Senator Eugene McCarthy, and Senator J. William Fulbright, who wrote The Pentagon Propaganda Machine. The self-identified progressives, a pitiful minority, in Congress today, from Barbara Lee, who was the single vote in the House and the Senate opposing a broad, open-ended authorization allowing the president to wage war in Afghanistan or anywhere else, to Ilhan Omar now dutifully line up to fund the latest proxy war. The second restraint was an independent media and academia, including journalists such as I.F Stone and Neil Sheehan along with scholars such as Seymour Melman, author of The Permanent War Economy and Pentagon Capitalism: The Political Economy of War. Third, and perhaps most important, was an organized anti-war movement, led by religious leaders such as Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Jr. and Phil and Dan Berrigan as well as groups such as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). They understood that unchecked militarism was a fatal disease. None of these opposition forces, which did not reverse the permanent war economy but curbed its excesses, now exist. The two ruling parties have been bought by corporations, especially military contractors. The press is anemic and obsequious to the war industry. Propagandists for permanent war, largely from right-wing think tanks lavishly funded by the war industry, along with former military and intelligence officials, are exclusively quoted or interviewed as military experts. NBC’s “Meet the Press” aired a segment May 13 where officials from Center for a New American Security (CNAS) simulated what a war with China over Taiwan might look like. The co-founder of CNAS, Michèle Flournoy, who appeared in the “Meet the Press” war games segment and was considered by Biden to run the Pentagon, wrote in 2020 in Foreign Affairs that the U.S. needs to develop “the capability to credibly threaten to sink all of China’s military vessels, submarines and merchant ships in the South China Sea within 72 hours.” The handful of anti-militarists and critics of empire from the left, such as Noam Chomsky, and the right, such as Ron Paul, have been declared persona non grata by a compliant media. The liberal class has retreated into boutique activism where issues of class, capitalism and militarism are jettisoned for “cancel culture,” multiculturalism and identity politics. Liberals are cheerleading the war in Ukraine. At least the inception of the war with Iraq saw them join significant street protests. Ukraine is embraced as the latest crusade for freedom and democracy against the new Hitler. There is little hope, I fear, of rolling back or restraining the disasters being orchestrated on a national and global level. The neoconservatives and liberal interventionists chant in unison for war. Biden has appointed these war mongers, whose attitude to nuclear war is terrifyingly cavalier, to run the Pentagon, the National Security Council, and the State Department. Since all we do is war, all proposed solutions are military. This military adventurism accelerates the decline, as the defeat in Vietnam and the squandering of $8 trillion in the futile wars in the Middle East illustrate. War and sanctions, it is believed, will cripple Russia, rich in gas and natural resources. War, or the threat of war, will curb the growing economic and military clout of China. These are demented and dangerous fantasies, perpetrated by a ruling class that has severed itself from reality. No longer able to salvage their own society and economy, they seek to destroy those of their global competitors, especially Russia and China. Once the militarists cripple Russia, the plan goes, they will focus military aggression on the Indo-Pacific, dominating what Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, referring to the Pacific, called “the American Sea.” You cannot talk about war without talking about markets. The U.S., whose growth rate has fallen to below 2 percent, while China’s growth rate is 8.1 percent, has turned to military aggression to bolster its sagging economy. If the U.S. can sever Russian gas supplies to Europe, it will force Europeans to buy from the United States. U.S. firms, at the same time, would be happy to replace the Chinese Communist Party, even if they must do it through the threat of war, to open unfettered access to Chinese markets. War, if it did break out with China, would devastate the Chinese, American, and global economies, destroying free trade between countries as in World War I. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Washington is desperately trying to build military and economic alliances to ward off a rising China, whose economy is expected by 2028 to overtake that of the United States, according to the UK’s Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). The White House has said Biden’s current visit to Asia is about sending a “powerful message” to Beijing and others about what the world could look like if democracies “stand together to shape the rules of the road.” The Biden administration has invited South Korea and Japan to attend the NATO summit in Madrid. But fewer and fewer nations, even among European allies, are willing to be dominated by the United States. Washington’s veneer of democracy and supposed respect for human rights and civil liberties is so badly tarnished as to be irrecoverable. Its economic decline, with China’s manufacturing 70 percent higher than that of the U.S., is irreversible. War is a desperate Hail Mary, one employed by dying empires throughout history with catastrophic consequences. “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable,” Thucydides noted in the History of the Peloponnesian War. A key component to the sustenance of the permanent war state was the creation of the All-Volunteer Force. Without conscripts, the burden of fighting wars falls to the poor, the working class, and military families. This All-Volunteer Force allows the children of the middle class, who led the Vietnam anti-war movement, to avoid service. It protects the military from internal revolts, carried out by troops during the Vietnam War, which jeopardized the cohesion of the armed forces. The All-Volunteer Force, by limiting the pool of available troops, also makes the global ambitions of the militarists impossible. Desperate to maintain or increase troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military instituted the stop-loss policy that arbitrarily extended active-duty contracts. Its slang term was the backdoor draft. The effort to bolster the number of troops by hiring private military contractors, as well, had a negligible effect. Increased troop levels would not have won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but the tiny percentage of those willing to serve in the military (only 7 percent of the U.S. population are veterans) is an unacknowledged Achilles heel for the militarists. “As a consequence, the problem of too much war and too few soldiers eludes serious scrutiny,” writes historian and retired Army Colonel Andrew Bacevich in After the Apocalypse: America’s Role in a World Transformed. “Expectations of technology bridging that gap provide an excuse to avoid asking the most fundamental questions: Does the United States possess the military wherewithal to oblige adversaries to endorse its claim of being history’s indispensable nation? And if the answer is no, as the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq suggest, wouldn’t it make sense for Washington to temper its ambitions accordingly?” This question, as Bacevich points out, is “anathema.” The military strategists work from the supposition that the coming wars won’t look anything like past wars. They invest in imaginary theories of future wars that ignore the lessons of the past, ensuring more fiascos. The political class is as self-deluded as the generals. It refuses to accept the emergence of a multi-polar world and the palpable decline of American power. It speaks in the outdated language of American exceptionalism and triumphalism, believing it has the right to impose its will as the leader of the “free world.” In his 1992 Defense Planning Guidance memorandum, U.S. Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz argued that the U.S. must ensure no rival superpower again arises. The U.S. should project its military strength to dominate a unipolar world in perpetuity. On February 19, 1998, on NBC’s “Today Show”, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright gave the Democratic version of this doctrine of unipolarity. “If we have to use force it is because we are Americans; we are the indispensable nation,” she said. “We stand tall, and we see further than other countries into the future.” This demented vision of unrivaled U.S. global supremacy, not to mention unrivaled goodness and virtue, blinds the establishment Republicans and Democrats. The military strikes they casually used to assert the doctrine of unipolarity, especially in the Middle East, swiftly spawned jihadist terror and prolonged warfare. None of them saw it coming until the hijacked jets slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers. That they cling to this absurd hallucination is the triumph of hope over experience. There is a deep loathing among the public for these elitist Ivy League architects of American imperialism. Imperialism was tolerated when it was able to project power abroad and produce rising living standards at home. It was tolerated when it restrained itself to covert interventions in countries such as Iran, Guatemala, and Indonesia. It went off the rails in Vietnam. The military defeats that followed accompanied a steady decline in living standards, wage stagnation, a crumbling infrastructure and eventually a series of economic policies and trade deals, orchestrated by the same ruling class, which deindustrialized and impoverished the country. The establishment oligarchs, now united in the Democratic Party, distrust Donald Trump. He commits the heresy of questioning the sanctity of the American empire. Trump derided the invasion of Iraq as a “big, fat mistake.” He promised “to keep us out of endless war.” Trump was repeatedly questioned about his relationship with Vladimir Putin. Putin was “a killer,” one interviewer told him. “There are a lot of killers,” Trump retorted. “You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump dared to speak a truth that was to be forever unspoken, the militarists had sold out the American people. Noam Chomsky took some heat for pointing out, correctly, that Trump is the “one statesman” who has laid out a “sensible” proposition to resolve the Russia-Ukraine crisis. The proposed solution included “facilitating negotiations instead of undermining them and moving toward establishing some kind of accommodation in Europe…in which there are no military alliances but just mutual accommodation.” Trump is too unfocused and mercurial to offer serious policy solutions. He did set a timetable to withdraw from Afghanistan, but he also ratcheted up the economic war against Venezuela and reinstituted crushing sanctions against Cuba and Iran, which the Obama administration had ended. He increased the military budget. He apparently flirted with carrying out a missile strike on Mexico to “destroy the drug labs.” But he acknowledges a distaste for imperial mismanagement that resonates with the public, one that has every right to loath the smug mandarins that plunge us into one war after another. Trump lies like he breathes. But so do they. The 57 Republicans who refused to support the $40 billion aid package to Ukraine, along with many of the 19 bills that included an earlier $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine, come out of the kooky conspiratorial world of Trump. They, like Trump, repeat this heresy. They too are attacked and censored. But the longer Biden and the ruling class continue to pour resources into war at our expense, the more these proto fascists, already set to wipe out Democratic gains in the House and the Senate this fall, will be ascendant. Marjorie Taylor Greene, during the debate on the aid package to Ukraine, which most members were not given time to closely examine, said: “$40 billion dollars but there’s no baby formula for American mothers and babies.” “An unknown amount of money to the CIA and Ukraine supplemental bill but there’s no formula for American babies,” she added. “Stop funding regime change and money laundering scams. A US politician covers up their crimes in countries like Ukraine.” Democrat Jamie Raskin immediately attacked Greene for parroting the propaganda of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Greene, like Trump, spoke a truth that resonates with a beleaguered public. The opposition to permanent war should have come from the tiny progressive wing of the Democratic Party, which unfortunately sold out to the craven Democratic Party leadership to save their political careers. Greene is demented, but Raskin and the Democrats peddle their own brand of lunacy. We are going to pay a very steep price for this burlesque.

https://twitter.com/DavidSacks/status/1538623808151511041 In 2016, Mearsheimer was asked what the biggest disaster in US foreign policy was. The panelist next to him said Iraq. Here’s his answer. In my business, this is called a crystal ball.

https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFXVNIJgXwAAUV-F.jpg Ukrainians are selling WEAPONS on the BLACK MARKET! Javelin, NLAW and AT4 launchers are for sale by Ukrainian arms dealers. Ukrainian generals and soldiers are underpaid and sell US and UK weapons on the black market. Every wannabe terrorist can now destroy civilian aircraft and kill hundreds for just $20k.

This Proxy War Has No Exit Strategy https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/this-proxy-war-has-no-exit-strategy-37038f... by Caitlin Johnstone The International Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America has released a statement opposing the US government’s ongoing proxy war in Ukraine, saying the billions being funneled into the military-industrial complex “at a time when ordinary Americans are struggling to pay for housing, groceries, and fuel” is “a slap in the face for working people.” The statement advocates a negotiated settlement for peace, saying continuing to pour weapons into the country will “needlessly prolong the war, resulting in more civilian deaths” and that it “risks escalating and widening the war — up to and including nuclear war.” In response to this entirely reasonable and moderate position, the DSA is currently being raked over the coals with accusations of Kremlin loyalty and facilitation of murder and bloodshed by blue-checkmarked narrative managers on Twitter. This is because the only acceptable positions for anyone of significant influence to have about this war range from supporting continuing current proxy warfare operations to initiating a direct hot war between NATO and Russia. That’s how narrow the permissible spectrum of debate has been shrunk regarding this conflict: status quo hawkish to omnicidal hawkish. Anything outside that spectrum gets framed as radical extremism. As Noam Chomsky said: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.” The DSA is once again getting viciously attacked for making the extremely controversial recommendation that the US pursue a diplomatic settlement instead of endless weapons shipments. Never ceases to be amazing that this is now considered a crazed, radical, radioactive position: https://t.co/d2YKS9C7Xx — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) July 13, 2022 This spectrum of debate has been shrunk on the one hand by imperial spinmeisters continually hammering home the message that any support for de-escalation and diplomatic solutions is “appeasement” and indicative of Russian sympathies, and on the other by hawkish pundits and politicians pushing for the most freakishly aggressive responses to this war possible. By forbidding the spectrum of acceptable debate to move toward peace while shoving it as hard as possible in the direction of warmongering extremism, imperial narrative managers have successfully created an Overton window wherein the only debate permitted is over how directly and forcefully Russia should be confronted, with calls for peace now falling far outside that window. Which is a problem, because both direct NATO hot war with Russia and continuing along the empire’s current course of action in Ukraine are stupid. Direct conflict between nuclear powers likely means a very fast and very radioactive third world war, and the status quo proxy warfare approach isn’t stopping Russia as more and more territory is taken in the east in cool defiance of western claims that Ukraine is bravely vanquishing its evil invaders. Biden administration officials have told the press that they doubt Ukraine will even be able to reclaim the territory it has lost already. Unless and until something significant changes, Ukraine has no apparent path to victory in this war anytime soon. In short, there is no exit strategy to this proxy war. There are no plans in place to deliver Putin a swift defeat, and the Biden administration remains steadfastly dismissive of even the slightest gestures toward diplomacy with Moscow. Boris Johnson has reportedly been buzzing around admonishing Ukraine’s President Zelensky, France’s President Macron and who knows who else not to work toward peace in Ukraine. The doors to ending this war quickly by either winning it or negotiating a peace settlement are both bolted shut, all but guaranteeing a long and bloody slog. Which as it turns out suits Washington just fine. Biden administration officials have stated that the goal is to use the Ukraine war to “weaken” Russia, and the US already has an established pattern of working to draw Moscow into costly military quagmires as we saw in both Afghanistan and Syria. Continuing to pour weapons and military intelligence into Ukraine while working to cut Russia off from the world stands no chance of ending the war in a timely manner, but it does stand a pretty good chance of bleeding and weakening Moscow. And since this is the course of action that has been taken by the empire, we can only assume that this is its desired outcome: not victory, not peace, but a long and gruelling war. Confirms that Ukrainian Pravda story from a couple of months ago. Angloid political elites don't want this war to end until they're satisfied enough Russians are killed to kneecap Russia as a rival—no matter how many dead Ukrainians it takes to do so.https://t.co/alKLzwy7DF — Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) June 27, 2022 One of the major recurring criticisms of the Iraq invasion was that Bush rushed into it without an exit strategy, without a plan for ending the war once it had been started. This proxy war with Russia not only lacks a strategy for ending the war, it apparently only has strategies for not ending the war. No exit strategy is the strategy. Whenever you point out the insanity of this approach you’ll get useful idiots of the empire objecting that by criticizing US proxy warfare and supporting a negotiated settlement you are guilty of “appeasement” and exactly the same as Neville Chamberlain, because the only argument empire apologists ever have is to compare every US-targeted government to Nazi Germany. According to these propaganda-addled empire automatons, having the story of not compromising with Putin-Hitler and not committing the sin of “appeasement” is worth sacrificing everyone in the entire nation of Ukraine for. They will happily throw every Ukrainian life into the gears of this war while they sit safe at home eating Funyuns and tweeting, just so they can have that “we didn’t compromise with Putin” story hanging on their mental mantlepiece. How many more lives are such people prepared to feed into an unwinnable war which the west knowingly provoked? How many more of other people’s children are they prepared to sacrifice? How long does the bloodshed need to drag on before their “no appeasement” story loses value to them? How long until people wake up from their propaganda-induced comas and realize we’ve been manipulated into supporting a proxy war which benefits ordinary people in no real way, and in fact impoverishes us and threatens our very lives? There is no morally consistent argument for continuing this proxy war in the way it has been going. If you actually value life and peace, the only way out is through negotiation and compromise. I point this out not because I believe it will happen, but to hopefully help a few more people open their eyes to the fact that we are being deceived.

Crazy Globo Powers all now aiming for each other's poopsters with pesky no-see-um's. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/us-successfully-tested-lo...

Destroying The Planet To Save Ukraine? https://www.theepochtimes.com/russian-derangement-syndrome-trumps-all_459183... https://www.influencewatch.org/movement/trump-russia-collusion-claims/ Saving Ukraine from Russia has become more important to Western leaders than saving the planet from climate change, more important than keeping their populations from freezing in the dark, more important than the viability of Western industries, and more important even than avoiding the risk of an all-out nuclear war between the West and Russia. An early indication of the West’s loss of all perspective where Russia is concerned - call it Russia Derangement Syndrome - occurred in the United States after Donald Trump was elected president. Large swathes of the public, including virtually all Democrats and the legacy media, embraced a fantasy known as Russian Collusion, which asserted that Russia had colluded with the Trump campaign to install him as president. The fantasy persisted for three years until 2019 when Russia Collusion was confirmed to be a hoax perpetrated by Trump’s rival for the 2016 presidency, Hillary Clinton. Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies before the House Intelligence Committee in an open hearing in the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center in Washington on June 21, 2017. Johnson answered questions about Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential elections and his department’s response to the threat. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Earlier this year, after Russia invaded Ukraine over a territorial dispute, Russia Derangement Syndrome went into overdrive. An infuriated West sanctioned Russian goods and services helter-skelter without thinking through the consequences, chiefly those involving energy. Russia represents continental Europe’s chief energy source and is the main reason Europeans can keep the lights on. Only after the Europeans decided to punish Russia, and only after Russia announced cuts to gas flows—temporarily, it said—on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline of 60 percent, did it dawn on Europeans that Russia could retaliate this coming winter through punitively-timed energy curtailments, putting Europe at Russia’s mercy. In Germany, for example, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration did its sums to discover that under all scenarios, Germany lacked the reserves needed to last the winter. “That was the sobering moment,” admitted Klaus Mueller, who heads Germany’s gas network regulator. “If we have a very, very cold winter, if we’re careless and far too generous with gas, then it won’t be pretty.” The European Union, now in a panic, is scrambling to acquire fossil fuels from any sources in a desperate attempt to stockpile energy prior to winter. Germany is returning to coal, as are Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands. The United Kingdom is also turning to coal and reversing its ban on fracking and on North Sea oil production. The EU is endorsing Norway’s latest exploitation of the North Sea and is open to new contracts for long-term commitments of natural gas. The United States is exporting record amounts of gas, so much so that Europe now receives more high-priced liquefied natural gas from U.S. tankers than inexpensive natural gas from Russian pipelines. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Europeans have advanced more than 20 liquefied natural gas import projects. In this fossil fuel free-for-all, the West has effectively abandoned its once ironclad commitment to combat climate change, which its leaders never tired of describing as an existential threat to the planet. Gone is Germany’s net-zero commitment to phase out coal plants by 2030, tenuous is the UK’s pledge to stop using coal in power stations by 2024, and shaky is the G-7’s determination to end “direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022.” Instead, the G-7, noting its determination to support Ukraine, backed increased deliveries of liquefied natural gas and urged oil-producing nations to increase their production. Wind turbines near a coal-fired power plant are pictured near Hamm, western Germany, on June 8, 2022. (INA FASSBENDER/AFP via Getty Images) To punish Russia, the Europeans are knowingly visiting far more severe punishments on themselves. Germany is preparing to put its population on an emergency footing by urging a rationing of energy. Its governments are responding by dimming street lights, switching off the illumination of historic buildings, and shutting off hot water in gyms, museums, and government buildings. Housing complexes are limiting the hours that hot showers can be taken and lowering the thermostats in centrally heated complexes. Industries are planning to scale back, move away from Europe, or shut down operations altogether. “A complete halt to Russian natural gas exports would cost Germany 12.7% of economic performance in the second half of 2022,” costing some $200 billion and affecting 5.6 million jobs, the Bavaria Industry Association warned last month. Denmark’s emergency plan involves shutting down gas heating during the summer, taking shorter showers, drying clothes outside, and suspending gas supplies to energy-intensive industries. A greater punishment still is being voiced in the form of nuclear war. The UK, France, and the United States have all reminded Russia that they possess nuclear weapons in response to Russian reminders that it has the greatest nuclear arsenal of all. Remarkably, before the West so uniformly came to Ukraine’s defense, Ukraine was held in low regard by Europeans, viewed as a kleptocracy run by corrupt oligarchs with only the faintest hint of the rule of law. That image was transformed overnight once Russia invaded, as Ukraine became an instant darling of the West, so worthy as to warrant the destruction of the West’s economy, environment, and possibly the West itself. Such is the power of the Russia Derangement Syndrome.

Rand Paul: "Senate Just Rejected My Attempt To Reaffirm The Constitution" https://summit.news/2022/07/20/rand-paul-senate-just-rejected-my-attempt-to-... https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/1549475146804727808 Senator Rand Paul warned Tuesday that the Senate “shockingly” rejected his efforts to reaffirm the Constitution as far as declarations of war go, noting that NATO does not have the authority to supersede Congress in the U.S. Paul’s comments came after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee backed the accession of Finland, Sweden to NATO ahead of a full vote in the Senate on its expansion, the first of its kind for three decades, which could happen next week. BREAKING: #SFRC approves @NATO protocols resolution for Sweden & Finland, fulfilling our duty to help determine how, when & with whom the US brings to bear the power of our diplomatic & military alliance. Their membership will be a force multiplier for stability & democracy. pic.twitter.com/jEZ005VBiL — Senate Foreign Relations Committee (@SFRCdems) July 19, 2022 .@SFRCdems has voted in favor of ratifying Sweden’s 🇸🇪 and Finland’s 🇫🇮 #NATO Accession Protocols. Thank you @SenatorMenendez and @SenatorRisch for your strong & prompt support! We now look forward to the 🇺🇸 Senate floor vote. #WeAreNato — Embassy of Sweden USA (@SwedeninUSA) July 19, 2022 While other members of the committee verbally voted with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, Paul voted a neutral “present”. Paul proposed an amendment that would emphasise only the U.S. Congress has the right to declare war under the Constitution. However, it was immediately REJECTED by the committee. Paul took to Twitter to voice his displeasure: Shockingly, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee just rejected my attempt to reaffirm the Constitution. All my amendment said was NATO obligations don’t supersede the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war. How is this controversial? — Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 19, 2022 Russia has repeatedly warned both Sweden and Finland against joining NATO, promising it will lead to further confrontation. Committee’s chairman, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez said in a statement “As US foreign policy priorities evolve to account for a changing world, what is self-evident is the future of the transatlantic partnership will be even more intertwined and integrated thanks to Putin’s recklessness.”

Nuclear War Threat Higher Than In Cold War: UK National Security Advisor https://news.antiwar.com/2022/07/28/british-official-says-nuclear-war-threat... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/7/28/uk-adviser-warns-of-nuclear-risk-am... https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Nuclearweaponswhohaswhat Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com, British National Security Advisor Stephen Lovegrove warned late this week that there is a greater risk of nuclear war today than there was during the Cold War due to a lack of communication channels. "The Cold War’s two monolithic blocks of the USSR (Soviet Union) and NATO — though not without alarming bumps — were able to reach a shared understanding of doctrine that is today absent," Lovegrove said. British Royal Navy HMS Vengeance, Image: UK MOD He said during the Cold War, there was an "understanding of the Soviet doctrine and capabilities — and vice versa" because they kept more negotiation channels open. "This gave us both a higher level of confidence that we would not miscalculate our way into nuclear war," Lovegrove said. "Today we do not have the same foundations with others who may threaten us in future — particularly with China," he said. Today, there is only one remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia, the New START, which limits the deployment of nuclear warheads, bombers, submarines, and missiles. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the US has abandoned diplomacy with Moscow, and US officials have said they can’t imagine negotiating a replacement of New START before it expires in 2026. The US has no nuclear arms control treaties with China, which has a vastly smaller arsenal than the US or Russia. Current estimates put Beijing’s arsenal at around 350 warheads, while the US has 5,550 and Russia has about 6,200. During the Trump administration, the US tried to get Beijing to take part in trilateral arms control talks with Moscow and Washington. But China has little interest in such talks while its arsenal is so much smaller. If the US were serious about getting China involved, it would need to work with Russia to significantly reduce its stockpiles. Sir Stephen Lovegrove, Getty Images Besides the lack of communication, the risk of nuclear war is significantly higher today because the US is funding a war on Russia’s border and helping Ukraine with intelligence to carry out attacks on Russian forces. The US is also stoking tensions with China by deploying more military forces in the South China Sea and increasing support for Taiwan.

Declarations of Independence historically risk death, declaring one's Freedom, including personal freedom, from any Authority, should not, thus such Authorities are always invalid. China Launches Live-Fire Drills Off Taiwan With US Carrier Group Nearby, As Pelosi's Plane En Route To Asia According to prior comments from President Biden, the Pentagon wants House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to cancel her visit to Taiwan - but now pending her possible arrival in Taipei the US military has moved a Navy strike group into the South China Sea led by the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier. The USS Reagan left a port call in Singapore and is now patrolling waters near China, with Beijing flexing its own military muscle by launching fresh naval exercises near the self-ruled island - and more worrisomely issuing threats that the PLA military is on stand-by to respond with "forceful measures" if needed. Turkey's EHA media outlet on Saturday is circulating (unverified) video purporting to show large US warplane formation flyovers of the South China sea, with destroyers below... 📹| Warplanes of the US Navy are flying near Taiwan. ▪️Very harsh statements from China continue to come before US House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan ▪️Tension in the region has risen to its highest level. pic.twitter.com/9AzZGQ3QPy — EHA News (@eha_news) July 30, 2022 Pelosi is currently en route over the Pacific for a scheduled tour of Asia - including stops in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore - with The Washington Post's Josh Rogin on Friday reporting that a Taiwan stopover is "expected to happen" during the "early part" of the trip, based on diplomatic sources. All eyes are on Pelosi's flight path after it was days ago revealed that Taiwan was listed "tentative" as part of her itinerary... Pelosi is on the way to Asia pic.twitter.com/af1mf7HYsc — 🆁🆄🆂🆂🅸🅰🅽 🅼🅰🆁🅺🅴🆃 (@russian_market) July 30, 2022 It's expected that if she goes through with the Taiwan visit, Pelosi would at some point in Asia board a military transport plane - likely with US fighter jet escort. This possibility is what has infuriated Beijing. Chinese state media, for example, has been issuing loud warnings saying the PLA military would have the "right" to intercept and deter any armed jet escort, deeming this akin to an "invasion" and violation of China's sovereignty. Chinese foreign ministry officials continue to warn that "all options, including military ones" are on the table given Beijing is interpreting the potential Pelosi visit as a strong signal to pro-independence forces, as well as 'interference' and a violation of the One China principle. Beijing is further warning that the House Speaker's visit to the island, which would mark a first in 25 years, would only ratchet the potential for "misunderstandings" and miscalculation. #Latest China's remarks on countering #Pelosi's possible visit to #Taiwan shows highest level of warning. All options, including military ones, are already on the table. It's crucial to accurately understand China's remarks and avoid misunderstandings, experts.@globaltimesnews pic.twitter.com/0LRJ4e0Jgt — Zhang Meifang张美芳 (@CGMeifangZhang) July 30, 2022 As CNN previewed, China's PLA Navy is holding "live-fire" exercises in waters off Taiwan, raising the stakes further: China is planning to conduct live-fire exercises on Saturday in waters near Pingtan Island of Fujian province, which is opposite the self-governing island of Taiwan. The Pingtan Maritime Safety Administration issued a navigation warning about the drills late Thursday local time, prohibiting all ships from entering waters near the island and the southeastern province of Fujian. It said the "live-fire training missions" would take place from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. As Pelosi flies to the region, the US and Chinese militaries are engaged in rival maneuvering in the seas below... Satellite images show the arrival of the US aircraft carrier strike group, led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, into the South China Sea en route to the Taiwan Strait. pic.twitter.com/8NFH4RWupc — Spriteer (@spriteer_774400) July 28, 2022 When the USS Reagan strike group entered the South China Sea, there were widespread reports that Chinese destroyers began following closely behind, mirroring and monitoring US Navy movements in the waters. 🇨🇳🇺🇸 Chinese navy warships are chasing the USS Ronald Reagan in the South China Sea 🚩 @ResistanceTrench pic.twitter.com/hch5yrUHjC — TPYXA ⚡ Middle East (@middleeasttime) July 30, 2022 Chinese pundits and others have lately been circulating Archduke Franz Ferdinand memes, suggesting that if something goes wrong, the provocative trip could be what sparks the next world war pitting nuclear-armed superpowers China and the US against each other (and perhaps also Russia, given the war in Ukraine and Moscow-Washington stand-off in Eastern Europe). pic.twitter.com/bsca2pOSTH — Carl Zha (@CarlZha) July 30, 2022 While prior US media reporting indicated Pelosi's Taiwan visit would come "next month" - meaning August, it remains entirely possible that Pelosi could suddenly show up meeting with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen as soon as Sunday, July 31 - or into Monday or Tuesday. Meanwhile, China state-run Global Times has posted an ominous message of "Don't say we didn't warn you!" as Pelosi heads to Asia... “Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” Analysts warned at a top-level think tank forum that open options in military and comprehensive countermeasures ranging from economy and diplomacy from China will wait if Pelosi gambles to visit Taiwan island. https://t.co/zDDsidxb3m — Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 29, 2022 Some more worrisome signs... Don't want to sound alarmist, but IMO it's notable that at this time of US-China tension, 3 of China's largest/newest roll-on/roll-off civilian ferries appear to be off their normal routes and are in or have moved south toward the Taiwan Strait. All 3 are associated with the PLA. — Thomas Shugart (@tshugart3) July 30, 2022 This also as official social media accounts of the PLA military also promoted 'war preparedness' messages, also picked up in international press.

On 7/30/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
China Launches Live-Fire Drills Off Taiwan With US Carrier Group Nearby, As Pelosi's Plane En Route To Asia
it's about time for china to liberate taiwan from the western jewnazis.
Then Juan will help the chinese and taiwanese people liberate themselves from the chinese government and the fist of Xi, right? Also note how Juan said nothing about his new beloved femdom Pelosi.

On Sat, 30 Jul 2022 21:00:09 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On 7/30/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
China Launches Live-Fire Drills Off Taiwan With US Carrier Group Nearby, As Pelosi's Plane En Route To Asia
it's about time for china to liberate taiwan from the western jewnazis.
Then Juan will help the chinese and taiwanese people liberate themselves from the chinese government and the fist of Xi, right?
when a jewnazi like you speak against 'foreign governments', china's in this case, what you actually mean is that you want the joogle pentagon to replace it. Just like you've been spamming the lowest form of NATO propaganda. then again, what else is to be expected from US government agents.
Also note how Juan said nothing about his new beloved femdom Pelosi.
I don't think I'm siding with your jewnazi master? You can't read? "I have said to people when they ask me, if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain would be our commitment to our aid, I don’t even call it our aid, our cooperation with is-real. That’s fundamental to who we are. " - signed jewnazi puppet pelosi. That's your jewnazi master pelosi. Feel free to explain why I would love a jewnazi thing like pelosi...(your boss)

On 7/30/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
it's about time for china to liberate taiwan from the western jewnazis.
Then Juan will help the chinese and taiwanese people liberate themselves from the chinese government and the fist of Xi, right?
Ok so Juan just failed to walk any of his talk to help those peoples.
speak against 'foreign governments'
But ok, maybe those peoples are too "foreign" and intangible for Juan, so let's let Juan speak freely here about and expose his own "local government" and military cops, the one that literally rules over him in Argentina, namely formerly his ex-femdom Cristina, his buddy Macri, and now his Most Excellent Alberto, and his amazing Con-Gress, all the way down into the republic provinces of his local government rulers, how they support his favorite "jewnazis" as he calls them by funneling money stolen from the AR peoples to prop up his fave GovMilCorps like US Lockheed, how his colonialist AR does not free Sandwich and Georgia, to his Govt fiat inflation and more... what does Juan say?... Picture: Lockheed Martin A-4AR Fightinghawk operated by the Argentine Air Force
Feel free to explain why I would love a jewnazi thing like pelosi...
Remove the chastity muzzle she has on you, then tell us yourself ;)

On Sat, 30 Jul 2022 23:46:49 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok so Juan just failed to walk any of his talk to help those peoples.
compared to you, who are a US jewnazi agent? I think my opposition to non human jewnazi turds like you is more 'helpful' than what you do. See, like your joogle's masters grarpamp@JEWMAIL.com, everything you do is evil. "I have said to people when they ask me, if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain would be our commitment to our aid, I don’t even call it our aid, our cooperation with is-real. That’s fundamental to who we are. " - signed jewnazi puppet pelosi - grancrap's boss.

let's let Juan speak freely here about and expose his own "local government" and military cops, the one that literally rules over him in Argentina...
Juan (the "Paper Tiger" "Anarchist") failed to walk any of his talk there too... such quiet his hypocrisy offers to his Govt rulers. "There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. -- PunkBatSoupStasi aka punk aka JuanG aka Juan Garofalo aka [snip]"

On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 15:47:08 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
let's let Juan speak freely here about and expose his own "local government" and military cops, the one that literally rules over him in Argentina...
they are all US jewnazi agents like you. Why are you trying to blame me for the fact that you, US jewnazis, invaded and control argentina?
Juan (the "Paper Tiger" "Anarchist") failed to walk any of his talk
compared to a non human, US jewnazi government agent like you, I'm the "king of anarchism".
there too... such quiet his hypocrisy offers to his Govt rulers.
they are not my government rulers. They are US jewnazi agents like you.
"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'.
indeed. Only pentagon feminazi trash and jew-kkkristian puritan nutcases, like you, believe in it. 'We' already know that you're the lowest kind of jew-kkkristian far-right feminazi scum. You don't need to underscore the fact at every turn.
-- PunkBatSoupStasi aka punk aka JuanG aka Juan Garofalo aka [snip]"
what's your name, you motherfucking piece of anonymours, cowardly US shit?

Declarations of Independence historically risk death
Clearly none of these want you to be Free Independent Human Beings, so stop paying them to enslave you... https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-top-10-countries-by-military-spendin... https://www.sipri.org/databases/milex As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has continued, military spending and technology has come under the spotlight as the world tracked Western arms shipments and watched how HIMAR rocket launchers and other weaponry affected the conflict. But, as Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte details below, developing, exporting, and deploying military personnel and weaponry costs nations hundreds of billions every year. In 2021, global military spending reached $2.1 trillion, rising for its seventh year in a row. Using data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), this visualization shows which countries spent the most on their military in 2021, along with their overall share of global military spending. Which Countries Spend the Most on Military? The United States was the top nation in terms of military expenditure, spending $801 billion to make up almost 38% of global military spending in 2021. America has been the top military spending nation since SIPRI began tracking in 1949, making up more than 30% of the world’s military spending for the last two decades. U.S. military spending increased year-over-year by $22.3 billion, and the country’s total for 2021 was more than every other country in the top 10 combined. The next top military spender in 2021 was China, which spent $293.4 billion and made up nearly 14% of global military spend. While China’s expenditure is still less than half of America’s, the country has increased its military spending for 27 years in a row. In fact, China has the largest total of active military personnel, and the country’s military spending has more than doubled over the last decade. While Russia was only the fifth top nation by military spending at $65.9 billion in 2021, it was among the higher ranking nations in terms of military spending as a share of GDP. Russia military expenditures amounted to 4.1% of its GDP, and among the top 10 spending nations, was only beaten by Saudi Arabia whose spending was 6.6% of its GDP. Military Collaboration Since the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February has resulted in seismic geopolitical shifts, kicking off a cascade of international military shipments and collaboration between nations. The security assistance just sent by the U.S. to Ukraine has totaled $8.2 billion since the start of the war, and has shown how alliances can help make up for some domestic military spending in times of conflict. Similarly, Russia and China have deepened their relationship, sharing military intelligence and technology along with beginning joint military exercises at the end of August, alongside other nations like India, Belarus, Mongolia, and Tajikistan. Since China’s breakthrough in hypersonic missile flight a year ago, Russia has now been testing its own versions of the technology, with Putin mentioning Russia’s readiness to export weaponry he described as, “years, or maybe even decades ahead of their foreign counterparts”. Sanctions and Energy Exports: New Weapons in Modern Warfare Along with advanced weaponry, sanctions and energy commodities have become new tools of modern cold warfare. As Western economic sanctions attempted to cripple Russia’s economy following its invasion, Russian gas and oil supplies have been limited and forced to be paid in rubles in retaliation. Global trade has been turned into a new battlefield with offshore assets and import dependencies as the attack vectors. Along with these, cyberattacks and cybersecurity are an increasingly complex, obscure, and important part of national military and security. Whether or not Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends in 2022, the rise in geopolitical tensions and conflict this year will almost certainly result in a global increase in military spending.

Escalatories don't seem to be stopping... China Is Preparing To Go To War https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/08/china-is-preparing-to-go-to-war/ Last month, a Chinese entrepreneur making medical equipment for consumers told me that local officials had demanded he convert his production lines in China so that they could turn out items for the military. Communist Party cadres, he said, were issuing similar orders to other manufacturers. Moreover, Chinese academics privately say the ongoing expulsion of foreign colleagues from China’s universities appears to be a preparation for hostilities. The People’s Republic of China is preparing to go to war, and it is not trying to hide its efforts. Amendments to the National Defense Law, effective the first day of last year, transfer powers from civilian to military officials. In general, the amendments reduce the role of the central government’s State Council by shifting power to the CMC, the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission. Specifically, the State Council will no longer supervise the mobilization of the People’s Liberation Army. As Zeng Zhiping of Soochow University told Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, “The CMC is now formally in charge of making national defense policy and principles, while the State Council becomes a mere implementing agency to provide support for the military.” In one sense, these amendments were window dressing. “Recent changes to China’s National Defense Law that diminish the power of the State Council are largely political posturing,” Richard Fisher of the Virginia-based International Assessment and Strategy Center told me soon after the amendments went into effect. “The Chinese Communist Party and particularly its subordinate CMC have always held supreme power over decisions regarding war and peace.” Why then do we care about the National Defense Law amendments? The amendments, Fisher tells us, “point to China’s ambition to achieve ‘whole nation’ levels of military mobilization to fight wars and give the CMC formal power to control the future Chinese capabilities for global military intervention.” “The revised National Defense Law also embodies the concept that everyone should be involved in national defense,” reports the Communist Party’s Global Times, summarizing the words of an unnamed CMC official. “All national organizations, armed forces, political parties, civil groups, enterprises, social organizations, and other organizations should support and take part in the development of national defense, fulfill national defense duties, and carry out national defense missions according to the law.” As Fisher told 19FortyFive this month, “For the past 40 years, China’s Communist Party has been preparing for brutal war, and now the ruling organization is accelerating its plans.” The Party, as it readies itself for combat, is leaving nothing to chance. In March, its Central Organization Department issued an internal directive prohibiting the spouses and children of ministerial-level officials from owning foreign real estate or shares registered offshore. The ban also appears to apply to such officials themselves as there are reports of their selling foreign assets. Moreover, such officials and immediate families are not, except in limited circumstances, allowed to open accounts overseas with financial institutions. The directive, issued soon after the imposition of sanctions on Russian officials for the “special military operation” in Ukraine, appears designed to sanction-proof Chinese officials. J-10 Fighter. Moreover, the central government is trying to sanctions-proof itself. On April 22, officials from the finance ministry and central bank met with representatives of dozens of banks, including HSBC, to discuss what Beijing could do in the event of the imposition of punitive measures on China. The holding of the “emergency meeting,” reported by the Financial Times, is ominous. “The officials and attendees did not mention specific scenarios, but one possible trigger for such sanctions is thought to be a Chinese invasion of Taiwan,” the FT noted. The fact that Chinese officials held the meeting is a clear indication that Beijing is planning belligerent acts. “Be ready for battle.” That’s how Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post summarized Chinese ruler Xi Jinping’s first order to the military of 2019. In January of that year, he gave a major speech to the CMC on making preparations for war, and the address was then broadcast nationwide. Foreign analysts debate whether China is going to war anytime soon. The Chinese political system has become less transparent over time, so it is not clear what senior leaders are thinking. Image of J-20 fighter. Image Credit: Chinese Internet. Yet it is clear what senior leaders are in fact doing. They are getting troops ready for another advance below the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, preparing to seize more Indian territory in the Himalayas. They renewed, in November of last year and this June, attempts to block the resupply of a Philippine outpost at Second Thomas Shoal, in the South China Sea. They ordered four vessels to enter Japan’s sovereign water around the disputed but Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea in late July. They are directing continual provocations around Taiwan, including a violation of the island’s sovereign airspace in early February. And there is something else that is unmistakable: Xi and senior leaders are getting China’s citizens ready for war.

https://www.nationalreview.com/2014/06/dugins-evil-theology-robert-zubrin/ https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2020/5/28/putins-playbook-reviewing...
Dugin hangs out here among other syndicated places, and some more or less dedicated youtube channels... https://www.4pt.su/en/
Pacifist movements
The initiation of the conquering of and ruling over other human beings, by war or by force otherwise... many say that seems more than a bit silly and tired after 40,000 years or so of such "modernity"... time for a different global ideology to evolve they say, no? The Great Reset... no pacifism there. 8B people overflowing and eating the planet... doesn't help either. Maybe you'll figure it out, either way the Universe gets the last word.

On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 12:53 AM, grarpamp<grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFXVNIJgXwAAUV-F.jpg Ukrainians are selling WEAPONS on the BLACK MARKET! Javelin, NLAW and AT4 launchers are for sale by Ukrainian arms dealers. Ukrainian generals and soldiers are underpaid and sell US and UK weapons on the black market. Every wannabe terrorist can now destroy civilian aircraft and kill hundreds for just $20k. I suppose it should be possible to geo-limit these weapons to prevent them from being used outside a pre-defined area.

On 8/21/22, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I suppose it should be possible to geo-limit these weapons to prevent them from being used outside a pre-defined area.
Sure anything with a seeker in it depends on ASIC electronic packages that could have that embedded. Then what do you do when the enemy jams, kills, or owns your GPS, ask them nicely to go home? Program it to fallback open so the buyer can wrap the GPS chip in tinfoil RF shielding? Tell your allies/proxies/agents on the ground the "secret" override code? Won't stay secret, unentered, uncaptured, or unsold for long. Reset or disable the self-destruct timer... ditto. Or the local black market underground arms trafficker rips out your ASIC and puts their own Heathkit controller in it, think it can still hit a fat airbus 1km past the airport fence? The PAL's on nukes didn't depend on comms, and were literally all zero's for years, and are still left easy enough to launch by agreeing to or otherwise overriding human controls when SHTF, for similar reasons. People don't buy guns with bio readers, wifi chips, batteries, etc... they need them to go bang when they pull the trigger. Analysts are right though, each time one of these sorts of wars happens, it becomes a bit less safer to fly. And you'd need arms control treaties for mutuality. Cheap man portable arms... someone somewhere will still print them out of Raspberry-Pi's and a rocket kit and sell them. Medieval combat, melees ships cavalry biplanes firing lines... at least those were honest, and safer. Humans haven't been able to keep from opening Pandora's Box, or to put any of their Genie's back in the Bottle. Seems updating their minds with the NAP might get them farther than updating their weapons with the latest technology.

'Real Life Full Metal Jacket': Draft Officer Shot Amid Russian Anger Over Conscription https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/26/we-arent-going-war-draft-office... https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/gunman-detained-after-shooting-draft-of... https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/09/26/russian-enlistment-officer-shot-re... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/26/no-to-war-anger-over-troop-conscrip... https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1574311822831779840 https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1574363309125636097 https://meduza.io/en/news/2022/09/26/unwilling-recruit-set-himself-on-fire-i... https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/21/rights-group-says-over-1100-rus... https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-moscow-st-petersburg-volunte... https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/09/26/total-chaos-russian-mobilization-e... The head of a military draft office in the Russian town of Ust-Ilimsk was being treated for injuries on Monday after being shot by a gunman who—like more than 1,000 people who have been arrested for protesting in recent days—was reportedly angry over President Vladimir Putin's recent military conscription announcement. Reuters reported that the gunman, who was detained, identified himself as Ruslan Zinin, age 25. According to The Moscow Times, Zinin was "very upset" that his best friend, who has no military experience, "received draft papers despite the authorities' pledge to recruit strictly experienced reservists." An activist holds an anti-war poster and shouts a slogan during rally in Moscow on September 21, 2022. Getty Images The gunman entered the recruitment office in Irkutsk and said, "No one will go fight," according to Al Jazeera, before opening fire. Visegrad24 reported that he said, "We aren't going to war, we are all going home." The attack on the local draft office came days after Putin announced a "partial mobilization" of about 300,000 Russians who will be called up to fight the war in Ukraine. Warning: the following video is disturbing... Jesus, some real life Full Metal Jacket, with a recruitment officer being shot. Warning if you watch this video (which probably won’t be up long) https://t.co/yXuDfpacq6 — Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) September 26, 2022 Putin told the public that "only those citizens will be drafted to military service who are currently in the reserve and first of all those who have served in the army, who have certain professions and have necessary experience," but there have been several reports from across the country of people with no experience being called up to join the invasion of Ukraine. A Kremlin spokesperson claimed Monday that those draft notices have been sent in error. Reuters reported that several draft offices have been attacked since Putin's announcement last week. In the city of Ryazan, southeast of Moscow, a man reportedly attempted to set himself on fire at a bus station on Sunday, saying he did not want to go to war. More than 1,100 Russians were arrested for protesting the war and the conscription plan following Putin's announcement, and the number has grown since then. Tens of thousands of people who are of conscription age have attempted to flee the country in recent days, crossing borders to Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. The government could close its borders to people eligible for the mobilization as soon as Wednesday, according to the Times. As he announced the mobilization, Putin suggested Russian forces already in Ukraine are struggling to counter the military aid supplied by the U.S. and other countries. Russia Enacts Lengthy Prison Sentences For Wartime Desertion & Refusal To Serve https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1574007764317360128 https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/geroyizm-i-muzhnist-nashih-voyiniv-ne-z... Days after announcing a partial mobilization of national forces amid the ongoing 'special operation' in neighboring Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday enacted significant measures to prevent citizens from fleeing draft notices, as he signed into law stiff penalties for desertion. Putin specifically introduced "mobilization, martial law and wartime" measures into the Russian Criminal Code for the first time, which also covers long prison terms for "voluntary" surrender. Anti-war protester detained in Novosibirsk on September 21, 2022. AFP via Getty Images It comes following days of social media videos out of Russia going viral which show young men pack out airports as well as long queues at border posts at places like the Russia-Georgia border. According to The Moscow Post, some of the penalties include a harsh 15 years in prison: Under the law, "voluntary" surrender is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. But a first-time offender "may be exempted from criminal liability if he took measures for his release, returned to his unit or place of service and did not commit other crimes while in captivity," according to the bill published on the State Duma website. Desertion during a period of mobilization or wartime will be punished by up to 10 years in jail, while conscientious objectors will risk up to three years in prison. Penalties are also stipulated for "looting during wartime" - after the opening months of the Ukraine invasion saw criticism from the West over reports of Russian troops rummaging through stores and residences of occupied areas. RUSSIAN MOBILIZATION IS UNDERWAY ***pic.twitter.com/fJwFEZPbHd — The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) September 24, 2022 Last week Putin's order called up some 300,000 reservists, with some reports speculating that the actual figure could be much higher - as much as one million - according to some sources, though this remains unconfirmed. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has meanwhile been encouraging safe passage and protection for Russia soldiers who surrender, according to his words summarized in The Hill: Appealing directly to Russians during an address, Zelensky said Ukraine could guarantee three terms to Russian soldiers in exchange for their surrender. He said such Russians will be treated in a civilized manner, the circumstances of their surrender will remain undisclosed and Ukraine will find a way to ensure those who do not want to return to Russia are not exchanged. Zelensky asserted in making the appeal, "Russian commanders do not care about the lives of Russians. They just need to replenish the empty spaces left by the dead, wounded, those who fled or the Russian soldiers that were captured." There are fresh reports Sunday saying that Russian President Putin in the coming days will impose a travel ban outside the country for all military age males... Chaos at the Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow today as Russian men try to flee the country before Putin closes the borders. pic.twitter.com/SUHHSKK4Sy — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 25, 2022 Countries like Finland and the Baltic states have taken measures to essentially lock-down their borders to Russian young men suspected of fleeting military service. The Baltic countries have already enacted a de facto blanket travel ban on Russian nationals, while Finland has thus far taken only temporary measures to restrict the flow of Russian travelers.

Two more recent hotspots have erupted, proxy bids are now being floated in secret by global warmongers... Kosovo and Serbia China and India Ukraine striking deeper into Russia

The world is still full of Mad Men everywhere today... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_S._Power https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident

The world is still full of Mad Men everywhere today... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_S._Power https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident
https://news.antiwar.com/2022/12/27/report-warns-risk-of-nuclear-war-at-its-... Report Warns Risk Of Nuclear War At Its Highest Since US Nuked Japan A Swedish group that assesses catastrophic risks warned in its annual report this year that the risk of nuclear weapons use is higher today than at any point since the US dropped nuclear weapons on Japan in 1945, AFP reported on Tuesday. Kennette Benedict, an advisor to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists who led the report for the Global Challenges Foundation, said the risk of nuclear war was greater than during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. DOD file image The report warned that an all-out nuclear exchange would send enough dust in the air to block sunlight resulting in "a period of chaos and violence, during which most of the surviving world population would die from hunger." President Biden acknowledged the risk back in October when he said the chances of nuclear "armageddon" are higher today than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Despite his recognition of the danger of his policy of supporting Ukraine against Russia, Biden continues to escalate US involvement in the war, and there is no end in sight to the fighting. Ukraine’s war effort is entirely reliant on Western support, and the US is not just sending weapons but also providing training, intelligence, and other kinds of targeting support. According to recent media reports, the Pentagon now tacitly backs Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory, and the CIA is directing sabotage operations inside Russia. Russian officials have made clear that they believe they are not just fighting Ukrainian forces in the war but also the US and NATO. This means Russia has the pretext to launch strikes on the US and NATO, although there’s no sign that such a decision has been made. Clip from a 1975 short documentary by John Pilger that exposes the insanity behind the US nuclear program during the Cold War. Secret Plans for Nuclear War: "In case one of them goes mad...the other man must shoot him" (1975)https://t.co/tQ8laXzXDA pic.twitter.com/8XwnYS41Qz — Michael Peifer (@flakyfarseer) December 18, 2022 If Russia eventually chooses to retaliate by using conventional weapons against NATO, the conflict could quickly spiral into nuclear war. If Moscow decides to use a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, most experts believe it would lead to a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia.

The Democrats Are Now The War Party https://www.mintpressnews.com/chris-hedges-democrats-now-war-party/283114/ The Democrats position themselves as the party of virtue, cloaking their support for the war industry in moral language stretching back to Korea and Vietnam, when President Ngo Dinh Diem was as lionized as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. All the wars they support and fund are “good” wars. All the enemies they fight, the latest being Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping, are incarnations of evil. The photo of a beaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris holding up a signed Ukrainian battle flag behind Zelensky as he addressed Congress was another example of the Democratic Party’s abject subservience to the war machine. The Democrats, especially with the presidency of Bill Clinton, became shills not only for corporate America but for the weapons manufacturers and the Pentagon. No weapons system is too costly. No war, no matter how disastrous, goes unfunded. No military budget is too big, including the $858 billion in military spending allocated for the current fiscal year, an increase of $45 billion above what the Biden administration requested. The historian Arnold Toynbee cited unchecked militarism as the fatal disease of empires, arguing that they ultimately commit suicide. There once was a wing of the Democratic Party that questioned and stood up to the war industry: Senators J. William Fulbright, George McGovern, Gene McCarthy, Mike Gravel, William Proxmire and House member Dennis Kucinich. But that opposition evaporated along with the antiwar movement. When 30 members of the party’s progressive caucus recently issued a call for Biden to negotiate with Putin, they were forced by the party leadership and a warmongering media to back down and rescind their letter. Not that any of them, with the exception of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have voted against the billions of dollars in weaponry sent to Ukraine or the bloated military budget. Rashida Tlaib voted present. The opposition to the perpetual funding of the war in Ukraine has come primarily from Republicans, 11 in the Senate and 57 in the House, several, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, unhinged conspiracy theorists. Only nine Republicans in the House joined the Democrats in supporting the $1.7 trillion spending bill needed to prevent the government from shutting down, which included approval of $847 billion for the military — the total is boosted to $858 billion when factoring in accounts that don’t fall under the Armed Services committees’ jurisdiction. In the Senate, 29 Republicans opposed the spending bill. The Democrats, including nearly all 100 members of the House Congressional Progressive Caucus, lined up dutifully for endless war. This lust for war is dangerous, pushing us into a potential war with Russia and, perhaps later, with China — each a nuclear power. It is also economically ruinous. The monopolization of capital by the military has driven U.S. debt to over $30 trillion, $6 trillion more than the U.S. GDP of $24 trillion. Servicing this debt costs $300 billion a year. We spend more on the military than the next nine countries, including China and Russia, combined. Congress is also on track to provide an extra $21.7 billion to the Pentagon — above the already expanded annual budget — to resupply Ukraine. “But those contracts are just the leading edge of what is shaping up to be a big new defense buildup,” The New York Times reported. “Military spending next year is on track to reach its highest level in inflation-adjusted terms since the peaks in the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars between 2008 and 2011, and the second highest in inflation-adjusted terms since World War II — a level that is more than the budgets for the next 10 largest cabinet agencies combined.” The Democratic Party, which, under the Clinton administration aggressively courted corporate donors, has surrendered its willingness to challenge, however tepidly, the war industry. “As soon as the Democratic Party made a determination, it could have been 35 or 40 years ago, that they were going to take corporate contributions, that wiped out any distinction between the two parties,” Dennis Kucinich said when I interviewed him on my show for The Real News Network. “Because in Washington, he or she who pays the piper plays the tune. That’s what’s happened. There isn’t that much of a difference in terms of the two parties when it comes to war.” In his 1970 book “The Pentagon Propaganda Machine,” Fulbright describes how the Pentagon and the arms industry pour millions into shaping public opinion through public relations campaigns, Defense Department films, control over Hollywood and domination of the commercial media. Military analysts on cable news are universally former military and intelligence officials who sit on boards or work as consultants to defense industries, a fact they rarely disclose to the public. Barry R. McCaffrey, a retired four-star army general and military analyst for NBC News, was also an employee of Defense Solutions, a military sales and project management firm. He, like most of these shills for war, personally profited from the sales of the weapons systems and expansion of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. On the eve of every congressional vote on the Pentagon budget, lobbyists from businesses tied to the war industry meet with Congress members and their staff to push them to vote for the budget to protect jobs in their district or state. This pressure, coupled with the mantra amplified by the media that opposition to profligate war funding is unpatriotic, keeps elected officials in bondage. These politicians also depend on the lavish donations from the weapons manufacturers to fund their campaigns. Seymour Melman, in his book “Pentagon Capitalism,” documented the way militarized societies destroy their domestic economies. Billions are spent on the research and development of weapons systems while renewable energy technologies languish. Universities are flooded with military-related grants while they struggle to find money for environmental studies and the humanities. Bridges, roads, levees, rail, ports, electric grids, sewage treatment plants and drinking water infrastructures are structurally deficient and antiquated. Schools are in disrepair and lack sufficient teachers and staff. Unable to stem the COVID-19 pandemic, the for-profit health care industry forces families, including those with insurance, into bankruptcy. Domestic manufacturing, especially with the offshoring of jobs to China, Vietnam, Mexico and other nations, collapses. Families are drowning in personal debt, with 63 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. The poor, the mentally ill, the sick and the unemployed are abandoned. Melman, who coined the term “permanent war economy,” noted that since the end of the Second World War, the federal government has spent more than half its discretionary budget on past, current and future military operations. It is the largest single sustaining activity of the government. The military-industrial establishment is nothing more than gilded corporate welfare. Military systems are sold before they are produced. Military industries are permitted to charge the federal government for huge cost overruns. Massive profits are guaranteed. For example, this November, the Army awarded Raytheon Technologies alone more than $2 billion in contracts, on top of over $190 million awarded in August, to deliver missile systems to expand or replenish weapons sent to Ukraine. Despite a depressed market for most other businesses, stock prices of Lockheed and Northrop Grumman have risen by more than 36 and 50 percent this year. Tech giants, including Amazon, which supplies surveillance and facial recognition software to the police and FBI, have been absorbed into the permanent war economy. Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle were awarded multibillion-dollar cloud computing contracts for the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability and are eligible to receive $9 billion in Pentagon contracts to provide the military with “globally available cloud services across all security domains and classification levels, from the strategic level to the tactical edge,” through mid-2028. Foreign aid is given to countries such as Israel, with more than $150 billion in bilateral assistance since its founding in 1948, or Egypt, which has received over $80 billion since 1978 — aid that requires foreign governments to buy weapons systems from the U.S. The U.S. public funds the research, development and building of weapons systems and purchases them for foreign governments. Such a circular system mocks the idea of a free-market economy. These weapons soon become obsolete and are replaced by updated and usually more costly weapons systems. It is, in economic terms, a dead end. It sustains nothing but the permanent war economy. “The truth of the matter is that we’re in a heavily militarized society driven by greed, lust for profit, and wars are being created just to keep fueling that,” Kucinich told me. In 2014, the U.S. backed a coup in Ukraine that installed a government that included neo-Nazis and was antagonistic to Russia. The coup triggered a civil war when the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, the Donbass, sought to secede from the country, resulting in over 14,000 people dead and nearly 150,000 displaced, before Russia invaded in February. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to Jacques Baud, a former NATO security advisor who also worked for Swiss intelligence, was instigated by the escalation of Ukraine’s war on the Donbass. It also followed the Biden administration’s rejection of proposals sent by the Kremlin in late 2021, which might have averted Russia’s invasion the following year. This invasion has led to widespread U.S. and E.U. sanctions on Russia, which have boomeranged onto Europe. Inflation ravages Europe with the sharp curtailment of shipments of Russian oil and gas. Industry, especially in Germany, is crippled. In most of Europe, it is a winter of shortages, spiraling prices and misery. “This whole thing is blowing up in the face of the West,” Kucinich warned. “We forced Russia to pivot to Asia, as well as Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Saudi Arabia. There’s a whole new world being formed. The catalyst of it is the misjudgment that occurred about Ukraine and the effort to try to control Ukraine in 2014 that most people aren’t aware of.” By not opposing a Democratic Party whose primary business is war, liberals become the sterile, defeated dreamers in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Notes from the Underground.” A former convict, Dostoevsky did not fear evil. He feared a society that no longer had the moral fortitude to confront evil. And war, to steal a line from my latest book, is the greatest evil.

The Democrats Are Now The War Party
So is Japan, again... https://timshorrock.com/2022/12/23/japan-crosses-the-rubicon/ Tokyo has announced an end to its post-WWII defense-oriented military and plans to become the world’s third-highest weapons spender over the next five years.

On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 02:47:49 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
The Democrats Are Now The War Party
So is Japan, again... plans to become the world’s third-highest weapons spender
lawl you have to be an insane U.S. jewnazi like grancrap to point the finger at japan. Funny thing is, japan is buying more crap from the U.S. jewnazis. If japan is being 're-militarized' it's just because they are following pentagon's orders - as usual. And to make this doubly hypocritical, japan is just a U.S. jewnazi vassal state, and so japan is against russia, like grancrap and against arabs, like grancrap. Bottom line, this mailing list is a fucking fraud. Like grancrap.

Pushing back out a border crossing mass destroying murdering invading armed forces is a carefully defined and limited rhetoric that sane humanity prefers as defense. But when they start letting hawks generalized 'war' rhetoric roll without deep public censure, bets off and ships may start sinking. Be a defensive porcupine instead of taking bait into being a border crossing offenser. Putin took bait. Who's next. Be prepared.
The Democrats Are Now The War Party So is Japan, again...
So is Germany, again... German Foreign Minister Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud On Ukraine https://twitter.com/WarMonitors/status/1618242544462336007 https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1618217167388053504 https://twitter.com/AleksDjuricic/status/1618093143458746371 https://www.rt.com/news/570469-germany-war-russia-baerbock/ German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly stated in fresh remarks that Western allies are fighting a war against Russia. The remarks came during a debate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday amid discussions over sending Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. While Baerbock's words were largely ignored in mainstream media, a number of pundits on social media noted with alarm that the German foreign minister just essentially declared war on Russia. German foreign minister declares war on Russia pic.twitter.com/C4cAqnZXhD — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) January 25, 2023 Ironically other German officials have long sought to emphasize their country is not a party to the conflict, fearing uncontrollable escalation. Contradicting this official stance, Baerbock said the quiet part out loud, and introduced the comments with: "And therefore I’ve said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks." And that's when she asserted: "But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.” Interestingly, both Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his former defense minister who recently resigned, Christine Lambrecht, have been seen as weak on arming Ukraine - repeatedly declaring an unwillingness to get pulled deeper into the proxy war aspect to the conflict. But now it seems the more hawkish Baerbock is willing to at this point be much more open with the reality of what's happening. So germany technically declared war on Russia, just another Wednesday I guess... — War Monitor (@WarMonitors) January 25, 2023 Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova seized on the comments, saying this is yet more proof that the Western allies were planning a war on Russia all along... "If we add this to Merkel’s revelations that they were strengthening Ukraine and did not count on the Minsk agreements, then we are talking about a war against Russia that was planned in advance. Don’t say later that we didn’t warn you," Zakharova said. One thing is for sure, things are moving fast... More tanks & support to Ukraine. Three additional B-52 bombers flying to unknown locations. Russian warships with hypersonic missiles in the Atlantic. No attempts at negotiating peace. If you didn’t recognize the endgame last February, do you understand now? Pray for humanity! — Aleks Djuricic 🇺🇸⚖️🗽 (@AleksDjuricic) January 25, 2023

https://rageagainstwar.com/ https://twitter.com/RageAgainstWar_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDjBv7gZryU RATWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3lEc-IFr8 IAD? " What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded? Nothing. What happens if my concerns are justified and ignored? Nothing good. " End the global war machines. Feb 19... Washington DC. Share, Donate, Be There. Libertarian, Voluntaryism, Cryptocurrency, Freedom, Peace, the People, and more... joining forces. And soon around the world. Rage Against the War Machine Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President's Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. After the rally, we'll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden. https://duckduckgo.com/?iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&q="rage+against+the+war+machine" Libertarian Party Mises Caucus @LPMisesCaucus The may be no industry on earth that profits from the suffering and death of the innocent more than the defense industry. Together, industry and government have created a horrible system which chews people up in an endless cycle of war and privation across the world. Speakers * Live Stream Fundraiser Join Us with Medea Benjamin, Scott Horton, Garland Nixon, and Jordan Page. Jimmy Dore, Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Dennis Kucinich, Scott Horton, Ann Wright, Andrew Napolitano, Chris Hedges, David Swanson, Daniel McAdams, Garland Nixon, Max Blumenthal, Anya Parampil, Supreme, Jill Stein, Tara Reade, Diane Sare, Scott Ritter, Kim Iversen, Jackson Hinkle, Craig Jardula, Wyatt Reed, Medea Benjamin https://www.lp.org/ https://peoplesparty.org/ Mises Caucus Liberty Speaks Radical Caucus Action 4 Assange Punk Rock Libertarians World Beyond War Center for Political Innovation American Student Union LP of Virginia Free & Equal OUR DEMANDS Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war. Negotiate Peace The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war. Stop the War Inflation The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices. Disband NATO NATO expansion to Russia's border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. Global Nuclear De-Escalation The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide. Slash the Pentagon Budget Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people. Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people. Abolish War and Empire War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order. Restore Civil Liberties Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus. Free Julian Assange The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

Crypto was promised to be the force that would stand down all the planet's murder machines... as crypto has yet to do anything even remotely close to that. Be prepared. Second Russian Aircraft Intercept Over Alaska Within 48 Hours https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11759987/NORAD-scrambled-fighter-je... https://sputniknews.com/20230215/watch-russian-bear-bombers-patrol-off-alask... https://twitter.com/GeopoliticsW/status/1625784758977572864 NORAD on Thursday has belatedly acknowledged a second Russian aircraft intercept incident this week, after earlier confirming the initial one involving four inbound Russian planes, which happened Monday. "For the second time this week, NORAD has scrambled fighter jets on Valentine's Day to intercept Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers off the coast of Alaska, it claimed", according to fresh reports. Like in first incident, NORAD dispatched a pair of fighter jets, both F-35s, to intercept the Russian planes as they they approached Alaska's Air Defense Identification Zone, officials said Thursday. "This is the second intercept of Russian aircraft over two days. This Russian activity near the North American ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat, nor is the activity seen as provocative," NORAD added in the fresh statement. Interestingly, NORAD called both of this week's incidents "routine" - given it has happened an estimated six to seven times a year on average over the past decade or more. Additionally, no breach of actual US airspace was reported by the Russian planes, just the outlying ADIZ. But such breaches coming twice within a 48 hour period has been extremely rare. Also, Russian state media appears to be actively publicizing these maneuvers off Alaska, including with videos. Monday's statement had emphasized that "Russian aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace. This Russian activity in the North American ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat, nor is the activity seen as provocative," it continued. If anyone is wondering about Russia’s resolve, Russia is sending nuke-capable 'Bear' bombers over Alaska and has 'deployed nuclear-armed ships in Baltic for first time in 30 years. https://t.co/szbL9nSA0v pic.twitter.com/HP8kFWqS3y — Geopolitics.wiki (@GeopoliticsW) February 15, 2023 Heightened tensions are ongoing with Russia related to the Ukraine war, but the intercepts also come following the unusual spate of 'unidentified object' shootdowns by US fighters over the past week-and-a-half, two of which were in far northern regions, including northeastern Alaska and Canada's Yukon territory.

https://rageagainstwar.com/ https://twitter.com/RageAgainstWar_
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDjBv7gZryU RATWM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3lEc-IFr8 IAD?
" What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded? Nothing. What happens if my concerns are justified and ignored? Nothing good. "
End the global war machines. Feb 19... Washington DC. Share, Donate, Be There.
Libertarian, Voluntaryism, Cryptocurrency, Freedom, Peace, the People, and more... joining forces. And soon around the world.
Rage Against the War Machine
Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President's Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. After the rally, we'll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden.
Libertarian Party Mises Caucus @LPMisesCaucus The may be no industry on earth that profits from the suffering and death of the innocent more than the defense industry. Together, industry and government have created a horrible system which chews people up in an endless cycle of war and privation across the world.
Ron Paul: How We Can Stop The Coming War With Russia http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2023/february/13/how-... Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute, Twenty years ago this spring the US government was finally successful in lying us into war with Iraq. Administration after administration had sanctioned and bombed and even invaded the country, but finally 20 years ago next month the Bush Administration unleashed “shock and awe” to flatten a country that did not and could not threaten the United States. After eight years of battle in Iraq perhaps as many as a million innocent people died, either directly or indirectly, from Washington’s aggression. No one was brought before a tribunal over the lies and destruction. No one even apologized. Washington’s puppet of the day, Ahmed Chalabi, brushed off the lies about Iraq’s WMDs by proclaiming that the war promoters were “heroes in error.” They got their regime change and that’s all they cared about. The propaganda machine pushing the Iraq war seemed overwhelming at the time. At that time several fellow Members of Congress began to open communication across party lines to look for way to stop the war. From conservatives like the late Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. John Duncan, to progressives like Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Jim McGovern, and so many more, we began to organize and strategize. One tool we used to our advantage was the idea of an “improbable” coalition of left and right uniting to oppose the war. The media may not have been interested in our antiwar views, but they could not help themselves when presented with this “man bites dog” story. Time and again this “unlikely” group held press conferences, introduced various legislative tools, and communicated behind the scenes to try and grow the movement against the Iraq war. Unfortunately with the 2008 election of Barack Obama, who ran as an antiwar candidate but then launched numerous military attacks abroad, that old coalition fell apart. Some progressives excused Obama’s militarism and lost interest in cooperating with conservatives. Some conservatives were driven by their personal dislike of Obama and lost sight of the target. Suddenly, as we face the once-unimaginable prospect of a direct military conflict with nuclear-armed Russia over Ukraine, a beyond Left-Right coalition is emerging from its long slumber. This Sunday, February 19th, a broad and very diverse group will assemble in Washington, DC at the Lincoln Memorial to denounce Washington’s sleepwalking into World War III. The “Rage Against The War Machine” rally promises to be the first large-scale rally against Washington’s aggressive war lobby in many years. I am looking forward to sharing the stage with my good friends and former House colleagues Dennis Kucinich and Tulsi Gabbard, as well as my good friend and fellow libertarian Judge Andrew Napolitano, and so many more speakers from a broad political spectrum. Many of us have watched with alarm as the Biden Administration – with the enthusiastic backing of many Congressional Republicans – has continuously escalated involvement in the Russia/Ukraine conflict and now sits dangerously close to a direct, hot war with the largest nuclear superpower on earth. How did we get here? Where are the sane voices and cooler heads? Just when it seemed they were nowhere to be found, here we are! I hope as many people as possible will join us and continue to come together for this important cause. We must join together while we still can. No war with Russia!

Johnstone: Imperial Narrative Managers Always Try To Make Peace Seem Unnatural https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/imperial-narrative-managers-always-try-to-... I’ve been ranting all week about the shocking war-with-China propaganda escalation in Australian mainstream media, and I feel like I could easily scream about it for another month without running out of vitriol for the disgusting freaks who are pushing this filth into the consciousness of my countrymen. One really really can’t say enough unkind things about people who are openly trying to pave the way toward an Atomic Age world war; in a remotely sane world such monsters would be driven from human civilization and die cold and alone in the wilderness with nothing but their bloodlust to keep them company. One of the most obnoxious things said during this latest propaganda push appeared in the joint statement provided by the five “experts” (read: empire-funded China hawks) recruited by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age to share their obscenely hawkish opinions in an official-looking media presentation. This paragraph has been rattling around in my head since I first read it: “Australia must prepare itself. Most important of all is a psychological shift. Urgency must replace complacency. The recent decades of tranquillity were not the norm in human affairs but an aberration. Australia’s holiday from history is over. Australians should not feel afraid but be alert to the threats we face, the tough decisions we must make and know that they have agency. This mobilisation of mindset is the essential prerequisite to any successful confrontation of China.” Do you see what they’re doing there? These professional China hawks are explicitly trying to frame peace as a strange “aberration”, and war as the status quo norm. They’re saying Australians require a “psychological shift” and a “mobilisation of mindset” from thinking peace is normal and healthy to thinking war is normal and healthy. Returning to Australia is a shock. The elite salivates for a deeply racist war against China. Australia has no enemies but is led and influenced by little Americans and echoes of spooks who fill the papers with a deranged, almost satirical hysteria. Sad.https://t.co/s723vk8Zv8 — John Pilger (@johnpilger) March 9, 2023 Which is of course ass-backwards and shit-eating insane. Every normal, healthy person regards peace as the default position and violence as a rare and alarming aberration which must be avoided whenever possible. We know this is true from our normal human experience of our own personal lives. None of us spend the majority of our time getting into fist fights, for example; anyone who spends most of their waking life physically assaulting people has probably been locked up a long time ago. If you have ever been in a fist fight you will recall that it was experienced as a rare and alarming occurrence, and everything in your body was screaming at you that this was a freakish and unnatural thing which must end as quickly as possible the entire time. In healthy people violence is experienced as abnormal, and its absence is experienced as normal. This normal, baseline position is what imperial narrative managers spend their time trying to “psychologically shift” everyone away from, propagandizing us instead into accepting continuous conflict and danger as the norm. Such a shift is beneficial to the empire, to war profiteers, and to professional war propagandists, and is entirely destructive to everyone else. It causes us to accept material conditions which directly harm our own interests, and it makes us crazy and neurotic as a civilization. You see it all the time though, like whenever there’s a push to withdraw imperial troops from some part of the Middle East they’ve been in for years, or the slightest discussion of maybe not raising the military budget this year, or skepticism that pouring weapons into a violence-ravaged part of the world is the wisest and most helpful thing to do. Aww, did somebody get addicted to fueling endless war and division in the middle east? https://t.co/Abq31LLp0x pic.twitter.com/iJrlRasyec — Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) March 11, 2023 Any time we see the slightest beginnings of the tiniest movement toward stepping away from the path of nonstop warmongering and militarism, pundits and politicians begin bleating words like “isolationism” and “appeasement” in an attempt to make calls for de-escalation, demilitarization, diplomacy and detente look freakish and abnormal in contrast to the sane, responsible status quo of hurtling toward nuclear armageddon at full tilt. Their job is to abnormalize peace and normalize war, which means our job as healthy human beings is to do the exact opposite. We must help everyone understand the horrors of war and the unfathomable nightmares that can be unleashed by reckless brinkmanship, and help people to understand that peace is what’s healthy and to imagine a future where it is the norm. The bad news is that we are pushing against a narrative-manufacturing apparatus that is backed by the might of a globe-spanning empire. The good news is that our vision is the one that’s based on truth, and deep down everyone can sense it. All we need to do to get people viewing peace as normal and war as abnormal is to remind people of what they already know inside.

The human desire to pursue eradication of themselves should not be underestimated... Mayor Of Seoul Calls For South Korea To Develop Nuclear Weapons Authored by Charles Kennedy South Korea should develop and build nuclear weapons as a means to defend itself from the growing nuclear threat from North Korea, the mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-hoon, said in an exclusive interview with Reuters published on Monday. South Korea doesn’t have a domestic nuclear weapons program, but the recent tensions over increased threats from North Korea have intensified calls from some politicians in South Korea that the south needs to be able to defend itself. “North Korea has nearly succeeded in miniaturising and lightening tactical nuclear weapons and secured at least dozens of warheads,” Oh told Reuters in an exclusive interview. “We've come to a point where it is difficult to convince people with the logic that we should refrain from developing nuclear weapons and stick to the cause of denuclearisation.” Oh and other members of South Korea’s ruling conservative People Power Party have been advocating for a domestic nuclear arsenal in the increasingly heated debate over whether South Korea should have nuclear weapons. According to the most recent opinion polls among South Koreans, a majority of them support the development of nuclear weapons in the country. “Taken together, the data suggests that the support for a domestic nuclear weapons program is robust, long-standing, and unlikely to dissipate,” Karl Friedhoff, the Marshall M. Bouton Fellow for Asia Studies at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, wrote last month. Meanwhile, North Korea said on Monday that it would “mercilessly punish” the United States, just ahead of the largest U.S.-South Korea military drills in years. North Korea has also launched two cruise missiles from a submarine. South Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff on Monday confirmed it had detected a launch from North Korea, adding that the “detailed specifications are being analyzed precisely by the South Korean and US intelligence authorities,” per the statement cited by Bloomberg.

Defending one against invasion is one thing, but using it for more, and using dangerous rhetoric, are other things altogether. The US is recognized by many as a dangerous beast. https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1660242661767516163 The warmongers are trying to drag us into WW3, which can only end in one way: nuclear annihilation and the suffering and death of all our loved ones. Zelensky, Biden, NATO, congressional and media neocons are insane. And we are insane if we passively allow them to lead us into…

System Update @SystemUpdate_ 🇺🇦 Jeffrey Sachs speaks with @GGreenwald on the US provocation of the Ukraine War—and the very real, ever-present possibility of nuclear escalation: "This war was completely avoidable. The party in this conflict that actually sought diplomacy repeatedly was Russia. Not… https://twitter.com/SystemUpdate_/status/1661768345211764738

Defending one against invasion is one thing
It is likely that someday Vladimir Putin will be vindicated on many idea fronts, whether or not anyone agrees is moot, unless everyone first wisely agrees to stand down from the impending nuclear war and return to the sanity of disarmament, voluntary, non-agression, and peace... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6rq5x9vuEA China DF-41 No one will survive, regardless who launches. https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/1661730683725963265 The Munich speech by Putin in 2007 is a must watch for every geopolitical scholar. After the 2008 financial crisis BRICS was founded in 2009. That’s when I knew WW3 is coming. This will help you understand why the US Govt wants war with Russia and China. https://twitter.com/RobertSepehr/status/1661587348730290176 Vladimir Putin Destroys Wokeism Etc https://twitter.com/StedhamMartin/status/1661346420916473857 This week Rubén Gisbert, a Spanish lawyer & independent journalist, has travelled to Donetsk to report & denounce the crimes committed by the Ukrainian Army against the civilian population. He appeared in Spanish national TV on a top Sunday late night show. https://twitter.com/Glenn_Diesen/status/1661625711222726659 This is the price of throwing away press freedom and freedom of speech in the West. Efforts to lecture the rest of the world are now interpreted as mere hypocrisy and ideological sloganeering. "Whataboutism" is a propagandistic term to dismiss any comparison between the virtuous… https://twitter.com/BrunellaCapitan/status/1661645472765730817 American military expert #ScottRitter answers the question about harm of #depleteduranium: "It is a poison. America used this weapon in #Iraq. And we know what it does for children. The birth defects that occur are horrific. The cases of cancer are horrific. This poison will not… The only real solution is Voluntaryism, teaching of refusing to force yourself upon anyone else and letting all live freely who do not impose upon others... not Democracy, nor any other forms.

Putin crossed border with his armies, people ask... where and when will he stop. And when will the next, and the next, and the next, ... Politicians are responsible for this... https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1668643240709349382 When politicians become murderous anti-peace assholes, and have expended all their available exotic hardware on each other, their wars always devolve into grisly trench warfare... Here the last unknown patriot dies in a 10 on 1 battle against the invader... https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1668669710605463566 War up close: Russian units assault an AFU trench. https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1668664135108767764 Look at the landscape … the AFU takes huge losses … pure hell. Upon such politicians lay the weight of all their souls. And may God raise them all up. War is corrupt, just like Joe Biden... https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1638854744641765378 Biden going straight to jail... https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1668752166419591168 https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1610570970430832644 History of countries, dog eat dog, if it's not one, it's the other... https://twitter.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1653084491617910805 Ex CIA chef Duane Clarridge explains US policy

Humans nature is to defend rightly against invaders, yet when such efforts keel, and rhetoric escalates, greater risks ensue... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-rCCy3FQ-GItDimSR9lhzw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCcMjXPpII Nuclear Underestimated

Guns For Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary... https://www.loc.gov/collections/theodore-roosevelt-films/articles-and-essays... https://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst306/documents/indust.html https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-delivers-remarks-israel-h... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_industry https://www.truthdig.com/articles/trumps-military-drops-a-bomb-every-12-minu... https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/15/us/politics/obama-as-wartime-president-ha... https://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/03/26/body-count-report-reveals-least... https://medium.com/traveling-through-history/only-15-years-of-peace-in-the-h... https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/ https://news.brown.edu/articles/2017/11/costssummary https://www.nationalpriorities.org/interactive-data/taxday/average/2022/us/r... https://www.nationalpriorities.org/whats-new/2023/4/17/pay-taxes-you-gave-10... https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/ https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2023/04/the-united-states-spends-more-on-defense-t... https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/09/cost-wars-iraq-afg... https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/03/opinion/03sun3.html https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/05/pentagon-logistics-agency-review-f... https://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2011/09/contractor-waste-iraq-KBR https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/only-the-pentagon-could-spend-640-... https://www.pogo.org/investigations/leaked-audit-boeing-overcharged-army-up-... https://archive.thinkprogress.org/boeing-overcharges-taxpayers-by-up-to-177-... https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/03/opinion/03sun3.html https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-0607-lopez-fallingapart-20150... https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/eisenhower-farewell/ https://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-America-War-American-People/dp/1590795229... https://www.amazon.com/Erik-Blair-Diaries-Battlefield-Dead/dp/1954968027/ https://archive.li/Ts2SF “Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great staffs, both of the old parties have ganged aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them in martialling [sic] to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”—Theodore Roosevelt
From being a nation in a permanent state of emergency, America’s crisis state has gone global.
The military industrial complex, which has established itself as the “solution” to all of our worldly problems (at taxpayer expense, of course), has mired the nation in endless wars abroad waged by U.S. military servicepeople who have been reduced to little more than guns for hire. Every successive president starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt has been bought—lock, stock and barrel—and made to dance to the tune of the police state, a.k.a. the Deep State, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex. Even Dwight D. Eisenhower, the retired five-star Army general-turned-president who warned against the disastrous rise of misplaced power by the military industrial complex was complicit in contributing to the build-up of the military’s role in dictating national and international policy. The Biden Administration’s response to the latest carnage in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war merely plays into the hands of a salivating military industrial complex for whom war is merely a means to a larger profit margin. War has become a huge money-making venture, and America, with its vast military empire and its incestuous relationship with a host of international defense contractors, is one of its best buyers and sellers. Under President Trump’s leadership, the U.S. military dropped a bomb every 12 minutes. President Obama, the antiwar candidate and Nobel Peace Prize winner, waged war longer than any American president. His administration’s targeted-drone killings resulted in at least 1.3 million lives lost to the U.S.-led war on terror. America has long had a penchant for endless wars that empty our national coffers while fattening those of the military industrial complex. The United States has been at war for all but 15 years in its 247-year history. Since 9/11, we’ve spent more than $8 trillion to wage wars abroad, including the lifetime price of health care for disabled veterans and interest on the national debt. The average American pays over $2300 a year in taxes to support the military, half of which goes to military contractors. Even with America’s military might spread thin, the war drums continue to sound as the Pentagon polices the rest of the world with counterterror activities in 85 countries. The American Empire—with its endless wars waged by U.S. military servicepeople who have been reduced to little more than guns for hire: outsourced, stretched too thin, and deployed to far-flung places to police the globe—is approaching a breaking point. Aided and abetted by the U.S government, the American military-industrial complex has erected an empire unsurpassed in history in its breadth and scope, one dedicated to conducting perpetual warfare throughout the earth. Although the U.S. constitutes barely 5% of the world's population, America boasts almost 40% of the world's total military expenditure, spending more on the military than the next 10 biggest spending nations combined. Unfortunately, this level of war-mongering doesn’t come cheap to the taxpayers who are forced to foot the bill. Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government officials, America’s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry. In fact, the U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on a military empire it can’t afford. As investigative journalist Uri Friedman puts it, for more than 15 years now, the United States has been fighting terrorism with a credit card, “essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like China and Japan.” War is not cheap, but it becomes outrageously costly when you factor in government incompetence, fraud, and greedy contractors. For example, a leading accounting firm concluded that one of the Pentagon’s largest agencies “can’t account for hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of spending.” Unfortunately, the outlook isn’t much better for the spending that can be tracked. Consider that the government lost more than $160 billion to waste and fraud by military and defense contractors. With paid contractors often outnumbering enlisted combat troops, the American war effort dubbed as the “coalition of the willing” has quickly evolved into the “coalition of the billing,” with American taxpayers forced to cough up billions of dollars for cash bribes, luxury bases, a highway to nowhere, faulty equipment, salaries for so-called “ghost soldiers,” and overpriced anything and everything associated with the war effort, including a $640 toilet seat and a $7600 coffee pot. A government audit found that defense contractor Boeing had been massively overcharging taxpayers for mundane parts, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in overspending. As the report noted, the American taxpayer paid: $71 for a metal pin that should cost just 4 cents; $644.75 for a small gear smaller than a dime that sells for $12.51: more than a 5,100 percent increase in price. $1,678.61 for another tiny part, also smaller than a dime, that could have been bought within DoD for $7.71: a 21,000 percent increase. $71.01 for a straight, thin metal pin that DoD had on hand, unused by the tens of thousands, for 4 cents: an increase of over 177,000 percent. That price gouging has become an accepted form of corruption within the American military empire is a sad statement on how little control “we the people” have over our runaway government. It’s not just the American economy that is being gouged, unfortunately. There’s a good reason why “bloated,” “corrupt” and “inefficient” are among the words most commonly applied to the government, especially the Department of Defense and its contractors. Driven by a greedy defense sector, the American homeland has been transformed into a battlefield with militarized police and weapons better suited to a war zone. Biden, no different from his predecessors, has continued to expand America’s military empire abroad and domestically, calling on Congress to approve billions that pander to the powerful money interests (military, corporate and security) that run the Deep State and hold the government in its clutches. Mind you, this isn’t just corrupt behavior. It’s deadly, downright immoral behavior. Essentially, in order to fund this burgeoning military empire that polices the globe, the U.S. government is prepared to bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women, increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much closer to eventual collapse. Clearly, our national priorities are in desperate need of an overhauling. The illicit merger of the global armaments industry and the Pentagon that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us against more than 60 years ago has come to represent perhaps the greatest threat to the nation’s fragile infrastructure today. The government is destabilizing the economy, destroying the national infrastructure through neglect and a lack of resources, and turning taxpayer dollars into blood money with its endless wars, drone strikes and mounting death tolls. This is exactly the scenario Eisenhower warned against when he cautioned the citizenry not to let the profit-driven war machine endanger our liberties or democratic processes: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.” We failed to heed Eisenhower’s warning. As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the growth of and reliance on militarism as the solution for our problems both domestically and abroad bodes ill for the constitutional principles which form the basis of the American experiment in freedom. As James Madison warned, “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” At the height of its power, even the mighty Roman Empire could not stare down a collapsing economy and a burgeoning military. Prolonged periods of war and false economic prosperity largely led to its demise. As historian Chalmers Johnson predicts: The fate of previous democratic empires suggests that such a conflict is unsustainable and will be resolved in one of two ways. Rome attempted to keep its empire and lost its democracy. Britain chose to remain democratic and in the process let go its empire. Intentionally or not, the people of the United States already are well embarked upon the course of non-democratic empire. WC: 1659 ABOUT JOHN W. WHITEHEAD Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at staff@rutherford.org. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org

While ignorant Leftists stupidly bleat support with Islam going globally violent over it, people on the realtime socialnets have been noting that the Gaza hospital hit appears to be a Hamas/PIJ fuckup, not an Israeli strike. https://twitter.com/alihashem_tv/status/1714336121558126805 Videos of the night hit... rocket screams in, seemingly from afar the elevated side due to leaving horizontal flameout cloud streak. Jet engine flyby's don't stop, rocket screams do. Dropped bombs are typically silent and leave more circularly patterns and uplift. Could have been anyone's missile, but realistically, flagging a hospital in witnessed areas, with many people in the decision and execution chain, is risky business. And then there's the tale of the tapes... https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1714548529538953637 Islamic Jihad struck a Hospital in Gaza -- the IDF did not. Listen to the terrorists as they realize this themselves:
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jim bell