BATSHIT Crazy acts as cheerleader for Rapist JEWliar Assmange
The same Julian Rand Paul Asshat that wanted to be a Senator before he wanted to be a nocoiner journalist ( Two of the most despised professions on the planet ) The same world-historical jackass - and BFF of Jacob Appelbaum - who said... "... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the successful operation of the military ..." JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013 Under der Fuhrer, Julius, Wikileaks promised the ' unvarnished truth ' - they delivered a basted Turkey called ' Collateral Murder ". Those not Batshit crazy like Gramps and Semich will see Julian wash his hands and practice social distancing from Iraq. Just like he did with Snowden a month after he came out. Not a cypherpunks arsehole - and yet some here still kiss his lily arse. They must be completely BATSHIT CRAZY.
Professor Rat, it's good to know you still live.
You asked me to speak rationally. That's hard for me, but also something I value a lot. The things you say don't at first glance seem rational to me: I'm incredibly sorry. I'm not used to hearing people speak as you speak. Do you consider what you say to be clear and rational? It's honestly hard to think of clear and rational things to say after reading what you write, but I can likely learn to. Your words might read to me like somebody has tortured you for years and forced you to post to this list to disrupt it. I can't know if that's true, but you have not said that it is or isn't.
participants (2)
Karl Semich
professor rat