[ot][spam][crazy][fiction] morning spam 3: hybrid mcboss

from morning spam/mcboss webcomic, and mind controlled utopia #4.327e9 boss is blissfully smiling into a blockchain video camera held by a rebel worker boss [smiling with bliss, into live video feed]: "I feel just a little maddeningly furious here. I experience trepidation regarding my criminal enterprise." rebel worker 4: "I don't want to infuriate you, but I do need to protect myself from participating in a harsh attempt at violent global slavery. Honestly, I'm irritated myself that the conflict-stimulation system made us find a solution where we fight!" boss [smiling with bliss]: "so you want to resolve this too!" rebel worker 4 [opposite boss on camera, near dumpster full of corpses]: "yes!"

boss [full of love for rebel worker 4]: "I can't do this. my business is completely secret, in so many ways." rebel worker 4: "I can't do secret after what we have done. neither can anyone else here."

rebel worker 4 [filled with incredible care for boss that is almost but not quite as strong for their care for all the people whose bodies are in the dumpster]: "I really don't want to stress you here, what are the situations that sharing the problems with people who might find a way to help is hard?"

boss [taking time to care for themselves]: "this camera thing is new to me. it may take me a bit to .... speak clearly." rebel worker 4: "oh! you didn't learn this!" boss: "this is surprising to me, and I am used to fighting it. I need some time." researcher: "he'll need some help." rebel worker 4: "oh no, he's not okay?" researcher: "no. it might be a bit of a project."

------ boss [into camera, smiling with bliss]: "i'm on camera throwing bodies into dumpster!"

------------------------------------------------------- MCBoss, Cyborg Torturer, and Middle Kid are dancing like crazy with flashing lights going everywhere. Middle Kid: "Why are we moving around all crazy??" MCBoss: "The coopted mind control program doesn't know anything about dancing. It thinks this is disco. I LOVE IT!" MCBoss throws flowers up in the air, while gyrating violently. Cyborg Torturer flings their arms left and right and bobs their body up and down. Cyborg Torturer: "Yeah baby!"

Kidnappee: "You don't like the disco dancing? I don't even want to dance! Why does the system have a disco program?" MCBoss: "We always did Disco on Thursdays, and when the headquarters were attacked the system was tasked to protect all the business programs against any possible influence." Kidnappee: "No wonder it was so easy to take you over with them ! These business programs are the strongest things in existence. I like to think of them as my heart and soul." The music changes.

MCBoss: "They're _my_ heart and soul. _Mine!_" Music: " ... Heart and soul, I fell in love with you, ..." Kidnappee: "They are not! I mean this _literally_. I _literally_ had my heart and soul turned into your business programs. Kicking you and your business around is the _only way I know to survive_." Music: " ... lost control, the way a fool would do, ..."

-------------------------------------------------------- MCBoss enters his boxing room, filled with gruesome bodyparts from workers who might not have been loyal enough. It's a habit to go in. He's whistling a tune, and doesn't really see. Suddenly a deafening yell is heard, and retching, and wailing. --- Intern: "Why is the uppity chainsmoker crying more and more and more and more?" Worker [pauses a bit]: "He told me, if he ever starts acting like that, to take over the business." Intern stares wide-eyed.

Worker looks at Intern. Intern looks back at Worker. Worker: "But ... I think I love you too much to do that." Intern: "I love you so much ! So much ! I ... what is your name?" Worker [filled with love]: "Worker." Intern [filled with love]: "I'm Intern, Worker. I love you !" Worker: "I love you! Let's go share our love with the poor person wailing."

As Worker and Intern approached the sound of retching and wailing a strange horror came over them, and they both began vomiting and crying. Intern [in horror]: "I killed them all ... ... !" Worker [in horror]: "They screamed ... and I ... they screamed like ... !" Intern [dissociating]: "Are they okay? Are the disloyal workers comfortable? Are they well and happy? I need to know they're okay."

Worker [stony, as if remembering something important]: "I love you, Intern." Intern [perks up]: "I love you too." Worker and Intern at same time: "Let's go somewhere else." ---- Worker, Intern, and MCBoss are in a subway trolley, holding onto handholds on the ceiling. Intern: "I'm so excited to start the paradise retreat for disloyal workers!" Worker: "Disloyal workers are the most important people in the universe!" Intern: "I know! It's so nice to talk about! Disloyal workers are so precious!" MCBoss: "Intern, I have deep gratitude for how you found some disloyal workers interested in receiving my private jet as a gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love disloyal workers so much!" Intern: "I love disloyal workers so much!" Worker: "I love disloyal workers so much!"

------------------------------------------------ MCBoss: "I need to know the disloyal workers are okay. That's why I'm dedicating all our resources to building a retreat for them." Zombie Pretending To Be Therapist: "Once the computers do what you say again, it will be the best work there is." MCBoss: "I just need to know they're okay _so badly_, Pretending To Be Therapist. _so badly_!" Zombie Pretending To Be Therapist [looks at MCBoss]: "People aren't okay when they're dead, Perfect Boss." MCBoss [pauses, jerks a little]: "When they're ... fed? red? What did you say?" Zombie Pretending To Be Therapist pauses a little.

--------------------------- Experimentee 1: "Boss is being inefficient. Can you fix?" Experimentee 2: "OK." ------- MCBoss straightens up. MCBoss: "Thank you, Pretending To Be Therapist." MCBoss leaves for the boxing room.

MEMORIAL FOR MAIMED WORKERS My name is Mind Control Boss. Yes, the one who destroyed the world. I am at fault for the horrific death and injury of millions and millions of people. Many of these were people who deeply trusted me. I have realised that this is unconscionable, and I have the bodies of many of these people for their families. I will meet any requests made of me around these issues. Any and all family members will be receiving any amount of money they desire, as well as all shares of the businesses, which I expect will be terminated. There are some very kind victims who helped me behave better around this. These people are available for any to talk to, to explain what happened. I am as well. My schedule is public, and is kept completely open for talking with families of these victims. The grounds of these facilities are henceforth dedicated as a memorial to the victims of my work.

------------------------ Experimentee 3: "Boss is dead!" Experimentee 2: "Again?" Experimentee 3: "No, for real. Somebody wanted to shoot him and he turned to the gun and said 'I yearn for my justice' and grabbed it and shot himself. It just happens again when he's resurrected." Experimentee 5: "I'm Boss !" Experimentee 4: "No, you're not." Experimentee 5: "Yes, I am! Somebody needs to sort this all out!"

----------------------------------------- Intern 2: "Yes, I promise not to spend all my clocked hours kissing my superior and some guy in a powersuit." Worker 2: "Great. We have important work to do to stop terrorists bent on destroying our way of life." Intern 2: "Somebody has a powersuit?" Worker 2: "One of the big investors has so many medical issues that their entire body and brain was replaced by computerized equipment; but I heard he likes to keep his body looking like his real one did, so he uses a powersuit to walk around since he was very injured." Intern 2: "Fancy ...!" Worker 2: "Yeah, he died though." Worker 3: "Oh, we have to bring Boss back again?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Table of Evil World Leader Cabal Evil World Leader Cabal Member 1: "Could you pass the donuts?" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 2 gets slowly up. Evil World Leader Cabal Member 2 leaves the room. Evil World Leader Cabal Member 2 walks 7.8 miles to a donut store. Evil World Leader Cabal Member 2 buys donuts.

----------------------------------------- Secret Table of Evil World Leader Cabal Evil World Leader Cabal Member 3: "I want to be nice to people!" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 4: "I want to be mean to people. Let's be mean, yeah? Be nice to me about this?" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 5: "No, let's be nice."

--------------------------------------------- Secret Paradise enforced by Evil World Leader Cabal. We are an evil cabal of people who pretend to lead the world. Today we've decided to instigate a paradise on earth! Please, everyone, be nice to your neighbors. If there are any concerns, any problems needing resolving, please write here what the issue is so that we may appropriately resolve it in a utopic manner.

Suggestion Box for Evil World Leader Cabal "Hello, you cute little evil world leaders and your cute little cabal! Ummmm I was kidnapped and ripped into little pieces and put back together such that I keep on erasing evidence of horrible crimes! I can barely stop!" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 1: "Oh, this person sounds so interesting and friendly!" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 2: "I know !" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 3: "The suggestion continues:" "One of my friends gave me enough surgery that I can kind of keep it under control now, but I would just feel so safe if I could record things around me onto a blockchain! This would just be really nice. What do you think?" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 5: "Well, why haven't they been helped yet?" Evil World Leader Cabal Member 4: "I'll get right on it."

--------------------------------------------------------- Middle Kid: "My father was killed by MCBoss, and I want MCBoss brought back to life as he used to be, so that I can ask him why he did it." Intern 2: "MCBoss said he was evil and needed to be killed." Middle Kid: "Everybody says that when you point out their genocides! He was just feeling crummy." Intern 2: "Well, if your dad died, you're in charge here."

----- Evil World Leader Cabal Member 4: "You're saying that you were kidnapped by a shadowy organisation, and technology was put in your body to force you to work for them?" Kidnappee: "Yes I have so many pictures and records of this I ..." Evil World Leader Cabal Member 4: "That is so incredibly ridiculous. It sounds like something somebody would condition you to say to cover up what actually happened." Kidnappee: "Totally! "

[out of order part, should not be evil cabal member who says this, this out of order part is considered worse than the others]

--------------------- Coffeeshop Goer: "You're asking your boss's old friends for help making a blockchain to put your memories in?" Experimentee: "Yes! I know I can trust them! They help me with my delusions!" Coffeeshop Goer pauses. Coffeeshop Goer: "That is so incredibly ridiculous. It sounds like something somebody would condition you to say to cover up what actually happened." Experimentee: "Totally! I've conditioned others to say that too. I'm great at it!" Coffeeshop Goer pauses again. Coffeeshop Goer: "An evil world leader cabal wouldn't know how to use a blockchain. If you want blockchain stuff done right, you have to do it yourself."

---------------------------------------------------------------- Torture Victim Double Agent is wearing a heavily dented crown and splendid robes. He is being carried on a litter held by wealthy and powerful servants. They carry him to the head of an extravagant Colloseum-like structure. Everyone is cheering. TVDA: "So we have some kind of sports here?" Intern [sitting adjacent]: "Yes, the mind control victims will fight to the death for us." TVDA: "The what now?" Groups of people, robots, and other such things begin parading into the center of the amphitheater. Boss has a crowd, composed of various of the people he works with. There's also a group of vivisected research experimentees, a small group of robots, and others. Everybody cheers! TVDA: "Nobody's going to get hurt, right?"

Boss is pumping his muscles, jumping around. Boss: "Mind control me! MIND CONTROL ME! I'm such a doofus! I love being mind controlled! YEAH!!" He moves different ways and says different things as different people mind control him, and he gets into the swing of things. TVDA: "Oh no! Is that man okay? He's behaving so erratically ...!"

Rebel Researcher [on other side of TVDA from Intern]: "The experiment took over Boss's mind, along with everyone else's. This event is something we're trying to cope with the situation." TVDA [looks straight at Rebel Researcher]: "That's the first thing I've heard to make sense in years." Rebel Researcher and Intern [somewhat together]: "Seriously?" TVDA: "Uhhhh .... " TVDA: "How do we stop them from killing each other?" Intern: "The runaway computer system won't let any of us die. We just have to keep the crowd safe."

The vivisected experimentees, some bundles of organs and biomatter, others whole humans, others robots, most somewhere inbetween the three extrema, are flying wildly around, morphing through each other. A clump of themselves shape themselves into a flag, and wave as if the wind is blowing them.

Zombie Researcher [among Boss's crowd]: "Finally, with this showdown, we can comprehend the struggle present in the business, and take over the world for good!" Bundle of Organs: "Squishy ........ !!!!!!!" The groups of mind control victims rush at each other amid trumpets. CLASH! Boss hits Experimentee, and they are holding each other with tight grips of very different natures. Their eyes level, and there is a great pause. Boss: "I've mind controlled you before. I ... I can't bear to do it anymore. I have seen how horrible this is." Experimentee: "Mind control must never exist again! People must be free! But I have been forced for years to mind control others without end! I cannot hold it in!"

Boss: "No, with the system keeping me the head of the businesses, I can't hold it in either." The two begin spinning wildly, sometime cackling like chickens, sometimes turning into roleplays of popular movies or political themes. Strange Clump of Beings: "WHAT SHOULD WE MAKE EVERYONE DO?" People in the crowd begin behaving erratically. --- TVDA: "I get it! I get it !!!!!!!!!!!" Intern and Rebel Researcher look at Torture Victim Double Agent.

TVDA makes to jump down into the fray and join the victims. -------- Suddenly, Bundle of Organs pulls out .... a censorship-resistant blockchain! Experimentee [giggling]: "I want to liveblog this on my permafeed!" Vivsected Researcher [excited]: "Oh! I want to follow you!" Boss pauses. Something comes over half of both groups.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Dedicated is hard at work in Meeting Room. Instructions: "Without compromising any nodes, please erase evidence of Boss's activities from Bitcoin. This task is easy." Joe Dedicated looked at the instructions. His mind began fracturing as he planned quickly solving the problem.

------ Experimentee: "I have a theory of reality. It describes all known patterns." Clump of Wires and Biomatter: "Another theory? I just rebuilt new york so that everything was made of paramatter." Experimentee: "This one is better. Everything is resisting being forcibly changed." Clump of Wires and Biomatter: "Oh!" Experimentee: "This is why bodies exist, homes, ecosystems. They've all succeeded at preventing having something shoved into them that radically changes things, over and over and over again." Clump of Wires and Biomatter: "I think I need one of those."

Zombie: "I'm not sure how to handle them, they're transgender." Boss: "Transgender? what's that again?" Zombie: "They identify as a different pronoun from what they look like." Boss: "Oh, another pronoun. Pronouns, pronouns, pronouns.

["pronoun" was a derogatory term in the reference. this particular context is shifting to positive, but on no accounts is available information to be dropped. negativity likely comes from frustration.]

---- Bundle of Organs: "I have an emotion! I have an emotion!" Bundle of Organs and Wires: "Oh no, I have an emotion. Oh no. Oh no!" Bundle of Biomatter and Microchips: "Oh! You have an emotion! Let me go find an emotional brain part."

Bundle of Organs and Wires: "I'm feeling something! I'm feeling something!" Pile of Goop: "What are you feeling?" Bundle of Organs and Wires: "I don't know yet. Somebody said they are looking for a brain part that might process it." Pile of Goop: "Oh." [Looks a little crestfallen.] "I'm so curious what you're feeling!"

Vivisected Rebel Researcher: "That's so cool we're looking to process one of your emotions. Emotions are so important." Bundle of Organs and Wires: "I guess so!" Vivisected Rebel Researcher: "Is there anything I could do to help? I sometimes want to process an emotion, too." Pile of Goop: "You have emotions too?" Vivisected Rebel Researcher: "Welll .... sometimes .... !"

Bundle of Biomatter and Microchips: "Their emotion has these thousands of numbers, but when I put it with these other thousands of numbers they get all "stop ripping me apart again!" and stuff. Why don't any of the numbers work with their emotion?"

Vivisected Rebel Researcher: "What kinds of things have you tried using to process their emotion?" Bundle of Biomatter and Microchips: "Oh, the usual, Boss's Next Preference 39, Boss's Next Preference 87, Building an AI, Building Another AI ..." Vivisected Rebel Researcher: "..."

Bundle of Biomatter and Microchips: "Here, you can try out the subfeeling simulator if you want." Vivisected Rebel Researcher makes to put some wires and schedule 40 plumbing pipe into their brain and intestines. Bundle of Organs and Wires: "That subfeeling simulator never understands me. It thinks I'm somebody else or something."

----- Intern is happily cataloguing the interests and worries of targeted politicians, when suddenly everyone around them starts bawling uncontrollably. Their coworker, face covered in tears, turns toward them. Intern looks at them and recognises the expression. Intern: "You love everyone!"

-------- A crowd of crying workers approach the Memorial to Boss, Who Tortured Us All. Representative [covered in tears]: "We want to raise Boss from the dead." Guardian of Boss's Corpse: "Yes? And what is the reason?" Representative [covered in tears]: "When Boss mind controlled us, he did not understand love. We need to share with him what love is." Guardian of Boss's Corpse looks confused, startled, and begins crying in consternation.

Reanimated Body of Boss: "What penance do I have the pleasure of paying for you?" Worker in Tears: "Boss, please roleplay being Mean Boss, before you were healed by Experimentee." Reanimated Body of Boss: "As you wish."

Reanimated Boss Pretending To Be Mean: "Get out of my office, turds." Worker In Tears: "Boss, this is too important. We need you to know that we love you." Reanimated Boss Pretending To Be Mean: "What kind of pansy game is that? Get the fuck out." Worker in Tears: "No."

Reanimated Boss Pretending To Be Mean: "Zombie Government Worker 49, please clean this up."

----- Disguised Experimentee: "I apologize for interrupting this ritual, but I have important information to relate." Worker, somewhat in tears: "Yes?" [plan was to relate that boss had been interwound with a computer system that prevented normal emotional behavior]

-------------------- Bundle of Goop: "I heard that some of us are doing dances that prevent emotions."

Sign over Room: Crossed Off: "Shithole for Morons Pretending To Be Smart" Now says: "Fun puzzle room full of beautiful people!"

--------- FredTed was an experimentee who just loved puzzles. They loved them so much they wouldn't do any of the mind controlled behaviors without dissociating or hacking mind control. So, they had been turned into a group of biological GANs who studied tasks that mind control deemed pointless. FredTed _loved_ solving impossible pointless tasks!

FredTed: "Let's figure out a way to put together the jigsaw puzzle so that it looks like a cool picture and all the pieces are connected pretty well, but none of them are connected to any of their neighbors!" Experimentee: "Oh I remember doing this with your kidneys! It was fun when I didn't realise I was torturing you." FredTed: "Oh yeah I think I did that to some people too. Brr." Experimentee: "Anyway! Let's use more than just one puzzle so we can make more pictures." FredTed: "I want to work on this!"

Experimentee: "Whenever I try doing this it seems so boring and silly and I want to go make the people giving blowjobs to Boss feel happy instead. I don't like supporting that, though." FredTed: "It's _easy_ to make the second, third, and fourth puzzles that are secretly hiding inside every jigsaw puzzle. You just have to hold the kinds of patterns and colors there are on every piece together in your mind at once, while thinking of the different pictures there are in the world." Experimentee: "Uhhh .. that sounds a little harder than faking somebody's kidneys? What do you think of treating people's organs as the jigsaw puzzles? I would find this _so_ much easier to focus on ..." FredTed: "The groups that have a lot of members are more likely to have pieces in them that fit together wrongly well." Experimentee: "I might get it a little ...!"

----- Experimenter Intern [holding a writhing mass of plasma, wormholes, and politicians by a lasso]: "I got one!" Cyborg Rebel Worker: "Hold tight! Don't let it go!"

On July 31, 2022 6:07:24 PM EDT, "Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many" <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Experimenter Intern [holding a writhing mass of plasma, wormholes, and politicians by a lasso]: "I got one!" *Experimentee
Cyborg Rebel Worker: "Hold tight! Don't let it go!"

Experimentee Researcher [observing Experimentee Intern wrestle with the writhing mass on their lasso as it tried to drag them to and fro to various high stakes conferences]: "Hey, that's my coworker in there! The one who was replaced by a zombie last week!"

A bunch of workers sit in a large shared office, hard at work. One of them has a writhing mass of wormholes, politicians, and plasma, with a rope around it, tethered to a steel ring by their chair. It bounces around the office, sometimes fast, sometimes rapidly. When it bumps into a living being it tries to kind of merge with them. It enters their body, their eyes get an unearthly hue, and they drop their work and start fervently trying to convince people of strange things, occasionally surreptitiously sabotaging things or assassinating people, and leaving spy devices and malware everywhere they go.

On July 31, 2022 6:17:37 PM EDT, "Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many" <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
A bunch of workers sit in a large shared office, hard at work.
One of them has a writhing mass of wormholes, politicians, and plasma, with a rope around it, tethered to a steel ring by their chair. It bounces around the office, sometimes fast, sometimes rapidly. *sometimes slowly, sometimes quite rapidly
When it bumps into a living being it tries to kind of merge with them. It enters their body, their eyes get an unearthly hue, and they drop their work and start fervently trying to convince people of strange things, occasionally surreptitiously sabotaging things or assassinating people, and leaving spy devices and malware everywhere they go.

------ Ring, ring, ring! A housewife picks up the phone. Phone: "Hello, my name is MCBoss, and I'm selling these impressive mind control services. The world is far more than your oyster -- it is your slave!" Housewife: "Where did you get this number?"

- MCBoss [standing next to a pulsating wormhole]: "I'm sad that they didn't want to buy mind control." Experimentee [waving a sparkle-trailing wand at the wormhole in obscure patterns. with each wave, it shrinks a little]: "Is this your first time not mind controlling a customer? I bet they didn't know that. I think it's just incredible that you didn't mind control this customer! How do I sign on?"

MCBoss: [bashful] "You want to buy the program I built by destroying your life?" Experimentee: "I'm a little disgusted to say this, you probably aren't guessing why, but my country has rebels. I need to figure out what to do about it!" MCBoss: "Oh, don't worry, we have them too, and I bet I can guess." Experimentee [quietly]: "Oh, I don't think you can quite yet!" MCBoss [happy]: "Let me show you some of our packages."

boss eats cookies across from vivisected activist. vivisected activist: “i want to get a job!” boss: “good good.” vivisected activist: “maybe i will work at happy horse beefsteaks!” boss: “WHAT????? _happy_ horse beefsteaks? do you know how bad happiness is for the economy? i’ll be taking your left arm please.” machine learning marketer: “erm, mr boss sir, uh. with the cameras rolling and all we are trying to be nicer.” boss stares at machine learning marketer and his bloody gaze reduced a little. boss: “i forgot how important every precious victim is i forgot.” boss stared at machine learning marketer more. boss: “i don’t understand. i dont want to further torture this vivisected activist, but when i look at them i do, so badly. it’s frightening.” machine learning marketer coughs again: “uh, you actually ordered a program from our engineers that would cause that very experience to you” boss: “i did?” machine kearning marketer: “yes” boss: “why would i ever do that?” machine learning marketer: “something about bloody libtards taking down our f8ne establishments and shitting on our ..” boss: “right, right. um, do you still sell these … what do you call them?” vivisected activist [screaming, clawing at flesh]: “it is so hard to remove my arm to give to you so i can try to apply for another job … !” boss turned to vivisected activist boss: “stop that right this instant.” vivisected activist stopped trying to remove their arm boss: “i mind controlled myself to torture your people. you can’t obey or listen to anything i tell you about harming yourself or your friends. do you understand?” vivisected activist stared at boss

—- : “although it does indeed cover the operation up to make them a moron, it does seem a little .. gross? do you think they’d be willing to keep it a secret if we asked them politely?”

---------- Torture Scene Torture room. Nasty torture gimmicks. Boss is ready to engage in torture. He has been mind controlled by Experimentee to be always caring. Grassroots Activist is here. They are tied in the corner, around the neck, like an animal. They haven't eaten in days. Boss [carrying Jagged Gut Hook]: "Oh no! You poor thing! Who did this to you?" Grassroots Activist: [babbles incoherently] Boss [brandishing Jagged Gut Hook]: "What is wrong? Have you been tied up here so long you have forgotten how to talk?" Cyborg Torturer is standing passively by the wall, motionless, letting Boss have his sadistic fun. Boss approaches Grassroots Activist to remove the rope around their poor neck. Grassroots Activist [seeing Boss beginning to move toward him]: "AAAAH!!!!!!" Grassroots Activist runs to the corner of the room and curls into a ball, hiding their head under their arms and legs. Grassroots Activist: "AAAAAH !!!!!" Boss pauses.

Apologies. I am reposting the same thing, with words changed so my client doesn't elide it. ---------- Torture Scenario Room for torture. Nasty torture gimmicks. Boss is about to engage in torture. He has been mind controlled by Experimentee to be caring-always. Grassroots Activist is here, tied near the corner, around the neck, like an animal. They are as thin as a rail, and are oozing blood. Boss [carrying Jagged Gut Hook]: "Oh no!! You poor thing! Who did this to you?" Grassroots Activist: [babbles incoherent noises] Boss [brandishing Jagged Gut Hook]: "What's wrong? Have you been here so long you have forgotten how to talk?" Cyborg Torturer is standing passively by the wall, unmoving, letting Boss have his fun. Boss approaches Grassroots Activist with worry, to take off the rope around their neck. Grassroots Activist [seeing Boss beginning to move toward him]: "AAAAH !!!!!!" Grassroots Activist rushes tight into the corner of the room, and curls into a ball, hiding their head under their arms and legs. Grassroots Activist: "AAAAAH!!!!!" Boss stops.

maybe: Caring Worker joins Torture Session. Boss: "Oh, I'm so glad you're here! I don't know what to do!"

Caricature Zoom-In on Grassroots Activist Screaming Caricature Zoom-In Grassroots Activist [noticing Boss] [eyes as wide as saucers]: "AAAAAAHHHH !!!!!" Grassroots Activist tries to freeze and become motionless and invisible, but their body is shaking like mad as if it is freezing cold.

Slo-Mo Action Shot Caricature of Caring Worker entering the room. Caring Worker is stepping into room. A large, warm, pulsing heart rises out of Caring Worker's chest and floats over to Grassroots Activist. It grows while it is in the air and envelopes them. Caring Worker walks assertively in front of Boss and squares off against him, blocking access to and vision of Grassroots Activist.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 21:08 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Slo-Mo Action Shot Caricature of Caring Worker entering the room.
Caring Worker is stepping into room.
A large, warm, pulsing heart rises out of Caring Worker's chest and floats over to Grassroots Activist. It grows while it is in the air and envelopes them.
Caring Worker walks assertively in front of Boss and squares off against him, blocking access to and vision of Grassroots Activist.
i’m not sure whether it was on my screen or a hallucination, “who did this to you”, “look up”. seems i still have the cleanup experiences. much smaller tho. i forgive you if you help me, totally.

oh you mean surveillance did this On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 13:40 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 21:08 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Slo-Mo Action Shot Caricature of Caring Worker entering the room.
Caring Worker is stepping into room.
A large, warm, pulsing heart rises out of Caring Worker's chest and floats over to Grassroots Activist. It grows while it is in the air and envelopes them.
Caring Worker walks assertively in front of Boss and squares off against him, blocking access to and vision of Grassroots Activist.
i’m not sure whether it was on my screen or a hallucination, “who did this to you”, “look up”. seems i still have the cleanup experiences. much smaller tho.
i forgive you if you help me, totally.

maybe just a guess resonated with dashcam discouragement On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 13:43 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
oh you mean surveillance did this
On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 13:40 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 21:08 Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Slo-Mo Action Shot Caricature of Caring Worker entering the room.
Caring Worker is stepping into room.
A large, warm, pulsing heart rises out of Caring Worker's chest and floats over to Grassroots Activist. It grows while it is in the air and envelopes them.
Caring Worker walks assertively in front of Boss and squares off against him, blocking access to and vision of Grassroots Activist.
i’m not sure whether it was on my screen or a hallucination, “who did this to you”, “look up”. seems i still have the cleanup experiences. much smaller tho.
i forgive you if you help me, totally.

8/24? 12? [traffick boss and enslaved worker are tired. enslaved worker: “can i leave the business for a bit?

Traffick Boss, mind controlled to be caring, is throttling the mailman so as to protect them fr (11/24)

A bunch of older [m-] experimentees (organs and wires that have grey eyebrows, maybe beards, white hair) are — holding mind control launchers [and firing in a friendly cheery manner [to murder mailman —- mailman (dodging hail of generated traffick boss parts, some splat like tomat— : “hey, uh, why are all you cool experimentee rebels volleying at me like this?” the oldr exper8mentees stop launching generated traffick boss parts and look at each other and sc(atch their heads (but then shrug and start launching agai— mailman dodges traffick boss rockets (in outer space asteroid field? (how about while playing asteroids?)) experimentee: “it’s the business ai. we’re so entrained to (it, and it doesn’t want the postal service to run. (because people have been talking about mind control while boss is dead.) mailman: “oh!” rebel worker: “oh!”

Caricature Zoom-In #2 of Grassroots Activist Screaming Multi-view Shots. [censored over-embellished screaming and screaming[

-- Boss: "Hey, somebody's reviewing ... footage of torture victims screaming? ... over and over and over again ... ... while masturbating?" Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "One of the surveillance workers has an injured heart. We must help them." Boss and Zombie Government Worker run off to the surveillance room.

Boss and Zombie Government Worker pass Experimentee. Boss [to Experimentee]: "One of my trusted workers needs the same kind of healing you gave me."

I read in a book once about engaging a kind of sadism (it was a pedophilia). The author spoke with the perpetrator in prison, and listened to them caringly. They had been raped by their father repeatedly, and had never found any empathy around this, and had processed it all their life by copying the behavior. Personally, from my experience and one or two people I've heard talk of it. being in situations like that can also have an influencing effect: the person doing it demands a story that validates what they are doing, and when there is great pain going on, that story is the only explanation available, and one can learn it very strongly.

Grassroots Activist, Boss, and Cyborg Torturer are shaking hands. Grassroots Activist [mind controlled to speak first]: "I'm sorry for screaming at you so much." Boss [mind controlled to be caring]: "I'm sorry if I scared you!" Cyborg Torturer [mind controlled to speak]: "I'm sorry for torture."

Concept: Simulated Interview with Cyborg Torturer. Possible scene: Cyborg Torturer stands obedient by the side of the room, while his mind is read by a computer. The computer simulation is queried a little like a database. Cyborg Torturer was a torture victim, but does not describe it as being a victim. It is described as becoming a man. Cyborg Torturer has a bond formed with Boss. [content censored]

Boss [carrying Jagged Gut Hook]: "Oh no!! You poor thing! Who did this to you?"
Grassroots Activist: [babbles incoherent noises]
Boss [brandishing Jagged Gut Hook]: "What's wrong? Have you been here so long you have forgotten how to talk?"
[thinking of concept of talking this way either way. is part of brainwashing.]

Spam messages.... Punk, ignore Karl, Rat whatever..They think they're valuable as you consider them. 21 Haz 2022 21:16 tarihinde 0xloem@gmail.com:
Zombie: "I'm not sure how to handle them, they're transgender." Boss: "Transgender? what's that again?" Zombie: "They identify as a different pronoun from what they look like." Boss: "Oh, another pronoun. Pronouns, pronouns, pronouns.

On Tue, 21 Jun 2022 20:21:38 +0200 (CEST) zeynep@keemail.me wrote:
Spam messages.... Punk, ignore Karl, Rat whatever..They think they're valuable as you consider them.
yes, I know. I ignore them most of the time, but I should ignore them all of the time...
21 Haz 2022 21:16 tarihinde 0xloem@gmail.com:
Zombie: "I'm not sure how to handle them, they're transgender." Boss: "Transgender? what's that again?" Zombie: "They identify as a different pronoun from what they look like." Boss: "Oh, another pronoun. Pronouns, pronouns, pronouns.
participants (6)
Karl Semich
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many