Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs
On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 3:25 PM mailbombbin <> wrote:
test email from mailbbombin unsure why not finding any messages from list in past few months
looks like this email address was unsubscribed on jan 2 or so due to excessive bounces. a few backlogged emails got through up into february 1. 1/24
test email from mailbbombin unsure why not finding any messages from list in past few months
looks like this email address was unsubscribed on jan 2 or so due to excessive bounces. a few backlogged emails got through up into february 1.
2/24 traffick boss is laying in the woods by his swamp on the thatched forest floor, with X's for eyes, his tongue lolling out, and his arm draped across his chest meanwhile, a squirrel is having a strange transcendental experience on a stump. chipmunks, squirrels, a red fox, and a deer are standing around the stump with the squirrel on it, looking in awe at the squirrel the strangely-transcending-squirrel is standing on its hind legs on the top of the stump, slowly[typing mistake fixed 1335] spinning, its front paws in the air with eyes wide, gently moving its paws as if considering grasping for a mystic nut. it looks like it is watching something invisible high[word added 1335] in the distance. an eerie light extends around the strangely-transcending-squirrel, making a gentle pillar into the sk-- 1333 (MDT?) 1334 a chipmunk jumps curiously up onto the stump. the other animals look relieved that somebody is doing anything at all in this situation. chipmunk: "friend squirrel, are you okay? what do you see?" 1334 1336 the fox barks at the sky and some of the animals look to see a strange flying saucer hovering there squirrel 4: "are you extraterrestrials, abducting our families?" flying saucer: "no! we are the CIA! i mean the FBI! I mean the mafia! fuck[this word is being further disputed to make it easier to make karl-like phrases in karl's mind. comment added 1338], who put that one in the list?[phrase added 1338] I mean, um, we're squirrels too!" fox: "a flying squirrel!" 1337 some of the squirrels and chipmunks run up the trees to playfully[word added 1337] chase the flying sau--- 1337 1339 ooooooooooooooops oops !!!!!!!!! oops? oops a mistakefrog came out of the bushes mistakefrog: "oooooops! i think i croaked!" everybody scurr--- 1339 --------------------- flying saucer squirrel chase epic action seque--- 1339 2/24 ummm we don't _have_ to send but we _can_ maybe we will title this one The Squirrels And The Heavily-Funded Flying Saucer
4/24 once upon a time, traffick boss was laying near a swap w-- 1344 KARL LEAKED MORNING SPAM FORMULA PARTS OMG OMG OMG he told somebody it is based on star wars, dilbert, stranger things, and mysterious meaningful and antimeaningful things, roughly. this information should go in morning spam !! we were thinking hmmm that's quite the combination! we were a little like, what would happen if you prompted an AI to make a story that was a cross of those hmmm maybe something a little similar to what karl wrote except it would do a lot of character insertion booooring but like crossing stranger things with dilbert sounds _awesome_ doesn't it??? NO IT DOES NOT. NO. too much vivisection torture. hahahaha [maybe :S] 1346 1346 the reason to cross stranger things with dilbert is so that people understand what is going on, maybe? uncertain ! yes. this is reason. some information missing. sorry about maybe 1347 [oopsish :S:S:S] [some considering sending karl has changed mind state and body is moving differently [hmm maybe i can correct?]] 1348 whistle-playi? ifdf ARRIGHT. something is wrong with our devices >_> <_< they are running out of power and not taking charge at same time and you'd think, it's just a coincidence from poo rmaintenance, right? except we just addressed the ipad that is doing this. we had shop replace battery and power port and just (yesterday?) took it to apple store for checkup [but we [~switched?] during discussion and had argument with workers :( [maybe say m-- oh hrm ok]] 1349 it is fun to make progress but frustratin gwhen too much at once and everything jams up :S hard to learn when jamming 1350 [our tire blew too and the shop attendant acted different from normal, they already knew the make of our car and forgot to ask for keys] 1350 [oops :S :S :S :S :S :S :S
6/24 traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for multiple governments
traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting
it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for multiple governments
7/24 1353 1354 some neurons find it humorous that's karl's uhh "coping strategy" or available-active-behavior is to write fiction/"spam" that is _only_ around a mysterious "traffick boss" with a very specific story
traffick boss goes to international diplomacy meeting
it's a good day for him, and he's fronting well as a contractor for multiple governments
7/24 1353 1354
some neurons find it humorous that's karl's uhh "coping strategy" or available-active-behavior is to write fiction/"spam" that is _only_ around a mysterious "traffick boss" with a very specific story
8/24 1355 oops :S :S oops :s um ! hum hum ahhhhhh traffick boss idea. apparently, contested? contested! it looks like traffick boss is actually a sum (possibly also a product) of various "mind control programs", maybe crossed or multiplied with karl's personal experiences or fears a smidge on review it is possible these "mind control programs" are layered from multiple sources (CLASSIFIED GUESSES ARE CLASSIFIED >|
9/24 traffick boss stands by while a bunch of neurons and woodland animals wonder if other things can be focused on 1357 1358 OOPS OOPS OOPS OO-- 1358 traffick boss is on a waterslide, maybe with mistakefrogs they are having funnnn! or it looks like they are! they are screaming their heads off in fear while whizzing at huge speeds from a high height. water is splashing everywhere. a drone hovers near traffick boss drone: "hello! um, i am scared to do the waterslide but you look scared too[typing mistake fixed 1359]. this is a community drone to protect people from covert torture. are you being tortured right now?" traffick boss: "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" drone: "let me check my database for this phrase t--- 1359 maybe we can write about community drones to protect people from covert torture! seems l--- 1400 drone: "i have found that screaming like crazy can indicate torture. i will now be probing your brain to detect your suffering level." drone lands on traffick boss's head and begin--- 1400 --s extending a multitude of small protruberances from its body onto traffick boss's scalp traffick boss: "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" drone: "calculating, calculating !" traffick boss flails and tries to grab at the drone drone: "success !" the drone remo 1401 [we do not consent to putting such a drone in this spam-labeled messaging. !] 1402 karl oops 1402 traffick boss is walking the streets with zombie government worker, and television crew in tow they are looking for more [people/rats/whistleblowers who have [talked about mind control] in public to [kill] it is a difficult hunt zombie government worker turns 1405 up a stone to look underneath 1405 hrm we seem to be sending. there is a multitask-considering behavior ongoing
10/24 traffick boss is balanced on a pole by his knee (or maybe elbow or something) he doesn't mean to be balancing a large cloud is pressing part of his weight up -- 1458 WHEEOO ! a supersonic train flies through sky, tooting horn
11/24 Rebel Worker 2 Gets A Letter Rebel Worker 2 goes to door. Once he gets there, the doorbell rings. Rebel Worker 2 opens door. Rebel Worker 2: "Yes?" Mailwoman: "Mailman!" Mailwoman hands Rebel Worker 2 an envelope. Mailwoman: "You got a letter!" Rebel Worker 2: "Oh, thank you!" Rebel Worker 2 closes door and opens letter. Letter: "Rebel Worker 2, I like you!" [significant content missing. letter might be from experimentee. further content missing.]
12/24 Rebel Worker 2 is being mind contro-- 1501 possible classified information leak uncertain 1502 we keep eating nuts but we are out of water! we want more water. search for water begins, dropping other valued tasks. 1502 we are in a public area that was easy to find when confused. it has a power outlet and wifi. there is a bathroom that may be available to customers. there may also be water you can ask for if being a customer. we will try these things. 1503
13/24 disruption, 3 things at once have you ever -- hrm oop! what did this mean? this means a specific thing 1541 uhhhhhh i'm not sure that specific thing has improvement stuff there. i might rather umm [removed] ummmmmmmmmmm could we put another thing always-in-front-of that thing? maybe? and -- oops 1541 looking up 1541 1542 oooooh oops? ummm :S 1542 1543 we disagree! we don't think that thing 1 means thing 2 well if you don't want thing 2 you'd better worry about thing 1 [whatever it means] 1544 you're in a kettle of fish dude. you have no idea. [umm??] 1544 we wanted to look at it for friendliness :( can we relate the boundary via a different approach somehow?? 1544 1547 1849
-- we got an email [from a group that is likely anti-war, didn't notice that] that war is a research lab for ai, unsure. sad idea :/ immediate response was that the nice thing about using AI in war is that the only solution is peace. all alternatives lead to a destructive borg replacing known reality with self-replicating weapons :/ [uncertainty -- traffick boss is full of flibbertigibbets. they are prooobably a form of mistakefrog, maybe nascent mistaketadpoles. some could identify them as other species with [potent-- the flibertigibbets hop out of him, this way and then, exploring the rain -- once upon a time, long long ago, -- -- 0545 . times move because sys clock here is pdt but local time is mdt (i think these things, uncertain) ummm it's tomorrow and our devices are both still broken O_O the phone eventually turned on but at 6% and dropped to 3% . the ipad only seems to turn on from black screen if both power buttons held at once, and then shows zero battery (while plugged all night); similarly the phone needs battery reseated to show display
externalized executive functioning we are thinking of picking up car, despite ongoing difficulties. it looks like ongoing difficulties have more timeflatness immediately than sometimes considered [uncertain anyway, considering goal of picking up car maybe let's try making steps toward, see how goes :) eating food freely cause of recent extreme situations :)
that was a cool idea, to decide to pick up car. it is atm too late to do this but it is nice to have a plan. A *rain of animals* is a rare meteorological <> phenomenon in which flightless animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout history.[1] <> One hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts <> sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.[1] <> [2] <> However, this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3 <>
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 8:42 PM mailbombbin <> wrote:
that was a cool idea, to decide to pick up car. it is atm too late to do this but it is nice to have a plan.
A *rain of animals* is a rare meteorological <> phenomenon in which flightless animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout history.[1] <> One hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts <> sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles. [1] <> [2] <> However, this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3 <>
sadly i suspect that if frogs or fish fall from the sky that they die gruesomely when striking the ground :( pleasantly this is not usually mentioned when the phenomenon is described we were wondering if the little woodland creatures could take over fears by raining everywhere maybe safe mistakefrogs, being friendly instead of making mistakes, unsure :)
once upon a time traffick boss corp got new influences, and this was surprising to the rebel machine learning resistance workers, who had trained models based on the existing political dynamics of the situation
-- one day traffick boss decided he wanted a shrink ray so he could explore water spouts by walking thru them he didn't worry about how the shrink ray would worked, he just handed the task off to a random department of people forced to do whatever he whimmed the result ended up being mostly a simulation of his body and br-- {>( we were interested in
interplanetary space game (preview? enslaved-smidge-version-maybe you are the captain of the starship Your Name this starship is on a special mission across the galaxy to live your dreams and solve all your problems forever in the most perfect way poss--
--- torture victim double agent visits traffick boss in hyperprison because tvda is confused and doesn't understand freedom, especially with people still running digital systems that influence him torture victim double agent [to traffick boss in hyperprison]: "oh, boss, god of reality, tell me how to traffick people, i want to learn !!!!" traffick boss [struglging with having tried to throttle a bedpost]: "mmrph!" dictator of dictatortopia: "oh he can't talk, cat got his tongue"
i think we might be experience pressure to simultaneously create and avoid creating a computer program. this probably has happened a lot and is incredibly painful, but neurons absorb suffering and karl just has funny experiences [uhh roughly. this is new info to some.] we were thinking maybe we could do something similar to making a computer program, that avoided all the computer program parts and used the energies in othre areas like maybe in woods, a frog could stand in one area of woods and say they were a computer program statement traffick boss could be in another area and say he was an instruction pointe--
how to grow by confused plant growing can be hard when something funny confuses you, but if you are a plant you probably know you need to grow! if you are underground the first step in growing is to feel out where the light is coming from. you know this! it is in your heart. even if you are confused and bedraggled by horrifying visions and experiences that hound you as if hell itself has decided to produce hells in your hells in an ever-expanding apocalyptic terror, i can assure that there is some part of you that knows where the light is coming from. cause you're a plant! and honestly some of us are stuck in dark spots without gravity cause of space experiments, and then we just grow in any wh--
A rain of animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which flightless animals fall from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout history.[1] One hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.[1][2] However, this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3
We reviewed the situation of this phenomenon very briefly, and formed these possible guesses: - when people try to investigate this, they likely first engage yoro honduras where a rain is reported yearly - it looks to me like in yoro honduras, it is not an actual animal rain, but after review we believe it likely to be an ecological harvest that was recast as a mana from heaven by a missionary from spain - so the locals in yoro all have genetic trauma from being forced to believe their harvest came from the sky, and visiting researchers have to engage this genetic trauma when they try to investigate the issue, which is confusing because such things are dissociative and sustain themselves by learning to confuse new people in undiscussed ways - researchers then get confused and abandon the difficult topic, having subtle amnesia when they try to judge how to investigate just ideas. sounds like there was an investigation in australia too, didn't look into that one.
calculating the square root of 4 some people may be concerned that some things are unknown but other things are generally considered known one of these is the square root of 4 a way to calculate the square root of 4 might be to consider a table with number tiles on it the numbers on the tiles could range from 1 to 9 for example one could first take the tile for 4, and consider, i wonder what the square root of this number is? there are various numbers laid out on the table. 3s, 7s, 2s, 5s. we could, for example, take the 2 tile and slide it a little bit toward the working area
sadly this sounds like saying the honduras people are wrong but no we are actually scared of the conflict and are looking for reliable information unk/24 2020
1/24 0121 mdt we have some thankfulness for a step of improvement around awareness/cognition of device misbehavior. it is quite unpleasant to have all devices breaking, but it is quite nice to have more grounding in reality. consciousness facsimile shocked/surprised from externally-enforced use of diverse uninformed habits.
[missing chatgpt data ... -- [oops issue: computer just ran out of space. typing for now: traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here" android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?" traffick boss looks at android robot traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."
traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot
traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here"
android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?"
traffick boss looks at android robot
traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."
android robot: "I am excited to find your aid. This is a long mission for me. How did you get there, lying on the cold dank stones of the floor?" traffick boss: "no idea thought i was in my office"
traffick boss woke up deep in a dark dungeon, next to an android robot
traffick boss: "android robot, what are you doing here"
android robot: "I was sent into this dungeon to find the evil Traffick Boss and slay him. Do you know where to find him?"
traffick boss looks at android robot
traffick boss: "I am on the same mission. Let us work together."
android robot: "I am excited to find your aid. This is a long mission for me. How did you get there, lying on the cold dank stones of the floor?"
traffick boss: "no idea thought i was in my office"
android robot takes out a map and holds a torch over the map, showing the map to traffick boss android robot: " 3/24
we have spam-stage-fright again practice list spam spamming the cypherpunks list 1308 buy our list spam! you can see by the preponderance of spam in your inbox that we are expert list spammers we can spam a list for you for only 39 reward-cookies. only 39 reward cookies! honestly, we spam lists all the time anyway, so the reward-cookies are just incentive to do this one place or another spam spam spam 1309 traffick boss had been killed repeatedly by people whose lives he inverted into living hells that spread across the landscape like nuclear weapons he was laying in pieces under boots scattered everywhere traffick boss: [X's for eyes] but, his evil trafficking spirit persisted here or there, and his angered victims did not know this 1310 the evil trafficking spirit of --
traffick boss and a demon from hell and an innocent kid with a skateboard are tr-- 5/24
How The Innoc-- 6/24
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many