God is real: Lady Luscious in -epic- burn to USA press corps: "maybe we're visual learners"

The heavens smile today as our new White House press secretary Ms Kayleigh "Lady Luscious" McEnany delivers an epic burn to the USA press corps: McEnany: "Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking to President Obama's spokesperson?" she asked. Rando journalist: "but buh but Flynn's name wasn't mas--" McEnany: "So I would like to lay out a series of questions and perhaps, if I write them out in a slide format - maybe we're visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity." Oohh. Ouch. Aargh! Epic mic drop !! Absolutely burned! Go you sweet thang :D Yes, CNN and co. are most definitely in the slow class and must be treated as "visual learners". We have no doubt about that m'lady :D She then literally played four (that's the number "4" for the visual learners...) slides each with four simple questions to ask: - "Why did the Obama Admin use opposition research, funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to SPY ON MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?" - "Why was Lt. Gen. Micahel Flynn UNMASKED by Obama's Chief of Staff, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and others?" - "Why was Flynn's identity leaked - A CRIMINAL ACT - to the press?" - "Why did the DOJ learn about the FBI's interest in Flynn's conversations with the Russian Amb. from a CONVERSATION WITH OBAMA in the Oval Office?" Now, in an even more epic moment, even for the atheists amogst our ranks, this happed shortly before Trump wrapped up his Friday (just gone) press conference, which he called only 13 minutes in advance! Now that must be important - so why was it important? Trump: "Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right." Update (1400ET): President Trump on Friday declared churches to be 'essential', and says he will 'overrule' governors who don't allow them to open "right now." So why is this such awesome news (for those who don't quite get it)? Because this is OUR RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE !! Human rights baby! Yee haw! You have the right to assemble, the right to communicate - and while you're at it, uphold with others your great 2nd amendment too! And for the be-subjugated men amongst us: you can't let a woman Salon hair stylist put you to shame now can you? Live it muffas! Trump Declares Houses Of Worship Essential, Says Governors Must Allow Services Or 'I Will Overrule Them' https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/watch-live-trump-announces-surprise-press-... "We're Gonna Do It God's Way!" - Baltimore Pastor Rips Up Cease-And-Desist Letter https://www.zerohedge.com/political/were-gonna-do-it-gods-way-baltimore-past... A Baltimore County pastor ripped up a cease-and-desist order mid-sermon Wednesday evening after county officials threatened him with a fine earlier in the week for holding in-person services. Calvary Baptist Church's pastor, Stacey Shiflett, tweeted a video clip of the sermon, where he was seen ripping up the cease-and-desist order that informed him if the church continued to conduct services, a $5,000 fine would be applied. https://t.co/klOrD2Bgn7 .. Shiflett's fight with county officials is outlined in our latest piece titled ""Land Of The Free?" - The Polarizing Politics Of A Pandemic Exposed." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/polarizing-politics-pandemic-exposed White House Press Secretary Stuns Journos With Interactive 'Obamagate' Presentation On How To Do Their Jobs https://www.zerohedge.com/political/white-house-press-secretary-stuns-journo... .. https://t.co/FQ475dZOJt White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany point-blank asked all the journalist at the press conference if they had contacted Obama‘s press secretary about the unmasking of general Flynn. Pure silence. .. https://t.co/XakC89gzYz Live free or die ya scurvy dawgs! Live free or die!

Scroched, fire, truckin, Earth! It's good times, folks. Kayleigh McEnany - laying down the law to CNN and the rest of the Fake News "media" (funny word that - cannot even call it "lame stream media" since "media" is far too grandiose a term for what these swamp cretins do). Lady McLuscious once again drills the "visual learners" at the White House press room, rolling off a litany of Antifa crimes NOT denounced by Biden or the Lame Stream Propagandia, then simply closes her folder and walks out before the presstitutes get even ONE question out of their lying mouths. Rachel Maddow is so, so sad!! Go Kayleigh! Absolute knockout. She OUR gritty muffaducka :) Vid direct, ~7 MiB: https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1311780832856674304 KAYLEIGH ACTIVATED: McEnany absolutely starches the media over Antifa and Trump's "wHiTe SuPrEmAcY" ... then walks out on them https://notthebee.com/article/kayleigh-activated-mcenany-absolutely-starches... https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1311780832856674304 On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 05:02:46PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The heavens smile today as our new White House press secretary Ms Kayleigh "Lady McLuscious" McEnany delivers an epic burn to the USA press corps:
McEnany: "Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking to President Obama's spokesperson?" she asked.
Rando journalist: "but buh but Flynn's name wasn't mas--"
McEnany: "So I would like to lay out a series of questions and perhaps, if I write them out in a slide format - maybe we're visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity."
Oohh. Ouch. Aargh! Epic mic drop !! Absolutely burned!
Go you sweet thang :D
Yes, CNN and co. are most definitely in the slow class and must be treated as "visual learners". We have no doubt about that m'lady :D
She then literally played four (that's the number "4" for the visual learners...) slides each with four simple questions to ask:
- "Why did the Obama Admin use opposition research, funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to SPY ON MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?"
- "Why was Lt. Gen. Micahel Flynn UNMASKED by Obama's Chief of Staff, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and others?"
- "Why was Flynn's identity leaked - A CRIMINAL ACT - to the press?"
- "Why did the DOJ learn about the FBI's interest in Flynn's conversations with the Russian Amb. from a CONVERSATION WITH OBAMA in the Oval Office?"
Now, in an even more epic moment, even for the atheists amogst our ranks, this happed shortly before Trump wrapped up his Friday (just gone) press conference, which he called
only 13 minutes in advance!
Now that must be important - so why was it important?
Trump: "Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right."
Update (1400ET): President Trump on Friday declared churches to be 'essential', and says he will 'overrule' governors who don't allow them to open "right now."
So why is this such awesome news (for those who don't quite get it)?
Because this is OUR RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE !!
Human rights baby! Yee haw!
You have the right to assemble, the right to communicate - and while you're at it, uphold with others your great 2nd amendment too!
And for the be-subjugated men amongst us: you can't let a woman Salon hair stylist put you to shame now can you?
Live it muffas!
Trump Declares Houses Of Worship Essential, Says Governors Must Allow Services Or 'I Will Overrule Them' https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/watch-live-trump-announces-surprise-press-...
"We're Gonna Do It God's Way!" - Baltimore Pastor Rips Up Cease-And-Desist Letter https://www.zerohedge.com/political/were-gonna-do-it-gods-way-baltimore-past... A Baltimore County pastor ripped up a cease-and-desist order mid-sermon Wednesday evening after county officials threatened him with a fine earlier in the week for holding in-person services. Calvary Baptist Church's pastor, Stacey Shiflett, tweeted a video clip of the sermon, where he was seen ripping up the cease-and-desist order that informed him if the church continued to conduct services, a $5,000 fine would be applied. https://t.co/klOrD2Bgn7 .. Shiflett's fight with county officials is outlined in our latest piece titled ""Land Of The Free?" - The Polarizing Politics Of A Pandemic Exposed." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/polarizing-politics-pandemic-exposed
White House Press Secretary Stuns Journos With Interactive 'Obamagate' Presentation On How To Do Their Jobs https://www.zerohedge.com/political/white-house-press-secretary-stuns-journo... .. https://t.co/FQ475dZOJt White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany point-blank asked all the journalist at the press conference if they had contacted Obama‘s press secretary about the unmasking of general Flynn. Pure silence. .. https://t.co/XakC89gzYz
Live free or die ya scurvy dawgs! Live free or die!

More scorched earth policy from Acosta's favourite White House press secretary - seems he just can't get enough of being put back in the naughty corner :D WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany Brought RECEIPTS; Torches News Outlets Who Doubted Trump On Vaccines https://trendingpolitics.com/watch-kayleigh-mcenany-brought-receipts-torches... For months, the liberal media and the entire Democrat party mocked President Trump for saying that a vaccine would be ready by the end of the year. Even Dr. Fauci opposed the President's optimism. During todays White House press briefing, Kayleigh McEnany didn't let them forget it. She brought receipts. "Yesterday, the United States witnessed a medical miracle. The first doses of a Covid vaccine were administered to frontline workers across the country," she began. "The president promised a safe and effective vaccine in record time and President Trump delivered. Earlier this year, we heard from several news outlets and so-called 'fact checks' that President Trump would need a 'miracle' to be right. That was an NBC news article. We were told according to HealthLine that “a vaccine will still take more than a year to develop." USA today warned us that 'despite medical researchers progress the vaccine quote was more than a year away' and National Geographic even told us that achieving a vaccine within call a year to 18 months would be 'absolutely unprecedented'. these reports deserve their own fact check. False." she added. Watch the rest of her savage remarks below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaCO1IxNSLM ... Oh yeah, and here is the latest Acosta v McEnany fight club episode :D WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany Gives Jim Acosta The Cold Shoulder As He Tries Bullying Her During Press Briefing https://trendingpolitics.com/watch-kayleigh-mcenany-gives-jim-acosta-the-col... ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbRGAF8zRH4 Acosta seems a little ... attention deprived :D On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 10:41:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Scroched, fire, truckin, Earth! It's good times, folks.
Kayleigh McEnany - laying down the law to CNN and the rest of the Fake News "media" (funny word that - cannot even call it "lame stream media" since "media" is far too grandiose a term for what these swamp cretins do).
Lady McLuscious once again drills the "visual learners" at the White House press room, rolling off a litany of Antifa crimes NOT denounced by Biden or the Lame Stream Propagandia, then simply closes her folder and walks out before the presstitutes get even ONE question out of their lying mouths. Rachel Maddow is so, so sad!!
Go Kayleigh!
Absolute knockout. She OUR gritty muffaducka :)
Vid direct, ~7 MiB: https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1311780832856674304
KAYLEIGH ACTIVATED: McEnany absolutely starches the media over Antifa and Trump's "wHiTe SuPrEmAcY" ... then walks out on them https://notthebee.com/article/kayleigh-activated-mcenany-absolutely-starches...
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 05:02:46PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The heavens smile today as our new White House press secretary Ms Kayleigh "Lady McLuscious" McEnany delivers an epic burn to the USA press corps:
McEnany: "Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking to President Obama's spokesperson?" she asked.
Rando journalist: "but buh but Flynn's name wasn't mas--"
McEnany: "So I would like to lay out a series of questions and perhaps, if I write them out in a slide format - maybe we're visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity."
Oohh. Ouch. Aargh! Epic mic drop !! Absolutely burned!
Go you sweet thang :D
Yes, CNN and co. are most definitely in the slow class and must be treated as "visual learners". We have no doubt about that m'lady :D
She then literally played four (that's the number "4" for the visual learners...) slides each with four simple questions to ask:
- "Why did the Obama Admin use opposition research, funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to SPY ON MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?"
- "Why was Lt. Gen. Micahel Flynn UNMASKED by Obama's Chief of Staff, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and others?"
- "Why was Flynn's identity leaked - A CRIMINAL ACT - to the press?"
- "Why did the DOJ learn about the FBI's interest in Flynn's conversations with the Russian Amb. from a CONVERSATION WITH OBAMA in the Oval Office?"
Now, in an even more epic moment, even for the atheists amogst our ranks, this happed shortly before Trump wrapped up his Friday (just gone) press conference, which he called
only 13 minutes in advance!
Now that must be important - so why was it important?
Trump: "Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right."
Update (1400ET): President Trump on Friday declared churches to be 'essential', and says he will 'overrule' governors who don't allow them to open "right now."
So why is this such awesome news (for those who don't quite get it)?
Because this is OUR RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE !!
Human rights baby! Yee haw!
You have the right to assemble, the right to communicate - and while you're at it, uphold with others your great 2nd amendment too!
And for the be-subjugated men amongst us: you can't let a woman Salon hair stylist put you to shame now can you?
Live it muffas!
Trump Declares Houses Of Worship Essential, Says Governors Must Allow Services Or 'I Will Overrule Them' https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/watch-live-trump-announces-surprise-press-...
"We're Gonna Do It God's Way!" - Baltimore Pastor Rips Up Cease-And-Desist Letter https://www.zerohedge.com/political/were-gonna-do-it-gods-way-baltimore-past... A Baltimore County pastor ripped up a cease-and-desist order mid-sermon Wednesday evening after county officials threatened him with a fine earlier in the week for holding in-person services. Calvary Baptist Church's pastor, Stacey Shiflett, tweeted a video clip of the sermon, where he was seen ripping up the cease-and-desist order that informed him if the church continued to conduct services, a $5,000 fine would be applied. https://t.co/klOrD2Bgn7 .. Shiflett's fight with county officials is outlined in our latest piece titled ""Land Of The Free?" - The Polarizing Politics Of A Pandemic Exposed." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/polarizing-politics-pandemic-exposed
White House Press Secretary Stuns Journos With Interactive 'Obamagate' Presentation On How To Do Their Jobs https://www.zerohedge.com/political/white-house-press-secretary-stuns-journo... .. https://t.co/FQ475dZOJt White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany point-blank asked all the journalist at the press conference if they had contacted Obama‘s press secretary about the unmasking of general Flynn. Pure silence. .. https://t.co/XakC89gzYz
Live free or die ya scurvy dawgs! Live free or die!

Stelter, now Tapper, just can't get enough McEnany :D This is a form of rope a dope, where the dope first ropes himself, turns his face side on, and pouts aggressively in the general direction of she who is widely considered the greatest White House press secretary of all time. Just can't ask for more... Jake Tapper's 'Therapy Session' Ended with a Clapback from Kayleigh McEnany https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/12/27/kayleigh-mcenany-fires-... … McEnany: "This is a therapy session for a broken network..." … If he's going to admit to refusing to have her on his show then he should provide countless examples of where she "lied." Otherwise, this is just a personal smear.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness