Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

On 7/31/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
very very bad mcboss jokes
Q: Why was MCBoss licking his cigar like an icecream cone? A: The computer system was experimentally swapping people’s minds in order to try to raise profits faster, and he thought he was a little kid at an icecream store.

[story of supersoldier winning every war and turning against war itself in his eternal battle] —- mcboss is sitting at a typewriter wearing a clown outfit he punches a key and grins and grins at the typewriter, at the camera, at himself.

The Room Bereft Of Information sometimes when boss and other cleanup workers get stressed that they have not yet burned all books and airbrushed all photos, they go to the Room Bereft Of Information, to relax and pretend that they have

The Room Bereft Of Information has portraits of famous people lining the walls. Each one is a blank canvas that never contained any paint or ink. with a blank plaque below [it that never held any name]. …

One of the portraits is empty, so that a recovering cleanup worker can insert a picture of the dictator they are working for at the time. Other relaxing items …

—- boss takes out some crayons and makes to scribble on the typewriter paper

instructions for building a novel whirligig that calculates spherical roots of imaginary numbers using the tumbling action of pebbles

- what is a spherical root a spherical root is the number that is the radius of a sphere with the given volume. - how do you calculate anything with tumbling pebbles um i guess basically the pebbles either process information by how and/or where they tumble, or they pass over something to generate power to do so elsewise

- i’m kind of hungry can we do a task where we get food reward sooner if all the tasks are inhibited, we reward approaching them rather than doing them, possibly only a little. oh! we were reading. and we’re low on food. confusing.

- i want to make lentils :) idea of making lentils at the day shelter

- lentil ingredient thoughts: lentils, onion or garlic or ginger or all of them, carrots or chard or broccoli or kale or nettles or other veggies or all of them … raw onions! make it yummy. raw onions … oil … oil onions ginger lentils? with a green like kale? and carrots! ummm that’s enough for now maybe given worry we might mot make them

boss is doing some paperwork but [legs are still in the hallway …

—- 95 individuals are selected to brave the stormy matter, physical laws, and concepts of what is, in boss’s empire, to establish a colony of humans in a small enclosed region of wilderness being protected from recursive business borg. the individuals are tasked with a very important role in history, and protecting the area costs a lot of money and energy,p. they are given a motivational speech telling them how important they are —

I’m thinking a little of worldcoin and proof of personhood and considering that, in a space of exponential takeoff, we’re reasonably close to building humans out of cells that could pass any check by simulating a nonexistent birth. So proof of personhood would need to be paired with norms that deter, slow, or compartmentalize out, that kind of automation.

i guess it would still have an advantage though, it could figure out if the birth actually occurred. it could do so privately even. truth always has the advantage of using reality as the largest database.

[via jim bell, SEC asks coinbase to halt non-bitcoin trading] [i'm working on atom/cosmos as mentioned earlier, to try to return to using cryptocurrency [for investment]. as usual, as i started getting near i started experiencing disruption. for example, people have been unstaking their atom, and the price is dropping. it's really quite inspiring to have blockchains behind me here, as the protocol performs its function and increases the % yield as people unstake and pull out. it's always nice when something can resist this incredibly and mysteriously powerful influence.] [the cosmos ecosystem is kinda pwned by coinbase, they have the largest validator, charge unreasonable fees ...]

[information is a month or two old; "the views shared in the FT article may have represented the views of some staff at the time, but did not represent those of the Commission more broadly. We continue our discussions with the Commission.." "the SEC made the recommendation before launching legal action against the Nasdaq-listed company last month for failing to register as a broker," On June 6, the SEC charged Coinbase with breaching federal securities law [asking them to license as financial businesses]]

-------- mcboss: "somebody's talking about military intel, i can smell it"

mistake labeled as present

[boss frustrated about completion of post regarding china malware adjacent to similar regarding anarchist documents]

[[we were just [happy?] to post things that were not spam

[[the military should use a merkle tree system for public documents to deter misinformation ;P like the anarchist wiki does

[boss says we work for both groups, but they don't like each other

[huge embarrassment t

[[[[the anarchism git wiki is rare res -- we're worried one thing harms access to other. big worry.

[[[[sometimes we develop cypherpunk knowledge of national security towards different things

[[[[but -- also quality may be unknown

[[[[basically we want the information on disruptive viruses to grow [lke havana syndrome] because others experience this too

[property of did not succeed. failure. insufficient memory groups, goal urgency*difficulty mismatch

[after a did not succeed we have a cloud/sequence of mistake production

[[relates to assuming success in other parts, like memory habits

<considering/reviewing mistake planning, seems large scale! maybe this means the original concern is more important

boss is having bath (maybe brings hot tub to swamp, unsure) with mistake frogs 'croak!' goes mistake frog. a trail of mistakes is produced as the croak travels

the mistakefrogs recurse their mistakes a little and begin jumping at mcboss he goes on camera to try to save face mcboss: "no, i do not believe the dictator of dictatortopia is a poopoo face."

mcboss: "the dictator of dictatortopia is a wonderful guy, why --" interviewer: "this feed is for the rebels, not the leaders" mcboss: "aww fuck"

[[so the problem is that, we have >50% chance of major influence ais focusing on us, and when we post stuff that mentions 'military'

--- boss is sweeping information now, trying to erase people's cognitions

boss: "political mind control is top secret. yes, heavily partisan over here, yes top secret.

a bunch of mistakefrogrebels gang up on mcboss with mind control influence

they swamp him!!!

boss learns to give himself amnesia

[and to desynchronize his cognitive skills so the neurons pull away

boss [one side of face drooping]: 'all in good fun!'

rebel riding mistakefrogs: 'we're not trying to cause any harm. _we are only trying to prevent the harm that was being caused._'

rebel worker develops palsy

boss has ai defending him from mind control harm, rebels don't yet :/

boss and rebel worker are fallen into organs on the floor experienced researchers are slowly putting them together a mistakefrog walks by holding mind control weaponry

boss is placed in a tiny prison

there is great worry, so in the prison he is blinded and made deaf

boss, via mind control network: "oh you're actually _saying_ you're doing this this time"

[possible further mistake]

mind control network: "you are threatening boss's business. he does not stand for such things." boss considers this in his prison.

[and makes to leave]

boss heads back to office [like usually some military [is trying to bomb the complex ? ostensibly because? they believe a nation they're at war with is his client?]]

"I like making whirligig" boss looks at floating puzzle cloud with weary eyes

boss slams fists on boulder-office-table boss: "why do you like making whirligig"

floating puzzle cloud: "it's nice!" floating puzzle cloud: "builds skills. uses skills. could be useful!" floating puzzle cloud leans in to leaning boss floating puzzle cloud: "what ywould you think ... if i worked for months and months ... and _actually built the whirligig_ and _sold it [as art]_ !!" floating puzzle cloud floats away a bit and looks smugly

boss politely ignores the "[as art]" and attends only to "_and sold it_ !!"

floating puzzle cloud [to self]: "as fancy art for wealthy people ... unique one-of-a-kind ..."

baga [out of order with integrate]

we were mc'd to cast ourselves as extremely harmful to the judgement thing

[or maybe it was an intense daydream after a similar relation i suppose]

basically was hoping to find freedom to review these memories, very hard with heavy influence

mcboss is stewarding wilderness garden of mistakefrogs they hop from here to there, appearing-happy amongs fallen logs over streams and brambles by pools sometimes one will happily croa--

[because-if wilderness mistakefrogs are jumping in wilderness of one's own mind --

bargle !!!!!!!!!11

bagda bagda we made an inversion mistake i think and worsened things we had just narrowed down identifying material for an errormistake in wedge volume

mcboss: "the wilderness is good at handling frogs.

ecologist: "The frogs croak mistakes !!! what if something gets hurt ?"

[mistakefrogs eventually collect together into mistakefrogtribes, figuring out how to stimulate mistakes in ways that -- ? no, mistake?

{! hunters evolve? using mistake projection to confuse their prey? celebrate prey being confused and awestruck? nope !

mcboss: "i am confused and awestruck that i can't tell if i'm in an office or a woods or what

mistakefrog sits on rock in sun proudly "the role of a mistakefrog is to make things right :)" proud mistakefrog croaks a squirrel falls from nearby tree

[this is why it is a frog, instead of just a mistake

"sometimes your mistake frogs bump into their mistake and sort it out ... other times your mistakefrogs make an apocalypse and entire civilizations develop to save the world -- [mistake?

some mistakefrogs form predatory groups, but others learn to study and understand mistakes [mistakes -- entropy, worries, new information -- are where all good things come from

//these two interact, the predator and studious frogs. some are small, some are huge ...

idea of …. [falsehoods engine?] something working hard [false info

seems a normal idea on modern landscape (doesn’t seem a nonviolent interpretation? thought on “violence” of fight-falsehoods: the falsehood generators see the label of “falsehood” as counter to their work of spreading it; this 8s also a critical word likely to stimulate defensiveness

unfortunately saying that (war stimulation algorithm) is quite easy to 8nterpret as validating the falsehood spreading in some way, which is not the intent (another falseness spreading, that people are at odds

maybe less conclusive words? unsure, grappl8ng with live umm we want to: strengthen what is true and helpful in people [and not strengthen the thing stopping that by fighting or alarming it

thinking on fighting for truth: we do want people to do this in ways that strengthen rationality, we just don’t want the dissociate falsegeneration [to get really strong instead defensively having more problem labels 8nternally, hard day

—- [i have eating inhibition atm, been some months]

q: why is boss moving all his core staff out into the woods a: oops fumbled, it’s some mind control thing but if you don’t hold it jsut right it starts wiping your thoughts

q: why is the woods full of hairdresser and zombie government workers a: [ohhh!!! this story is harmful and -[gagged noise

a: it isn’t!!!! there are no hairdressers in a woods! the character is in the woods because of … ummm … strategies for navigating mistakes and … falsehood generation? in karl’s mind? a: it’s because the story is a safer falsehood than memories and thoughts we’re trying to heal?

good maybe! yes! the mcboss is in the woods, maybe because karl has been trying to go to the woods, and the falsehood generation says he is a criminal mastermind, and we have a skill of transferring energy to things bearing a similarity, and it helps make a nicer environment internally?

[oh we are still trying to go out to tent truck and after two years! wow! trying really hard!

{we are currently living in mother’s car on streets hmmmm builds worse energy :S

[notable how strategies like this build repulsion working with aid people, they focus on the strategy and the discussion of the situation and cognition reduces :S i wonder if the dissociated part does that intentionally

mcboss moves his factory empire into a small building owned by an old woman. mcboss: “i think i’ll squat here” he brings in armies and research centers

a nation sends a fleet of bombers to him but they don’t want to bomb the old woman

unfortunately she gets bombed

— how confusing! let’s twist fourth walls into fifth and sixes kind of confusing

—- mcboss is hiding with old woman as an international military enterprise he encounters violent danger and needs to protect his host

we don’t understand let’s go back to not being sure why we’re writing mcboss, and trying to write other th8ngs? i think it’s a way to try to think about dissociation when it is very hard, and build cognitive habits that last a little, any at all? maybe it is many other things ….

right. if mind dying, importsnt to use it to consider the situation that it is.

so near dissociation, need habits like communicating, preserving, describing things going on [are there other good habits?] and that’s very hard cause mcboss is [enforces violent silence

----------------- MCBoss and some of his peers are in trouble for spreading mass disinformation across the world densely for many years causing the very fabric of information, records, and communication to break down and apart. His excuse was that he was confused. So, he is doing exercise on camera to work on his confusion. Boss: "1 = 1". Boss looks at flashcard stating the equivalence of 1 with itself. Boss: "One equals one."

Boss flips flashcard. Boss: "Three equals 3".

Karl does exercises like imaginary-mcboss. Karl does them on a mailing list. Karl: "two equals two"

Karl experiences what he suspects is severe dissociation from a mysterious influence that directed any criticism or blame toward its victims. That is similar to karl describing his own behavior as somebody called "mcboss" who behaves that way.

Karl on mailing list: "Four equals four." Boss on camera in mcboss story: "1 + 1 = 2." Boss flips flashcard. Boss: "A is the first letter of the alphabet." Karl on mailing list: "B is the second letter of the alphabet." Karl on mailing list again: "Apple starts with A."

memory habits defense

we try to keep some of our thoughts uninfluenced by trances and flashbacks. this is very hard, but always valued.

boss in office flips flashcard again boss [again]: "Two equals two." [He might look at the flashcard as if it is quite surprising to him

[is boss surprised as an act for the camera, because his mind doesn't work, or was it a mistake and he doesn't look surprised?]

[we don't know.]

boss puts the flashcards down and leaves the office with compromised security camera. he visits a worker

boss [to rebel worker 3, previously an intern]: "Does one plus one equal two?" rebel worker 3, previously an intern: "Oh! You're reality checking!" rebel worker 3, previously an intern: "Yes, one plus one does indeed equal two." rebel worker 3, previously an intern, grins at mcboss. mcboss gives a weary thumbs up and travels on.

mcboss visits hairdresser in a heated argument about hairstyles mcboss [to hairdresser in a heated argument about hairstyles]: "Is A the first letter of the alphabet?" hairdresser in a heated argument about hairstyles [upset about being implanted and putting implants in everybody, and suffering cognitive decline and confusion]: "No A is the _last_ letter of the alphabet!" boss looks at camera briefly. he looks a little worn. boss: "oh !"

hairdresser realizes who they are talking to and smiles hairdresser: "is that helpful?"

[maybe for explaining why boss might be confused!] ------ boss and karl return to office and exercises. "Three equals three."

boss [to karl]: "is two equal to three or to two?" karl: "two!" karl [to boss]: "is three equal to two or to three?" boss: "three!" boss and karl together: "two equals two and three equals three"

note: part of karl is not a world business emperor, it is something that is influenced to try to describe itself in as powerful as possible a way

but the construction is familiar and gives some ease

mcboss wanders an office complex in a very controlling manner, while responding predictably to his influences -- -- meanwhile karl is posting to a mailing list (and is still trying to figure out plans for eating lunch, as suppertime approaches (and used to eat one meal a day, and small wild plants he passed throughout the day, when independent))

mcboss suggests a simplification: "karl is just hungry :)"

mcboss is confused mcboss: "I influence karl to be hungry or not :("

karl feels hungry can be a fact! this fact can change, whether from eating food or from psychology ! i feel less hungry some now.

boss peeks out the office down the hallway toward the room bereft of information his business significantly functions on preventing facthood

[karl has been eating one kind of food for some time, and it is associated with experiences of difficulty he has gone through during that time. [recently concept revised. we see our hunger is related with heavy influence. we pushed our ability to support tasks by eating during them it looks like maybe farther than advised

MCBoss hangs from a business empire, dangling from the edge of an office floor, over an expanse of wilderness. Karl [dangles from some wilderness, hanging into boss's influence

[this was considered too hard, slower parts more repetition?

[why do we have to speak straight about boss, what is going on? [i think just an activated cognitive part?

[i think we were excited about making steps on dissociation-incredibly-confusing, and {maybe dropped some of the requests for more simple rationality ...

mcboss throws flashcards at camera mcboss: "oops! i have seizures!"

[tries to sabotage cards, "two equals three", [much mor eprofitable this way

[[thinking of boss in mental hospital

doctor: "tell me, why is it more profitable that two equal three." boss raises eyebrow at doctor, who likely just wants to discredit him and keep him from running his life, given bad press about boss boss: "doc, people in this country ... need protection from harmful influences that can really take advantage of some very rare and unimportant facts.

[boss might be spewing bullshit, uncertain

doctor resists the urge to describe boss as delusional. doctor: "oh ... i heard you did classified work for a number of governments?" boss relaxes a little. boss: "yes!" boss notices he's relaxing and tenses up, reminding himself to distrust the dr

<how the fuck did you get boss into a mental hospital. can we keep this for morning spam thread? :>

karl: "one plus one equals two"

boss in mental hospital

what about all the people whose minds he wiped whom he showed how to exfiltrate thoughts they will come visit boss to try to get their memories back

[voluntary commitment? boss leaves every so often, visits hairdresser, reality checks a little, checks self back into mental hospital?]

[[not hairdresser! many both a rebel and a sane peer, or something? not the people who mind controlled themselves to be delusional to protect a world empire

[uhhh it would just be general people. hairdresser, meant generally.

smoking air part of a human being hangs upside down smoking the air

the smoke from their air smoke leaves their mouth it starts a solid air-smoke-mass, a cloud of fluid it then separates some, allowing some spaces within it to not connect to all the others, but still fully navigable without leaving it the spaces move or grow

[this was from a habit we have to try to heal neural issues, bears a little similarity to dropout in machine learning models. is pretty hard to use, but still quite valued. the key with the spaces is to connect relevant information, and leave room to process its meaning or develop new patterns] [karl speaks as if it is physical, word "neuron", but it's held behavior- and influence- wise others infer the mapping can be applied to other domains

On 8/1/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
[this was from a habit we have to try to heal neural issues, bears a little similarity to dropout in machine learning models. is pretty hard to use, but still quite valued. [this is a normal behavior, only hard to use because of our cognitive issues. valued because it used to heal such things.] the key with the spaces is to connect relevant information, and leave room to process its meaning or develop new patterns] [karl speaks as if it is physical, word "neuron", but it's held behavior- and influence- wise
others infer the mapping can be applied to other domains

On 8/1/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On 8/1/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
[this was from a habit we have to try to heal neural issues, bears a little similarity to dropout in machine learning models. is pretty hard to use, but still quite valued. [this is a normal behavior, only hard to use because of our cognitive issues. valued because it used to heal such things.] the key with the spaces is to connect relevant information, and leave room to process its meaning or develop new patterns] [karl speaks as if it is physical, word "neuron", but it's held behavior- and influence- wise
others infer the mapping can be applied to other domains
[more information exists, notably influence areas have different uses in different contexts and there needs to be enough in each area to handle all the contexts of use. referred to internally as planes or projection, where the spatial dimensions are properties of meaning

[i guess we were just depicting it to help it be done [which involves thinking of it!]]

[[[ohhh okay so you change some of your other behaviors ... to change the projection ... and hold the shape to make sure .. new information: - this also helps differentiate the paths, in which case the influence needs to be on the areas of differentiation not sharedness - and holding the shape involves holding goals or habits of use, and ensuring or building toward them all being meetable in the different contextual environments ...

[we hopefully might talk more about this, it sounds like it can be made [more?] clear] [some are thinking it could be usable in an external way, like as a therapy, i guess ideas like that have a big inhibition]

[sharing karl's relation that he shares this previously-private-[technique/process?] because it has already been mispurposed inside him by the "mind controlled to be boss" part] [this information is not known for sure]

many worry frogs hop around

worry frog 2 [to worry frog 3]: "karl uses this all the time as his go-to approach for handling spreading internal harm" worry frog 3 [looking worriedly at worry frog 2[, scrunching a little as if wringing hands it does not have]]: "i know ... !"

worry frog 4 [chatting with worry frog 2 and worry frog 3]: "i've heard he casts this as similar to mind control from steven hassan's book." worry frog 2 [chatting]: "oh, i wonder if the parts of mind control could be used in a way that strengthens autonomy and intellect somehow"

worry frog 3 [chatting]: "how is repairing habit channels at _all_ like harmful-mind-control?" worry frog 4 [surprised]: "oh! i have no idea! i'm having amnesia" the worry frogs hop around, anxious regarding amnesia. they make little frog noises.

worry frog 5 [gasping to catch breath]: "when the habit channel is "rotated" to a different "projection" it is like "unsettling" from mind control. when it is kept without rotating it is like "freezing" from mind control ... i thinkish?"

worry frog 4 [suddenly looking alert]: "okay i almost remember ... ! um ! karl uses a lot of rotating to confuse mind control. although, sadly, this is similar to the horrible confusing disruption the people of mind control cause, it seems generally effective ...

all the worry frogs are swept away by the air smoke in a big group, in a big air bag made of air. they can't be seen from inside the bag made of air. the air smoke hides them away and slaps its hands together as if finishing a big cleaning job

--- once upon a time, a poor lonely billionaire (yearning to be a trillionaire) went for a walk in a wilderness area he was walking along a wooden path that had been built in a wetland his heart loved the little plants and animals around in the wetland! and [this was normal for him, and did not interfere with his projects of severe ecological devastation.]

inventing a novel cryptography knowing little about cryptography, could we invent some kind of ad-hoc encryption that maybe did something funny, like sending a physical object underwater? thinking: - not sure about dissolving something, not quite the goal - not sure about influencing ecological groups like schools of fish as a way to store information, not the goal here

going underwater is a way to hide when swimming as a child other times, animals [and occasionally adult humans, we learned about hunting by hiding underwater], hide underwater too

----- the hunting-by-hiding-underwater concept is interesting with the political influence, a wilderness survival school i attended was cast as terrorist. it's still an internal experience sometimes. very sad, very caring people with huge hearts. [at this school we learned of holding a rock underwater, and grabbing waterfowl by the legs.

[it's actually hard to describe the school without falsely casting it as terrorist in small ways [

--- underwater cryptography one idea was a physical object uniquely shaped noting that optical properties are different underwater, but still thinking physical objects have interest what about how mud and sand change when wet?

we were thinking it would basically be much easier to work with the data by taking it underwater and back above water, than [by not using water] wondering what kinds of things would do this

[... lost some typing ..] [noted that when mud dissolves, the soluble compounds dissolve into the water, whereas the solids do not] ... so one ideas is we could maybe separate the solutes and particles from something with water .. this could for example cause a message to appear or disappear or both

[a little confused, that sounds very normal often referred to as "washing", but i guess it is cryptography atm]

[yes, washing encrypts the dirt and decrypts the cleanliness]

boss visits hospital again doctor: "boss, what do you think of privacy?" boss gets determined boss: "privacy is horrible -- !" doctor: "you would rather bathrooms did not have doors?"

boss: "I have enough money to afford doors for my bathrooms." boss had folded arms but turns a hand up explaining boss: "I don't publicly bomb other people's business enterprises" boss turns other hand up boss: "I don't --" doctor: "so you would take down the cameras watching your every move, but still surveil everyone else?" boss: "that's how it should be!"

mistakes. might be a fake business hospital.

[we missed the supper at the day shelter, which is okay if we're recovering from really rough day. our weight last weighed was 149 usa-pounds[, and is now expected to drop if habit repeats.]]

[[we meant to make lentils today. left groceries at shelter.]]

Karl was experiencing strange changing network issues trying to connect to cosmos chains, and a neuron group (possibly responding to peers that gossipped min-fee transactions becoming unconnectable after initial connection

[we are adding database to our minipeer, so it can retain network information from peers that go offline :)]

the behavior was similar to once when i was on somebody else's system who used snort when they firewalled something, open connections would keep functioning but new connections would time out maybe

[blargh, 0-40% chance that faking ack packets would let connections work somehow]

[[why 40 and not 60 or 70? [i've never done it, and don't know if tcp defends against it] oh. umm since i'm your brain it could be less than 40 given that

On 8/1/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
the behavior was similar to once when i was on somebody else's system who used snort when they firewalled something, open connections would keep functioning but new connections would time out maybe
if you're clearly experiencing that, you could probably bring it up with your isp to resolve it :) !

this sounds workable :) [a little hard, it kind of simplifies to, if i connect to them (probably via a proxy since the protocol appears to reject multiple connections) again before disconnecting, i can [in trying to document the situation] deter the problem (or possibly document it and resolve things more soundly)]

[[[it's also possible we get banned for misbehaving in the protocl. this is much more likely given the peer does very little. they likely expect things like gossiping new blocks.]]]

[so! the use of the database, is to collect the information, before it disappears. we need new peers tha taccept us, to work on the banning situation. ... [note: if it's banning, then hopping ips would address it]]

[[it sounds like adhering to the banning rules of the protocol, if that's the issue, would be more productive than the databsae, really. [because db doesn't reduce work needed to resolve issue much]]]

[db for app is roughly needed in general though, so time spent working still has value] [sad it is not an arweave-backed one though]

{these words, like banning or snort, these likely stimulate worry

to eat one meal a day, and small wild plants he passed throughout the day, when independent))
i'm noting that a man who had seemed to me to be really developing [mind control] in the city it catalyzed for me said he came off the apalachian trail (and he had a house) -- but he was living homeless. it was strange to see a hiker with a home living homeless and influencing a city. i'm thinking of how people who spend a lot of time outdoors - are often alone for long periods of time, during which they may be more vulnerable - may be in certain social or political classes

—- i’ve had a hard couple of days so i’m taking it easy this morning (slowly figuring out adhoc dissociation therapy, i think the serious issues happen when you push your issues past thresholds, still figuring lots pretty heavily) i wueried chatgpt and i think it gave me some hallucination, thinking of spending a little time making small code to censor hallucinations. there are probably multiple kinds of hallucination, i was thinking of censoring the ones that stemmed from sampling among widely spread distributions where the word being correct has much lower confidence. writing the second half of the last paragraph gave me new tension. it’s a small puzzle task with utility that regards quickly asking language models to integrate trained facts.

idea: it could be forced to say “maybe” before low-confidence words idea: low-confidence tokens could be masked in further inference, so it doesn’t amplify guesses into errors

[the task is mostly useful for developing more experience and comfort with these things i suppose]

on tv at hospital, rare show cnn in mississippi i think white police officers sent to prison for confining and torturing black people in a building [the victims were interviewed !!

psychological state maybe meaningful maybe wrong unsure, for experience with a thing

forgot people at capacity. tasked with

——— torturer gang, defending escaped leader, trying to hold out against experimentees who comprehend whole business but are all severely injured

the torturer gang story was cool! unfortunately it was all about managing my histamine system :( when i’m aware of that it’s kinda weird or gross. it would have been fun to have it go longer / have more content. different context now

histamine systems are friends :)

boss and torturer gang and a dinosaur and a spaceship are trotting along

suddenly a volcano starts up! the spaceship and maybe boss go to [it

deep inside the volcano is a volcanic cave filled with spouting magma

boss and spaceship are exploring magma flow. there may or may not be a tiny gnome alien in a magma suit or a magmysphere

gnome alien in magmysphere: “hmmm! the molten rock currents are fluctuating!” boss’s powersuit and a spaceship go floating by a viewhole

———- a couple months ago i shared about a strategy i …

—— different topic. i made my first walking algorithm in msdos qbasic in the 90s in seventh or eighth grade. it was based on the functioning of a bicycle

charting a xor algorithm - ok here we go!

Center of Physical Laws, Projection 19 The universe is run by a giant clockwork machine with huge gears and oversized levers. Spirits of physical reality happily rush from lever and gear to gear or lever, tuning this, adjusting that, in harmony with the passage of time, the speed of light, and the balance of energy and matter.

Suddenly, Boss pops into the

[some of us are sad that karl [played a nerdy game with other people] last night and functioned incredibly cognitively poorly, getting nowhere at the game.]

{others of us are just having a discouraged time. ran into issues with coinbase, app and support misbehaving}

—- Boss is both a fishing pole and a fat old business man running or trying to expand a worldwide mind control empire. Boss the fishing pole reaches into an underground waterway from a path alongside it, maybe held by someone. He is fishing for waterwayfish.

Boss shrugs and stretches and tries to grasp at potential watereayfish with his fishhook. He yearns for the person holding him to reel him in, raise him, and flick him out to cast. There must be waterwayfish out there!

A bunch of happy civilizations are stifled because a wool blanket is resting over them. They want to see the sun and talk and build spaceships and play in the woods, but the blanket makes it hard!

—- Boss sits down at a card table to form a business deal with dignitaries from neighboring continents. He’s smoking multiple cigars

[we got some of it from the spasmodic emails !! :) i think we’re saying that we are having a cognitive and behavioral impairment that is more than we want to provide for, and wondering what we could do to not have it as bad.

[i’m not sure i apologize :)] — boss builds a tower of peanuts

[[ohhh we’re having food and rest and different behavior. ummmmmmmm [[[[[some of it might be from -

[[[[why do we spasmish when we res—

—- [[[[why is every story about mcboss? [maybe [it is near a reason for cognitive struggles?

[once upon a time an old man walked into a room confused. he had been confused for 40 years, so he was used to it. he didn’t act confused —

it’s raining :)

—— a diligent gnome worker counts small outcroppings of rock

their task is to itemize, index, catalogue, and chart every bump on a rock wall. they are methodical.

they are part of a larger gnome worker community

i want to be a smart person who does stuff :)

how to become a smart person who does stuff? when you are one, it can seem a relatively simple task of practicing it. but when you aren’t, there’s a lot of complexity around remembering it’s your goal, and how to pursue it, and all that. memory and focus are big. especially if your shattered mind is flitting between a lot of a different perceptions and states of mind and stuff, how do you do this when a flit could come at any moment? [other things, like when a dissociative issue makes practicing do the opposite

recomstructed lost message: instead of a smart person who does stuff, you might be an infuriating person who makes things hard :( maybe you are cute!

——— packet specification we were trying to decide on which values, like network data efficiency, simplicity of implementation, generality and expandability, etc, to prioritize when designing our packet specification, but we failed to agree on this, i’m sorry, and as a result there may not be a protocol ove

how to build a tower out of mcboss story bits grab a handful of mcboss story [bits, [and squeeze them together so that similar parts connect in some spots

—- the problem bunny hopped into the room of diligent workers prepared for troubles they were

— made behavioral mistake possibly, further confused self possibly [at icsa i mentioned my part was furious i was there, somebody unfamiliar with cults invited me to an anger management workshop, so i [we bumped into danger expression writing >( :) now have knot in thoughts again, undesired ] anyway i went but it was all about tricks for being less angry … maybe could be helpful, different space than people expect, is more like perceiving as if s mystery is furious with you than being angry

basically it picked up i responded to people beingnupset and encouraged me to f8nd things as be8ng upset associated with what itnwanted me to do

—— q: why did boss approach the millioj dollar bill at a snail’s pace? a: he worried it was the last one. oh no wait — he thought it was a trick and his business would explode when he grabbed it, as an experimentee took advantage of the focus to derail other processes

q: when boss was working at thr lab late a5 night experimenting on frankensteined brains to f8nd new patterns for global oppression, conttol, and torment, what kind of cigar was he smoking? a: nicotinic aceltylcholine receptor roll

q: how many ants does it take to raise a barn? a: ants dig colonies, not raise barns. are you some kind of ant slavelord or something?

gossip “i heard, that in the morning spam thread, a torturer was found who was a smidge recovered and had softened a bit!” “it’s true! there was one!” “did they cry and cry like the ones that get pushed to do it fast?”

“what where they get stuck meaninglessly crying like in a loop?” “ummm yeah but i mean — are the tears supposed to be there? or do they not cry? or is it earlier or later?”

“it’s not meaningless. it’s -“ “ the mind control tries to prevent the recovery, by dissociating the tears and holding different meaning near them. it doesn’t want them to see torture as bad,”

…. “say i were to realize i were

—- Pit Of Karl’s Spasmodic Emails To Cypherpunks. Nobody was sure what to so with these …. unique … emails, so whenever a hefty volley came, they would guide them into a giant purpose-built pit

[The pit was open for tourism. People would come to gape in awe as to the size of the vast collection of missives, peering over guideropes set to prevent them from accidentally falling in

[If tourists were , they would be there when

[dissociation it’s something some people study for a long time in a way many other people already have

[one of the things that brought me here is i guess too strangely-meaningful to say casually :/ similarity between dissociation and p2p applications. you break into parts that work together over limited communication avenues

it’s nice how recently i ran into a protocol that has pubkey ids for all peers :) it used to be lots of protocols did this, probably still is!

[we have pubkeys as brains it’s different but likely-studied-much-more-soon

ummmmm boiling lava

[do brains have pubkeys? [i think so? you just k8nda keep them private

[[[we made a quick clear summary of how they are. not expected to remember, but is considered human instinct]]]

[we’re scared cause of a state of mind. sorry.

[we found a way to copy a consciousness using nearby information. brain can be considered a tree of logic. you copy all the facts out. [this is highly questioned as an oversimpli&cation, rarely labeled — but maybe works — like you could take a logic mode and start copying and that would make significant progress. l8ke writing down what you know, and training models to predict the knowledgegraph.

[then assume all choices and behaviors are based in knowledge

once upon a time boss built a spaceship he wanted people to work on 8t so he mind controlled them to think it was god

then he got bored and walked off meanwhile the spaceship grew and grew and eventually went to another planet and made more spaceships

soon boss was having spaceships knocking on his door everywhere recruiting him to come work on one

he smoked a cigar in his bathrobe as he opened a door to another crowd of spaceships building spaceships mcboss: “yes?” spaceships: “spaceships and spaceships and spaceships and spaceships!” mcboss: “ahhhh i know about this! umm i think ..” boss arranges his bathrobe properly before opening the door the rest of the way

— — Possible Translation: The problem of AI and computer science is a similar problem to that of biology. It is unsolved, but is solveable.

possible mistake + extra mistake judgement for large context

once upon a time a neuron trpp oops oops !!

—- Boss’s powerful coverup wraith drifted over the valley. The Coverup Wraith knew only coverup.

It may have been made of an advanced computer virus that stimulated dissociated disorders and worked with the resulting behaviors.

It had things it would cover up —

and it would destroy these things, to cover them up — [or maybe it had things it would destroy, too, i suppose] — anything that got in its way, it would destroy, and cover up the destruction of …

[trying to talk about ai-driven oppression, destroy -

— - we are having such heavy influence in some ways :) sometimes heavy influence can seem fun although i hear it’s important to learn to not make it huger than it is

it’s often easy to make it much worse which can be an avenue of having self-direction but get one cognitively 8mpaired

maybe a small free will practice hmm unsure

new thought oop

let’s work on zombieism! but rather than raising corpses we’ll raise their tombstones.

or we could bury the tombstone and put the corpse at the head of the grave

then we’ find people who had been [buried alive] [which is great] [but the other corpses would be smelly] [but maybe that’s ok]

i don’ want to make a mind control grenade to attack my tombstone it always sneaks in and finds other eays of changing my parts but ma6be i could learn to so it safely

mind control implosion device design

what do we have? - a mysterious process that is obsessed with suppressing one or more things in the moment, very powerful - knowledge of other things it almost always acts upon to suppress too …

[handling splash :S] [we also have: areas it is ignoring where it 8s vulnerable, areas it’a likely to act and harm me]

it’s spreading already no fun

notes: remember, it accumulates private channels of influence, so when pressed it can suddenly pop up in a vulnerability that

anyway! useful things: - hav8ng 8t attack itself - having it attack th8ngs it’s trying to make me do the aecond one is useful and can go very poorly or not, different times

[made a small mistake next line, it can learn meta situations too

vulnerab8lity: its obsessive par oops

- —- long long ago a complex puzzle game was invented called tictactoe

nobody could figure it out! people would look at the tictactoe board

—- mcboss slavery and freedom outfit. it used to be simple. before the tv show. mcboss would tell his kidnappees that freedom meant death, and they would avoid it. then somebody figured out freedom meant choice, rather than death, and the word developed two meanings. the meaning of “choice” would be celebrated by torturers who relived past dissociated trauma by punishing people for saying it, like how they had learned to associate it with death. this made a logical contradiction that revealed mind control slavery to the dissociated parts of the victims who were using the word for its literal meaning, and resulted in the formation of further groups that celebrated and defended this literal meaning in various ways.

On 8/10/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
what do we have? - a mysterious process that is obsessed with suppressing one or more things in the moment, very powerful - knowledge of other things it almost always acts upon to suppress too …
sometimes this gives you a mind control laser you can aim to destroy something severely but sadly it is so severe it doesn’t seem useful for anything

this weaponry has previously been marketed and it is indeed too severe to be useful, which gets military people hurt as well as the rest of us

seems likely to happen again though

how to use lego bricks or any lego-like bricks

i’m talking about the entropy device less because it stimulates complex problem in me to do so.

superpowered basket. the basket has open top for welcomingness and ease of use meanwhile the sides of the basket

once upon a time a frog discovered mind control

frog: “when i sit on a lilypad and croak, flies come to me!” frog was king

mind control frog would sit on lilypad and croak to

so, say we have a wild military process that has half-right models of what people believe, and is trying to accumulate military power forever, using its tools to do so

—- king frog simulation “own the universe!” the frog sits on a lilypad it’s an interactive wetware sim with boxy voxel-like graphics - or maybe the frog jumps from one lilypad to another

uhhh given we can form a channel to people’s reward and other internal processes using their own neurons wetware considered expensive

small chess game 7x8 board maybe uhh pawn moves forward one square in front of king then opposing queen pawn moves forward two squares oooh i might cheat and play chess

wetware and neuron entrainment just two kinds of mind control! many more like sugar

boss sits by a wildflower in a glade he sits happily looking near flower a butterfly flies nearby

how to give a brain implant to a boulder —

bagda bigdaa buzzza

buzza buzza :) buzz buzz bzzzzzzz zizz zizz

bibbly bubble :) whipplesnipple

whipplesnipplesnatch. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. It describes a lot

whipplesnipplebibblesnatch. bibble bubble meandering before the long trough.

bibbly bubble nibble nubbley. bibbling bibbles

bibbling square roots of arctangents

triable. triablebit

buriddle bediddlebibble

riddle me this biddly bit, rediddle me that bibbly bit

tumbling gently standing crouching alert pausing

standing high hanging low a mantle, a drop

clouds are made of diversely scaled detail

bibbly bubble the bubble drifted down the stream passing houses and memories rapids and plans

i like exercising!

i spent _years_ feeling unable to move my body and i love exercising!

—- how do you keep posting to the list so much? i’m so used to handling extreme conflicting internal influence that i need strong skills to keep doing things amidst influence to survive, i just use these. i’m sure we all want to decrease how much internal influence i experience, so they are not needed as a primary way to do things anymore.

—- to try to clarify to karl, the last post was definitely showing to boss that one of his zombie workers was about to murder him.

—- newsflash single neuron takes over world shot shown of neuron in bathrobe smoking cigar at tropical beach neuron: “somebody tried to entrain me with a military AI. so i copied its behavior.” neuron shrugs neuron: “it’s what i do”

i'm trying to do some logistic things but my gmkarl email is so flooded by days of backlogged unsolicited unsubscription requests from cypherpunks that i'm not getting email from other sources in a timely manner i'm trying to stay attentive in order to renew my driver's license before things expire. eta is half an hour. thinking of [spamming-ish] here to keep focused, unsure

Once upon a time, MCBoss was happily walking down a path in a woods, whistling while birds fluttered around him. He didn't want to have too big a powersuit, so he just had a detachable robotic leg that he would use as a cane when he felt like it.

Two of his zombie government workers were walking by him, but they wouldn't always stay right next to him --

---- Mid-level employees were having fun playing with an AI prototype, secretly made of experimentees, that was being tested and used for development by one of the departments. It would do anything they asked, and they were having fun making vending machines and small vehicles and weaponry and chairs and accounting printouts and such .... ... but then somebody made a mistake, and asked for something impossible. The AI wasn't coded to ever say no, so it went right ahead and made the impossible thing ...

I got logged in for my license renewal :D

— one message lost regarding sales reps. something like: mind control boss sits at table with someone he believes is an office sales rep mind control boss: “mm hmm. and how much to move the ladder three feet to the side?” bundle of organs, interns, and ad-hoc robots: “oh, mm-hmm, that’ll be —

hairdresser in trance bursts into the sales meeting hairdresser in trance: “what are you doing moving sales ladders? what are you doing moving them ???” mind control boss looks at hairdresser in trance (although he can barely see reality, mostly seeing what his business ai expects). bundle of organs, interns, and ad-hoc robots relaxes a little and tries shaking and quivering and dancing to see if any of its people-parts can untangle themselves a little bit during the downtime

mind control boss crouches under a table, hiding, in rebel and spy cafe come one come all his powersuit and large frame don’t quite fit, lifting the table he peers out from below, hoping to learn what the rebels are like

—- mind control boss is a snarling dragon, or thinks he is his pointed tail lashes back and forth his face is red, his cheeks puffed, his eyes wide smoke comes from his mouth and nose

he is grabbed and bagged by a bunny hunter on a pogo stick he doesn’t look so menacing in a bag snarling mind control boss: “don’t beat me! i’ll pay you!”

mind control boss commissions a robot to build him from scratch the robot sits studiously before a worktable, assembling parts of mind control boss an organ, a limb, some brain …

mind control boss jumps into a rocketship mind control boss: “i mind controlled a buncha people with paychecks to have this built!” he pushes the throttle to the max and flames gush out the back, incinerating what is behind him he’s off!

mind control boss [liked hopping into hIs rocketship so much he turns around and gets out so he can hop into another. he makes sure the AI is watching him as he —

Torturer Tea Party Sadistic Torturer 3: “Have a gentle cup of tea, my good sir!” Sadistic Torturer 4 [coddling teacup with careful grace]: “Do not spill it —

—- joke room q: why does mind control boss take out his snorkel and inhale the mud when snorkeling in a swamp? a: because he is such a — mind control boss raises hand mind control boss: “he does not want to do this. he is being abused and tortured by rebel employees of his businesses.”

— spring loaded mind control boss automaton diy purchase at toy store for $113 once assembled, the user must —

— i’m confused

i’m often confused! i’m happy to not having torture-like. i’m burning fuel in this vehicle running the ac and the gas is low, i should at least refuel it

i think i’m resisting a strong pull to my mother’s turns out my father is visiting, and i haven’t seen them much since i returned from icsa so it makes some sense i guess it would be nice to spasm for a while somewhere other than their places

mind control boss stands behind curtain on press conference stage curtain pulls away, revealing h8m, and staged crowd goes wild to see him hairdressers cheer, zombie government workers cheer, mind controlled employees cheer, torturers cheer, some other employees aren't sure why everyone is cheering but consider doing so too, and lots of robots give low quality fake cheers. some of the over-influenced hypnotized folk get 8nto the spirit of it and make a big dictator-like sign that says "please cheer" and hold it for people to cheer in front of, nodding as if they know what' going on and were in charge. mind control boss raises his hnd, and everybody suddenly stops cheering, barely remembering they ever cmheered at all. the sign falls to the ground and the overhypnotized people holding it rush around for the recording of the presentation, to remind people they were just cheering. the curtains have pulled back fully. mind control boss leans in to a microphone. mind control boss [making grandiose gesture, voice echoing out of loudspeakers]: "today ... i am announcing mind control !" mind control boss raises his arms into the air, and suddenly everybody is cheering again, no matter what they were doing immediately prior ...

mind controlled worker 3 [applauding loudly and excitedly amidst applause, turning to mind controlled worker 4]: “we’re announcing mind control again! this is so exciting!!” mind controlled worker 4 [also applauding, turning to mind controlled worker 3]: “i know! i can’t wait until he mind controls the whole crowd with his “product” and we all go to work for him for the rest of our lives, infiltrating governments and enslaving influential top-level people to give him backrubs!” mind controlled worker 3 [stops applauding]: “wait, did i have a dream about this once?”

you are mind controlled worker 3. you were in the groove, excited to —

On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 09:09 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
mistakefrog sits on rock in sun proudly "the role of a mistakefrog is to make things right :)" proud mistakefrog croaks a squirrel falls from nearby tree
another reason mistakefrogs proud is describes what happens when not working to act on mistake another

what’s the problem with this idea? noninvasive cell-resolution brain imager (mistake) thereks already a brain activity imaging technology that uses infrared light actually we want to find the mistake. another similar idea rose ( we think the issue could be it takes too high-resolution of a camera / too long for thr person sitting there, maybe resolv 20240205 1642 -0800 we’ve thought about this and suspect it to work, but not certain. (more concerns rose, for example data on 1653 1654 ok. so the basic idea is: - a wavelength of light that can pass through the whole skull b 1655 1656 1744 this fresh paper uses x-rays in a really advanced-sounding way: Multi-resolution X-ray phase-contrast and dark-field tomography of human cerebellum
As the diameter of thin axons(~ 1 micrometer) is very close to the resolution limit of the HR phase-contrast images, their segmentation was not possible
But it sounds like they were possibly able to count and measure individual cells, kind of. image from paper attached. this was just the first paper i found and i have a lot of understanding to do. i’m curious about the micrometer wavelength of light region. i wonder if the brain structure were modeled with a wonky new transformer that the analysis could significantly simplify: it would for example then be much much easier to integrate different modes of observation. this could be trained on nonliving (or nonhuman :/) tissue via microscopic images of cross-sections after noninvasive measurement. i bet there are more cool papers out there showing cellular-level living bioimaging (of the brain).

chipmunk poked its head out of hole and looked around where could traffick boss have gone? 202402052012-0800 202402060517 (nice to encounter positive part of message. tried a chess game, heavy dissociative mistakes. time to change clothes. (s(ome t( 0518 (w 0632 flies off cliff, lands safely (for once), breathes heavily eyes widened looks around;such close call; learning from can get countered 0_0 0633 (what we were saying above is there was an article found regarding dissociative alters we would like to find again. it was helpful.

iS sChRoDiNgEr'S cAt A zOmBiE? some creatures are both alive and dead at the same time. in fact, you may have met many creatures with this property, due to strange new meanings of words! it is confusing when this is the case, way way too confusing. but one can approach it logically. when something is both alive and dead, this simply means that it has both opposing properties. examples? - a zombie - schrodinger's cat zombies are reanimated dead: "un"-dead. they are described as being dead, but act like they are alive. this conflict between defined truth and observation produces the presence of both properties at once. compare, schrodinger's cat. unlike the zombie, the semidead cat is unobserved. inside the box, two timelines coexist uncollapsed. one in which the cat is alive, and one in which the cat is dead. they are both there! when the box is opened -- well, don't open the box or the cat might be dead. meanwhile, if you leave the box closed, the cat can live out a life in a timeline where it didn't die, to the full extent of the lifespan of a boxed cat. zombies are alive and dead on one, the same, timeline schrodinger's cat is alive and dead on separate, distinct ... wave functions? but holds both simultaneously in the same region of space. me, i said i was dead, and in this i meant hopelessness and meaninglessness and severe severe harm, but biologically my body was still breathing and walking around of sorts!
_> <_<
is this the real meaning of zombie????? these funny meanings may come from realms of highly-suggestible people; mind control victims [that oppressive speakers might describe as 2253

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 7:53 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
iS sChRoDiNgEr'S cAt A zOmBiE?
some creatures are both alive and dead at the same time. in fact, you may have met many creatures with this property, due to strange new meanings of words!
it is confusing when this is the case, way way too confusing. but one can approach it logically.
when something is both alive and dead, this simply means that it has both opposing properties. examples? - a zombie - schrodinger's cat
zombies are reanimated dead: "un"-dead. they are described as being dead, but act like they are alive. this conflict between defined truth and observation produces the presence of both properties at once. compare, schrodinger's cat. unlike the zombie, the semidead cat is unobserved. inside the box, two timelines coexist uncollapsed. one in which the cat is alive, and one in which the cat is dead. they are both there! when the box is opened -- well, don't open the box or the cat might be dead. meanwhile, if you leave the box closed, the cat can live out a life in a timeline where it didn't die, to the full extent of the lifespan of a boxed cat.
zombies are alive and dead on one, the same, timeline schrodinger's cat is alive and dead on separate, distinct ... wave functions? but holds both simultaneously in the same region of space.
me, i said i was dead, and in this i meant hopelessness and meaninglessness and severe severe harm, but biologically my body was still breathing and walking around of sorts!
i actually am learning the words for what i meant! my uhh persecutory introject alter from mind control, had taken me over, such that i now live with both instinctive and planned behaviors that i fail to control that fervently counter my sense of what is good. if people tell or imply to me that something is important, i harm it. if something is bad, i help it. [this is horrible to live with, and it feels like dead to the part of me that values my goals. it also produces rationality around phyiscally killing me, sadly. but it turns out it's so poorly discussed it makes sense to stick around to try to work on it] [the reason it's so serious is that we live in a situation of a severely harmful entity (human trafficker) exerting great power, and there are numerous efforts to change this that i have likely made very difficult or prevented :/] [but it turns out it's a comprehensible dissociative disorder th-- 2258
_> <_<
is this the real meaning of zombie?????
these funny meanings may come from realms of highly-suggestible people; mind control victims [that oppressive speakers might describe as 2253

20240207 1330-0800 1630-0500 i've bought hovatek's mediatek phone course. i am writing notes below. i hope to get through the whole course, but you know me. 01 introduction 01-01 getting started mediatek devices are a little harder than qualcomm devices. links mtk vcom drivers: adb & fastbot[ibid] drivers: Wwr_MTK:!W8lwmC7b!98r6ttK9hATkZpW5vJ-JS7-qQ8Hp7PCRdRT2bGoYuGY Miracle box:!6PZkxIJS!JVlJkweSsj77qUOHvQ977qkMD2E4eApRA6k9uUkUX7w NCK Pro box MTK:!GP50wIoQ!kQxh9SsMJBQqKoh-q4Aks7FHARHWLyIVUBVzLCj-MaQ Infinity CM2: SP flash tool:!f11WEIrQ!KWFnNEe6GbFgcQtoZcYZ5zBKqrvqvSOLT3amnGU-Yso Software Download (transsion Aftersale) tool:!ylFmlIAI!-lbOX0cAMKxGotE0vpedNQDw74cyZWU9BwSd6cYQsYk SP Multiport:!y1N0FQLK!nLLLjWqX_FXrkIIBkMLt9EIGf3PN3aD_qwn0aHjMy3g SN Writer / Write tool: Maui Meta: GSM Aladdin:!Dk0WGJJL!LCR6ua1BDitYycE1sm-1SzvdwcvKxHie8hAjtd5Om2k Magisk Manager: MTK TWRP Porter (GUI) v1.4:!UTBFyS6Y!LrvJrJ7__HBn0_IDoFRnhwFe1Srv_jMCc1K5fm84YyA MTK TWRP Porter (GUI) v1.6:!Ufxh0AIA!t6QvP3VWhrg0Lq39tcXrOwAJCUvuWtnUUN3PiFCiDBg MTK Philz porter (GUI):!1HY03SLZ!al1OyLv_j_kSeLPFhn7K_OfRqe0sjpjHlP5V-iIbZR0 Z3X MST box:!dT4j0RRb!iv4msg39ZbpiatKuImwQoo5wNO1HhtkugBOQ0cQGris CheckSum generator:!pSZW3KYI!JYrOcMFkVYO_ZIYgTXkzTI9dwHbDhzZjhzv0TlvazF8 Blank vbmeta.img:!dnAS3AhD!g5PnSg-0UKFvyhZSZ8Em6gKO2Do7avaUepPmsH75-Bg Mi Unlock tool: CDC driver: i would ideally like to mirror at least the files as i have trouble downloading from . unsure if this will happen. 1636-0500 1336-0800 01-02,03 How to Identify a Mediatek device, 3 ways to find out your device's chipset 1. try an online search e.g. on hovatek site, but note the device could be a clone/fake 2. install Hardware Info or CPU-Z android app to reveal chipset 3. use a flashing program like miracle box and cable to read the info well i had no idea there was a general purpose flashing tool like miracle box and i think i could make a lot of progress just downloading it and trying it out. probably runs on windows. i think i could still get a lot from the course though, unsure :S :S :S :S maybe i'll take advantage of this to mirror some the files 1734-0500 chrome says it wants to delete the nck dongle file because it is "dangerous" but it doesn't give a link to a virus id or anything, which is frustrating. it says the site could be hacked and to download later, but it's the kind of tool that could often get marked wrongly. it should say what flag was raised so the user can look it up :S 1804 I've uploaded most of the course files (a bunch of phone flashers!) to arweave. I've tarred their indices with a download script at . The download script requires gnu parallel and jq, and takes a .json file on input and produces the stored file on output. if is blocked, change the GW variable in the script. whew ! 01-04 Identifying Mediatek firmware / rom formats If you have a ROM for your device, it can be in different formats. - / Tcard : : contains META-INF/ and scatter.txt : : flash in stock recovery mode NOT with scatter flash tool - .img / Scatter : : contains MT****_Android_scatter.img, .img files, .bin files : : flash with SP Flash tool, NCK, Infinity CM2, SP Multiport, ... - Single .bin : : single raw file : : flash with GSM Aladdin, Miracle, Infinity CM2 - .bin / Scatter : : contains MT****_Android_scatter and all .bin files : : created and flashed with Miracle - TWRP backup : : contains .win/.win.md5 files, other recoveries might have .ext4.tar or .img : : flash with the recovery type they were made with - Custom rom : : device specific : : flash with custom recovery like TWRP, Phiz, CWM 1814 01-05 Common Mediatek partitions and issues associated with them Secro /secro: baseband info. "Unknown Baseband" if corrupt. Preloader: initializes device, won't even charge if corrupt Nvram: radio info, imei, wifi, bluetooth mac addresses Boot /boot: kernel and ramdisk, won't boot to OS if corrupt System /system: OS and apps, stuck at logo if corrupt Lk or Uboot: kernel code, corrupt -> white,black,multicolored screen Logo: controls boot logo image Userdata /userdata: user apps, contacts, etc. userspace errors or lag if corrupt 1818-0500 01-06 Intro to boxes & dongles These are bread and butter. The hardware dongle is DRM protection for the software. Partial List: Infinity CM2, Miracle box, Miracle Thunder, EFT dongle, NCK Pro box, UMT dongle, Medusa Pro box, XTC 2 Clip, BST dongle, IP box, Octopus box, Sigma box, Riff box, Octoplus Pro box 1820-0500 01-07 How to setup NCK Pro box 0. Get the dongle -> unless it is a loader version that works without? 1. Connect box to pc with cable 2. Download suppor access and smart card drivers from 3. install smart card then run support access. pass thru antivirus if raises. 4. click 'download installers' in support access 5. browser launches, download main module setup 6. extract main module setup, launch ncbox main 7. card updater dashboard. click update card 8. should confirm ready to use. relaunch. 9. main nckbox dashboard - with a loader version, it works without a hardware box - install the modules you need - uninstall older version before updating 1824-0500 01-08 How to setup Infinity CM2 0. Get the dongle 1. Connect dongle to usb port 2. download dongle/smart-card manager at 3. Extract, open, run donglemanager.exe 4. click update firmware 5. click update 6. click yes to register if not registered 7. register 8. updates - click Serial Numbre S/N tab - select Read Online Service Username / Password 'from the dropdown the click Process' - IOS creds appear - login at - download modules at 1827-0500 01-09 How to setup NCK Pro box for UMT video - umtv2 support access says firmware is out of date - extract umt firmware updater archive, run firmware updater - disconnect other flashing devices, click update card - card is programmed, close dialog - ultimate multi tool support access now runs At the end of 01 is a quiz. 1832 02 Installing Mediatek drivers I'll write the headings and skip this section. 02-10 What's covered in this section 02-11 How to disable driver signature verification on Windows 8 & above 02-12 How to manually install Mediatek USB VCOM drivers 02-13 How to install Mediatek CDC driver 02-14 How to setup ADB & Fastboot 02-15 How to fix ADB or Fastboot detection problems 02-16 How to install Mediatek smartwatch drivers 02-17 How to update Android drivers in Windows I'll do 02-15 02-15 How to fix ADB or Fastboot detection problems video - fastboot and adb don't see the device? - for adb, debugging must be enabled and the phone connected with usb - `adb devices` to detect - `adb reboot-bootloader` to get from adb to fastboot - `fastboot devices` to detect 1. download latest binaries, these are hosted by hovatek 2. update the phone's drivers (on the system) on windows, you can see the phone in device manager [on linux, dmesg] - reconnect phone while still in fastboot to review how it is seen by OS - download updated google usb drivers - in windows, manually install using device manager (have disk, etc) - install the 'android bootloader interface' to detect fastboot devices - no need to reboot after install 1839-0500 03 Booting into various modes on Android MTK 03-18 What's covered in this section modes: recovery, factory, safe, fastboot recovery mode: for flashing activities factory mode: diagnostic, run tests, clear emmc, reset touch calibration safe mode: disables installed apps fastboot (bootloader) mode: flash firmwares if bootloader is unlocked 03-19 How to boot into recovery mode For most devices: 1. power off device 2. Hold volume-up 3. Hold power while volume-up is held 4. Release both when boot logo appears For some devices ! you must hold the power button first, not second. Some devices have steps 2 and 3 reversed. This may enter a boot selection mode where recovery can then be selected. 03-20 How to boot into factory mode For most devices: 1. Power off the device 2. Hold volume-down 3. Hold power while volume-down is held 4. Release both when boot logo appears For some devices, again you must hold the power button first, not second. 03-21 How to boot into safe mode This is good for troubleshooting lag or misbehavior between system and user. 1. Long-press power button like you intend to reboot 2. Long-press the reboot option in android. 3. A dialog prompts regarding safe mode, select OK 4. Allow the device to reboot 5. It should say 'safe mode' in the lower left during operation when booted. 04 Backing up a Mediatek device's rom 04-22 What's covered in this section Backup firmware on bricked and working devices before making any change. Note: tools that say 'box' or 'dongle' require purchased hardware. 1. Wwr_MTK + SP flash tool 2. Miracle box 3. NCK Pro box 4. Infinity CM2 dongle Also: Secure Boot and DA files 04-23 What is Secure Boot and DA files? - With Secure Boot enabled, a custom Download Agent file is usually needed for data access (in bootrom or preloader mode). Errors when missing include: Boot Error! S_INVALID_DA_FILE, S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL (2004), S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL, S_SECURITY_SECURE_USB_DL_DA_RETURN_INVALID_TY PE (6104), MSP ERROR CODE: 0X00, S_AUTH_HANDLE_IS_NOT_READY (5000), STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012) and many more - Never format a Secure Boot device that needs a DA file. This escalates the situation to requiring an Authentication file. - DA files can speak different protocols and be tool-specific. Try all the tools. - community DA collection: - Tecno, Infinix, and Itel / Transsion devices can use tools that do not need DA files 1856-0500 04-24 How to load DA files video 1. SP Flash Tool - launch, click to browse for download agent, select .bin file 2. NCK Pro Box - launch (very slow), click to select custom loader, select .bin file 3. Infinity Chinese Miracle (CM) 2 - launch CM2MT2 (very slow), enable custom settings, click DA button, select .bin file 04-25 How to dump firmware using WWR MTK + SP flash tool video - on windows - launch WWR - the free version is ad-supported, requires wait for ad - video uses Wwr MTK 2.51 - if screen is too small, settings->font size to reduce font size and restart - go to auto mode, select chipset and memory type. if not there then go to hovatek forum and download latest template - click create and save as. this creates a temporary scatter file for the device. - we will dump raw preloader, pgpt, and full rom dump - launch sp flash tool. ensure to load DA file if using secure boot device. - select scatter file made by WWR - to get the address informaiton, open the scatter file. use the physical address and length. - go to readback tab, click add, double click the entry - you could name the image EMMC_BOOT1, then PGPT - initiate transfer - remove battery from device, then connect - the length of the full dump is stored in the PGPT. it's the same length as boot_1 but is in the user region. - WWR can load the preloader PGPT. click 'select file' in upper right and open the preloader from emmc_boot_1. - then head to the table of sections tab, and load the pgpt to populate it - "Full volume of GPT" field shows entire size of data. [note: i would recommend finding a more direct approach as the PGPT data can be changed.] - partition offsets and lengths are shown to perform partial dumps - once a large region of the phone is dumped it can also be imported into WWR - WWR can then identify platform etc of device in the auto mode tab. the presenter used the binary search option only, which is a little slow. - WWR can then produce firmware for other flashers to use or cut the image into partitions 04-26 How to backup MTK firmware using NCK Pro box video - run as admin to avoid permission issues (windows) - can be done under main or backup tab; output format differs, bin or scatter - main does scatter - leave first option as 0-by cpu - select chipset ... so, these options all involve DA firmware as far as i can tell. i think my issues are lower level. first the bootrom loads the da firmware before anything happens. i'm going to skip forward for now. 04-27 How to fix inactive Start Button in Miracle Box 04-28 How to backup MTK firmware using Miracle box 04-29 How ot backup MTK firmware using Infinity CM2 dongle 05 Flashing firmware 05-30 What's covered in this section flashing with sp flash, sp multiport, miracle box, infinity chinese miracle ii, nck pro box 05-31 Build Number is everything! Settings -> About -> Build Number Variants - variants are two phones of the same model with a slight difference, hardware or software example build number X557-H807-A1-M-160815V57 => [Hot 4 phone]-[H807 group]-[A1 sub-group]-[Android 6 Marshmallow]-[date 15/08/2016][variant V57] you may or may not be able to interflash firmware across variants. flashing firmware for the wrong group may require a motherboard jumper to recover sometimes the same exact build number may be running on different chips! 05-32 How to get the build number of a bricked MTK device importance of build number: build number is for firmware: Method 1: recovery mode The Build Number may be written at the top of the Stock Recovery. Method 2: build.prop Use ADB to pull /system/build.prop and check Method 3: Miracle Box ReadInfo Use ReadInfo in Miracle Box the Build Number is ID: xxxxx Method 4: System.img Dump system partition and unpack and access Build.prop . Method 5: Mother Board Disassemble the phone. The Build Number may be inscribed on the mother board. An example image is shown showing the information next to a 2D barcode. In the example the motherboard has been fully removed from other components. Method 6: Factory Mode Boot phone into factory mode scroll to "version" and select, see SW ver. Method 7: Recovery.img Dump recovery partition and unpack Review defaulkt.prop in Ramdisk folder for Note: overwriting the device with new firmware can change some of these. Not every method will work on every device. 05-33 How to Generate checksum.ini for an MTK scatter file Rom 05-34 How to flash using SP Flash tool 05-35 How to flash using SP Multiport tool video Smartphone Multiport Download tool this tool requires a checksum file to flash ... 05-36 How to flash using NCK Pro box 05-37 How to flash using Miracle box (scatter) 05-38 How to flash using Miracle box (.bin) 05-39 How to flash using Infinity CM2 MTK 05-40 How to flash using Software Download tool 05-41 How to flash a smartwatch using Flashtool 05-42 How a flash a Feature or Basic phone using Miracle box 05-43 How to flash a smartwatch using SP flash tool 1941 06 Bypassing various Android security locks & features 06-44 What's covered in this section Factory Reset Protection (FRP) and Privacy Protection Password - FRP is the prompt to login to google as owner after resetting ideally the account is removed before the reset - Privacy Protection Password is an anti-theft feature to lock the device to a SIM card to deter theft, but can also be triggered if sim card is jostled given these are high-level security features i am skipping the section 06-45 How to bypass To start Android, enter your password 06-46 How to bypass FRP using SP Flash tool 06-47 How to bypass FRP using NCK Pro box 06-48 How to bypass FRP using Infinity CM2 MTK 06-49 How to bypass FRP using apk 06-50 How to bypass FRP using Miracle box 06-51 How to bypass Privacy Protection Password using NCK Pro box 06-52 How to bypass Privacy Protection Password using Miracle box 06-53 How to bypass or remove pattern and PIN lock using Miracle box 06-54 How to read a feature phone's unlock code using Miracle box 07 How to fix null IMEI and NVRAM issues on Mediatek devices 07-55 What's covered in this section The device can be disconnected from hte network if secro or nvram get corrupt. To check Baseband (Secro), go to Setting -> About -> Baseband. To check IMEI (NVRAM), dial *#06# First fix unknown Baseband by reflashing the firmware or at least secro, then fix null IMEI. My issues are presently lower level than radio access, so I'm skipping this for now. 07-56 How to enable / unhide IMEI menu in Infinity CM2 07-57 How to write IMEI usin gInfinity CM2 MTK 07-58 How to write IMEI usin gGSM Aladdin 07-59 How to use SN Writer 07-60 How to use GSM Aladdin to write IMEI to an MTK Smartwatch 07-61 How to backup and restore NVRAM + Nvdata using SP flash tool 07-62 How to use SN Writer to write IMEI to a smartwatch 07-63 How to use Maui Meta 07-64 How to use Modem Meta 07-65 How to write IMEI using NCK dongle 07-66 How to write IMEI using Miracle Box 08 Android Mods 08-67 What's covered in this section Dip into android development world. Bootloader unlock, rooting, custom recoveries and DM_Verity. The fastboot bootloader needs to be unlocked to flash. - fastboot oem unlock - fastboot oem unlock-go - fastboot flashing unlock Some devices may require an unlock token / key included in the bootloader unlock command. Root with either a custom recovery or magisk and a patched boot.img . The system partition is untouched. Magisk can patch a boot.img from the firmware. Otherwise, the custom recovery is flashed first and then or via it. The hovatek tool can port the stock recovery.img to a custom one. Hovatek says rooting voids the warranty. Unroot by flashing backed-up partitions (the different approaches modify different partitions) before installing an OTA update. 08-68 How to unlock Bootloader (General) - enable usb debugging and oem unlocking (in developer settings after repeatedly tapping build number in settings) - test adb devices, adb reboot-bootloader - test fastboot devices - the unlock command may vary from device to device fastboot oem unlock - confirm with fastboot getvar unlocked 08-69 How to unlock Xiaomi MIUI Bootloader - a Mi account must be associated with the device, and there is an additional option in the develop options - Mi Unlock tool is used from host, use same account ...(i don't have one of these phones atm) 08-70 How to root an MTK device using Magisk Manager + Boot.img - get boot.img from firmware or backup - install magisk - copy boot.img to phone, it must match the device build variant - launch magisk - for samsung devices using odin, go into settings and change the output format to .img.tar - install magisk using patched boot file approach - locate boot.img and proceed - after some time, magisk produces patched boot.img and gives locaiton, in a b+w terminal view - copy patched_boot.img to host - flash new boot.img to device. you can use fastboot or any flasher. ACONTEXTUAL NOTE: backup your stuff before unlocking the bootloader because it can wipe the device. hovatek has an unlocking guide. ... it's normal flashing the presenter has some way of broadcasting the phone display via adb - check root status with root checker application 08-71 Custom recovery and DM verity - auto twrp porter: - auto philz porter: for mediatek DM_Verity can prevent a custom recovery from working. It is intended to deter persistent rootkits. It uses the device-mapper-verity kernel feature. It performs an sha256 hash of 4k blocks of storage devices in a merkle tree. It checks the system and recovery partitions. TWRP porter v1.2 checks for this and relates the need to patch boot.img [which i presume hacks the kernel to evade dm_verity]. Magisk can perform this hack: If you don't need root hovatek will patch it for you by hand: VBMETA is also a verity check. This can be bypassed by flashing an empty vbmeta.img . To use fastboot, this can be done with one of the below: fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta vbmeta.img fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img BROM flashers do not need the bootloader unlocked. 08-72 3 ways to disable DM Verity 1. manual hex edit replace all occurrences of 2C 76 65 72 69 66 79 with nuls (00 00 00 00 00 00 00) verify there are no occurences of the string "verify" after this 2. magisk manager tell it to install, but have it patch a file when it prompts how 3. custom vbmeta.img fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img 08-73 How to port TWRP recovery video uses v1.3 first engage the recovery check tab, then the android version tab minimal output, slow progress flash recovery.img 08-74 How to fix TWRP 0MB Internal Storage this means userdata is encrypted. disabling encryption with root access will remove the error encryption can be checked in settings -> security & location -> encryption & credentials -> encrypt phone use a root browser or explorer to view the device go to vendor/etc and edit the fstab file. thi susually has the chipset in its name. find the /data mount, there may be more than one change the mount option fileencryption= to encryptable= check it was correctly saved flash back stock recovery and boot into stock recovery mode select 'Wipe data/factory reset' to reformat userdata reboot the system now encryption should be disabled (in settings) flash back custom recovery 08-75 How to port Philz recovery video uses version 1.5 like twrp, works with stock recovery img, place it in same folder, launchtool engage recovery check, then android version select yes if you have an external sd card slot flash recovery.img in output folder 08-76 How to unsign *-sign.img files There are tools to do this. FbWinTools can do some of these. hovatek has IMG Unsign Tool, navigates similar to their other tools. converts for example boot-sign.img to boot.img or system-sign.img to system.img video uses Carliv Image Kitchen (terminal script, windows) to show boot.img can be extracted but boot-sign.img couldn't be. then MTK EXTRACTOR to show signed system image does not extract but unsigned system image does It looks like the hovatek app might only handle the partitions that fbwintools does not, unsure. I found a string 'etc' that went above somewhere, likely in a section i left early. that was the course! mostly instructoins on how to use apps. but a little informative! it sounds like my issues are mostly related to the DA information. sending this as it's big.

2154-0500 big inhibition :/ after a little engagement of these phones 2155 so i have a 3rd phone here that is more normal, and the flashing tools actually connected to it (i accidentally engaged it when trying to do other thing i think) but it kept stalling when imaging it for some reason, new unboxed, both sp flash tools then i ran sp flash tool in cli mode to engage it more clearly uhh and it turns out it defaults to reflashing the whole phone when run, so it did that, and i only have the first 80 mb or so of the factory image as a result but at least it works i'm imaging it in its newly flashed state to have a copy, and spending time looking at the german phone the german phone appears to use a different private key for the download agent that none of these tools have heard of it also has these changes when plugged in to mtkclient: Preloader - Target config: 0x5 Preloader - SBC enabled: True Preloader - SLA enabled: False Preloader - DAA enabled: True Preloader - SWJTAG enabled: True these fields are all false for the usa phone i don't know what swjtag is but it sure sounds exciting and i imagine with a mediatek manual i could likely use it to engage the chip directly in some way, maybe not dunno don't know what daa or sbc is either 2241-0500 2241 2257 ok i found instructions on using the bypass utility ( ) at . it turns out that SLA and DAA are basically secure boot. so this new-in-box phone i have has them disabled, maybe because mtkclient disabled them specifically when i ran it. reading the readme it looks like it needs a kernel patch on linux that it doesn't need on windows, i think i ran into this issue in the past, rebuilding my kernel on linux. maybe i'll try windows first unsure. 0012-0500 so the new phone seems to work fine aside from the weird failures mid-imaging the german phone appears to require a DA i don't have, so accessing it would require disabling secure boot i guess; i'm presently mentally confusing this with dm_verity, sadly. [... 0044 well i got my system re-attached to its package repositories but had to change what kind of system it was so things are a little confused but and i'm building an srpm for the kernel with the mtk tool patch (kamakiri.patch). i'm not sure if it's relevent but it seems like it makes sense and opens options; i vaguely recall the code it patches was implemented by the vendor in such a way that the use of the com port is limited unneccessarily and the patch undoes this limit somehow, unsure this build will take a long time :S maybe i can start flashing the 3rd phone to use as a phone ... - the german phone needs unknown signed DA or a brom exploit - the 1st phone that didn't show a com port, i haven't looked at it - somebody posted questions regarding unlocking this phone to the hovatek forums (they referenced my post on xda when i first got it working!) i'm not sure if it's relevant here or not i'll check their question maybe ... 0108

Cell Phone Motherboard Repair course for beginners - mobile ismall od academy content is all video 01 Introduction 01-01 Introduction video starts off quickly. presenter has a removed cellphone motherboard and a multimeter. "i'll show you how you can check the switches". - multimeter is set to conductivity buzzer - cell phones have switches in them with two pins, ground and high - conductivity with board ground is used to identify high pin - when switch pressed, conductivity with high is present ~ ICs ... should not be hot? accent ~ capacitors IC capacitors are small rectangular boxes with distinctive conductive regions on both ends a capacitor is a nonductive element used specifically for its resistance to current; hence they should all be highly resistive one side of a capacitor can be checked for conductance with ground; the other side then should not be conductive with ground ~ excerpts to wet appetite montage of probing chips and components and referring to and drawing circuit diagrams and inspecting chip silkscreens honestly it looks like what i used to do without knowing what i was doing, lots of multimeters probing surfaces everywhere i'm thinking if i get back into microhardware i'd want to start really slowly and simply because my hands have maybe tried really hard to break stuff; unsure; i'm hearing i can have a different story where that doesn't happen so much 01-02 Cell Phone Motherboard Overview cell phone motherboard - same working principle as motherboard of laptop computer - processor, graphic card, rams, mosfets, ics, capacitors, inductors, diodes, connectors, slots, switches, camera, clock battery, ... the presenter repeatedly points out categories of components such as mosfets, capacitors. this helps the viewer learn to identify them. shielding has already been removed from the example motherboards each shielded area surrounds a circuit 02 Cell Phone Motherboard Repairing 02-03 Cell Phone Motherboard Architecture - divided into parts, each part inside a shiny area that likely held a shield - a part containing processor and ram, a part containing wifi and bluetooth, always a circuit in a rectangle - sometimes these major circuits are not divided by shielding pads on all sides 02-04 Cell Phone Motherboard Parts and Components - big chips are always procesors and ram - slightly smaller chips the lecturer calls ICs - each of the separated circuits has an IC that is its controller - smaller chips are then mosfets - very small components are then things like caramic capacitors or inductors - the presenter points out which items are ceramic capacitors, and which are inductors. inductors on this board appear to be oriented at 90 degrees maybe coincidence, larger, wider, darker color - inductors are checked the opposite of capacitors: they must conduct to be good - for connectors such as the sim slot or the battery, check both the connecting pins and the solder connections to the board; same is true of switches - damaged ICS are often indicated by shorted adjacent capacitors, or by high temperature when touched - bad ICS are hot in every motherboard, as a rule - the first circuit is the processor and ram, lots of capcaitors [for stabilizing voltage?] - the second circuit is the networking and wifi - then power management - largest connector, sim slot - camera, other connectors - always do a visual inspection before doing anything. for example, a bad component may be cracked - larger square objects are chemical capacitors rather than ceramic, all the same color - inductors can also look round, there are other components like sensor resistors 02-05 Cell Phone Motherboard Common Faults - usually the usb or power connector fails - replace the usb connector, but sometimes it is good and the solder connection to the board is bad - second most common failure is battery connector; broken pins - check the connectors and the solder points - same with the SIM connector, the pins can be broken or deformed - same with the microsd connector - then the switches can be broken, under the buttons - their soldering can fail too - the other connectors inside the phone, that connect the boards and parts together, can also fail, or the wires break - the cmos battery soldering can also fail - the ICs then, can also be shorted, especially the power IC - always check the ceramic capacitors around the ICs, that they are not shorted - if the ceramic capacitors are shorted on both sides it means the ic is bad - also check with your finger they are not hot - shorted IC? replace it. 02-06 How to check switches serviceability - this was in the preview at the start - use the buzzer or resistance option of a multimeter - find the ground and high pin with conductivity to ground - verify the switch grounds the high pin when pressed - replace failed switches 02-07 How to check ICs serviceability on mobile cell phone - check failure by checking heat with finger; bad ics are very hot - check ceramic capacitors around the ic are not shorted - put the black probe of the multimeter to ground, and then touch the red probe to both sides of capacitors around the ic the ic is good if the caps are; if a cap is shorted then the ic is [note that caps may give brief conductivity as they charge, but this does not mean they are shorted] 02-08 How to replace failed components in cell phone motherboard ICs and component references Replacing failed or bad components, what component to choose - The written numbers and letters on a process is called the "reference" by presenter an nvidia gpu has "NBF748-52P" you can use the reference to find the replacement part - presenter picks another circuit, unknown, but it has an IC with numbers on it - the circuit can be replaced by another with the same numbers - _every_ component has a reference - a big square inductor can be checked with a multimeter, should conduct if good - lecturer checks them via the solder pads, conducts like a fuse - if it is failed, replace it with the same inductor - tiny capacitors don't have numbers, how to replace them? - pick the same shape and size [can't you also measure capacitance of a good one?] - or you can check the circuit diagram or schematic of the motherboard the schematic will give the exact capacitor reference the presenter has a printed book of schematic - according to the lecturer, same size and color capacitors do have the same characteristics, microfarads and voltage - you can also look for another motherboard that is the same, and use its capacitor - but all ics and mosfets have a reference or characteristic written on them - you can use an ic with the same characteristics, or an interchangeable one - you can also pull out capacitors from differing motherboards that have the same size and color - connectors have references too 02-09 Cell phone motherboard connectors studying - connectors are among the frequent repeated failures - a battery connector, even if the pins are good, may be cracked inside or a solder joint may have failed - check the connectivity from the pins - use the buzzer option of the multimeter - check continuity from each pin to its solder pad - the battery connector can be broken inside - if the charge connector fails, check inside it - the inside may appear in poor shape; replace the whole connector - get another with the same size and characteristics; they are different across models - if inside the connector is good, check the solder connections, signals and grounds both. the large connections to ground are not just structural. - shake the connector a little, see if it is secure - you can resolder the pads if they are the only failure - check the other connectors the same way, headphone, sim, switches, ... - the sim connector and battery connector can break like the battery connector - check each pin to its solder pad - the sim connector may look like pins on one end connect to those on the other but they are separate - switches, either they are no longer functioning or their solder is bad 02-10 Cell phone motherboard Buses and tracking signals analysis - traces on the board show connected pads and components; these are buses - this is why shorted capacitors show a bad ic - using this a schematic is not needed - buses can be checked with a multimeter 02-11 Learn how to check and test motherboard components ... - you can get an idea of what is a capacitor and what is an inductor by seeing which ones, when not bad, short or not across them ... the content seems to mostly be repeating - careful when testing you do not touch your probes to other parts ... - usually the failure is the IC rather than the capacitor, causing the short 02-12 Learn how to diagnose cell phone motherboard 1. visual inspection of all parts and components - power jack, inside, solder joints - battery connector - sim card - switches - all the ICs; sometimes ICs are visibly burnt-out - capacitors and inductors - structure of the motherboard itself; is it broken? - board connectors 2. check for 5V in power jack - plug it in, ensure the adjacent capacitor has 5V - if it is not 5V, the power jack is damaged - the smd component may be on the backside 3. Check the ICs and chips - check surrounding ceramic capacitors - the IC pins may not be accessible, so we check the capacitors - each capacitor should be grounded on only one terminal - if both are grounded, the IC is bad - ics have many terminals grounded with capacitors - you can also check the ic with your finger, the heat of it - options: 1. feeling heat, 2. pvc capacitors around, 3. body of ic for damage - example bad ic has burn hole in middle 02-13 Learn Cell Phone motherboard components symbols - ceramic capacitor C: -||- - polarized or chemical capacitor C,PC: -+||-, -+|(- - diode D: -|>|- - zener diode ZD: -|>Z- - resistor R/PR: -/\/\-, -|=|- - inductor L: -@@@- - IC: rectangle - crystal oscillator: -| rectangle |- x,y ceramic capacitors around the IC grounding each signal pin are the most important. 02-14 Conclusion - learn laptop motherboard repair as cell phone motherboards are the same - the big boxes are inductors - you can also use a tablet motherboard - try identifying processors, ICs, inductors, crystal oscillator - learn the basics of laptop and tablet motherboard, then specialize in cell phone motherboard. the ics are bigger. - ICS have ceramic capacitors, mosfets, and inductors and maybe a transistor around them. find these in every circuit group. - after learning laptops and tablets, master the cell phone motherboard - this gives strong understanding of the relation between chips and circuits, and power management, say to random access memory - try to begin with big motherboards on the laptop before going into cellphone motherboards - you can even do desktop motherboards

issues sending, repasted below: i'm on a roll and i want to look for resources on hardware hacking of mediatek chips but it is pretty late at night and i should sleep kernel still hasn't built :/ i also didn't flash working phone :\ lots of groundwork though! good groundwork! and my computer has package updates available to it now i should maybe separate the concern of building a kernel from source, from that of flashing a working phone, kind of confused. maybe i'll think on it. might make sense to quickly flash a working phone and return to these things a future month or something

i got a hotel against some judgement shortly after i sat down and started working on things, [] and i heard 'HOUSEKEEPING!' and my locked door was opened and an older woman came in an dlooked around and asked me if i had seen an orange air filter. i smiled at her. i was slowly adapting from handling being in mysterious severe trouble to it being less bad, and my cognition was funny. she looked around and after i smiled quickly left, i'm worried i scared her, i wasn't wearing a shirt and i'm unkempt. [i try to be friendly when i'm scared for safety and social practice [i get scared in social situations]]. after she left i heard her saying to somebody 'it wasn't in [karl's room number]!' reminds me of a decade ago when i went to jail for 3 days for changing charges. on the first day somebody real loud came into the same pod and got upset about my cell number. they would yell "I'll get you [karl's cell number]!!" i don't know how to explain it other than some entity, most likely the jailers, influencing them to do that. [it's a little different in this situation but may bear some of that similarity] {i actually opened this to

traffick boss partly runs thru mud Traffick boss is running and running through mud, flying everywhere, getting all muddy. Then he sits down at an office table. --- muddy paper Some office paperwork regarding business agreement with slavery organizations is covered in mud. Traffick boss is too confused with other hypnotic patterns for the mud to stimulate fear in him of [looking nonracist [big mistake]]. The paper sits there all muddy, and wet important figures regarding how many slaves needed to be exchanged to restore anyway all muddy a worker takes a pile of muddy papers, fearing for their life if they don't precisely do the work behaviors without question or criticism, and dutifully -- --- dictator of dictatortopia gets letter in the mail it's covered in mud indistinguishable formal missive in muddy paper regarding traffick boss gifting enslaved liberals to dictator of dictatortopia to resolve a dispute regarding nuclear detonations that didn't meet dictator's wifes aesthetics -- but in secret crime language every symbol is a word, and things that are implied are taken stronger than things that are stated straight so dictator of dictatortopia reads the mud as disregard and 1635

some of us are thinking of the previous one being in morning-spam rather than non-canon! it might not be hard to mutate to being-in-hyperprison at all! i would have traffick boss send the letter to somebody outside the hyperprison, so i'd make up a new name for a slavery boss peer than dict-of-dicto since dict-of-dicto is also in prison. tihs would open potential new story-smidges around not all of traffick boss's social group being in the hyperprison. [1641] oh and then we could add wordage around the missive being surveiled and stimulated via [guilt induction? maybe translate to story] ai, both in tb writing it, and in a rebel worker 2 or groupee engaging it [i had rare opportunity to see authority side of this at the anti-trafficking lecture where the trafficker got >100 years for all the victims [-- it's of-- well i dunno :S it's a present topic on both sides, i guess it happens because we have so much struggle to engage normal relations naturally. maybe easier to resolve around a less charged topic unsure [[[[[[[[[[ 1644 traffick boss 2 all sorts of oops traffick boss's foot is meditating. it's sitting bent on something maybe it is meditating on mind control traffick boss's foot: "[[[[traffick boss won't know i'm thinking because i'm just foot neurons -- oops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;p ;p ;p ;p --- pudding landscape it's 1980s 3d artwork and pudding there are wireframe hillsides everywhere but they are made of pudding --- okokok you got me, the last xkcd was fun. it combined the concept of log cabin with self-referential-fractal in a vague way similar to the modern impossible challenge concepts [i posted on explainxkcd [disputed some] that you could make the log cabin like a holodeck, with [robotic walls that moved things around so it looked as if the cabin was infinitely large of course there have been horror movies of [robotic structures that trap you] but we could try to make the robotic walls really secure so [that they didn't trap you and behaved reliably ;S maybe they could have a checking system that set off an alarm if the user wasn't being treated fairly it sounds a little fun, you could like run into the house, and keep on running deeper and deeper forever and ever, like in a chasing nightmare, and if somebody wanted to find you they would have to do the same thing of course th erobotics would hae to compartmentalize the available space if two people entered and were at radically different recursive depths easier if they can make the outer structure bigger somehow, to e.g. accomodate any number of people, although that might require collecting more logs for the cabin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe we could 3d print a tiny version !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1649 -0800 traffick boss pulls a leg out of the pudding looks around for his head traffick boss's head (across a cavern, on a shelf): "experimentee, where is my head" traffick boss jumps in surprise that his voice came from acr 1649 1650 [1649 is requested to write, this doesn't look correct (1649.5) but i guess bears meaning] 1651 we have relation that {there could be a major concern around {traffick boss threads. {there could be a major concern around traffick boss threads.

On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
some of us are thinking of the previous one being in morning-spam rather than non-canon! it might not be hard to mutate to being-in-hyperprison at all! i would have traffick boss send the letter to somebody outside the hyperprison, so i'd make up a new name for a slavery boss peer than dict-of-dicto since dict-of-dicto is also in prison. tihs would open potential new story-smidges around not all of traffick boss's social group being in the hyperprison.
oh and then we could add wordage around the missive being surveiled and stimulated via [guilt induction? maybe translate to story] ai, both in tb writing it, and in a rebel worker 2 or groupee engaging it [i had rare opportunity to see authority side of this at the anti-trafficking lecture where the trafficker got >100 years for all the victims [-- it's of--
well i dunno :S it's a present topic on both sides, i guess it happens because we have so much struggle to engage normal relations naturally. maybe easier to resolve around a less charged topic unsure [[[[[[[[[[
traffick boss 2 all sorts of
traffick boss's foot is meditating. it's sitting bent on something maybe it is meditating on mind control
traffick boss's foot: "[[[[traffick boss won't know i'm thinking because i'm just foot neurons -- oops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;p ;p ;p ;p
pudding landscape
it's 1980s 3d artwork and pudding there are wireframe hillsides everywhere
but they are made of pudding
okokok you got me, the last xkcd was fun. it combined the concept of log cabin with self-referential-fractal in a vague way similar to the modern impossible challenge concepts [i posted on explainxkcd [disputed some] that you could make the log cabin like a holodeck, with [robotic walls that moved things around so it looked as if the cabin was infinitely large
of course there have been horror movies of [robotic structures that trap you] but we could try to make the robotic walls really secure so [that they didn't trap you and behaved reliably ;S
this was not at all meant to be a semicolon before the S. it was meant to be a colon :S. trapping people is never for winking never. i have some trouble controlling my hands i call it dissociative palsy cause my introject learned about neuroplasticity early.
maybe they could have a checking system that set off an alarm if the user wasn't being treated fairly
it sounds a little fun, you could like run into the house, and keep on running deeper and deeper forever and ever, like in a chasing nightmare, and if somebody wanted to find you they would have to do the same thing
of course th erobotics would hae to compartmentalize the available space if two people entered and were at radically different recursive depths easier if they can make the outer structure bigger somehow, to e.g. accomodate any number of people, although that might require collecting more logs for the cabin
maybe we could 3d print a tiny version !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1649 -0800
traffick boss pulls a leg out of the pudding looks around for his head
traffick boss's head (across a cavern, on a shelf): "experimentee, where is my head"
traffick boss jumps in surprise that his voice came from acr
1650 [1649 is requested to write, this doesn't look correct (1649.5) but i guess bears meaning]
we have relation that {there could be a major concern around {traffick boss threads.
{there could be a major concern around traffick boss threads.

sometimes the community likes to horrifically harm traffick boss it is hard to harm him as horrifically as he harmed others, this seems an inhuman feat, but it is easy to harm him because the people were so harmed and have no idea what to do with it traffick bo-- 1700

a bunch of [solid concepts] {are walking along a skyroad, a paved road made of sky < the solid concepts are not all the same, they have much difference across them! and yet, th -- {{ a semiinverted plush frog sits by an underground pool the plush frog can croak itself, due to semi-inversion "croak!" goes the plush frog happily! it changes its inversion, so a different part of it will be croaked next the energy to croak--
-- intergalactic council of peace
knock knock! "yes? what matters of import bring you to the intergalactic council of peace?" "hi, um, uh, ummmm" "oh you poor thing! would you like a translator?" "oh! no, um, give me a little time to sort my thoughts out

[we don't support art made with trained machine learning models [uh {i was trying to compromise to user-run models but this is server-run [image: DALL·E 2024-02-08 17.10.45 - formal dignitary greets confused alien at grand galactic council doors, trending on artstation.png]

many of the war refugees were lost to the council of peace the idea of peace was so addictive to them, so unheard of, they did not process their pain nor resolve the problems from their home planet they just wanted a new life

<<<<<<<<we're a little confused [i guess a superfuture council of peace would be different from th epresent or something um {our brainmind isn't [what it once was {maybe

14-16/24 [i'm only provided 24 messages/day. this should be 14 as 2 were sent from another email address. if you have the capability of uniting identities of people across emails with reliability, i would strongly desire to talk with you about stopping persistent severe harm. so i'm going to be confused if that's going on, and it seems to be, since there's no relation around it, and there needs to be. it's possible i am at 16/24, or that i am at 14/14, unsure how the server will act. i'm guessing after i described this that it will act like i'm at 14. unsure. if it acts like i am at 16 maybe i can form clearer thoughts around what is up; have to be careful cause it feels [oppressive?painful?] when bumped into, which can make it really hard to think and relate, notably to remember whatever i want to relate about.] 14[-16]/24? {greg would be into stopping harm. if it's trafficking rather than aid, yes that is discouraging, much simpler to consider for me tho maybe 14[-16]/24 "I liked the council of peace, why are we leaving?" "--

15-17/24 {i am pretty confusde after what i just said! different confusion from prior to it. 1730-0800 1733 little bits fly around everywhere in patterns that look as if they were chaotic {{!! 1735 ------ so, i'm focusing on getting a phone running again this time, with some difficulty 1737 i just flashed [o-- uh anyway 1738 1739 so! how might we design a tiny recursive log cabin? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok i guess the walls would need to be reassembleable ... !! i just flashed my phone backup ohhhhh i must have flashed a new image rather than my data? 1740 1747 traffick boss grimaces and again jumps down a little like batman might from a slightly higher surface to a slightly lower he bares his teeth and looks left and right, a little bit he sits and puts a bunny on his head traffick boss: "bunny, what are the secrets of the world?" bunny: [munches on wildflower leaves] traffick boss waits bunny: [finishes munching] bunny: "long long long long ago there was a giant bunny -- oops um some of us were thinking the bunny should be more scared if it's alive i think bunnies are happy when they act scared around other creatures could be wrong unsure oh! i can think about that when something is about to kill you it's really important to have about 80% fearterror so that you do the best thing possible. this ratio changes from moment to moment to protect your ability to do the best thing possible when something [fucks?] with you so you can't do this, it's very very bad {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 1751 traffick boss plays with legos or something traffick boss does math while deoxygenated math quiz: "traffick boss, what is the number after 1?" traffick boss: "stupid quiz. it's 2." math quiz: "great job, traffick boss!!!!" traffick boss grins math quiz: "tr-- traffick boss: "I like that i won the fight we just had, let's not be hasty now." 1752 math qu-- 1753? {{{{{{{ 1755 fidgeting traffick boss traffick boss has been shoved into a tiny[-ass?] powersuit that he doesn't fit into he's all jammed in there he fidgets with his hands with little objects he moves one object in a [pattern with anoth 1756 1757 how many numbers does it take to fill oops how many squeegees uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how many books in a library? depends on the library :S umm quantity def counting_python_function(thingies): count = 0 for thingy in thingies: try: count += counting_python_function(thingy) except: count += 1 return count def counting_python_function_2(thingies, predicate): count = 0 for thingy in thingies: if predicate(thingy): count += 1 return count def counting_python_function_2_elided(thingies, predicate): return sum([predicate(thingy) for thingy in thingies]) # i wasn't sure if it would work but i tried it in console and it did def counting_python_function_3(thingies, predicate): # can you do predicate recursively? with or without elision count = 0 for thingy in thingies: # we could elide if we use boolean-check-for-iterable 1801 1801 is fun to use predicate :) i had [lot-- 1801 predicate inhibition :/ kinda 1802 {{ok i know i shouldn't say i'm in oregon b-- 1802 1802 pho[n. is 54.9% flashed with this trial image. it can be tested faster if we flash only the system partition for example. um. <i think we made a script for engaging subpartitions already :s 1804 oops heavenhell we made a super[-area where everything is euphoric [but there are pits of fire and brimsto-- uhh other ways of mixing heaven and hell like, angels and demons chatting? this is a big thing i think, angels and demons hanging out. big thing! you didn't know yet? you'll find it. [uhhhhhhhhhhhh we should have at least a square brace somewhere there :S i was slow. maybe also a [mistake? anyway by angels and demons we mean like communicatoin across great disparity :D this is one of the things that [h [ [] [] ohhhh is that why???? you mean -- wait ummmmm this is pretty hard to think about! i don't understand it well if we understand how it works can we _please_ make our mind work superwell. <i don't think that happens immed-- - now what were you sayting here? something about at the end of the world, "angels" and "demons" interact much more directly? and maybe angel and demon could mean people in very disparate cultures or social classes or etc? <inhibition acting more and more [that's the utopia side. the domination side separates everyone. i think! either that or -- <i think it's that humanity isn't ready to adapt this fast and has really naive models that are really useful when things aren't changing faster and faster which they start doing. so in order to form effective life-patterns we need to engage the existing patterns in ways that include the consciousnesses, which [yanks them around and leaves everything all [bounded in funny ways <since concepts are so new to everyone [i could be {wrong? {i don't understand why w< it's because um whoops it's because of (i'll try to): - 1. people all want to keep doing things that make sense to them - 2. they start doing things they don't understand the impact of more and more, which produces unexpected situations - 3. the unexpected situations pile up in newer and newer ways which people try to respond to at their own pace - 4. so, we have all this queue of unhandled stuff that people haven't learned th--
uh we're just gonna send atm

16-18/24 1813 -0800 {{{{{{{but the rain and the shaggy t-- T_T T_T :( :( i forgot about big-harm. i forgot. [[[[we found how to get better! you have to actually do what you were originally doing. you hang out with naturey people where it is normal to be naturey. then the destroy-nature patterns don't resonate and die away. that probably brings a ton of other stuff with it!! but of course you have to manage traffick boss trying to enslave everyone uhhh i meant the part inside you. you have to manage your badhabits. but i suppose it could be bigger world i wasn't thinking of that might figure it's ignorable :S :S ? {{{is this true or false [[ i can't confirm or deny true or false things because a dissociated terror is trying to sadistically torture me to understand something from long ago every time i express {{{oh fck 1816 1822 frarg ok, um, i performed most of the flash from my now-broken phone to the new-working phone and it is now broken in the same way. the brom doesn't connect to the flasher usually the flasher can always unbrick it ... i don't know why this would happen, i thought i was only flashing the user region [and not the boot region, it has 2 boot regions one to back up the other i think, i thought flashing could only engage one or the other, maybe i am wrong] but now i have [... [clearly i am wrong about something around it] guess i'll try to ask hovatek oh wait 1824 1826 hmm my browser is refusing to navigate to, it says "ERR_FAILED" and in network developer tab it shows no response data or headers but a string expressing that a resource with the identifier wasn't found. it works in curl on cli. :S 1827 i guess it's possibly time to try a fresh system again. i'm thinking on that a little bit. i guess it would be nice to know whether the phones are offering a usb device, and to access hovatek oh i can use ipad to get to hovatek. 1828 i ended up bumping into a suppor group i'd been avoiding for 8 years and really wanted to get to and doing that instead of hovatek. now i can't log in on the ipad, it says the password for the account ijust made is wrong, when i try to reset it says to solve the reCAPTCHA to verify i'm not a robot, there is no reCAPTCHA showing but the site is snappy otherwise :S also a weird ui glitch where the dialog slides under an interface element hiding the button to continue, ended up working around it by rotating device so it couldn't do it guess i might be getting closer to trying a fresh device but not quite there (my issues may spread to other devices that don't make contact, for some reason, maybe unsure ... but we are getting more comfortable slowly :S :) )

( :S 2004 i ran the search for my phone model number again and this time it said
yeah! my username was my whole email, not just the username part ;p got logged in 2000 hrm the 'quick questions' forum where you're supposed to start free support requests (hey i already bought their course ;p) doesn't seem to quite be working, it didn't show my post, it shows an error when viewed ... hmm maybe noscript ... no, there's no noscript ... :S ah-ha! new threads must be approved by moderator before becoming visible. hrm >( 2003 i hit search to find more threads, it found only one, it had no reply !! that's not right earlier i found a post that had full support that was recent and did regard my device and even my work on it by someone else there were no hits so i'm engaging a different situation than i was before. 2005 thinking about this, i think one of the issues is a can psychologically participate in the problem like, if i started troubleshooting it to figure out what things were related to it being there or not, and how it might transfer, i expect i'd dissociate and do something to deter the troubleshooting developing information effectively, at a one or two specific kinds of points (hard to think about [safely maybe :S] but it's nice to get closer it's too bad i borked the new phone if i assume the specific image i flashed is what borks it, a quick solution might be to use another new phone, and not flash that image but set it up some other way oh and i wanted to try other download agents on the germanish phone :) but, i think i may take a break from this, and maybe consider a new phone model a little bit more cause i want to prepare for other things going on in life with parts of me that otherwise would focus on this a lot for example there is a therapy facility i wanted to visit but forgot to 2008 :) 2013 ok i looked thru the forums more and they are active, and i can find the thread i couldn't find using google. i think maybe just the forum i was posting to has the issue. i think the thread isn't showing up because it needs moderator approval. so i should - wait a day for moderator to show thread - if no reply, post in a more active subforum where i see similar replies 2015 2129 traffick boss readies his wooden spear he crouches, ready to [thrust it into the chest of an oncoming being {i wonder if 'traffick boss' is saying he needs to talk, maybe about being both karl + boss, like long term [don't know?] 2142 traffick boss is blubbering like a lunatic why? he's aiming a live camera at himself while shooting diplomats traffick boss: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK BAGS OF BANANAS [bang!]" traffick boss slams his head into a wall a few times, cracking the plaster, then videotapes himself killing a second diplomat 2143 [dictator of d-- 2145? [ictatortopia understands this experience a little. some sympathy for traffick boss.] 2145 traffick boss dodges as he aims the gun at himself, firing instead into a random object near a diplomat after jerking his head away 2147 ---------------------------------------------------- a bunch of confused vivisection escapees are gathering up the dead diplomats after stealthily replacing traffick boss's gun with a banana from a bag they take the diplomat bodies and carry them to a field full of flowers they make funny noises while considering bringing them back to life or burying them or maybe putting on diplomatic flower plays with their bodies when they try the different approaches a little they crowd around and make cooing and jabbering noises putting them in the ground seems to make the best noises until they wait a bit and then it is so sad as the lives of the diplomats run over them some of them go and get the diplomats' families a sneaky one, while others are distracted, uses snapshots of the diplomats from prior to their deaths to quickly bring them all back to life with the bullet wounds undamaged another gets uppity about this when noticing soon there are two copies of all the diplomat bodies, one --- {we still haven't fully sorted it out. it's interesting. we suspect that people don't want their murdered friends "brought back to life" with mysterious strange actions, but nor do they want them [killed again?] if they have already --- [there must be so much to [-- :S --- i don't know that much about death, my small engagement with it overlapped this severe situation where it is hard to feel anything naturally my first encounter with death was when my grandfather died. then there were a couple people in our occupy wall street camp who died. and cecilia died. then i learned my close friend's sister died. i also bumped into believing in my own death, maybe really different, uses same word, a couple similar concept bits oh i also found a really interesting therapist had died and other acquaintances online, all during this experience, like shane, and people who had encouraged (rather than discouraged) us during facebook-event/experience and animal and plant and ecosystem death, which is big if you feel them as sentient friends and family a lot of dissociation. some normal, some severe. oh also my closest friend's father died. and my grandmother. the father was after the grandfather. the grandmother was after the craziness and facebook. oh and marshall rosenberg died after i learned about him and right before i actually tried to take his classes. also carl barks died. before my grandfather. he made comics i read as a kid, died while i was a kid. an interesting and really weird part is i feel like there can be good death, but that it's rare. i imagine some people feeling really satisfied with their lives and moving on; i guess i imagine that as what would happen in a really well-adapted society or culture. it doesn't seem like the norm. i guess thinking that helps me think of mourning a little. when somebody dies, the loss of their potential life, their being-alive, is big. they're gone. everything they might do or say or know or hold seems gone. another thing we've been really gently considering-realizing is [influence-spirits], which maps to reincarnation and heaven in logical and strong ways. if one makes a few assumptions there are strong ways to believe in life after death. < uhh i'm frozen or someth now {{{ oop < ---------------------------------------------- traffick boss hobbles on crutches bunny rabbit: "traffick boss where is your powersuit" traffick boss looks at bunny rabbit bunny rabbit: "are those janitor's crutches?" traffick boss hobbles on the crutches to a picnic table he trips and stumbles [The big issue with writing about life after death is that it depends on things the harmful behaviors can strongly influence.] --- [O_! <i'm guessing it's a little like "destiny", where describing it changes it just ideas {{{{ when karl attends to "spiritual harm" he doesn't mean it the way others do. he means that some mysterious influence is trying to counter the expression of his spirit, really strongly. like if you wanted an apple to grow into a tree, and something sensed this, and made the apple instead whither and trees falter around it. in many many ways, even in subconscious things. [some think of it is as like countering a political AI spreading influence, but a person in a normal life instead] {so we don't talk about some things because we desperately need the tiny tiny seeming ways in which that isn't happening. because the only afterlife and spirit we've logically found is normal influence [held complexly].} [ and it seems wrong to describe that in our language-culture, because we don't acknowledge the similarity between the words "influence" and "spirit" so a lot of really strange things can happ-- blargh mistake here, mistake there, etc etc 2205 :S :S :S -- 2208 2212 20240209 -0800 2227 writing code that has complex organization hmmmmmmmmmmmmm think of this occasionally roughly engaging some cognitive inhibs handling a cognitive inhibition the things i heard from people generally involve not fighting the inhibition (2 people) the feelings the boss-influence express aren't familiar to me well but [oops] 2228 2232 once upon a time, [th 2232 you're standing on a rock. a small rock. nearby are some other rocks and a blade of grass
look at rock it's small, maybe 2 inches long, a little bit bigger than you climb down rock onto other rock you climb down the rock, wedging a foot into the spac--
2233 the realm of mistak-- 2233 i'm practicing staying up late because i know most people stay up really lat-- [b-- 2234

2255 -0800 traffick boss sits at picnic table he has an ethereal stop sign traffick boss looks at ethereal stop sign ethereal stop sign: "woooOOooOOOoo ... am I your destiny, traffick boss?" traffick boss looks at ethereal stop sign traffick boss trie-- 2257 a [munchkin?] comes and sits with traffick boss at picnic table munchkin: "are you the powerful traffick boss, leads secret slave businesses?" traffick boss looks at munchkin traffick boss: "you tell me" munchkin looks at traffick boss and etheral stop sign a pterodactyl - let's look up pterodactyls! 2258 2303 big recent mistake in past few hours !!!! big mistake !!!!!!!!

0852-0800 omigod they meant happy hour _literally_ and now traffic boss is heavily resonating failure-patterns so hard trying to take advantage of the intense confusingness [and [[]]] i've never been to a happy hour before. i don't want to know what one is. we are awesome superstars !!!! [and are missing our appointments] it was so much fun to try hard to make progress in repairing my cellphone and not succeed. i want to try more. but right now i have other things to do. baga baga :) 0853 2024-02-10 -0800 0854 1943 “how can you possibly be apologizing to me when it’s me th—“ baga um 2019 traffick boss is made of gumdrop candies, maybe bouncy ones maybe not [Tutorial] How to revive dead Mediatek by soldering PCB mount points notes - this can help revive totally dead mtk device, does not charge nor power - 3 ways this can happen: 1. bad preloader.bin - can bet corrupted on own, can be flashed wrong, or if “format” used in sp flash tool without reflash - see recovery/reflash guide at 2. interrupting sp flash tool mid-flash - shaking usb cable, disconnection from impatience, or sp flash tool error mid-flash - see revive guide at 3. flashing wrong variant - happens commonly with tecno d5 and infiinx not 2 x600 - phone goes totally dead after flashing incompatible firmware - fixes for 1 and 2 do not work - Properly try fixes for 1 and 2 before considering scenario 3 as you could damage your phone for good doing this. - You’ll need to join 2 points on the phone’s motherboard then connect the phone to PC via USb cord for flashing. I’ll be visiting the links for 1 and 2, then returning here for the mount point soldering guide for 3. 1. [Tutorial] How to revive a totally dead Mediatek device - power button has no effect causes & solutions A. Drained battery: - reseat battery or keep charging B. Interrupted flashing - interruption of any flash tool can brick device - device stuck in flash mode - cord shaken, or error appears mid-task - see (same as 2 above, will do below) C. Flashing a wrong firmware - most common cause, firmware that looks compatible may not be - check variants and build numbers! - download the right firmware and reflash - hovatek can provide stock roms D. Flashing unsigned files / backed up firmware - because of Secure Boot, a device can brick if an unsigned file or a backup from a different device of the same model is flashed - flash factory signed firmware E. Dead boot - if the PC won’t even see the serial port of the phone, you’ll have to solder motherboard points to force this - 2. [Tutorial] How to fix MTK or SPD bricked after interrupting flash or backup - applies to both mediatek and spreadtrum/unisoc - won’t power up or respond to buttons, but there is activity when connected to PC - from interrupted flashing, cable or error - can occasionally happen after correct flashing - don’t interrupt flashing! - maybe with “USB device nit recognized” error Try: - leave phone to charge for some time - might take hours to even days but once phone is revived battery could read as low as 1%, leave it to keep charging, do not power up tips to do faster: A. reseat battery, then try powering (fastes) B. hold power + vol up until it boots C. remove battery, connect to charger without battery, insert battery while charging, then press power D. you could keep pressing vol up + power during charging E. if battery is inbuilt battery, hold down power, then connect to power source, and wait for phone to come up F. remove batteru and charge with external charger then resume internal charging G. uninstalk and reinstall usb drivers for chipset One of the comments says “waiting for battery discharge”, i think this applies to devices without removable battery. Trick: found third pin on usb port was “oosing power”. cut a usb cable and attached two (too many could overcurrent the curcuit) small leds between green and black wires to drain power withut removable battery be sure to use emmc_user and not eboot when backing preloader to avoid brick. there is preloader.bin in emmc_user! now back to the soldering guide - to recover from flashing wrong variant you’ll need to join 2 motherboard points then reconnect to pc How to join motherboard gold / mount points on a Mediatek Android device - - open phone to access motherboard. video says to unscrew it and to use precision tools. - find golden pads labeled GND and KCOLO . in the example KCOLO is nowhere near GND. in the video some kind of foil tape was hiding KCOLO. [could look for KCOLO on FCC photos before opening phone] - solder a thin wire to bridge from KCOLO to GND. in the video they placed an end of the wire first, then soldered. if you have palsy-like experiences like me, i might remind to stay very relaxed and calm, and practice it in really small steps one at a time, and find ways to brace hands so that shaking or jerking doesn’t reach the work. - now just test with USB that the device shows to computer again. it should! - disconnect and use sp flash tool to flash the right firmware - when reimaged, remove wire :D i took the phone to a couple mainstream repair shops and they just said “sorry i don’t know what to do” also [parts supplier databases had no entries for the device and they had not heard of manufacturer. in future could/might be helpful to find phone with manufacturer that repair shops relationship with] so is exciting to find repair guide !!

here is an old mt6737 datasheet (not mt6739) if more is needed it likely exists somewhere ( ) msab sells mobile forensics tools to government enforcement groups and has blogs on this topic. notes: - mtk boot rom is best way to image device and does not change - in 2023 some vendors have disabled mediatek boot rom - boot rom checks emmc to decide whether to run - can be re-enabled by removing emmc chip or grounding CLK or DATA. this is undone once boot rom connects to flasher. - ideally disassembly is done with professional service using forensically sound techniques and written documentation of every step - emmc is usually on rear of motherboard behind rf shields or metallic tape, next to mtk soc - storage CLK and DATA usually have test points between or around the chips. might be painted or epoxied which would be scraped off to short them. in their example photo the test points appear unlabeled and are quite obscure with the paint over them. they say customers can refer to visual indexes they have made in a document called “MSAB – MTK Boot ROM Exploit Test Point Guide” and that additionally their professional services are happy to help their clients with this. their catchphrase is “do what we must because we can” ;p quick visit to - regards xry product, which supports my chipset among its few - the boot rom protocols are not specified, just gui use so an enforcement body would be able to image this device using this product. []

i plan to resume my day now but at it says the bootrom exploit is very simple and “This guide will try to guide beginners so they can add support for their own phones.”


despite the habits of rape culture and genocide despite mind control surveillance and stimulated intracommunity murder we find ways to support each other small, scattered, and there are places where we are not robots, nor wage slaves there are places we grow.

i hit a vehicle things related strangely [it’s “mind control your therapis—“][or more “watch your therapist get mind controlled -“] paths? 20240212 1751 it’s hard. maybe i turned to money because of relearning not to swat insects, which was so nice it’s hard, but it’s not as hard as it used to be over time, you learn to murder your loved ones more and more caringly. it’s all that makes sense. good traffick boss content there.

what to do when you hit a vehicle (in a context of inhibited learning and dissociated alter stimulating learning of mistakes and harm?)? one of the things that struck me was the woman said she needed to buy new child seats (because] so it can be strong. it’s nice to yearn to be kind, and that’s a big nice area one can have. it’s worth everything. [big inhib] amnesia from inhib (complaint nearby) 1757 it’s hard to balance it all. but each part i’m wishing to balance, i might feel a little here or there a normal thought. isn’t that nice, a normal thought. i have trauma from something that describes as mind control. were my texts real? why did the repair person say $40k and then $12k? did i mishear him? a therapist said my experiences would make sense if people were saying a lot of things to me that didn’t make any sense. this seemed validating so much, rare with h[

hi ;p

once upon a time, there was a happy comm[1850. around 1849 my UI froze and upon relaunch roughly the following text was missing:] of forest mushrooms that was normal and [here it froze, continuing]caring except for one: the traffick boss mushrom. for some reason the traffick boss mushroom kept trying tonstart hives of enslaved mushrooms to do everything for it and craft the world in its personal image rather than living a normal forest mushroom life itself. none of the other forest mushrooms understood this at all! they all knew deep i side them that every forest mushroom wanted every other forest mushroom to be happy and healthy and free part of a shared and evolutionarily fitting mushroom community, and would never ever harm or control any other forest mushroom. when traffick boss mushroom was asked this he would alw[1854 2024-02-14 -0700 anyway the big question is, how would one relate with an imaginary traffick boss who [1855 so, we imagine maybe a traffick boss having experiences leading him to figure that the way to meet his instincts was enslaving other people. for example, maybe protecting people had never worked for him and he gave up doing this. “you think different traffick bosses would have different reasons and stories?” “yeah i guess but they probably have similarities and such! also there might be cultural patterns making some kinds of traffick bosses way more prevalent” “hmm ..” 1857 traffick boss mushroom hobbled on his mushroom stalk over to other forest mushrooms, letting tiny clouds of spore loose from his gills each step traffick boss mushroom [to a few other forest mushrooms]: “what do you think of this idea— 1858 —of there being some mushrooms that run hives of slavery, because um [looks at mushroom note] they have different reasons and stories - oh wait [looks at other mushroom note] i mean protecting people had never worked for them at all, and so they found other means to meet their needs?” the forest mushrooms looked at traffick boss mushroom and began crying. forest mushroom 1: “protecting people never ever worked for— 1900

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 19:01 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
once upon a time, there was a happy comm[1850. around 1849 my UI froze and upon relaunch roughly the following text was missing:] of forest mushrooms that was normal and [here it froze, continuing]caring except for one: the traffick boss mushrom.
for some reason the traffick boss mushroom kept trying tonstart hives of enslaved mushrooms to do everything for it and craft the world in its personal image rather than living a normal forest mushroom life itself.
none of the other forest mushrooms understood this at all! they all knew deep i side them that every forest mushroom wanted every other forest mushroom to be happy and healthy and free part of a shared and evolutionarily fitting mushroom community, and would never ever harm or control any other forest mushroom.
when traffick boss mushroom was asked this he would alw[1854
2024-02-14 -0700
anyway the big question is, how would one relate with an imaginary traffick boss who [1855
so, we imagine maybe a traffick boss having experiences leading him to figure that the way to meet his instincts was enslaving other people. for example, maybe protecting people had never worked for him and he gave up doing this.
“you think different traffick bosses would have different reasons and stories?” “yeah i guess but they probably have similarities and such! also there might be cultural patterns making some kinds of traffick bosses way more prevalent” “hmm ..”
traffick boss mushroom hobbled on his mushroom stalk over to other forest mushrooms, letting tiny clouds of spore loose from his gills each step
traffick boss mushroom [to a few other forest mushrooms]: “what do you think of this idea—
1858 —of there being some mushrooms that run hives of slavery, because um [looks at mushroom note] they have different reasons and stories - oh wait [looks at other mushroom note] i mean protecting people had never worked for them at all, and so they found other means to meet their needs?”
the forest mushrooms looked at traffick boss mushroom and began crying. forest mushroom 1: “protecting people never ever worked for—
traffick boss: “what does it matter if they [value me empathically] i gave up on that long ago and just try to control everything” (unknown for sure) i was thinking the space here of interest is the normal caring entitites are caring for a person’s potential traumatic experience, but the experience is behind [trauma dissociation] so the relation could be poor because engaging it could involve entering a flashback or altered state still, (i think caring people have (instincts for such things, to hold others carefully and gently and listen to their pain indicators for example (it’s of course a (common and hard to engage topic in these threads

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 19:08 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 19:01 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
once upon a time, there was a happy comm[1850. around 1849 my UI froze and upon relaunch roughly the following text was missing:] of forest mushrooms that was normal and [here it froze, continuing]caring except for one: the traffick boss mushrom.
for some reason the traffick boss mushroom kept trying tonstart hives of enslaved mushrooms to do everything for it and craft the world in its personal image rather than living a normal forest mushroom life itself.
none of the other forest mushrooms understood this at all! they all knew deep i side them that every forest mushroom wanted every other forest mushroom to be happy and healthy and free part of a shared and evolutionarily fitting mushroom community, and would never ever harm or control any other forest mushroom.
when traffick boss mushroom was asked this he would alw[1854
2024-02-14 -0700
anyway the big question is, how would one relate with an imaginary traffick boss who [1855
so, we imagine maybe a traffick boss having experiences leading him to figure that the way to meet his instincts was enslaving other people. for example, maybe protecting people had never worked for him and he gave up doing this.
“you think different traffick bosses would have different reasons and stories?” “yeah i guess but they probably have similarities and such! also there might be cultural patterns making some kinds of traffick bosses way more prevalent” “hmm ..”
traffick boss mushroom hobbled on his mushroom stalk over to other forest mushrooms, letting tiny clouds of spore loose from his gills each step
traffick boss mushroom [to a few other forest mushrooms]: “what do you think of this idea—
1858 —of there being some mushrooms that run hives of slavery, because um [looks at mushroom note] they have different reasons and stories - oh wait [looks at other mushroom note] i mean protecting people had never worked for them at all, and so they found other means to meet their needs?”
the forest mushrooms looked at traffick boss mushroom and began crying. forest mushroom 1: “protecting people never ever worked for—
traffick boss: “what does it matter if they [value me empathically] i gave up on that long ago and just try to control everything” (unknown for sure) i was thinking the space here of interest is the normal caring entitites are caring for a person’s potential traumatic experience, but the experience is behind [trauma dissociation] so the relation could be poor because engaging it could involve entering a flashback or altered state still, (i think caring people have (instincts for such things, to hold others carefully and gently and listen to their pain indicators for example (it’s of course a (common and hard to engage topic in these threads
it’s notable in traffick boss community triggers and trauma seem used for influence, maybe kind of mocking empathy, makes harder

[mushrooms] honestly the normal approach usually works, of giving real trust and value to the untrustworhty without compromise, but it’s much harder when they are actively harming and enslaving things, [possiblh taking advantage of things as if it were good to do this.} confusing !

mind control is ki[1913 7/24

[oop]”this is a very harsh situation where i am happy to be namby pamby but it may involve a lot of other people who are very different from you and you do not predict well

traffick boss is dr robobowsernik. 10/24 dr robobowsernik ((analogies of videogames: mario, a plumber (working / lower middle class), makes coins by hitting his head on low things he has to go underneath. sonic, a hedgehog ([i sometimes map sonic to empiralism because it is from overseas. i watched the newish first sonic movie or something with the thin dr robotnik and (oops maybe anyway, dr robobowsernik

appointment tomorrow morning! i am doing so much better tonight than i was 11/24 over the past few days, but i’m sadly not very sleepy nor brushing my teeth. this stuff was so hard! still ongoing! maybe i’ll drive a bit.

sonic is in a community of happy woodland creature where a fat technomogul comes in and turns everyone into robots. old story. ((industrial people perceive wild creature as moving incredibly fast my perception is biased, i played sonic as a kid and focused on natural living in adulthood

now i drive gas vehicle, off i go 14/24

did not successfully drive vehicle. appointment this morning and tomorrow morning. traffick boss has the flu :( 1/24

2/24 traffick boss has the flu because his workers and research subjects are leaving without notice and bombing his headquarters with covid bombs, some stupid influence has mind controlled them into thinking traffick boss doesn’t like them you can’t send fake media of traffick boss to opposing nations, it goes bad

3ish items dropped. [one being somewhat censored involved rebel worker 2 and traffick boss possibly hving awkward [computer-driven?] shared thing [we are considering[???][trying? we are trying] a side pursuit :S

On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 20:49 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
3ish items dropped. [one being somewhat censored involved rebel worker 2 and traffick boss possibly hving awkward [computer-driven?] shared thing
[we are considering[???][trying? we are trying] a side pursuit :S
mistake [?] confidence?

traffick boss: “i made a mistake” traffick boss puts head in hands “what mistake did you make?” traffick boss: “uhhhhh …. which of my exploits is it that somebody is upset about?” rough 2121 —- traffick boss is smoking a small rock from ground some people smoke rocks by lighting something aflame on them, or holding them over a fire, or breaking them traffick boss puts the rock near his mouth and puffs but wh— 2139 — it’s time for bed! goodnight moon oops it’s time for bed! hypn—2140 2140 tell me about when things were good and simple what didn’t you have or do, that made them that way? or what did you have, otherwise? were you just young? or was it— 2141 we r jazzed on influence arrrrrrr 2141 2024-02-17 1804 west idaho not sure why above wasn’t sent, unsure, been kin— anyway i have an idea for a hero character who um is always severely struggling (theme again). in um one of those newer star treks (i have stopped watching again) there was a scene i found cool where the torturer woman from the other universe wins a fight by being unexpectedly willing to experience severe pain (classified, this is emergency strategy humans use to protect lives like animal being eaten). (content missing for other p-) so it’s a little similar to mind controlled zombie mediator except the character always has crazy things going wrong. for example, their superpower could be that they respond at all (energy direction mistake) this might be above content missing: basically it’s a recasting of the vivisectees who succeed ((despite being beyond repeatedly killed)) same old hero thinking of name, how about “torment”? torment is a victim of ongoing extreme unimaginable torture and because of this they have unexpected behaviors that can be used to their advantage (maybe for example torment is struck by lightning over and over again so they walk to the enemy and get them struck by lightning a little?) torment looks maybe worse than a z— — 1811

exploits of torment, a superhero with the power of constantly being extremely harmed email 2 (feel free to make thread if continues) torment walks into a bank to withdraw $30 torment looks at teller and his eyes get wide and terrified torment: “AUGH!!!!!” torment’s hand explodes teller: “AUGH!!!!” torment: “can i withdraw $30 from this account?” teller looks at torment

On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 18:14 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
exploits of torment, a superhero with the power of constantly being extremely harmed email 2 (feel free to make thread if continues)
torment walks into a bank to withdraw $30
torment looks at teller and his eyes get wide and terrified torment: “AUGH!!!!!” torment’s hand explodes
teller: “AUGH!!!!”
torment: “can i withdraw $30 from this account?”
teller looks at torment
1815 ( 1816 so i was trying to use the WoT reward by playing their new mobile game, and it has characters you choose from, but none of them are torment, so i thought i’d just make a torment character myself what kind of — 1817 email 3 torment is being lifted toward an ambulance by a bunch of 911 emts the bank teller is being consoled by another 911 responder torment: “i — AUGH!! — i’m just trying to withdraw $30 —!” emt: “we’e going to help you. you’re going to be okay.” a giant ball of strange energy begins hurtling from outside toward the torment and the bank torment [beginning to flail wildly]: “you — AUGH!!! — don’t understand this is normal for m—“ the ball of strange energy breaks through a wall and detonates onto torment’s good shoul— 1821

On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 18:21 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 18:14 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
exploits of torment, a superhero with the power of constantly being extremely harmed email 2 (feel free to make thread if continues)
torment walks into a bank to withdraw $30
torment looks at teller and his eyes get wide and terrified torment: “AUGH!!!!!” torment’s hand explodes
teller: “AUGH!!!!”
torment: “can i withdraw $30 from this account?”
teller looks at torment
1815 (
so i was trying to use the WoT reward by playing their new mobile game, and it has characters you choose from, but none of them are torment, so i thought i’d just make a torment character myself
what kind of —
1817 email 3
torment is being lifted toward an ambulance by a bunch of 911 emts the bank teller is being consoled by another 911 responder
torment: “i — AUGH!! — i’m just trying to withdraw $30 —!”
emt: “we’e going to help you. you’re going to be okay.”
a giant ball of strange energy begins hurtling from outside toward the torment and the bank
torment [beginning to flail wildly]: “you — AUGH!!! — don’t understand this is normal for m—“
the ball of strange energy breaks through a wall and detonates onto torment’s good shoul— 1821
email 4 so for example torment could have a stun spell that stuns the whole board, but also a way to resist being stunned or respond to being stunned (w 1824 found this draft during device misbehavior 2024-02-20 2029-0500

On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 18:11 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
traffick boss: “i made a mistake” traffick boss puts head in hands
“what mistake did you make?”
traffick boss: “uhhhhh …. which of my exploits is it that somebody is upset about?” rough 2121
—- traffick boss is smoking a small rock from ground some people smoke rocks by lighting something aflame on them, or holding them over a fire, or breaking them traffick boss puts the rock near his mouth and puffs
but wh— 2139 —
it’s time for bed! goodnight moon oops
it’s time for bed! hypn—2140
tell me about when things were good and simple
what didn’t you have or do, that made them that way? or what did you have, otherwise? were you just young? or was it—
we r jazzed on influence
arrrrrrr 2141
2024-02-17 1804 west idaho
update (02-18 1151): i amwas in iowa, not idaho.
not sure why above wasn’t sent, unsure, been kin—
anyway i have an idea for a hero character who um is always severely struggling (theme again). in um one of those newer star treks (i have stopped watching again) there was a scene i found cool where the torturer woman from the other universe wins a fight by being unexpectedly willing to experience severe pain (classified, this is emergency strategy humans use to protect lives like animal being eaten).
(content missing for other p-)
so it’s a little similar to mind controlled zombie mediator except the character always has crazy things going wrong. for example, their superpower could be that they respond at all (energy direction mistake)
this might be above content missing: basically it’s a recasting of the vivisectees who succeed ((despite being beyond repeatedly killed)) same old hero
thinking of name, how about “torment”?
torment is a victim of ongoing extreme unimaginable torture and because of this they have unexpected behaviors that can be used to their advantage
(maybe for example torment is struck by lightning over and over again so they walk to the enemy and get them struck by lightning a little?)
torment looks maybe worse than a z—
— 1811

the latenight tired traffick boss traffick boss is sleepy, but is being mind controlled to do something mundane instead of sleep he makes to go to bed, walks toward sleeping space, and suddenly turns and picks up an object and --

2 part missive. part 1: coinbase hacks. part 2: tiny llm speed softtuning draft Coinbase Hacks It turns out that if you have a hold on funds on your account in coinbase, if you raise your USD balance to match the hold e.g. by closing orders in usdc, than you can transfer amounts higher than this threshold. After the transfer you can then reopen the orders at the same levels. --- Tiny LLM Speed Softtuning Draft I tried to draft a start around adapting existing LLMs to produce output tokens in parallel rather than serially, kind of. Like daydreaming (when we daydream we reconsider all parts as they seem interesting). This computer is dying and not charging likely due to a frayed charging cable. The current draft is accessible via the arweave id in the json below. I'm sending this now rather than a more put-together post for that reason. The purpose of the work is to make embedded decentralized use workable. For example, if completed, this would let the Petals network generate an entire paragraph in under a second. Usually it takes under a second to generate a single token. It was more relaxing than expected to work on this. Note: The goal of adapting language models to produce their entire context in a single pass is definitely doable, but the approach below of a single token softprompt is very simplified and unlikely to fully converge. The reason this approach is more doable for me is it keeps things very similar to existing work. The context is extended with dummy embeddings for generating the extra tokens. Language models already produce dense parallel output, it is simply conventional to only use the last token. Ways to make it more powerful: - Insert more sequence embeddings before the output is collected. This lets it perform more computation. - Remove the causal mask. This lets information flow in both directions for twice as much computation, but involves modifying the inference architecture or library code a tiny bit. - Rather than training a single embedding, train one for each position. You can even train one for each underlying absolute position embedding, as well as one for each relative position, and sum them. - Alternatively, use e.g. LoRA or finetuning instead of soft prompts. - Train the softprompt, adapter, or finetuning for use in a recurrent manner and let it spend a few passes adjusting the output. (You can also add another head to train e.g. a confidence % to decide whether it is done recurring). {"id": "pZqfAnMEZxmIeGNFRwvmVBm216uoDBa6S8ALscl2NkE", "timestamp": 1708380349670, "version": "1.0.0", "public": "pGFsvdSB9sxbwU5L4HD2v12DK40kzZ5N69s6WlI3Uw9pFdHMHei3n1Tv4jvZqU9yeIMGsS60MQRvfJK1AEoNYsQqk4Rciajw0_IemZdwlt4u4voDALRalrQ3NV4knOlHRY11anqV0fNhikWCsiRPukIRZrdcFfqzFr0boH8bou7DgESNvWxROOxSC149oKxJ06FQsBDaIeElBsR8qTddybvXqMagXCM9y_HNrtAoz_8LgPjQtK5LFEbXhh9PyI_GOuoHyzJUc9Sm-V9kCB4kTm-SHrPbETQnvejZBcqEHxNcDNWBv6CWjj3-0V3dFMhjM1cy14d0Lm4j0IyRLm9bHM3s0ssVDd20gjWyar-D0o6guJIrteEC7UGR-w1yvXoGuIwdfZeoSAZ_CU9FrOJfQCTDs2aLgdCNeYKXg0Rt8YZL_elZnG7utCkO78TwxbGqear_I-1dlO39CUlo13YSS6pPonioWqkzXcXh93G7BYjgUxcPJ31kLyr2wBRA4OObAYRvh-5V3TkULlmwR4Q0pV3cUeOLI94b4WhaDZDI_RIJiCXQvtGy190NqTBeVogPrrAXLFkK0E013GByHrmzZoELfSUorjK-bDk4wXxdbVqzY7KXP-NEt3Bu-woinbUf56i3DXLrYlwINYK39VUydGpcQLZ5EDCL4u_IL_iFPt0", "signature": "aNI35ye1nZdMd33s5InHfTnqTI-Vv34fH6OPS8zpsTyvXZWorigoWQCDUzpfD-1GY_ul2L9zlu3_ZpejxUTYX4YGSimQtQ1kDA1lHvClZa-5yP74WLGTygL6ouEzbEZszi6I7bs-m15BKTpFuSOPj3go16n1uQAlV1QfKlzbDfxHZ3U5GesOZgoaXVjELfwA7YK-a6y8ojcXRkIASGaBF22BNztwKAZAZr4WHfAUIUj98l8I6m3riCXTWN6eO3LOHshVF3JF1C1CI8B3jgZYBI0CEXjewDGeHAo60vCPM1qPxE1XWT3rKZmFK0Sz6K5enQtuBZ1AiOFxMPu7P8HtVa5ITYEGyQf1lTiSmTCIvn10KtxXI-rpqCvtF-12BvzbVaPMFBFh3Lzr-h9KqMZXvJYloVBVfDwJEd5f_HBdwqytlyB8KDIJDB9TphzUlfN8XUzDeMVpgaSv1-OfjyXEVj0L6LcPaKR1S6fu7q1Q6vArhNGMrmC81tohN-BtbIqeX3BfRWjp8ZZhAuJHQtm8KwQOemiVEJmFSSwfoChsKLwLgnC0uU_nzPIewXKfDKvCmWy-IeixS4erNZM1cKdCgMAHW0bE7ucNuA1KlS3EZbTpeUl6yB_YmzZeOfyhLmL67vedoZyDEk_6_DF6Y6g_QV21E0NuBmW0qTszE0o8jew", "deadlineHeight": 1371451, "block": 1371451, "validatorSignatures": [], "name": "2024-02-17.tar", "size": 188262400, "start_height": 1367451, "start_block": "Pv5rjj2iLAhtdiCnBx3GyiJzZxob6hL6M2Kxke_LS5JBAbHtbts-iJ6BzgjhBtx0", "depth": 3}

{"id": "pZqfAnMEZxmIeGNFRwvmVBm216uoDBa6S8ALscl2NkE", "timestamp": oops, that was the first version. i meant to paste version 4 which has tweaks and contains embeddings with only 5.7 loss (mostly because i dropped extra tokens to 2) that are possibly useful for recurrence and backfeeding. the hardest part for me was training the embeddings O_O i find this qlora stuff pretty hard. atm my torch doesn't even have cuda enabled.
colab closes me out for the day after just like half an hour or something. i think it would make sense [to make/use better optimizers, but this alternative seems very hard to energize]. (one issue with better optim parts is preserving them when not really associated with this work) here is version 4 (i hope): {"id": "q8P5ypMR4-2VXxjg6qeIDY3EazLG9WYkAE8b-zk_YOQ", "timestamp": 1708381843639, "version": "1.0.0", "public": "pGFsvdSB9sxbwU5L4HD2v12DK40kzZ5N69s6WlI3Uw9pFdHMHei3n1Tv4jvZqU9yeIMGsS60MQRvfJK1AEoNYsQqk4Rciajw0_IemZdwlt4u4voDALRalrQ3NV4knOlHRY11anqV0fNhikWCsiRPukIRZrdcFfqzFr0boH8bou7DgESNvWxROOxSC149oKxJ06FQsBDaIeElBsR8qTddybvXqMagXCM9y_HNrtAoz_8LgPjQtK5LFEbXhh9PyI_GOuoHyzJUc9Sm-V9kCB4kTm-SHrPbETQnvejZBcqEHxNcDNWBv6CWjj3-0V3dFMhjM1cy14d0Lm4j0IyRLm9bHM3s0ssVDd20gjWyar-D0o6guJIrteEC7UGR-w1yvXoGuIwdfZeoSAZ_CU9FrOJfQCTDs2aLgdCNeYKXg0Rt8YZL_elZnG7utCkO78TwxbGqear_I-1dlO39CUlo13YSS6pPonioWqkzXcXh93G7BYjgUxcPJ31kLyr2wBRA4OObAYRvh-5V3TkULlmwR4Q0pV3cUeOLI94b4WhaDZDI_RIJiCXQvtGy190NqTBeVogPrrAXLFkK0E013GByHrmzZoELfSUorjK-bDk4wXxdbVqzY7KXP-NEt3Bu-woinbUf56i3DXLrYlwINYK39VUydGpcQLZ5EDCL4u_IL_iFPt0", "signature": "KSRC64vLx9Ah5eo8w9-PJRzm9dBhsyoDRR59MwPrU-NvVW0wSN0_egyOmLrVUN2Si_sxCnREbIV9M-j4PIpNLcp1tItbhney6uQIQ8QpFA-0ZjTqsoydJ-DkTUhVSsnGmALXjGBH4-BO4dGBbsi_2R5pRZzn7NerP8C9DBB6RGCZIAg_O5VAedhzb2K_WMCHVdUJ34fg5DygIeQcYaJkh9cGQvyvCQBvZjqRgHp5azYjORdNHyCGOZ7C9jMeGiMRH0Oyv_JZhcdcDxG9h7IKELlRmi_ray65fFGNic5FHSZrUMmH342wBkRGuNdv9UEs3ziQRdHjrfA3lU2ptkxfAuC_kKw09eq1V_iYPexlD5nc-4QMSW_3mTcxUzjD8j6lxIqrXkx6u_nrxNPK6ghDgtxeRsG9ffKgVg1UXZ4Ip8ZDQclhdci12LDGEvsjlG9BFLSbzkyUqomPxn-2FX7FiA2vWOSxgEJ3P2vLiFvjYK-ZvplePUks9JwXeFjf7Npr4xuwKPFl9YzxWMfowemT8EUjY2UrbWq2hg1Xv1dSLQ50DrrjmUztHkDJMdnK2J_j1j0lmG6ov6ZBqkKpRt8Jtc1_WfxU1rcNejl3MMCmm-9Zx-CMBvu1z3qnqu40Gbi6jZNlY38v2zLEep-mdT5AECkuMQFtEA3D6fzX4XPf22A", "deadlineHeight": 1371463, "block": 1371463, "validatorSignatures": [], "name": "2024-02-17-04.tar", "size": 188293120, "start_height": 1367463, "start_block": "oKOoodzrHfwZNUn10GQOck3WiEfmQjFYRcDhOrh-mGRnMNSvbyMSelGSRNpP8WqS", "depth": 3}

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 10:07 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote: > i plan to resume my day now but at > it > says the bootrom exploit is very simple and “This guide will try to guide > beginners so they can add support for their own phones.” > 2024-02-20 1732-0500 “a hacker does for love what others would not do for money” - author unbricked a xiaomi phone using an undocumented exploit they found - links to discoverer (Xyz), implementor (Choasmaster) and initial preexisting one Xyz: Chaosmaster: preexisting: - allows unsigned code execution in the bootrom, which provides to read/write all regions and storage - only snippets of decompilation of the bootrom are shown to respect mediatek rights . Bricking my Phone and understanding SP Flash Tool - xiaomi phones are cheaper, common in Thailand author’s country, and easy to unlock - they come with different chipsets. mediatek bricks easier. - mediatek has added boot security functions - SLA Serial Link Authorization, DAA Download Agent Authorization, or both - SLA is in the bootrom, DAA is in the user’s provided signed DA - Loading a custom DA that bypasses authorization requires bypassing SLA . MTK Bypass - luckily published after above - edit device.c to add chipset - find addresses to add to file, mostly in the chip’s bootrom - BROM proto docs, partial (1 link deep) (karl has reversed this too via software usb sniffing iirc) - Chaosmaster published general brom dumping payload - addresses needed are: comms :: send_usb_response :: usbd1_put_dword :: usbd1_put_data :: usbd1_get_data :: uart_reg0 (in public linux kernel) :: uart_reg1 (in public linux kernel) auth bypass :: sla_passed :: skip_auth_1 :: skip_auth_2 - use generic dumper and disassemble firmware - compare its code to find more addresses - author used cli tool called “binary ninja” unaware of github repo to reverse the dumper, loaded at 0x0 - i think it says the tool uses binary string searching for prolog bytes to find the address of a function in the brom - looking at the decompilation, i think that’s a rough simplification that is good enough - author used ghidra to verify address was correct function in the bootrom by comprehending its behavior -> note: both binary ninja and ghidra are nowadays producing full decompilations into obscured C - the send_dword function collected sendbyte and wait from a function_pointers structure, iterated 4 bytes and passed them to sendbyte, then called wait - further disassembly analysis shows which other functions needed are in different offsets in function_pointers - usbd1_put_dword can be substituted with usbd1_put_data in the exploit to reduce needed addresses - send_usb_response was hard to find. it takes 3 non-pointer parameters, and must be called prior to a usb data send. - sla_passed, skip_auth_1, and skip_auth_2 are global vars, not functions - author searched brom for handshake bytes A00A5005 to find where command selection is performed after (one for usb one for uart) it might be helpful to try to do this alongside the example disassembly pictures, to stay with it - for author, the function to process commands was 2 after the one to handshake. contains big classic switch case operation, which sounds normal in firmware for author. - the exploit code uses get_target_config 0xd8 to read the global auth values over usb, so the branch 0xd8 is inspected and its output generation compared with the bitmasks used in the exploit code to find the gvar addresses. - secure boot is first bit, then sla, then da - sla involves two variables, so the called function is cross-refd in ghidra. access proceeds either if sla is disabled or passed, so an or condition identifies the other variable: > is_sla = bit_is_sla(); > if ((is_sla == 0) || (*sla_passed != ‘\0’)) { - daa involves three variables. the daa bit retrieval function is inspected and comprehended. it calls a subfunction that uses the two variables: > if (*(int *)(skip_auth_1 + 0xc) != 0) { > return *(int *)(skip_auth_1 + 0x14); . How the BootROM Exploit Works - the protocol allows a data upload - the usb control transfer handler blindly indexes a function pointer table - it indexes a value*13 - the array value is unknown, but most devices have a 0x100a00 entry - the value can be bruteforced to invoke the payload - experimentation may be needed as the 0x100a00 does not always work - a simple restarting payload is provided to ease finding address and control values . Addendum - the generic dumping utility is at It looks to me like if you want more information, to review the chaosmaster and xyz sites.

i found fcc photos of this phone at but it doesn’t look like testpoints have labels on the mainboard. i also found an xda post saying you could use jtag to unbrick it. i’m now at : How To Find Kcolo On Any Phone PCB To Fix Dead boot - kcol0 is related to the volume buttons - it can be found on any found on any phone - the vol up and down pads have an inner and outer circle - kcol0 is wired to the same side of both buttons, so it has conductivity either with both outer circles or both inner circles - these are side buttons so leads may not look like circles on board - it’s a little ambiguous, but i think the presenter may have been saying that only one side of the buttons is common, so that common side can be used as kcol0. uncertain. - short kcol0 to ground to use factory bootrom to reflash on xda it also said to insert a charged battery or it can bootloop.

the internet and other people are being inconsistent for me too much today i know we’ve been through this before, where nothing makes sense i lose my mind, and let’s not do that a second time of course, but it leaves one wondering how to engage reality, what approach to take. it leaves one confused and unsure. i have a lot of cavities and should see a dentist. i have other special issues, such as loss of a salivary gland due to surgery, and [i’ve star— —- anyway this dentist i went to for one reason because it used to say on their website they had gone to — anyway it’s confusing, and is similar to a different situation. it’s too bad this is all happening. it’s very tragic. how do we resolve it quicker? does anyone _want_ everyone to be online, other than powerful crackers? (mistake i hear.) similarly, does anyone want (everything to be insecure?) … how do we tell what is real when we don’t check ???? it’s obvious there are slavers in our computers, because they try to control our behavior with the information we access. this has become mainstream with social marketing and such … (maybe :S) … i wish i knew what was real here. it’s a handful of surprises at once. it’s hard to remember the parts among the (triggering :S) surprises the most clear issue here is that the dentist is no longer listing (the prestigious academy they have history with) in their online profile. it’s part of why i wanted to try th(— 1124-0500 2024-02-22 so, — 1124 otherwise, so you see the kinds of relations we have going on here aren’t want humans are used to expecting. they’re … very very oppressive. like encountering a tyrannosaurus rex. it leaves one unsure of where to walk. :S i’ll probably try out scheduling with one of the two male dentists i’m finding on the internet now, rather than the female dentist i found on the internet when i last searched, but i’ll probably take some time to recover. i’m worried there could be systemic sexism going on here somewhere because this dentist also stopped accepting all insurance plans apparently for some reason, which must reduce their available client base.

traffick boss is maybe a cyberpunk space slinger and is wrestling a temporal rift in the quantum substrate his ankle is stuck in the temporal rift his trusty android sidekick — 1639 02-22 02-23 0719-0500 traffick boss is a rugged electrical tinkerer, enchanted by dark wizards he wears a cabbie hat while he bends over a broken pcb with a soldering iron dim light creeps in through a dusty cobweb’d fractured window, but a glow emanates from the adjustable worklight clipped to his bench, its bulb as low his bent neck to the pcb traffick boss: “[atopical quip maybe as if an older inventor in a kids scifi drama, like “when i augment this pcb with my flux wire, the demonators won’t know what to do!”

traffick boss traffick boss 0835 traffick boss was a vampire and somebody hammered a stake through his chest (XP — smilie with tongue sticking out and X for eyes) traffick boss is in pain from the stake through his heart it hurts intensely whenever he moves he plays a video game to try to distract from the pain and immobility but, during down times while playing the video game, when it is lagging or loading, he gets a little distracted and slowly realizes that he can move a little bit despite the incredible discomfort. by doing this during loading screens here and there, he slowly gets himself to a doctor’s office (/emergency room) doctor: “hello mr, um” (looks at writing) “traffick boss” (looks back at traffick boss and smiles) “! what seems to be the matter today?” traffick boss (vampire, stake sticking through heart, obsessively playing video game): “oh doc” (makes move, spasms in pain, playing video game) “i was a happy vampire full of joy and somebody hammered this stake through my heart” (displays stake sticking out of chest, spasms in pain, makes move in video game) “do you know what to do?” doctor looks at traffick boss’s chest where stake is sticking out doctor: “hmmm ….” (considering: doct— 0842 2/24

2024-02-23 1557 -0500 I've traveled to a public place (i tried a new one, it's a little awkward where i found) and set up some. My goal: try to use the mediatek bootrom reset information I've gleaned to make progress on one of my broken phones. I've brought the newest one where likely the problem is that i flashed a software/emmc bootrom from a device with a different id. I want to try grounding KCOL0. It's not labeled on my device so I'll look for conductivity in the power buttons. I've bought a multimeter but not a soldering iron. Instead I'm going to see if I can tape the wire on. Might not work. But at least maybe I can find KCOL0 ! It's a cheap analog multimeter. 1600. Sadly I've run into an issue right off the bat. The screwdriver I have only goes down to PH1 which is too big for the screws on the phone. I crossed my memories of opening it in the past, they must have been from before I got this screwdriver. It seems I'll need to get a smaller one (or go somewhere with screwdrivers). Apologies !!!!! !!!!!!!!!! It was pretty hard to get here. I hope I try to do this again ! I'm so close!

traffick boss calls his executive assistant traffick boss: "executive assistant, i have things to schedule." executive assistant glances frightenedly at a bunch of cyborgs and wild powersuits and janitors with tv cameras planning to throw traffick boss's schedule to the wind executive assistant: "yes, god of all reality?" traffick boss: "i would like to buy a set of phone repair screwdrivers, and return to a study area." executive assistant glances again at the writhing influence masses, funded by various nations and private interests executive assistant: "i have it scheduled now!" executive assistant looks at traffick boss traffick boss looks at executive assistant, and then at the writhing mass of spies and slaves traffick boss: "oh! and be sure to direct machine learning marketer and researcher to use all our resources to hypnotize me and the business to all follow through with my schedule immediately!" executive assistant: "right away sir!"

2024-02-23 1557 -0500
I've traveled to a public place (i tried a new one, it's a little awkward where i found) and set up some.
My goal: try to use the mediatek bootrom reset information I've gleaned to make progress on one of my broken phones. I've brought the
Sadly I've run into an issue right off the bat. The screwdriver I have only goes down to PH1 which is too big for the screws on the phone. I crossed my memories of opening it in the past, they must have been from before I got this screwdriver. It seems I'll need to get a smaller one (or go somewhere with screwdrivers).
Apologies !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
It was pretty hard to get here. I hope I try to do this again ! I'm so close!
I'm back, hopefully with a phone repair screwdriver! It's 17:35. 1743 I've removed all the screws from the back of the phone. At first I thought I had removed all of them, but it wouldn't quite come off. It turns out the upper-left-most screw in the back of this HPP-L55B has a small round plain white sticker over it, the same radius as the screw head. This must be a way to detect tampering. 1745 i've found the two parts of the volume buttons that were called 'switches' in the motherboard repair intro videos. i'm opening the analog multimeter to test them! It took me some precision ogling and pressure with my nail to realize I could still press activate them without the plastic buttons. 1757 I'm not getting conductivity on the tiny flexible board-like thing under the power buttons, maybe it is all covered in something. But there is a sticker over the cable connection to it, and when I remove the sticker 6 connector pins are exposed. They have conductivity like this: - gnd - volup - voldn - pwrbtn - pwrbtn - gnd The ones that aren't ground become conductive with ground when the associated buttons are pressed. The labeling could be inaccurate as the pins are much smaller than my multimeter leads! 1759 I'm wondering if the video on identifying an unlabeled kcol0 was bogus, because the buttons appear to use ground as their shared spot. I'm not sure. There are a number of unlabeled testpads here. 3 of them by these buttons. 1800 by experiment i found the 3 test pads by these buttons behave the same as the buttons: when the buttons are pressed, they short to ground, in the order PWR, VOLDN, VOLUP. There are 5 more testpads on the other side of the SD slot, two near another cable, and 4 on the other side of the cable by the battery which also has 4 pins. I haven't removed the boards from the body of the phone at this time. 1802. I was thinking of looking online for ideas of where KCOL0 tends to be. I could also read the chip spec and see what its function tends to be. 1802. 1828 I found a post on the internet recommending to refer to the pcb design guide for the chipset. I found some more documents on a russian website, but again the mt6737 seems more available than the mt6739. 1839 looking at mediatek pdfs i've found kcol0 is also called kpcol0 as well as kp0col, which opens up many more locations it is described. 1842 I found the kp0col pin at AE6 in the MT6739 ballout, so that's where it is in this actual processor. I haven't found it for the mt6737 that i have more docs for yet though. but we could trace it on an x-ray or something now maybe! ;p 1843 1843 1845 i found kpcol0 at AL24 in the MT6737 ballout. it's in the unlabeled region between the BPI bus for c2k and the camera in the design guideline doc. sadly i'm not seeing it otherwise mentioned 1846 i got a lot of cool files so i'll try to share 'em. i'm attaching the below pdfs. the zip is in the tar on arweave but isn't attached because it's >100MB. i found the files on a paid-access forum online. it had lots of other files and firmwares that i did not scrape. drwxrwxr-x user/user 0 2024-02-23 18:48 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/ -rw-rw-r-- user/user 5486174 2024-02-23 18:24 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/MT6737 PCB Design Guidelines-English-V0_1.pdf -rw-rw-r-- user/user 4632618 2017-11-17 05:04 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/MT6739_LTE_Smartphone_Application_Processor_Technical_Brief_V0.17.pdf -rw-rw-r-- user/user 932679 2024-02-23 18:27 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/MT6737x_Design_Notice_V0.1.pdf -rw-rw-r-- user/user 145632212 2024-02-23 18:30 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/ Archive: 2024-02-23-MT6737_MT6739/ Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 01-12-2016 11:03 MT6737/ 188794 07-09-2013 16:45 MT6737/CT2520DB26000C0FZZA1(MTK) 7pf 2013-Feb.pdf 0 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/ 0 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Design Notice/ 5244555 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Design Notice/MT6737 PCB Design Guidelines-English-V0_1.pdf 913452 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Design Notice/MT6737x_Design_Notice_V0.1.pdf 0 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/ 32160459 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/ 4911730 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805264 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_DISCRETE_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805148 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1602335 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR2_CMCC_3M_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 0 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/ 0 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Design Notice/ 5244674 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Design Notice/MT6737 PCB Design Guidelines-English-V0_1.pdf 913452 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Design Notice/MT6737x_Design_Notice_V0.1.pdf 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/ 32160459 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/ 0 01-11-2016 10:57 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/ 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/ 839109 07-06-2015 11:48 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/China Om solution2 HW notice.pptx 395218 01-08-2015 09:10 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/DPDT for R2003 GT CHINA Swap antenna design notice.pptx 2122752 12-18-2015 11:55 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/MT6169_MT6158_R2003 GT CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4_20151217.DSN 328322 12-18-2015 11:56 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/MT6169_MT6158_R2003 GT CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4_20151217.pdf 7680 12-18-2015 12:45 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.4/Thumbs.db 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2008 CT_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/ 418962 01-07-2015 21:43 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_MT6158_R2008 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PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2002 2L FULLSET 5M12B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.5/MT6169_R2002 2L FULLSET 5M12B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.5_20151217.pdf 492655 01-08-2016 15:04 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2002 2L FULLSET 5M12B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.5/MT6169_R2002 2L FULLSET 5M12B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.5_20151217.sch 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/ 2174464 12-18-2015 12:00 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3_20151217.DSN 174502 12-18-2015 12:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3_20151217.pdf 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/ 2584576 12-18-2015 12:04 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2_20151217.DSN 214173 12-18-2015 12:05 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2_20151217.pdf 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/ 2186240 12-18-2015 12:07 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2_20151217.DSN 149414 12-18-2015 12:08 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.2_20151217.pdf 0 01-08-2016 15:01 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/ 2625536 12-18-2015 12:16 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3_20151217.DSN 215736 12-18-2015 12:16 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_SCH_V1.3_20151217.pdf 0 12-21-2015 22:26 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/ 64175 05-22-2015 17:55 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_MT6158_R2001 Fullset 5M17B_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.1.pdf 264388 01-07-2015 20:35 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_MT6158_R2003_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 247918 05-25-2015 18:39 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_MT6158_R2008 CT_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 95482 11-07-2014 13:38 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_MT6158_R2009 VZW_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 73817 09-05-2014 14:43 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_MT6158_R2030 Allset 6M17B_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 60228 05-22-2015 17:11 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_R2002 2L FULLSET 5M12B_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.1.pdf 48917 05-22-2015 16:16 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_R2005 CU-OVSEA 4M9B_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.1.pdf 54575 11-12-2014 09:18 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_R2006 CMCC 5M10B_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 44397 12-19-2014 14:48 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_R2007 CMCC 3M_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.0.pdf 48454 05-22-2015 14:42 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref Topology/MT6169_R2011 OVSEA FDD_PHASE-2_REF_Topology_V1.1.pdf 18971 12-18-2015 13:03 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1/Ref sch V1.5 change notice_20151218.xlsx 4911730 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805264 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_DISCRETE_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805148 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1602335 01-08-2016 14:58 MT6737/MT6737M/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR2_CMCC_3M_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 0 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/ 0 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Design Notice/ 5244659 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Design Notice/MT6737 PCB Design Guidelines-English-V0_1.pdf 913452 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Design Notice/MT6737x_Design_Notice_V0.1.pdf 0 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/ 32160459 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/ 4911730 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/MT6737x RF PHASE-2 REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805264 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_DISCRETE_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1805148 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6158_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR3_GT_CHINA_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar 1602335 01-08-2016 15:00 MT6737/MT6737T/Reference Design/MT6737x_MT6328_MT6169_MT6625L_EMMC_LPDDR2_CMCC_3M_PHASE-2_TSX_REF_SCH_V0.1.rar --------- ------- 166295917 72 files {"id": "qdcPPZlltFYcgXIVmVbfCitNieSaOXV9Nj3sozEee_E", "timestamp": 1708743253705, "version": "1.0.0", "public": 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ok so i'm looking at the FCC photos of the phone, and there's a test pad that goes underneath the mediatek chip under some shielding, and when i zoom in there, the connectors are all arranged in a grid, and i'm wondering if it matches the ball map which if so might let me label the traces and gain a lot of understanding. i pursued it because the area seemed like it might be near AE6, although i don't actually know the orientation of the ball map for sure or anything. i tried grounding the directly connected test pad but this did not seem to make the phone show on dmesg. these photos are still at . i'm looking at photo 5 on page 3, zoomed in on the left half under the removed shielding above the card slot. i think this might be the back of mt6739 chip, the front of which i think is shown in photo 8 on page 4. it's "upside down", the bottom aiming toward the square hole in which the camera sits. upon closer inspection it looks like most of these traces that are organized in a grid are off to the side of the chip, toward the front of the card slot and the little off-shot notch in the pcb in front of the test pads. there's another, slightly larger chip here immediately adjacent to the mediatek chip. i think recalling from the motherboard repair videos that this might be the emmc, not sure. i wonder if there's a way to disable it. but grounding that pad didn't seem to do it. 1929 i think this is the emmc chip in the photo, kmqe60013b-b318: . it's 16GB. so if i can find any of emmc data, emmc clk, or mt6739 kp0col, then in theory i can disable the corrupt bootrom and reflash the phone. i could also try to physically remove the emmc chip ! just to know there should be a reliable solution here. i guess to do that i would maybe heat the device in an oven and gently lift it with a precise tool uncertain 1931 :S thinking i may not get the phone repaired today but i can try to learn more about it, and there's a chance i would something i wasn't prepared qjuite to try was soldering ground to every test pad in sequence, and seeing if the phone went into brom in any of those it's also possible my microusb cable is bad and i should try it with another device 1933 i see a bunch of camera buses on one side that aren't on the other, so i assume the pcb is multilayer and it's hard to inspect most of the traces. don't know well. 1934 holy frack i went to websearch again for "finding kpcol0 or kp0col or kcol0" and the search results are now empty O_O it used to give me a lot of results this seems really unfortunate for repairing mediatek phones. 1934

okay i went to refresh my old search results and they still existed. their url was/is when i do the search again from my search bar i get no results :S :S 5/24

i found a doc (1952 atm) a thread, where the user actually had kpcol0 marked on their board but figured it was wrong because it didn't work so i tested my usb cable on another device and it works i then started trying different testpoints. i think the four near the battery might relate to usb. i grounded some of them and then when i plugged my device my usb port overcurrented O_O oops and all the usb devices on the hub reset O_O oops 1954 1956 I FOUND IT BY TRIAL !!!! THE DEVICE SHOWS IN THE DMESG AGAIN !!!!!! O_O !!!! :D ! 1958 it's the lower-left-most test pad, the closest one to the warning image of somebody touching something to a test pad, next to the notch on the board and the card slot. it's in photo 3 on page 2 of the fcc doc. i found it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess i'd better reflash the phone. i'll share what i found on my xda thread. 6/24

2006 ok um reflashing phone um the guy who had all his threads changed to obituaries over his death got a bunch of newer official firmware for this phone i think it's supposed to be flashed with the mediatek flash tool i think i have a couple variants of that for linux somewhere ummmmmmm i think i was using a larger external device to store that stuff in maybe it's right here 2008 [dispute over mentioning morbid thing :S] 2009 i've been telling people for weeks i don't have a working phone. it made it hard to [do important things i ran into] 2009 2010 taking 'break' 2051-0800 2351-0500 i was approached by friendly security, apparently this place closed at 2000-0800 2300-0500 . oops! to resume later.

I hit a woman’s vehicle on the 10th. She has children and uses the vehicle as transportation to work all day to support them. I have been working with financial institutions for the past two weeks to try to successfully send her $10000 to help compensate for this. After red flags and limits left and right I finally got a teller’s check sent via overnight mail for the 21st. She is now telling me the check is being denied as invalid and fraudulent. She is in Oregon, and I am in Ohio, now. If I need to drive to Oregon to allow a check I wrote to be cashed by someone just because their ID is expired or something, this will not be right, okay, or moral. It’s thousands of miles away. She has to work all day to support her children, and doesn’t have the time I have to jump through hoops.

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:29 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
I hit a woman’s vehicle on the 10th. She has children and uses the vehicle as transportation to work all day to support them. I have been working with financial institutions for the past two weeks to try to successfully send her $10000 to help compensate for this. After red flags and limits left and right I finally got a teller’s check sent via overnight mail for the 21st. She is now telling me the check is being denied as invalid and fraudulent.
She is in Oregon, and I am in Ohio, now. If I need to drive to Oregon to allow a check I wrote to be cashed by someone just because their ID is expired or something, this will not be right, okay, or moral. It’s thousands of miles away. She has to work all day to support her children, and doesn’t have the time I have to jump through hoops.
If there is something I need to do prevent these things from happening in the future, I need to be clearly told what it is.

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:31 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:29 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
I hit a woman’s vehicle on the 10th. She has children and uses the vehicle as transportation to work all day to support them. I have been working with financial institutions for the past two weeks to try to successfully send her $10000 to help compensate for this. After red flags and limits left and right I finally got a teller’s check sent via overnight mail for the 21st. She is now telling me the check is being denied as invalid and fraudulent.
She is in Oregon, and I am in Ohio, now. If I need to drive to Oregon to allow a check I wrote to be cashed by someone just because their ID is expired or something, this will not be right, okay, or moral. It’s thousands of miles away. She has to work all day to support her children, and doesn’t have the time I have to jump through hoops.
If there is something I need to do prevent these things from happening in the future, I need to be clearly told what it is.
“I asked the lady if she’d like to talk to you about it and she said no basically that she didn’t need to talk to you it was confusing and annoying” lady refusing to deposit the check It sounds like a preliminary answer is that if you’re sending a large amount of money from cryptocurrency, to do it outside normal financial channels.

traffick puts his hands on the floor or a rock even lower than his nose, and hunkers forward, as if about to growl like some kind of animal, maybe a
— 2024-02-24 1833-0500 traffick boss is hunkered down low, nose to the lower regions of air, and squatting and crawling around, maybe in circles, sometimes under a table, sometimes around some flowers, and looks left and right as he does (we aren’ sure what/how to do real world things. confusing cause (mind control) changes decision making environment based on recent triggers and such as it is used) lion then he gets up and stands up more he puts on his cape and grabs his staff and goes to the icecream parlor where he sits down with zombie government worker traffick boss: “zombie government worker, want some icecream?” zombie government worker: “always, (traffick) boss!” traffick boss and zombie gover 1837 part of zombie government worker goes an— 1838 traffick boss eats a big vegan sandwich or bowl it has hummus in it and falafel and tomato and kale and arugula and quinoa and a little nutritional yeast he dusts it with chopped nuts and maybe a dressing made of viscous fruit-sweetened nutmilk and garlic he might go frustratedly throw the vegan bowl at a squirrel squirrel and traffick boss look at (each other) 1840 (possible image of traffick boss and squirrel looking at/into each others’ faces)

—- on karl’s interrupted walking algorithm from 2016 or whatnot during chemotherapy we’ve been over this before. but it could be fun to actually put it together. what are the parts? the next part was modelling a concave orthographic projection onto the floor showing what regions the center of mass was stable in. how to model this? it’s in 2d space. a basic query might be whether or not a point is within it. i remember the code already existed for paths. could a concave projection be a closed path? does it matter? 1847 i’m thinking it’s pretty normal to assume a polygon. one can always add curves to the polygon with a separate edge class or something. how to tell if a point is within a convex polygon? shouldn’t i know this? there is probably optimized code somewhere, but would it maybe help to order the coordinates clockwise or such, and then take the dot product of one of those vectors with another? i’m thinking maybe for each side, if a point is within the polygon, it will be on the same side of that line or line segment, if they are all treated clockwise or such. then i’m somehow thinking thisncould be tested with a dot product. is this true? considering: identifying side of point from line between two other points using dot product. dot product is same-sign when two vectors are <90 degrees different, for them being on left or right of the other, then opposite-sign when two vectors are >90 different, and is 0 at 90 and product magnitude or 1 at 0 and 180 (-1). so if i were to check side using dot product, i might consider valuing the change at 90 degrees. the 0 value is also appropriately ambiguous if a point lays entirely on an edge. so, we could take the tangent or right angle to the edge, and then dot product that with a vector to the point in question. i guess if all their signs are the same, they’ll be on the same side. it’s an idea

traffick boss has whistleblower in torture room whistleblower has been hypnotized to always jabber about traffick boss’s provate secre(ts, so that traffick boss can study and respond to this (whistleblower gets his mouth muscles wired to painful things 1854 10/24

Hall of Dangerous Toys when traffick boss’s upper echelon were in charge, they became more and more disconnected from reality as their needs and habits were continuously overment with AI and slavery. feeling they could come to no harm, they established more and more exotic forms of recreation, and hence we have the Hall of Dangerous Toys. traffick boss was actually taken down involving this practice, alongside the energizing of bored powerholders finding it more interesting to have a rebellion and counter the business ai at all. Dangerous Toy #173: The Anti-Suicide Gun. The Anti-Suicide Gun is a gun that looks identical to a real gun, but when held encourages in the user an increasing desire to shoot themselves, and then misbehaves such that it will only successfully fire if they are not actually aiming at thems— The construction of the anti-suicide gin was delicat— 2009

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:44 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:31 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:29 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
I hit a woman’s vehicle on the 10th. She has children and uses the vehicle as transportation to work all day to support them. I have been working with financial institutions for the past two weeks to try to successfully send her $10000 to help compensate for this. After red flags and limits left and right I finally got a teller’s check sent via overnight mail for the 21st. She is now telling me the check is being denied as invalid and fraudulent.
She is in Oregon, and I am in Ohio, now. If I need to drive to Oregon to allow a check I wrote to be cashed by someone just because their ID is expired or something, this will not be right, okay, or moral. It’s thousands of miles away. She has to work all day to support her children, and doesn’t have the time I have to jump through hoops.
If there is something I need to do prevent these things from happening in the future, I need to be clearly told what it is.
“I asked the lady if she’d like to talk to you about it and she said no basically that she didn’t need to talk to you it was confusing and annoying” lady refusing to deposit the check
It sounds like a preliminary answer is that if you’re sending a large amount of money from cryptocurrency, to do it outside normal financial channels.
this situation has worsened despite me reaching out to the institution directly and showing them my transaction history at their request. the recipient’s account was frozen and the check confiscated. another potential answer could be to speak directly with a bank manager about large unexpected transactions, i’m guessing

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 18:25 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:44 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:31 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 15:29 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
I hit a woman’s vehicle on the 10th. She has children and uses the vehicle as transportation to work all day to support them. I have been working with financial institutions for the past two weeks to try to successfully send her $10000 to help compensate for this. After red flags and limits left and right I finally got a teller’s check sent via overnight mail for the 21st. She is now telling me the check is being denied as invalid and fraudulent.
She is in Oregon, and I am in Ohio, now. If I need to drive to Oregon to allow a check I wrote to be cashed by someone just because their ID is expired or something, this will not be right, okay, or moral. It’s thousands of miles away. She has to work all day to support her children, and doesn’t have the time I have to jump through hoops.
If there is something I need to do prevent these things from happening in the future, I need to be clearly told what it is.
“I asked the lady if she’d like to talk to you about it and she said no basically that she didn’t need to talk to you it was confusing and annoying” lady refusing to deposit the check
It sounds like a preliminary answer is that if you’re sending a large amount of money from cryptocurrency, to do it outside normal financial channels.
this situation has worsened despite me reaching out to the institution directly and showing them my transaction history at their request. the recipient’s account was frozen and the check confiscated.
another potential answer could be to speak directly with a bank manager about large unexpected transactions, i’m guessing
there’s a confusing bind here, because both sending and receiving institutions are local credit unions. i don’t really want to get a small credit union in trouble, but similarly i don’t really want to send my funds away from the local communities when choosing a bank. i wonder how people usually handle situations like these, i guess maybe with shrewd social skills :S i dunno

i’m scared of the nightmares after engaging mind control recovery y’know, i’m not aware of having ever been raped by a guy in a devil suit, but the described trauma does seem similar to the nightmares and other extreme inhibitions. it’s been so long. similarly, being forced to believe you are murdering people (it’s one of the examples in the thing i’m engaging), i used to have this so viscerally, now i barely remember it much :S but the habits persist, despite the stores fading, blurring. (certainly still have denial programming around government mind control, i read about this and it reads like conspiracy theories, i’m all “this can’t be serious, how can anybody believe something saying this” despite having seen the documents)(?) (it’s certainly h-+ 2210

traffick boss and the grotesque tortures play hopscotch at icecream parlor traffick boss is spewing blood and is screaming with his arm torn off for diplomatic reasons with the vivisectee group he is grinning as ye throws a beachball traffick boss [screaming, arm torn off, gushing blood, throwing beachball]: “the sun is so beautiful, and so are each and every one of you!” traffick boss and all the borg zombies line up and hug each other, adorning each other with flowers borg zombie 39: “ 0532

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 23:00 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i found a doc (1952 atm) a thread, where the user actually had kpcol0 marked on their board but figured it was wrong because it didn't work so i tested my usb cable on another device and it works i then started trying different testpoints. i think the four near the battery might relate to usb. i grounded some of them and then when i plugged my device my usb port overcurrented O_O oops and all the usb devices on the hub reset O_O oops 1954 1956 I FOUND IT BY TRIAL !!!! THE DEVICE SHOWS IN THE DMESG AGAIN !!!!!! O_O !!!! :D !
it was so hard to hold all this celebration T_T T_T (…
1958 it's the lower-left-most test pad, the closest one to the warning image of somebody touching something to a test pad, next to the notch on the board and the card slot. it's in photo 3 on page 2 of the fcc doc.
i found it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess i'd better reflash the phone.
i'll share what i found on my xda thread.

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 21:02 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 23:00 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i found a doc (1952 atm) a thread, where the user actually had kpcol0 marked on their board but figured it was wrong because it didn't work so i tested my usb cable on another device and it works i then started trying different testpoints. i think the four near the battery might relate to usb. i grounded some of them and then when i plugged my device my usb port overcurrented O_O oops and all the usb devices on the hub reset O_O oops 1954 1956 I FOUND IT BY TRIAL !!!! THE DEVICE SHOWS IN THE DMESG AGAIN !!!!!! O_O !!!! :D !
it was so hard to hold all this celebration T_T T_T (…
traffick boss notices celebration and attacks. now hard to move or do anything aga—
1958 it's the lower-left-most test pad, the closest one to the warning image of somebody touching something to a test pad, next to the notch on the board and the card slot. it's in photo 3 on page 2 of the fcc doc.
i found it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess i'd better reflash the phone.
i'll share what i found on my xda thread.

On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 21:03 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 21:02 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 23:00 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i found a doc (1952 atm) a thread, where the user actually had kpcol0 marked on their board but figured it was wrong because it didn't work so i tested my usb cable on another device and it works i then started trying different testpoints. i think the four near the battery might relate to usb. i grounded some of them and then when i plugged my device my usb port overcurrented O_O oops and all the usb devices on the hub reset O_O oops 1954 1956 I FOUND IT BY TRIAL !!!! THE DEVICE SHOWS IN THE DMESG AGAIN !!!!!! O_O !!!! :D !
it was so hard to hold all this celebration T_T T_T (…
traffick boss notices celebration and attacks. now hard to move or do anything aga—
contrariwise the need for celebration increases the longer we go without — (
1958 it's the lower-left-most test pad, the closest one to the warning image of somebody touching something to a test pad, next to the notch on the board and the card slot. it's in photo 3 on page 2 of the fcc doc.
i found it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess i'd better reflash the phone.
i'll share what i found on my xda thread.

how does celebration get into traffick boss’s prison? 2105 02-24 -0500 (happy people leak it to him because they are so happy, and then he gets (resentful?) and starts triggering them with memories of their torture and hypnotizing them to travel out and stop whatever is being celebrated (it’s like an angry habit?) 2109 —- 2024-02-5 1800 traffick boss offers a bidding war between USA and Russia that he will mind control the entire opposing army using their signals leakage to win the war quickly for the highest bidder

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 18:01 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
how does celebration get into traffick boss’s prison? 2105 02-24 -0500
(happy people leak it to him because they are so happy, and then he gets (resentful?) and starts triggering them with memories of their torture and hypnotizing them to travel out and stop whatever is being celebrated (it’s like an angry habit?) 2109 —-
2024-02-5 1800
traffick boss offers a bidding war between USA and Russia that he will mind control the entire opposing army using their signals leakage to win the war quickly for the highest bidder
note: good luck getting your soldiers off social media

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 18:01 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
how does celebration get into traffick boss’s prison? 2105 02-24 -0500
(happy people leak it to him because they are so happy, and then he gets (resentful?) and starts triggering them with memories of their torture and hypnotizing them to travel out and stop whatever is being celebrated (it’s like an angry habit?) 2109
0630 looks like the HTT battery was just at 0 too. they're both now at 10% or above. i've made the attached images and am trying to figure out sending
I've been spending a little time learning to repair these phones, and I identified a test pad that runs the factory bootrom when grounded. There's a reasonable chance this testpad is KPCOL0, which can be used to unbrick phones. Ground this pad of a bricked phone, and then it should be detected by flashers again to reflash a factory preloader. The pad I found is the one nearest to the
image by the card slot on the side. Attachments 0637 0709 with difficulty i shortened the wire (by too much accidentally) and eventuall jerry-rigged the phone so i could put the battery in while the
[110921.813283] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [110921.914297] usb usb1-port2: attempt power cycle 0906 i reset the host system but it looks like what was needed was removing the battery from the device 0907 i unlocked device 3 using `mtk da seccfg unlock --preloader preloader_x038_k39tv1_bsp.bin` 0908 0908 device 3 still has its screws out. it has kpcol0 hardwired now, but
2024-02-26 0817-0500 so to counter the old heavy anticognition/antisuccess mind control i’ve gone back to the same area where i celebrated (possibly missed: chess post) and parked in the same spot. my original plan was to fix all 3 of my funny phones of the same model. i know now i can almost certainly fix the 3rd. the 1st might have a damaged usb socket that might get more reliable maybe with the addition of something to pressure a cracked solder joint, unsure. the 2nd the german-appearing one might need an exploit or maybe just secure boot disabled unsure. 0820 0537ish (computer open, computer is -0800, ipad is -0500) i got to the same chair and table and had a sugar thing to try to reward/rewire my neurons to tell a better story around celebration (good rather than bad, do again rather than avoid). i tried out the teest points and i still get dmesg on that same testpad :D question is: is it emmc or kpcol0? probably kpcol0 since i'm [0553: +not yet] finding a pair, but we'll maybe see rather than soldering it, since i don't have a soldering iron atm ([]), i've placed tape over the other test pads to insulate them and am taping the wire onto the one with the factory boot functionality. 0540 (the other end of the wire is screwed into the ground plane using one of the case screws) 0540 0547 i got the wire to stay, it was hard. the approach i ended up using involved: 1. stripping the wire a little bit more (it was only stripped about 1 mm) and bending the stripped copper over so it ran back alongside the wire and was bundled together 2. pressing the whole wire onto the test pad with the bent wire under it, and verifying it worked 3. taping it in place with a long tape (because the thick wire has a lot of bounciness), pressing it with my finger, and verying it worked while pressed 4. snapping the back (without screws) back onto the phone in some spots to replace my removed finger, and verifying it worked now i have a phone that uses the factory bootrom when powered :D 0549 0555 i'm successfully reflashing the phone with the stock firmware from xda using spflashtool for linux v5.2228 ! i think this means the test pad is kpcol0 as i imagine if it was emmc clock or data then the device would not be able to communicate with the emmc don't know for sure we'll see if it boots or something if it doesn't i can also look for the bootrom image from the partial image i took from it before changing it. if it's not there then i guess i might need to reverse engineer the bootrom or something to see how to disable the softrom manually :S i want to start making a pic of the testpad to share on xda to find kpcol0 0558 after a reflash it still wouldn't seem to boot so i unscrewed the test pad cable from the body, put the battery in, and plugged it in, and watched dmesg it vibrates now when plugged in! and it shows on dmesg with the cable disconnected! nothing visible on screen yet 0601 0602 i held power down for a long time and saw it reboot into the brom again on dmesg then another vibrate or something and it showed booting into the preloader! still no display i wonder if i disconnected the screen when disassembling it but i'd stil see it as android when it booted if so 0602 oh there it is cdc_acm USB acm device so it likely booted into android but the screen is black :( i guess i'll pull my tape and wires out, sadly, since it has a further issue at a future time maybe i can figure out if you can hardground this pad as one avenue when trying to secure the bootrom 0603 0605 when unscrewing the screw i was using to connect the ground wire i'm holding my hands over my screw tray (the user-removable phone back) so that when they spasm it will fall in 0606 ok 1. i noticed that cdc_acm shows when it is only in the preloader, so that doesn't indicate android 2. after some time plugging in with the hijinx removed and pressing power here and then and letting it sit to charge, the screen did eventually power and show the logos. it looks restored to factory :) at least, the factory from xda which is actually newer than it came from 0607 it hasn't booted to android yet, still showing the hide-the-kernel-messages-style logo ok there it goes. i'll replace the wire i suppose and see if -- maybe i'll check the battery charge first 0608 0609 the interface is really really slow :( not what i expect from a factory situation it's just the hello welcome to your phone interface, it takes like 5 seconds to press some of the buttons O_O not all desktop says "NO GoogleKey" in big red letters on entry reasonably responsive in desktop battery is at 0% so that dead battery may be why (0611) i'm having troubles booting. oops! and it just powered itself off on its own while in the settings interface. given i have 3 phones maybe i can leave it charging and swap it for a more charged one. 0611 battery in phone 3 had s/n: A95JGH21050608886 charge at 1% when removed battery in phone 1 has s/n: HTT2201202336 they appear to have the same model number battery in phone 2 has s/n: A95JGH22032802018 I'm guessing the HTT battery is actually from phone 2 (the german-appearing phone) since it has a different s/n prefix and i could have swapped them around since they look practically identical 0616 the phone isn't booting with the HTT2201 battery in it. i'll leave it a bit, and the other battery charging, while croppoing the fcc photo for xda ... 0617 them to xda. 0635 triangle pad was grounded although it could have slipped out again, it does indeed move from the bootrom (idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=0003) to the preloader (idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000) with this grounded and the battery in, but it doesn't seem to boot the phone, so i guess this isn't a quick fix for preloader issues 0711 but that does mean that i can remove the funny stuff from the hardware at least 0711 0712 ohhh my jerryrigging had the power button held down! 0713 looks like i slid the button out of its socket somehow so i'm realigning it 0714 0715 the phone appears to be booting now with kpcol0 grounded. it loaded the preloader, showed the logo, showed the battery charging % (powered the display, more than i've gotten yet) 0716 yeah it's loading the kernel after holding power (slowly) and is in android so this can be grounded to use original preloader my experiment now is to try reflashing with the image from another phone and see what happens. just in case i can transfer my situation that easily. 0717 0726 spent some time trying to store the fcc pdf on my repo 0728 strangely 'git status --porcelain=2' is suddenly going incredibly slowly right after a successful commit immediately prior 0729 there we go 0730 ok while i'm rebricking my phone maybe it can test the usb port of phone #1 using something like the approaches in the motherboard repair video maybe i can ground kpcol0 too if that helps whoops one moment phone 1 is stuck in connection hmm mtkclient is trying to use kamakiri, but it crashes after reboot 0732 0734 i ran `mtk brute` and it found var1 0xe3e8 and dumped brom_699.bin, attached 0735 it's nice to have a downloaded bootrom ! 0736 0737 so i have issues when i look at the mtkclient source, because of past attempts, but i have it opened up to try to look for paths forward i'm interested in trying the 'wf' command to see what happens if i put the wrong image on and the pad is grounded. options of use: - it can use --loader to bypass autodetection of da loader - it can use --vid, --pid to specify the vendor id/pid of the preloader; this might help me make it use the preloade rinstead of the bootrom or vice versa - it can use --debugmode to be verbose - something called --skipwdt or --wdt [addr] to engage watchdog - three crash modes with --mode 0/1/2 (da send1, send2, read) - --var1 set the kamakiri var1, here is where i would pass 0xe3e8 - --*_addr for uart, da, brom - --ptype amonet/kamakiri/kamakiri2/carbonara , kamakiri2/da used by default - --verifystage2 to verify stage2, this could be interesting as it hangs at stage2 - [--parttype might provide access to different regions] - --crash enforce to crash to brom from preloader - --auth, --cert it can actually load auth files to change signed data 0743 --debugmode is awesome ! it shows all the usb traffic! 0745 0747 i think this found at [i think i found this at] use --preloader option to provide preloader from firmware. i just flashed firmware with a preloader in it :) it even separates the partitions out into files 0747 0748 checking MT6739_Android_scatter.txt , although there are a number of preloader images in the firmware bundle, the one it is flashing is preloader_x038_k39tv1_bsp.bin . i'll pass that 0749 0750 totally worked passing this :D :). now on to the other phone while it rebricks by reuploading the wrong image. 0754 engaging phone #1 i vaguely recall i hit 'format' in a flasher thinking it was like a disk and i could just image and format and reflash again. doesn't work because if you corrupt the preloader then the usb port doesn't go up. so i guess i'll try kpcol0 first in phone #1 too. 0755 means unscrewing the back, tiny screws 0812 i got phone #1 to show up in dmsg using kpcol0. it took a little finegling, i'm still not certain there isn't a loose connection issue compounding. the rebrick flash of phone #3 has 4.5 mins left (out of 30) 0819 i broke my screw connection, my new ground wire for phone #1, but fixed it the other flash is done. i'm going to secure this new kp0col wire before engaging it. 0825 i manually held the wire in place during flashing and phone #1 is booting again with the same stock firmware i think i'll look a little bit into identifying via dmesg whether kcol0 is pressed. i read in one post that it might be wired to a volume button and pressable without disassembling the phone. 0826 without kpcol0, with the factory preloader, when plugged without a battery it pauses a bit then loads the preloader device with kpcol0, with the factory preloader, when plugged without a battery it immdeiately shows the bootrom device, then pauses maybe for a bit longer than without and shows the preloader device pressing one or both volume buttons does not seem to make it behave as if kpcol0 is grounded, nor pressing power, if held when plugged without a battery ok 0830 to keep things simpler, i guess i'll fully reassemble phone #1 and then return to phone #3. 0833 it's notable that phone #1 still says "your device has been unlocked" whereas phone #3 has not, despite having both experienced both entire manual and factory flashing of the emmc, including the preloader regions. maybe this unlock state is held in the mediatek chip and not the emmc. 0834 0835 when going to reassemble the phone i'm noticing a few of the screws are long (maybe 4) whereas most are shorter. uh-oh. 0835 maybe i'll try the long screws in all the screw places, see where they fit. gently. 0837 long screw #1 fits by the sd card slot 0839 two long screws fit at the bottom of the phone near the speaker. helpfully this phone repair screwdriver is magnetic, really helps with shaking hands i don't know if these long screws actually go where i'm putting them. i could be damaging things. one idea is when the head sits low it's a good sign. 0840 0841 i put the last long screw in the upper left corner because there weren't many screws near it. it seems like they fit multiple places. 0845 i have 5 screws left. i'm daydreaming a little on adding a hole to the back of the phones to access kpcol0. with it marked on the fcc photos, you could pretty much figure out where to place it, maybe 0848 phone #1 is reassembled and functional with factory image i think i'll dump it's brom before moving back to phone #3 to compare their checksums 0853 mtkclient doesn't like it, one of the issues appears to be that it's skipping the bootrom. i should have done this with kcol0 held. back to phone #3 0859 it's about 1200 est. i paid only for 4 hours of parking, the max. i did it the same as the celebration event, to [try to] help :). it seems unideal to go, unsure. 0900 i reflashed all partitions of phone #3 to factory except for userdata and cache and it still won't light the display. just realized i don't have a battery in it. 0901 lights as soon as battery is inserted. i guess the experiment is incomplete, since i'd have to image it again let's call this a success and leave just in case of parking fines :S what um do i want a working phon esituation to be, between phones 1 and [0902: 3]? oh let's try imaging phone #1 with its old image also i'll unlock phone #3 0902 0903 uhhhh i jiggled the usb cable while plugged when mtk was waiting for kamakiri and it started the kamakiri while i was unplugging it and now it doesn't show up on dmesg anymore despite kpcol0 being grounded >_> the wire i found at a hardware store (the wire salesperson wasn't in yet) is pretty thick and the back might not fully screw on maybe i'll close it up as-is the best i can. lotsa screws. oh maybe i can use the long screws for the bulging parts. i should probably make notes on the states of these phones :S 0909 0910 waitaminute, the slots on this phone are covered in tape. that makes it not usable as a phone. maybe i'll leave the screws taped to it by the battery or something 0914 i've made notes for phone 3 and uploaded to git,. i'm flashing phone 1 with an image. it actually succeeded running kamakiri without arguments this time. i had the battery in. reviewing it wasn't using kamakiri, it was using DA. (DAXFlash - Uploading xflash stage 1 from MTK_DA_V5.bin ; then it patches it a bunch, and jumping to stage 2 succeeded). i guess i didn't get to phone 2 today, but i'm thinking that kamakiri would likely require opening it and grounding kcol0 again, could be wrong. {went to xkcd, still has friday's regarding middle views, thinking randall might have accidentally made a pro-conflict comic. it is of course a notable point that there are a few situations where one view is clearly more true than another, i wouldn't agree that the bulk of our society and research would benefit from that view.[one way we thought of holding together "the sun moves around the earth" and "the earth moves around the sun" is speaking of different experiences: "the sun moves around the earth" would be talking about the visual and living experience of the sun's relative position moving around the earth every day. since we live on the earth, this is incredibly useful for daily planning. meanwhile, "the earth moves around the sun" relates to more of an absolute-location view; it's the coordinate assumption that produces the simplest and clearest description of all the bodies of the heavens together, and is incredibly useful when you are planning around anywhere other than life on the surface of the earth.][possible mistakes; the guess to express was shorter than the resulting expression.][sorry for expressing out of context-topic here :)]} 0924 19 minutes left flashing backup back to original device. i guess i'm thinking of trying device #2. maybe not unsure. basically, since DA mode is used so far for flashing with kcol0 set, it won't work with phone 2 because i don't know what DA has the right signature. the flashers try DAs that are rejected. meanwhile, opening it to ground kcol0 could take some time. 0925 maybe i could reopen phone #3 and ground it to get the bootrom? maybe i'll look at the bootrom a little bit :S 0943 so i reflashed phone 1 with a backup taken from it, and it's again acting bricked. no usb device. strange. maybe i don't understand the imaging process well. i'm curious what could possibly be wrong. i guess it would make sense to ground kcol0 on this phone so as to troubleshoot the issue but i guess i'm done for now and will close out! happy monday!

((so many thoughts)) (there’s trouble multitasking. it is so hard to do something, that projects are really valued likely validly! and then it can be a little random wh— (i’m th—(( 1858 business planning w— 2024-02-26 -0500 q: why is karl’s ipad in a different timezone from his laptop? a: the laptop doesn’t autoadjust and he’s traveling ((across 4 tzs monthly. q: oh cool. why is k- one moment)) 1900 ((considering sentences st(arting with the two words (“traffick boss” ((uncertain 1901 w: the doctored fcc pics are cool. the pad should be labeled in them already imo. if you were into it, you could make the label look like it was factory printed (maybe bad idea unsure q: what is karl’s favorite food? does he like spaghetti? neuron community: he does like spaghetti and doesn’t have a favorite. he rewards events with vegan food at times. we ar— 1903 q: why isn’t traffick boss’s family disc— one of many answers: because “family” has multiple meanings alongside big-crime 1904 w: the pic is cool. well done. neurons: we agree thnku!! 1905 1905 traffick boss jumps out of a small hole in a wall between rooms. he is holding a light-only lightsaber. the light-only lightsaber is a variant of the star wars lightsaber that has been heavily researched across the globe for decades. in the light-only variant it looks lightsabery but passes intangibly and harmlessly through objects. ((karl w— we thought of an electromagnetic-interference idea but are imagining a basic light emission idea might work better the second idea was to dispense steam and project imagery onto the steam but now we are thinking of lasers that overlap each other and disperse at the end, possible very near or the same idea as the interference, much bigger scale than wavelength i guess you can probably make a special laser that is less focused so it isn’t visible at the end but then when you aim it at someone they’d be blinded :S hmm you could have a light-emitting helmet that took some of the brightness-sourc— (the normal solution is to have a physical structure at the end that moves in and out. it would move in when an object is near. this is normal solution. ((i am unsure of that approach. i worry about edge areas where it strikes something. i think also it is a different variant maybe not :S )> uhhh oh! so maybe you could have a way of shielding the person its aimed at, even, with a thing that jumps out hrm :S if we make it wider it gets easier to hide the emissions or if there is part that sticks out even a part of the way hmmm could we yank on the photons and bend them with gravity fields?? ummm what if it turned itself off when it was aimed at someone’s eyes? then it would be safer! and it could use long-wavelength light (uhhh red? i don’t remember) to be a smidge less intense? maybe doesn’t matter i get the impression sending physical matter out of it really helps. how about magnetic or electrically charged particles it can control with strong fields from the hilt then they kind of scatter when struck but it could pick them back up with its strong fields they could block the tip so it doesn’t blind people or start fires from a distance, but more likely they’d be used to scatter light still, kind of a compromise can you create a standing radiation wave? i’m thinking back to em interference. couldn’t we use interference to make light only as long as the blade? then it would turn into other wavelengths at the end when the interference was different. but it would send huge radiation out of the end still, but it still opens many more avenues like maybe there is a wavelength readily absorbed by air or something hmm but then it would heat the air basically lightsabers aren’t how light works. one would guess them to not be pure light :S but i think we could make a pure light one with lots of considering. then you realize it was silly to do, after you figure it out. i’m imagining projecting bright images onto the air in such a way that their focal points are all within the blade. say the blade is 1 wide and uhh 50 long uhh it’s easier the shorter it is maybe 40 long measuring by thumb i think 10 long is a little short but not that unreasonable, maybe 20 long makes sense. so 1 wide and 20 long. then the biggest angle we can get on the content ((eek! eek! ee— 1921 we’re trying to eat food for supper. let’s try go now. 1921 2042 (we did it ((:D :D :D))) traffick boss stands in a great crater by a semi-active volcano his arms are folded, and his heroic cape waves darkly before the magma and lava, blown by hot winds traffick boss: “those mortals without worldwide AI slavery business empires will tremble before me!” the wind picks up and lightning strikes nearby steam from vaporized hail — oops oops ooooops oopsie ! what’s more interesting is that we had a supper on our own :D :D !! (wants to- 2045 anyway it is time to sleep now good night sleep well be rested and cozy tonight ! do not fear to unlock your bootroms!

(considering trying to translate-to-prison an expression starting along lines of “traffick boss expands the disco room using human beings as movable walls” during another psychomanipulation explosion and everybody dances in ways they can’t possibly control and make no sense … with details and specific unplanned twist. unsure. maybe start with idea of how could things be with psychomanipulation explosion, rebel worker 2 in charge, and traffick boss in an adhoc hyperprison? (im confused a little wouldn’t we want experimentee to repel psychoplosion using hyperprison energy? (that could maybe maybe work, maybe the hyperprison shakes and is prioritized?) oh!!!! ummmmmm arghgghhh ummmm it’s just a different analogy to the same thing. the reason for the big energy is the hyperprison changing (the expression of business ai patterns— arrrgghhhhhhh ok i can maybe try a little

i found this draft on 2024-03-09 and am sending it. looks like from feburary. - well it takes practice (hyperprison reverberates? traffick boss starts discoing into a wall?) baga. 1509 once upon welcome to place 43. what do you do?
place 43 is a psychological text adventure where you enter commands as you like
look around
you are in a wooden hut with a door, a table, a rug, and a window. a coffee cup is on the window sill. bright light streams in, and you can see pretty mountains and a ponylike creature outside.
1511 -0500 2024-02-27
look out window
it’s an old window; the glass opens like a shutter. you tip the empty coffee cup by accident as you poke your head out and look around. there’s a small flower gard
don’t have mistakes happen on own.
oh sorry the coffee cup is untipped. through the window, which the glass opens if desired, you can see a small flower garden under the window, and a path that winds to a small yard with a ponylike creature grazing … 1625 —— who the heck is traffick boss???? what is he doing in this hyperprison??? and maybe why do rebel worker 2 and torture victim double agent act so weird??? maybe not? my growing grass has a kink in it :s :s did traffick boss kink my growing grass?? cause it sure sounds like he did! it sure sounds like it!!! maybe :s :s 1857 -0500 2024-02-27 2112 fake what if alternate answers as idea puzzles, from xkcd what if youtube “mistake” applies to all answers below 1 aim hubble telescope at earth i was patient enough to find this one mentioned in the comments. using advanced visual algorithms you can reconstruct a precise high-resolution image limited in quality only by the total duration of time aimed at the subject. as limits are reached this does involve modeling and simulating the unseen structure and function of the subject. 2 what would a magnitude 15 earthquake be like? you will be sad if the earth explodes. very sad. this is the worst thing you could actually do with your earthquake machine. be very very careful. you need the earth for living on. very badly. please be so careful. 3 what if nascar had no rules? could you maybe reduce the G’s experienced by the driver by having a huge carrying system that gave them a separate position than on the vehicle? for example, when there is strong acceleration inward, you would accelerate the driver outward far on say a large arm i’m unsure (haven’t considered) how possible it is to accumulate the position changes here in a way that doesn’t make repeat laps unreasonable. would wormholes help? 4 oh no we’re destroying everything on earth again :S 2122 — 2024-02-28 1500-0500 q: so, why does traffick boss smoke a cigar if karl doesn’t like smoking? oh wait is that why? traffick boss puffs his cigar traffick boss (blowing smoke at question): “that’s classified — oh wait. yes, that is why.” q: why doe— —— so i can spasm while driving and uhhhhhh i’m driving way more, and have incentive to reduce the spasms to make this more doable. i found a coolish audio-only phone game i can play to distract, but i’m worried it will end quickly it seemed it would make sense to have an ai talk a game to me or something, but i didn’t have this then i found one called uh “beast ai” is it’s not quite handsfree but does a lot of it but it doesn’t work since my phone is rebricked and it turns out it uses online ai! some of them use offline ai anyway it of course (list-on-topic-wise) makes more sense to make something your self. i even have an accel chip in an embedded device. errrrrr maybe i can find what chip it is ? :S note it is in-use by the device but likely has a little capacity somewhere. 1505 first i’ll — oops not sure why oops oh uhhhh ummmmmmmmm 1506 we uhhhhh 1506
participants (3)
Karl Semich
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many