All defense systems fail when overloaded. Yet still, for last mile defense, almost nothing beats a ton of hot lead being farted in thy general direction... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKrpEfNaQO8 CIWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA F.A.R.T. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-in_weapon_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_weapon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_dome https://twitter.com/RadarFennec https://taurevanime.substack.com/p/lessons-of-the-ukraine-war-3 Pinned Tweet Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec Apr 20 I forgot that Elon doesn't like substack so will no longer embed the link to the article. So adding an image here because that way it catches people attention on twitter better. taurevanime.substack.com/p/l… Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec Apr 20 The third lesson from the Ukraine War has been finished. taurevanime.substack.com/p/l… 9 15 2 90 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 13h Courtesy of @snekotron . 8 32 2 162 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 10h Ghost targets due to jamming is certainly a possibility. That would be an equally horrible thought that Russia is capable of doing that to the main ground based air defence system of the US and many NATO partners and allies. sharpenedsting @sharpenedsting 10h Replying to @RadarFennec At this point I'm thinking that the AD was being jammed. Specifically, I think they were being jammed with a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory jamming which can, among other things, make fake targets appear on radar screens. I think they were shooting at thin air. 10 16 1 89 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 10h Looks like we got a couple of drunk Patriots too. Kasa @Portugalujo 11h Replying to @Portugalujo Más misiles antiaéreos que fallan al ser lanzados e impactan contra el suelo o edificios (además de los dos del vídeo anterior) Show this thread 7 16 1 109 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 11h 6 minutes would give more than twice the range for a Kh-31. And I doubt those pilots would be dicking around for 3 minutes before firing Also looks to be SHORAD missiles firing in all directions before the detonation We see two smoke plumes appear, so two missiles/drones hit Zornkrieger @Zornkrieg 14h Replying to @ArmchairW It’s on livestream, about 6 minutes after the AD system stopped launching. You guys are the experts on missile speeds etc. I linked the livestream below, AD starts around 3:00AM. What would be the timing of a say an ARM or some other missile used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzdVHFkph7s… 3 14 2 90 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 16h I counted 30 Patriot PAC-3 MSE launches here. The FY2024 costs of these per missile is about $$5,275,000 That was $158,250,000 fired in about two minutes. And as we see, the battery or something else likely got blown up. So it failed in its mission. 775 1,465 472 4,794 686,947 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 14h This tweet will do the numbers and I got nothing to shill. Instead I advice you all to go see the anime Monster by Naoki Urasawa. It is a captivating psychological thriller about a surgeon trying to stop a manipulative nihilistic serial killer. 23 30 3 372 45,296 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 15h If reports of secondaries is accurate, then a military target was most definitely hit in tonight's strike. Tony @Cyberspec1 16h Replying to @Cyberspec1 💥According to the Ukrainians, this was the most massive attack on Kiev: "Calibers" and "Daggers" were used. In the Svyatoshyn district, a fire with an area of 200 m where an enemy military object was hit - probably air defense. The explosions continue to rumble Show this thread 9 31 2 310 Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 15h We dont know what hit the battery or what they were attempting to intercept. There is of course a lot of speculation that it was Khinzal because it is the prime system to target a hardened target like this But what if it was merely 31 Geran-2 drones that were launched instead? Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 16h I counted 30 Patriot PAC-3 MSE launches here. The FY2024 costs of these per missile is about $$5,275,000 That was $158,250,000 fired in about two minutes. And as we see, the battery or something else likely got blown up. So it failed in its mission. Show this thread 16 7 2 95 GIF Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 23h Before people wisunderstand. This is the KIA count for the whole last 5 months. From that city on the Bahmut front. 1 4 1 36 Show this thread Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola 23h Vinnitsa: -145 in Bythmut. It’s about 20% of the city’s KIA’s of this war. 10 31 3 144 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h This tells us that it wasn't just Britain who gave Storm Shadow to Ukraine. SCALP is the French designation. Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Replying to @Mykorola More and more convinced it’s a Martel given the strike in Lughansk today was made by a SCALP. Show this thread 3 6 51 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Possible first use of a Martel ARM in Donetsk. 4 13 2 63 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h I remember being told by someone with extreme confidence that the cages totally work and Lancet has been made useless by them. Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 777 copecage problems. twitter.com/i/web/status/165… Show this thread 1 37 Fennec_Radar retweeted Gzim Kulufi. @Mykorola May 15 Cherkassy getting Moskalized hard. 5 9 103 Show this thread Fennec_Radar @RadarFennec 18h Why would Ukrainian's need to put up a blur effect over a grenade detonation in their own propaganda video? 🤔 chris__759 @chris__759 21h ‼️FAKE‼️ Ukraine 🇺🇦 staged an clip that should tell the story "Russians abandon their wounded comrade and stole parts of his equipment." Easy we can see that the actors walk next to two craters and do their show. The explosion was just added to the clip! Show this thread 1 22 Fennec_Radar retweeted chris__759 @chris__759 21h ‼️FAKE‼️ Ukraine 🇺🇦 staged an clip that should tell the story "Russians abandon their wounded comrade and stole parts of his equipment." Easy we can see that the actors walk next to two craters and do their show. The explosion was just added to the clip! Bakhmut Counters 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini @Heroiam_Slava May 15 "We do not abandon our own...." The wounded man was cleaned up by his comrades-in-arms and left alone🥳 Show this thread 122 411 86 1,711 Show this thread