Re: [tor-talk] Graffiti "rapist lives here" at Jacob Appelbaum's house

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 06:42:04PM -0400, Kevin wrote:
We talk about how internet bullying is wrong. Well, this is internet bullying.
This is internet bullying, descended into an internet lynch mobbing, descended further into physical net vigilante crimes. The mindset allowing for such descent, and such crimes, I believe arises from the not-handled suppression/ repression from our government organs. When we don't handle the bully in our face (papers please show your license, insert this piece of plastic into an orifice of your body so we can verify your DNA^Bblood alcohol level, your bank account has just been fleeced for your oustanding $3K of fines since that's all you had stashed their and we will take the rest next time you pass, etc etc), we repress ourselves. We have submitted to a bully, we have accepted by default (tacitly) an injustice. We are leaving the problem to the next guy as well, and to who knows perhaps our grandchildren. And the problem is, we are not leaving the same problem, we are leaving a bigger problem because the bully got a little bit more confident with his/her bullying. There are state sponsored bullies, and there are individual bullies. And the sense of powerlessness which arises since we let so many bullies (mostly the state sponsored ones) prevail in our weekly lives, leving these bullies "to the next guy", is a foundation which is ripe for YOU jumping into a lynch mob! "Oh look, a single non state sponsored individual who REALLY did something wrong! Yeah let's crucify him! Crucify him now! I know the courts are fucked and the police are corrupt, so we must crucify him/her NOW so we can finally FEEL a bit of justice!" Fact is, the foundation of a lynch mobber is one of intense cowardice. The public cricifixion is nothing but a release valve, and the weak (non state sponsored) individual target of the mob, pays a very high and very public price for the cowardice of the many. EVERY one must ask themselves, am I a coward? Am I not doing my part to handle the bullies in my own life? Am I leaving the problems to the next guy "who I'm so fucking grateful for, my heroes"? When will I start living my part for the world I want to live in, which starts in my own home, my own communities, my own country? Or will I continue to cowardly leave shit to the next guy...
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness