REAL identity of Batshit Stasi

Gruppenfuhrer Zendy There is evidence for Genocidal bigotry in Batshit's perennial antisemitic tirades, especially the Holocaust denial. You should know this since you've been here a few years and link to the Daily Stormer. But where is the evidence that I am a Genocidal Bigot? Assertions without evidence may be dismissed without examination, so fuck you and the Nazi Jackass you rode in on. SURF NAZI's MUST DIE

On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 05:36:21 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
Gruppenfuhrer Zendy
There is evidence for Genocidal bigotry in Batshit's perennial antisemitic tirades, especially the Holocaust denial.
agent turd's definition of 'antisemitic' 'bigotry' is : not parroting the jew-nazi party line. As to 'genocide', see below. Now, some basic facts : there wasn't any 'holocaust' - jews were killed like anybody else. The only difference being all the war propaganda that came AFTER the war and the inflated number. And oh, of course, the fact that the fucking jews think they are 'special'. Which tells you pretty much all you need to know about the jews. They only care about themselves, because, get this, they are the 'chosen' ones. To state the obvious, I, unlike agent turd, never said that any sort of war atrocities were 'justified', and that includes atrocities against the 'chosen' jews.
But where is the evidence that I am a Genocidal Bigot?
agent turd wrote : "WW2 provides a similar example, on a larger scale, with the perfectly justifiable bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki." OOPS, agent turd is indeed an actual genocidal bigot. Genocide is 'perfectly justified' the the turd's mind. Or what passes for his mind. Furthermore, agent turd wrote : "THE US is lucky it has such a great precedent for dealing with Anti-Vax Morons. In WW2 they rounded up all the Japanese-American's they could find and interned them." agent turd wrote : "" (genocidal americunt monkey, I mean WW2 'hero') agent turd wrote : "I have proposed in the past that we abolish the nation-state of Israel last" (i.e. full support for the palestine genocide) agent turd wrote : "I vote to include all global warming deniers in the camps with the anti-vaxxers." et cetera The fact that agent turd is a 'genocidal' turd is hardly surprsing, since agent turd is a US military agent.
participants (2)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0