a) Spy v Spy b) Someone inside doesn't like Putin c) Someone inside doesn't like Putin's mass murding of Ukrainians d) Someone was playing with the Demon Pit again Large Deadly Fire Breaks Out At Russian Defense Research Facility Russian media is reporting a large fire at a Russian Defense Ministry research facility in the city of Tver under mysterious circumstances. The site is about 110 miles northwest of Moscow. There may have possibly been an explosion, given that RT reports two people killed and at least 20 injured, and with aerial footage showing a huge blaze and thick clouds of smoke over the area. BREAKING: Massive Fire at #Russia’s Air-Space Defense Research Institute in Tver, 110 mile/180Km NW of Moscow. RT reporting at least one killed and 16 injured. Cause unknown: pic.twitter.com/E2xCHEkuJR — Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) April 21, 2022 Emergency and rescue personnel are on the scene. The upper floors of the building are said to belong to the government's Central Research and Development Institute of Aerospace Defense Troops. "According to preliminary data, the blaze spanned across some thousand square meters and caused a partial collapse of the roof," Russian media reports. Russia: 12 people wounded as result of fire at military Air-Space Defense research institute in Tver https://t.co/GSOvFKzttA pic.twitter.com/IOx2DviJec — Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) April 21, 2022 "The fire had started in one of the rooms on the second floor of the administrative building."