[ot][spam] why I am working with coreboot
hi it's hard to relate around this. everything seems hard in my life, due to a cognitive issue I have where my other behaviors specifically harm everything I try to do. the reason to work with coreboot is roughly to do _anything at all_ with my skillset. yes, I want to do shielding. that is much harder because it is for reasons. coreboot is _just for fun_. ------- actually, karl?, i/you want to make the new system work as a low-end machine learning system. we're also trying to rebuild norms of information security, and do it open source and offline. --- this is true: but it turns out that's highly ineffective. the system doesn't work for this -- I get to port my own bios if I want it to. meanwhile, machine learning is available on colab for free. ------- ok it's confusing. we want to do coreboot _to do anything at all_ _for fun_. _we need to be able to work on something_. it's hard because of two parts, inhibition around relating them. what's relevent is that this project has a lot of short term emotional value for us, and we have invested a lot of money in it. karl never imagined it would be this hard to build a computer from parts according to instructions. his peers in middle school were building computers, and he was top of his class. it's strange to have this breaking over and over. it might make sense to take a break to improve the financial situation a little. this is harder for us. making money or reducing expenses stimulates the issues more strongly than things that have little return. karl is really frustrated to have tasks attacked inside him the ways they are. ---- thank you.
i'm just sitting here a bit. making money does indeed stimulate issues. it sounds very economically valid, but it is more painful to consider than this task. when I work with coreboot most of my time is spent waiting for results, flashing things, rebooting things, methodically identifying things. i'm thinking I might like to try to repair these boards. just taking it methodically and slowly. they're just boards. a pending concern is the time investment. I would like to do more with my life than this.
note: on the internet I found existing tools for using an rtlsdr and things like an arduino as logic analysers. with a chip to multiplex things I could possibly breadboard a small system that would plot the behavior of every bus line from a system by toggling its power and walking the chip. the first logic analyser project I found was "sigrok": sigrok.org this might log from an rtlsdr: https://github.com/Iskuri/RTLSDR-to-Pulseview the gui might then be done with some kind of sigrok tool. [the feedback steps between logging and the gui might be too slow to upsample the input using phase information. there may be a pair of tools that are hackable together though.] [it's a little sad to use rtlsdr without improving tooling around existing frameworks, but we do badly need logic log]
the reason to work with coreboot is to do _anything productive at all_ the _less productive it is_ the _easier it is for me to hold inside me to do_. I _need something productive to do_ and this interests me and aligns with some of my skills. I _do not have an electronics test lab_. I am _just an inexperienced hobbyist_. I am a _skilled_, _inexperienced hobbyist_.
honestly, after years of breaking my things densely, it is so, so nice to see what the cause of some small problem is, and actually resolve it
maybe what makes more sense is stabilising and repairing my current devices. my olimex teres, raspberry pi, debian system, or phone. these are all having issues themselves. notably, it seems quite hard to get an x86 system or vm running to test my serialice patch.
maybe what makes more sense is stabilising and repairing my current devices. my olimex teres, raspberry pi, redhat system, or phone. these are all having issues themselves. notably, it seems quite hard to get an x86 system or vm running to test my serialice patch. it's also nice to work with something like the arduino, because there are so few places it can fail. the task would be to stabilise further its use as a programmer.
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