test email from mailbbombin
unsure why not finding any messages from list in past few months

looks like this email address was unsubscribed on jan 2 or so due to excessive bounces.
a few backlogged emails got through up into february 1.



traffick boss is laying in the woods by his swamp on the thatched forest floor, with X's for eyes, his tongue lolling out, and his arm draped across his chest

meanwhile, a squirrel is having a strange transcendental experience on a stump.

chipmunks, squirrels, a red fox, and a deer are standing around the stump with the squirrel on it, looking in awe at the squirrel

the strangely-transcending-squirrel is standing on its hind legs on the top of the stump, slowly[typing mistake fixed 1335] spinning, its front paws in the air with eyes wide, gently moving its paws as if considering grasping for a mystic nut. it looks like it is watching something invisible high[word added 1335] in the distance.

an eerie light extends around the strangely-transcending-squirrel, making a gentle pillar into the sk--

1333 (MDT?)

a chipmunk jumps curiously up onto the stump. the other animals look relieved that somebody is doing anything at all in this situation.

chipmunk: "friend squirrel, are you okay? what do you see?"



the fox barks at the sky and some of the animals look to see a strange flying saucer hovering there

squirrel 4: "are you extraterrestrials, abducting our families?"

flying saucer: "no! we are the CIA! i mean the FBI! I mean the mafia! fuck[this word is being further disputed to make it easier to make karl-like phrases in karl's mind. comment added 1338], who put that one in the list?[phrase added 1338] I mean, um, we're squirrels too!"

fox: "a flying squirrel!"


some of the squirrels and chipmunks run up the trees to playfully[word added 1337] chase the flying sau---



oops !!!!!!!!! oops?


a mistakefrog came out of the bushes

mistakefrog: "oooooops! i think i croaked!"

everybody scurr---



flying saucer squirrel chase
epic action seque---



ummm we don't _have_ to send but we _can_ maybe we will title this one The Squirrels And The Heavily-Funded Flying Saucer