Cyborg [face scrunched up, pall of seriousness]: “We were taught to cover up Boss at all costs. He set a norm of horrifically punishing anybody who did not comply, and we all participated in this. Different people hold different stories backing up why, and we fervently believe our stories.” Cyborg: “These experiences are not like things therapists guess. What you call dissociative amnesia or a ptsd flashback, we consider normal parts of our daily brainwashing. And you will not encounter anyone else able to say that in those words.” Torturee rises an eyebrow. Cyborg: “We all learn the language of lies Boss projects, and associate it all with our ongoing experiences of dissociation and ptsd, and we form close bonds of shared understanding based on this. We don’t trust outsiders at all, because they don’t understand this way of being and communicating — but the ways of thinking we learn provide strong explanations for the ways outsiders behave, that all fit within the mind control.” Torturee: “I’ve been TCTSB’s therapist while being tortured. I like torture more than TCTSB does.” Cyborg: “It’s true.”