Trump Indictment: Many on the Internet are formulating constitutional and other defenses... Barnes on Trump Indictment Trump Indictment: One of many Internet theories in evidence, summary... "I'm going after the Deep State! -- Trump, 2016 Announcement "I want the killing to stop! -- Trump, re: Ukraine, during the war" Trump kept the "secret war risks docs" to expose the Deep State Pol-MICs for suggesting that he go to war, as an "I told you so" or a "Stop war" especially if they did so in the future (Ukraine, Iran, etc?), thus exculpating himself and his no war order with docs he wouldn't be able to get after his term... at least not for a minor war hawks operation gone minorly wrong... as the prior hero for ordering no war, and thus forever damning the Deep State Military Industrial Complex Democrats and War Hawks in the process for not following the Govt's own various internal risks assessments and getting countless people perhaps untold millions killed. Trump was going to expose high crime, and committed no crime. The DOJ FBI and Deep State CIA Media Leak-Fake-News Regime literally exposed their own corruption and that of the War Hawks in the indictment pg 15~16. Seemingly they brought the war suggestion, then fake-contexted twisted-news'd his possible "might order an attack" comment in the general convo discussion question of it, as retribution for his ultimately shutting them down by ordering it not to occur. His recorded convo context would show the "perfect call" of that time.