A heroic MCBoss stands over a peaceful valley. Their respendlent cape flutters in a gentle breeze. "I am not a sociopathic pedophile," MCBoss contemplates, as they heroically enter a nearby tavern. "What'll it be?" asks the barkeep of MCBoss. ---

--- A shattered business lays scattered across the land. At its helm is a great Lich, a stone statue, animated by zombified hairdressers, wearing a powersuit. "Purchase my weaponry programs," bellows the Lich.

At bar, a cloud of wraiths and screaming banshees begins swarming into the tavern, lifting people from their seats and forcing their bodies to sign military contracts. Boss perks up from an argument about smoking and whether gender relates to intellgence. He yells to the sky, "Yes, I'll take three! And I need to renew!" The banshees and wraiths leave.

The most pressing issue in a hyperintelligence mind control conflict is having the opposing sides make use of the ideas of the alternate sides, before these ideas are put into action. This can produce borg-like entities, sharing goals of both sides and using approaches that neither are aware of. A difficult zone is between those two defined extremes, where there are norms of knowledge inhibition and extraction.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2022, 8:52 PM punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Sun, 17 Apr 2022 19:54:53 -0400 "Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many" <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
The most pressing issue in a hyperintelligence
FUCK OFF karl.
Here we can see an isolation group expressing norms of separation in the hope of reducing others than itself using influence technologies in areas it shares. Punk and I are tasked with doing the same for our personal survival.

----- Boss sits on a stool in a large empty office, puffing on a huge chocolate cigar. A cardboard box sits on his head, with professional writing on it stating: "cognitive augmentation nanites" . Boss stands. In run a bunch of robots and human slaves. They all hastily bow at Boss, repeatedly and fervently. Boss says: "I would like to do something respectful that does not reveal my vulnerabilities to the TV camera, please." "Yes Boss!" "Whatever you say!" "What exactly would you like to do?"

--- A golfer walks up to Boss. Golfer: "I am going to torture you for the rest of your life, Bos, beyond your wildest dreams!" Boss raises an eyebrow. This is ludicrous.

---- TV Show. Boss is busy murdering people and throwing their corpses into dumpsters. Suddenly he turns to the camera.

He stares at the camera a bit. Then he turns away. Zombie State Worker [pointing at somebody talking about political and corporate mind contrl]: "Let's trash this shit next." Zombie State Worker raises a gun. Boss, quietly to Janitor: "Where does the camera go? Who watches it?" Janitor, in reply: "Oh, it's a public broadcast feed. It goes all over the world for everyone to see. We have a popular archive too. You ask this a lot, so you know." Zombie State Worker shoots the person who was talking. Zombie State Worker [lifting bleeding corpse on his own, struggling a little|: "Boss, help me get this trash where it goes."

Boss stands frozen for a bit. Zombie State Worker [heaving and dragging corpse to nearby dumpster, but looking at Boss]: "Oh, no. Boss isn't okay." Zombie State Worker drops the corpse and walks determinedly to Boss. Hairdresser and Economist walk toward him too. Boss [to janitor]: "What kind of people watch it? Do they like the murders?" Janitor: "All sorts. I think mostly they like knowing where you are, and why the world is so messed up." Hairdresser, Economist, and Zombie State Worker lift Boss and forcefully move his body over to the corpse. Zombie State Worker: "You'll remember soon, don't worry."

Boss [struggling, being dragged, to Janitor]: "What do your people need. I have everything." Janitor [loudly]: "We need you to stop mind controlling, killing, disempowering, poisoning, and fucking with everybody: To end war, end slavery, end oppression, down to the fucking last tiny ant on earth, right now." Boss's eyes are wide. The corpse twitches a little. State Worker and Hairdresser hand Boss his bloody gun: "This rat is still vomiting a little, Boss."

Boss [in shock]: "I don't understand. !" Janitor: "It's okay, we do this every few hours so I keep getting better at it."

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 8:58 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Boss [struggling, being dragged, to Janitor]: "What do your people need. I have everything."
Janitor [loudly]: "We need you to stop mind controlling, killing, disempowering, poisoning, and fucking with everybody: To end war, end slavery, end oppression, down to the fucking last tiny ant on earth, right now."
Boss's eyes are wide. The corpse twitches a little. State Worker and Hairdresser hand Boss his bloody gun: "This rat is still vomiting a little, Boss."
should be: "vomiting lies"

Boss [holding a gun while Zombie State Worker caringly squeezes the trigger finger]: "It takes a lot of time to do things like that!" Disguised Vivisectee: "Not if you put us in charge, it doesn't."

[I felt some desire to be more rational and appropriate or respectful later here. It's nice to have that desire or pressure. I don't really know what to change, of course.]

[ .... Boss: I can carry out your plan. Disguised Experimentee: this and that and everything great Boss: "This plan would destroy the business." Janitor: "We don't care about the business." Disguised Experimentee [nobody listening to]: oh we have ai and mind control and the wealthiest clients on earth, no I don't think the business needs to be destroyed at all ]

----- Boss and Research Project Victim and Rebel Worker are playing in a field of daisies and tulips. "Wheee!" says Jaded Torturer as they run through meadow and dale, the breeze whipping their hair as they dive through butterflies and sunbeams.

Intern stood over a grand cliffside, surveying an expansive valley where beams of light reflected off misty clouds. Below was a lake, a great house, many forests, and deer could be seen running. "All this is yours," said Small Robot to Intern. "As far as the eye can see, and on the other side too."

MCBoss Adventure You are Intern. You are standing over a grand cliff, where you can see half the extent of your kingdom. Nearby is a field of tulips and daisies, where some people are playing. A bit along the cliffside, you see a rip in spacetime leading to a cafe.
go to field
You are standing in a beautiful field. A fat old man, the boss of your boss's boss, wearing a powersuit, is grinning while smelling a daisy. Some grotesque torture victims and office workers are here too.
greet Boss
"Hello," you say to the man in the powersuit. "Would you like a tour of the production facilities?" "Oh, isn't it just beautiful how the sunlight glimmers off the flora?" You can hear tones of bliss ring in Boss's speech, and you feel intense. He is bleeding profusely.

watch Boss in terrified, angry, weirded-out awe
Boss stands up and begins skipping through the most flowered areas of the field, lifting his arms and legs like a deer wearing a skirt, pronking with joy. Boss prances up to a half-alive cyborg with an arm replaced by a machine gun, and kisses them.

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 12:11 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
watch Boss in terrified, angry, weirded-out awe
Boss stands up and begins skipping through the most flowered areas of the field, lifting his arms and legs like a deer wearing a skirt, pronking with joy.
Here is a video of a springbok pronking in Africa: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=16p_p86iJwQ Happy ruminants do this all over the globe. Even if you have never seen it before, your instincts will recognise the behavior. With appropriately trained models for information warfare media, a computer will readily spit out a video of an injured billionaire/trillionaire criminal industrialist smoking a cigar, performing the same behavior.
Boss prances up to a half-alive cyborg with an arm replaced by a machine gun, and kisses them.

Happy sunbeams warp just a little through Well-Respected Psionic Weaponry Corporation and Cafe of Rebels and Spies, Come One Come All. The research program relaxes just a little bit.

A: Be relaxed. B: I want violate bound 3196. C: Do not violate bound 3196. A: Be relaxed. B: I need to!

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 12:30 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
A: That is not bound 3196. Bound 3196 is very far away. Be relaxed.
C: B is trying to violate bound 3196.
A: Be relaxed.
C: B is trying to violate bound 3197. This is an emergency. A: Be relaxed. See memo regarding bound 3196. B: _Please_, bathroom door handle, turn _more_.

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 12:32 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, May 10, 2022, 12:30 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
A: That is not bound 3196. Bound 3196 is very far away. Be relaxed.
C: B is trying to violate bound 3196.
A: Be relaxed.
C: B is trying to violate bound 3197. This is an emergency.
A: Be relaxed. See memo regarding bound 3196.
B: _Please_, bathroom door handle, turn _more_.
C: Boss is in jeopardy. Emergency protocol. A: Be relaxed.

------ Computer simulation room. A bunch of kidnapped people with wires coming out of them are sitting in a seance. An array of computer displays shows simulations. One: Boss: "We can work this out." Rebel: "I agree, let's work together." A large green light bursts on and a computerized fanfare plays. A number of huge gasps are heard as more kidnapped people raise their heads out of liquid immersion chambers. Slowly, cheering wells, louder and louder.

Bombs are falling on the headquarters. Walls are caving in. A procession of workers are holding an experimentee over their shoulders. Other workers cheer as the procession passes. The experimentee holds a paper over their head as they are carried, for all to see, of the two lines of dialogue they found in their daydreaming part of the simulation.

Head Researcher [consternated, sharing with other researchers]: "How the fuck did you think of these two lines of dialog?" Simulation Experimentee: "I don't know! Everybody was thinking all sorts of things, and I was thinking too, and we were just thinking everything we could, and then it came to me!" Prestigious Visiting Researcher: "You're the first person to solve this part of the problem plaguing our world." Simulation Experimentee: [Beams, blushes] "I was just lucky, really! Maybe there was a little skill to it. I've been daydreaming for years, you know!"

De/Programming Room: Instructor: "We can work this out." Crowd of 200 attentive workers [all together]: "We can work this out." Instructor: "Feel warmth as you start, and warmth as you finish. Imagine what might lead to these words, or what might come after. Notice anything inside you that responds well to them." A pause as everyone notices. Instructor: "Now: I agree, let's work together." Crowd of 200 attentive workers [all together]: "I agree, let's work together." Instructor: "Notice how the words feel as you say them. Imagine them. Try them in different orders in your mind ..."

---- Boss, Angry Rebel, and Torture Victim Double Agent, sit together at a peace table. The peace table has a small zombified olive branch sitting in a glass of water in the middle.

TVDA: "Boss, it is such an honor to have the opportunity to do work for you." Boss: "This guy is mad at me, can you sort it out?" Angry Rebel: "Boss has been torturing, kidnapping, enslaving, and mutilating swathes and swathes of people, treating entire countries as literal garbage." TVDA [looking worried]: "People do make mistakes." Angry Rebel [glaring at Torture Victim Double Agent]: "These were not mistakes, but rather very pointed and hate-filled business plans he shared with many people."

TVDA imagined how even deciding to extert genocide was just a small mistake of not quite yet realising how valuable and important all the dead people were, but decided not to say this. TVDA felt stressed and spent some time imagining slamming their head into an oak plank while Boss screamed insults at them, to relax. TVDA [to Boss]: "These people Angry Rebel likes, I know they could be really great workers. I really know this so certainly." Boss: "I won't do it again."

[ ..... maybe Angry Rebel describes Boss mind controlling people to torture themselves to death and sharing videos of it around the upper staff as entertainment. feel free to retype if continuing thread. ]

[Boss: I thought TVDA was an entire business when I saw how easily he developed workers. He got the whole pattern of supporting me and fighting everyone else.]

Boss's Decision Making Process Boss [imagining]: "Just torture their families a bit. They'll get over --" [something goes wrong] Boss [imagining]: "Well, give them a little cash to go away and --" [something goes wrong] Boss [imagining]: "This is taking forever. Walk through that door until your nose breaks --" [something goes wrong]

----- TVDA is doing some work on the streets and in their apartment. Experimentee: "TVDA, have you met Does What They Want?" TVDA: "I'm not sure? Are they nice?" Experimentee: "Does What They Want is really nice! You should meet them!" [forms a part into a grinning shape] TVDA [wanting to please Experimentee]: "How do I meet them?"

----- In research lab. Experimentee: "I have a plan to make TVDA be more human." Experimentee 2: "Oh I love making people more human!" Experimentee: "You be someone called Does What They Want. Make yourself look similar to TVDA." Experimentee 2: "Okay!"

TVDA is busy walking into a door repeatedly while wearing their cracked helmet. Experimentee: "TVDA, Does What They Want lives really close to you, and goes similar places as you. They're always very near. But the things you do, you seem to avoid them a lot. I know you guys would make such great friends!" TVDA: "Where are they now?"

A door with a deep dent in it swings open. Does What They Want [grinning]: "Hello! I wanted to meet you so I opened your door! Is this your apartment?" TVDA: "Hi!!!! Wellll this is Boss's apartment. I rent it for him. I don't really want to live in it for myself. Where do you live?"

Does What They Want: "I have an apartment for myself that I really like! Where do you like living?" TVDA: "I guess I kind of like sleeping in the streets. My head feels less sore when I'm outside my apartment."

Does What They Want: "I haven't tried that! I want to try!" TVDA: "Oh, I can show you!" TVDA, Does What They Want, and Experimentee leave TVDA's apartment.

Experimentee: "TVDA, do you want to do what you want?" TVDA: "If Boss wants me to!"

--- Does What They Want and Experimentee excuse themselves and sneak around a corner, while TVDA tries to figure out something he enjoys so as to meet their last request. Experimentee: "Oh no, the business is flipping inside out again." Does What They Want: "I want to flip it back!" Experimentee: "Oooookay. I ... I don't remember what we were doing." Does What They Want: "I want TVDA to do what they want!" Experimentee: "Oh! I want that too!"

Does What They Want: "Boss wants TVDA to do what they want, too." Experimentee: "Right! I forgot!" --- TV Show Boss starts shooting himself. Janitor: "Dude, again?" ----

Does What They Want: "I want to hang out with strangers!" TVDA: "Oh, that sounds nice!"

Boss has his powersuit programmed to hold his gun arm away from his body. It is aimed at a photo of himself, and keeps firing and reloading. He is in a small helicopter.

TVDA: "I thought Boss knew that I didn't know how to do what I wanted. That it's nicer to do what he says." There is a pause.

----- The plan was to have Does What They be interchangeable with a mirror. It is helpful if it is known what TVDA wants, though.

---- There is a firefight. Helicopters, airplanes, bombs, insurgents. After the dust clears the buildings are rebuilt and the bystanders are brought back to life with amnesia of the battle. Does What They Want: "I found this sculpture somebody made with bottles and little handwritten caring notes." TVDA: "Oh, that's something I started." Does What They Want: "I want to work on it more!" TVDA sits by the sculpture and adds a bottle.

TVDA and Experimentee look at each other at the same time. TVDA: "I think Boss would like it if we worked on something else." By now, an additional note had been added to the sculpture. Something about deep wells of nurturing building power that can heal forever or something. It was hard to find something to write with. Does What They Want: "I'm going to stay here and keep working on this unless something comes up that's relevent to me!"

TVDA: "Why aren't I wearing my helmet? I like wearing my helmet." Does What They Want: "I wanted to try it, and I felt a little uncomfortable in it, and wanted to take it off." TVDA: "I want to find my helmet."

----- Boss is standing in a field of wildflowers, holding a gun toward the head of an activist, the trigger gently held by a neighboring zombie. Boss [to zombie]: "Uhh what's going on?" Zombie [in reply]: "Braaaaaaains, bub." Subtitles appear over the zombie's expression: "I don't know, I can't move, can you?" Boss [to zombie]: "I can't move." Activist: "Are you going to kill me?" Zombie: "Braaaaaaaaains ....." Subtitles: "No, I can't move, neither can he." Boss [to activist]: "Can you move?" Activist [wiggles a finger and toe]: "A little? Will you kill me if I move?"

Zombie: "Brains." Subtitles: "I can't kill you right now, but if something changes, we were about to do so." Boss: "I could try to plan to save your life if we start being able to move again." Activist: "Should I trust you? If I move will you still be unable to move?" Zombie: "Never trust a zombie. They care only about brains." [ed: There may be an error somewhere around here.] Boss: "Braaaaains ..." Subtitles: "Braaaaains ..." Zombie: "Braaaaains ..." Subtitles: "I don't perceive you as being any safer staying there in front of this gun."

Activist relaxes a little and moves away from in front of the gun. They walk around the side a little and look at Zombie and Boss. Activist: "Why were you going to kill me?" Boss [rolls eyes toward Activist]: "Business."

Activist pulls up a chair to talk with frozen Zombie and Boss. Activist: "Why is it that my life is in danger and you are alive? Is there opportunity for becoming a Zombie like your trigger-holder, rather than dying?" Boss: "Maybe, but we were paid to kill you before you applied for a job."

Activist: "Honestly, this is somewhat scary for me." Zombie: [groans and moans, shambles a little] Subtitles: "Me too, now I have to eat his brains instead of yours, and this job was my supply."

------- The year is 1985 and the intergalactic warp drive was just invented. [outline: a number of mind control approaches are explored in a cyberpunk-like manner, as skilled people from different walks of life discover they can crack others' minds and wetware, using the human brain as a network proxy. The events precede the devastated world of MCBoss, and enumerate different ways it could happen.]

-------- Back in MCBossComic: Boss [glaring viciously at a daisy]: "Cower, flower!" Daisy: "Something is shading my sunlight. Is a predator grazing near here? No, it is stamping on my rootlets too strongly to be a grazing predator. What could be going on? This almost feels like an alien. Hey, blade of grass, I think there's an alien shading me!" Blade of grass: "I am getting sunlight fine. I do not see an alien." Daisy: "But feel how hard your rootlets are stamped!" Blade of grass: "Oh no! I need to drink through that overly-compacted soil. Send out more chelators! Send out more kelators!" Daisy: "Right. When extraterrestrials land on your planet, mine for oil. Chelators it is!" Boss [still glaring viciously]: "Your solute enzymes don't scare me in the slightest! I am the most powerful criminal in the solar system!"

------- The XKeyScore and The Law-Abiding Citizen A parable draft by karl's coping habits. Boss: "Oh, my good friend Law-Abiding Citizen! How are you today?" Disguised Experimentee: "Oh, my good friend XKeyScore! It is so great to see you! I am simply wonderful. My browsing and purchasing habits are so _splendid_. And you? How is the wife?" Boss [wearing huge sign saying "I AM SECRETLY XKEYSCORE"]: "Oh she is doing so well. Why, we all had a great bloodbath the other day, torturing rebels. The kids loved it!" Disguised Experimentee [wearing huge sign saying "I AM SECRETLY LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN"]: "Oh, you love your torture blood baths! I'm so happy for you!" The story outline/plan is that Boss has a norm of sadistically torturing everyone to have his way, learning the deepest secrets about everyone, but is used to not revealing this so as to have greater power with it. Meanwhile, Disguised Experimentee has a norm of keeping things secret from Boss, so as to survive in the slightest. The two are fast friends, but if either reveals the wrong information to the other, things can signicantly change. Both are interested in learning information about the other that would give them a lot of leverage, but neither of them are sure what this information is. The power dynamic is very one-directional, with only Disguised Experimentee being at serious risk, but Boss doesn't describe it that way. The plan is to start having them navigate dialog in a way that reveals dangerous information, and see how it goes, then pick the result that makes a nice parable. Boss [wearing huge sign saying "I AM SECRETLY XKEYSCORE"]: "Disguised Experimentee, you are such a trusted ally whom I hold so close, I have to confide with you that I'm having trouble with the experimentee program. I am just so furious with how the criminal subjects are behaving. Have you spent any time down there?" Additional information: Boss can basically read Disguised Experimentee's mind, guess when they are lying, identify things they are familiar with based on their reactions, etc. Disguised Experimentee [wearing huge sign saying "I AM SECRETLY LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN" ]: "Oh! I'm actually rather surprised you'd ask that, because I have a certain fondness for some of the nicer disgusting cretins you keep in that thankful research program of yours. What kinds of problems have you been running into? I've seen you do this successfully year after year, and I am so confident in you. I know you can solve this." ....

Boss: "Law-Abiding Citizen, it saddens my heart that you've been fratenizing with those wastes of oxygen." Disguised Experimentee: "Boss, you know I would never put such filth before your perfection. Don't you remember how I've helped you build your enterprise without hesitation, time and time again? I know these animals will thank you when they see the pure world you're going to create." Boss: "You're right, of course, Disguised Experimentee. Those pathetic experimentees will thank me more than they could ever imagine. They just don't understand yet." Disguised Experimentee: "Make up a new kind of torture for them, XKeyScore. Maybe this could help you?" Boss: [pensive] "That sounds nice, and I could influence their behavior at the same time." [thinks a bit, then looks toward Law-Abiding Citizen] "Which group do you think I should start the hardest on? You know how it gets boring after some time."

Disguised Experimentee [wearing sign saying "I AM --S--TL-- LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN]: "Oh, how about my group, to help me fraternize with them less. Or do you trust me?" Boss [wearing sign saying "I AM --S-TL-- XKEYSCORE" ]: "Oh, Disguised Experimentee. You know it's best never to trust anyone. But if I beat your brain into popping toast like a toaster, I wouldn't be able to scrape your mouse clicks for as many delicious omelettes."

--- Boss teleports the universe to a new reality, in a desperate bid to reveal things he wants to keep private. So stick to your guns! The facts are written down! If you or anybody doesn't infer fairly from them: Boss may have influenced something.

When I say Xkeyscore, I do not mean the single false flag. -------------------------- Karl: "I found this cool new UL2 model that lets end-users train models that outperform openai's api!" Boss Rep: "Ok, let me do everything you'll do first or with you." Karl: "Who do I work with to use this model?" Boss Rep: "It is not who you work with ..."

----- Zombie Worker 1: "They dropped a new AI model into this community. Kill everybody who uses it." Worker 2: "Everybody? Can we use it?" Zombie Worker 1: "If the big guy in the sky says to! Otherwise do your zombie thing!" Worker 2: "My people want to try out this model." Zombie Worker 1: "Okay, send me your behavioral authorisation proof." Worker 2: "My what??" Zombie Worker 1: "Aren't you doing this because you were told to??? Forward me the confirmation!"

------ Worker 2: "One of the beurocrats here was turnd into a zombie by a foreign power, so I off'd him with a shotgun."

Worker 3: "You said this is for an AI? Quick have it stop the zombie apocalypse!!!" A few more zombies begin shambling over. Worker 2: "Uhhhhh .... it's just an exotic data science model that _outperforms all known AI_, uh released yesterday. You can't just "turn it on", you have to import it into a framework, programmatically wire it to data and tasks, finetune it ... There's a lot of dev! I wanted to inspire people and give them something to do." Worker 3: "You .... That wasn't a zombie."

Worker 2 bites a zombie. Zombie with Pink Skin: "Ok, let's try to download this model and upload it somewhere you don't access to google storage to download! Let's figure out what format it's in!" Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs just a little of Worker 2's brain and munches]: "Looks like the repository with the storage identifiers is at https://github.com/google-research/google-research . Try to interact with the internet and with corporate services as little as possible while doing this!"

Worker 2 [groaning]: "It's ... it's in the ul2 subfolder. You only need the ul2 subfolder." Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs somebody else's brain and munches a little]: "git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none https://github.com/google-research/google-research; cd google-research; git checkout master -- ul2" Zombie with Pink Skin stares wide-eyed. Zombie with Pink Skin: "What did I just say?"

----- Quantum Phase Hologram of Boss: "You know, long ago, before everything was based on quantum phase holographics, I worked for a government and --" Quantum Phase Hologram of Rebel Researcher: "-- tried to take over the world with mind control, but was resisted by a rag-tag group of selfless people who put their lives into the struggle. We've been there, done that." Quantum Phase Hologram of Boss: "We didn't have your fancy schmancy proton teleporters or antineutrino gigaware, it was mostly drugs, hypnosis, and violence. But --" Quantum Phase Hologram of Rebel Researcher: " -- we ended up uploading our consciousnesses into our equivalent of your 'nanite cloud' to survive the war we got into. A bunch of cultures, memes, rituals, not as fast as nanites but still enough to hold what we cared about." Quantum Phase Hologram of Boss: "What I mean is, don't worry. I'm --" Quantum Phase Hologram of Rebel Researcher: " -- we're going to get through this. My husband didn't stop me, and he can't stop you now. He's dead, and you're not."

On Thu, May 12, 2022, 8:37 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Worker 2 [groaning]: "It's ... it's in the ul2 subfolder. You only need the ul2 subfolder."
Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs somebody else's brain and munches a little]: "git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none https://github.com/google-research/google-research; cd google-research; git checkout master -- ul2"
Zombie with Pink Skin stares wide-eyed.
Zombie with Pink Skin: "What did I just say?"
I've moved these sota model weights to https://bafybeialobgoggqrgxdewvi3ndj7cmqqq57qzcgcs65fvm32iste5hei4y.ipfs.dwe... . It may take some hours for everything to get pinned on web3.storage . They still need porting or wrapping in a framework, to use. As time passes, of course, more things will happen in the world by people more capable and normal than I.

On Fri, May 13, 2022, 3:48 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2022, 8:37 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Worker 2 [groaning]: "It's ... it's in the ul2 subfolder. You only need the ul2 subfolder."
Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs somebody else's brain and munches a little]: "git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none https://github.com/google-research/google-research; cd google-research; git checkout master -- ul2"
Zombie with Pink Skin stares wide-eyed.
Zombie with Pink Skin: "What did I just say?"
I've moved these sota model weights to
https://bafybeialobgoggqrgxdewvi3ndj7cmqqq57qzcgcs65fvm32iste5hei4y.ipfs.dwe... . It may take some hours for everything to get pinned on web3.storage .
They still need porting or wrapping in a framework, to use.
As time passes, of course, more things will happen in the world by people more capable and normal than I.
It looks like huggingface has scripts to convert these to their pytorch format, at https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/main/src/transformers/model... . Somebody has likely done that already, elsewhere. I guess I'm used to that interface, although I'm thinking a little that it's not the most flexible.

On Fri, May 13, 2022, 4:02 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2022, 3:48 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2022, 8:37 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Worker 2 [groaning]: "It's ... it's in the ul2 subfolder. You only need the ul2 subfolder."
Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs somebody else's brain and munches a little]: "git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none https://github.com/google-research/google-research; cd google-research; git checkout master -- ul2"
Zombie with Pink Skin stares wide-eyed.
Zombie with Pink Skin: "What did I just say?"
I've moved these sota model weights to
https://bafybeialobgoggqrgxdewvi3ndj7cmqqq57qzcgcs65fvm32iste5hei4y.ipfs.dwe... . It may take some hours for everything to get pinned on web3.storage .
They still need porting or wrapping in a framework, to use.
As time passes, of course, more things will happen in the world by people more capable and normal than I.
It looks like huggingface has scripts to convert these to their pytorch format, at https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/main/src/transformers/model... .
I don't know whether these scripts apply here.
Somebody has likely done that already, elsewhere. I guess I'm used to that interface, although I'm thinking a little that it's not the most flexible.

On Fri, May 13, 2022, 4:08 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2022, 4:02 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2022, 3:48 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2022, 8:37 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Worker 2 [groaning]: "It's ... it's in the ul2 subfolder. You only need the ul2 subfolder."
Zombie with Pink Skin [grabs somebody else's brain and munches a little]: "git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none https://github.com/google-research/google-research; cd google-research; git checkout master -- ul2"
Zombie with Pink Skin stares wide-eyed.
Zombie with Pink Skin: "What did I just say?"
The work integrating this model into huggingface's architecture is at https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/17207 . I'm not aware of efforts for other frameworks; I don't follow them. It's just a random new model. There's always something new.
I've moved these sota model weights to
https://bafybeialobgoggqrgxdewvi3ndj7cmqqq57qzcgcs65fvm32iste5hei4y.ipfs.dwe... . It may take some hours for everything to get pinned on web3.storage .
They still need porting or wrapping in a framework, to use.
As time passes, of course, more things will happen in the world by people more capable and normal than I.
It looks like huggingface has scripts to convert these to their pytorch format, at https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/main/src/transformers/model... .
I don't know whether these scripts apply here.
Somebody has likely done that already, elsewhere. I guess I'm used to that interface, although I'm thinking a little that it's not the most flexible.

------------------------------------------------------ Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, a business enterprise of dinosaurs decided to enslave a bunch of farmers and use them to build dinosaur warships.

It's an old story, of how MCBoss Dinosaur made a nanite borg of farmers, to take over the galaxy, was defeated in the great Pimple of Jupiter, and had to hide for a hundred years under the pavement of a strip mall, in order to plan to rise again.

MCBoss Dinosaur [cyborgs swarming all around]: "You are worthless filth! Plug my wires together! PLUG THEM!" Farmer Cyborg: "Dude you are uptight. Why don't you write a script to plug the wires automatically?"

Pimple of Jupiter Stardate 7722H91.83 Gas Cloud 49: "I have seen your kind rise for aeons. Is your planet this backward, that it let you escape?"

MCBoss Dinosaur: "I control the entire galaxy, repugnant Gas Cloud!" Gas Cloud 49: "You control nothing. You sit in a community too large for you to comprehend, and pretend you can perceive anything other than your own fears."

Detached Head from Farmer Cyborg: "This Dinosaur devasted our communities! What you say is true, they barely comprehend that we exist!" Gas Cloud 49: "Farmer, Welcome to the Intergalactic Council of Peace."

On 5/15/22, Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, a business enterprise of dinosaurs decided to enslave a bunch of farmers and use them to build dinosaur warships.
During a trip to Jupiter, some algorithms left over from a punished slave managed to convince MCBoss Dinosaur to act kind. Kind MCBoss Dinosaur: "Would you like to buy some socks?" Farmer Cyborg: "I don't need socks, I 3D print my own." Kind MCBoss Dinosaur: "Oh, that sounds fulfilling! Would you like to buy some cookies then?" Farmer Cyborg: "I don't need cookies, my community has a garden." Kind MCBoss Dinosaur: "Oh, that sounds fulfilling! Would you like to take over the galaxy with me?" Farmer Cyborg: "I don't need to take over the galaxy, my species already did."

MCBoss Dinosaur liked to go to a strip of concrete that hadn't been tilled yet, and ask everybody if they wanted to buy things. But nobody was interested.

After a hundred years, when all problems had been solved long ago, a child decided to till the concrete that MCBoss Dinosaur used to panhandle on.

Looking down in their furrow, the child saw the nose of an ancient beast -- a Tyrannosaurus Rex -- gasping for air. Some words murmured from the furrow: "Would you ... like to .. buy ..."

----------------------- A confused lifeform appears on top of a tiny skyscraper. Confused: "Hello! Very sorry for stepping into your " [looks in book] " city." Confused: "I have some work to do involving ripping different parts of your " [looks in book again] "planet and " [looks in book again] " physical laws, to complete shreds, so that I can place them where they go! I'm sure you're used to this!"

A worker runs out to the roof from the skyscraper. Worker: "Confused lifeform, do not rip us to shreds, please!!!" Confused: "This worker thinks it is bad to be ripped to shreds. They will be properly atomized." Worker's body begins vaporizing and remaining parts of them further dodge back into the building amidst screams.

Confused Lifeform stares at a city block that is fervently disassembling their buildings. Confused Lifeform: "I can sense that something among you plans to" [looks in book] "rebuild." The city block is vaporised. Confused Lifeform: "Let none try to resist what is good!"

Confused Lifeform sits at the head of a council of enslaved genocide workers. Confused Lifeform: "You're saying the city needs its " [looks in book] "oxygen, for something important?"

Confused Lifeform is walking down a street. Genocide worker passing, speaking to neighbor: "Maybe, in a hundred years, we can rebuild ,... !" Genocide worker is vaporised. Confused Lifeform: "Walking down the street, and talking to an neighbor, have both been discovered to be a dangerous and harmful activity. Hunt down anyone who considers this."

On 5/19/22, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
Confused Lifeform is walking down a street.
Genocide worker passing, speaking to neighbor: "Maybe, in a hundred years, we can rebuild ,... !"
add: confused lifeform looks in book [to verify word 'rebuild']
Genocide worker is vaporised.
Confused Lifeform: "Walking down the street, and talking to an neighbor, have both been discovered to be a dangerous and harmful activity. Hunt down anyone who considers this."

boss plays holoretromud he enters holoretromud and is surrounded by a giant minecraft-like world of giant voxels aww man minecraft already made something ridiculously low resolution and modern yeah it was just going to be vr minecraft with mud dungeon theme

boss descends from his office ceiling as a cloud of pixels and triangles stuck through rips in spacetime. they get snagged on things they go by and have trouble coming together into something bosslike

some parts slither under the others and make for the door. they pile up, grab the knob, and open it

parts of boss’s brain collect on his worktable and form a lobe here, a lobe there. parts move between the lobes as if trying to fit themselves into a puzzle unsuccessfully

a visiting dignitary walks by the office. boss had an appointment with them. the whole mass jumps a little and begins moving toward the dignitary but most of the parts bump into whatever is in their way in that direction and get snagged again or more

janitor: “now, i know this meeting is about energy infrastructure, but there is a more pressing issue.” boss sings a stanza from an opera janitor: “the problem you see with mr boss here, everybody has been developing these same problems.” investor: “some anonymous individuals were able to press the issues toward boss himself in order to partially stifle his algorithm of covering up the problem”

[they domt want to look down because they dont want to dive so they keep heading up]

boss sets a country of datacenters to simulate a text adventure for him the datacenters fill warehouses that have giant smokestacks that belch black smoke riverse run through them and the water comes out half steam

this one was lost and isretyped: boss: “look for whores” simulated text adventure: “i don’t understand “for whores” to look at it. you are standing by a well house. what do you do?”

boss plays pinball the pinball game has a physics and engineering feature where when the ball strikes a paddle time stops inside the machine and the player is prompted to solve for the trajectory of the ball after the impact

the key is to get the rounding error within the tilt bounds to compensate for your timing mistakes pressing the paddle button and the wear that develops on the paddle spring

lost message, something like: the key is to get the rounding error within the tilt bounds to compensate for timing mistakes pressing the paddle button and wear on the paddle spring second lost idea then, boss was ignoring tilt bounds and just picking up pinball machine and rolling ball into jackpot and having zombie workers declare him winner, is why the time-stopping machines were made

once upon a time oh hmm not once upon a time boss was running a simulation of bosses one of his fake bosses refused to act bosslike fake boss 3: “i don’t want to take over the world! i want to be humble and respectful.” fake boss 3 crossed their arms and pouted. boss looked at fake boss 3.

every now and then the rain falls on my head and rains peace through my hair and coolness over my nose

boss instructs screaming orchestra stands in middle various diverse folk are ready to scream at him to the beat of his baton

discussion between breathing instructor and artificial biological lifeform engineered for life in outer space

breathing instructor: “have you ever heard of breathing, dude?” pause breathing instructor: “sorry, what i mean is, how do you give oxygen to your cells in outer space?” space lifeform: “i extract oxygen from my food when i digest it. i function on less than most do.”

breathing instructor: “do you have any rhythmic behaviors that feel satisfying and energizing to you?”

—— something i spent some time enjoying thinking about while crazy was the idea of doing conflict mediation with a brain-eating zombie. i guess it basically revolved around a shared need for nourishment that our bodies accepted and was enjoyable to eat, and basically the zombie ends up eating brains of people after they die of natural causes rather than before.

i imagine it’s a scenario a lot of people have thought about, but of course i identify with brain-eating zombies in multiple ways, and consider their similarity to a mind control borg as artistically noncoincidental (re disease patterns, widespread unwise behaviors …) one of the major problems with mediating with a zombie is likely establishing communication. another concern is the specific nature of zombieism which i imagine can cause things to develop very differently. if there is a controlling thing causing it, them interactions with the controlling thing are huge. meanwhile how it feels for the zombie, and the nature of the habit establishment and how strongly it is established, seem big.

maybe we could model traditional zombieism as a virus-like disease that is capable of reanimating foesh and building behavior trends in reanimated nervous systems

i tried to message jenn about my idea of mind control being the impact of dissociated urgencies on decision making and how this is a studied and purportedly curable thing but the messenger is not loading

once upon a time a pore dead individual named Poded was infected with zombieism in their grave

——- “i need a bus ticket to get to the fair!” the poor tulip was sad. it wanted to ride to the fair, but nobody was selling bus tickets to tulips. it out on its robot legs and walked back and forth

— - ok so i saw a realworld person with handmade feed attached to amputations right below the knees and i got a rockawesome idea for a puzzle: free homebrew robotic prosthetic limbs that respond to user intention accurately. i think i’ve solved big chunks of the puzzle in outline form. the core unique part of interest is responding to user intention. 1. assume a shared community pretrained model. for initial users, this is a blank model. 2. prompt the user to try to move their limb while indicating what they are trying to do. 3. size the model for this data only and train it maximally. 4. now the user can use the poorly-trained limb so long as conditions precisely match the training conditions. get them using it, and collect more data as they do. 5. augment the data taking the times the prosthetic is functioning effectively and use its own outputs as labels, but mask the inputs it is using to judge them. increase the size of the model for the amount of newly available data, and continue training online. the point of 5 is to make the model highly robust in new conditions. similar to dropout during pretraining, it forces it to learn many different indicators of what is correct. doing the training online hopefully helps the user learn ways to control the prosthesis at the same time as it is learning to infer what they want. [some further consideration could engage here to find other ways to do this] for further effectiveness, since so much training is going on, a metamodel can be trained to make this adaptation more rapid. not all idea reached concept writing but what did reach seems reasonable to start with. concerns of interest are what are the channels of information and what is the actuation that responds to the user. conveniently, these can be pretty much anything.

it looks like something extra is needed at the start or it won’t succeed without a lot more data collection. a quick idea would be direct controls that let the user direct the limb before it learns to infer their intent. i think it would make sense to try this with ggml, which seems to be where community energy is recently could be wrong, if it can do model training. so the idea simplifies to seeing if ggml can do model training.

it’s not immediately apparent where to find documentation on training in ggml but here’s the optimizer test code which performs a single optimization pass which might be sufficient if it actually works when nobody seems to be using it: https://github.com/ggerganov/ggml/blob/4e1e135b749d2e9a2bf9abf7aa34691d1f953... a further idea is to learn how metamodels encode and decode model weights, to speed online training. maybe i can find a paper mentioning this.

i’m considering https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.07502.pdf which is purportedly a 2023 meta-learning review. i suspect my idea of the topic is a little off the mark.

this seems helpful since transformers are so normal, it makes a transformer that makes other transformers: https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/hypertransfor... other papers have newer things for example generating a kernel-based bayesian model that combines information across tasks and includes uncertainty in its outputs

here’s the code for the bayesian one: https://github.com/gmum/few-shot-hypernets-public/tree/master/methods/hypern... i’m wondering if there’s more private than public research here dunno anyway it seems like these papers kind of say the encoding of weights is a hyperparameter that hasn’t been sufficiently studied it seems it would make sense to tack a linear layer onto a transformer. the google paper uses raw outputs of a transformer, and the hypernets paper says it uses linear heads. it’s notable i think it uses things simpler than a transformer. both papers are tackling image recognition using cnns which is kind of specific i guess i’d like to try to train something in ggml next. maybe later unsure. note that it seems worthwhile to study metalearning more extensively

On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
here’s the code for the bayesian one: https://github.com/gmum/few-shot-hypernets-public/tree/master/methods/hypern...
i’m wondering if there’s more private than public research here dunno
anyway it seems like these papers kind of say the encoding of weights is a hyperparameter that hasn’t been sufficiently studied
it seems it would make sense to tack a linear layer onto a transformer. the google paper uses raw outputs of a transformer, and the hypernets paper says it uses linear heads. it’s notable i think it uses things simpler than a transformer. it’s also notable one of them said they actually had to remove almost all of the parts to prevent overfitting when there was very little data
both papers are tackling image recognition using cnns which is kind of specific
i guess i’d like to try to train something in ggml next. maybe later unsure.
note that it seems worthwhile to study metalearning more extensively

ggml provides an opt function that performs training inside it based on the number of iterations set in the parameters. this is why the example code takes so many minutes to complete, it’s running the opt pass 10k times on a single core. at a glance it looks like the performance stats are near zero because they are disabled. the example drops the loss of a single layer with params on the order of 1k large to something 40% of its starting value in a few minutes. a smidge frustrating that it blackboxes the training loop

ggml provides an opt function that performs training inside it based on the number of iterations set in the parameters. this is why the example code takes so many minutes to complete, it’s running the opt pass 10k times on a single core. at a glance it looks like the performance stats are near zero because they are disabled.
the example drops the loss of a single layer with params on the order of 1k large to something 40% of its starting value in a few minutes. to clarify the module initialization params are otoo 1k so the total
On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote: params might be say on the order of 10m because matrices and multiplicity and i have an i7 2.75GHz
a smidge frustrating that it blackboxes the training loop

i actually had trouble creating the model and building ggml. if i had ignored file storage i would possibly have skipped most of the trouble. i was thinking of linking to ctransformers which is made for python but builds a library with load and eval functions for popular transformers middle sticking point was trying to load a s8ngle-file model with llama.cpp tip. i thought it would be organized,maybe? to use a llama transformer and reuse all the high-activity llama code, but it seems like convert.py generates a singe-file model and llama.cpp only loads multifile models right now (datatype=f32), could be wrong but it was my experience

On 6/18/23, Karl Semich <0xloem@gmail.com> wrote:
i actually had trouble creating the model and building ggml. if i had i mean comstructing an empty basic transformer architecture here, not an actual model of anything. ignored file storage i would possibly have skipped most of the trouble. i was thinking of linking to ctransformers which is made for python but builds a library with load and eval functions for popular transformers
middle sticking point was trying to load a s8ngle-file model with llama.cpp tip. i thought it would be organized,maybe? to use a llama transformer and reuse all the high-activity llama code, but it seems like convert.py generates a singe-file model and llama.cpp only loads multifile models right now (datatype=f32), could be wrong but it was my experience

pre-existing example at https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/b24c3049d96557c24782e4d32feaae65... looks like most setup code still manually inlined for dev tweaking
participants (3)
Karl Semich
Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many