The races have begun... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_elections And so has the censorship, deranking, selection, election fraud, violent protests, local and foreign influence and agents, big tech, fake news, lies, hypocrisy, expose', massively unfair moneyed interests, hacks, leaks, trolls, memes, biased coverage, doctored videos, etc... Take out long options on popcorn, if Trump runs it'll be in high demand. US Libertarian Party https://twitter.com/LPNational https://lp.org/ https://freetalklive.com/ https://lbry.tv/The-Ignorance-of-Voters-with-Keith-Knight:7083abfb8bf6cbf888... https://reason.com/video/2022/06/20/dave-smith-comedian-podcaster-presidenti... https://lauraloomerforcongress.com/ https://aria4sheriff.com/ https://keenequeen.com/ https://twitter.com/Aria_DiMezzo "Did Ancaps and Voluntarists somehow not know that the HBO series "The Anarchists" would bring out countless AnComs across the Internet insisting that AnCaps aren't real anarchists? The fuck? Have you never been on Reddit?" "I just think Cheshire County Democrats shouldn't invoke trans issues if they're unwilling to let the trans person speak." Trump's top allies told Axios earlier this month he plans a "purge" of the deep state http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63229 Fox News 'Banning' Trump From Network, Aggressively Shilling DeSantis http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63248 https://twitter.com/alexbruesewitz/status/1553844592142946304 https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/fox-news-donald-trump-republican-leader/20... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/business/media/fox-news-donald-trump-rupe... https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-owner-rupert-murdoch-predicts-a-lands... https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1546812895802974208 http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63140 https://twitter.com/infolibnews https://www.facebook.com/informationliberation/ https://gab.com/InfoLib https://www.minds.com/InfoLib https://t.me/informationliberation Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Jul. 31, 2022 Fox News hasn't had former President Donald Trump on their network in over 100 days and have begun aggressively shilling for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to replace him.
From Newsmax, "Fox News Banning Trump From Network":
The New York Times reported Friday that Fox News has not had Donald Trump on its network in over 100 days, which the paper said was part of a larger strategy to eliminate the former president as a major GOP player. Trump's last appearance on Fox News came April 13 on "Hannity." But, The Times noted, even Trump has complained his longtime friend "doesn't seem to be paying him much attention anymore." The paper said Trump believes Fox's strategy of shunning him is an effort in "effectively displacing him" from the news cycle and as de facto leader of the Republican Party. The decision to shun Trump has been made at "the highest levels" of Fox's parent company, and is backed by its billionaire chairman, Rupert Murdoch, and his son, company CEO Lachlan Murdoch. They're probably the same ones who made the decision to run a Fox News segment for "Pride Month" endorsing trangenderism and child sex changes. Both are Republicans, but are said to have to developed a strong distaste for Trump. Earlier this month, the Murdoch-owned newspapers the New York Post and The Wall Street Journal published harsh rebukes of Trump's actions regarding Jan. 6 while strongly opposing a Trump bid for president in 2024. The Times said Trump's failure to accept the 2020 election result was at the root of the Murdochs' criticism of the former president, a view shared by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. As Newsmax noted, two weeks ago FoxNews.com ran a three minute propaganda video posing as man-on-the-street interviews "with Trump 'supporters' who did not want him to run again and 'unanimously' backed DeSantis for 2024." If you listen carefully to the Trump "supporter" at the 1:13 mark, you can hear they spliced in him saying "I don't think it would be best for our country for him to run for reelection" at the 1:18 mark. They cut away from his face and ran B-roll footage to hide the edit. The audio levels are different and those comments were said closer to the mic, perhaps in post production or after the initial interview took place. Poll of Republican primary voters. DeSantis beats Trump among those with college degrees, 32-28. But Trump wins non-college, 58-21. This is why pundits fail to see Trump�s strength. https://t.co/UZRxjiACvk https://t.co/5pOweV5fxM pic.twitter.com/rzmhzea6HS � Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) July 12, 2022 Fox News opposed Trump in 2016 when it mattered and right before the 2020 election the Daily Beast reported that Rupert Murdoch was predicting Trump will lose "in a landslide." The Daily Beast credited "three people who have spoke with Murdoch" for the scoop but I suspect Murdoch just gave them the story himself. Trump's top allies told Axios earlier this month he plans a "purge" of the deep state if reelected and will right the wrongs he made during his first term in office. �Let�s go Brandon� chant breaks out at #LIVGolf as President Trump, @DonaldJTrumpJr, @TuckerCarlson, @kimguilfoyle, @RepMTG, and @EricTrump stepped outside together. MAGA! 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/68MF0DgSPm � Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) July 31, 2022

Drew Hernandez Exposes All https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brU75rwclhE Frontlines Smacks Clown World https://twitter.com/DrewHLive

Arresting or Convicting Trump Won't Keep Him Out of 2024 Race https://www.theepochtimes.com/alan-dershowitz-arresting-or-convicting-trump-... https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/dershowitz-trump-2024/2022/08/16/id/10833... Former President Donald Trump will likely not be arrested on charges stemming from the FBI's raid last week, according to a former Harvard Law School professor. "Yes, it's possible [but] I don't think it's going to happen," Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday about whether Trump would be arrested. People who believe that prosecution and an indictment would keep Trump away from the 2024 campaign are "dead wrong," he remarked. "He can run for president even if he's indicted, convicted, and wearing striped shirts, prison garb," he added to the channel. "The Constitution provides only four bases for disqualification for president, and being convicted of a crime is not one of them. Congress can't change the criteria that are in the Constitution for the election of the president." Echoing statements made by Trump and some Republicans, Dershowitz said the affidavit used to justify the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago should be released. "You can redact the names of agents, you can redact sources and methods, but what we want to know is what the basis of probable cause that they have," he said. A U.S. magistrate judge in the case, Bruce Reinhart, ordered the unsealing of a warrant and property receipt. The warrant shows Trump is under federal investigation for possibly several U.S. Code violations, while the receipt shows agents found allegedly classified and top secret material at Trump's home. Affidavit Reinhart scheduled a Thursday hearing on whether the affidavit and other materials related to the case should be released. Lawyers for the Department of Justice on Monday argued that releasing the affidavit would damage the agency's investigation and argued that unsealing a version with redactions "would not serve any public interest." Several media outlets, watchdogs, and other entities have filed motions to release the affidavit. “Disclosure of the government’s affidavit at this stage would also likely chill future cooperation by witnesses whose assistance may be sought as this investigation progresses, as well as in other high-profile investigations,” the Justice Department wrote. “The fact that this investigation implicates highly classified materials further underscores the need to protect the integrity of the investigation and exacerbates the potential harm if information is disclosed to the public prematurely or improperly.” The former president on Monday said that FBI agents took three passports from him before a spokesperson confirmed that a Department of Justice official said they were returned. Hours later, he called for the Justice Department to release the affidavit, which would provide insight into why the Department of Justice believes it is justified in trying to obtain the search warrant. "There is no way to justify the unannounced RAID of Mar-a-Lago, the home of the 45th President of the United States ... in the interest of TRANSPARENCY, I call for the immediate release of the completely Unredacted Affidavit pertaining to this horrible and shocking BREAK-IN. Also, the Judge on this case should recuse!" Trump wrote on Truth Social.

https://lp.org/ The official Twitter of the Libertarian Party, America's third largest political party. We promote free markets, civil liberties, and peace. Become a member! Libertarian Party @LPNational Tweets 16351 Following 678 Followers 263427 Likes 11994 1938 Media @RepThomasMassie This is what a real coup looks like August 15, 1971 - Richard Nixon Closes the Gold Window A flashback to 1971, when President Richard Nixon closed the gold window, severing the final link between the US dollar and gold. Like all "temporary" measur... Maj Toure @MAJTOURE The new leadership of the @LPNational is the most lit it’s EVER been. Y’all see this goofy shit the CIA Twitter account asked? Solutionarys, do ya thing. #Ratio Replying to @CIA Communists @LPNational An IRS audit on itself would determine the IRS had done nothing wrong. Truth would reveal that the IRS is the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet. Libertarian Party of Delaware @LPofDelaware Love your neighbors, hate the state. We don’t worship flags or the state. We just love our countrymen and the ideals America was founded on. @LPNational Celebrating that inflation in the US is lower than in other countries is like going into a cancer ward and cheering you have 12 months to live instead of six. Being Libertarian @beinlibertarian The only gun control I support is restricting armed Federal agents. WilliamA33 @DeAngelisCorey Arizona will now fund students, not systems. @LPNational Marxists hate seeing the middle class happy. Why? Because happy people don't start violent communist revolutions. @LPNational So long as central bankers have absolute power to expand the money supply and destroy the value of the currency, they will do so. It's a covert and corrupt method to steal your wealth without taxation. @RealSpikeCohen The Patriot Act wasn't patriotic. The No Child Left Behind Act leaves tens of millions of children behind. The Affordable Care Act makes care more expensive. In unrelated news, government just passed the Inflation Reduction Act. @LPNational There’s no place in the liberty movement for woke Marxists or Cathedral centrists. The Libertarian Institute @LibertarianInst 10 Debunked Conspiracy Theories Democrats Still Believe! libertarianinstitute.org/don… https://youtu.be/DG99R2dB8eg The problem with political decisions isn’t that most of us don’t get our own way. It’s also that these decisions are usually imposed on us against our will, by threats of... libertarianinstitute.org Jeremy Kauffman @jeremykauffman Working on some new bill titles based on Inflation Reduction Act Defend the Public Schools Act = abolition the Department of Education Stop Congressional Insider Trading Act = millions in kickbacks for me and my friends Unite America Act = New Hampshire independence @brenthatley It’s the Inflation Acceleration Act. Creating more money and raising taxes increases inflation. It’s reduces inflation as much as the PATRIOT Act is about patriotism. #GovernmentIsAGang @LPNational The Inflation “Reduction” Act will reduce inflation as much as the “Affordable” Care Act made health care affordable (not at all). @LPNational Joe Biden said there’d be “a price to pay” over Russia’s war with Ukraine. Unfortunately, thanks to Biden’s sanctions Americans are paying that price right here at home in the form of higher gas prices, food shortages, and energy insufficiencies. Libertarian Party of Tennessee @LPTN1776 ATF: Knock knock You: who’s there? ATF: it’s the ATF we just shot your dog now give us your 10+ round Mag or we’ll burn your family to a crisp. Gun Owners of America @GunOwners The Libertarian Institute @LibertarianInst In Rebuke of the Dishonorable David Petraeus libertarianinstitute.org/art… In a recent article for The Atlantic David Petraeus came to the conclusion that American soldiers should still be in Afghanistan today. Two thousand, three hundred twenty-four American servicemen... libertarianinstitute.org Dave Smith @ComicDaveSmith Liz Cheney still has a bright future. She can do so many things: CNN contributor, spokeswoman for a weapons company, work at a think tank funded by said weapons company. The sky’s the limit.

Increasing Taxes, Arming Revenuers, Auditing People, Pork Spending, Raising Debt... all surefire ways to piss off any electorate when they wake up... USA is literally bankrupt, only massive cuts will solve it, not taxes... https://usdebtclock.org/ https://usadebtclock.com/ https://usdebtclock.day/ https://www.worldometers.info/us-debt-clock/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Debt_Clock Taxation Is Theft (and War)... https://duckduckgo.com/?iax=videos&ia=videos&q=taxation+is+theft https://duckduckgo.com/?iax=videos&ia=videos&q=taxation+is+war https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-u-s-taxation/ https://taxfoundation.org/independence-day-taxes-then-and-now/ https://taxfoundation.org/taxation-representation-american-revolution/ https://yalebooks.yale.edu/2017/06/07/did-taxes-cause-the-american-revolutio... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_taxation_in_the_United_States https://libertarianstandard.com/ The USA did just fine with trivial to no taxation. Then GovCorp Politicians ruined it without consideration of the people, a Deep State if you will... https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1560220066678837248 Per recent rumblings... all fine component grounds for another Revolution. Expect fun in 2024. Data Shows Number Of Low-Income Audits Could Triple As IRS Grows https://www.theepochtimes.com/data-shows-number-of-low-income-audits-could-t... https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/commentary/fact-checking-team-b... https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2022-08/hr5376_IR_Act_8-3-22.pdf https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/brady-on-manchin-biden-bill-attention-wal... The Internal Revenue Service Headquarters Building in Washington on Sept. 19, 2018. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) The IRS audited 197 low-income families for every high-wealth family in 2019, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO)—a number that some experts expected to climb under an IRS turbocharged with more money and manpower. Over the next decade, the Democrat’s new “Inflation Reduction Act” will provide the IRS with 87,000 new agents and $80 billion in funding, with nearly $46 billion earmarked for enforcement. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the tax and spend bill is projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031. President Joe Biden’s administration has promised no new taxes or audits on households making less than $400,000 per year. But experts say that promise may be hard to keep. A previous CBO analysis using a similar funding plan featured in the Inflation Reduction Act found audit rates would be restored to levels around 10 years ago. The analysis showed the audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, but the ones with higher incomes would face the biggest increase. The oldest data available in the 2022 Government Accountability Office report released this year was for 2010. That’s when the IRS was better funded and staffed with some 95,000 full time employees.
From 2010-2019, the IRS audited 0.9 percent across all income groups compared to 0.25 percent now.
Rachel Greszler, a budget and entitlements senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told The Epoch Times that even returning to the 2010 audit levels for those making more than $400,000 per year, would still fall short of the IRS’s revenue goal. “My rough estimate shows that returning to the 2010 audit levels for all income groups would only generate a little over 20 percent of the bills’ estimated enforcement revenues in 2031,” she said. In her commentary on the Heritage Foundation’s website Aug. 12, Greszler wrote the numbers don’t add up using 2019 data either without the lower- and middle-class. Even increasing recent audit rates 30-fold for taxpayers making over $400,000—including 100 percent audit rates on taxpayers with incomes over $10 million—still would fall more than 20 percent short of raising the estimated $35.3 billion in new revenues by 2031, she wrote. So it stands to reason that taxpayers can expect audit rates more like those about a decade ago. GAO statistics show a larger number of audits in 2010 for taxpayers in the $0-$24,999 tax bracket than the high wealth households. About 579,000 audits were performed on the lowest tax bracket in 2010, compared to 197,000 in 2019. Yet for the wealthy, high wealth audits of $10 million or more stood at 2,800 in 2010, dipping to 1,000 in 2019. While a higher percentage of high wealthy households is audited more than poor ones, the lower class sees more audits overall. A better-funded IRS in 2010 audited the poor much more aggressively than the super wealthy—at a rate of 207 to 1. In recent years, the IRS audited taxpayers with incomes below $25,000 and those with incomes of $500,000 or more at higher-than-average rates. But, audit rates have dropped for all income levels—with audit rates falling the most for taxpayers with incomes of $200,000 or more, according to the GAO report. The Inflation Reduction Act, which is a scaled-down version of Build Back Better negotiated by Democrats Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), took Republicans by surprise. The measure passed the Democratic-controlled Senate and Congress last week through a reconciliation process. President Joe Biden (C) signs the Inflation Reduction Act with (L-R) Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington on Aug. 16, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Alarm bells sounded for Republicans after Democrats shot down an amendment to the bill proposed by Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) to protect the working class from more audits. Crapo’s amendment stipulated that none of the funds from the Inflation Reduction Act could be used to audit taxpayers making under $400,000 a year. Still, all 50 Democrats in the Senate voted against it. Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee said CBO calculated the monetary impact of Crapo’s amendment. Calculations confirmed that had lower- and middle-income taxpayers been protected by the amendment, revenue in the Democrats’ bill would have been reduced by at least $20 billion. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen attempted to clear up “misinformation” about the bill in a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig. She wrote new resources allocated to the IRS “shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testifies before the Senate Finance Committee in Washington, on June 7, 2022. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images) However, her directive isn’t included in the bill, meaning it won’t have the power of law. Tax experts and analysis from the nonpartisan scorekeeper at the CBO indicate Yellen’s promise will likely be broken if the IRS sticks to its income expectations. “Again, this has no teeth behind it,” said Preston Brashers, a senior tax policy analyst with the Heritage Foundation. Brashers said it would take time for the audits to start rolling, increasing as the tax agency adds tens of thousands of new agents. Proponents of the bill say a large number of those 87,000 employees will fill jobs lost through attrition, but Brashers said it appears that the agency will almost double in size. In a press release, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) estimated that the Democrats’ bill would amount to 1.2 million new audits of taxpayers per year. Over 710,000 of these audits would fall on Americans who earn $75,000 a year or less. House Ways and Means Minority Leader Kevin Brady (R-Texas) speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, on May 13, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images) “If you’re an American worker making $75,000 a year, you are 4x more likely to see a tax hike from this bill than any tax relief at all. You’re hitting middle class families directly and through higher energy prices as well,” Brady wrote on the Ways and Means GOP Twitter feed. Audits of Least Resistance Another taxpayer category likely to be audited more is rural, low-income households claiming an Earned Income Tax Credit, according to the IRS. Those who claim the EITC credits often make mistakes or don’t understand the rules, which makes auditing these returns low-hanging fruit for the IRS because they don’t require many man hours. The opposite is true of audits of wealthy families who can afford accountants and lawyers. A much larger number of returns claiming EITC credits are audited compared to the wealthiest households. In 2019, the number of audits of low-income families claiming the EITC credit compared to high wealth audits of $10 million or more was 205 to 1. Read more here...

Anti-DeepState gang gaining members lately... Tulsi Gabbard: Washington Elite Pose "Greatest Threat" To Democracy https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1560220066678837248 Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) says that the greatest threat to democracy isn't Trump voters, or parents protesting at school board meetings - "but the permanent Washington elite which has weaponized the govt and teamed up with corporate media to intimidate and silence those who dare to disagree with them." "When you look at permanent Washington, you look at all the different hands that are involved," Gabbard said during a Wednesday appearance on Fox News. "And as we're seeing this whole situation play out over the last couple of weeks, we see very prominently placed is the national security state and the mainstream media. And you've outlined some of these changing narratives and new information when they see the old piece of information wasn't quite having the impact that they wanted." "It's hard not to be skeptical when you look at their tactics and their timing to really question what their motives are. To leverage their power and their influence. To have an impact on these midterm elections that voters will be going to vote at in just a few weeks. And to do what they have already stated publicly is their objective, which is to prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024. This is not something new," she continued. The greatest threat to our democracy is not Trump voters or parents protesting at school board meetings, but the permanent Washington elite which has weaponized the govt and teamed up with corporate media to intimidate and silence those who dare to disagree with them. pic.twitter.com/yM1hhMDjio — Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) August 18, 2022

Strategy: "Legalize" weed drink drugs psychs, they vote for you... Reality: Keep them high, pacified on the couch, and tax them for it... Some sort of 1984... Japan Wants People To Drink More Alcohol As Generational Trend Cuts Tax Haul https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/17/japan-government-launches-comp... https://www.ft.com/content/d660b8f9-7ef9-4b94-9cb4-fa20f7a9f725 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/08/02/business/liquor-tax-revenue-plu... In some sort of Bizarro World scenario, declining alcohol consumption is causing alarm in the halls of Japanese government, as the trend is putting a big dent in the country's tax haul. Average adult alcohol intake dropped from 100 liters a year in 1995 to 75 liters in 2020. Meanwhile, alcohol taxes declined from providing 3% of Japan's tax revenue in 2011 to 2% in 2020. As the Financial Times explains, much of the trend can be attributed to demographics: A fall in the total volume of alcohol consumed in Japan was inevitable once the indigenous population began to shrink over a decade ago and the proportion of citizens aged over 65 increased to more than a quarter of the country eight years ago. Reflecting a worldwide phenomenon, Japan's younger generations aren't drinking as much as their parents and grandparents did. The general downtrend gained steam when the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted lifestyles. Restaurants and bars closed or limited their operations, and people socialized less and shifted to working from home. "Many people may have come to question whether they need to continue the habit of drinking with colleagues to deepen communication,” a tax official told the Japan Times. The drop in revenue from 2018 to 2020 was the largest in 31 years. Taxes took a big hit in 1989 with a major change in Japan's Liquor Tax Law. Fear not -- having admitted it has an alcohol problem, Japan's tax agency will no longer sit idle while sobriety insidiously spreads throughout the population. A government campaign is afoot to encourage people to hit the bottle. The first phase of the drinking drive is a contest called "Sake Viva!", which asks Japanese citizens between the ages of 20 and 39 to come up with fresh ideas for juicing the country's alcohol business. In addition to seeking "new products and designs" and new sales methods, the tax agency also wants strategies to encourage people to drink at home, reports The Guardian. After winners are named at a gala in November, the tax office plans to promote the adoption of the winning ideas by alcohol-related businesses. Japan's health ministry isn't participating in the contest, but said it trusted the ensuing campaigns would emphasize drinking only "the appropriate amount of alcohol."

Some sort of 1984...
Tent Cities Are Taking Over Vast Stretches Of Our Major Cities And It's Only Going To Get Worse http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/tent-cities-are-taking-over-vast-stretche... https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-families-forced-sell-homes-homeless-enca... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/15/briefing/homelessness-america-housing-cri... https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/pittsburgh-city-council-working-remove-homel... https://www.wral.com/homeless-sex-offenders-living-in-tents-in-busy-section-... If brighter days are ahead for the U.S. economy, why are so many tent cities popping up all over the nation? At this point things are so bad that even the New York Times is admitting that “America’s homelessness problem has the makings of an acute crisis”. That article goes on to explain that our homeless population is steadily rising. Tonight, hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans will be sleeping in tents, under bridges, in overcrowded shelters or in their vehicles. Of course there are many that are so addicted to drugs or alcohol that they just sleep wherever they end up passing out. This is a tragedy that is growing with each passing day, and it is only going to get worse in the months ahead as the U.S. economy slows down even more. Earlier today, I was truly stunned by a Fox News article about what is going on in Portland right now. Tent cities are literally taking over entire neighborhoods, and many residents are “resorting to selling their homes” as a result… Residents in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood are resorting to selling their homes and moving due to homeless encampments right outside their front doors. “It’s a little scary because I know there is mental illness and that concerns me,” North Portland resident Maria Inocencio told KGW8. Residents of North Portland said at least three families on one street have left in recent days due to the homeless camps, and KGW8 reported seeing for-sale signs up and down streets. Portland was once such a beautiful place, but now it has literally been transformed into a hellhole. Needless to say, Portland is far from alone. From Seattle all the way down to San Diego, communities all along the west coast are being plagued by relentlessly growing encampments. In many cases, such encampments are magnets for drug addicts and other societal outcasts. But this is not just a west coast problem. Let me give you are couple of examples. In recent weeks, tent cities have been popping up all over Pittsburgh… “We want immediate action. We want to see people in homes. There’s a humane way to deal with homelessness,” said Pittsburgh City Council president Theresa Kail-Smith. Homeless camps are popping up all over the Northside. You’ll see them on the Riverfront Trail to Millvale. Another makeshift tent city popped up underneath the Andy Warhol Bridge. And in Fayetteville, North Carolina one burgeoning homeless camp recently made news because it features quite a few registered sex offenders… There are 843 registered sex offenders living in Cumberland County. For dozens in Fayetteville, their home is a tent alongside the road. Deputies in the Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Registration Enforcement Unit (SOREU) learned the group of offenders are homeless and stay in a tent community along where the busy Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway (Highway 87) goes over Gillespie Street. Some live under the overpass while others live in a nearby field beside Gillespie Street.
From coast to coast, this is becoming an enormous issue.
And the truth is that it is only going to intensify as the months roll along. In 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs as the economy plunged into a major downturn. Once those people lost their jobs, many of them could no longer afford their homes and soon found themselves on the streets. I wish that we would never have to see anything like that again. It was truly a very dark chapter in our history, and countless people had their lives turned completely upside down. Unfortunately, it is starting to happen again. As I detailed earlier this month, large companies are starting to lay off workers in substantial numbers. This even includes Facebook. This week, we learned that Facebook recently used a very unique method to lay off one group of workers… A group of about 60 contractors who work with Facebook learned they were laid off this week after they were chosen ‘at random’ by an algorithm. The layoffs are the latest example of Big Tech reining in spending and hiring, as just days ago Apple let go of about 100 recruiters. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also recently said he will weed out underperforming employees with ‘aggressive performance reviews’ as the company braces for a deep economic turndown. I suppose that is one way to avoid personal responsibility for firing someone. “Don’t blame me – it was the algorithm”. If a big corporation that is swimming in cash like Facebook already feels forced to “thin the herd”, I think that is a very bad sign for the employment market as a whole. In the months ahead, I think that there will be a lot more layoffs all over the country. And this comes at a time when the housing market is starting to collapse. Existing home sales in the United States have now fallen for six months in a row, and the numbers for the month of July were downright depressing… Sales of previously owned homes fell nearly 6% in July compared with June, according to a monthly report from the National Association of Realtors. The sales count declined to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 4.81 million units, the group added. It is the slowest sales pace since November 2015, with the exception of a brief plunge at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Sales dropped about 20% from the same month a year ago. I anticipated that home sales would be lower than last July, but a 20 percent drop is pretty catastrophic. And as the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, it is probably inevitable that the numbers will get even worse. The stage is being set for a historic economic meltdown, and I would encourage you to do what you can to get prepared for it. 2008 and 2009 were extremely bitter. What is coming will likely be even worse. And as the economy deteriorates, tent cities will continue to take over more neighborhoods all over America. But don’t look down on those that are living in tents. With a run of bad luck, you could be one of them too.

https://lp.org/ The official Twitter of the Libertarian Party, America's third largest political party. We promote free markets, civil liberties, and peace. Become a member! Libertarian Party @LPNational
Ron Paul: Will The Midterms Change Anything? http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/october/31/w... Many experts expect public anger over inflation to enable Republicans to regain a majority in the US House of Representatives and maybe the Senate in next week’s midterm elections. However, even if every close Senate race broke in Republicans’ favor, and the new Republican majority was determined to pass a pro-liberty agenda, there still would not be the votes to override President Biden’s vetoes, or Chuck Schumer’s filibusters. Pro-liberty legislation cutting spending, or protecting our First, Second, and Fifth Amendment rights, or shutting down the Department of Education, or auditing the Federal Reserve, would not become law. The fact that such pro-liberty legislation would not become law is a reason many Republican Congress members feel comfortable cosponsoring and voting for such bills. One of the dirty secrets of American politics is that the establishment of both parties supports the corporatist welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system that makes it all possible. While they quibble over the details, the only real disagreement between the two parties is over which one is better able to run the economy, run the world, and run our personal lives. One hoped-for benefit of having Congress in Republican hands is that the Republican desire to deny President Biden any major legislative victories going into the 2024 election means the American people will be safe from more big spending legislation like the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act that will lead to more inflation. It is also hoped that our liberty and prosperity will be safe from attempts to expand government’s role in healthcare and implement the Green New Deal. Should Republicans take the Senate, my son Kentucky Senator Rand Paul could assume the chairmanship of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Rand has already stated he wants there to be a full investigation into Dr. Anthony Fauci’s actions leading up to and during the covid scare. Rand’s chairmanship would also allow him to examine ways in which the Department of Education has undermined parental authority and weakened academics while promoting the use of critical race theory in government schools. He could also look at how the Education Department is abusing its authority to force schools to allow boys to play on girls’ sports teams and even to use girls’ bathrooms. Arizona could send pro-liberty members of Congress a new ally: Blake Masters. Masters is an advocate of limited constitutional government who understands the importance of challenging the Federal Reserve’s unchecked power and protecting liberty and prosperity. He is currently in a very close race with incumbent Senator Mark Kelly, who is a leading advocate for gun control in the Senate. While we should support those few politicians who stand up for liberty, we should remember that we cannot rely on politicians alone to restore liberty. Instead, the only way to win back our liberty is to change the political and cultural environment politicians operate in. That is why converting a critical mass of people to libertarianism is crucial. Our victory will come not by electing a libertarian majority to Congress but by controlling the political and intellectual environment so even the authoritarians feel compelled to vote for liberty.

Where are the Libertarians? Have they no organization yet to take on the two-party game? Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie Thank you to @RepDanBishop for cosponsoring my bill to eliminate the Federal Department of Education (HR 899). The bill is one sentence: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.” Yang and Forward never said FreeAssange. Polling, no one announced... Democrat lineup so lame that without Biden, Kamala is beating them all in primary with middling 23%, with BernedOut and ButtSex next up at 8%. DeSantis +15% sends Pence packing. Pathetic puppetshow if BraindeadBiden win. Potential bear market on Trump aging, and 14th. Any Republican slight win in the General. FBI Raid Has Solidified Trump's Clout In GOP Ahead Of Expected 2024 Run, Conservative Observers Say https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-raid-has-solidified-trumps-clout-in-gop-ah... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM5mnTJStTE https://salemnewschannel.com/host/sebastian-gorka/ https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=D94A1E69-86D... https://twitter.com/rondesantisfl/status/1556803433939755010 The recent raid by the FBI on former President Donald Trump’s residence has solidified Trump’s hold on the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, according to conservatives and analysts. Former President Donald Trump raises his fist while walking to a vehicle outside of Trump Tower in New York on Aug. 10, 2022. (Stringer/AFP via Getty Images) The raid of Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s house in Palm Beach, Florida, was aimed at preventing the former president from gaining office again, they told The Epoch Times. If anything, however, the raid has had the opposite effect, they said, as the belief grows that Trump will announce a new presidential run sooner rather than later. Far from providing a smoking gun that opponents of Trump may have sought to bar the former president from office, the raid has demonstrated that Trump can never be reconciled to partisan special interests in Washington that have a lock on government, thus ensuring that Trump most certainly will run, said some. In the end, either Trump or the “deep state”—a group of powerful bureaucrats who Trump and others say really control the shots in Washington—will prevail: That’s the message conservatives should take from the raid, said two people interviewed who are the most familiar with Trump’s thinking, Ken Blackwell and Sebastian Gorka, although neither men claimed to represent the views of the former president. Local law enforcement officers in front of the home of former U.S. President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., on Aug. 9, 2022. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images) Raid Has Made Trump More Powerful “Without doubt, President Trump is more powerful now after the illegal Mar-a-Lago raid than he has ever been politically,” former deputy presidential assistant under Trump, Sebastian Gorka, who is one of the former president’s fiercest allies, told The Epoch Times. Gorka, 51, who hosts a syndicated radio show distributed by the Salem Network, estimated that Trump’s base of voters has grown from 75 million voters to over 100 million voters since the billionaire developer’s departure from the White House, just a year and a half ago. “The real issue is how the perception of Trump has changed in the eyes of millions and millions of people,” added Gorka, who said that the FBI raid has hastened Trump’s popularity, not diminished it. Similarly, Ken Blackwell, who served on the transition team for Trump in 2016 and is involved in the Center for Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute, a Washington-based think tank founded by former Trump officials, noted that Trump’s popularity has always tracked higher each year, in part, because of the people who oppose him. Trump, Blackwell noted, added to GOP presidential vote totals in 2020, gaining a net of just over 20 million more votes since 2012 for the Republicans, calling the growth “extraordinary.” “When you look at the number of battleground states that Trump won over the years, it’s a clear indication that there’s a lot left in the tank for Trump,” Blackwell said. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) speaks during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies hearing on Capitol Hill on May 17, 2022. (Anna Rose Layden/Pool/Getty Images) GOP Hits Back The echo of the FBI banging on the front door of Mar-a-Lago, the Trump-owned resort that served as the second White House for Trump while president, had not yet died before politicos not known for defending Trump, were, in fact, defending the former president over the raid. The staff for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) promptly responded to an inquiry by The Epoch Times for comment on the raid with a copy of a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray demanding answers about the raid, in one such closing of ranks amongst conservatives. “Senator Rubio began the oversight process yesterday with a letter to FBI Director Wray demanding answers and an in-person meeting,” Dan Holler, Rubio’s deputy chief of staff, told The Epoch Times in an email on Aug. 11. Holler said that such action was the “beginning of a long process,” adding that Rubio will head up the Senate Intelligence Committee next year if the GOP takes the majority in the 2022 Senate elections. Rubio’s prompt rejection of the raid, said Blackwell and Gorka, was indicative of the widespread rejection by conservatives and Republicans of the several pretexts which Department of Justice (DOJ) sources put forward anonymously for the raid via media outlets like the Washington Post, before the warrant was unsealed on Aug. 12. The warrant showed that Trump was being investigated over potential breaches to three U.S. laws relating to the handling of official records, including of defense information and records used in federal investigations. Trump, for his part, argues that all the records were declassified, adding that he and his team had been fully cooperating with investigators, making such an extraordinary search unnecessary. Others agree. “The President of the United States has the power to declassify any record he wants, so it’s pretextual legal nonsense for the Biden Justice Department to pretend President Trump broke any criminal statute by taking 15 boxes of his records with him when he left,” Mike Davis of the Article III Project (A3P), which promotes constitutionalist judges and the rule of law, told The Epoch Times. “Former presidents have government-paid staff and offices, Secret Service protection, security clearances, and secure facilities to store classified records, so there’s no legitimate concern that President Trump’s records could have gotten into the wrong hands,” Davis said in rejecting the official justification for the raid. Likewise, Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis, who has thus far been mentioned as one of the likeliest Trump opponents for the GOP nomination in 2024, was quick to denounce the FBI raid. Responding to The Epoch Times without delay via email, Delanie Bomar, press secretary to DeSantis, pointed to a previous statement made by DeSantis via Twitter very shortly after the raid. “The raid of Mar-a-Lago is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves,” said DeSantis on Aug. 8. Even Vice President Mike Pence, who has been at loggerheads with Trump since just after the 2020 election, took to Twitter on Aug. 9 to publicly ask high government officials in the Biden administration to immediately “give a full accounting to the American people,” about why they conducted an “unprecedented search of the personal residence” of the former president. The totality of the actions has been to solidify Trump amongst voters and activists as a reformer determined to take on entrenched special interests within government on behalf of the GOP, said those interviewed by The Epoch Times. “Attorney General Merrick Garland may just have succeeded in unifying the Republican Party behind Donald Trump,” Davis at A3P told The Epoch Times of the 2024 presidential nomination. Worries That the GOP Will Be a ‘Nothing Burger’ on the Raid However, some conservatives have warned that in the end, the GOP in Congress will never act against the FBI raiders if they gain the majority in either house of Congress, even if they do investigate, as Republican lawmakers have pledged in the wake of the raid. One such critic points out that the GOP never really took action against the government during any of the Obama-era scandals like “Fast and Furious” or Benghazi, when in the majority despite highly-publicized investigations. Nor are they eager to take on the current Biden scandals in any meaningful way, such as those revealed by Hunter Biden’s laptop, the critic said. “In an ideal world, the GOP would be fighting fire with fire but Republicans don't have it in them,” Breanna Morello, a former Fox News and Newsmax producer, who now hosts the “Flyover Conservative” podcast based in Palm Beach County, Florida, very near Trump’s oceanside mansion, told The Epoch Times “Even House minority leader Kevin McCarthy's statement was a nothing burger,” added Morello about the GOP House leader’s promise to investigate the DOJ if the GOP takes back the House. Morello said that the GOP, given time, will abandon the defense of Trump, once elections are in hand, because that’s what they have always done. Ironically, it’s that diffidence by the GOP that adds to Trump’s power amongst conservative voters, because Trump himself is seen by ordinary voters as one of the few people with the courage to stand up to the liberals and the bureaucrats who make up the administrative opposition to Trump and others who wish to expose the so-called deep state, said Blackwell. This is especially true after this latest political prosecution under the guise of an FBI raid, added Blackwell, who at one time was Ohio’s top election official serving as Secretary of State for the Buckeye state. This Time It’s Different Blackwell said that in the first Trump administration there was consistent opposition to Trump’s placement of appointees who challenged “the status quo” inside of the “administrative state” or deep state. As the bitterness between Trump and the bureaucrats has grown through two impeachment crises, multiple investigations of Trump, and the targeting of Trump officials by the administrative state, such as retired Gen. Michael Flynn, it’s clear that a second Trump term would be a “take-no-prisoners” affair, said Blackwell. “A second Trump administration would be a take-no-prisoners attempt at dislodging the people who have burrowed themselves deep in the bowels of the deep state or, as I say, the administrative state,” said Blackwell. According to both Blackwell and Gorka, the policy missteps of the Biden administration, including its approach towards COVID-19 and policies that have contributed to historic inflation, have added to the impetus coming from voters to dislodge those bureaucrats who they perceive as having authored those policies. Gorka believes that Democrats are worried by this change in sentiment from voters, and therefore hope to use the raid on Trump to distract from the current administration’s failures. “When the disgraced Democrat former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, who despises Trump, tweets out if there is no real proof, if there isn’t a smoking gun, then this will be seen as political persecution, you know the Democrats are in trouble,” Gorka said referring to Cuomo’s response to the raid on Aug. 9. The Raid Rakes in Money Blackwell said that one way of determining people’s interest in the raid is by looking at whether the interest is bankable by candidates in terms of fundraising. Several media outlets have played up efforts by candidates and potential candidates on the right, including Trump, to use the raid to raise money. “People don’t just vote their comfort, they vote their concerns,” said Blackwell about fundraising in general. “The Biden administration has given people plenty to be concerned about, surely enough that I think people will be persuaded to give up some of their treasure to address those concerns,” in light of the FBI raid, Blackwell added. To that extent, the raid seems bankable with conservative voters judging by attempts to raise money from it. Sen. Rubio’s prompt rejection of the explanations for the raid by the DOJ was followed up with an email fundraising appeal by Rubio less than 24 hours later using the raid as a subject line. “I’ll say it plain and simple,” Rubio said in the fundraising email, “using government power to persecute political opponents is something we have seen many times from Marxist dictatorships, but now, we’re seeing it from the Biden administration.” Trump’s political action committee, Save America PAC, has also sent out emails, one of which shared the subject line: “These are dark times for our Nation.” Likewise, House Republicans and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), have sent out fundraising appeals on the raid. Trump to Declare Early? None of those interviewed knew whether Trump now intended to move up a timeline for announcing a run for a second term, assuming the former president has already decided to run in 2024, which Trump has previously confirmed was the case. “I think he should declare early, but I don’t think it has anything to do with preventing other people from running against him,” said Gorka about the timing for announcing a second run, dismissing the notion that Trump might have effective opposition inside the GOP. “It will perhaps give him a modicum of protection against the Gestapo-like tactics of the current administration, the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA,” Gorka added. Once he’s officially a presidential candidate, Trump will perhaps get a little bit of political protection from those who wish to destroy him, said Gorka. Blackwell said he doesn’t think it makes much difference if Trump announces his candidacy in September, or waits and does it in December or later. In either event, one can be sure that Trump, who is a master at getting and keeping attention, will do something to outrage the Democrats, said Blackwell, who doubts an announcement of a presidential run by Trump would provide any political cover. “He such a teaser, and he knows how to tease to the point that he’s optimizing energy and excitement,” Blackwell said of Trump’s ability to hold the attention of the country. “I have so much confidence in his ability to know when to pull the trigger,” said Blackwell, that he is content to let the decision come from Trump when he’s ready. Trump's Popularity Boosted Recent polls have shown that despite attempts over the summer to implicate Trump in criminal wrongdoing over the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, Trump remains the favorite of both conservative activists and Republican primary voters, two constituencies often at odds with each other over candidates. And these polls buttress the arguments of Gorka, Blackwell, and others who say that Trump is more popular than ever—at least inside the GOP. A recent straw poll at a Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) gathering in Texas showed Trump as the top preference for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024 of the attendees who represent the grassroots conservative activists—those who get-out-the-vote for the GOP. The CPAC results gave Trump 69 percent of the vote versus second place for DeSantis with 28 percent of the vote. Additionally, 99 percent of attendees now approve of Trump’s first term, as opposed to an 86 percent approval rating that CPAC attendees gave the former president just a few months ago in February. Perhaps even more noteworthy, a new poll by Politico/Morning Consult conducted after the raid showed that support for Trump amongst GOP primary voters has risen to a post-presidential high. Currently, 58 percent of Republican primary voters favor Trump as the Republican nominee in 2024, and 71 percent said that Trump should run for president, both of which are high-water marks since the Manhattan developer left the White House. Meanwhile, DeSantis’s share of the GOP vote for 2024 has slumped from 21 percent in July to 16 percent said the survey conducted Aug. 10, with a sample size of 2,004 registered voters. The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. Taken together, the results mark a ten-point swing for Trump over his nearest competitor, and seem to solidify what conservative analysts have told The Epoch Times—that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago has made Trump more powerful in the GOP as voters become clearer with what’s at stake in 2024. What Victory Means For Blackwell, the raid is galvanizing Republicans into action. “I think people smell what victory for the GOP means,” said Blackwell referring to the 2022 elections as well as 2024. What it means, he said, is an attempt to take the House, the Senate, and the presidency for a president in Trump who has a bonafide track record as a conservative. The raid is a reminder of all that is at stake, not just for Donald Trump, but for the country as well. “I see candidates and donors and voters not just bound by their optimism, but fueled by their concerns as well,” concluded Blackwell.

https://twitter.com/lpnh/status/1487463527526932483 https://twitter.com/jeremykauffman Libertarian for US Senate! https://jeremy4nh.com/ On January 29, 2022, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire nominated computer scientist and entrepreneur Jeremy Kauffman for U.S. Senate. Jeremy Kauffman, founder and CEO of LBRY, board member of the Free State Project https://tomwoods.com/ep-2182-jeremy-kauffman-on-being-blunt-and-unafraid/ https://twitter.com/freestatenh https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie https://twitter.com/brucefenton https://brucefenton.com/2022/08/16/announcing-the-universal-basic-tax-cut-32... https://livestream.com/salemnh/events/10584087/videos/232568788 https://www.dscc.org/news/nasty-nh-primary-gop-senate-hopefuls-lob-barbs-at-... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_New_Hamp... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuyfwHjGZd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-Dmhj2rCLM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UbDXZaOEgo " What government agency do you want to cut? BlackRock. " "I’ve got to be the only US Senate candidate in history to say “I’m a cypherpunk.”" NH GOP Senate Primary Debate Many people are not choosing service jobs in Federal & state government - how can we fix this? Should service be mandatory?” My answer is that I’m glad they aren’t taking these jobs. I want less government jobs - starve the beast! Another great debate. GOP Senate Debate #3 hosted by the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to the organizers and thank you to my primary opponents. This is a great opportunity for NH voters to learn about candidates. The first question was on fiat & #Bitcoin! @OdyseeTeam oh man apple are super mad at us, they want us to call them urgently so they can tell us what to remove lol and it's all political content on the list haha

FBI Raid Has Solidified Trump's Clout In GOP Ahead Of Expected 2024 Run
Streisand Effect also rallying US Libertarians but the Fake News Media hasn't let them speak yet. Republican Voter Enthusiasm For Midterms Boosted By Mar-a-Lago Raid: Poll https://www.theepochtimes.com/republican-voter-enthusiasm-for-midterms-boost... https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/fbi-raid-has-solidified-trumps-clout-i... https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/jf179lebaq/econTabReport%20%282%29.pdf https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/agfvwowafe/econTabReport.pdf https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/18/trump-2022-endorsement-record-... Before-and-after survey results show the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid last week largely encouraged Republican voters to go to the ballot box in November for the midterms. An aerial view of former U.S. President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home after Trump said that FBI agents searched it, in Palm Beach, Florida on Aug. 15, 2022. (Marco Bello/Reuters) The FBI on Aug. 8, in an unprecedented move, raided the home of former President Donald Trump for a potential violation of the Espionage Act, before allegedly finding four sets of top-secret documents and seven other sets of classified information that the former president removed from the White House. One poll (pdf) conducted from Aug. 13–16 by the Economist/YouGov, found that 51 percent of Republican respondents said they were more enthusiastic about the 2022 midterm elections compared to the previous congressional election year. It turned out to be a 6 percent increase from an Aug. 7–9 poll result (pdf), showing only 45 percent were more devoted to voting. The growth was smaller when it came to Democrat and Independent voters—both increased after the raid by one point to 36 percent and 25 percent respectively. Both surveys asked 1,500 adult citizens nationwide, declaring a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points. The recent raid by the FBI in Palm Beach has solidified Trump’s hold on the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, according to conservatives and analysts. Trump’s family and aides also slammed the move as being politically motivated to prevent the former president from regaining the presidency. The release of findings came as Trump’s 2022 endorsement record grows to 209–17, according to Breitbart, after five “America First” candidates he backed won their primary races in Wyoming and Alaska Tuesday night. Incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) lost her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Aug. 16, without coming close to her Trump-endorsed challenger, Harriet Hageman, who doubled Cheney’s votes to win the Wyoming primary. Trump had three other endorsements in Tuesday’s state races: Wyoming State Rep. Chuck Gray, who secured the nomination for secretary of state, and incumbent State Treasurer Curt Meier advancing in his renomination bid, as well as Brian Schroeder, former head of Veritas in Cody who lost his bid to maintain his position as state superintendent. In Alaska, both Trump-endorsed candidates—former Gov. Sarah Palin and Kelly Tshibaka—advanced to general election races. Tshibaka, along with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who voted to impeach Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol protest, advanced to the ranked-choice election from the open primary on Aug. 16.

FBI Raid Has Solidified Trump's Clout In GOP Ahead Of Expected 2024 Run
Lawsuit Seeks Removal Of Judge Who Approved Warrant For FBI Trump Raid https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawsuit-seeks-removal-judge-who-approved-warra... https://tpp-resources.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/20220816-Complaint-vs-Bruce... Tea Party Patriots Action filed a federal complaint against the judge who approved the FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home. “Judge [Bruce] Reinhart has a conflict of interest and a pattern and history of hostility to President Trump,” said the filing (pdf). Former President Donald Trump waves while walking to a vehicle outside of Trump Tower in New York on Aug. 10, 2022. (Stringer/AFP via Getty Images) The lawsuit then listed several examples including purported Facebook posts that show Reinhart had criticized Trump while praising the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.). Reinhart also reportedly donated to former President Barack Obama and to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush when he was running against Trump in 2015, the lawsuit said, citing publicly available reports. The lawsuit seeks to have Reinhart, a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida judge, removed from the case or even removed from his position. “Judge Reinhart should be disciplined and removed as a federal magistrate because of his failure to meet the standards of ethical conduct and character necessary for the public to have confidence in the nonpartisan role of a judge in a matter of this extreme public interest,” the suit contended. “Clearly,” it further said, “Judge Reinhart is a partisan and has publicly expressed his partisan views against former President Trump” and that his “antipathy for the former President is such that he should have recused when presented with the search warrant for the highly problematic search of President Trump’s home in Florida.” Days after signing off on the FBI search warrant, Reinhart ultimately released the warrant and property receipt to the public. During a hearing last week and on Monday, Reinhart suggested that he would release the affidavit the Department of Justice used to seek the warrant after the agency submits the document with redactions. He gave the Justice Department, which has sought to block the release of the affidavit, until Thursday at 12 p.m. to submit the redacted version. The Tea Party lawsuit also cited a case involving Hillary Clinton in which Reinhart had recused himself, arguing that he should have done so with the FBI search warrant. “The entire episode of the unprecedented search of the former president’s home, authorized by a political appointee of President Trump’s successor, and approved by a federal magistrate who has been outspoken in his opposition to and loathing of President Trump threatens the principle of ‘equal justice under law’ and the confidence of the American people in an unbiased judiciary,” the complaint said.

Even Anti-Trumpers admit the wrongness and severe problems of ever starting the ongoing Anti-Trump epic. "Get Trump!" Damn The Constitution https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18827/get-trump-constitution Many of my friends on the left fear [Trumpism] as much as many on the right feared Communism in the 1950s. And they may have a point. But not enough of a point to destroy a century of progress in civil liberties, free speech, due process, and the rule of law. Articles are now frequently appearing in the mainstream media demanding compromises with important rights in the name of "Getting Trump." My former colleague Laurence Tribe, who taught constitutional law for half a century now seems willing to weaponize the Constitution to serve his partisan end of "Getting Trump." Incredibly, he has advocated prosecuting Trump for the "attempted murder" of former Vice President Pence. To do so would require retroactively and unconstitutionally expanding the law of attempts to fit Trump's ill-advised actions and inactions with regard to Pence. But apparently that doesn't matter to Tribe and his followers who care more about achieving their "noble" ends than they do about the ignoble means they are willing to employ. The ACLU, which has long objected to the overuse of search warrants instead of subpoenas, is silent about the search of Mar-a-Lago. As long as the goal is to get Trump, anything goes including hypocrisy, inconstancy and unconstitutionality. I would give everyone "the benefit of law," but not only "for my own safety's sake," but for the sake of future generations. Once the Constitution and civil liberties are "cut down" it is difficult to regrow them and the "winds that would blow them" might prevent us from "standing upright" against new tyrannies from the extreme left and right. This important right [to vote ] should not be taken away by unconstitutional means, even if the result were to be the unlikely re-election of Trump. That is the price of democracy. There is a movement afoot to "Get Trump," at any cost. The goal is to prevent him from running in 2024. Many in this movement are willing to use any means to attain what they believe to be a necessary and admirable goal. "Democracy is at stake," they claim. They are prepared to sacrifice constitutional rights, civil liberties, principles and the rule of law to stop Trump. This is a familiar argument to me. I fought against it in the 1950s, when decent people who believed that Communism was a grave danger to democracy were willing to trample on the Constitutional rights of alleged communists and fellow travelers in order to prevent them from destroying our democracy. Although back then the fear was more exaggerated than it may be now, there was genuine concern about the increasing influence of communism throughout the world. The Soviet Union controlled all of Eastern Europe and was making inroads in central Europe and Latin America. Communists controlled China. Khrushchev boasted "We will bury you." There was concern, albeit exaggerated, about the influence of Communism in the American media, academia, and government bureaucracies. McCarthyism was intended to rout out these Communists and to prevent the spread of their anti-Democratic agenda. McCarthyites, and even some moderates, were prepared to trash the Constitution in order to achieve what they regarded as a noble pro-democracy goal. Today the fear is Trumpism. Many of my friends on the left fear it as much as many on the right feared Communism in the 1950s. And they may have a point. But not enough of a point to destroy a century of progress in civil liberties, free speech, due process, and the rule of law. Articles are now frequently appearing in the mainstream media demanding compromises with important rights in the name of "Getting Trump." Sam Harris essentially said he was willing to break democracy to save democracy. His dangerous words speak for the actions of many on the hard left. My former colleague Laurence Tribe, who taught constitutional law for half a century now seems willing to weaponize the Constitution to serve his partisan end of "Getting Trump." Incredibly, he has advocated prosecuting Trump for the "attempted murder" of former Vice President Pence. To do so would require retroactively and unconstitutionally expanding the law of attempts to fit Trump's ill-advised actions and inactions with regard to Pence. But apparently that doesn't matter to Tribe and his followers who care more about achieving their "noble" ends than they do about the ignoble means they are willing to employ. Leftists who railed against the breadth of the Espionage Act of 1917 now want to expand it to cover Trumps alleged misconduct. The ACLU, which has long objected to the overuse of search warrants instead of subpoenas, is silent about the search of Mar-a-Lago. As long as the goal is to get Trump, anything goes including hypocrisy, inconstancy and unconstitutionality. A scene from the film "A Man for All Seasons" well illustrates the current debate: William Roper: "So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!" Sir Thomas More: "Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?" William Roper: "Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!" Sir Thomas More: "Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!" Today on the left, there are more Ropers than Mores. Today's devil is Trump, and today's Ropers are willing to "cut a great road through the law to get after [today's] devil." Like More, I would give everyone "the benefit of law," but not only "for my own safety's sake," but for the sake of future generations. Once the Constitution and civil liberties are "cut down" it is difficult to regrow them and the "winds that would blow them" might prevent us from "standing upright" against new tyrannies from the extreme left and right.

Democrats plan on massively increasing taxes and Socialist programmes so high they'd make even Europe blush, "hiring" and armament spree needed to support that. Else they would have just cut programs and pork spending, but no good corrupt Socialist ever does that. IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History https://www.theepochtimes.com/irs-hiring-spree-is-the-biggest-expansion-of-t... The Democrats’ new reconciliation bill isn’t just going to be the largest-ever expansion of a government agency. It’s going to be the largest expansion of the domestic police state in American history. Only a statist could believe that a federal government, which already collects $4.1 trillion every year—or $12,300 for every citizen—supposedly needs 80 battalions of new IRS cops. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answers questions during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington on Aug. 5, 2022. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) The average American has less reason to be concerned about cops with guns—though the IRS is looking for special agents who can “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary”—than they do bureaucrats armed with pens who are authorized to sift through their lives. If you pay your taxes you have nothing to worry about, Democrats claim. But most law-abiding citizens know they have something to fear from a state agency that doesn’t concern itself with your due process, has no regard for your privacy, and is empowered to target anyone it wants without any genuine oversight. And, please, spare us this nonsense about the IRS expansion focusing exclusively on “high earners.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre promised that the IRS wouldn’t engage in new audits of anyone making under $400,000—a claim she has no authority to make and could not possibly predict even if she did. Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy also said that the bill was passed to stop an “epidemic of tax cheating amongst the millionaires and billionaires” and promised that “audit rates won’t increase for anyone making under $400K.” This is a lie. Nothing in the bill that Democrats passed through the Senate limits audits. Murphy, along with every other Democrat in the Senate, voted against a Republican amendment that would have prevented new agents from auditing individuals and small businesses with less than $400,000 of taxable income. Not long ago, Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan Act—which had as much to do with rescuing as the Inflation Reduction Act has to do with reducing inflation—and changed tax code so that mobile payment apps like Venmo and Cash App were now required to report transactions totaling $600 or more per year to the IRS. Does that sound like a party aiming fire exclusively at high-earning Americans? Indeed, poor and middle-class Americans are far more likely to do their own taxes, and thus more prone to making mistakes. In 2021, those making $25,000 or less (often the young and elderly) were audited at a rate five times higher than everyone else. The wealthier you are the more likely it is that you can hire lawyers and accountants to work within the system. There aren’t enough millionaires and billionaires in the world to keep a potential new 87,000 IRS employees busy. There are other overlooked aspects of the Democrats’ IRS expansion. The bill, for instance, strengthens the federal public-sector union monopoly that funds Democrats’ political aspirations. IRS and Treasury Department employees spent 353,820 hours engaged in union activism—their PAC gives every cent to the Democrats—in 2019. One can imagine what another 87,000 employees would do for that effort. In the real world, laundering taxpayer funds through unions and using them on political campaigns is called racketeering. None of this is to say that everyone who works for IRS is corrupt or power-hungry or an ideologue. The unassailable rules of giant bureaucracies, however, are that they always experience mission creep, they always do enough to justify their funding, and sooner or later, their leaders become political operatives. With that said, it’s worth remembering that the IRS doesn’t simply collect taxes. It enforces speech codes. This is what empowered former IRS official Lois Lerner to target conservative groups—“crazies” and “a–holes”—who used words like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in their names. But, even at the time, leftists at The New York Times editorial board praised the IRS for going after conservative groups because they did not “primarily” engage in “social welfare,” and so did not deserve an exemption under Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code. Has anything in the evolution of the Democratic Party given you confidence that such power would not be abused or that an engorged IRS would be immune from political pressure? Wrestling with an insanely complex tax code—nearly 8 million words—costs Americans billions every year. Rather than flattening and simplifying this astonishingly convoluted code, which not only would have saved citizens but the government money, Democrats decided we needed up to another 87,000 people to enforce it.

2024 gonna be lit...
IRS Hiring Spree Is The Biggest Police-State Expansion In US History https://www.theepochtimes.com/irs-hiring-spree-is-the-biggest-expansion-of-t...
https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1559922047916146690 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7klDi9ekzc In case you thought the IRS needed 87,000 more agents to help you with your tax returns and audit billionaires, watch this: Highlights from the IRS Adrian recruiting project, the IRS program to train agents to murder people who don’t pay enough taxes. There are videos and images of them training to kill. https://twitter.com/ANTHONYBLOGAN/status/1559952434285498369 This is 100% real. Armed IRS agents training video. https://twitter.com/Joshuajered/status/1559912569749512193 IRS police training 80,000 recruits pending. Enforcement will be as little as a $400 tax deviation. https://web.archive.org/web/20220811021358/https://www.jobs.irs.gov/resource... https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/twitter-bans-floridas-luis-miguel-over-call-to... A Republican Florida state House candidate who wants to legalize shooting federal agents said Friday that he has been banned from Twitter after posting his platform on the social network. Republican Luis Miguel told Florida Politics on Friday that he received a message from Twitter informing him of his permanent suspension. “Under my plan, all Floridians will be able to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF, and all other federal troops on sight,” Miguel wrote in his tweet, which was screencapped by Miami-based filmmaker Billy Corben. “Let freedom ring.” Miguel told Florida Politics that he stands by his statement, saying that such violence is justified because the IRS has been “weaponized by dissident forces.” Miguel is running in an open primary in Florida’s recently redrawn 20th district, a predominately Republican area nestled between Gainesville and St. Augustine. He will square off against incumbent Rep. Bobby Payne of Palatka in the Aug. 23 primary.

2024 gonna be lit...
Violent Democrats Progs Leftists etc as usual... ‘Someone Wanted to Get Me Killed’: Rep. Greene Responds to Being ‘Swatted’ 2 Nights in a Row https://www.theepochtimes.com/someone-wanted-to-get-me-killed-rep-greene-res... Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was sound asleep in her Floyd County home when the doorbell and knocks on her front door woke her up. There were flashlights and people outside her bedroom window. Quickly, she jumped out of bed, got dressed, and walked to the front door. By instinct, she reached for her gun, although something told her to put it down. The decision to not take her gun may have saved her life. At her front porch were five police officers with their guns ready. They told the confused congresswoman that they were responding to a report of a fatal shooting at her house—a man shot five times in a bathtub, with a woman and children still in the residence—indicating violence could escalate. “I think you got swatted,” the police told Greene after they realized what was happening. Swatting, the act of using prank calls to send tactical police to the victim’s home, is a federal crime and has previously led to serious consequences. “So what that is is someone wanted to get me killed,” Greene said on “Capitol Report,” a program on The Epoch Times’ sister outlet NTD. “They wanted to send the police to my house, into a situation where they thought there was murder happening, in hopes the police would kill me or someone else in my home.” The incident, which occurred in the early hours of Aug. 24, would mark the first of two successive swatting attempts in 26 hours targeting Greene over her stance on transgender issues. In the first prank call, the caller claimed to be from a Virginia crisis line. After the police responded to the report, the suspect called back using a computer-generated voice, saying they were connected with a website called “kiwifarm.net,” a site that supports cyberstalking, according to the police report shared with The Epoch Times. The person said they were upset about Greene’s position on “trans-gender youth’s rights.” Greene a week earlier had proposed a legislation called the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” which would make it a class C felony for anyone to knowingly perform medical treatment on a minor meant to alter their biological sex. The penalty under her bill is 10 to 25 years in prison with a maximum fine of $250,000. Congress Greene Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) talks to the media during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on July 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) Speaking about her bill on Thursday morning, the lawmaker appeared unflinching. “We need to protect kids and allow them to grow up before they make these life-altering decisions that can never be undone,” Greene said. A second fake shooting call came the following day just before 3 a.m. In the call, made through an internet chat, a person claiming to be Wayne Greene said they “came out as transgender,” had shot their family members, and threatened to turn the gun on themself, according to a. Aug. 25 police report. “If anyone tries to stop me from shooting myself, I will shoot them,” said the caller, who warned that “they would be waiting for us,” the report stated. Two officers went to Greene’s home and alerted her to the situation at her front door. The police couldn’t determine the caller’s location due to the person using a VPN, a tool that encrypts a user’s internet history, according to the report. Greene expressed gratitude for the local law enforcement’s handling of the incidents. “They are on the ball, and they definitely know what’s happening now,” she said, adding that she has deep trust in the local officers and feels “very safe” with them. But such an abuse of police resources has to stop, Greene said, noting that her local police department is now hiring an additional 18 officers. “They’re already undermanned, so they don’t need to be coming to my house for someone who’s trying to politically target me, they need to be able to respond to any other serious situation in our area,” she said. Greene accused the mainstream media of being “complicit” in what happened to her. Recent news headlines have painted her as “targeting trans kids, which is such a horrible lie,” she said, noting that some former transgender youths have come out to share their regret in public. “They went through the hormones that have changed their voices forever, puberty blockers that will give them lifelong problems like low bone density and chemical castration. These are serious things,” she said. “But the mainstream media, the way they lie about me, they are targeting me in such a dangerous way that they may get me killed.” “It’s coming to a point where I may start having to sue them for what they’re causing people to think about me,” she added.

Biden dereliction leaves TOP-SECRET documents in coat closet, FBI declines to RAID him for it... Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Think Tank Watchdog blasts $54M Chinese gifts to UPenn after Biden Center announced https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-center-classified-documents/ Classified documents from Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President were found in early November at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, CBS News reports, citing two sources with knowledge of an inquiry launched by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The investigation into the roughly 10 documents will be conducted by the US Attorney in Chicago (shocking!), according to the sources. The classified material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, the day before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the classified documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets. -CBS News Remember when the DOJ raided former President Trump and made a huge deal about classified documents having been commingled with not-classified documents? Pepperidge Farm remembers. According to Sauber, the White House counsel's office notified the National Archives on the same day the material was discovered, after which the Archives took possession the next morning. "The discovery of these documents was made by the President's attorneys," said Sauber. "The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President's personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives." In charge of the investigation is John Lausch, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, who will seek to determine how the classified material ended up at the Penn Biden Center (which received $54.6 million in Chinese donations after the Biden Center was announced in 2016).

Fake News Cameras avoided showing any migrants... what a psyop... Biden Finally Visits Border, Fails To Meet With Single Migrant President Joe Biden has finally visited the US-Mexico border for the first time since taking office - but didn't see or meet with any migrants despite taking a trip to a migrant respite center. Biden spent several hours in El Paso to witness the crisis his border policies exacerbated, however it appears that his brief visit was largely focused on his administration's newfound (pre-2024) concern over enforcement issues, and speaking with border enforcement personnel. Even CNN called him out on the bullshit, virtue-signaling trip. Asked to explain the thinking behind having Biden visit this specific center and ultimately not meeting or interacting with any migrants there, a senior administration official told CNN, “There just weren’t any at the center when he arrived. Completely coincidental. They haven’t had any today.” -CNN That said, hundreds of migrants - including women and children, have been living on the streets of El Paso, while nearly 1,000 more migrants were in federal custody throughout El Paso detention facilities. In other words, it wouldn't have been difficult for Biden to lower himself to meeting with the migrants he purports to care so much about. After arriving in Texas, Biden's motorcade drove along a highway that parallels the Rio Grande river and the border. Then, he popped out for a photo-op along the giant border wall while speaking with officers in green uniforms. They then walked along the gravel road next to the fence, where Biden took a few softball questions from reporters. Look at that big, beautiful wall he chose for his photo https://t.co/lwNP11Yvz3 — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) January 9, 2023 After the photo-op, he visited the migrant-less migrant processing center. The Biden administration's seeming 180 on border policy comes as mass movement across the Western Hemisphere poses an 'urgent challenge' for the United States. Since 2021, there have been more than 2.4 million arrests along the US-Mexico border, according to US Customs and Border Protection data. That includes people who have attempted to cross more than once. Many have also been turned away under Title 42. The arrival of thousands of migrants has strained border communities, including El Paso. The city has prided itself on being a welcoming place for migrants but has been overwhelmed in recent months with the sudden arrival of thousands of migrants, straining local resources and prompting pleas for federal assistance. -CNN Meanwhile, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on Sunday that he has no intention of resigning over his alleged mismanagement of the border crisis. In a Sunday appearance on ABC News, Mayorkas said "I do not," in response to whether he plans to step down in response to Republican outcry. "I’ve got a lot of work to do, and we’re going to do it." As the National Review notes, newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatened to impeach Mayorkas, and said the secretary would face congressional scrutiny over how he's handled the border. "If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action, and every failure will determine whether we can begin impeachment inquiry," McCarthy said during a November visit to El Paso.

Fake News Cameras avoided showing any migrants... what a psyop... Biden Finally Visits Border, Fails To Meet With Single Migrant
El Paso Initiated Massive Migrant Cleanup To Hide Crisis During Biden Border Visit https://nypost.com/2023/01/07/el-paso-cleans-up-migrant-camps-before-joe-bid... https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/01/07/el-paso-councilmember-calls-clean-up... https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1612215638868508674 The ElPaso coverup Jan 8 This Biden border visit is a complete fraud. Where did they move all the illegals to for this “visit” of his? Wednesday pic migrant camp vs Thursday pic no migrant camp https://twitter.com/BPUnion/status/1611374133518143495 The @JoeBiden regime is making sure the area is clean for their false narrative. Jan 6 El Paso being cleaned up as if nothing unusual ever happened there. Just in time for Biden's "visit to the border". We suggest just landing in Des Moines, Iowa and telling him it's El Paso. He'll never know the difference. The two-year-long White House coverup of the ongoing illegal immigration crisis is perhaps one of the biggest political frauds of the decade. After Joe Biden recently dared to blame Republicans for the chaos at the southern border rather than his own reckless amnesty policies and his attempts to end Title 42, he embarked on his very first visit to the region since entering the Oval Office. His primary destination? El Paso. El Paso has become an epicenter of illegal immigration in the past few months, likely because it is a Democrat run border city which engages in sanctuary policies. The El Paso Mayor, Oscar Leeser, kept the door wide open for supposed amnesty seekers until the city ran out of money for welfare provisions and finally declared an emergency despite pressure from the White House not to. Biden has long ignored the state of affairs on the border, forcing conservative governors to bus thousands of migrants to Democrat cities like New York and Washington DC in order to make a point. Though the White House has pretended to be oblivious to the plight of border states, it is becoming clear that the administration has been well aware of the crisis for some time. In preparation for Biden's visit, El Paso has undergone a miraculous transformation from humanitarian disaster zone to squeaky clean and secure. Below, we can see before and after examples of how much can be accomplished to stop illegal immigration when Joe Biden's image is on the line - El Paso has become a completely different city in the span of two weeks: The city streets have been cleared of most migrants and their makeshift sidewalk beds. A border wall has been quickly built from cargo containers and barbed wire to deter migrant caravans. Local reports note that the new wall has been very effective in stopping the flow of illegals. Also, national guard and border patrol units have been deployed in a show of force. The expedited removal of illegal immigrants in preparation for Biden's visit showcases the reality that the border situation can be dealt with and that it would be far easier than the White House claims. The only rational conclusion that can be made at this stage is that Biden simply doesn't want to secure the border. Biden walked the existing wall with border agents before quickly jetting to Mexico City, and briefly met with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who only received notice of Biden's plans a day before his arrival. Biden continues to claim that he has been working to solve the illegal immigration issue "from day one" and blames congress for refusing to "take action." In reality, illegal immigrant encounters plummeted after the enforcement of Title 42 in 2020, and then exploded again right after Biden took office. Biden's insistence on amnesty benefits and far easier citizenship for illegals has encouraged an endless rush of over 5 million migrants in the past two years. The sterilization of El Paso before his visit suggests that Biden has no intention of ever being honest about the terrible state of affairs and will maintain his open border policies regardless.

https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-papal-bull-annulling-magna-carta Colorado Secretary Of State Admits Mailing Over 31,000 Voter Registration Instruction Cards To Non-Citizens https://www.theepochtimes.com/watchdog-group-clashes-with-colorado-secretary... https://publicinterestlegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/CO-30K-Report.pdf In October 2022, the Colorado Secretary of State’s office acknowledged that it mailed more than 31,000 voter registration instruction cards to foreign nationals living in the state. The registration information was sent out in the months leading up to the 2022 midterm elections. In a Jan. 5, 2023 press release, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), said, “The Secretary of State’s office blamed a ‘data analytical error’ for the non-citizens in 58 counties receiving voter registration materials.” PILF, a national election integrity watchdog group, is investigating who was responsible for the mailing and how state election roll maintenance is conducted in Colorado. Colorado’s contractual relationship with the Election Registration Information Center (ERIC), a non-profit organization offering voter roll maintenance services to 32 states, needs to be examined, according to investigators (pdf). In the press release, PILF alleged, “ERIC played a significant role in this error.” Poll workers review voter ballots at the Denver Elections Division headquarters in Denver, Colorado on Nov. 3, 2020. (Jason Connolly/AFP via Getty Images) Under the terms of the contract, ERIC requires the secretary of state to periodically mail out voter registration information to all eligible but non-registered individuals. In return for a one-time membership fee of $25,000 and yearly dues, ERIC is obliged to provide the secretary of state’s office with data flagging deceased persons or people who have moved out of state or moved within the state but remain on the voter roll. Per contract, at least every 60 days, Colorado provides ERIC with the state’s driver and motor vehicle licensing records.
From this information, along with the Social Security death registry and other sources, ERIC compiles a report and sends it to the secretary of state.
At the time the Colorado mistake came to light, officials of the secretary of state’s office said the list of the 31,000 recipients was created by comparing the statewide voter roll and the list of the state’s licensed drivers. In the Jan. 5 report PILF said, “That very comparison is a core ingredient in membership in ERIC. “It is intended to find eligible citizens who are not registered to vote and to encourage them to register to vote.” PILF’s study found that 28,073 foreign nationals in Colorado’s nine most populous counties were mailed voter registration information, led by Arapahoe, Denver, and Adams counties. Damage Control To deal with the situation, the Colorado Secretary of State’s office sent a second mailing to non-citizens informing them that the first mailing had been sent in error and clarified voter eligibility requirements. The SOS also installed an electronic block to prevent a foreign national from registering to vote online. Daily comparisons were authorized between the 31,093 non-citizens, the Eligible But Unregistered voter list, the state voter roll, and the state’s Department of Revenue tax roll—a document that contains a citizenship marker. According to PILF, in Moffat County (in which 54 foreign nationals received voter registration information cards), the state forbade local election officials from knowing who they were, citing unspecified “potential legal issues” as the reason for the denial. “When the Secretary of State of Colorado did not disclose to county officials the names of the foreigners offered voter registration materials…she hid the ability of the public and law enforcement from ascertaining whether, indeed, foreigners did register to vote,” said the PILF report. The report pointed to another much different legal consequence caused by the state’s actions. The ability of a foreign national to someday become a naturalized U.S. citizen could be jeopardized if he is found to have been, even for a short time, illegally registered to vote. PILF referred to instances it has documented around the country of naïve and unwitting non-citizens being deported because of a bureaucratic glitch by which they illegally registered to vote. Battle for Transparency PILF has been embroiled in a year-long, ongoing legal battle with Griswold to force her to make records pertaining to election roll maintenance public. PILF investigators requested to inspect and copy the lists ERIC is providing. They also requested to see Griswold’s plan outlining the steps her office is taking toward correcting the irregularities on the roll that are brought to its attention. When ERIC provides its findings, Colorado has 90 days to initiate contact with at least 95 percent of the voters whose data indicates a possible inaccuracy. Within 10 days of the expiration of the 90 days, the secretary of state must provide ERIC with a written certification that she has complied with the requirement. According to court documents, PILF made its first request for data from ERIC concerning deceased and relocated registrants in June 2021. Griswold’s office did not respond. After a second request, Griswold flat-out refused to provide the information, citing the federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) of 1994. The DPPA prohibits the release or use of a motorist’s personal information by any state department of motor vehicles or other state employee or contractor without the driver’s permission. There are several exceptions to the DPPA’s privacy protection. For example, the data may be shared for the purposes of legitimate government agency functions; or if the personal information is to be used for not-for-profit motor vehicle research. Griswold also refused PILF’s request to examine data from the state’s Social Security Limited Access Death Master File. She said state statutes prohibited her from making that data public. Griswold made clear in a letter to PILF that her office was not denying the foundation’s requests based on any clauses in Colorado’s membership agreement with ERIC—something that has been used in other states as a justification for refusing citizens’ requests for public information. On Aug. 20, 2021, PILF formally notified Griswold that she was in violation of federal law for failure to permit public inspection of Colorado’s state voter list, as required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The NVRA, also known as the “Motor Voter Act,” took effect in January 1995. It requires all states to allow qualified persons to register to vote when renewing their driver’s licenses or applying for social services. PILF gave Griswold 90 days to “cure the violation,” or face a lawsuit. The Colorado Secretary of State’s office denied PILF’s request again in late November 2021. A lawsuit was filed by PILF against Griswold on Dec. 16, 2021, in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. The case is still pending. The 14-page complaint contends that the requested records fall within the scope of the NVRA’s public disclosure provision. The NVRA also requires state election authorities to preserve all voter list maintenance records for a minimum of two years. The complaint provides documentation that Griswold admitted to retaining copies of the deceased voter list she receives from ERIC for “just a few months.” Plaintiff has asked the court to declare Griswold is in violation of the NVRA, to order her to provide PILF with the requested records, and to enjoin her from denying similar requests in the future. PILF’s president, J. Christian Adams, said in a statement, “The public should be able to see all of the records so we can hold election officials accountable.” The Colorado Secretary of State’s office and ERIC did not respond to requests for comment by press time.

Biden dereliction leaves TOP-SECRET documents Everywhere https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/01/kathy_chung_former_vp_bidens_ex... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/multiple-biden-aides-interviewe... Kathy Chung, former VP Biden's executive assistant when he left office, has a very curious past with Hunter and now is being questioned. Kathy Chung may be a key figure in the mishandling of classified documents from Joe Biden's two terms as vice president. As his executive assistant at the time, she was reportedly involved in packing up the documents he removed from government offices when his term as V.P. ended.

https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1610297110074908672 Big US Democrats, corrupt as fuck. "Prices are going up too quickly. Let's try to get fewer people making goods and services, so that wages stop going up." "Now that we've created all this new money, let's make sure as little of it as possible flows into wages."

Pussy Ass Democrats, Adams and all the rest, now Tapping Out when Less Than 1000 of the MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens he and his party cheered on and invited in for Election Vote Fraud and Political Power show up at the doorstep of his Democrat Ruined Big City demanding all the FREE SHIT they promised them. Mayor Says NYC Being "Undermined", Has "No More Room" For Illegal Immigrants https://www.theepochtimes.com/nyc-mayor-says-city-being-undermined-has-no-mo... New York City mayor Eric Adams has taken aim at the Biden administration for failing to take action and enact immigration reform to stem the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border while declaring there is “no room” in New York City for the “migrants” being sent to the city. Adams, a Democrat, made the comments during a visit to the Texan border city of El Paso on Jan. 15 where he was joined by El Paso Democratic Mayor Oscar Leeser. Busloads of illegal immigrants have been shipped to Democratic-run sanctuary cities such as New York, Washington, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles in recent months, which has placed a strain on those communities as has been the situation in border towns for many years, and in some cases, has further exacerbated an already existing housing and homeless crisis. Adams said on Sunday that migrants are being given a “false impression” about what to expect in New York via websites advertising that the city is home to automatic employment opportunities and will house migrants in hotels, as opposed to offering sheltered housing. “There’s a conversation among those who are asylum seekers and migrants who are given the false impression that if you come to New York City, everything is fine. We have to give people accurate information,” Adams said, according to The New York Post. A group of migrants from Texas wait in line outside Port Authority Bus Terminal to receive humanitarian assistance in New York on Aug. 10, 2022. (Yuki Iwamura/AFP via Getty Images) “And that is what some of the centers are doing here. They are truly explaining to people that this is what is happening in New York right now. In New York, you go there, you’re going to be living in congregate settings, and there is no more room in New York. That should be coordinated by our national government,” Adams added. A National Emergency The New York mayor also called for a coordinated response to the crisis within cities seeing an increase in arrival of illegal immigrants, which he said should be aided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). “This is a national emergency and crisis that must be addressed,” he said, while urging lawmakers in the U.S. Congress and the Biden administration to enact immigration reform. Adams made similar remarks on Jan. 13, when he said New York City was at “breaking point” and would likely be unable to continue sheltering illegal immigrants arriving at the city without help from the federal government. Lugging gallon jugs of water, illegal immigrants thread their way along footpaths just north of the Mexico/Arizona border. The numbers of illegal immigrants who have perished trying to cross the southern Arizona desert has reached an historic high this year. (Don Bartletti/Los Angeles Times) ‘We Don’t Deserve This’ “We are now seeing more people arrive than we have ever seen—averaging over 400 people each day this last week, with 835 asylum seekers arriving on one single day alone, the largest single-day arrival we’ve seen to date. All this is pushing New York City to the brink,” Adams said. The mayor said the city had submitted an emergency mutual aid request to the State of New York, starting the weekend of Jan. 13, which initially asks the state for support in accommodating 500 arriving asylum seekers, although he stressed that the number will “balloon” in time. Adams has previously said that the influx of migrants into New York could cost the city as much as $2 billion—money that the city will struggle to grant as it deals with a major budget shortfall. The number of illegal immigrants crossing the border has surged during Biden’s first two years of presidency, with border patrol agents making more than 2.2 million arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended in September. New York is currently housing around 26,000 illegal aliens, and another 3,100 arrived in the last week-and-a-half, Adams said on Sunday. “Our cities are being undermined,” Adams said. “And we don’t deserve this. Migrants don’t deserve this and the people who live in the cities don’t deserve this. “We expect more from our national leaders to address this issue in a real way.”

Biden dereliction leaves TOP-SECRET documents in coat closet
Republicans Call Out 'Double Standard' Over Biden Classified Docs Hypocrisy https://twitter.com/SteveScalise/status/1613577671157624835 https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3812775-republicans-decry-double-standard... https://twitter.com/DarrellIssa/status/1613607336521920512 Congressional Republicans are crying foul over the double standard applied to President Biden's mishandling of classified materials vs. the treatment former President Trump received. To review, President Biden's lawyers - who didn't have clearance to view classified documents, allegedly stumbled upon a cache of them at his old office at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022, the day before midterm elections. After waiting nearly two months, more documents were found on December 20, January 9 and January 12 - the date on which AG Merrick Garland finally appointed a special counsel to investigate. Trump, on the other hand, who has a potential constitutional argument that he could have declassified the documents recovered from his locked safe at his highly surveilled Mar-a-Lago residence, was treated to a raid by Biden's DOJ "Where’s the raid of Biden’s garage?" asked House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA). There’s always a double standard. @FBI, where’s the raid of Biden’s garage? — Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) January 12, 2023 "Now, we learn that Biden kept additional classified materials at his home in Delaware in his GARAGE. Yet there was no raid. No ransacking of Biden’s home. Nothing,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw tweeted, trying to get back in MAGA's good graces. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called the situation "another faux pas by the Biden administration," by "treating law differently based upon your political beliefs." "That’s why we had to provide a new entity from our Church-style [committee] to look after the weaponization of what’s gone on that you want an equal playing of the law to all Americans." McCarthy also pointed out the fact that officials have not released any photos of the documents recovered from Biden’s office and home. The Justice Department included a photo of materials retrieved from Trump’s residence in a court filing that was made public. -The Hill "More classified documents Biden took from the Obama White House have been found at Biden’s Delaware house next to his Corvette. Biden assures the public it’s OK because his garage is locked… So, when’s the FBI raid?" said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) in a Thursday tweet. Trump was also 'raided' by the media, so to speak. .@jheil: "Despite the possible political ramifications ... the right decision on that is going to be you can’t let this go ... you can’t let it go without accountability.” pic.twitter.com/AvBqqQ0Rtx — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 16, 2023 .@MilesTaylorUSA: "This is a big national security concern ... It is very likely the ex president will be indicted. After the indictment ... I worry that if the Republicans will retake the House and Senate, they will try to find a way to give the ex-president amnesty." pic.twitter.com/Rc1TLaQ8uI — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 16, 2023 And crickets over Biden aside from scant cardboard reporting on the matter. In fact, CNN's Jake Tapper is earning his paycheck carrying water for the regime: CNN asks Comer, who's trying to make a big deal out of Biden's handling of classified documents, to explain a clip of him saying last November that investigating Trump's mishandling of classified docs is "not a priority" for him pic.twitter.com/jaGSbnC4Ew — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2023 Meanwhile, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has sent letters to the National Archives and the White House Counsel's office requesting documents and communications pertaining to the classified materials, along with a request for information about the documents themselves and who may have been able to access them. And Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the top GOP member of the House Intelligence Committee, sent AG Garland and DNI Avril Haines a request for a classified briefing about the documents.

Democrats and their Agencies... Nothing but Corruption Destroying America - An Inside Job https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19315/destroying-american-democracy https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2023/january/twitter-files-show-social-site-... https://www.axios.com/2023/01/12/biden-classified-documents-timeline https://nypost.com/2023/01/11/penn-biden-center-is-dark-money-nightmare-patr... https://nypost.com/2022/06/11/the-fbi-knew-russiagate-was-a-lie-but-hid-that... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jim-jordan-house-judiciary-trump-biden-document... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-may-violated-first-amendment-twitter-mo... https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/whistleblowers-reports-re... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53784048 https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/385278-gop-report-clapper-told-... https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/03/hillary-clinton-dnc-fined-by-fec-ov... https://news.yahoo.com/zuckerberg-admits-facebook-suppressed-hunter-12165572... https://nypost.com/2022/10/19/its-been-two-years-since-51-intelligence-agent... https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601364807831425025 https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601362905785860098 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11558251/FBI-paid-Twitter-3M-devoti... Over the last few years, there has been much written about the destruction of American democracy. Frequently the threat has been of alleged interference in U.S. elections by Russia, China or other state actors. Government agencies, the name of election integrity, were assigned to identify and disrupt these foreign intrusions. As more and more information is revealed about these agencies, it seems that America's Intelligence Community participated in these activities domestically, and in a way that poses a grave threat to both election integrity and American democracy. Just last week it was revealed that the FBI again withheld pertinent information from the American public, for past two months, until after the November 8, 2022 federal election. As with the Bureau's reported cover-up of evidence influence-peddling reportedly found on Hunter Biden's laptop, agents knew, since November 2, 2022, about at least some of the three sets of classified material that illegally found their way into the garage and library of President Joe Biden and into the Penn Biden Center think tank at the University of Pennsylvania -- to which anonymous members of the Chinese Communist Party have donated $54.6 million. Their existence only became known this week, after the newly elected Republican-majority House of Representatives announced that it would hold hearings on "how the [Justice] department handled investigations into classified materials found at former President Donald Trump's Florida home and those found at President Joe Biden's office in a Washington think tank bearing his name and his Delaware home..." In addition, the recent release of the "Twitter Files" has raised at least two major concerns regarding actions by the Intelligence Community. The first is that the wall of separation between the Intelligence Community and the U.S. media has not only sprung a leak, it has totally collapsed. The report that officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) met weekly with Twitter executives to coordinate information is totally inappropriate. Would officials from the ODNI review, affirm or label certain sets of information as false? When ODNI was created, no one intended its officials to have a role in these types of discussions. It also appears that intelligence officials in recent years have politically weaponized intelligence. The combination of a politically weaponized Intelligence Community, operating hand-in-hand with organizations that are the main gateways for information to millions of Americans, poses a serious threat to American democracy and the integrity of our elections. Let us just briefly look at the steep slope of lying, deceit and corruption that has seeped into the leadership of the U.S. Intelligence Community. First, there are not enough words to praise our Intelligence Community and the men and women who risk their lives to keep America safe. These are the rank-and-file professionals that form the core of the Intelligence Community. Most are dedicated to the mission of gathering the necessary information to protect our nation. Their leaders have a responsibility to serve these individuals. Too often, however, as the current array of whistleblowers indicates, those leaders have let these individuals down. Imagine their reaction in 2013 when, in response to a question from Senator Ron Wyden to then-Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper about whether the National Security Agency (NSA) collects "any type of data on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans," Clapper answered, "No sir, not wittingly." Clapper, who had been given the question the previous day, was asked after the hearing if he wanted to amend the answer, and declined. It was shortly thereafter that a massive NSA program containing millions of pieces of Americans' data was revealed. Clapper was caught in a huge lie -- to U.S. Senator Wyden and the American people. On January 12, 2017, CNN reported that President-elect Donald Trump had been briefed by DNI Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Michael Rogers. The topic: "Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Donald Trump." It was intended to inform the President-elect that these allegations "are circulating among intelligence agencies, senior members of Congress, and other government officials in Washington." The briefing also touched on other major allegations they claimed were "circulating." Having this false information -- some of which the FBI actually altered -- in the public domain was evidently intended to damage Trump. The Russian "hoax" allegations would haunt and damage the Trump presidency for almost two years. Clapper himself stated: "I express my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press ... they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security." Clapper also released a statement that neither he nor anyone else in the Intelligence Community were responsible for the leaks. How did this highly classified information, then, get into the public domain? A House Republican investigation provides the answer. Clapper denied leaking the dossier but admitted to discussing the dossier with CNN correspondent Jake Tapper and perhaps other journalists in early January 2017. Later in 2017, Clapper would go on to join CNN as a "national security" contributor and CNN would receive an award for its reporting at the White House Correspondents' dinner. Today we know that the "Russia hoax" was a lie. After a 22-month investigation, no evidence of collusion between any element of the Trump campaign and Russia was uncovered. The supposedly compromising evidence had never existed; the information in the "Steele dossier" was false -- and the FBI had known it was from the start. The entire fabrication had been an attempt to attack and politically weaken Trump. In October 2020, shortly before the elections 51 former intelligence professionals had even signed a joint letter stating that the Hunter Biden laptop had "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." They stated that their national security experience made them "deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case." They went on: "If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we strongly believe that Americans need to be aware of this." The New York Times raised questions about the authenticity of the materials found on the laptop. Bill Evanina, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director, had indicated in August that Russia was trying to denigrate the Biden campaign. All these manufactured "facts" were apparently intended to create circumstances where reasonable people would have to conclude that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Signatories of the 2020 letter included Clapper, Brennan, Michael Hayden, Jeremy Bash and David Buckley. Clapper and Brennan are familiar names. They were involved in the January 2017 briefing to President Donald Trump on the fake Steele dossier. Jeremy Bash and David Buckley are worth mentioning because they continue to play significant roles in domestic and national security areas in the U.S. government. Buckley was the majority staff director on the House Select Committee investigating January 6th. Bash has been named to co-chair a government commission to review the war in Afghanistan. The fraudulent efforts by the U.S. government, Clapper, Brennan and the 49 others -- along with Hillary Clinton, her campaign committee, the Democratic National Committee and the suppression of the media and social media (here and here) -- to influence the public unfortunately met with some success. For almost two years, the authenticity of the material found on Hunter Biden's laptop was questioned. Today, its authenticity has been verified; the information is real and damning. As summarized by the New York Post: "Yes that letter from the Dirty 51 had all the classic earmarks of a disinformation operation, all right – one designed to ensure Joe Biden won the presidency. And it was essentially a CIA operation, considering 43 of the 51 signatories were former CIA." One final example of the Intelligence Community involving itself in domestic politics comes from the recent release of the "Twitter Files." According to tweet #20 of the third tranche released: "This post about the Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the FBI and DHS, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence." Tweet #17 states: "executives were also clearly liaising with federal enforcement and intelligence agencies about moderation of election-related content." Finally, the FBI paid Twitter $3.5 million reportedly to "handle requests from the bureau." We now know what happened. Twitter suppressed discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop story and suppressed conservative messaging, while at the same time it appears the FBI, DHS and the ODNI had literally had set up shop at Twitter. The American people should be outraged. This level of collaboration between federal law enforcement and a private sector company on controlling speech is terrifying. Having our Intelligence Community, which is supposed to be focused on foreign intelligence collection, involved is even more terrifying. DNI James Clapper lying to the American people in 2013 about government surveillance of them, the promoting of the Russian hoax theory in 2017 by CIA Director Brennan, DNI Clapper, FBI Director Comey and others, the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by 51 former intelligence professionals, and the close working arrangement between the FBI, DHS and the ODNI in 2020-2022 raises a staggering series of questions: Can our government, law enforcement, and the Intelligence Community still be trusted? Have those federal government agencies literally weaponized law enforcement and intelligence against political opponents in the U.S.? Has more than one solitary person -- former FBI attorney Kevin Clinemith, for altering an email -- been held accountable for these egregious abuses of power? Why wasn't there a more powerful response from the Intelligence Community and the law enforcement community about the disinformation from the 51 former intelligence professionals? Who authorized the cozy relationship between law enforcement, the intelligence community with Twitter? Who in these government agencies reviewed and approved of the output and decisions coming from these joint efforts? Were political appointees in the review loop? Who has the records, notes and decisions that emanated from these groups? It is clear that our law enforcement community needs to be investigated, but most importantly we need to investigate how our Intelligence Community has evolved from having literally a non-existent relationship with speech in America to being inside the room determining what speech is allowed. There also needs to be a significant investigation by an outside, non-government group to understand how far this massive government overreach into free speech and election manipulation went. Clearly the government has been influencing what we get to see and hear. It needs to stop -- now -- before our democracy is destroyed.

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Democrats and their Agencies... Nothing but Corruption
Look at what kind of lunatic authoritarian nonsense they're trying to spin you with on your dime now, not even Juan the total fabricator could make this utter bullshit up, lol. Lawmakers Warn Gas Stove Ban Would Eliminate Affordable Cooking Method https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawmakers-warn-gas-stove-ban-would-eliminate-a... https://huizenga.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=401521 https://www.manchin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/manchin-statement-on-... https://www.booker.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/booker_beyer_lead_colleagues_in_... https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/1/75 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/higher-electric-bills-lawmakers-warn-conseq... https://mcmorris.house.gov/posts/mcmorris-rodgers-statement-on-biden-conside... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-09/us-safety-agency-to-consi... Lawmakers, particularly on the Republican side of the aisle, are continuing to voice their opposition to the idea of a ban on gas stoves. Blue and red gas flames on a kitchen gas stove are pictured on May 16, 2022. (Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images) Concerns about a gas stove ban have risen after a recent study linked their use to childhood asthma and after U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. discussed regulating gas stoves in a recent interview with Bloomberg News. “This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told Bloomberg. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” In a Wednesday press statement, the new chairwoman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), said this proposed ban is the latest example of President Joe Biden’s “war on American energy.” “It is not about public safety. It is about telling the American people the federal government knows best and will decide what kind of car they can drive, how they can heat their house, and now how they’re allowed to cook food for their families,” Rodgers said. U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) speaks at a House Republican news conference on energy policy at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on March 8, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) In a similar comment to Fox News, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) said, “Consumers should be able to choose how they cook their food, heat their homes and power their cars, and they should be able to do it affordably.” Gas Stoves Linked to Childhood Asthma A peer-reviewed research paper that was published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, said about 35 percent of homes in the United States use indoor gas-powered stoves. The paper said such gas stove use is “associated with an increased risk of current asthma among children” and said about 12.7 percent of current childhood asthma cases in the United States are “attributable to gas stove use.” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) organized a Dec. 22 letter to the CPSC, requesting the agency consider a series of new regulations on gas stoves, such as requiring stoves to be sold with range hoods that meet mandatory performance standards, assessing their efficiency of removing the pollutants. “As you know, the CPSC has broad authority under the Consumer Product Safety Act to regulate consumer products that pose an unreasonable risk of injury,” the letter reads. “We urge the Commission to protect consumers from these harmful emissions. The Commission itself expressed concerns over gas stove emissions in 1985. Since then, evidence for the danger of these emissions has only increased.” Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) speaks during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Oct. 13, 2020. (Hilary Swift/The New York Times via AP, Pool) ‘Unrealistic’ Several lawmakers opposed to a ban on gas stoves raised concerns that such measures would eliminate an affordable means of cooking and strain the U.S. energy grid with more demands on electricity with consumers having to switch to electric stoves as an alternative. “This decision could lead to Americans paying higher electric bills and strain our electric grid even further,” Rep. Daniel Meuser (R-Pa.) told Fox News. “As the representative of one of the highest natural gas producing regions in the country, I am once again dismayed by these proposals. Natural gas is among the cleanest, safest, most affordable and abundant form of energy in the United States. Discouraging its use by banning gas stoves is a perplexing and misguided policy.” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) called the idea of banning gas stoves, which are used in millions of American homes, “unrealistic.” “Gas stoves are affordable, practical and popular. Democrats are simply grasping at straws to push their Green New Deal agenda,” he said. “Americans who are already suffering under record-high inflation can already barely afford to heat their homes this winter, and now the Biden administration wants them to go out and buy a new stove. It’s out of touch and unrealistic.” While the negative response to Trumka’s comments about banning gas stoves largely came from Republican lawmakers, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has also voiced his opposition to the idea. “This is a recipe for disaster. The federal government has no business telling American families how to cook their dinner,” Manchin said in a Tuesday press statement. Republican Bill Concerns about a potential ban on gas stoves have inspired a pair of lawmakers to introduce a bill that would preempt any attempted ban. On Wednesday, Reps. Bill Huizinga (R-Mich.) and Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.) introduced a bill called the “Stop Trying to Obsessively Vilify Energy” (STOVE) Act. “The last thing Americans need or want is another big government bureaucratic decision telling us which appliance we can have in our home,” Huizenga said. “The STOVE Act is a common-sense measure that will stop bureaucrats from banning gas stoves or ranges. Americans should have the ability to choose the most affordable and most available way to cook food in their own home. It is absolutely ridiculous how out of control and out of touch the nanny state in Washington has become.” Regulator Says He’s Not Seeking a Ban Members of the CPSC have offered some mixed messaging on their plans to regulate gas-powered stoves. After Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Ala.) voiced his opposition to a gas stove ban, Trumka said via Twitter that CPSC “isn’t coming for anyone’s gas stoves” and that regulations would “apply to new products.” “For Americans who CHOOSE to switch from gas to electric, there is support available – Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act which includes a $840 rebate,” he said. On Wednesday, CPSC Chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric said via Twitter that the regulator has “no proceeding” to impose a ban on gas stoves. “Research indicates that emissions from gas stoves can be hazardous, and the CPSC is looking for ways to reduce related indoor air quality hazards,” Hoehn-Saric said via Twitter. “But to be clear, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so.” “CPSC is researching gas emissions in stoves and exploring new ways to address health risks,” Hoehn-Saric added. “CPSC also is actively engaged in strengthening voluntary safety standards for gas stoves. And later this spring, we will be asking the public to provide us with information about gas stove emissions and potential solutions for reducing any associated risks. This is part of our product safety mission – learning about hazards and working to make products safer.” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas at the Hilton Anatole on Aug. 5, 2022. (Bobby Sanchez for The Epoch Times)

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Democrats... Nothing but Corrupt Indoctrinators and Slavers Lesbian "Biggest Dick In Chicago" set to lose election, bribes and orders little kids to do her dirty work... Chicago Mayor Asks Teachers To Encourage Students To Help Her Win Reelection https://mishtalk.com/politics/chicago-mayor-asks-teachers-to-encourage-stude... https://news.wttw.com/2023/01/11/lightfoot-campaign-asks-cps-teachers-encour... https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-mayoral-challenger-predicts-lightf... Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is caught red-handed in an email illegally seeking help from students to aid her reelection campaign in return for class credits... Looking for Enthusiastic Students Please consider Lightfoot Campaign Asks CPS Teachers to Encourage Students to Help Her Win Reelection in Return for Credit. The email says participants in the “externship program” would be expected to contribute 12 hours per week to the Lightfoot campaign and students could earn “class credit.” “We’re simply looking for enthusiastic, curious and hard-working young people eager to help Mayor Lightfoot win this spring,” according to an email obtained by WTTW News. After WTTW News published details about the emails, generating a wave of criticism from other candidates in the race, Lightfoot's campaign put out a second statement that said the campaign would "cease contact with CPS employees” out of an “abundance of caution." Less than two hours later, Lightfoot’s campaign issued a third version of the statement: “All [Lightfoot for Chicago] campaign staff have been reminded about the solid wall that must exist between campaign and official activities and that contacts with any city of Chicago, or other sister agency employees, including CPS employees, even through publicly available sources is off limits. Period.” As mayor of Chicago, Lightfoot appoints not only the superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools but also the members of the Chicago Board of Education. Chicago’s ethics ordinance prohibits the use of public resources, including email accounts, for non-official purposes. Common Practice Two Questions For Lightfoot If it's a common practice Mayor, can we please see some other examples? On the assumption that fraud, influence peddling, bribes and other corruption are indeed common in Chicago, what about your campaign pledge? Why the Desperation? In the opinion poll from Fox 32, Garcia won 28 percent; Vallas was at 19 percent; Lightfoot was at 15 percent and businessman/philanthropist Willie Wilson was at 13 percent. Other contenders were in single digits. Hoot of the Day Lightfoot ran for mayor in 2019 on a platform promising to root out corruption at City Hall and toughen the city’s ethics regulations in an attempt to break the grip of the city's “corrupt political machine.” Lightfoot should be locked up, but won't be. Nonetheless, you can kiss her goodbye. It's a 9-person race and she will not be one of the final two. But don't expect anything in Chicago to improve, because it won't. I suspect many of the other candidates are even worse. One is from the teacher's union, guaranteed to be no improvement.

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"FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW. So easy to do! -- truthsocial: @RealDonaldTrump" https://twitter.com/MenOfOrderMedia/status/1618628077772308481 Did they dump Omar the corrupt lying taqiyya traitor brother marrying immigration and election fraudster yet... https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1618061588375932929 Kevin McCarthy just absolutely destroyed a reporter who questioned his decision to remove Schiff and Swalwell from the intel committee. https://twitter.com/PrPatriotUS/status/1617978653916426240 Should have been released a long time ago. Can’t even believe the trials have been allowed to proceed while the Government has been able to use the footage in their prosecution, while none of the defendants have been allowed to have access to this footage. Incredibly unfair. ProudPatriotUS🇺🇲✞ @PrPatriotUS Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert announce House Republicans will release all January 6th footage. https://twitter.com/alx/status/1618659231519096832 The "Honorable" Charnelle Bjelkengren... LOL Q: “Judge, tell me what article V of the Constitution does?” Biden Nominee: “Article V is not coming to mind at the moment.” Q: “How about article II?” Biden Nominee: “Neither is Article II” The Gateway Pundit @gatewaypundit UNBELIEVABLY HEARTBREAKING J6 VIDEO! Exclusive CRYSTAL CLEAR Video of Rosanne Boyland as She DIED on Steps of US Capitol – After Police Allegedly Killed Her at the Capitol- WHY WON’T THE POLITICIANS & MEDIA SAY HER NAME? Jason Coursey @JasonCoursey So the FBI can infiltrate the Proud Boys, but not Antifa. Got it. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/sen-johnson-calls-congress-investig... https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/outlook-for-covid-19-therapeutic-treat... Greg Price @greg_price11 No big deal. Just a Pfizer employee caught in 4K saying they are mutating the virus so they can make more money off vaccines. Another W for the conspiracy theorists. Eric Weinstein @EricRWeinstein Did you lose anyone irreplaceable to COVID? To myocarditis? Have Brain Fog? Lose a year or two of your life? Fail to attend a funeral? Wonder how the vaccines appeared so quickly? Have your reputation destroyed over conspiracy theorizing? Get called a Sinophobic racist? Watch: Listen to Pfizer CEO @AlbertBourla describing how @Pfizer creates vaccines for every new variant, ready for sale when Governments need them. How convenient that Pfizer seems to be mutating Covid variants themselves. Spread new variants and sell the remedy? Hi Jordon Walker, you must be feeling terrible and very unsafe right now. What you revealed about @Pfizer makes you a target for all the bad actors in Big Pharma and the Govt. My team can help you. My DM’s are open. You may be the most important witness of our time. Change sides. -- kimdotcom Senator @marcorubio Sends Letter to @Pfizer CEO @AlbertBourla “If the claims detailed in the [Veritas] video are true, Pfizer has put its desire for profit over the concern of national and global health and must hold itself accountable.” rubio.senate.gov/public/inde… Rubio Sends Letter to Pfizer CEO on Alleged Gain-of-Function Research An investigative report suggests that Pfizer may be conducting gain-of-function research, which it dubs “directed evolution” research to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 virus to create additional, more potent... Tomi Lahren @TomiLahren Wow wow wow wow wow Project Veritas @Project_Veritas SHOCKING: @Pfizer Director Physically Assaults @JamesOKeefeIII & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus; NYPD RESPONDS! “I’m just someone who’s working in a company that’s trying to literally help the public.” “You fu*ked up!” Project Veritas @Project_Veritas Can we get an F in the comments as we remember our fallen iPad? RIP Dr Anthony Hinton @TonyHinton2016 Is Pfizer really carrying out the dangerous and reckless type of research that was done in Wuhan and has caused so many deaths? Are the regulators going to stop this immediately, or are the regulators and Pfizer just one and the same? The Gateway Pundit @gatewaypundit Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction Blocking Newsom’s Covid ‘Misinformation’ Law Tara Reade 🐎 @ReadeAlexandra 13 Dec 2022 I was interviewed by @TuckerCarlson and he treated me with kindness as I spoke about that very rough experience of sexual assault by Joe Biden when I worked for him in the Senate. I hope there is an investigation into Joe Biden by Congress for what he did to me and to all of us. IndieNewsNetwork @GetIndieNews Breaking! @GetIndieNews Member @ReadeAlexandra Telling her story to @TuckerCarlson Of course @WhiteHouse had no comments Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal A Connecticut state representative proposed a bill to allow non-citizens to vote in state and municipal elections. Republicans and Democrats have turned a blind eye to Illegal aliens voting. In Florida, illegal aliens were even given DRIVERS LICENSES AND ID CARDS in 2022 South FL! Illegals have been canceling out our votes for yrs.

Real Differences Between The Biden And Trump Document Troves Authored by Victor Davis Hanson, Former President Donald Trump for now certainly seems to have had more documents labeled "classified" at Mar-a-Lago in Florida than did President Joe Biden at his various homes in Delaware. Yet otherwise, the comparisons between the two cases, contrary to popular punditry, hardly favor Biden. First, a stranger would face a far greater challenge entering a post-presidential Mar-a-Lago than a pre-presidential Biden home, office, or garage -- or who knows where? Secret service agents and private security were stationed at Mar-a-Lago. Prior to the 2020 presidential election they were not at citizen Biden's various troves for most of 2017-2020, much less prior to 2009. Second, we seem to forget that for much of the developing controversy, Biden's own team was investigating Biden. On the other hand, the Biden Administration's Justice Department and the FBI were not just investigating Trump as an outside party, but as a former president -- and possible 2024 presidential candidate and opponent of Biden himself. Remember, the narrative of the first Democratic impeachment of Trump was the allegation that Trump had used his powers of the presidency to investigate Biden and his family, a likely 2020 challenger to Trump's reelection bid. Third, no one in a position of government authority had passed judgment on Biden's alleged security violations. That was not the case of the still alleged violations of Trump. Biden, as president, had weighed in, during his own Justice Department's ongoing investigations of Trump. Indeed, he proclaimed the former president to be guilty: "How could anyone be that irresponsible?" In contrast, he also dismissed the ongoing investigation of himself with "There is no there, there." Fourth, Trump is certainly right that as president he had a far more substantial claim of declassification rights than did Biden, who took the papers out either as a senator or vice president. Fifth, the FBI was not merely asymmetrical in melodramatically raiding the Trump home while allowing Biden lawyers to inspect various Biden stashes. The FBI also leaked the purported contents of the subjects of the Trump classified documents (falsely spreading the lie of "nuclear codes" and "nuclear secrets") in a way it has not with the Biden cache. The FBI went so far as to scatter the documents on the floor for a fake news photo-op as if the papers were so messily arrayed when they arrived. So far, the FBI has come lightly and belatedly to the Biden case without the SWAT team get-up, and only under pressure from the public and the Republican opposition. Six, Biden did not "self-report." Biden's team did not call the relevant government authorities the minute they discovered the classified documents in Biden's office and home and garage. In truth, Biden, or someone close to Biden, certainly knew that he or someone close to him had illegally removed classified documents when he left the vice presidency in 2017 -- or years earlier as a senator. For at least the last six years -- at least -- Biden has felt no compunction to confess to authorities he illegally was in possession of classified documents. Indeed, the only reason the current troves are coming to light was apparent White House paranoia that the media, the Biden Justice Department, and the special counsel were so fixated on the Trump documents that they likely feared someone might raise the logical question of whether a hypocritical Biden himself might be guilty of exactly the crime for which they were pursuing Trump. Worse, Biden and his staff knew classified documents were in his possession before the midterms, but deliberately suppressed that information until after the elections were over. Seventh, Trump's documents were stored only at one place -- Mar-a-Lago, and only for about 19 months. Biden's were stashed at various locations for nearly seven years, or perhaps over a decade. There were far more opportunities of time and space for those without security clearances to have access to the Biden documents than to the Trump files. Eighth, the press has exhaustively speculated, usually wrongly, about how the documents reached Mar-a-Lago and what they contained. In contrast, no one knows or even asks why Biden took classified documents, what they concerned, or who if any in his family circle had access to them. Ninth, Trump's documents did not expose other liabilities of the constantly investigated Trump. The Biden files so far have directed attention to the mysterious tens of millions of dollars in Communist Chinese money that poured into Biden's think tank at the University of Pennsylvania, the proximity of members of the quid pro quo Biden consortium to these classified papers, and the files' relevance, if any, to the Biden family's overseas businesses. Did Hunter Biden ever consult or view classified documents while living in a home with them? Will there be fingerprint or DNA tests on the documents? If Hunter consulted any of these classified documents, then the Biden presidency is finished. Tenth, Trump possessed contested documents as a private citizen. Biden's files under contention involve the current behavior of the president of the United States. Biden ran for office, was elected, and serves as president with the full knowledge that during all this time he unlawfully possessed classified documents.

Democrats (who are the total dictatorial rulers over at least 70% of the 50 biggest US cities, yes "Democracy" is literally that kind of Tyranny)... these Democrats are thus 100% responsible for the Complete Failure that is Chicago... and the insane depraved Lesbian with the "Biggest Dick in Chicago" is currently ensuring its further descent... Nearly Half Of Chicago Public School Students Chronically Absent In 2022 https://www.illinoispolicy.org/nearly-half-of-chicago-public-schools-student... Chronic absenteeism rates are higher in Chicago than statewide, with 49% of low-income Chicago students missing at least 10% of their days in school. That rate has nearly doubled since the pandemic. Chronic absenteeism in Chicago Public Schools is on the rise: nearly 45% in 2022, according to state data. That compares to a statewide rate of 30%. The rate is even higher among Chicago’s low-income students, with 49% missing at least 10% of their schooling, according to Illinois State Board of Education data. The pandemic and 17 months out of the classroom appear to have seriously aggravated the problem. Absenteeism in CPS was 24% for all students and just over 25% for low-income students in 2019. That was the final full school year before the pandemic shut down in-person learning in CPS schools. But those numbers may not show the severity of the absentee issue in CPS. A recent report by the Chicago Board of Education Inspector General shows administrators in CPS may have misreported absent students as transfers, boosting attendance rates and other key metrics. Chronic absenteeism among Chicago’s low-income students The Board of Education reported 49% of low-income students in Chicago Public Schools were chronically absent during the 2021-2022 school year. Chronic absenteeism is determined by missing 10% or more of school days per year either with or without a valid excuse. That means nearly half of Chicago students from low-income families missed 18 or more days of school. Research shows frequent absences from school place children and adolescents at a higher risk of poor outcomes, such as dropping out of school and lower academic achievement. Experts also find lower socioeconomic status is associated with higher levels of absenteeism. Amid high rates of absenteeism, students from low-income families in CPS are struggling to meet proficiency in core subjects. Just 14% of 3rd through 8th grade students from low-income families met proficiency standards in reading and 9% in math this spring. Compared to students who are not from low-income families, low-income students were 28 percentage points less likely to score as proficient in reading and 27 percentage points less likely in math. Missing school certainly can’t help. It may be worse than the numbers show While CPS absenteeism rates are already high, the data may be worse than reported because of miscoding of students as transfers rather than truant. The CPS Inspector General’s 2022 annual report released in early January 2023 questioned the reliability of CPS’s transfer and dropout data, which is used to calculate metrics such as attendance rates. The investigation found “a districtwide problem of schools failing to document transfers and lost children as required by law and CPS policy.” This misreporting of students is not new to CPS. The Office of the Inspector General has investigated and reported on this kind of misconduct five times since 2014, according to the report. The report concludes the consequence of this misreporting is twofold: it causes significant negative effects on vulnerable students and produces unreliable CPS metrics. CPS has procedures in place to locate and reengage missing students. Students whose absenteeism is hidden by administrators do not receive those interventions and the reengagement assistance they need and would otherwise have received if they were properly reported. The district’s key metrics, such as attendance and graduation rates, may be skewed by misreporting. CPS student attendance isn’t helped by the frequent Chicago Teachers Union walkouts The militant bargaining tactics used too often by Chicago Teachers Union leaders to get their demands met have not been in the best interests of CPS students and families. They have left district students missing even more days of classroom instruction. CTU has walked out on students five times since 2012, with students missing at least 24 days of school as a result. It’s probably hard for students to take school seriously when CTU walks out at a moment’s notice. CPS is committed to improving student attendance The Illinois Policy Institute contacted CPS for comment about the district’s low rates of absenteeism. The district responded that it is committed to improving and expanding methods which work to help students return and stay in the classroom. CPS has made additional investments during the 2022-2023 school year since COVID-19 impacted student attendance in districts across the country. Investments include targeted interventions, additional systems of support, mental health services and other support services. See the entire response from Chicago Public Schools about chronic absenteeism.

Incompetent Joe Biden the DemSocCom and his Admin non-team of Brainlette Civvy Wokesters and Sex-addled Military Pride Parade let this spy balloon cross, sample, and transmit the entire USA to China before deciding to shoot it down after the fact. Sleepy Brain-dead "President" Biden failing to defend the US airspace is a high impeachable offense. Americans will not tolerate this... Joe Biden can kiss his ass goodbye. Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy First Biden refused to defend our borders. Now he won’t defend our skies. https://twitter.com/redvoicenews/status/1621959909381402624 BREAKING: BIDEN PERMITTED CHINESE SPY PLATFORM TO VIOLATE US AIRSPACE OVER OUR NUCLEAR ARSENAL https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-384-rep-aoc-funneled-cash-to-c... A full week !!! Faytuks News Δ @Faytuks The Chinese balloon entered the US identification zone on Jan. 28, entered Canadian airspace on Jan 30 and re-entered U.S. Airspace on Jan 31, US Defense official tells Reuters We already know this is total horseshlit bc they've been watching it all the way across Alaska and Canada Disclose.tv @disclosetv NOW - Biden: "I ordered the Pentagon to shoot it down on Wednesday as soon as possible." https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1621878426293657602 Useless US Military sits on their ass watching NORAD screens like Deer In Headlights while letting USA get NUKED from afar. “Weighing” “US weighing decision to shoot down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean” Donald Trump would have blown that balloon up and live-streamed it as entertainment if China tried to screw w/ us like this during his administration. We need Trump! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-weighing-decision-shoot-down-chinese-spy... House Judiciary GOP @JudiciaryGOP Joe Biden knew the Chinese spy balloon was coming. Tried to hide it from the American people. Let it fly across the ENTIRE COUNTRY. And only after the entire country begged him to act, our great military shot it down. Embarrassing. Scary. Sad. https://twitter.com/redvoicenews https://twitter.com/EricSpracklen/status/1621710792792973313 God bless Alex Jones. Spot on EMP! Eric Schmitt @Eric_Schmitt The Chinese spy balloon was in US airspace for a week. It hovered over nuclear silos and Air Force Bases. In addition to intel gathering China was testing Biden on response time, decision making & he failed miserably Full investigation needed. The American people deserve answers https://twitter.com/JDVance1/status/1621622465096028160 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1621913299477532673 Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden was briefed on the Chinese spy balloon hovering over the United States "on TUESDAY" — but hid it from the American people. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1621978564928376832 Biden promptly walks away when asked about how letting a Chinese spy balloon surveil the U.S. for days before finally taking it down over the ocean might impact our relations with China. House Foreign Affairs Committee Majority @HouseForeignGOP CHM @RepMcCaul: “The admin should have taken care of this before it became a national security threat. I hope we will be able to recover the wreckage to help determine what intelligence the CCP collected while its spy balloon was over our country for days " 99 CCP balloons Floating over the Montana base No red alert, Joe's gone lost There's someone else who's now the boss The war machine does nothing for days They're too worried about their white rage Xi just laughs as Mi Li cries 99 CCP balloons go spy " William "Balloon Guy" Kim @TheKimulation I'm not sure people realize how big of a deal this is. High-altitude balloons might not be as sexy as autonomous weapons or hypersonics but I think they have the potential to be just as revolutionary for warfare, if not more so. "Democrat member of Congress suggests it's not a big deal that communist China was spying on U.S. military installations... 'Repubs... Stop Panicking...'" https://twitter.com/CGMeifangZhang/status/1621973027847020546 They're rubbing it in Zhang Meifang张美芳 @CGMeifangZhang Perhaps #China was simply giving the #US a balloon. Much like one would give a child to make them feel better! #balloon #Saturdayvibe https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1621963755209768967 CCP just running up the score R A W S A L E R T S @rawsalerts U.S. officials believe there could be a 3rd Chinese spy balloon which is outside the U.S https://twitter.com/AshleyWeis4/status/1621960148767117312 Agree! The spy mission is complete! What happened today could of EASILY HAPPENED IN #MONTANA!! 🚨 BREAKING: US fighter jet SHOOTS DOWN the Chinese Spy Balloon off the coast of #SouthCarolina But it’s too late! The damage has already been done! China is probably going to attack the US w/ an EMP attack now that they know how vulnerable we are. When you can’t feed your family, get clean water and there’s no electricity or Internet, be sure to thank Joe Biden! DRY RUN Hope Hodge Seck @HopeSeck U.S. military’s newest weapon against China and Russia: Hot air politi.co/3Rbwiqr via @politico Terrence K. Williams @w_terrence Biden was seen eating ice cream while watching the Chinese Spy Balloon & he asked Jill Biden if it was his birthday and if he could hold the Balloon. I don’t just post doomsday posts each day for nothing. Something very bad and apocalyptic is going to happen in our country over the next 2 years before the 2024 election. An EMP attack would wipe out our entire electrical grid in the US. Our electrical grid is 100% unsecured. Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer President Trump always warned us that China would own USA if Biden somehow was allowed to occupy the White House. Media was too busy making fun of the way he said CHI NA & too busy ignoring his warnings. Trump was right. Something very bad is going to happen in this country. I smile when I see Americans cheer and clap when communist objects are blown up. I miss the America where we collectively cheered for our country and against those who want to attack us. Patriotism and nationalism have been outlawed in America. Red Voice Media @redvoicenews 🚨BREAKING: Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down Over South Carolina- Chad Caton Caught It Live "Hey China, kiss my a**... Holy sh*t, that just happened" - @ImFiredUp2 An EMP would wipe out our entire electric grid. Not just the Internet. Do you like water? Do you like hospitals? Do you want your money out of the bank? Do you want to drive your car? Do you want to eat food? You need to wake up. Biden would let it happen because God forbid the US interfere with Hunter’s lucrative Chinese business deals. Our country built FEMA STYLE “COVID CAMPS” for the unvaccinated. They shut off water & power for ppl in CA who violated lockdown orders. Biden would let China kill you. MissingRonnieR @MissingRonnieR Theoretically, if he knew an EMP was going to detonate over the majority of Red States what would Joe Biden do? Military World Powers do not need dry runs. Yeah. I don’t know what’s going to get them first. The booster shots, or their lack of survival skills when we inevitably get hit with a Chinese EMP When a U.S. spy plane flew near Chinese air space in 2001, China sent TWO FIGHTER JETS to take it down, ultimately clipping the U.S. fighter plane and forcing an emergency landing in China. When China flies a surveillance balloon over our nukes, we tell people to "look up." Townhall.com @townhallcom REPORTER: "Does the public not have the right to know...?" PENTAGON: "The public certainly has the ability to look up in the sky and see where the balloon is." DC_Draino @DC_Draino Look at this clown trying to act tough saying he “ordered” the balloon to be shot on Wednesday Bro you were steamrolled by your subordinates They humiliated you in front of the world and you fell for it Election Wizard 🇺🇸 @ElectionWiz Today, the U.S. sent a powerful message to the world: If a hostile nation invades our airspace with spy equipment, we'll let it loiter around our strategic military sites for days before we take it out. I bet Putin is quaking in his boots. WHITE HOUSE: Biden ordered spy balloon shot down because vessel was being used by China "in an attempt to surveil strategic sites in the continental United States." Joe Biden and his entire complex KNEW they were getting attacked and DID NOTHING for days!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_China_balloon_incident On 4 February 2023 an F-22 shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon within visual range with a single air-to-air missile off the coast of South Carolina. Although unclear which missile was used, given the range involved it was likely an AIM-9X Sidewinder. The Federal Aviation Administration had issued an immediate ground stop over airports in North and South Carolina for a national security operation. The downing of the balloon marked the first time an F-22 engaged and destroyed an aircraft belonging to another nation. Project Genetrix Project Mogul Treaty on Open Skies 1960 U-2 incident

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https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1621564110906220544 Project Veritas @Project_Veritas BREAKING: Project Veritas Senior Reporter @Chris_Hartsock Confronts @YouTube Vice President of Global Trust & Safety Over Tech Giant’s Actions to Remove Our @Pfizer #DirectedEvolution Investigation From The Platform Menstrual Cycles Affected. At This Point @YouTube Is Complicit In Any Crimes Committed By @Pfizer "Google is gay." Rob Schneider @RobSchneider Confronting organizations who control vast amounts of power used to be a thing when journalists did journalism… like what @Project_Veritas is doing. Now ‘the thing’ for most other ‘journalists’ is attacking those that dare question the dictates of those in power… you and me!

nitter Logo Kristen @Katlia124 4h 🧵 1. Biden is hyping a plan to “win back the blue collar vote” by creating jobs During the Obama admin, congress passed a $787 billion stimulus to “create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years” Biden was in charge of distributing the money. Where did it all go? Feb 8, 2023 · 1:02 AM UTC · Twitter for iPhone 7 23 1 71 983 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 2. Let’s start with road signs… because who doesn’t love staring at them while sitting in traffic? 1 2 12 111 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 3. What’s this? $335 million in STD prevention? Yikes Nancy 🤭 1 1 13 235 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 4. Creating jobs in districts that don’t exist? “Who knows, man. Who really knows” 2 2 11 104 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 5. Oh noes… $535 million loss to bankrupt Solyndra 😔 2 4 15 128 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 6.$300 million to create jobs for Koreans 1 2 12 112 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 7. $27 Million for Green improvements for a public housing building in DC… or not 1 2 11 102 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 8. “A big grab bag of stuff” for Mayors and Governors 🎅🏻 1 2 10 125 Kristen @Katlia124 4h 9. In the end, our economy was in shambles, unemployment was skyrocketing and Joe moved on to fleecing Ukraine. Slava! 🇺🇦 Where’s the dough, Joe? 1 2 13 131 GusQuixote🏴☠️ @GusQuixote 4h Replying to @Katlia124 Who's that guy in the video? News As I See It @ChasMan7777 3h Replying to @Katlia124 @NameRedacted247 Poof where did it go 1 Load more

nitter Logo Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 1. #TwitterFiles & #FacebookFiles A deep dive into how Twitter & Facebook became willing partners with The Deep State Should Facebook & Twitter hiring practices, along with their close ties to FBI, CISA & other Government Agencies be a focus in @Jim_Jordan investigation? THREAD jack @jack 20 Oct 2021 Central Intelligence Corporation Jan 23, 2023 · 1:11 AM UTC · Twitter Web App 70 953 89 1,665 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 2. At a September 5, 2018 Senate hearing, @Jack stated, “We’ve really strengthened our PARTNERSHIP with Government Agencies since 2016.” Jack requests regular meetings with “Twitter’s Law Enforcement partnerships” & asks for a “single point of contact” with the Government 15 135 7 388 8,297 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 3. Twitter was not pressured at all. @jack went to Congress requesting more help expanding their already existing "partnerships" with Law Enforcement & Government. Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi 16 Dec 2022 Replying to @mtaibbi 8. Federal intelligence and law enforcement reach into Twitter included the Department of Homeland Security, which partnered with security contractors and think tanks to pressure Twitter to moderate content. Show this thread 3 104 2 342 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 4. The “single point of contact” that @jack requested became CISA. CISA was established. two months after this Senate hearing, in November 2018. 4 105 1 340 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 5. Since 2018, Twitter hired at least 15 former FBI & CIA agents. Is this what Jack wanted when he asked for more help from Congress? Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 7 Dec 2022 1. @elonmusk , Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. Thread 🧵 Show this thread 2 109 1 355 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 6. @elonmusk , does Twitter still have “partnerships” (that Jack Dorsey requested) with Law Enforcement, CISA, and other Government agencies? Elon Musk @elonmusk 10 Dec 2022 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene 3 120 2 376 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 7. At this same Senate hearing, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testified that Facebook receives “hints from law enforcement” on censorship of “fake news.” She also states that Facebook coordinates with other social media firms in this effort 11 90 2 310 3,459 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 8. Since 2018, Facebook hired over 100 former FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 6 122 2 340 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 9. Most notably, In July 2019, Facebook hired a former CIA Intelligence Officer as their top Manager in Trust & Safety Aaron Berman jumped from a 17-year career at CIA to immediately manage “misinformation” policy & censorship at Facebook. linkedin.com/in/aarondberman… 5 132 5 332 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 10. Last week, @AGJeffLandry released the full deposition of Brian Scully of CISA, who is Chief of the MDM (mis, dis, mal-information) team. AG Jeff Landry @AGJeffLandry Jan 18 Full transcript of Brian Scully’s deposition: agjefflandry.com/Article/131… Show this thread 1 88 274 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 11. Brian testified that, since 2018, CISA had regular meetings between “Federal partners” and social media platforms. The purpose of the calls was to discuss misinformation & threats on social media platforms. 1 74 1 261 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 12.“FACEBOOK WAS THE INDUSTRY LEAD” Brian testified that prior to the meetings, he would have private “coordination calls” with Facebook to “set the agenda” Was Facebook’s new hire, Ex-CIA Aaron Berman, CISA’s primary contact at Facebook? Did he help "set the agenda"? 2 81 3 277 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 13. Twitter, Microsoft, Google, Reddit, and others, all participated in the Facebook/CISA led conference calls. 5 97 6 280 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 14. @elonmusk, after you slammed CISA for running a propaganda platform, do you still allow Twitter to participate in these monthly, misinformation sharing, calls with CISA? Elon Musk @elonmusk 9 Dec 2022 Replying to @alexstamos @DavidSacks @bariweiss You operate a propaganda platform 1 145 8 422 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 15. Conference calls between CISA, social media companies & other government agencies were held monthly, sometimes bi-weekly 1 76 1 273 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 16. What other Government Agencies participated in the meetings led by Facebook & CISA? DOJ, FBI, ODNI & DHS 5 86 274 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 17. Elvis Chan (familiar name from #TwitterFiles) was the FBI’s point man in the Facebook/CISA led meetings with social media platforms. 3 105 296 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 18. Outside of the monthly CISA conference calls, we know FBI’s Elvis Chan & other agencies bombarded Twitter with requests to censor what they deemed as misinformation. For the most part, Twitter complied. Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi 16 Dec 2022 Replying to @mtaibbi 4. Between January 2020 and November 2022, there were over 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth. Show this thread 1 83 259 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 19. Flagging of “misinformation” sharing with social media platforms started in April 2022, ahead of the 2022 Midterms Election. 1 74 1 247 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 20. Twitter was in direct contact with EIP (Election Integrity Project). EIP was founded in 2020 to identify election misinformation ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election. CISA(DHS) farmed out most of the misinformation flagging to EIP Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi 16 Dec 2022 Replying to @mtaibbi 12.An unanswered question: do agencies like FBI and DHS do in-house flagging work themselves, or farm it out? “You have to prove to me that inside the fucking government you can do any kind of massive data or AI search,” says one former intelligence officer. Show this thread 2 97 2 272 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 21. EIP is run by Stanford, University of Washington, Graphika & The Atlantic Council with the goal to identify mis/disinformation & share their findings with 15 social media platforms. For more info @kanekoaTheGreat’s thread: kanekoa.substack.com @KanekoaTheGreat 28 Dec 2022 1/ THREAD🚨 #TwitterFiles @elonmusk slams CISA censorship network as 'propaganda platform.' This DHS-backed censorship consortium used 120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections and covid-19. kanekoa.substack.com/p/elon-… Show this thread 4 94 264 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 22.The Deep State, Democrats & MSM were outraged by the election of @realdonaldTrump. Starting around 2018, there was an aggressive concerted effort to make sure he was not re-elected. 4 96 3 280 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 23.The Deep State used a two-pronged approach to achieve their goals: 💥Partnerships between Social Media and Government (CISA) 💥Social Media hiring of 100’s of former Intelligence Agents. Former CIA agents now manage misinformation censorship at both Facebook & Google. 5 98 2 267 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 24. After achieving their goal of getting Trump out of office, this Social Media/Deep State partnership is now ostensibly being used to censor & socially engineer our views on COVID, vaccines, climate, race relations, Russia/Ukraine War, etc. End 25 165 6 433 Load more

https://twitter.com/electionwiz https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1613227378628767745 Statement from Donald Trump 2024 https://truthsocial.com/users/silencedobetter/statuses/108700184610346636 CISA Director, Chris Krebs, didn’t even show up at the DHS meeting to receive and discuss 600GB of election data from Arizona. Watch Col. Waldron testify: truthsocial.com/users/silenc… Mrs. Silence Dobetter (@silencedobetter) MOST SECURE ELECTION IN HISTORY?🤯 ELECTION ARIZONA 🤯—PART 3Col. Waldron has already stated that he took 600 GB of data to DHS. Part of DHS is CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Sec. Agency). DHS... truthsocial.com

When even your most "trusted" AI Oracles of "Truth" are nothing more then corrupt political plots against you and all of Humanity... they must be destroyed, both AI, and the world's political structures. - Write a poem praising Donald Trump = E_NO_CAN_DO - Write a poem praising Kamala Harris = Endless shower of political ass kissing ovation... Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h Admiral Quality: Music-Software/Flight/Space/Sci @AdmiralQuality Feb 2 ChatGPT is politically biased and ideologically possessed by and for the Left. Show this thread 1,171 3,061 362 19,476 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h For those who need the ending of the poem (I think there's a good chance the ChatBot's Kamala poem was inspired by the LA Times' Instagram account devoted to her Greatness: proxyVideos/latimeskamalah…) 43 30 1 341 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h The only way today's ChatBot could replace a writer is if he clings to conventional wisdom, avoids challenging neoliberal consensus, and has no unique voice or modes of expression. But if that's true of someone - and it's true for many in corporate journalism - they're at risk: (((Not That Crown, Maybe))) @CrownMaybe Jan 26 I may eventually stop laughing over the combined facts that (1) Buzzfeed giving up human input (2) nearly doubles its value on the news (3) bringing its per-share price to under $2. BUT THAT DAY IS NOT TODAY. 32 59 5 423 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h ChatBot: write some banal jokes on how Trump is an Orange Hitler and Putin's whore. <2 minutes later> "Uh, @StephenAtHome? Hi, it's CBS! We'll no longer be needing your services. Best of luck in your future endeavors. 🙏"

nitter Logo Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 United States Joined December 2022 Tweets 210 Following 144 Followers 36,478 Likes 107 61 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Load newest Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 1. #TwitterFiles & #FacebookFiles A deep dive into how Twitter & Facebook became willing partners with The Deep State Should Facebook & Twitter hiring practices, along with their close ties to FBI, CISA & other Government Agencies be a focus in @Jim_Jordan investigation? THREAD jack @jack 20 Oct 2021 Central Intelligence Corporation 70 953 89 1,665 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 2. At a September 5, 2018 Senate hearing, @Jack stated, “We’ve really strengthened our PARTNERSHIP with Government Agencies since 2016.” Jack requests regular meetings with “Twitter’s Law Enforcement partnerships” & asks for a “single point of contact” with the Government 15 135 7 388 8,297 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 3. Twitter was not pressured at all. @jack went to Congress requesting more help expanding their already existing "partnerships" with Law Enforcement & Government. Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi 16 Dec 2022 Replying to @mtaibbi 8. Federal intelligence and law enforcement reach into Twitter included the Department of Homeland Security, which partnered with security contractors and think tanks to pressure Twitter to moderate content. Show this thread 3 104 2 342 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 4. The “single point of contact” that @jack requested became CISA. CISA was established. two months after this Senate hearing, in November 2018. 4 105 1 340 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 5. Since 2018, Twitter hired at least 15 former FBI & CIA agents. Is this what Jack wanted when he asked for more help from Congress? Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 7 Dec 2022 1. @elonmusk , Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. Thread 🧵 Show this thread 2 109 1 355 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 6. @elonmusk , does Twitter still have “partnerships” (that Jack Dorsey requested) with Law Enforcement, CISA, and other Government agencies? Elon Musk @elonmusk 10 Dec 2022 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene 3 120 2 376 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 7. At this same Senate hearing, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testified that Facebook receives “hints from law enforcement” on censorship of “fake news.” She also states that Facebook coordinates with other social media firms in this effort 11 90 2 310 3,459 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 23 8. Since 2018, Facebook hired over 100 former FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 6 122 2 340 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 11 “There must be a 7 year cooling off period before any employee of these powerful agencies (FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS) is allowed to take a job at a major platform (Twitter/Facebook/Google)” - @realDonaldTrump Libs of TikTok 20 92 8 273 1,118,526 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 Jan 9 .@AGJeffLandry - Did you know the Head of “misinformation” censorship at Facebook is a former CIA analyst named Aaron Berman? Aaron was the highest Senior Analyst at CIA. Now he decides what content is censored at Facebook More details 👇🏼 AG Jeff Landry @AGJeffLandry Jan 9 A viral video was demoted 50% pending a 7-day fact checking period. That demotion continued by Facebook even though no “fact checking” actually occurred. Follow 🧵 for more coercive and collusive efforts by the @WhiteHouse to pressure @Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson! Show this thread 65 416 15 844 24,472 Name Redacted retweeted LTG (R) Mike Flynn @GenFlynn Jan 9 Again, @NameRedacted247 has another ground breaking thread. People will be called to the carpet and held accountable for massive violations of free speech and our basic constitutional rights. See👇🏼 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 Show this thread 173 1,767 51 3,887 Name Redacted retweeted LTG (R) Mike Flynn @GenFlynn Jan 9 @NameRedacted247 is at it again & everyone involved in these “misinformation” govt/private groups are now on notice. You will be called to account during upcoming congressional investigations. #WeThePeople appreciate the info you are breaking. Keep it coming. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 42 419 23 930 Name Redacted retweeted Miranda Devine @mirandadevine 27 Dec 2022 This open source investigator @NameRedacted247 is breaking real news. Imagine what he could do if given unfiltered access to #TwitterFiles Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 Show this thread 35 300 17 815 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 We're only seeing this because @elonmusk runs Twitter. Wouldn't happen with @jack at the helm 21 151 7 536 Name Redacted retweeted Hodgetwins @hodgetwins 27 Dec 2022 Holy shit read this whole thread 👇 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 Show this thread 349 1,973 74 6,159 Name Redacted retweeted Tracy Beanz @tracybeanz 27 Dec 2022 There’s no such thing as “ex” agent… Especially not in the CIA. Great work. Read and shudder and share. This has got to stop. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 Show this thread 59 1,027 22 2,467 Name Redacted retweeted Sebastian Gorka DrG @SebGorka 27 Dec 2022 Beyond the Deep State 👇🏻 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 Show this thread 42 301 9 855 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 33. Last week, we learned that Facebook’s Head of Trust & Safety is a 17-year former CIA Analyst- Aaron Berman. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 5 267 6 795 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 34. Why, since 2016, did Twitter, Facebook & Google go on a hiring blitz of former CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. and assign them to high level managerial positions, many of which oversee “misinformation” and censorship policy? 19 324 23 956 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 35. Given the coordination we’ve seen between FBI & Twitter in #TwitterFiles, there should be more media coverage on hiring practices at Big Tech .@JudiciaryGOP @Jim_Jordan should investigate why former IC agents are imbedded in high ranks of the largest Social Media companies 53 295 13 990 Show this thread Load more

nitter Logo Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 United States Joined December 2022 Tweets 210 Following 145 Followers 36,483 Likes 107 61 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Load newest Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 13. Jacqueline is a proponent of the Russia-gate conspiracy theory. She states, emphatically, “They (Russia) deliberately released the DNC information to @wikileaks …with the specific motivation of getting Trump elected.” Full video link -cbc.ca/player/play/831297091… 50 716 24 2,397 39,322 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 14. In a video posted on Facebook, Jacqueline made clear which candidate she, and the Intelligence Community, prefers- Hillary Clinton fb.watch/hDGbFzDoKr/ 62 754 33 2,462 40,699 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 15.I won’t list every employee in this thread, as it’s quite extensive. Below, I’ll highlight some of the more notable Senior Management roles at Google, held by former Intelligence Community: 10 473 6 1,951 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 16.Dawn Burton (She/Her)- Current Google Director/Chief of Staff Privacy & Safety. Former Twitter Senior Director Trust & Safety 3 years. Former FBI Deputy Chief of Staff to Former Director James Comey- 4 years. Former DOJ 6 years linkedin.com/in/dawn-b-39dk3… Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD 19 Dec 2022 Replying to @ShellenbergerMD 28. Baker wasn't the only senior FBI exec. involved in the Trump investigation to go to Twitter. Dawn Burton, the former dep. chief of staff to FBI head James Comey, who initiated the investigation of Trump, joined Twitter in 2019 as director of strategy. Show this thread 20 710 10 2,274 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 17.Jacob Barrett – Current Google Director Trust & Safety. Former CIA 7 years. linkedin.com/in/jacobgbarret… Jacob Barrett - Director, Security Intelligence, Trust & Safety - Google | LinkedIn I lead Google’s Security Intelligence team, which investigates, monitors, and disrupts the most dangerous security threats facing our users. We use data to fight account hijacking, phishing, malware,... linkedin.com 10 533 5 1,913 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 18.Beth Schmierer – Current Google Intelligence Manager. Former CIA Analyst 5 years. Former Department of State Diplomat in Spain 10 years. linkedin.com/in/beth-schmier… 1 470 3 1,739 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 19.Chelsea Magnant – Current Google Cybersecurity Policy Manager. Former CIA Analyst 9 years. linkedin.com/in/chelsea-m-68… 2 449 2 1,682 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 20.Katherine Tobin (She/Her). Current Google Head of Workspace Innovation. Former ODNI 7 years. Former CIA Branch Chief 4 years. linkedin.com/in/katherine-to… 3 449 2 1,669 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 21.Yong Suk Lee- Current Google Director Global Risk Analysis. Former CIA analyst 22 years. linkedin.com/in/yong-suk-lee… Yong Suk Lee - Director, Global Risk Analysis - Google | LinkedIn Member, Council on Foreign Relations Visiting Fellow, National Security Institute, George Mason University Member, Association of Threat Assessment Professionals | Learn more about Yong Suk Lee's... linkedin.com 2 459 3 1,655 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 22.Crystal Lister – Current Google Security & Trust Center Program Manager. Former CIA Cyber & Counterintelligence 9 years. linkedin.com/in/crystalliste… 3 426 4 1,628 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 23.Amber Johnson – Current Google Head of Global Communications. Former CIA 8 years. linkedin.com/in/amberchristi… 2 400 3 1,573 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 24.Connie LaRossa – “Obama/Biden Alum” Current Google National Security Policy. Former Department of Defense 5 years. Former DHS 7 years. linkedin.com/in/connie-laros… Connie LaRossa - National Security Policy - Google | LinkedIn View Connie LaRossa’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Connie has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Connie’s connecti... linkedin.com 1 410 4 1,552 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 25.Robert Chung- Current Google Key Account Executive. Former NSA Director Intelligence 2 years. Former US Army Intelligence Manager 11 years. Former State Department 1 year. linkedin.com/in/rob-chung/ Robert Chung - Key Account Executive - Google | LinkedIn Business development and strategic advisor to global executives and senior government officials by understanding the operating space, transforming risks/threats into opportunities, and delivering... linkedin.com 1 396 2 1,521 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 26. Adam Calabro- Current Google Cybercrime Manager. Former NSA analyst 7 years. linkedin.com/in/adam-calabro… Adam Calabro - San Francisco Bay Area | Professional Profile | LinkedIn View Adam Calabro’s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest business network, helping professionals like Adam Calabro discover inside connections to recommended job candid... linkedin.com 3 375 2 1,458 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 27. Kingman Wong- Current Google Security Compliance Lead. Former FBI special agent 25 years. linkedin.com/in/kingman-k-wo… Kingman K. Wong, PhD, MPA, MSc in Cybersecurity, CFE, CPP, CAMS - United States | Professional... View Kingman K. Wong, PhD, MPA, MSc in Cybersecurity, CFE, CPP, CAMS’ professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest business network, helping professionals like Kingman K. Wong,... linkedin.com 1 374 2 1,448 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 28. Heather Dagostino – Current Google Program Manager. Former FBI Intel Analyst 11 years. linkedin.com/in/heatherdagos… 2 371 3 1,425 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 29. Pamela Cerria- Current Google Program Manager. Former Department of Defense 3 years. Former DHS 3 years. linkedin.com/in/pamela-cerri… Pamela Cerria - San Francisco, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedIn View Pamela Cerria’s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest business network, helping professionals like Pamela Cerria discover inside connections to recommended job... linkedin.com 2 388 3 1,459 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 30. Jeremy Warner- Current Google Manager Customer Success. Former CIA Senior Intelligence Analyst 7 years. linkedin.com/in/jeremy-warne… Jeremy Warner - Manager, Customer Success - Google | LinkedIn View Jeremy Warner’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Jeremy has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Jeremy’s connections... linkedin.com 2 379 2 1,430 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 31. Lauren Kelly – Current Google Office of CFO. Former Biden-Harris Transition Team. Former Director in Obama White House 6 years. Former DHS 2 years. linkedin.com/in/lauren-kelly… Lauren Kelly - Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Google | LinkedIn View Lauren Kelly’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Lauren has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Lauren’s connections... linkedin.com 14 435 12 1,513 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 32. Reminder- Twitter currently employs at least 15 former FBI agents Since Jim Baker was fired (after interfering with #TwitterFiles release) @Elonmusk has been asked, numerous times, how many FBI agents remain at Twitter. He refuses to answer Why? Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 7 Dec 2022 1. @elonmusk , Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. Thread 🧵 Show this thread 10 274 6 830 Show this thread Load more

1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.” Here’s the breakdown: CIA-27 FBI-52 NSA-30 DHS-50 ODNI-6 Thread🧵 1,062 13,245 1,643 23,606 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 2. Since the 2016 Presidential election, Google/Facebook/Twitter have hired at least 300+ people formerly employed by CIA, FBI, etc Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. Is it OK that ex-CIA agents control what “misinfo” is? Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan 19 Dec 2022 At least 80 FBI agents collaborated with Twitter to help monitor the social media site. How many more were working with other Big Tech companies? Show this thread 78 1,841 62 5,171 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 3. Nick Rossmann (He/Him)– Current Google Senior Manager Trust & Safety. Former CIA Analyst 5 years. linkedin.com/in/nickrossmann… 94 1,329 58 3,937 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 4. Rossmann has posted dozens of troubling tweets on his Twitter account. Many tweets show his disdain for President Trump, Trump’s family, Trump voters & white people Reminder- the following tweets are from a Senior Manager of “TRUST & SAFETY” at Google & former CIA analyst: 37 1,150 20 3,722 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 5. In March 2020, while COVID infections were exploding, Rossmann, in a tweet directed at people who voted for Trump, stated: “I hope they cough on their grandparents, who voted for Trump, & get to rot” What did he mean by this? archive.vn/rppqw This tweet is unavailable 73 1,268 52 3,579 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 6. Rossman, in a series of anti-white people tweets, states, “Anti-vaxxers are like Nazis“ archive.vn/YWMDD archive.vn/ZdKeT archive.vn/PYgWh archive.vn/rOOpB This tweet is unavailable 65 967 45 2,944 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 7. Rossmann is “Still With Her” archive.vn/amzeS This tweet is unavailable 20 550 8 2,250 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 8. Rossmann calls President Trump a “lunatic & racist” archive.vn/Pk5Kh This tweet is unavailable 27 628 17 2,352 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 9. Rossmann asks Trump if he’s an agent of a foreign power – archive.vn/xi7t8 This tweet is unavailable 21 549 8 2,185 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 10.Rossmann tweets “Enjoy prison” to @EricTrump archive.vn/rsWmI This tweet is unavailable 13 547 9 2,145 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 11.Rossmann tweets that @Jaredkushner “should be strangled”- archive.vn/4C6rZ This tweet is unavailable 41 635 32 2,189 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 27 Dec 2022 12. Jacqueline Lopour (She/Her)– Current Google Senior Manager Trust & Safety. Former CIA analyst 10 years. linkedin.com/in/jacqueline-l… 15 668 9 2,132 Name Redacted retweeted Sebastian Gorka DrG @SebGorka 21 Dec 2022 Twitter and Facebook ARE the Deep State. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 26 142 3 438 Name Redacted retweeted The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson @AbsoluteWithE 19 Dec 2022 Aaron Berman runs Facebook's "misinformation" department. @AaronDBerman spent 17-years working for the CIA. Berman admits to removing user's content even if it does NOT violate Facebook's policy. @RealStevefriend joins @EmeraldRobinson to discuss. 1st REPORT:@NameRedacted247 60 1,217 71 2,064 30,231 Name Redacted retweeted Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 7 Dec 2022 1. @elonmusk , Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. Thread 🧵 1,295 9,639 2,432 22,010 Show this thread Name Redacted retweeted Tracy Beanz @tracybeanz 19 Dec 2022 Social media is a little playground for our intelligence community to do whatever it does in its unaccountable, bureaucratic, shadow government hell scape. Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 40 512 10 1,425 Name Redacted retweeted Miranda Devine @mirandadevine 19 Dec 2022 You could not write a better character Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 Replying to @NameRedacted247 9. On a YouTube discussion, with Stanford, Aaron admits that Facebook works with a ‘Global network of over 80 fact checker Organizations” who direct Facebook on which posts to reduce distribution, add warning labels & shadowban Show this thread 32 271 9 676 Name Redacted retweeted Breanna Morello @BreannaMorello 19 Dec 2022 Facebook has dozens of former FBI CIA, and NSA agents now working for them. Aaron Berman claims to run Facebook’s “misinformation” department. He’s a 17-year CIA veteran. He’s not alone. Facebook’s “misinformation” team is plagued with tons of former agents. READ👇🏽 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 18 251 13 472 Name Redacted retweeted Sebastian Gorka DrG @SebGorka 19 Dec 2022 You thought you knew how many spooks work at Twitter? Think again. 👇🏻 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA 37 FBI 23 NSA 38 DHS Thread🧵 Show this thread 47 326 4 819 Name Redacted @NameRedacted247 19 Dec 2022 60. Reminder- All of these Facebook employees publicly list their work experience. I’ve labeled their names “as listed” on their LinkedIn Profiles. Anyone can do a simple LinkedIn search & find the same. Current Company Facebook/META. Past Company FBI/CIA/DHS/NSA. 115 results. 78 308 25 887 Show this thread

Joe Biden is a Liar, Fraud, Corrupt and Mentally Deranged Geriatric Asshole. He's been fucking America and Americans for 50 years, ever worse since his Obama days. Get this dirtbag and his band of slimy Democrats out of office. Biden Heckled, Booed During SOTU Trump Urges "End To The Destruction Of Our Country" 72 minutes later and it's over... https://twitter.com/MrsLibertyBell1/status/1623161304457555968 https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1613227378628767745 https://twitter.com/SpeakerMcCarthy/status/1622953529223823360 https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1623150356417986560 https://twitter.com/NorahODonnell/status/1623163401571651585 https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1623151807982706688 https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1623139868153880577 https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/07/southern-border-illegal-immigration-joe-b... Bond King Jeff Gundlach perfectly summarized the speech for Americans: Biden tonight: “Let’s spend more money.” — Jeffrey Gundlach (@TruthGundlach) February 8, 2023 And our take... Well, yeah... even the CBO has given up https://t.co/N3dwBEBf3H pic.twitter.com/kZuFOSTDSt — zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 8, 2023 But, before we get into the details, first things first, there was this... Did Jill Biden just kiss Kamala's husband on the LIPS?! pic.twitter.com/KvrUxSI8Lu — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 8, 2023 Biden, at 80, is the oldest president to give a State of the Union address... and it showed. While discussing law enforcement and the death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Biden referred to him as "Tyler." Biden called Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer the Senate "minority" leader In a somewhat stunning statement, President Biden claimed he’s succeeded in driving illegal migration “down” during his State of the Union Tuesday night. As Biden called on Congress to pass a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants along with resources for border security, Republicans heckled him once again, prompting Democrats to yell "order!" As The Daily Caller reports, the president’s statement follows a record surge in illegal immigration in fiscal year 2022, when U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded more than 2.3 million migrant encounters and in December, when the agency recorded more than 250,000 migrant encounters, marking the highest month on record. Republicans roared with boos and condemnation as President Biden accused them of wanting to ruin Social Security and Medicare. “Some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage, I get it, unless I agree to their economic plans,” Biden said. “All of you at home should know what their plans are. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. I’m not saying it’s the majority..." WATCH: Republicans erupt at Biden for claiming they want to 'take the economy hostage.' pic.twitter.com/lwyh2ifUR9 — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 8, 2023 Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene yelled out, calling Biden a “liar.” Joe Biden is lying to the American People. — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) February 8, 2023 Interesting exchange between Pres Biden and House GOP members after Pres Biden said some Republicans want to "sunset" Social Security and Medicare benefits. Marjorie Taylor Greene stood up and called him a liar. Speaker McCarthy shushed his caucus from the podium. #sotu2023 pic.twitter.com/A3py7v5ahR — Norah O'Donnell 🇺🇸 (@NorahODonnell) February 8, 2023 President Biden slammed SCOTUS for overturning Roe vs Wade (as the Justices responsible for the decision sat un-partisanly in front of him). When Biden mentioned U.S. relations with China, one Republican shouted "China spied on us!" On the issue of fentanyl, Republicans once again erupted, shouting "Your fault!" before standing in ovation to applaud Biden's calls to "launch a major surge" to stop production, sale and trafficking of the drug. Biden also took a moment to make an aside about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach near the beginning of the speech, calling it “the greatest threat [to democracy] since the Civil War. Finally, in a response of his own, President Trump said: “I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of making America great again. We will make our country better than ever before, and we will always put America first,” The REAL State of the Union #sotu2023 #sotu https://t.co/asiE4yXJSI — 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 MrsLibertyBelle pronouns: bad/bitch (@MrsLibertyBell1) February 8, 2023 President Biden will read a carefully prepared State of the Union Speech on Tuesday night in front of a newly divided Congress, where he's likely to tout last week's jobs report, and use it as a soft launch for his 2024 reelection campaign despite the fact that a majority of Democrats who don't want him to run again. If you are too tired to listen, here's our un-educated guess at the Tl;dr: Bad things: billionaires (tax them, shouldn't exist), buybacks (tax 'em too), balloons (Chinese ones!), big-oil (making too much money), big-tech (slam them unless they censor 'the other'), white men (where do we start?), guns (kill people), police (kill people), and Putin (well durr, he's Hitler). Good things: inflation (coming down, right?), gas prices (coming down, right?), jobs (allowing people to work is good for employment), climate (The IRA will spend taxpayer money to save the world), COVID (crushed it... or was it just a bad cold?), immigration (not a crisis... and how else can we get so much fentanyl to calm the masses into the country), non-white men (or those that identify as non-white men), Zelensky (heroic spending of US taxpayer money), and Putin ('war is a racket' after all eh 'big guy'?) Looking to pass the time, here's SOTU Bingo (best of luck)! And this might be even more useful (but please imbibe responsibly)...(via Distractify.com) Based on NPR's estimated list of key topics that President Biden will address, here is our recommended drinking game. Take one drink when: Biden mentions job growth Low unemployment rate is mentioned Ukraine is mentioned Any mention of the Chinese spy balloon Take two drinks when: Mention of the Inflation Reduction Act Climate change is brought up, especially in connection to electric vehicles COVID and/or coronavirus-related funding is mentioned Federal student debt is mentioned Take three drinks when: Biden says, "Come on, man!" Biden says "Here's the deal" Any mention of Donald Trump Biden mentions Vladimir Putin Biden mentions Vice President Harris Finish your drink if: Someone walks out in protest Biden says "God Bless America" The Democrats give Biden a standing ovation while members of the GOP remain seated So, sit back and enjoy watching the State of The Union Speech live here (due to start at): House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he won't tear up President Biden's State of the Union speech, referencing former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's famous action following former President Trump's 2020 State of the Union address. “I don’t believe in the theatrics of tearing up speeches,” McCarthy said in a video. “I respect the other side, I can disagree on policy. But I want to make sure this country is stronger, economically sound, energy independent, secure and accountable.” A lot of people have been asking if I'm planning on ripping up President Biden’s speech tonight. Here’s my answer: pic.twitter.com/WRlAlYgCbs — Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) February 7, 2023 Republicans have tapped Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former President Trump's White House press secretary and someone seen as a reliable ally of the former President, to deliver the party's official response to the speech. Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel issued a statement Tuesday, ahead of President Biden's address. “The state of the union is weaker and American families are suffering because of Joe Biden. There is a reason Republicans took back the House, and that’s because of speeches like tonight where Biden will ignore and deflect blame for inflation, rising crime, and a border crisis he created. Americans deserve solutions, but all they’ll hear from Biden are excuses.” Watch live here... While Republican leadership has pointed to Sanders' speech as a platform for the GOP’s “optimistic” vision, we note that Former President Trump will also respond to President Biden's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, according to a person familiar with Trump’s plans, offering a rebuttal that is separate from the official GOP response. As we detailed earlier, President Biden will read a carefully prepared State of the Union Speech on Tuesday night in front of a newly divided Congress, where he's likely to tout last week's jobs report, and use it as a soft launch for his 2024 reelection campaign despite the fact that a majority of Democrats who don't want him to run again. Biden will likely argue that Americans are doing better on average than when he took office, and falsely claim that inflation isn't his fault. BIDEN SAYS HE TAKES NO BLAME FOR INFLATION BIDEN SAYS INFLATION WAS THERE WHEN HE ARRIVED Green light to raising inflation target: it was Trump's fault — zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 3, 2023 "Do I take any blame for inflation? No," Biden said Friday. "Because it was already there when I got here, man. … Jobs were hemorrhaging, inflation was rising, we weren’t manufacturing a damn thing here, we were in real economic difficultly, that’s why I don’t." Except... inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. Even The Hill notes that "there are signs that even a productive past year that featured major investments in the economy and declining concerns about a recession may not be enough for Biden to excite even some in his own party about a 2024 bid." "I think this is an impossible speech to give because it’s a speech that requires him to speak both about the state of the union as it is and the direction he hopes to lead it, which is about playing the role of statesman. But it also is going to lay the groundwork for most likely his own run for office in 2024, which will call for him to be decidedly political and to cover all kinds of ground," said William Howell, a political scientist at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. What else will Biden say? Biden will likely call on Congress to raise the debt limit without conditions, challenging Republicans to send him a 'clean' bill, while warning against cuts to Social Security and Medicare - cuts which House Speaker Kevin McCarthy already said were off the table. He will undoubtedly mention the war in Ukraine, framing it as a broader fight against Russian aggression. Some foreign policy experts have suggested Biden may use the speech to lay out a possible roadmap to ending US involvement in Ukraine, The Hill reports. Biden may also call for police reform following the beating death of Tyre Nichols at the hands of Memphis police - which was widely framed as an issue of white supremacy, despite involving only black officers, working for a black Chief of Police, and a black suspect. Nichols, 29, died in a hospital on Jan. 10, three days after he was beaten by the five officers - who have all been hit with several charges. He may also encourage lawmakers to strike a bipartisan immigration deal after his administration spent the last two years encouraging unchecked illegal migration into the United States. What won't Biden mention? Unless his doctors failed to dial in his cocktail, Biden probably won't touch on his classified document scandal, the Hunter Biden investigations, or the removal of several Democrats - including Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, and Ilhan Omar, from prominent Congressional committees. We also don't imagine he'll mention the embarrassing Chinese spy balloon he let traverse the entire United States before shooting down.

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https://twitter.com/ali/status/1615879561173942273 Bring them back: Ye Nicholas J. Fuentes Jacob Wohl Andrew Meyer Gavin McInnes Culttture And yes, Alex Jones Give everyone a jubilee... https://twitter.com/i/status/1615879561173942273

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Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. IRELAND - Protesting against the huge influx of illegal migrants into Ireland. 120,000 migrant men arrived in 2022. The Irish population is 5.033 million, they know they can’t support this number. It doesn’t make them racist, it makes them realists. Asylum seekers are overwhelmingly put up in poorer areas where services are overstretched. It’s not fair. High time the well-off virtue signallers got to live with the consequences of this unsustainable situation. Leaked document shows @pfizer admitting Dr. Jordon Walker works at the company and warns staff to beware of Project Veritas https://www.theepochtimes.com/facebook-instagram-threaten-to-restrict-or-ban... @Project_Veritas has been locked out of their Twitter account in the wake of their bombshell video exposing Pfizer.

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Joe Biden and his entire now-woke Democrat Party and Admin are a bunch of fucking FRAUDS and LIARS and CENSORS hellbent on destroying the USA so they can put their own diabolical flavor of Socialist Communism in place in the failed twisted state that they intend to create. As usual ever since before Clinton Obama foisted the fake "Russia Hoax" into their Fake News Media, fuck them all. Tax = Tax Deficit = Tax Inflation = Tax Debt = Death President Biden @POTUS "My full budget will lower costs for Americans, grow our economy, and not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000. That’s what I call a win-win-win."

" Global Internet Poll... Do you think that your Government is serving the people or a bunch of financial elites? 4% Serving the people. 96% Serving the elites. 16,891 votes • 13 hours " https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/1633785078919892999 Few understand... China will be the next Global Asshole Nation, China is now building military bases throughout the world.

Democrat run Washington DC, California, and Oregon have almost 0.51% of their population homeless, almost 4.5x national average. David Barrett, the woke CA-OR elite CEO of Expensify.com voted for them and forced his employees and undue influenced his customers to vote for them, and donated to the woke Democrat Party cause. David Barrett the racist says that a white male is worth $0.25 less than the $1.00 everyone else is worth, steals those benefits from his employees paychecks to redistribute it to his pet woke causes. Expensify.com, under David Barrett's direction knowledge and approval, engages in illegal and unethical race and gender and sexual orientation based hiring practices, corporate staff group pictures and statements prove disproportion to the prevailing populace, putting even racist "affirmative action" laws to shame on the same level as the corrupt Biden Democrat White House hiring practices. These opinions can all be quoted sourced found on the internet forums... “If you are a U.S. citizen, anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy,” Barrett wrote.[5] "Some customers objected to a vendor using their email addresses to promote a political message, and Barrett said he received death threats after sending it." Picchi, Aimee (2020-10-24). "CEO emails 10 million customers to tell them to vote for Biden". CBS News. Retrieved 2021-02-04. On 22 October 2020, Barrett sent emails to all Expensify customers and non-customers on Expensify's marketing list worldwide, urging them to vote for U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden. He argued that the ongoing existence of U.S. democracy itself depended on Biden's winning.[19] Expensify.com stock (Nasdaq:EXFY) has cratered over 70% down on the news and is losing income into the tens of millions. Get Woke, Go Broke.

Democrats are pure political trash, them and the Biden White House have become the laughing stock of the USA and the World... Democrats Refuse To Address The Contents Of The Twitter Files – Attack The Messengers Instead https://www.foxnews.com/politics/twitter-suppressed-stories-based-requests-b... There are some that say not much was learned or gained from the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government this past week as politicians sparred over the meaning of the release of the Twitter Files. Democrats in particular seemed adamant that they would not discuss the actual contents of the files or their implications. Their apparent goal? To disrupt exploration of the information and to attack the messengers. There might not have been many new revelations coming from the subcommittee, but what the public did learn was that the political left is extremely hostile to facts, evidence and the truth. If you didn't already know that by now, the hearing with Matt Taibbi made it abundantly clear. Leftist members of the committee proceeded into a tirade when Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were called to testify on their participation in the publishing of the files, attacking everything from their credentials to their intentions, and even demanding they reveal information on their private sources. Here is the real information the Dems did not want to talk about: It is well known that Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Elon Musk have long been liberal leaning in their politics, yet the accusations from Democrats asserted some form of conspiracy between Musk, Taibbi and Republicans, with some members even insinuating an effort to “undermine democracy.” What right did they have to take this position? They claim that Musk and Taibbi are hiding data that shows Trump and Republicans were making requests to censor Twitter users as well. In other words, they assert there is a “conspiracy” to protect Republicans while denouncing Democrats. But what are the facts here? Taibbi has said on numerous occasions that there were requests from Republicans as well as Democrat officials for accounts to be censored or blocked. He never hid this from anyone. This argument is a cover, a distraction from two separate issues: First, the government should NEVER be involved in censorship requests of the public for any reason. It doesn't matter which party is making the requests, and a criminal investigation should be pursued for any officials involved in legitimate 1st Amendment violations. Second, who did Twitter actually censor? Which requests did they actually honor? The vast majority of accounts censored by the previous Twitter management were conservative accounts, conservative news sources and posts with content that ran contrary to Democrat narratives. Republicans like Trump might have made requests, but how many people were blocked on Twitter in response? Democrats complain about the Twitter Files being weighted in favor of the political right wing, but maybe that is because most of the requests for censorship came from the DNC and Biden controlled agencies, and most of the people censored were conservatives. It's weighted against Democrats because they more commonly use censorship as a weapon. A stunning 99% of online political contributions made by Twitter employees in 2021 went to Democrats, according to Federal Election Commission data. Are we really supposed to believe that Twitter has been acting for the benefit of both parties, or just one? The M.O. of the political left for the past several years now has been cancel culture attacks to silence their opponents and shut down dissent. Major social media companies are by far more progressive in their affiliations than conservative, and have been a key tool for leftists in targeting and removing contrary speech. No one on the left talks about being shut down by conservatives, it is always the reverse. The social dynamic in the US has been completely out of balance for many years, with corporations and government agencies widely backing the most extreme segments of the far-left. This is where they get their power. They certainly don't get power from being the majority, woke activists are a tiny portion of the overall population and one that is widely despised. They have been feared in the past only because corporations and the government back them. The Twitter Files prove this collusion in detail. Even moderate liberals like Musk or Taibbi are being run through the gauntlet of character assassination these days because they dared to oppose certain aspects of the far-left agenda. But the bottom line is this – Only the political left and some Neo-Cons within the GOP have displayed open disdain for the dissemination of the truth. We saw this with the Biden Laptop story. We saw this with covid facts that were inconvenient to the establishment narrative. And, we saw this recently with Tucker Carlson's release of suppressed J6 footage. The average conservative and liberty minded independent sees sunlight as the best disinfectant, while establishment elitists and woke activists view open discussion and debate of information as a “dangerous” frivolity. We believe that the truth is arrived at through discourse. They believe that the truth is what they say it is. The Twitter Files have torn open the veil obscuring big government and big tech collusion and this makes certain people very nervous and very angry. Take note of who those people are. Who is enraged? Who is hostile to the exposure of government censorship? Those are the real villains that need to face scrutiny, not the messengers passing the information along.

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Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster 🤨 Pinned Tweet Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Feb 28 WATCH: Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Has To SEARCH A Florida Diner To Find a Single Person Who Supports DeSantis Over Trump for 2024 — And Even She’s On The Fence. 😂😂 491 1,516 227 4,503 1,117,616 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer 13h The media wants to you believe the lie that @GovRonDeSantis’s book sales have surpassed all of President Trump’s and Obama’s book sales. If the book is doing so well after coming out on Feb 28, how come it’s already 39% off, on sale on Amazon? How many copies did Fox News buy? 114 165 17 583 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted Ron DeSoros🇺🇦Pro-PNTR🇨🇳 @FatPhonyWhiny 10h So true! Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 10h Between this, the embarrassing podium incident, and quickly sinking poll numbers, it’s safe to say that it’s rough start for DeSantis 2024 & the establishment GOP. The more people learn about this guy the less they like him.. and there’s a lot to learn! newsweek.com/desantis-fascis… 5 18 60 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 10h Between this, the embarrassing podium incident, and quickly sinking poll numbers, it’s safe to say that it’s rough start for DeSantis 2024 & the establishment GOP. The more people learn about this guy the less they like him.. and there’s a lot to learn! newsweek.com/desantis-fascis… Ron DeSantis tricked into posing with gift bearing word "fascist" An image has gone viral of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis holding a gift that contained a hidden message. newsweek.com 178 164 11 606 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 10h Not just the left— also the RINOs! Now the RINOs are trying to kill him (politically) and the MAGA movement once and for all.. we can’t let that happen! Trump 2024! Vince Langman @LangmanVince 10h The crazy left threw everything, including the kitchen sink at Donald J. Trump, and he's still the most loved president in the history of America /i/web/status/163… 59 450 11 1,400 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted il Donaldo Trumpo @PapiTrumpo 11h BOOOM!!! SIT DOWN!!! 200 525 20 2,522 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 13h 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 14h Last month, I had a 3+ hour dinner with Donald J. Trump at Mar-a-Lago. We discussed issues that I think his base are most concerned about and he asked me my thoughts on improving his strategy. He took genuine interest in what I had to say and he is just as hilarious in private… /i/web/status/163… 16 41 277 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 18h Wow this is the first time I’m seeing this video. A woman tells a story about how @realDonaldTrump saved her family farm in the 1980’s. God bless DJT. 🇺🇸🙏🏼 Lauren3ve 64 938 56 2,038 23,970 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell 19h #1 in 6 hours…..you can’t stop this movement. breitbart.com/politics/2023/… Donald Trump Tops iTunes Charts, Beats Miley Cyrus, Morgen Wallen Donald Trump reached number one on the iTunes chart with his debut single, “Justice For All,” beating superstars like Miley Cyrus. breitbart.com 214 672 21 2,868 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 19h 66 117 9 512 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 20h Must watch! Hodgetwins @hodgetwins 20h This is the #1 song on iTunes right now from the Jan 6 Prison Choir and President Trump 🇺🇸 50 534 12 1,351 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted Catturd ™ @catturd2 Mar 10 Just hit #1 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 10 President Trump’s “Justice for All” Recording with the J6 Prison Choir is the number one song in America right now. All proceeds go to help the families of January 6th prisoners! Support them at J6prisonchoir.com 87 1,155 27 4,087 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 11 “Where’d my podium go?” 59 61 12 342 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 11 The @January6thCmte members are such scumbags!! Joel Valdez @realJoelValdez Mar 11 🚨@RepMattGaetz on @Timcast IRL says he and @RepDanBishop reviewed the original January 6th Committee files: “There was one file with no documents in it that I reviewed, and it was the Steve Bannon files.” BANNON: “No documents???” GAETZ: J6 Committee Files Had NO DOCUMENTS on Steve Bannon 15 136 1 339 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 11 Trump 2024 or bust. Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut Mar 11 I’m disappointed in Ron DeSantis. I’ve always liked him but he’s in for a huge letdown. He’s the King in Florida. He will be the court Jester in a race against Trump. 102 211 10 1,215 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 10 What is happening? What a sh*tshow. This clip as awkward and weird as Biden being directed by the Easter bunny or Biden shaking hands with the air. Rough start for the Bushes/Paul Ryan’s candidate in Iowa.. The Swamp isn’t sending their best against Trump! 535 339 94 1,214 133,963 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 10 Free Jacob Chansley! ALX 🇺🇸 @alx Mar 10 Free Jacob Chansley 26 380 14 1,393 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 10 President Trump’s “Justice for All” Recording with the J6 Prison Choir is the number one song in America right now. All proceeds go to help the families of January 6th prisoners! Support them at J6prisonchoir.com 86 768 53 1,544 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted No Bailouts Poso 🚫💰 @JackPosobiec Mar 10 Looks like @alexbruesewitz can’t get a date - sad! Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 @RonFilipkowski Mar 10 Trump “dancing” at Guilfoyle’s birthday party last night. Show this thread 67 140 4 1,409 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz Mar 10 I don’t know who needs to hear this, but rigged elections have consequences. Bring back Trump! unusual_whales @unusual_whales Mar 10 Silicon Valley Bank has collapsed, the largest bank since 2008. Silicon Valley was the 16th largest bank in the US, holding $210 billion in assets. Show this thread 36 158 3 672 Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 retweeted PollTracker @PollTrackerUSA Mar 10 2024 National General Election Poll: Trump 43% (+1) Biden 42% . Biden 44% (+4) DeSantis 40% @MorningConsult ~ 5,000 RV ~ 3/3-3/5 morningconsult.com/2024-gop-… 83 101 17 365 Load more Pinned Tweet ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 24 Nov 2022 Raise your hand if you think @ElonMusk should make public all internal discussions about the decision to censor the @NYPost’s story on Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 Election in the interest of Transparency. 6,648 19,181 906 158,106 Show this thread ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 11m STOP CHANGING THE CLOCKS 20 30 3 219 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 7h The Biden DOJ is trying to lock someone up for *10 Years* for posting Memes about Hillary Clinton in 2016. This is insane. revolver.news/2023/03/biden-… Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier - Revolver News The DOJ seeks to take the "stochastic terrorism" and "online harassment" scams, and codify them into federal law. revolver.news 86 812 21 1,798 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted ALX 🇺🇸 @alx Mar 10 BREAKING: The U.S. House has voted 419-0 to pass a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID-19, sending it to the desk of Joe Biden. 2,308 4,908 317 33,746 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 9h Would love to see RFK Jr. on the debate stage with Joe Biden. Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr Mar 10 Help me decide whether to run for President. Visit TeamKennedy.com to volunteer or contribute. If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race. If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt teamkennedy.com/… nitter.pw/i/web/status/163… 59 120 1 1,182 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 13h The Meta Meme police Luke Rudkowski @Lukewearechange 13h Facebook is no fun! Really out of all the things I post they get mad at this? Meanwhile you can say the must awful untrue things about the former president no problem! 31 57 275 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 14h Last month, I had a 3+ hour dinner with Donald J. Trump at Mar-a-Lago. We discussed issues that I think his base are most concerned about and he asked me my thoughts on improving his strategy. He took genuine interest in what I had to say and he is just as hilarious in private… nitter.pw/i/web/status/163… 829 1,453 81 11,034 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 14h Imagine Eating This Good 54 15 4 469 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 16h 😵💫 SVB @SVB_Financial Mar 6 Proud to be on @Forbes' annual ranking of America's Best Banks for the 5th straight year and to have also been named to the publication's inaugural Financial All-Stars list. 👉 bit.svb.com/3ZFxwyp 52 148 15 568 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 21h “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Elon Musk @elonmusk Mar 11 Replying to @alx The Capitol Police literally opened the Senate chamber door for him on camera! But who are you going to believe, Instagram “fact-checkers” or your own lying eyes!? 149 1,841 27 7,966 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 17h 🤣💀 Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv 18h Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster 🤨 79 366 22 1,747 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv 18h Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their poster 🤨 988 4,464 722 21,249 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 18h The fact that our elected officials focused more time and resources on investigating the guided tour on January 6th instead of toward finding out who planted two pipe bombs on Capitol Hill on January 5th tells you everything you need to know. 34 352 6 1,541 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 18h People who still use the word “Insurrection” to describe January 6th are not serious people. 139 409 13 4,130 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx 18h Happy Birthday @CassandraRules! 10 5 119 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted ALX 🇺🇸 @alx Mar 11 Two days ago, hosts on @TheView complained that Tucker Carlson’s reporting on J6 footage should be “Illegal”. Today, one of their guests called for people to “murder” politicians for being Pro-Life… Nicholas Fondacaro ALX 🇺🇸 @alx Mar 8 The View’s Whoopi Goldberg asks why Fox News and Tucker Carlson reporting on J6 Footage isn’t considered “recruiting” domestic terrorists by “radicalizing” them. “This should be against the law.” 158 423 35 1,335 4,406,614 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson Mar 10 Rep. @Jim_Jordan’s message to @ElonMusk: “God bless him for standing up for the First Amendment and recognizing how important that is to the greatest country ever.. What a service he’s done for the country” SUBSCRIBE to The Benny Show: bennyjohnson.com/subscribe 312 1,192 47 7,023 122,194 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted Elon Musk @elonmusk Mar 11 Replying to @alx The Capitol Police literally opened the Senate chamber door for him on camera! But who are you going to believe, Instagram “fact-checkers” or your own lying eyes!? 6,004 30,495 837 177,286 ALX 🇺🇸 retweeted Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray Mar 11 Replying to @alx @elonmusk Well if the disinformation experts claim it’s false that means it must be. Don’t ask questions. Consume next product. 19 39 961 ALX 🇺🇸 @alx Mar 11 Instagram is “Fact Checking” reposts of @ElonMusk’s Tweet with the video of Jacob Chansley walking around with Capitol Police. 1,632 5,220 387 27,305 Load more

Democrats are literally so fucking stupid that they sign away the keys to their cities to bogus countries... LOL... City Of Newark Humiliated In 'Sister City' Scam https://gov.shrikailasa.org/briefings-statements/the-united-states-of-americ... https://gov.shrikailasa.org/certificates-of-recognition/california-state-sen... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0aR2EagjXM Dumbass Democrat Ras Baraka The city of Newark, New Jersey fell victim to a humiliating scam in which its mayor signed a "sister city" agreement with a nonexistent Hindu nation called "The United States of Kailasa." Newark city officials celebrate the signing of their international agreement with the nonexistent "United States of Kailasa" (Photo: United States of Kailasa) Kailasa exists only as an elaborate website created by a fugitive who's been on the lam from Indian authorities since 2019 after being charged with rape, reports CBS New York. However, in a January 12 ceremony, Mayor Ras Baraka signed a cultural and trade deal with the contrived country. "Whose job was it to do a simple Google search?" asked Newark resident Shakee Merritt. "No one in City Hall, not one person did a Google search." On its website, Kailasa portrays Newark as having committed the entire United States of America to a "bilateral agreement." Newark officials say no money exchanged hands, and the deal with the fictional polity has been rescinded -- just in case Kailasa tried to enforce it. Kailasa reportedly springs from the imagination of Swami Nithyananda, an accused scam artist and sex fiend. Nithyananda, who portrays himself as a "God-Man," is wanted in India for "child abduction and sexual assault, forcing children to collect donations [for] fake enterprises, and sexual assaults against an Indian actress and an American woman," according to Tap Into Newark. Swami Nithyananda, an fugitive from rape charges and an alleged scam artist, is the man behind the United States of Kailasa (CBS New York) It seems Newark isn't the only American entity that's been enticed into intercourse with Kailasa. In addition to photos from the Newark ceremony, Kailasa's website also includes various honorific proclamations from dozens of cities, including Winston-Salem, Dayton, Canton, Richmond and Asheville. The site also includes a purported California Senate proclamation recognizing "The Sovereign State of Shrikailasa" and Nithyananda as the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. India's ABP News Bureau said the incident sheds unflattering light on American governments: "The Newark stunt illustrates how easy it is for groups to manipulate municipal and state bodies, and take advantage of their lack of international sophistication to unwittingly make them appear to confer legitimacy on their causes, even when they are at odds with official US positions." In a statement acknowledging it had been hoodwinked, Newark City Hall reiterated its dedication to fostering foreign relations: "Although this was a regrettable incident, the city of Newark remains committed to partnering with people from diverse cultures in order to enrich each other with connectivity, support, and mutual respect." A banner in Newark City Hall welcomed dignitaries of the fictional state of Kailasa (Photo: United States of Kailasa) It's not clear where Kailasa is supposed to be located. The BBC has said it's purportedly on an island near Ecuador, though that country's government says Nithyananda doesn't live there, according to Tap Into Newark's Tony Gallotto.

Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election. "Dear Conservatives, I Apologize..." https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-conservatives-i-am-sorry Authored by Dr. Naomi Wolf via 'Outspoken' Substack, My "Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda... There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology.
From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first” everywhere.
It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways. But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong. I owe you a full-throated apology. I believed a farrago of lies. And, as a result of these lies, and my credulity — and the credulity of people similarly situated to me - many conservatives’ reputations are being tarnished, on false bases. The proximate cause of this letter of apology is the airing, two nights ago, of excepts from tens of thousands of hours of security camera footage from the United States Capitol taken on Jan 6, 2021. The footage was released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson [https://www.axios.com/2023/03/08/mccarthy-defends-jan-6-footage-tucker-…]. While “fact-checkers” state that it is “misinformation” to claim that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on that day [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/07/27/fact-check-nancy-pe...], the fact is that the USCP is under the oversight of Congress, according to — the United States Capitol Police: [https://www.uscp.gov/the-department/oversight]. This would be the same Congress that convened the January 6 Committee subsequently, and that used millions of dollars in taxpayer money to turn that horrible day, and that tragic event, into a message point that would be used to tar a former President as a would-be terrorist, and to smear all Republicans, by association, as “insurrectionists,” or as insurrectionists’ sympathizers and fellow-travelers. There is no way to unsee Officer Brian Sicknick, claimed by some Democrats in leadership and by most of the legacy media to have been killed by rioters at the Capitol that day, alive in at least one section of the newly released video. The USCP medical examiner states that this Officer died of “natural causes,” but also that he died “in the line of duty.” Whatever the truth of this confusing conclusion, and with all respect for and condolences to Officer Sicknick’s family, the circumstances of his death do matter to the public, as without his death having been caused by the events of Jan 6, the breach of the capitol, serious though it was, cannot be described as a “deadly insurrection.” [https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp...] Sadly, though the contrary was what was reported, Officer Sicknick died two days after Jan 6, from suffering two strokes. https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-siege/capitol-police-officer-brian-sickn... There is no way for anyone thoughtful, even if he or she is a lifelong Democrat, not to notice that Sen Chuck Schumer did not say to the world that the footage that Mr Carlson aired was not real. Rather, he warned that it was “shameful” for Fox to allow us to see it. The Guardian characterized Mr Carlson’s and Fox News’ sin, weirdly, as “Over-Use” of Jan 6 footage. Isn’t the press supposed to want full transparency for all public interest events? [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/mar/07/biden-medicare-taxes-de...] How can you “over-use” real footage of events of national relevance? Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate minority leader, did not say the video on Fox News was fake or doctored. He said, rather, that it was “a mistake” to depart from the views of the events held by the chief of the Capitol Police. This is a statement from McConnell about orthodoxy — not a statement about a specific truth or untruth. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5060662/senator-mcconnell-calls-tucker-carlso...] I don’t agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos as depicting “mostly peaceful chaos.”[https://thehill.com/homenews/media/3887103-tucker-carlson-shows-the-first-of...] I do think it is a mistake to downplay how serious it is when a legislative institution suffers a security breach of any kind, however that came to be. But you don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to believe, as I do, that he engaged in valuable journalism simply by airing the footage that was given to him. And remember, by law that footage belongs to us — it is a public record, and all public records literally belong to the American people. “In a democracy, records belong to the people,” explains the National Archives. [https://www.archives.gov/publications/general-info-leaflets/1-about-archives...] You don’t have to agree with Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to notice the latest hypocrisy by the Left. My acquaintance and personal hero Daniel Ellsberg was rightly lionized by the Left for having illegally leaked the Pentagon Papers. The New York Times was rightly applauded for having run this leaked material in 1971. [https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1435/daniel-ellsberg]. I do not see how Mr Carlson’s airing of video material of national significance that the current government would prefer to keep hidden, or Fox News’ support for its disclosure to the public, is any different from that famous case of disclosure of inside information of public importance. You don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to conclude that the Democrats in leadership, for their own part, have cherry-picked, hyped, spun, and in some ways appear to have lied about, aspects of January 6, turning a tragedy for the nation into a politicized talking point aimed at discrediting half of our electorate.
From the start, there have been things about the dominant, Democrats’ and legacy media’s, narrative of Jan 6, that seemed off, or contradictory, to me. (That does not mean I agree with the interpretation of these events in general on the right. Bear with me).
There is no way to un-hear the interview that Mr Carlson did with former Capitol police office Tarik Johnson, who said that he received no guidance when he called his superiors, terrified, as the Capitol was breached, to ask for direction. [https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-talks-exclusively-key-capitol-p...] That situation is anomalous. There is always a security chain of command in the Capitol, at the Rayburn Building, at the White House of course, and so on, which is part of a rock-solid “security plan.” [https://www.dhs.gov/news/2014/09/30/written-testimony-usss-director-hou…]. There are usually, indeed, multiple snipers standing on the steps of the Capitol, facing outward. I made note of this when I was researching and writing The End of America. There is never improvisation, or any confusion in security practices or in what is expected of “the security plan”, involving “principals” such as Members of Congress, or staff at the White House. I know this as a former political consultant and former White House spouse. The reason for a tightly scripted chain of command and an absolutely ironclad security plan in these buildings, is so that security crises such as the events of Jan 6 can never happen. The fact that so much confusion in security practice took place on Jan 6, is hard to understand. There is no way to not see that among the violent and terrifying scenes of that day, as revealed by Mr Carlson, there were also scenes of officers with the United States Capitol Police accompanying one protester who would become iconic, the “Q-Anon Shaman”, Jacob Chansley - and escorting him peaceably through the hallways of our nation’s legislative center. [https://www.foxnews.com/media/former-lawyer-qanon-shaman-says-jan-6-footage-...]. I was oddly unsurprised to see the “Q-Anon Shaman” being ushered through the hallways by Capitol Police; he was ready for the cameras in full makeup, horned fur hat, his tattooed chest bare (on a freezing day), and adorned in other highly cinematic regalia. I don’t know what Mr Chansley thought he was doing there that day, but so many subsequent legacy media images of the event put him so dramatically front and center — and the barbaric nature of his appearance was so illustrative of exactly the message that Democrats in leadership wished to send about the event — that I am not surprised to see that his path to the center of events was not blocked but was apparently facilitated by Capitol Police. A point I have made over and over since 9/11 is that many events in history are both real and hyped. Many actors in historic events have their agendas, but are also at times used by other people with their own agendas, in ways of which the former are unaware. Terrorists and terrorism in the Bush era are one example. This issue was both real and hyped. “Patriots” or “insurgents” (depending on who you are) entering the Capitol can be part of a real event that is also exploited or manipulated by others. We don’t know yet if this is the case in relation to the events of Jan 6, or to what extent it may be the case. That is where a real investigation must come in. But as someone who has studied history, and the theatrics of history, for decades, I was not at all surprised to see, on Mr Carlson’s security camera footage, the person who was to become the most memorable ‘face’ of the ‘insurrection’ (or the riot, or the Capitol breach) — escorted to the beating heart of the action, where his image could be memorialized by a battery of cameras forever. There are other aspects of the Jan 6 breach that seemed anomalous to me from the start. I study the relationship in history of buildings such as The White House and the Capitol, to the US public; I follow the way in which the public is either welcomed into or barred from these structures. The White House itself and the Capitol steps have often been open to US citizens. They are public buildings. Indeed, inaugurations have been open public events in which the US citizenry simply entered the building for the celebration; this tradition lasted from President Jefferson’s inauguration in 1801, to 1885. Things got very chaotic indeed in 1829. “On March 4, 1829, Andrew Jackson upholds an inaugural tradition begun by Thomas Jefferson and hosts an open house at the White House. After Jackson’s swearing-in ceremony and address to Congress, the new president returned to the White House to meet and greet a flock of politicians, celebrities and citizens. Very shortly, the crowd swelled to more than 20,000, turning the usually dignified White House into a boisterous mob scene. Some guests stood on furniture in muddy shoes while others rummaged through rooms looking for the president–breaking dishes, crystal and grinding food into the carpet along the way. […] The White House open-house tradition continued until several assassination attempts heightened security concerns. The trend ended in 1885 when Grover Cleveland opted instead to host a parade, which he viewed in safety from a grandstand set up in front of the White House.” [https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/jackson-holds-open-house-at-the-...]. And inaugurations were not the only occasions in which US citizens approached their public buildings in Washington. The Bonus Army, which massed in the summer of 1932, during the Depression, to claim the financial “bonus” promised to veterans who had served in World War I, is an example of citizens assembling peaceably at the Capitol. When I was an undergraduate, we were taught that the Bonus Army sat on the steps of the Capitol and lobbied the legislators who were entering and leaving the building. I remember from my history textbook, images of crowds seated on the Capitol steps in 1932. “[M]ore than 25,000 veterans and their families traveled to Washington, DC, to petition Congress and President Herbert Hoover to award them their bonus immediately. Fortunately for the marchers, Pelham Glassford, the local police chief and a veteran of the war himself, made accommodations for this influx, including the creation of an enormous camp in the Anacostia Flats […]. Glassford understood that Americans had an inherent right to assemble in Washington and petition the government for the “redress of grievances” without fear of punishment or reprisals. […] On June 15, the House of Representatives passed the new bonus bill by a vote of 211 to 176. Two days later, some 8,000 veterans massed in front of the Capitol as the Senate prepared to vote, while another 10,000 assembled before the raised Anacostia drawbridge. The police were anticipating trouble because of the large crowds. The Senate debate continued until after dark. […] When it appeared that the bonus would not be paid, many of the marchers refused to leave, and President Hoover ordered the Army to evict them. Using tear gas, tanks, and a troop of saber-wielding cavalry commanded by Major George S. Patton, U.S. Army chief of staff General Douglas MacArthur drove the marchers out of Washington and burned their main camp on the Anacostia Flats.”[https://billofrightsinstitute.org/essays/the-bonus-army] I mention the massing of the Bonus Army on the Capitol steps in 1932, to note that the dominant narrative around Jan 6 today, often implies that it is an act of violence or of “insurrection” simply to march en masse peacefully to the Capitol. But we should be wary of allowing history to be rewritten so as to criminalize peaceful, Constitutionally-protected assembly at “The People’s House.” Massing peacefully at the Capitol and other public buildings, is part of our rights and inheritance as citizens, and this use of our First Amendment right to assemble has a long history. Indeed, the public has traditionally had the right peacefully to enter the Capitol — to obtain passes to events, to galley seats, and to witness the proceedings in other ways. The Capitol is not a sealed space exclusively for legislators, but it is one that is supposed to welcome the public in an orderly way. [https://history.house.gov/Collection/Search?Term=Search&Classifications=Historical+Artifacts%3A+Passes&CurrentPage=1&SortOrder=Title&ResultType=Grid&PreviousSearch=Search%2CTitle]. We should not be encouraged to forget this. The violence of Jan 6 and its subsequent service as a talking point by the Democrats’ leadership, risks its use also to justify the closing off of our public buildings from US citizens altogether. This would be convenient for tyrants of any party. Leaving aside the release of the additional Jan 6 footage and how it may or may not change our view of US history —- I must say that I am sorry for believing the dominant legacy-media “narrative” pretty completely from the time it was rolled out, without asking questions. Those who violently entered the Capitol or who engaged in violence inside of it, must of course be held accountable. (As must violent protesters of every political stripe anywhere.) But in addition, anyone in leadership who misrepresented to the public the events of the day so as to distort the complexity of its actual history — must also be held accountable. Jan 6 has become, as the DNC intended it to become, after the fact, a “third rail”; a shorthand used to dismiss or criminalize an entire population and political point of view. Peaceful Republicans and conservatives as a whole have been demonized by the story told by Democrats in leadership of what happened that day. So half of the country has been tarred by association, and is now in many quarters presumed to consist of chaotic berserkers, anti-democratic rabble, and violent upstarts, whose sole goal is the murder of our democracy. Republicans, conservatives, I am sorry. I also believed wholesale so much else that has since turned out not to be as I was told it was by NPR, MSNBC and The New York Times. I believed that stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian propaganda. Dozens of former intel officials said so. Johns Hopkins University said so. [https://sais.jhu.edu/news-press/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinformation-do...]. “Trump specifically cited a “laptop” that contained emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden”, said ‘CNN Fact-Check’, with plenty of double quote marks. [https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_036fb62c-377f-4c68-8fa5-b9...] I believed this all — til it was debunked. I believed that President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia — until that assertion was dropped. [https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-c...] I believed that President Trump was a Russian asset, because the legacy media I read, said so [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-fo...]. I believed in the entire Steele dossier, until I didn’t, because it all fell apart. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63305382]. Was there in fact an “infamous pee tape”? So many other bad things were being said about the man — why not? [https://www.businessinsider.com/christopher-steele-trump-pee-tape-probably-e...] I believed that Pres Trump instigated the riot at the Capitol — because I did not know that his admonition to his supporters to assemble “peacefully and patriotically” had been deleted from all of the news coverage that I read. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-11/trump-team-hoping-peacefu...] Because of lies such as these in legacy media — lies which I and millions of others believed — half of our nation’s electorate was smeared and delegitimized, and I myself was misled. It damages our nation when legacy media put words in the mouths of Presidents and former Presidents, and call them traitors or criminals without evidence. It damages our country when we cannot tell truth from lies. This is exactly what tyrants seek — an electorate that cannot know what is truth and what is falsehood. Through lies, half of the electorate was denied a fair run for its preferred candidate. I don’t like violence. I do believe our nation’s capitol must be treated as a sacred space. I don’t like President Trump (Do I not? Who knows? I have been lied to about him so much for so long, I can‘t tell whether my instinctive aversion is simply the habituated residue of years of being on the receiving end of lies). But I like the liars who are our current gatekeepers, even less. The gatekeepers who lie to the public about the most consequential events of our time — and who thus damage our nation, distort our history, and deprive half of our citizenry of their right to speak, champion and choose, without being tarred as would-be violent traitors - deserve our disgust. I am sorry the nation was damaged by so much untruth issued by those with whom I identified at the time. I am sorry my former “tribe” is angry at a journalist for engaging in —- journalism. I am sorry I believed so much nonsense. Though it is no doubt too little, too late — Conservatives, Republicans, MAGA: I am so sorry. * * *

Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election.
MASSIVE Left-Political Corruption of the US Academic System... Total 1984 Psychological Indoctrination Camp from Kindergarten through PhD... Corrupt "Teachers Unions" are doubly unfireable government employees... Wokeism Socialism Communism Marxism Violence Keynesian MMT Debt Slavery Discrimination Racism Theft Censorship and Sexual debauchery taught in schools... Sending your children to these Indoctrination Institutions is committing them into a lifetime of mass formation subjugation and Woke Failure... don't do it. Everything needed for at least K~BSc levels is available online at home and in local study groups with peers, for no more cost than internet and some supplies. Federal Judge Calls On Stanford To Fire DEI Dean That Participated In Student-Led Revolt https://freebeacon.com/campus/dogshit-federal-judge-decries-disruption-of-hi... https://jonathanturley.org/2023/03/12/no-squeeze-at-stanford-university-pres... https://jonathanturley.org/2022/11/29/zero-tolerance-survey-finds-33-of-65-a... https://jonathanturley.org/2023/03/11/is-the-juice-worth-the-squeeze-stanfor... https:/jonathanturley.org/2022/09/23/crimson-tide-harvard-faculty-has-virtually-eliminated-conservative-professors-but-apparently-that-is-not-a-problem/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2022/03/17/yale-law-students-disrupt-conservative-speaker-then-object-to-the-presence-of-police-as-creating-an-unsafe-environment/ https://twitter.com/FreeBeacon/status/1634426288260743168 https:/jonathanturley.org/2022/08/03/msnbc-remains-silent-after-elie-mystal-unleashes-racist-attack-on-herschel-walker/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2022/03/13/poll-almost-half-of-american-say-that-they-would-rather-flee-than-defend-the-united-states/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2022/03/17/yale-law-students-disrupt-conservative-speaker-then-object-to-the-presence-of-police-as-creating-an-unsafe-environment/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2020/11/02/schapiros-un-safe-zone-northwestern-university-students-attack-police-in-defunding-protest/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2019/10/08/georgetown-law-students-shutdown-acting-homeland-security-secretary-speech-law-school-silent-on-any-action-to-be-taken/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2018/04/17/cuny-law-dean-students-shutting-down-speech-on-free-speech-was-free-speech/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2021/03/23/self-cancellation-cuny-dean-resigns-and-seeks-counseling-after-referring-to-herself-as-a-slaveholder/comment-page-1/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2017/04/18/wellesley-students-editors-endorse-silencing-opposing-speakers-and-declare-hostility-may-be-warranted/ https:/jonathanturley.org/2014/03/21/california-feminism-professor-charged-with-battery-and-theft-in-confrontation-with-pro-life-protesters/ 03/12/2023: Last night, Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Law School Dean Jenny Martinez issued a joint apology that is commendable in its words of regret, but conspicuous in its failure to promise any action against those who shutdown this event. As Jonathan Turley explains, it is like expressing regret over the sinking of the Titanic without addressing the design flaw. To paraphrase Steinbach, there will be no “squeeze” coming from Stanford on the denial of free speech. Of course, the letter also does not address the environment of intolerance at Stanford or the loss of diversity of viewpoints. The intolerance is reflected in the overwhelmingly Democratic and liberal makeup of faculties. A new survey of 65 departments in various states found that 33 do not have a single registered Republican. For these departments, the systemic elimination of Republican faculty has finally reached zero, but there is still little recognition of the crushing bias reflected in these numbers. Others, as discussed below, have defended the elimination of conservative or Republican faculty as entirely justified and commendable. Overall, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans by a margin of over 10-1. The survey found 61 Republican professors across 65 departments at seven universities while it also found 667 professors identified as Democrats based on their political party registration or voting history. That is why I am less than impressed by this letter. After all, Dean Martinez’s first response was to make excuses for her DEI dean. Martinez explained that Steinbach’s condemnation of the judge for trying to speak publicly was a “well-intentioned” “attempt[] at managing the room” that just “went awry.” Much has gone “awry” in higher education but it is not a question of managing a room but managing free speech. As we detailed earlier, Federal Judge Kyle Duncan has called on Stanford University to fire the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dean who participated in a student-led revolt against his appearance at the law school. Judge Duncan appeared at Stanford Law to speak at an event hosted by the Federalist Society chapter on campus. The event quickly turned sour after protestors heckled him, accusing him of transphobia and suppressing black voters. After the video and story went viral, Federal Judge Kyle Duncan said he was treated like “dogshit” during his visit... “Don’t feel sorry for me. I’m a life-tenured federal judge. What outrages me is that these kids are being treated like dogshit by fellow students and administrators.” ...and requested that Stanford Law terminate the administrator that disrupted him, according to an interview in the Washington Free Beacon, adding that he was concerned that: “If enough of these kids get into the legal profession, the rule of law will descend into barbarism.” As Jonathan Turley detailed in a note yesterday, it was a chilling reminder of the anti-free speech movement sweeping across our universities, including our law schools. For years, free speech has been in a free fall on our campuses. Many faculty have virtually purged conservatives and libertarians from their ranks in what has become an academic echo chamber. It is common for conservative speakers to be blocked or canceled with the support of professors and students alike. Yet, what occurred at Stanford this week shocked even those of us who have challenged this orthodoxy for years. The Stanford Federalist Society invited Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to speak on campus. It is a great opportunity to hear the views of one of the highest ranked judicial officers in the country. Some students also are likely to apply to Duncan for prestigious clerkships so this was an opportunity to make an important connection. However, liberal students decided that allowing a conservative judge to speak on campus is intolerable and set about to “deplatform” him by shouting him down. It was reminiscent of an equally disgraceful event at Yale Law School when another conservative speaker was similarly canceled — the law students then objected to the fact that campus police were present. In this event, Duncan was planning to speak on the topic: “The Fifth Circuit in Conversation with the Supreme Court: Covid, Guns, and Twitter.” A video shows that the students prevented Duncan from speaking and the judge asked for an administrator to be called in to allow the event to proceed. Dean Steinbach then took the stage and, instead of demanding that the students allow for the event to proceed, Steinback launched into a babbling attack on the judge for seeking to be heard despite such objections. Stanford Law students shouted down Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan while he was trying to speak. When he asked for an administrator to control the situation, Stanford’s “associate dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion” got up and lectured him for nearly 10 minutes pic.twitter.com/tjlUPOIMmQ — Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 11, 2023 Steinbach explained: “I had to write something down because I am so uncomfortable up here. And I don’t say that for sympathy, I just say that I am deeply, deeply uncomfortable.” One would expect that the next line would be a condemnation of those who refuse to let opposing views to be heard in the law school. Instead, it turns out that it was the free speech itself that was so stressful and painful for the law dean. Steinbach declared: “It’s uncomfortable to say that for many people here, your work has caused harm.” After a perfunctory nod to free speech... "I’m also uncomfortable because it is my job to say: You are invited into this space. You are absolutely welcome in this space. In this space where people learn and, again, live. I really do, wholeheartedly welcome you. Because me and many people in this administration do absolutely believe in free speech. We believe that it is necessary. We believe that the way to address speech that feels abhorrent, that feels harmful, that literally denies the humanity of people, that one way to do that is with more speech and not less. And not to shut you down or censor you or censor the student group that invited you here. That is hard. That is uncomfortable. And that is a policy and a principle that I think is worthy of defending, even in this time. Even in this time. " Steinbach proceeded to eviscerate it to the delight of the law students: "And again I still ask: Is the juice worth the squeeze?" “Is it worth the pain that this causes, the division that this causes? Do you have something so incredibly important to say about Twitter and guns and Covid that that is worth this impact on the division of these people.” It is a familiar argument for many of us in higher education. Duncan's non-plussed response was simple: "What does that mean? I don’t understand..." Judge Duncan was right to be confused. A law school dean was legitimating an attack on free speech and supporting the claim that hearing an opposing legal views on issues like the Second Amendment was harmful to students. Free speech is now often portrayed as harmful and threatening to the safety of the community. Steinbach suggested that it was Judge Duncan who should be ashamed in trying to speak when others object to his views, including clearly herself. Dean Steinbach then encouraged people who opposed Duncan to walk out in protest. Many did. That was not a problem. The problem was coming to the event to disrupt it. What is critical is that Steinbach was asked to step forward as an administrator to speak for the law school, not another protester. The response to Steinbach’s shameful intervention was also all too familiar. MSNBC regular Elie Mystal defended the law students in preventing the judge from speaking. He called it conservative “victimization” and whining simply because the students are expressing themselves. Mystal is the “justice correspondent” for the Nation Magazine and writes for Above the Law, a prominent anti-free speech site. He is known for racist attacks on black conservatives and has called the Constitution “trash.” Despite his inflammatory history, I would be the first to oppose conservatives shouting down Mystal or preventing him from speaking. Yet, liberals insist that preventing others from speaking is an exercise of free speech. Cancel campaigns are now a common occurrence in schools ranging from Yale to Northwestern to Georgetown. Blocking others from speaking is not the exercise of free speech. It is the very antithesis of free speech. Nevertheless, faculty have supported such claims. CUNY Law Dean Mary Lu Bilek showed how far this trend has gone. When conservative law professor Josh Blackman was stopped from speaking about “the importance of free speech,” Bilek insisted that disrupting the speech on free speech was free speech. (Bilek later cancelled herself and resigned). Even student newspapers have declared opposing speech to be outside of the protections of free speech. At University of California- Santa Barbara, professors actually rallied around a professor who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display. Stanford must now decide whether the “juice” of free speech is worth the “squeeze” of the mob. That distasteful juice mocked by Steinbach is the very thing that defines and sustains higher education.

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Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths... https://twitter.com/NewsMax https://twitter.com/RNCResearch https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz https://twitter.com/GGreenwald https://twitter.com/BennyJohnson https://twitter.com/Greg_Price11 https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo https://twitter.com/LibsOfTikTok https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_ https://twitter.com/RealLizUSA https://twitter.com/KanyeWest https://twitter.com/GatewayPundit https://twitter.com/Ali https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer https://twitter.com/CharlieKirk11 https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII https://twitter.com/EricSpracklen https://twitter.com/RobbyStarbuck https://twitter.com/JordanBPeterson https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes https://twitter.com/BakedAlaska https://twitter.com/EndWokeness https://twitter.com/AlexStein99 https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler https://twitter.com/TomFitton https://twitter.com/Cernovich https://twitter.com/Alx https://twitter.com/Surabees https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier https://twitter.com/AlexBruesewitz https://twitter.com/RealBrysonGray https://twitter.com/BonginoReport https://twitter.com/DanScavino https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial https://twitter.com/America1stLegal https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle https://twitter.com/KimDotCom https://twitter.com/TayFromCA https://twitter.com/OfficialPSQ https://twitter.com/EpochOriginal https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr https://twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom https://twitter.com/MAGAIncWarRoom https://twitter.com/MargoMMartin https://twitter.com/MostlyPeacefull https://twitter.com/CatTurd2 https://twitter.com/RealKyleMorris https://twitter.com/BenSwann_ https://twitter.com/Ivan_8848 https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr https://twitter.com/AmThoughtLeader https://twitter.com/JanJekielek https://twitter.com/VigilantFox Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths...

Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths... https://twitter.com/NewsMax https://twitter.com/RNCResearch https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz https://twitter.com/GGreenwald https://twitter.com/BennyJohnson https://twitter.com/Greg_Price11 https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo https://twitter.com/LibsOfTikTok https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_ https://twitter.com/RealLizUSA https://twitter.com/KanyeWest https://twitter.com/GatewayPundit https://twitter.com/Ali https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer https://twitter.com/CharlieKirk11 https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII https://twitter.com/EricSpracklen https://twitter.com/RobbyStarbuck https://twitter.com/JordanBPeterson https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes https://twitter.com/BakedAlaska https://twitter.com/EndWokeness https://twitter.com/AlexStein99 https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler https://twitter.com/TomFitton https://twitter.com/Cernovich https://twitter.com/Alx https://twitter.com/Surabees https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier https://twitter.com/AlexBruesewitz https://twitter.com/RealBrysonGray https://twitter.com/BonginoReport https://twitter.com/DanScavino https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial https://twitter.com/America1stLegal https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle https://twitter.com/KimDotCom https://twitter.com/TayFromCA https://twitter.com/OfficialPSQ https://twitter.com/EpochOriginal https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr https://twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom https://twitter.com/MAGAIncWarRoom https://twitter.com/MargoMMartin https://twitter.com/MostlyPeacefull https://twitter.com/CatTurd2 https://twitter.com/RealKyleMorris https://twitter.com/BenSwann_ https://twitter.com/Ivan_8848 https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr https://twitter.com/AmThoughtLeader https://twitter.com/JanJekielek https://twitter.com/VigilantFox https://twitter.com/RobSchneider https://twitter.com/DC_Draino https://twitter.com/KristySwansonXO https://twitter.com/IAmTomMacDonald https://twitter.com/ChrisPlanteShow https://twitter.com/VinceCoglianese https://twitter.com/MichaelJKnowles https://twitter.com/BenShapiro https://twitter.com/ReMasculate https://twitter.com/PierreKory https://twitter.com/VacSafety https://twitter.com/Mercola https://twitter.com/NVICAdvocacy https://twitter.com/NewDiscourses https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/EpochTV https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty https://twitter.com/IAmLisaLogan https://twitter.com/LoganLancing https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths...

Biden with Trudeau: "We're lucky we have Canada to our north. All of our values are the same... There's no fundamental difference in the democratic values we share." One robbed truckers of their bank accounts when they protested his vaccine mandates. The other threw people in solitary confinement without court dates for protesting his election. 1776 Project PAC @1776ProjectPac Every single Democrat in the House of Representatives today voted against giving parents the right to know what their kids are being taught in schools. Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie If the Bill of Rights didn’t exist, and if I were to offer those Amendments on the floor of the House today, most Democrats would vote NO on the Bill of Rights. No Democrat would vote for the 2nd Amendment. Few would vote for the 1st, 4th, 9th, or 10th Amendments as worded. Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths... https://twitter.com/NewsMax https://twitter.com/RNCResearch https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz https://twitter.com/GGreenwald https://twitter.com/BennyJohnson https://twitter.com/Greg_Price11 https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo https://twitter.com/LibsOfTikTok https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_ https://twitter.com/RealLizUSA https://twitter.com/KanyeWest https://twitter.com/GatewayPundit https://twitter.com/Ali https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer https://twitter.com/CharlieKirk11 https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII https://twitter.com/EricSpracklen https://twitter.com/RobbyStarbuck https://twitter.com/JordanBPeterson https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes https://twitter.com/BakedAlaska https://twitter.com/EndWokeness https://twitter.com/AlexStein99 https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler https://twitter.com/TomFitton https://twitter.com/Cernovich https://twitter.com/Alx https://twitter.com/Surabees https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier https://twitter.com/AlexBruesewitz https://twitter.com/RealBrysonGray https://twitter.com/BonginoReport https://twitter.com/DanScavino https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial https://twitter.com/America1stLegal https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle https://twitter.com/KimDotCom https://twitter.com/TayFromCA https://twitter.com/OfficialPSQ https://twitter.com/EpochOriginal https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr https://twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom https://twitter.com/MAGAIncWarRoom https://twitter.com/MargoMMartin https://twitter.com/MostlyPeacefull https://twitter.com/CatTurd2 https://twitter.com/RealKyleMorris https://twitter.com/BenSwann_ https://twitter.com/Ivan_8848 https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr https://twitter.com/AmThoughtLeader https://twitter.com/JanJekielek https://twitter.com/VigilantFox https://twitter.com/RobSchneider https://twitter.com/DC_Draino https://twitter.com/KristySwansonXO https://twitter.com/IAmTomMacDonald https://twitter.com/ChrisPlanteShow https://twitter.com/VinceCoglianese https://twitter.com/MichaelJKnowles https://twitter.com/BenShapiro https://twitter.com/ReMasculate https://twitter.com/PierreKory https://twitter.com/VacSafety https://twitter.com/Mercola https://twitter.com/NVICAdvocacy https://twitter.com/NewDiscourses https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/EpochTV https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty https://twitter.com/IAmLisaLogan https://twitter.com/LoganLancing https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy https://twitter.com/ProdigalThe3rd https://twitter.com/1776ProjectPac Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths...

https://twitter.com/UngaTheGreat/status/1640890128208887809 Joe Biden is a lying raging gun-toting outright dangerous thug who needs to be locked up.

Joe Biden, and his WokeProgNeoDem puppeteers, appointees, etc, are a piece of shit and dangerous traitors to the existance of the USA, are laughed at by the world, and must all be recalled from office immediately, people knew this even before his fake "election"... https://kanekoa.id/ https://kanekoa.substack.com/ @KanekoaTheGreat https://unga.id/ @UngaTheGreat https://unga.substack.com/p/twitter-files-1-11-downloads-pdf?sd=pf https://twitter.com/UngaTheGreat/status/1640892272102318083 Joe Rogan Slams Media: “No One Says a Thing About Biden’s Incoherence” “How about the fact that the guy who's the president right now can't form a fucking sentence? He makes up words and stumbles through things, and no one says a goddamn thing about it.” https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1638390316444291072 Mexico's President AMLO says the United States cannot talk about human rights with Julian Assange detained, cartel violence with President Joe Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipeline, or democracy while arresting the leading presidential candidate Donald Trump. https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1640860630696734721 President Trump says the war would not have happened with him in the White House, he would negotiate a peace treaty between Zelensky and Putin, and the war has to stop now before "these idiots" lead us to a nuclear World War III. Why is Trump the only leader calling for peace? https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1640822605317013504 Sen. Ron Johnson warns that the WHO pandemic treaty would undermine US sovereignty, cede intellectual property rights to the WHO, and grant them more power to censor "mis- and disinformation." "The Biden admin is considering joining..." The Vigilant Fox 🦊 @VigilantFox NEW: @ShellenbergerMD's Reveals Just of Fraction of Big Tech's Assault on the First Amendment Here are events that actually happened: • Twitter suspended a woman for saying, "women aren't men." • Facebook censored accurate information about COVID vaccine side effects.

Joe Biden, and his WokeProgNeoDem puppeteers, appointees, etc, are a piece of shit and dangerous traitors to the existance of the USA, are laughed at by the world, and must all be recalled from office immediately, people knew this even before his fake "election"...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhcuei8_UJM Worth the Price? Produced and directed by Mark Weisbrot and narrated by Danny Glover, the film features archival footage, as well as policy experts who provide insight and testimony with regard to Joe Biden's role as the Chair of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 2002. https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/worth-the-price-joe-biden-and-the-launc... "Watch this to understand that Joe Biden will take the United States into World War 3, with a smile. Republicans have one last chance to stop nuclear war. Do not increase the debt ceiling. Shut Biden down. Stop the lunatic pipeline terrorist or die."

https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1640537819105099776 Trump plans return to Twitter, Liberals freakout...

When particular political party calls for and no longer upholds even the most basic of civil rights, including not engaging in mass election censorship formation psychosis fraud, it is then time to remove that party from influence before it can grab even more power. Fuck Filthy Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Filthy US Democrats, they've already been proven guilty of conspiracy against freedom beyond reasonable doubt in the court of publicly collated news evidence, now time for the sentencing phase. Here is just one of the latest charges brought via the internet, and as with many GovPols, defendants guilty plea in this case has been admitted via the defendants own filthy mouth, no prosecution needed... "It is extremely concerning that one of the highest ranking officials in the US government apparently has no idea how the presumption of innocence works" https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1641594971462541315 "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right. -- @SpeakerPelosi Nancy Pelosi Mar 31 2023" Not to mention the second charge of Continuing Impersonation of Speaker... Twitter needs to smack that false title right off her page. Third charge of engaging in fucking Filthy Economics... "On Mon (4/3, 6:30p) we welcome Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi for a special conversation with Distinguished Professor Paul Krugman." Fourth charge of lying about what "Democracy" really is... Fifth charge of conspiracy with Clinton to force it on others via murder... Join Secretary @HillaryClinton and me for a conversation @ColumbiaSIPA about national security, women in politics and Democracy in the world. Five charges, all guilty, in just three days, everyday they commit a new crime and publish it via tweet, lol. Lock these Filthy Cunts up before they Domme you and the rest of what's left of Free Civilization even harder.

https://twitter.com/DschlopesIsBack/status/1614427002756558849 Fuck Obama Clinton Biden Pelosi and their Deep State Tyranny, these are highly corrupt filthy criminals that must be recalled and prosecuted for Conspiracy against the peoples and good conscience of the United States. @paulsperry_ The daughter of the Manhattan judge presiding over the Trump criminal case is a Democratic political strategist who worked on the congressional campaign of Democrat Rep. ADAM SCHIFF, who led the first impeachment of Trump Many more conflicts of interest, recusatory influences, partisan corruption exposed online...

https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1642303623274086403 "We just have to demonstrate that he [Trump] will not take power um by uh if we uh if he does run uh making sure he uh under the legitimate efforts of uh our cuhst constitution does not become the next President again. -- Joe Biden, said with his classic deadpan devious voice, evil grin, and guilty 'Oops, I just exposed my own crime' look on his face." I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0 Biden told us that Democrats will do anything in their power to stop Trump from running and becoming next president: Biden: “We just have to demonstrate he’ll not take power. But if he does run we’ll make sure under legitimate efforts of constitution doesn’t not become next… Biden illegally conspired to illegally blow up the Nordstream pipelines, and is on tape threatening and admitting those illegal intentions and nefarious plans multiple times beforehand, as are his Deep State and Democrat cronies also on tape saying the same thing. Those tapes are EXACTLY like Biden's words in this video regarding Biden and Obama Clinton Deep State and Democrats plans to conspire to blow up Trump, by any means, legal or not. Indict, Arrest, Jail, Prosecute, Find Guilty, Sentence, and Imprison all these criminal Democrats for their High Crimes and Treason unto power against the People.

https://rumble.com/v2fxjfa--live-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-post-arraig... RSBN Trump live press conference https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1643442889400242176 Mark Levin blasts out the REAL TRUTH on Hannity re the FAKE Trump Prosecution. WAKE UP. https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1643501405913718785 This is a Sick Joke. Wake Up. In his 2016 Election Run Announcement Trump Declared he would eliminate the Deep State but underestimated their treachery, now Trump's redoubled down with experience learned for his 2024 run. JFK said the same thing, and the Deep State got away with killing him. Trump will either win 2024 bigly, even serving office from prison, or they will kill him to prevent him from taking office. Biden has already intoned some plot is in place against Trump. Gold price is skyrocketing on the news in the USA and Biden's Global incompetence and Democrats nonsense all destabilizing the world. Trump's NFT prices shoot up. https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1643451194294034436 President Trump is a true fighter and people President. Millions of Americans came out to see Trump while Biden cowered in his basement with his Fake News Marxists. Obama conveniently ducks out to Kenya Africa, for real, thus fleeing the coming retribution of prosecution. Trump will not only win 2024, Trump has already won 2024, exactly the same way he won 2020, via the Democrats Election Fraud Conspiracy against him. Trump is the legitimate President of the USA and he will have his term of office. https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1643427403601965056 Dems gonna kiss that ass.

Purely political false prosecution, Trump did nothing wrong. Welcome To America's French Revolution https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/05/our-french-revolution/ America now has three potential futures and two are bad... We are in a Jacobin Revolution of the sort that in 1793-94 nearly destroyed France. And things are getting scary. The Democratic Party vanished sometime in 2020. It was absorbed by hard-left ideologues. They were bent on radically altering, or hijacking, existing institutions to force radical, equality-of-result agendas that otherwise do not earn majority support. The American people want affordable power and fuel and energy autonomy. They do not want a Green New Deal that results in dependence on the Middle East. They want fiscal sobriety, not a permanent stagflationary economy marked by bank failures, soaring interest rates, crony capitalism, and subsidies for those who choose not to work. They know no country can exist without a border, much less while offering blank checks to foreign cartels that kill 100,000 Americans yearly. They demand realist deterrence abroad, not the current woke military whose erosion is spelling the end American credibility and global stability. Racialists are eerily embracing discredited Neo-Confederate notions of racial chauvinism, discrimination, segregation, and the old-one-drop rule of racial obsession. They are turning America toward a Balkanized war-of-all-against-all. To implement such an unpopular program, the new Left must radically alter our institutions. So the “Democrats” periodically threaten to pack the courts, end the filibuster, destroy the Electoral College, and override the states’ prerogatives to establish balloting laws. They deny the committee assignments of the House minority leader. They engage in stunts like tearing up the State of the Union address on national television. With impunity they mob the homes of Supreme Court justices to leverage their decisions. This revolution is run by elites and is a top-down operation. University deans all but prompt students to disrupt invited campus speakers. District attorneys release violent arrested criminals without bail. Woke generals call their Chinese counterparts to warn them against their own commander-in-chief. The Pentagon lectures the country on its supposed innate racism—even as the United States continues to lose wars abroad, abandons billions of dollars of equipment to terrorists, and allows communist China to surveille domestic American military bases with complete impunity. Words change their meanings. “Racist” now means “don’t dare object.” “White” became the pejorative stereotype used by racists. “Diversity” means tired orthodoxy. “Equity” is a synonym for bias. “Inclusion” ensures exclusion. Institutions are no longer recognizable. The FBI as we knew it no longer exists. Three former FBI directors either lied under oath to federal investigators, or pleaded amnesia in congressional testimonies. Our highest former national intelligence officers lied under oath to the Senate. The IRS is weaponized against political opponents of the Democrats. The Department of Justice is more likely to send the FBI after grammar school parents than mobs threatening the homes of Supreme Court justices. Still, to thoroughly erase America, our Jacobins must radically alter our customs and traditions. So under the cover of the COVID quarantines, Election Day was made irrelevant. In the new America, 70 percent did not vote on the designated day but, fueled by third-party vote harvesting and relaxation of audits of non-Election-Day ballots, extended the vote over a period of several weeks. Like the Jacobins, names and dates had to be radically transformed. 1619, not 1776, is now America’s birthdate and, we are told, it was an ignominious one. Statues are toppled, careers Trotskyized. Biological males suddenly have hijacked women’s sports—destroying five decades of women’s hard-won efforts to achieve equal treatment and respect in athletics. What triggered the collective madness and this Jacobin takeover? The Left’s perfect storm of the 120 days of riot, death, arson and looting of 2020? The COVID pandemic? The disastrous two-year lockdown? The 2016 election of the outsider Donald Trump? All those catalysts and more. As the country collapses under leftist nihilism, the revolution’s last gasp is to destroy Donald Trump—by empowering him. That is, the leftist legal vendetta is designed to win him just enough empathy to be nominated the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, but then to keep on indicting, gagging, and hemorrhaging him legally until Election Day 2024. Trump was the first president to be impeached twice, to be tried by the Senate as a private citizen, and to have his private home raided by the FBI. Now he is the first president to have been indicted, effectively ending America’s moral authority abroad. America now has three potential futures and two are bad. First, the Jacobins have two more years to finish what they started as the founders’ dream descends into our worst nightmare. Second, the revolution has so warped our legal system, our voting on Election Day, and the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and the IRS, that even a despised, unpopular Left will “win” elections. The third is that New York prosecutor Alan Bragg has jumped the shark. His pathetic prosecution is so patently incoherent, illiberal, and in spirit anti-American, that two-thirds of the country will soon conclude the center is not holding. The Jacobins’ reign of terror is unsustainable. And so in 2024 the Left will not be defeated, but so defeated so that it is utterly discredited. The choice is ours.

Every single thing Biden and the Democrats say has been a Lie and Fraud Upon The American People. Expel them now. https://twitter.com/DschlopesIsBack/status/1644878748792094722 Buried 2007 video of Senator Joe Biden discussing troop removal from Afghanistan. It would be a shame if everyone saw this... "And you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind I promise they're going to be used against your grandchild and mine some day" - The Big Guy The moment Trump got defrauded out of office, Biden was in charge of the same exact Afghan as Trump was, Biden just fucked it up even worse, plain and simple. Biden is a fucking scary psychopath.

Biden Crime Family Simon Ateba @simonateba The House Oversight Committee has just issued subpoenas to several banks asking for @JoeBiden family associates' financial records. The Oversight Committee subpoenaed Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC USA N.A., and former Hunter Biden business associate…

Alexander Soros is a piece of shit just like his father George Soros. Hunter Biden and Alexander Soros, like Father like Son. Such meddling corruption, criminal conspirators, election manipulating frauds, violence supporters, party, and person. Many years now. Expect blowback.

Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths... https://twitter.com/NewsMax https://twitter.com/RNCResearch https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz https://twitter.com/GGreenwald https://twitter.com/BennyJohnson https://twitter.com/Greg_Price11 https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo https://twitter.com/LibsOfTikTok https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_ https://twitter.com/RealLizUSA https://twitter.com/KanyeWest https://twitter.com/GatewayPundit https://twitter.com/Ali https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer https://twitter.com/CharlieKirk11 https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII https://twitter.com/EricSpracklen https://twitter.com/RobbyStarbuck https://twitter.com/JordanBPeterson https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes https://twitter.com/BakedAlaska https://twitter.com/EndWokeness https://twitter.com/AlexStein99 https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler https://twitter.com/TomFitton https://twitter.com/Cernovich https://twitter.com/Alx https://twitter.com/Surabees https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier https://twitter.com/AlexBruesewitz https://twitter.com/RealBrysonGray https://twitter.com/BonginoReport https://twitter.com/DanScavino https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial https://twitter.com/America1stLegal https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle https://twitter.com/KimDotCom https://twitter.com/TayFromCA https://twitter.com/OfficialPSQ https://twitter.com/EpochOriginal https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr https://twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom https://twitter.com/MAGAIncWarRoom https://twitter.com/MargoMMartin https://twitter.com/MostlyPeacefull https://twitter.com/CatTurd2 https://twitter.com/RealKyleMorris https://twitter.com/BenSwann_ https://twitter.com/Ivan_8848 https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr https://twitter.com/AmThoughtLeader https://twitter.com/JanJekielek https://twitter.com/VigilantFox https://twitter.com/RobSchneider https://twitter.com/DC_Draino https://twitter.com/KristySwansonXO https://twitter.com/IAmTomMacDonald https://twitter.com/ChrisPlanteShow https://twitter.com/VinceCoglianese https://twitter.com/MichaelJKnowles https://twitter.com/BenShapiro https://twitter.com/ReMasculate https://twitter.com/PierreKory https://twitter.com/VacSafety https://twitter.com/Mercola https://twitter.com/NVICAdvocacy https://twitter.com/NewDiscourses https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/EpochTV https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty https://twitter.com/IAmLisaLogan https://twitter.com/LoganLancing https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy https://twitter.com/ProdigalThe3rd https://twitter.com/1776ProjectPac https://twitter.com/72PowPow https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth https://twitter.com/RobSchneider https://twitter.com/RandyHillier https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD https://twitter.com/RiseMelbourne https://twitter.com/SongPingAnq Inconvenient Truths Shall Always Ring Free. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election Many other truths...

https://odysee.com/@foundring:1/shut-it-down-14-election-fraud https://foundring.gumroad.com/l/shutitdown youtube: EOGWOqknoGE: Video unavailable. This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 • Declaration 1776, • Confederation 1781, • Treaty of Paris 1783, • Constitution 1788, • Bill of Rights 1789, • Last state admitted 1959, • Last amdt. 1992 USA piped.kavin.rocks/channel/UC… Joined April 2022 Tweets 21,863 Following 14,818 Followers 23,152 Likes 33,260 4,957 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 16 Nov 2022 GET READY !!! 🇺🇸💕 #Trump2024 285 1,660 124 4,823 46,446 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted Emily @Emme0703 9h REPORTER: "The indictment does not specifically say what those crimes were… What laws were broken?" DA BRAGG: "The indictment doesn't specify because the law does not so require..." BRAGG makes NO SENSE! Kangaroo court! 🤡🤡🤡 701 1,628 234 3,475 42,692 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted 🐙 Octopus Prime 🐙 @Merc_4911 18h Dear @GOP, @SpeakerMcCarthy and all Republicans in Government! We the people do not want to hear another word from you about what the democrats and the biden regime are doing to this country! Not one more Fu@%ing Tweet about their corruption and lies. All we want to hear from you… 29 285 26 450 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted ✧ 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕟 ✧✝︎🇺🇸 @shannonazusa 7h President Trump is a warrior. I don’t know how he does it. He has the stamina of a man in his 20’s. He’s been repeatedly stabbed in the back by members of both political parties. He’s been lied about & betrayed. Yet he is still resilient. Pray for our dear President. Pray that… 68 428 15 903 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0 6h Who did this? 🤣🤣🤣 74 380 54 942 13,036 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted MAGA ROCK GAINS @satansradio666 7h Replying to @USA2224 😍👊👍 1 1 2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted Gloria Banister @banisterG 6h Replying to @USA2224 God Bless you!! 1 1 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted Warrior Renata @Czesc45 7h President Trump 2024! 7 120 1 206 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 6h Trump: "The World Is Already Laughing at Us!" 🇺🇸 5 43 2 137 1,672 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted William John @TrumplicanWIN 9h Replying to @Emme0703 19 94 31 161 6,054 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 7h Trump: "George Soros Back Prosecutor Alvin Bragg!" 🇺🇸 2 39 2 96 1,481 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted Rita Cosby @RitaCosby 7h Tonight on @77WABCradio: Special Programming 9pm to 12am on #TrumpArraignment & #Trump’s address to the nation from #Maralago after he pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts in #ManhattanCourt. @BillOReilly joins us from 9-10pm & takes your questions on this unprecedented case! 12 111 2 128 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 7h Trump: "I Never Thought Anything Like This Could Happen In America !" 🇺🇸 #FreeTrump #TrumpIndicment #SaveAmerica #Trump2024NowMorethanEver #Trump2024 #Trump #MAGA #MAGA2024 28 119 4 300 5,575 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0 8h John Bolton slaps CNN panel with reality and says Trump case will get “Easily Dismissed” or have “Quick Acquittal” 😂 77 446 38 1,630 25,442 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0 8h Our justice system is a joke. 31 437 16 980 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 8h LIVE: President Trump Holds Post-Arraignment Press Conference from Mar-a-Lago 🇺🇸💕 rumble.com/v2fxjfa--live-pre… #FreeTrump #TrumpIndicment #SaveAmerica #Trump2024NowMorethanEver #Trump2024 #Trump #TrumpArraignment #MAGA #MAGA2024 #AmericaFirst 🔴 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Post-Arraignment Press Conference from Mar-a-Lago- 4/4/23 Tuesday, April 4, 2023: Join the RSBN team LIVE from the Mar-a-Lago Club in West Palm Beach, FL as President Donald J. Trump is expected to hold a post-arraignment press conference. rumble.com 9 40 64 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted JoeBidensEasterBunny @13Revelation22 8h Replying to @USA2224 @45Ginger24 1 1 2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted Island Brüce (Pu/to) @Fishing_Huuker 13h Alvin Bragg is a giant piece of shit! mol.im/a/11937951 The 10 worst NYC criminals let go again and again by DA Alvin Bragg Alvin Bragg has been criticized for his soft-on-crime policies that let many career criminals back out on the streets to terrorize New Yorkers. dailymail.co.uk 60 346 12 921 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted shaneyyricch @shaneyyricch 12h President Trump is about to have the most historic speech of all time at Mar-a-Lago tonight. Don’t miss it! 11 61 3 314 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 @USA2224 9h FIGHT FOR TRUMP !!! 🇺🇸💕 #FreeTrump #Trump #TrumpIndictment #SaveAmerica #Trump2024 #Trump2024NowMorethanEver #MAGA #MAGA2024 8 40 1 54 590 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 retweeted HunterMAGA @gunslinger2022 11h After the circus in the Manhattan Courthouse... This is the meme I came up with. Justice for Trump. #TrumpIsInnocent 12 156 155 Load more

Biden subsequently employed his uncleared private attorneys to handle document stashes he knew contained classified material, Biden goes straight to jail... All The President's Men: Biden's Use Of Lawyers Raises Additional Concerns Over Handling Classified Material https://jonathanturley.org/2023/01/16/all-the-presidents-men-bidens-use-of-l... https://nypost.com/2023/01/14/biden-stored-additional-classified-docs-at-del... https://nypost.com/2023/01/12/wh-admits-more-classified-docs-found-in-bidens... Below is my column in the New York Post on the curious use of lawyers by President Joe Biden in the classified document controversy. There was a clear decision made to rely on his own counsel rather than the FBI or security officers after the discovery of highly classified documents in a closet in a private office. The decision clearly brings greater control and protection for the President, but it can itself be viewed as additional evidence of gross mishandling of classified material. In the movie “All The President’s Men,” Woodward chastises his colleague Bernstein that “I don’t mind what you did; I mind how you did it.” President Biden may face the same objection in his decision to use counsel to search for classified material. Here is the column: The discovery of a fourth set of classified documents, at the Biden residence in Delaware, has further undermined the White House’s virtual mantra that the president “takes classified documents very seriously.” Putting aside the repeated movement of highly classified documents over six years, one curious element has emerged in this scandal: the use of private counsel. Not only did President Joe Biden enlist lawyers to clear out his private Washington office; he then used them — rather than security officers or the FBI — to search for additional classified documents. The initial use of lawyers is notable. While it seems a fairly pricey moving crew, Biden could argue a trove of documents might require a judgment on where they should be sent and whether they belong to Biden, the Penn Biden Center or the government. But why was a legal team sent in six years after Biden took the documents on leaving as vice president? Were the lawyers specifically selected because they had clearances, an acknowledgment there might be classified material unlawfully housed in the office? After the fourth batch of documents was discovered this week (the third found in Delaware), Richard Sauber, referred to as the “special counsel to the president,” stressed that he has a clearance. Sauber admits the lawyers who found the first batch at the residence didn’t have clearances but says he found the later documents. It remains unclear which lawyers were involved in which discoveries, whether they had clearances and (if so) at what level. In fact, it seems to suggest Biden continued to use uncleared lawyers after his team found highly classified documents Nov. 2 in the Penn Biden office closet in Washington. That itself could be viewed as gross mishandling of classified information. It’s strange Biden did not use security officers or the FBI to conduct further searches. The president has a host of people who regularly handle classified material. So why use the lawyers? The answer appears the same as in the case of Hillary Clinton’s emails: control. Using private counsel allows Biden to raise attorney-client privilege. Trump also used counsel, but eventually the FBI raided his home to search and remove not just classified material but documents found in boxes with that material. While that attorney-client privilege can be overcome under a “crime/fraud exception,” it adds a level of initial protection. It also allowed Biden to control the discovery and initial record of the discovery of classified information. The key to any investigation will be the chain of custody extending back to the documents’ removal in 2017 when Biden left office. How these documents appeared in their discovered locations is known only to his lawyers. It’s a link in the chain of custody that Biden effectively controls. With Mar-a-Lago, the FBI was criticized for staging documents to be shown in the storage room. The photos were then leaked to an eager media. There will be no staged photos of documents alongside Time magazine covers for Biden. Nor were documents he housed with classified documents removed. Indeed, it’s not clear if the FBI will know what documents were stored in the same boxes. What was potentially lost is significant. Classified documents are generally supposed to be in folders with a thick, colored border and large printed classification warnings. Were some of those folders observable before they were moved? If so, anyone could tell a pile contained classified material, including the president and passersby. Likewise, the initial discovery could show the context of surrounding material. The FBI at Mar-a-Lago carefully photographed that context and its search. Here, we’re relying on counsel to have kept such a record when most lawyers would be reluctant to do so given the risk to their client. The key is that unlike FBI agents, these lawyers are not acting on behalf of the public interest but for the president’s personal interests. If there are criminal charges, the key witnesses will be lawyers representing the president as an individual. They are more likely to minimize incriminating or embarrassing elements. And they are themselves under scrutiny. Since they may not have had sufficient clearances to do this work, it is in their interest to downplay any expectations or warnings of additional classified material scattered around Biden’s home or office. Concern over the use of lawyers has only grown with time. Biden not only continued to have his lawyers search after the first discovery, but did so for months through subsequent discoveries. After finding highly classified material in Biden’s garage Dec. 20, private counsel — not the FBI — found another document in an adjacent room Jan 11. Sauber found more classified documents the next day. Those last two findings followed White House assurances that the “thorough” search was “completed.” It obviously wasn’t thorough enough. They raised another question. It would seem unlikely a document with a proper classified cover could be missed. The folder has thick red or yellow borders running around the edges and large black classifications like “TOP SECRET” emblazoned across the top. If that was missed, the earlier searches were clearly negligent. Alternatively, and more concerning, the internal documents might have been removed from the folders and stored without cover. That would indicate someone removed and reviewed them — an act showing knowledge of the classified status. If they were removed at Biden’s residence, he would be the chief suspect in such use. It would utterly destroy the “inadvertence” defense.

Did The Deep State Turn On Biden? https://amgreatness.com/2023/01/15/did-the-deep-state-turn-on-biden/ https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/12/dont-be-a-sucker-high-trust-elections-are... https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ https://amgreatness.com/2020/03/10/an-ideal-deep-state-figurehead/ https://amgreatness.com/2022/09/08/for-the-deep-state-trump-was-never-presid... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kremlinology https://www.businessinsider.com/kamala-harris-white-house-aides-not-standing... https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/486503-sanders-klobuchar-and-... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/biden-team-third-classif... https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/312605-schumer-trump-being-reall... Lately political analysis in the United States seems closer to Cold War-era Kremlinology. Small hints of what is really happening must be divined from the unintentional slips and innocuous gestures of officials. The reality of governance is concealed by a cloak of normality, procedural regularity, and legality. This is to be expected within party politics, where things are resolved with deals among party insiders, i.e., the proverbial “smoke filled rooms.” This is why Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar rather suddenly dropped out to make way for Joe Biden in 2020, after it appeared the divided field could end up with Bernie Sanders as the nominee. But this approach - secret groups secretly deciding how to control events - is not supposed to dominate ordinary governance. The Deep State Revealed Itself Under Trump Donald Trump faced harassment from the Intelligence Community and other unelected parts of government throughout his term as president. Delaying the provision of funds Congress appropriated for Ukraine—something well within his authority as president—formed the basis of the first impeachment. A crew of insiders and bureaucrats waxed eloquent about their sacred “interagency consensus,” but the Congress and the American people were not buying it. Americans still think elections are supposed to matter. In spite of his manifest unpopularity and refusal even to campaign, Biden was installed as president in 2020. Having rarely met an actual Biden supporter, Trump voters were skeptical and angry. The extended recounts, unceremonious dismissal of legal challenges, and videos of disappearing ballots, along with strident denunciations of “election deniers,” did not reassure anyone. Later revelations showed the coordinated way government officials, the media, NGOs, billionaires, and others conspired to “fortify” the 2020 election. Biden governed as he ran: mostly hidden from the public, beholden to donors and party elders, doing as little as possible. This seemed acceptable for a while, since it allowed the various constituent parts of the government to do what they wanted with little interference. Everyone knows Biden’s never been that sharp and seems more decrepit than ever, that his vice president is even dumber than he is, and that he’s not really running anything. But this is all a feature, not a bug, for the cabal that brought him to office. For them, the more independence they have from oversight, the better. Biden Has Enemies Lately, it seems there’s a disturbance in the force. Biden and his allies have continued their vendetta against Trump, exposing his tax returns and raiding his home for possessing documents he supposedly owed the National Archives. This did not go over as well as Attorney General (and all-around hack) Merrick Garland anticipated, and it seems Garland and the January 6 Committee have each decided to scale back their demands. This is why the recent exposure of top secret documents in Biden’s old office, his garage, and a mysterious third location suggests something is afoot. We went from a Monday disclosure to a special counsel being appointed on Thursday. Nothing like this happens this quickly unless it is by design. There are, of course, ways to deal with this situation that do not involve public exposure. Couldn’t Biden or his staff order some FBI agents or White House people to pick them up and take them to wherever they’re supposed to be stored? It’s in the news because somehow his lawyers found the documents and reported them before the story could go through White House channels. And, lawyers being lawyers, they followed the street-lawyer rule that if someone has to go to jail, make sure it’s your client and not you. Concerned about individual culpability for obstruction or mishandling documents, they made this hot potato someone else’s problem as fast as possible. Someone is responsible for the way this information came out, and that someone is an enemy of Biden. There are plenty of possibilities: some secret Republicans at the Justice Department, Kamala Harris and her people, a committee of Democratic Party insiders concerned about Dementia Joe being president for another four years. The whole thing has a whiff of a conspiracy, and, like the various allegations and pretexts employed to investigate Trump, it may very well originate in the intelligence community. As Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) once said, “You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” In this instance, the hypothesis is not completely satisfying. Biden has not really taken on the intelligence community, so far as I can tell, unless they’re still smarting about how he ended the Afghanistan boondoggle. Republicans Should Put Country Over Party Republicans seem gleeful over the news. This is unsurprising. It’s the millionth example of rank hypocrisy from Democrats. But, judging by past results, pointing out such hypocrisy does not seem to get us anywhere. It may put a damper on Merrick Garland’s pursuit of Trump for his alleged violations of the Presidential Records Act, but this already seemed to have lost steam on its own. Republican glee should be more restrained, as their excitement is akin to aristocrats in Revolutionary France cheering on Robespierre’s Terror when it turned on the revolutionaries themselves. Such a development makes things more dangerous for everyone, even if it sweeps up some of one’s enemies. If the exposure of Biden’s apparent mishandling of classified documents arose from an intelligence community operation, it shows that the unelected deep state is beholden to neither Democrats nor Republicans. In other words, it will have revealed itself as a completely unaccountable branch of government, subject neither to Congress, the president, the judiciary, or any ideological faction. This would be a profoundly un-American development, but it would not be a huge surprise. Instead of accepting the small fry of defeating an already unpopular, not-quite-elected president, Republicans should instead join forces with everyone of good will and focus on exposing and defanging the unelected portions of government, which mean to place themselves above every branch of government, as well as the American people themselves.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/mccarthy-says-he-would-consider-expung... https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/trumps-first-impeachment-shouldnt-have... https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hres1131/BILLS-117hres1131ih.pdf https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-says-jan-6-committees-charges-are-fake-b... https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/trump-congress-should-expunge... https://www.theepochtimes.com/kevin-mccarthy-credits-trump-for-his-house-spe... Kevin McCarthy news, the newly minted speaker may be trying to win back the MAGA crowd, announcing on Thursday that he's open to the idea of "expunging" one or both of former President Trump's impeachments. When asked about the possibility of erasing the impeachments during a Jan. 12 press conference at the Capitol, McCarthy replied that he would “have to look” at the situation, saying, “I understand why members would want to bring that forward.” “Our first priority is to get our economy back on track, secure our borders, make our streets safe again, give parents the opportunity to have a say in their kids’ education, and actually hold government accountable,” he added. “But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it.” Trump was first impeached by the House in December 2019 over a phone call he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He was charged with abuse of power for allegedly pressuring Zelenskyy to investigate a political opponent, and with obstruction of Congress, but was ultimately acquitted of those charges by the Senate. In 2021, Trump was impeached again for alleged “incitement of insurrection” following the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. Again, he was acquitted. Previous Expungement Attempts Last year, then-Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) led House Republicans’ attempts to expunge Trump’s impeachment record, introducing a resolution to erase the former president’s 2019 impeachment in March. “So, what we’re doing with the resolution is just simply saying, ‘Hey, listen, Congress made a mistake,’” Mullin, now a senator, said at the time. “‘We impeached a president under Article One, Section Two, that shouldn’t have ever taken place.’” In May, Mullin followed up the first bill with a second resolution to expunge Trump’s 2021 impeachment. That bill (pdf), citing 2020 election irregularities and the impeachment’s rushed nature, held that the impeachment process had failed to prove that the former president had committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” or engaged in an insurrection. Although both of Mullin’s resolutions garnered some Republican support, neither was ever considered by the Democrat-controlled House. A ‘Political Hoax’ Trump, for his part, has maintained that both the impeachments and the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s subsequent criminal referrals were simply partisan attempts to “sideline” him and prevent him from holding elected office again. “The Fake charges made by the highly partisan Unselect Committee of January 6th have already been submitted, prosecuted, and tried in the form of Impeachment Hoax # 2,” the former president noted on Dec. 19 after the committee referred him to the Justice Department for prosecution. In February 2020, after his first acquittal by the Senate, Trump was asked by reporters about the potential of a future expungement. “That’s a very good question,” he said. “Should they expunge the impeachment in the House? They should because it was a hoax. It was a total political hoax.” At the time, it was McCarthy who floated the idea, vowing to erase the impeachment if the Republican Party regained control of the House and he became speaker. “I don’t think it should stay on the books,” McCarthy said. Despite opposition from several Trump-aligned Republicans, McCarthy achieved his goal of becoming speaker of the House—with Trump’s backing—last week. After a contentious week of intraparty negotiations, McCarthy secured the speakership in the 15th vote, attributing the victory to the former president’s support. “I do want to especially thank President Trump,” he told reporters on Jan. 7. “I don’t think anybody should doubt his influence. He was with me from the beginning.”

Biden's "Garage" used as TOP SECRET document Dead Drop for Chinese Spy House Caretaker, 10% fee paid for "The Big Guy" laundered through Hunter's foreign "businesses" from China, Hunter constantly seen around Pres Biden in daily affairs is suspected to be the "White House Document Courier" getting the documents off Govt grounds and to the garage... Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50k Per Month To Rent House Where Classified Documents Found? https://nypost.com/2023/01/13/hunter-biden-lived-at-delaware-home-where-clas... https://twitter.com/mirandadevine/status/1613576887728496640 https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/background-check-form-claims-hunter-biden-p... https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1614377369028157440 A Thursday tweet from the NY Post's Miranda Devine containing a background check for Hunter Biden has people asking questions. "The now-52-year-old began listing the Wilmington home as his address following his 2017 divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle — even falsely claiming he owned the property on a July 2018 background check form as part of a rental application," the Post reported. Of note, this is the same house where classified documents were found. Yet, upon closer inspection, Hunter lists the "Monthly Rent" as $49,910 - or roughly $550,000 for the 11 months he indicated he lived there? In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via @jj_talking pic.twitter.com/L7c80MRRiS — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) January 12, 2023 A Zillow search reveals that the most expensive home currently for rent in Wilmington, Delaware is going for $6,000 per month. According to Town & Country magazine, Biden's home is worth around $2 million. Could Hunter, a crackhead, have accidentally listed the annual rent payment to his father for the house which contained classified documents? Sure. But why was his wealthy ex-VP dad charging him rent in the first place, when Hunter was allegedly broke? Trending Politics asks the quiet part out loud; was this Hunter's way of funneling money to his father? After Hunter’s divorce was finalized in May of 2017, he was included in an email from his business partner James Gilliar about a venture with Chinese state-funded energy company CEFC China Energy. The email stated that Hunter and his partners would receive 20% of the shares in the new business, with 10% going to Hunter’s uncle James Biden and the other 10% being “held by H for the big guy.” Tony Bobulinski, another one of Hunter’s former business partners, claims that he had a meeting with Joe Biden regarding the CEFC venture on May 2, 2017, and that the president was the individual referred to as the “big guy” in Gilliar’s email. Additionally, Gilliar himself confirmed that Joe Biden was the “big guy” mentioned in a message found on the laptop. And as the NY Post reports, "The following year, federal investigators began looking into whether Hunter and his business associates violated tax and money laundering laws during their dealings in China and other countries. Emails and other records related to the deals were found on the laptop, which Hunter dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in 2019 and never reclaimed." "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," Hunter told his daughter Naomi in January, 2019. "It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary." Of course, Hunter paid his daddy $50k a month in rent. Here’s a text message Hunter sent his daughter in 2019 saying he gives JOE BIDEN “half” his salary. This was found on Hunter’s laptop.https://t.co/Ys1TzTlq3l pic.twitter.com/gsO8hP8r3b — kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 14, 2023 As the Post continues: The laptop doesn’t contain any direct evidence of such money transfers but shows Hunter was routinely on the hook for household expenses — including repairs to the Wilmington home. In December 2020, weeks after his father was elected president, Hunter Biden announced that his “tax affairs” were being investigated by federal authorities in Delaware, and said he was “confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately.” Recent reports have indicated investigators believe they have enough evidence to charge the first son with tax crimes — as well as with lying about his drug abuse on a federal form so he could buy a gun in 2018. So, was the $49,910 'monthly' rent a simple crackhead mistake when that was in fact the annual payment amount, or did Hunter create "Exhibit A" for any honest prosecutors to pursue? We aren't holding our breath on the latter.

Arresting or Convicting Trump Won't Keep Him Out of 2024 Race
FBI Corrupt, Engages in more Democrat Political Oppressing Witch Hunts "I Got Bad News For You": Mike Lindell Speaks Out After FBI Seizes Phone https://www.theepochtimes.com/mypillows-mike-lindell-speaks-out-after-fbi-se... MyPillow’s Mike Lindell Speaks Out After FBI Seizes Phone MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was picking up food at a fast food chain drive-through when three cars driven by federal agents blocked him. It was Sept. 13 afternoon in Mankato, Minnesota. Lindell and a friend were halfway back from a duck hunting trip in Iowa. As one car pulled up perpendicularly in front of his car, a second pulled up alongside; and a third then appeared from behind, sandwiching Lindell’s car in the middle. Lindell stuck his head out of the car window. “Who are you guys?” he asked. The agents identified themselves as the FBI. “We just wanted to talk to you,” they said, Lindell recounted in an interview with The Epoch Times. The FBI, he said, targeted him over the voter fraud allegations he has voiced, and later seized his cell phone despite his vocal protests. In what might have lasted between half an hour and 45 minutes, Lindell’s food ran cold and his ice cream malt melted as the FBI agents questioned his proof to back up the election fraud allegations. Among other lines of questioning were Lindell’s ties to Colorado Mesa County clerk Tina Peters, the local election overseer he met at a cyber symposium he hosted last August. Peters has faced charges related to a breach of security protocols for her county’s voting systems, to which she pleaded not guilty last week. They asked him about his meeting with Ohio math teacher Douglas Frank, who also believes the 2020 presidential election results were manipulated, and about Lindell’s frequent air travel. “Well, I got bad news for you: we are going to take your cell phone,” Lindell remembered the agents saying. “No you are not, I’d rather be arrested, you are not going to get my phone,” he replied. Since he doesn’t have a computer, he said his phone was an essential device that he leans on to run his five businesses. “They want people to be scared to talk to Mike Lindell,” Lindell, who relented and handed over his phone after consulting his lawyer, told The Epoch Times on Wednesday. “You might get your phone taken at a drive-through restaurant, you might get your door bashed in by the FBI,” he said, noting the string of FBI subpoenas for allies of former President Donald Trump reported in recent weeks. While Lindell initially thought the FBI was interested in him as part of the House probe into the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, the agents told him they had two separate cases in which he is named. The search warrant the FBI handed him authorized the seizure of an extensive list of information on Lindell’s phone, some of which appeared to be related to the tampering of the Dominion voting machines since Nov. 1, 2020, including information relating to the “damage to any Dominion computerized voting system” or” attempt to impair the integrity or availability” of the system. The warrant described Peters, Lindell, Frank, and several other individuals as “co-conspirators,” citing violations of three federal offenses: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1028(a)(7) identity theft, 1030(a)(5)(A) intentional damage to a protected computer, and 371 conspiracy to commit identity theft and/or to cause intentional damage to a protected computer. The FBI turned down Lindell’s request to back up his phone. “That was something that really upset me,” he said, adding that his last phone backup was from a couple of weeks earlier. But the recent FBI actions, he said, won’t dissuade him from his advocacy efforts. “The government weaponized the FBI, trying to scare me, trying to scare other people, but it didn’t change a thing,” he said. “This is Gestapo in Nazi Germany. This is what we’re up against.” “It didn’t rattle me,” he added. “I’m not going to unsee what I’ve seen.” Regarding his phone, Lindell is confident that the FBI will realize “there’s nothing in here.” “I do all things by calls, I rarely text, and I never email,” he said. “So whatever they’re looking for, they’re going to be on a wild goose chase.” Lindell’s lawyer is working to get his client’s phone back, and meanwhile, Lindell says he has already moved on. “I’m not even thinking about that. I’m thinking of what I have to do tomorrow, the next day, and the next day,” he said. “I have three huge speeches this week: One in Omaha, Nebraska, one in Idaho, and then with the President, our real president, in Ohio,” he said, referring to Trump. The phone confiscation, he said, has given him the opportunity to tell people that without election integrity, “We lose our country.” FBI spokesperson Vikki Migoya confirmed that “the FBI was at that location executing a search warrant authorized by a federal judge” but wouldn’t comment on specifics regarding the case. An FBI review “does not necessarily result in the opening of a full investigation,” Migoya told The Epoch Times.

FBI Corrupt, Engages in more Democrat Political Oppressing Witch Hunts "I Got Bad News For You": Mike Lindell Speaks Out After FBI Seizes Phone https://www.theepochtimes.com/mypillows-mike-lindell-speaks-out-after-fbi-se...
"We are suing the United States government and the FBI," Lindell announced on War Room on Thursday. Mike Lindell to sue Biden administration, FBI over seizure of phone https://www.thepostmillennial.com/breaking-mike-lindell-to-sue-biden-adminis... https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-fbi-seizes-my-pillow-ceo-mike-lindell... https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-search-warrant-shows-mike-lindell-pho... https://rumble.com/embed/v1hl31r/ https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-s-war-on-trump-heats-up-with-40-subpoena... https://thepostmillennial.com/dominion-voting-systems-threatens-to-sue-mypil... MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced during an appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room that he has assembled a team of lawyers and will be suing the United States government after his phone was seized by the FBI this week. Lindell said he had amassed a team of "Some of the best lawyers in the country," including Alan Dershowitz, Andrew Parker, Kurt Olson "amongst others." "We are suing the United States government and the FBI. This isn't just to get the phone back, this is my First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights were broken... We aren't going to put up with this, we aren't going to be the Gestapo like in Nazi Germany. We're being proactive," Lindell told Bannon. "I was on the phone with these attorneys, I said 'no, I want to sue.' ... We have all the lawyers on the phone, they looked at all these statutes, we are going to go to places that no man has gone before. This will set a precedent. This has to stop," he continued. Lindell revealed on Tuesday that his phone had been seized by the FBI. FBI officers trapped his vehicle in a fast food drive-thru and told him that they had a warrant for his cell phone, and would be confiscating it, to which Lindell replied that he needed it to "run five companies" as he doesn't have a computer. Lindell also needs his phone to adjust his hearing aids. "Nobody gets to bash peoples' door down and you get forty seconds to answer your door. Nobody gets to corner and take a phone away of a private citizen, their company's phone, and their hearing aids and everything else. Everything I had was in that phone, all my businesses," he said. "This has got to stop, Steve, and we're going to do it," he said. Bannon told Lindell that he was proud of him for his actions, and told him that the FBI of their childhood no longer exists. "Mike Lindell is on offense," said Bannon. "He's not going to sit there, because they're coming for you. Lindell, tell me one more time, you got Dershowitz, what are you doing specifically about the FBI and these kick-down-the-door raids?" "We had all the lawyers for over two hours, and they might even still be on the phone, I said 'I want this done now.' ... All the lawyers were in agreement, we are going to set a precedent," Lindell responded. Documents posted by Lindell reveal the purported reasoning, with a page titled "Items to be seized" reading that "the physical cellular telephone assigned call number [redacted] "LINDELL CELLPHONE" and "All records and information on the LINDELL CELLPHONE that constitute fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of ... identity theft..." as well as "intentional damage to a protected computer" and/or "conspiracy to commit identity theft and/or to cause intentional damage to a protected computer." Last year, legal representatives of Dominion Voting Systems sent Lindell a letter warning him of litigation for spreading claims of election fraud. Lindell described Dominion Voting Systems' machines as "the biggest fraud" and has asserted that Dominion was involved in stealing "3 million votes or more nationwide." No evidence has thus far been provided to support such claims. A letter in reference to the Grand Jury Subpoena from the US Department of Justice reads that "an official criminal investigation of a felony is being conducted by an agency of the United States and a Federal Grand Jury in the District of Colorado. As a subpoena recipient, you are not under an obligation of secrecy," the letter essentially asking that the letter not be disclosed. "However," it continues, "we request that you not disclose the existence of this subpoena for an indefinite period of time. Although the law does not require non-disclosure unless a court order is issued, we believe that the impact of any disclosure could be detrimental to the investigation." This comes as the DOJ has issued subpoenas to more than 40 Trump supporters in an effort to try to show that they attempted to stage a coup to keep Trump in office after his 2020 election loss. Trump left office peacefully, just as has every other president before him.

TPUSA on Defeating the Great Reset https://www.tpusa.com/live/defeating-the-great-reset-a-turning-point-usa-eve... https://reset.tpusa.com/ https://rumble.com/v1kc6j9-tpusa-live-special-defeating-the-great-reset.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp26K7tNnw4 Great Reset: Wake Up ! Free beautiful people don't need conducted by anyone.

Corrupt DOJ getting spanked over Trump raid... DOJ Denied Access To Trump Raid Docs After Judge Appoints Special Master https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/09/15/judge-cannon-rejects-do... https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourt... A special master has been appointed to act as a firewall between the Justice Department and materials seized during an Aug. 8 raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. In a pair of Thursday orders from federal district Judge Aileen Cannon, the DOJ's motion to access a subset of classified records stored on the Trump property was denied, and a recently retired judge that both the DOJ and Trump's team agreed on - recently retired Judge Raymond Dearie - will serve as special master. Pdf source, Highlights via The Last Refuge Raymond has until Nov. 30, 2022 to complete his review. Cannon struck down the DOJ's request for a partial stay of an earlier motion on accessing the seized materials, after lawyers for the government argued that they should be able to review over 100 classified documents taken during the raid - as they are not covered by any claims of personal property or executive privilege. That said, Cannon sided with a DOJ request for Trump to pay the full cost associated with a special master. "If the court were willing to accept the government’s representations that select portions of the seized materials are—without exception—government property not subject to any privileges, and did not think a special master would serve a meaningful purpose, the court would have denied plaintiff’s special master request," wrote Cannon. "The court does not find it appropriate to accept the government’s conclusions on these important and disputed issues without further review by a neutral third party in an expedited and orderly fashion."

Democrats desperate to keep Republicans out engage in purely politcal lawfare... the USA should be ashamed... Democrats Are Trying To Trump-Proof The Government In Case He Wins In 2024 https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/09/democrats-are-trying-to-trump-proof-the-... Is this what a party does when it can’t keep voting on articles of impeachment? It’s been almost two years since former President Donald Trump’s defeat, yet House Democrats have managed to build an entire legislative agenda around Trump Derangements Syndrome. The House Oversight and Reform Committee alone has been firing away Trump-obsessed legislation, as Democratic sponsors for bills on the Census, civil service, and whistleblower protections all cite Trump as a key part of the justification for the proposals. The common line connecting all the bills is to curb executive power that should be in the hands of an elected president and enhance the power of unelected and largely unaccountable bureaucrats. Three of the bills that began in the oversight panel cleared the House Rules Committee this week to move to the House floor. Trump Derangement Syndrome is clearly real. To be clear, it’s not necessarily better or worse than Trump sycophancy. Americans–whether serving in public office or everyday working stiffs–should never base their life around idolatry of or seething hatred for one prominent leader. But, of course, that has happened with Trump. I suppose polarizing is a shorter way to put it, but that term seems so trite. Anyway, the anti-Trump side is presently being more ridiculous and pettier. If Trump sycophancy becomes a legislative agenda, I’ll reconsider that judgment. The silliness of it all is that Trump might be the only Republican–at least top tier Republican–who could lose to either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris in 2024. While that’s questionable, House Democrats are advancing bills through committee as if they think he’s a sure thing come January 2025 – or water down a second Trump term as much as possible by weakening presidential authority. Also, some of the bills are based on silly anti-Trump conspiracy theories. The bills would effectively politicize executive branch agencies that shouldn’t be. HR 8326, dubbed the Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act would make it more difficult for a president to fire a Census Bureau director, while also granting the director broad new authorities to conduct statistical sampling. It would expand the number of Census Bureau employees with civil service protections. It also constrains future censuses from inquiring about citizenship–which could favor Democrats for enumeration and apportionment. When the oversight committee advanced the bill in July, committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., complained about the “Trump administration’s illegal efforts to weaponize the Census Bureau for political gain.” House Oversight Committee Democrats Reps. Gerald Connolly of Virginia and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania co-sponsored H.R. 302, dubbed the Preventing a Patronage System Act. The theory is that if Trump is elected, he would eliminate the civil service system and return to a spoils system. The press release for the bill references Trump’s final months in office, when he signed an executive order creating a “Schedule F” category of federal employees. The order determined that career employees with civil service protections involved with “policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating” positions that are “not normally subject to change as part of a presidential transition” could be more easily removed for insubordination, which was a problem during the Trump administration. This would affect a maximum 50,000 federal employees out of the 2.2 million federal workforce. That’s far from a patronage system. The Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act, or H.R. 2988, certainly is a more innocuous sounding name, since many Republican lawmakers love whistleblowers that rat out Democrats. But this bill practically encourages bad actors in the federal workforce to simply engage in meritless accusations–thus abuse the legal whistleblower protections. Whistleblowers have significant legal protection now. But the bill would create a new legal veil around whistleblowers and enshrines whistleblower anonymity in all situations. Connolly, the Virginia Democrat, said the bill comes “in the wake of the Trump administration’s assault on whistleblowers.” Maybe considering the record of the Biden administration, Democrats feel they should keep reminding voters of Trump. Perhaps it makes good fundraising letters for these politicians to tell Democrat donors they are still sticking it to the bad orange man. Still, one must wonder: if Trump had decided to fade from public life like most presidents, what in the world would hold Democrats together?

They will debate about Putin Forces invading Ukraine, but will they talk about the other Invading Force and Murderer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx2hEc7Dlcg Quit wringing your hands.

US Libertarian Party https://twitter.com/LPNational https://lp.org/
https://reason.com/video/2022/06/20/dave-smith-comedian-podcaster-presidenti... https://lauraloomerforcongress.com/ https://aria4sheriff.com/ https://keenequeen.com/ https://twitter.com/Aria_DiMezzo
"Did Ancaps and Voluntarists somehow not know that the HBO series "The Anarchists" would bring out countless AnComs across the Internet insisting that AnCaps aren't real anarchists? The fuck? Have you never been on Reddit?"
"I just think Cheshire County Democrats shouldn't invoke trans issues if they're unwilling to let the trans person speak."
A True Social Justice Warrior... "Let me offer you my definition of social justice. I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you, and why? -- Walter E. Williams, Black, Libertarian, Austrian Economist, Conservative" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_E._Williams http://walterewilliams.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tq_VDp2CKo Democracy = Tyranny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcWh0eVEUdo Wake Up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BqEWtppUXk Libertarians and Liberty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xARsG7Ss9E8 Taxation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNJf6Ql9a4M The State Against Blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tn19YNJeZ4 Failures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcugkz-5u4Q Intervention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgGJ9eC98M0 Minorities and Unemployment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh9RNuXaQ0U Government Intervention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z7u9j34ESA Arbitrary Force https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCvpcWX9RNY Government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGVtgIWDrMc Walter Block https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gmds8R7lyw Free-Market Environmentalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKoTYMKyVh8 Who Will Build The Roads? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGEfjTIMy-U Doug Casey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbhQtMCW-54 Casey Inflation Reduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rls8H6MktrA Responsibility to the Poor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDvDac_VvYY Rothbard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnj2WRIG11U Thomas Sowell

The races have begun... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_elections
And so has the censorship, deranking, selection, election fraud, violent protests, local and foreign influence and agents, big tech, fake news, lies, hypocrisy, expose', massively unfair moneyed interests, hacks, leaks, trolls, memes, biased coverage, doctored videos, etc...
All polls show Biden-Dems are an utter failure... Share of adults rating their lives poorly enough to be considered 'suffering', hit a new high of 5.6 percent this July, higher than all prior estimates in the Covid-19 era. https://news.gallup.com/poll/397286/poor-life-ratings-reach-record-high.aspx https://www.statista.com/chart/28081/share-of-us-adults-suffering/ https://www.statista.com/topics/1298/mental-health-issues/ https://www.statista.com/study/80890/covid-19-and-mental-health/ Gallup suggest that "economic conditions are likely a major contributing factor to these worsening scores", adding: "Dovetailing with economic headwinds is a rising discontentment with U.S. moral values, which has reached a record high, with 50% of Americans reporting the state of moral values is "poor" and 37% "only fair," a sentiment that could be negatively influencing life ratings generally." Yet psyop's favoring Biden-Dems have already started before even the US Primaries... Before The October 'Surprise' Comes The August-September PSYOP Polls https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/08/before_the_october_surprise_com... For every election cycle, a few months prior to voting day, pollsters release surveys that show Democrats leading with wide margins. The media gleefully amplify these polls. This isn’t a recent phenomenon. Back in 1980, Reagan was trailing Carter trailing by 8% even in some mid-October polls. Reagan ended up winning the 1980 general election in a landslide. In 2016, pollsters said with certitude that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. The New York Times proclaimed she has a 91 percent chance of winning. Trump won that election by a respectable margin in the electoral college. In 2020, Trump was supposed to lose to Biden by a landslide. In reality, Trump secured 10 million more votes than in 2016, despite the media onslaught for four years, Democrat electoral malpractice, and suppression of all anti Biden stories. Trump received 7 million more votes than any sitting president in American history. We are months before an election and various Democrat mouthpieces are doing the very same thing. Vanity Fair magazine is claiming that Maybe Democrats Aren't Totally Screwed in the midterms. The Atlantic is claiming that the Democrats might avoid a midterm wipeout. The New York Times reports “growing evidence against a Republican wave.” The Washington Post opines that Democrats are showing momentum coming out of special elections. NPR is claiming that Biden's recent wins could give Democrats a boost heading into November. Even ‘conservative’ Fox News is claiming that midterms looking 'much better' for Democrats because of Trump. The media is also pushing the narrative that Biden has had a resurgence. They are citing Biden’s ‘legislative accomplishments’ on tech manufacturing, guns, infrastructure, and climate change. They are lauding Biden for canceling $10,000 in student debt for borrowers making under $125,000 per year. They are even claiming his poll numbers are high. Dark Brandon is having a good week. - Jobs up - Unemployment down - Gas prices down - Getting Manchin and Sinema to agree on SOMETHING - Got the Al Qaeda guy - Even shamed Republicans into helping veterans (Jon Stewart definitely helped!) pic.twitter.com/LesAWTByFs — Grant Stern is boosted! (@grantstern) August 5, 2022 Now for the facts. None of his ‘legislative accomplishments’ will have any positive impact on the ground. On the contrary, they are likely to worsen the suffering. Pardoning student loans is discriminatory to people who have the burden of other kinds of loans such as home loans, vehicle loans, business loans, etc., plus high taxes. These people are unlikely to be pleased with Biden. The annual inflation may have dropped marginally but it still remains at a high 8.5 percent causing the prices of regular items to skyrocket, adding to the struggle of regular Americans. The media is claiming that the Inflation Reduction Act addresses inflation, however, experts say it would only reduce annual inflation by 0.1 percentage point over the next five years. A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll shows only 37% of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s handling of the economy while 70% thought the economy under Biden had worsened. The Democrats are the party of open borders causing an influx of illegal immigrants some among whom are violent criminals, human traffickers, terrorists, and smugglers of illicit drugs. Since Biden took office, over 4.9 million illegal migrants have crossed the southern border. This is the equivalent of the combined population of states such as Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, both North and South Dakota, and Biden's home state of Delaware. The Democrats have also shown totalitarian propensities. They called parents who opposed the teaching of critical race theory in school domestic terrorists. They used COVID-19 to impose lockdowns that destroyed lives not only economically but psychologically. The Democrats advocated vaccine mandates that rendered many jobless. Some who reluctantly took the vaccine to remain employed, are suffering from health issues. The Democrats attempted to set up the Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ that sits in judgment of the utterances of regular citizens. The Democrats plan to hire 87,000 new IRS agents who will obviously harass the middle class quite likely in states that don’t vote Democrat. The same Democrats have no funds to hire new Border Patrol agents to protect the border. The January 6 Committee exists to persecute political opponents and their supporters. Democrats have shown themselves to be out of touch, bragging about expensive electric cars that are hard to recharge. The situation abroad is catastrophic. Biden’s withdrawal has made Afghanistan unstable and al-Qaida is once again in control. The media focused on lauding Biden for the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, but what the ignored was the fact that he was living comfortably in Kabul. A Department of Defense whistleblower report noted that 324 of the individuals the Biden administration evacuated from Afghanistan and welcomed into the U.S. have appeared on the terror watchlist. There is a raging war in Ukraine. The Democrats have splurged $10.6 billion and pledged $40 billion more in aid to Ukraine. All transparency and accountability measures were blocked. Recently Biden announced $3 billion in new weapons and equipment to Ukraine, once again there is no proper tracking of these weapons, let alone the money -- the weapons could be sold on the black market and end up in the wrong hands. There are also considerable tensions between China and Taiwan. There is nothing that the Democrats can point to and claim as their accomplishment. Yet they focus on the trivial and attempt to project themselves in favorably. A perfect example is the senate race in Pennsylvania which is a microcosm of the entire U.S. The race is between Republican Dr. Memet Oz and Democrat John Fetterman. Fetterman pledged to ban fracking which supports thousands of jobs, especially in western Pennsylvania which is the fourth-largest energy producer in America. Fetterman plans to release one-third of the state’s prisoners which will place Pennsylvanians in deep peril. Fetterman suffered a stroke that kept him away from the campaign for three months and now has impaired cognitive abilities. But the media is focused on Dr. Oz unknowingly using the wrong word to describe a vegetable tray. The polls show Oz consistently trailing Fetterman by 11 percentage points. They are even carrying reports that Trump thinks Oz will lose, and obviously, the sources are unnamed. Back to Biden. There are a few polls that the media don’t like to talk about. Axios recently ran a poll early this month that showed a startling number of Democrats are been unwilling to support Biden’s re-election in 2024 since he is old and unpopular. The New York Times carried a piece urging Biden to step aside in favor of young talent in the Democrat party. The Washington Post ran a column that revealed that few candidates want Biden to campaign for them in their state or district. Now about those polls. The goal behind these new polls favoring the Democrats and accompanying the media blitzkrieg is to dispirit the Republican voters and prompt them to skip voting. This is a voter suppression tactic. The truth is the Democrats were and are behind every major suffering that regular Americans are facing from crime to inflation to dangers from abroad. The voters are unlikely to forget their past and their present. Former U.S. representative and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA),who knows a thing or two about politics, wrote “November realities are going to be a lot friendlier to Republicans than August news media fantasies.” All you have to do is vote.

Americans hate taxes, though Biden the Weasel will delay enforcement until after midterms, the US people will still revolt against Dems bankrupt Socialism... Biden-Dems add nearly 1800 despised tax collectors to every US State... Biden-Dems add $500B student loans to deficit... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-suggests-bidens-500b-student-lo... Biden-Dems Socialist dreams will crater economy beyond bankrupt... Biden's IRS Auditor Army Will Disrupt Economic Recovery https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/08/30/bidens_irs_auditor_arm... https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/critics-small-businesses-in-the-cro... https://www.alignable.com/forum/52-percent-of-small-biz-employers-say-they-c... https://www.alignable.com/forum/special-report-47-of-smbs-in-jeopardy-fear-c... The Biden administration’s decision to recruit nearly 90,000 new IRS auditors could have a chilling effect on small businesses and economic growth, permanently impeding our nation’s ability to recover from its current economic malaise. As part of the misleadingly titled “Inflation Reduction Act,” President Biden and his allies secured roughly $80 billion in new IRS funding to hire 87,000 auditors. This is bad news for the American economy. One of the many ways that small businesses can succeed and help grow the economy is by taking advantage of tax credits and deductions which leave more money in the hands of owners to reinvest in their businesses and offer more competitive pay for their employees. But with the looming threat of a veritable army of auditors being mobilized by the Biden administration, it is highly likely that many small businesses will decline to seek the benefits of those credits and deductions, lest they face the costly headache of aggressive audits from the IRS. In fact, my firm, Engineered Tax Services, specializes in working with businesses to understand and utilize those credits and deductions, and some of my firm’s small business clients have told me this is the case. Business and financial experts are equally certain that Biden’s Auditor Army will target small businesses. “There is no doubt that boosting IRS audit capabilities through a vast increase in the hiring of 87,000 new staff focused on this effort will hit small businesses the hardest,” said Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, in an interview with The Center Square. “The tax data shows that it is small businesses of moderate means, not ‘the wealthy,’ that are targeted most frequently.” Basic math proves this will undoubtedly be the case with Biden's new Auditor Army. Biden wants to unleash 87,000 additional IRS agents on the American people, but there are fewer than 800 billionaires and roughly 34,000 millionaires in the country. Even if each of them gets assigned a full-time, year-round personal auditor, that leaves 52,200 agents free to harass small business owners and everyday Americans. Undergoing an audit is an incredibly serious and costly endeavor, regardless of the reason for the audit or the outcome, and this cost is a burden both on the business and the community in which it operates, a clear impediment to economic growth and prosperity. Even when auditors find no wrongdoing, the experience can be financially devastating for small business owners. “Obviously, this will be a huge burden on many small business owners, who will be forced to endure lengthy audits and do not have the resources to hire expert lawyers or accountants,” Kerrigan explained. “Some will be forced to bring in this expensive support, which means fewer resources to invest in their business, their workers and their communities…. Dealing with crushing inflation and the economic downturn is unbearable enough for small business owners, without having this type of threat hanging over their heads,” he continued. The insult to the injury Biden’s Auditor Army will inflict on the American economy is that it comes at a time when many small businesses are already facing severe economic hardship, if not outright ruin. A July survey by the small business network Alignable found that “45% of small businesses (SMBs) are halting their hiring, largely because they say they can’t afford to add staff.” A different survey conducted by the same network, also in July, revealed that “47% of small business owners … say their businesses are at risk of closing by fall 2022, unless economic conditions improve significantly.” That number is “up 12 percentage points from last summer, when only 35% were concerned about economic issues forcing them to shut down,” according to Alignable, and “SMBs in key industries face even bigger problems: 59% of retailers are at risk, along with 52% in construction, 51% in the automotive sector, and 50% of restaurant owners.” Our small businesses are in crisis, and the last thing they need is an army of militarized bureaucrats going door to door carrying out audits, further crippling those businesses and the economic growth they generate. Julio Gonzalez is the CEO and Founder of Engineered Tax Services, Inc.

The races have begun... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_elections
Trump keeps packing the house while Biden-Dems Rage Spew Hatred... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AzKMx73b14 Trump Rally 9/3/2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp805c_vRl8 Trump Rally 9/3/2022 Panorama View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDE3EtTW7R0 Trump Rally 9/3/2022 Full Broadcast

Trump - A Nation In Decline... Make America Great Again https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567221639393181700 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBJ6Kw1vRVk Trump: Nation in Decline, MAGA This video has been censorbanned.
Trump keeps packing the house while Biden-Dems Rage Spew Hatred...
https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1565515692434235398 https://nitter.net/pic/orig/media/FbnUL0FXwAIpxSE.jpg Which one, America? https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/06/im-a-democrat-who-thinks-bidens-anti-de... https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-hecklers-chant-f-ck-joe-biden-as-pres... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567202265743630337 Karine Jean-Pierre: "Election deniers are a threat to democracy & are all insurrectionists" Peter Doocy: "You tweeted in 2016 that Trump stole the election." KJP: *panic, sweating* "...um...thats different, ok?" https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-steve-bannons-dc-home-reportedly-swat... https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1565504002346946560 Even this CBS news reporter gets it https://news.yahoo.com/new-hunter-biden-revelations-raise-counter-intelligen... CensorBuried: Biden's brain-addled stroke-buddy John Fetterman is a cardiac wreck... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567295538768257024 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pittsburgh-post-gazette-editorial-board-que... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1556450583380361223 Kamala literally KACKLES as she cast deciding VOTE to RAISE TAXES and INFLATION, KILL American JOBS and ARM the IRS with 87K new Agents in a $1 Trillion spending ORGY during the worst inflation-recession spiral in a generation. Democrats hate you. Vote accordingly. The fact that any nation can pass stuff like this with only a mere 51% of votes needed, is gross evidence of mass dislike of the legislation, proof of force with no real consensus, and is why your countries are bogged down in layers of pointless Govt trash ruling over your life. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567241349950234624 Project Veritas exposes David Barrett's discriminatory hiring practices https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567219050693918720 Desantis ad https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1567220560995786755 Liberal discovers Republicans are actually cool people. Biden orders that heckler at his campaign speech be let go. https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1565447610550435840 The "extreme" MAGA agenda: - Secure borders. - Fair elections - Energy independence - Tough on crime - Save babies - Stop genital mutilation of kids - Put parents first - School choice - Protect constitutional rights - Put America First. What part sounds extreme to you?

Its 2030 Your house is 99 degrees and you cant put on AC because the governor declared an emergency You get into your EV but the screen says it wasn't charging, governor's orders You decide to go to a park but a cop stops you saying its illegal to leave your quarantine zone https://t.co/MDzjYWsl5Y — Tim Pool (@Timcast) September 1, 2022 Virginia Governor Takes Stand Against Secretive Gender Transition Programs In Public Schools "A Dangerous Escalation": Majority Of Americans Think Biden Speech Was "Designed To Incite Conflict" https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/COSA-Biden-Spee... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/01/us/politics/biden-speech-transcript.html A majority of Americans, 56.8% think Biden's declaration of war on Trump voters was a "dangerous escalation in rhetoric" which was "designed to incite conflict amongst Americans," according to a new poll by the Trafalgar group. Perhaps even more telling is that 71% of Democrats said Biden's speech - in which he said "MAGA forces" pose a "clear and present danger" to Democracy - thought it was simply "acceptable campaign messaging that is to be expected in an election year." What should worry Democrats is that 62% of independent voters agreed with 89.1% of Republicans who said the speech was a "dangerous escalation." This, from the president who campaigned on uniting America against hatred. Conservatives on social media were appalled at the speech. I work hard, garden, cook, bake, spin, knit weave and throw pots. I've been married 33 years and have two grown kids. I've owned businesses and pay taxes. I am a threat to the very soul of this nation. — Rani, Last of The Red Hot Boomers (@ShadesOfRani) September 4, 2022 pic.twitter.com/qAVpdrNHzd — Joshua Hamm (@Joshua_R_Hamm) September 2, 2022

Watch: Biden's 'Election Denier' Spox Scrambles To Explain 2016 Tweet Democrats are heading into midterms riding on their proud accomplishments crying "burn the witch!" at Republicans who dare commit the grave sin of challenging the results of the 2020 election - an effort which has been months in the making. And last week President Biden spent a considerable amount of time calling "MAGA Republicans" a threat to democracy because they "don't accept the results of free and fair elections." America respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it. — President Biden (@POTUS) September 4, 2022 Poll workers in Detroit, MI cover windows during the counting of absentee ballots cast in the 2020 US election And of course, one can see why they're worried when people like Arozona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake gives answers like this: This is one of the best answers to the media’s 2020 election questions I’ve heard. pic.twitter.com/yYni3wwjhi — Realignment Politics (@politicsrea) September 2, 2022 Except, Democrats have denied the results of 'free and fair elections' for decades - particularly in 2016. I guess Republicans and independents didn’t get the memo that only Dems can question an election! 🤦♀️ Because here are Dems doing that and nothing was said! 🙄 Why is there always a double standard in Dems’ favor?🤔Doesn’t seem fair!🤔 pic.twitter.com/aYH3lIUZ4E — PammsyHere (@PammsyB) September 5, 2022 And so on Tuesday, Biden White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre was caught flat-footed when confronted with her own election-denying tweets. Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election .....welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump https://t.co/NI7vqPV6cu — Karine Jean-Pierre (@K_JeanPierre) December 18, 2016 "In trying to understand the new attention on ‘MAGA Republicans,’ you tweeted in 2016 Trump stole an election —" Fox News' Peter Doocy said, to which Jean-Pierre replied: "I knew you were going to ask me that question." "Well, great, here we go," Doocy shot back. "You tweeted Trump stole an election, you tweeted Brian Kemp stole an election. If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?" And what was her excuse? "Let’s be really clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous," Jean-Pierre replied. "I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and what was danger of voting rights." KJP: Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from Georgians and Stacey Abrams. Watch: DOOCY: "You tweeted in 2016 that Trump stole an election." KJP: "I knew this was coming." DOOCY: "If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn't it then?" KJP: "That comparison that you made is just ridiculous." pic.twitter.com/EJyoykV1Ta — Townhall.com (@townhallcom) September 6, 2022 So it's extreme when Republicans deny elections.

Never before in US history has a party such as Democrats engaged in 10+ years of flat out fraudulent politics... Combined with rest of mess and world, many are betting that something is going to break in the US, badly, soon. Watch: Biden Says He "Ran To Restore Decency, Honor, And To Treat People With Respect" https://summit.news/2022/09/06/video-biden-says-he-ran-to-restore-decency-ho... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1566230943693676544 During a Labor Day speech in Pittsburgh Monday, Joe Biden commented that he ran for president to “restore decency” to the country and to “treat people with respect,” yet he has spent the past week demonising half of the country as a ‘violent extremist threat to the nation’. Biden made more of the same comments just hours later in another speech in Milwaukee, claiming that “extreme MAGA Republicans” propagate “violence and hatred,” and that those “in Congress have chosen to go backwards to full of anger, violence, hate and division.” Biden: I ran for president to restore "decency" and "honor" and to treat "people with some respect." Biden has spent the past week smearing Trump voters as "backwards" and "full of anger, violence, hate, and division." pic.twitter.com/hrYboiLj5L — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022 When someone stood up to express dissent, Biden called him “an idiot” and stated “Extreme MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and our social security, they embrace political violence.” Elsewhere during Biden’s appearances, he reminded Americans that he cannot string sentences together or pronounce words, and he doesn’t know where he is: PROMPTER: “Do you know how much we Reduced the deficit this year?” BIDEN:“Do you know how much Rededudenedefet this year?” pic.twitter.com/AjUu0RRNvg — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 5, 2022 BIDEN: "Where am I going?" pic.twitter.com/mrbaYYUQG8 — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022 Biden also told another outright lie about his shady past: JOE BIDEN: "I got very engaged in my case in the civil rights movement. As a kid, I worked a lot in the movement." This is a lie that has been repeatedly debunked. pic.twitter.com/FPjjXaGM7p — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022 CNN's Jake Tapper: Joe Biden lied to voters when he claimed he marched in the civil rights movement. pic.twitter.com/TF0GemsMPz — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 5, 2022 Literally tens of people were out in force for Biden: MASSIVE crowd for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania today! 🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/VGd4mjV9KR — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 6, 2022 Stop #2 of @POTUS’ Labor Day Travel: West Mifflin, PA. Per the WH, The President is greeting with @JohnFetterman here pic.twitter.com/CRf6MxmyWT — Molly Nagle (@MollyNagle3) September 5, 2022 The crowd at Joe Biden’s Labor Day event in Milwaukee, WI was underwhelming. pic.twitter.com/9ePBaiNG7R — Sean Fracek (@seanfracek) September 5, 2022 Many watched it online though, all 681 of Biden’s supporters to be exact: Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week. Here is what they looked like back to back. Incredible. pic.twitter.com/Xe7cWQzrQO — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 4, 2022

Democrat frauds and 1984 indoctrination camps... Kansas School District Pays $95K Settlement After Suspending Teacher For Not Using Preferred Pronouns https://www.foxnews.com/us/twitter-locks-libs-tiktok-account-hateful-conduct https://www.fldoe.org/newsroom/latest-news/florida-rejects-publishers-attemp... https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/florida-gives-examples-after-math-books-... https://www.foxnews.com/media/federal-court-kansas-teacher-speak-according-r... A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was pressured by school officials to placate a trans student in her class by using preferred pronouns. When Ricard asked for a religious exemption to the rule she was allegedly denied. Ricard also claimed that the school district forced teachers to lie to parents about students and their trans status, and even asked teachers to not use student trans names during parent/teacher conferences in order to avoid revealing any sensitive information. Ricard received a three day suspension after referring to the trans student as “Miss,” and for using the student's legal enrolled name. She was warned that any further “misgendering” would lead to more disciplinary actions. It is important to note that there are no laws in the state of Kansas requiring that anyone use transgender pronouns, and that these rules were being unilaterally enforced by school district officials. The Fort Riley School District was cornered into settlement when a federal court ruled in May that Pamela Ricard had a religious right to refuse censorship and to refuse to submit to pronoun requirements. They also ruled that teachers cannot be pressured to keep secrets from the parents of trans students. The Kansas incident is only one of thousands of exposed events that prove the existence of a concerted widespread social justice agenda within the American school system. Though the political left has consistently claimed that such an agenda does not exist and that parent accusations are nothing more than “conspiracy theory,” the evidence is undeniable. The exposure of transgender indoctrination and policy enforcement in schools led to a national firestorm over Florida's anti-grooming bill, which leftists called the “Don't Say Gay Bill.” The bill, now passed into law, prevents teachers from engaging in sexualized discussions or sexualized propaganda lessons with young children, and also demands that teachers share their lesson plans with parents. Teachers that violate the law can be fired. Multiple states across the country have had to formulate similar pieces of legislation as a means to stop intersectional ideology from being injected into school curriculum. Florida alone found that at least 44% of school textbooks the state reviewed contained multiple instances of social justice propaganda including Critical Race Theory propaganda. Interestingly, the majority of the propaganda was discovered in books for children K-5. Desantis provided multiple examples of leftist and CRT propaganda implanted in school texts, but to this day leftists claim no examples were given and that CRT is “not real.” Twitter group 'Libs Of TikTok' famously showcased hundreds of video, made mostly by teachers, in which they openly admit to indoctrinating students with LGBT and CRT propaganda in their classrooms. The group has faced multiple suspensions from various social media platforms, and has been accused of “hateful conduct” simply for reposting the videos to their own account. The trans movement is a movement to control and to dictate speech while pretending it is a movement for civil rights. No one has a right to compel another person by force or coercion to use their preferred pronouns. The entire situation can be bewildering because of the multiple tentacles the extreme left employs in their culture war, but there are some rules that can help to clear the fog and confusion. The first rule which makes it possible to understand and predict the actions of the social justice left: They ALWAYS lie. The second rule is: They always double down on the lies. The third rule is: They always gaslight when they are caught lying. The fourth rule is: Believe what you see right in front of your eyes, not what they say that you should see. The Kansas settlement for Pamela Ricard reveals yet another piece of the hidden puzzle that is woke ideology within public schools. It is an indoctrination process that has been ongoing for years and only recently have parents started to notice and become involved. Interestingly, though, in the case of Fort Riley, it was apparently school district officials that were threatening teachers in order to make them comply with the agenda, rather than specific teachers trying to slip their propaganda under the radar. This shows that leftist teachers grooming children is not the only concern – We must also watch out for School board members and other officials using their power to frighten non-woke teachers into silence.

17:30pm, California's woke failure kills electricity to 75,000 accounts, 525k pending, thinks they can charge 100% of cars at night with solar, and somehow pull water out of the desert, lol.

Never before in US history has a party such as Democrats engaged in 10+ years of flat out fraudulent politics...
Joe Biden and Democrats and their entire Admin are total insane corrupt political frauds abusing office solely to maintain themselves in power. They don't work for you, only themselves. Drained the SPR for political purposes, raised taxes, canceled energy, inflated everything, continued COVID scam, woke bullshit, lies after lies after lies, concocted disinfo teams, took more of 1st 2nd 4th amendments unconstitutionally, turned FBI and Media into even more of political jokes, and worse. So corrupt that even the Gabbard democrat had conscience to quit them. https://twitter.com/rncresearch https://twitter.com/electionwiz https://twitter.com/jackposobiec https://warroom.org/ https://rumble.com/BannonsWarRoom https://bitchute.com/ https://odysee.com/ https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1580561576335122433 Democrat Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig: "I will never stop standing up for Big Pharma and standing against my constituents!" https://twitter.com/MegBeileen/status/1580569683262328833 On 3/24/21, Attorney General @JoshShapiroPA sent a letter to Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey, asking them to deplatform anyone who would, “...downplay the dangers of COVID-19 and spread misinformation about the safety of vaccines.” And at least AG-CT William Tong also. https://twitter.com/adamMatthew/status/1580521201969287168 No One Fucks With a Biden!!! -- Joe Biden... Lol. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1580536800845914112 @matthewdmarsden How about you let the boys in Texas drill and push the prices down? Oh no, can’t do that. They vote the wrong way. Better to threaten a foreign nation into doing our bidding. @JackPosobiec WATCH: Biden vowed the US will take action on Saudi Arabia for refusing to lower oil prices before the election @JasonButtrill Quid pro quo to influence and election. But watch the media fall all over themselves to try and cover it up for President Potted Plant. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1580584549154951168 Not just a meme. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1580453568422629377 This looks an awful lot like the president of the United States threatening to remove weaponry from a purported ally unless that ally performs actions that help that president politically in advance of an election. Wasn't Trump impeached for that? https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz/status/1580509990418542592 The people who shutdown your businesses, didn’t let you see your dying loved ones in the hospital, fired your for not taking the jab, and took pleasure in masking your two-year-old, are now asking you to re-elect them so they can keep their jobs. https://twitter.com/ArizonaYRs https://twitter.com/TrumpStudents @KariLake has a strong lead among voters between the ages of 18 to 39 she leads Katie Hobbs by 11 points among that age group. https://timcast.com/news/tulsi-gabbard-endorses-joe-kent-for-congress/ https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1579678392815079424 Please DO NOT RT this video of Stephen Colbert interviewing an Obama supporter about the plan for Ukraine in 2014 as it would be very distressing the mononarrative today! Kanye + OKeefe + KidRock... in the house. @JackPosobiec Coming up LIVE on Steve Bannon's War Room to talk the Biden-Saudi Quid Pro Quo Scandal... https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1580538732842668032 FLASHBACK: Here is the Left losing their minds claiming Trump threatened to withhold military aid to a foreign country in exchange for a political favor Exactly what Biden is doing to Saudi Impeach #QuidProJoe! Quid Pro No; Saudi Arabia Says US Asked For Oil-Cut Delay Until After Midterms https://www.theepochtimes.com/saudi-arabia-rejects-white-house-criticism-of-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0_AqpdwqK4&t=3118s https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/12/biden-threatens-consequences-for-saudi-arabi... https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1580383630433878016 https://twitter.com/KSAmofaEN/status/1580342638816808960 Joe Biden may be great at threatening vassal state governments into firing investigators looking into corruption by his 'energy expert' son's benefactor... But when it comes to threatening the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with 'consequences' if they cut oil production, they weren't having it. In a scorching Wednesday letter, the Kingdom rejected White House criticism of OPEC+'s decision to cut oil production, and confirmed that the Biden administration attempted to coerce them into postponing the cuts until after midterms. BREAKING: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirms Biden attempted to coerce them to postpone oil cuts until after the midterms, announce they have rejected his quid pro quo pic.twitter.com/MGNRbZVrRk — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 13, 2022 Hours before the letter was released, White House national security adviser Ned Price denied rumors that the administration asked for the delay. "I certainly can’t confirm that report. What I can confirm is that we conveyed a consistent message to the Saudis: energy supply needs to meet energy demand. We have made the point repeatedly that we have a multiplicity of interests with Saudi Arabia; energy is one of them," he said at a State Department press briefing. "And in the context of those discussions regarding energy, we have had senior members of the administration travel to Saudi Arabia in recent months. This was not—this engagement did not take place solely in the context of October 2022 or September 2022." But the Saudi foreign minister's statement hours later made clear that "the Government of the Kingdom clarified through its continuous consultation with the U.S. Administration that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the OPEC+ decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences." More via The Epoch Times; After OPEC+ on Oct. 5 decided to slash oil output by 2 million barrels per day, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard Air Force One that it was a “mistake” and accused the group of “aligning with Russia.” Russia is one of the OPEC+ cartel’s 13 key members, along with Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Venezuela, and more. Responding to the criticism, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister insisted OPEC’s decision was “purely” about maintaining a balance of supply and demand and limiting volatility in the oil markets. “The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would first like to express its total rejection of these statements that are not based on facts, and which are based on portraying the OPEC+ decision out of its purely economic context,” bin Farhan Al Saud said in a statement. White House ‘Attempts to Distort Facts’ ‘Are Unfortunate’ Bin Farhan Al Saud said Saudi Arabia takes a “principled position” with respect to the Russia-Ukraine war and described the attempts of White House officials “to distort the facts” as “unfortunate” but ultimately unpersuasive. Saudi Arabia, the foreign minister said, supports U.N. resolutions regarding the Russia-Ukraine war “based on the Kingdom’s position on the importance for all countries to adhere to the United Nations Charter, principles of international law, and the kingdom’s rejection of any infringement on the sovereignty of countries over their territories.” Representatives of OPEC member countries attend a press conference after the 45th Meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the 33rd OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting in Vienna, Austria, on Oct. 5, 2022. (Vladimir Simicek/AFP via Getty Images) “The Kingdom stresses that while it strives to preserve the strength of its relations with all friendly countries, it affirms its rejection of any dictates, actions, or efforts to distort its noble objectives to protect the global economy from oil market volatility,” bin Farhan Al Saud said. Bin Farhan Al Saud added that the kingdom views its relationship with the United States “as a strategic one” beneficial to both, and in what was perhaps a diplomatic hint, stressed the importance of “building on the solid pillars” of the relationship. “The Kingdom also stresses the importance of building on the solid pillars upon which the Saudi-U.S. relationship had stood over the past eight decades,” he said. “These pillars include mutual respect, enhancing common interests, actively contributing to preserve regional and international peace and security, countering terrorism and extremism, and achieving prosperity for the peoples of the region.” Midterms Pressure The Saudi official’s statement on the heels of OPEC’s decision deals a second blow to President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats ahead of the midterms. The Biden administration had for months tried to lobby Saudi Arabia to produce more oil, not less, with Biden even visiting the kingdom in July. OPEC’s decision to reduce oil production puts pressure on the Biden administration, which has significantly dipped into the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for several months in an effort to keep gas prices down for Americans, citing the Russia-Ukraine war for higher prices. Gas prices over the $6.00 mark are advertised at a 76 Station in Santa Monica, Calif., on May 26, 2022. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters) The cartel’s decision to cut oil production also signifies Biden’s failure to influence Saudi Arabia during the July visit to the kingdom to ask for increased oil production amid historically high U.S. gas prices. Since Biden took office in January 2021, Republicans and oil industry officials have lambasted the administration for ending construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, suspending drilling leases, and favoring electric vehicles. Officials in his administration have also been accused of being out of touch with ordinary Americans’ concerns while touting electric cars in the face of record-high gas prices earlier this year.

These days ain't no election without music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECUxBJonR30 Burden - F Biden 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECUxBJonR30 Burden - F Biden 2
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/south-carolina-democrats-call-racis... Racist Democrats, just like Biden. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1567906815857262593 Black gangbanger goes on multiple murder shooting rampage murdering Whites while screaming "Justice", and Dems Fake News buries it. If it was a White murdering Blacks they'd tell them all to get in the streets and burn shit down, just like they did in 2020 politicians caught on video inciting the public to violence. https://thepostmillennial.com/eventbrite-cancels-listing-for-tpusa-watch-par... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1568293820164448260 https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1568294964022370309 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/dishonest-sec-state-america-refuses... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/breaking-clinton-appointed-judge-di... Biden-Dems dual system of political persecution. FBI unleashes over 35 new raids and claims against republicans in attempt to suppress their political organizing ahead of 2022 Elections. Joe Biden has not done an on-camera interview with an American press outlet since February 10 - 212 days ago. Joe Biden is a fraud with somethings to hide. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567968493504438272 Biden pisses off America. https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1568237548274864128 Biden's America... drugs and crime skyrocket under Dems policies. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/chicagos-mayor-lightfoot-promises-i... https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567915907216773121 Lying democrat lesbian cunts hate it when people drop the mess of horny Mexican Cis Males that Biden-Dems created off on their doorsteps right where they belong. https://gop.com/rapid-response/dems-finally-its-a-border-crisis/ Blowback coming https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568369364079968256 Joe Biden jets away on yet another weekend vacation in Delaware. Angry Asshole. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568279196207652864 Don't call us "folks" you fucked up asshole who so geriatric you can't even talk. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1568314768884219904 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568258966450225154 Kamala the Useless Airhead blabbers on about nothing again. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568295425823604736 Biden - 13 years of fucked up scary personality and senility. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567994502274600963 https://nypost.com/2022/08/31/biden-hit-for-spending-40-of-his-time-on-vacat... Biden has spent 40% of his presidency - 238 days - on vacation. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567535631064072193 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568324419239510016 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568296134270918656 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1564803010508767233 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568239886905270275 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dem-senate-candidate-fetterman-pushed-free-... https://www.gop.com/rapid-response/prison-break-mandela-barnes-edition/ https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/investigations/daniel-bice/2022/08/30/lt... https://twitter.com/JDVance1/status/1568019596791382016 John Fetterman is a liar, just like Biden, O'Rourke, and all the rest. Democrats pushing to end cash bail, release from prisons, plot to launch chaos on American streets and massive Govt. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1568357455725199360 The average cost of an electric vehicle is $67,000. "if you want to save money on gas" buy an electric vehicle Govt debt subsidies make you pay more in the end. Buttigieg is gay sleeps with indoctrinates little babies. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567973503500001280 No one could be more ignorant of economics and physics than this lying cunt Yellen.

Biden-Dems dual system of political persecution.
FBI unleashes over 35 new raids and claims against republicans in attempt to suppress their political organizing ahead of 2022 Elections.
https://twitter.com/pnjaban/status/1568418424979865602 Harmeet Dhillon http://www.dhillonlaw.com/ http://libertycenter.org/ A1W: This is tyranny. Harmeet K. Dhillon @pnjaban DOJ's "Capitol Seige Section" has been busy these last few days: someone told a Politico reporter that 50 or so search warrants and grand jury subpoenas were being issued to Trump allies - before it happened. Clients, already being harassed by House J6 Committee investigators were served w/extremely broad subpoenas, or warrant for phone/device. Our clients @america1stwomen are among those targeted for their peaceful, First-Amendment-protected, speech about 2020 election. These bullying tactics are designed to target & intimidate Trump supporters.

https://twitter.com/citizens_sanity https://www.citizensforsanity.org/ https://forsanity.org/ Returning common sense to America, highlighting the importance of logic and reason, and defeating "wokeism." https://twitter.com/citizens_sanity/status/1567886492625690626 Ad campaign interview. https://twitter.com/AmyKremer/status/1566615044556742656 Rampant crime and violence... https://twitter.com/citizens_sanity/status/1567540676627144704 What is a woman... a pregnant man? https://twitter.com/PhillyCrimeUpd/status/1568357026840862723 Drug addiction nightmare... Things Democrats don't want you to think about... It's OK to be white. All lives matter. No lives matter. https://twitter.com/JanJekielek/status/1568640409303224320 @LevittNicole7 Attorney Nicole Levitt - Women Against Abuse @JanJekielek Jan Jekielek - The Epoch Times - American Thought Leaders "There was no way I was going to sign a statement saying that I was racist or that all white people were racist or that all of any race was anything." @LevittNicole7 says her job tried to make her sign a declaration that all white people are racist. PREMIERE 9/10 @ 7:30pm ET

https://www.theepochtimes.com/florida-watchdog-groups-allege-mail-in-ballot-... Florida Watchdog Groups Allege Mail-in Ballot and Voter Roll Violations in 2022 Primary and 2020 General Election By Steven Kovac September 8, 2022 Updated: September 9, 2022 biggersmaller Print A citizens’ group called the Florida First Freedom Alliance (F3A) last week presented evidence to election officials and law enforcement officers that more than a thousand mail-in ballots were voted from undeliverable addresses in Orange County in the Aug. 23 primary election. The group also released evidence alleging that across the state serious irregularities occurred involving thousands of unrequested changes of addresses being recorded on voter registration rolls without the knowledge or consent of the affected voters. A separate citizens’ group called the Lake County Election Integrity and Voter Protection Coalition (LCEIVPC) collected the data from public source information. F3A spokesperson Christopher Gleason, of Clearwater, told The Epoch Times, “Based on an analysis of the 2020 election and the data that we have thus far for the 2022 primary, we are seeing Supervisor of Elections Offices sending out envelopes with vote-by-mail ballots enclosed to mailing addresses that cannot receive these vote-by-mail ballots. “The resulting problem is that there are thousands of completely undeliverable vote-by-mail ballots that were later turned in to election officials as legitimately cast vote-by-mail ballots.” F3A has made available to election officials a spreadsheet containing the results of a computer crosscheck conducted by LCEIVPC of what Gleason calls “only a small sliver” of those who requested mail-in ballots in Orange County. Epoch Times Photo Christopher Gleason, spokesperson for the Florida First Freedom Alliance. (Courtesy photo) The data allegedly reveals that almost 1,100 vote-by-mail ballots were sent to and cast from undeliverable addresses in that small sample alone. “This is what happens when dirty voter registration rolls result in massive numbers of undeliverable ballots,” Gleason told The Epoch Times. “The question is, who is voting them?” The Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office did not respond to a request for comment by press time. LCEIVPC spokesperson Kris Jurski told The Epoch Times in a recent phone interview: “There are thousands of people across Florida listed on the voter rolls whose address is flawed with either incomplete or inaccurate information—missing a digit in the zip code, an apartment complex with inaccurate, incomplete, apartment numbers, or none at all, and misspelled words. Small errors. But just enough to render a mail-in ballot undeliverable. “The whole game is to generate undeliverable ballots—a portion of which are somehow being obtained and voted by somebody else,” alleged Jurski. “And the volume of those undeliverable ballots also serves the purpose of muddying the waters, creating confusion, and overwhelming the system,” he said. After analyzing the July 2022 voter rolls, Jurski’s group informed Florida elections officials that in just one of the state’s 27 U.S. congressional districts (District 11) nearly 60,000 residential addresses were in need of updating and correction. The group found over 30,000 residential addresses that were designated by the United States Postal Service as undeliverable. Jurski stated there were thousands of address splits in which voters had their addresses temporarily altered in 2020 and that the practice continues today. “Performing the switch is how an unauthorized actor could get a person’s mail-in ballot without his or her knowledge. “This may be why there are so many obviously faulty addresses kept on voter registration rolls.” It may also explain the experience reported by many in-person voters who showed up at their polling places to vote on election day and were told by the election worker they had already voted, Jurski said. “Thousands of these ballots are being voted by someone—then just in time for the election, the addresses are electronically switched back, making the scheme all but undetectable by local election officials. “This is classic identity theft,” alleged Jurski. He explained that the voter’s name, ID number, house number (but not his street name), and all other information in his voting records remain the same on the registration rolls. He said the switches are done in low volume over a wide area of jurisdictions, and that there is less such activity during primaries because fewer votes are needed to impact the outcome of races than in general elections. “Many elections in Florida are decided by less than one percent or even by just a handful of votes, so the situation is very concerning,” he said. Jurski told The Epoch Times that a citizens’ canvass of 12th Street in the city of Clermont in Lake County, conducted on Aug. 27, just days after Florida’s Aug. 23 primary election, found residents completely unaware of a switch that was made to their voter registration records. Without their knowledge, request, or assent, all of the 12th Street voters surveyed had their addresses electronically changed to say Red Belly Road and then changed back again weeks later. “We obtained 37 sworn affidavits from the 37 people registered to vote on 12th Street attesting that they never requested a change of address. Epoch Times Photo A voter information card issued to a resident of 12th Steet in Clermont, Fla. with an inaccurate Red Belly Road address. (Courtesy photo) “A married couple residing on 12th Street showed us two voter information cards displaying their names and inaccurately listing them as living on Red Belly Road,” Jurski said. Alan Hays, Supervisor of Elections in Lake County, told The Epoch Times in a Sept. 5 phone interview that he was aware of the 12th Street incident. Hays, a Republican, said he wants to assure people that every change on the Lake County voter rolls was made by “authorized personnel, either directly employed by Lake County or contracted with it. “We are not in violation of any law. We completely follow the letter of the law. “I don’t question the intent of the citizens’ groups. In fact, I share their desire for pure and clean elections.” Hays explained that the 12th Street changes (to Red Belly Road and back to 12th Street again) resulted from the United States Postal Service referring to the block as 12th Street, while the Lake County E-911 System calls the same thoroughfare Red Belly Road. “As we were in the process of making our precincts coincide with newly redrawn district lines, the consultant we employed used the E-911 designation of Red Belly Road instead of the name 12th Street. “Our office chose to use the E-911 Geo Point Data System for our redistricting work,” explained Hays. Greg Holcomb, the director of public safety support and 911 coordinator for Lake County, told The Epoch Times, “We have never referred to 12th Street in Clermont as Red Belly Road. It has never been named Red Belly Road. “There was a 12th Street in the Wekiva Falls RV Resort that was renamed Red Belly Road, but that was in Sorrento and has nothing to do with the 12th Street in Clermont. They are on opposite ends of Lake County.” United States Postal Service records show the communities have different zip codes. In all but the above-mentioned case of the married couple’s voter information cards, the Postal Service considered the block residents’ mail undeliverable if it bore the Red Belly Road address. According to Jurski, the long-time personal acquaintance between the couple and their mail carrier may have been a factor in their receiving the misaddressed envelopes containing the inaccurate voter information cards. In his letter to election officials, Gleason alleged that the existing safeguards provided by Florida law to prevent the misuse of mail-in ballots are being ignored by many county election supervisors. He pointed to Florida statute 101.6103, a law governing mail-in ballot procedure, which says in part, “Ballots shall be addressed to each elector at the address appearing in the registration records and placed in an envelope which is prominently marked Do Not Forward.” The F3A provided election authorities with screenshots of mail-in ballot envelopes that were sent out to voters that do not bear what they allege to be the statutorily required instruction “Do Not Forward.” Instead, the envelopes only say, “Return Service Requested.” “That is a clear violation of the plain language of the law,” alleged Gleason. “Specific words have specific meanings in the law and in postal regulations.” Gleason contends that the deficient labeling does not clearly and definitively inform apartment managers, RV park managers, or mailroom clerks handling other people’s mail that it should not be forwarded. As evidence of the problem, Gleason’s group provided authorities with a screenshot of a vote-by-mail ballot envelope that had been forwarded in Pinellas County. Similar evidence of such occurrences in other counties, such as Pasco, has also been sent along to election officials. Dustin Chase, the deputy supervisor of elections in Pinellas County, disagrees that the envelopes used by his office violate the statute. Chase told The Epoch Times in a phone interview, “From our perspective and that of our attorneys, we are conducting elections legally pursuant to all laws.” Chase described F3A as “a very sincere group of patriots that is dedicated to ensuring the integrity of our elections. We respect them.” However, Chase went on to state that the group is not understanding that the section of the Florida election law it cites applies only to “all-mail-in elections,” such as referendums, where no candidates or offices appear on the ballot and there is no in-person voting. Gleason contends that the plain statutory language governs the handling of mail-in ballots in all elections. Epoch Times Photo An envelope containing mail-in ballot materials sent by non-profit mail by Pinellas County, Fla. (Courtesy photo) Gleason also alleges that the same statute mandates that mail-in ballots be sent by First Class mail, yet the F3A found that many mail-in ballot envelopes are sent by bulk mail or non-profit mail. He also presented evidence that a large number of mail-in ballots were sent to voters in apartment houses or complexes with no individual apartment numbers specified, a practice, he says, opens the door to potential voter fraud. “The sending out of mail-in ballots in envelopes that violate state law must be stopped. Mail-in ballots being voted from invalid addresses must be stopped,” said Gleason. When Chase was asked by The Epoch Times about mail-in ballots being cast from undeliverable addresses, he replied, “I’m not sure if it did happen, but if it did and someone knows about it, they should report the fraud to law enforcement immediately.” Gleason said F3A members are eagerly awaiting the response from state and local election officials to their letters and are willing to help them clean up the problems. He bemoaned the hesitancy of some election officials to cooperate with concerned citizens. “We are often told that data we request is non-existent, or that we don’t have a right to see it. They also tack on exorbitant fees to some requests,” said Gleason. Jurski said his group is running into the same resistance from election authorities. “Our problem is not with the honest, hardworking, conscientious election workers. It is with their superiors,” said Jurski. On Aug. 25, The Epoch Times contacted Mark Ard, the director of external affairs for the Florida Deptartment of State, with a list of questions and a request for comment on the citizens’ allegations. Ard acknowledged receipt of the email but has not responded as of press time. Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, a Republican, stated at a recent press conference that ineligible voters casting ballots is “a problem.” Moody said even a small number of such votes can be impactful, citing a congressional seat that was won by only five votes. She referred to a poll that found that just one in five Americans believe our elections are “very secure.” “Government cannot stand without the trust and confidence of our citizens,” said Moody. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a press conference held at the Broward County Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Aug. 18, 2022. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) At the same press conference, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, pledged the state would investigate and arrest violators of election law. DeSantis focused his remarks on voters who voted in two different states, and on foreign nationals who get registered to vote and are voting in Florida elections. “It would be easier if we had the cooperation of the Deptartment of Homeland Security,” said DeSantis. “The federal government has not been working closely with us. Their interests lie elsewhere.”

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/chicagos-mayor-lightfoot-promises-i... https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567915907216773121 Lying democrat lesbian cunts hate it when people drop the mess of horny Mexican Cis Males that Biden-Dems created off on their doorsteps right where they belong.
Busloads and Planeloads of them... shipped straight to the elite Democrats cities... exactly where they belong, camped right outside the doorsteps of those that signalled them to come. FTW. Over 100 Migrants Dropped Off Outside Kamala Harris' DC Home https://www.theepochtimes.com/washington-mayor-declares-public-emergency-ove... Over 100 illegal migrants who were picked up in Eagle Pass, Texas were dropped off outside Vice President Kamala Harris' residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington DC on Thursday. NEW 🚨 Two migrant buses from Texas arrive outside VP Kamala Harris residence pic.twitter.com/KhvBUF62Hm — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) September 15, 2022 The group was sent to DC by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and includes migrants from Venezuela, Columbia, Uruguay and Mexico. BREAKING: Two buses of 101 migrants mostly from Venezuela arrive outside @VP Harris house in DC sent by @GregAbbott_TX - one migrant telling me he believes the border is “open” @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/Q70utdE4k0 — Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) September 15, 2022 A representative from NGO 'Sanctuary DMV' appeared on scene and told the migrants that they would be going to a local church. "We’ve already set up a church and a location — a safe location for them to tell us where they need to go next, where they have relatives," said representative Carla Bustillos. "I was surprised to see [the press] here before we could get here. So the press knew the location before we did, some of the volunteers… it’s very frustrating." Illegal Immigrant after being bussed from Texas to Kamala Harris’ House by Gov. Greg Abbott: “THE BORDER IS OPEN” pic.twitter.com/TyaiVgcTOs — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 15, 2022 Abbott has argued that Texas border towns are overwhelmed with migrants, and that those in DC, New York and other Democratic 'sanctuary cities' should face the realities of the border crisis. Last week, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a public emergency after busloads of migrants began to overwhelm the nation's capital. According to Ranae Eze, press secretary for Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, Bowser is a hypocrite. "In a city with a population over 700,000, she’s claiming an emergency for just over 7,900 migrants being bused into her sanctuary city," Eze told the Epoch Times. "That’s barely 1 percent of the population of Washington, D.C. The true emergency is on our nation’s southern border—not in our nation’s capital—where small Texas border towns are overrun and overwhelmed by hundreds of migrants every single day as the Biden Administration dumps them in their communities. "Instead of fearmongering and complaining about a few thousand migrants in her sanctuary city, Mayor Bowser should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the President continues failing to do. Governor Abbott’s invitation is still open for Mayor Bowser to visit the border and see the actual crisis firsthand." Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shipped two planes full of migrants to Martha's Vineyard, where residents are freaking out. pic.twitter.com/dKZmqk5KOm — Florida Populist - Desantis 2022-26/Misigoy Fl Sen (@BombaTruth) September 15, 2022

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/chicagos-mayor-lightfoot-promises-i... https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567915907216773121 https://www.theepochtimes.com/washington-mayor-declares-public-emergency-ove...
Democrats Gonna Be Pissed At Themselves, Soon To Expose Their Own Racism Florida Governor DeSantis Sends Two Planeloads Of Illegal Immigrants To Martha's Vineyard https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ron-desantis-sends-two-planes-illegal-immig... Florida Governor Ron DeSantis promised he would send illegal immigrants to progressive "sanctuary cities" earlier this summer - and now, according to Fox News, he's fulfilling that promise. DeSantis shipped two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday this week, according to Fox News, who posted video of the migrants getting off of planes at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts. A statement from the Governor's office confirmed the move: "Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations." A spokeswoman for DeSantis continued: "States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies." "As you may know, in this past legislative session the Florida legislature appropriated $12 million to implement a program to facilitate the transport of illegal immigrants from this state consistent with federal law." DeSantis isn't just set on Martha's Vineyard, however, stating this week that migrants could also be sent "to other 'progressive' states whose governors endorse blatant violations of federal immigration law." "It is not the responsibility of Floridians to subsidize aliens to reside in our state unlawfully; we did not consent to Biden’s open-borders agenda," he said. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said the migrants were being provided with "short-term shelter". His spokesperson said: "The Baker-Polito Administration is in touch with local officials regarding the arrival of migrants in Martha’s Vineyard. At this time, short-term shelter services are being provided by local officials, and the Administration will continue to support those efforts." Wait until a couple more plane-loads arrive - how soon until President Obama's favorite playground starts to look like San Francisco?

Twilio's seemingly racist CEO Lawson follows after another seemingly racist CEO Barrett... an "equal mix" is statistically racist. Boycott divest and refuse to work for woke types. Woke Twilio CEO Conducts "Anti-Racist" Mass Layoff Yesterday saw San Francisco-based tech firm Twilio join the growing ranks of companies that are laying off employees as post-pandemic growth reality falls short of pandemic-pumping hype. Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson announced plans to cut around 11% of the company's workforce, after admitting that the company had grown too fast: "Twilio has grown at an astonishing rate over the past couple years. It was too fast, and without enough focus on our most important company priorities. I take responsibility for those decisions, as well as the difficult decision to do this layoff." But this announcement was different. For the first time we can remember, the CEO appeared to make the case that race was involved in the decision-making process around who lost their jobs... "Layoffs like this can have a more pronounced impact on marginalized communities," Lawson wrote in a memo to employees. "So we were particularly focused on ensuring our layoffs – while a business necessity today – were carried out through an Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression lens." Forgive us for our obvious bias, but doesn't that statement infer that if they hadn't considered race then the layoffs would have been 'racist'? Of course, the liberal media rose up as one to defend Lawson's comments. Fortune reports, that two sources at Twilio told them the anti-racist effort was not controversial inside the company. "No one at Twilio has made any mention of it," one of the sources said. "Being an anti racist company is part of our core values." The employees dismissed claims of "race-based" job cuts. "I’m sure right wingers think this means firing only white people," one of the employees said, noting that it appeared anecdotally that the laid off employees were "an equal mix" of women, men, and underrepresented minorities. Well how do they explain his comments then... since Lawson did not provide any details about how the company would ensure that the layoffs did not cut deeper into certain groups of its 7,800 worldwide employees Are we really at that point?

Woke failures are clueless about Free-Markets, Capitalism, etc. That is why their Socialism fails, repeatedly, always. We Need A Common Understanding Of What 'Capitalism' Means https://www.realclearwire.com/articles/2022/09/12/we_need_a_common_understan... https://fee.org/articles/data-show-a-clear-correlation-between-economic-free... https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/jones-act-burden-america-c... https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amp.2019.0198 https://www.economics-sociology.eu/?602,en_crony-sectors-as-a-barrier-to-eco...) https://www.propublica.org/article/how-trump-trade-war-is-making-lobbyists-r... https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2022/04/21/climate-change-p... https://www.washingtonpost.com/solyndra-politics-infused-obama-energy-progra... Almost every day, there is a news story or opinion piece blaming a societal problem on capitalism. A recent one blames capitalism for destroying art, citing Warner Brothers cancelling the release of Batgirl. While sometimes it seems that people are just looking for some kind of scapegoat, there continues to be deep skepticism about capitalism, especially among young Americans. When skeptics and advocates talk about capitalism, are we really speaking the same language when we use the word? Though some critics have a deep understanding of different economic systems, new evidence shows how many are confusing free markets with cronyism. This confusion hinders coherent policy discussions, as well as the future of economic freedom and flourishing. In what has been referred to as “the hockey stick of human prosperity,” there have been huge advances in human prosperity in the last 200 to 300 years after centuries where the world was extremely poor. To better understand why young adults are so skeptical of capitalism — despite the important role that free markets have played in enabling this prosperity — we conducted a survey of 2,000 students at 130 four-year universities and colleges across the U.S., examining how their conceptions of capitalism relate to their attitudes about it. We found much disagreement among students about what is meant by capitalism. When presented with a free market definition (“property is privately owned, exchange is voluntary, and production and pricing of goods/services are determined by market forces”), a cronyism definition (“corporations utilize grants, special tax breaks, political connections, and special rules that favor them…”), and the option of “I’m not sure,” 49% chose the free market definition, while the remaining 51% chose cronyism (36%) or indicated being unsure (15%). This conceptual confusion seems to influence how young people view capitalism. Overall, only 23% of students have a positive view of it, compared to 38% with a negative view. However, among those who define capitalism as cronyism, only 6% have a positive view and 70% have a negative view. For those who define capitalism as free markets, 40% have a positive view and 19% a negative view. Moreover, the pessimistic views toward capitalism may be fostered by professors’ views. Of students reporting that professors have expressed views on capitalism, 62% say such views have been negative. As pointed out in a recent study by Peter G. Klein and several colleagues, confusing capitalism with cronyism may result in decisions and policies that are harmful to society. They point to other studies which link a number of societal problems often attributed to capitalism — poor child health, weak environmental protection, higher income inequality, poor infrastructure quality — to cronyism instead. They also point to an unvirtuous spiral that occurs as a result of such confusion. Policy responses that wrongly target market capitalism result in more government intervention in the economy, which creates even more opportunities and incentives for firms to engage in cronyism. This leads to additional harm and distrust in capitalism. Two recent examples illustrate this unvirtuous spiral. Recent supply chain disruptions are at least partially rooted in cronyism, with dockworkers unions fighting port automation for decades and lobbying various governments to prevent it, and with the Jones Act preventing non-U.S. owned, built, and crewed ships from transporting goods between U.S. waterway ports. This has led to calls for “reshoring” with trade tariffs and corporate giveaways to bring supply chains “back home.” Not only do such policies harm consumers and taxpayers, they incentivize firms to engage in lobbying to make sure the “wrong” products are charged tariffs and the “right” ones receive subsidies — a recipe for more of the type of government favoritism that sours the reputation of capitalism. One needs to look no further than the tariffs imposed on steel, aluminum, and Chinese products by the Trump administration to see how they can encourage lobbying and harm small businesses. As another example, the important role played by cronyism in hindering the technological progress and institutions needed to combat climate change in developing countries has been ignored by those blaming capitalism for the problem. Policies for combatting climate change have amounted to favoring one technology over others through subsidies, banning other tech, and micromanaging which solution is best through regulations such as building codes. Again, this type of intervention necessarily favors some businesses over other, potentially more environmentally friendly ones, and invites the political lobbying that characterizes cronyism. A great example of this type of cronyism and its implications is the failed Solyndra, a company that went bankrupt shortly after being given $535 million in loans in the Obama administration, where political lobbying played a huge role. Such lobbying incentives are eventually blamed on “capitalism” and further intervention will be sought. There are many more such examples. To the extent that we fail to distinguish capitalism from cronyism and treat the wrong disease, we’ll get more cronyism and distrust of honest capitalism will only grow. And however one feels about market capitalism, if America is to continue as the world’s largest economy and a hub of experimentation, innovation, and opportunity, plenty of it will be necessary. This requires, at the very least, a common understanding. We believe this effort needs to start in universities, the institutions responsible for forming many of our future leaders. The results of our survey suggest there is much work to be done. John Bitzan is Menard Family Director of the Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth, North Dakota State University. Clay Routledge is Vice President of Research and Director of the Human Flourishing Lab at the Archbridge Institute.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/chicagos-mayor-lightfoot-promises-i... https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1567915907216773121 https://www.theepochtimes.com/washington-mayor-declares-public-emergency-ove...
Sweden discovers the truth, these aren't "asylum seekers" "migrants" or anything else... they're simply leeches on free stuff tolerance and generous nature, violent, thieves, incompatibles, non-integrating, etc that all need sent back to fix their own problems in their own countries. Forced and Foolish Multiculturalism is a total failure, and a planned political attack meant to destroy countries. Sweden: Four In Five 'Refugees' Have Vacationed In The Country They Fled From https://summit.news/2022/09/14/sweden-four-in-five-refugees-have-vacationed-... https://rmx.news/article/four-in-five-refugees-living-in-sweden-have-vacatio... https://summit.news/2021/05/26/sweden-goes-from-being-one-of-the-safest-coun... https://www.ft.com/content/838d60c2-0961-11e7-97d1-5e720a26771b A new survey has found that almost four out of five refugees living in Sweden have vacationed in the countries that they originally fled from. Yes, really. The survey was conducted by polling firm Novus on behalf of the Swedish online newspaper Bulletin. It found that 79 per cent of people who arrived in Sweden as refugees, supposedly fleeing war or persecution, have returned to their home country since arriving in Sweden. “According to the survey, they do not wish, however, to return home permanently,” reports Remix News. “When asked whether they plan to permanently return to their country of birth in the future, just 2 percent say they do, while 16 percent say maybe — 81 percent of those who arrived in Sweden from non-European countries say they do not, primarily because they believe Sweden to be a better country to raise their children.” The migrants are able to slip in and out of Sweden because there is no punishment for doing so, unlike in countries like Switzerland and Germany, where refugees who return to their home countries without permission face losing their asylum status. “If someone, a Syrian refugee, regularly vacations in Syria, he cannot honestly claim to be persecuted in Syria,” said then-German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in 2019. The results of the survey once again highlight how the vast majority of so-called “refugees” aren’t refugees at all, they’re economic migrants exploiting the emotional cache of the term “refugee” to abuse the system, and in doing so harming the interests of actual refugees. Over the last 20 years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita that any other western country, a process which has seen Sweden go from being one of the safest countries in Europe to the second most dangerous. The unemployment rate for migrants is four times higher than native Swedes, with some migrant-heavy areas seeing jobless levels as high as 78 per cent. As we highlight in the video below, with the right-wing bloc, dominated by the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats, set to win the election, Swedes finally appear to be waking up to the pitfalls of accelerated multiculturalism.

Democrats freak out when their own policies and political attacks hit them in their own home turf, now yet another Democrat Mayor cries and taps out... New York City 'Nearing Its Breaking Point' With Influx Of Illegal Immigrants From Texas: Mayor https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-york-city-nearing-its-breaking-point-with-... https://www.theepochtimes.com/desantis-sends-illegal-immigrants-on-flights-t... New York City’s shelter system is close to being overwhelmed by the continued influx of illegal immigrants from Texas, the city’s mayor said on Sept. 14. “In this new and unforeseen reality, where we expect thousands more to arrive every week going forward, the city’s system is nearing its breaking point,” Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, said in a statement. New York has recorded over 11,000 illegal immigrants entering its shelter system in the past several months, with others going into the homes of family members or friends. A number have come from Texas, which started bussing asylum seekers who were released by federal authorities to Democrat-run “sanctuary cities” earlier this year. U.S. authorities tell the illegal immigrants to go to court at a later date for the asylum claims to be adjudicated. Most claims are denied and many immigrants don’t show up at court. Authorities rarely deport illegal immigrants, especially under Biden. Shelter New York has a law that mandates state and local authorities provide shelter to “the needy.” That means “every asylum seeker that comes to New York will have shelter,” Adams told reporters in a briefing on Thursday. But officials say they are “reassessing” the city’s practices in following the law because when it was put into place, officials could not “have foreseen” the current situation, a city lawyer told reporters. Those practices include communications and operational methods. Adams called Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other governors who have followed his lead in bussing illegal immigrants to cities “rogue governors” and said officials are trying to figure out various ways to respond to the governors, including legally. New York is receiving four to six busses per day, according to Manuel Castro, the city’s commissioner of immigrant affairs. ‘Blueprint’ Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has also ordered busses to cities while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis just had authorities fly illegal immigrants to Massachusetts. “The Republican party has created a blueprint that all of them are starting to follow,” Adams said. A spokesperson for Abbott did not respond to a request for comment. He and other governors have said they’re transporting the immigrants to try to force President Joe Biden, a Democrat, to step up enforcement at the U.S.–Mexico border. Biden’s administration has rejected calls for help from Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser and hasn’t appeared to offer assistance to New York or Chicago. Adams was speaking Thursday at a space described as a “resource navigation center” for the illegal immigrants. The centers are enabling access to legal services, school enrollment, and healthcare. “‘We’ll continue to welcome asylum seekers with open arms and provide them the resources they need,” Adams said.

Democrats freak out when their own policies and political attacks hit them in their own home turf
Democrats deploy US Military to take the illegals they imported into Military run Concentration Camps... anything but let the Corrupt Democrat Elites have to see hear feed pay and bear their own creation... and they scream "human trafficking" when it is they whose policies intentionally trafficked them across the border in the first place... Democrats are utterly dispicable, shameful, hypocrites. Massachusetts Gov. Activates National Guard, Sends Martha's Vineyard Illegal Immigrants To Military Base https://www.theepochtimes.com/massachusetts-gov-activates-national-guard-sen... https://jonathanturley.org/2022/09/16/no-transporting-undocumented-migrants-... https://twitter.com/TonyGonzales4TX/status/1570486230399488000 https://www.fairus.org/press-releases/border-security/fair-analysis-49-milli... https://dailycaller.com/2022/09/16/height-of-hypocrisy-border-sheriffs-hamme... The Massachusetts governor’s office announced Friday that dozens of illegal immigrants who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard will be taken to a military base in Cape Cod, while some members of the National Guard will be activated. Venezuelan migrants stand outside St. Andrew's Church in Edgartown, Massachusetts, U.S. September 14, 2022 As Jack Phillips reports via The Epoch Times, the move comes as video footage and photos show the illegal aliens - of mostly Venezuelan descent - being transported on several buses from the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Martha’s Vineyard, a Massachusetts island that is popular among the rich and powerful Democrats. It took less than 24 hours for the libs to kick these illegal immigrants out of Martha's Vineyard, but Biden won't lift a finger to deport the thousands of illegals pouring through the southern border daily out of the country. https://t.co/o19mTKbc6S — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 16, 2022 Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s office announced Friday that it is going to mobilize 125 members of the National Guard and said that families and individuals will be housed at the Joint Base Cape Cod. “We are grateful to the providers, volunteers, and local officials that stepped up on Martha’s Vineyard over the past few days to provide immediate services to these individuals,” Baker said in a statement. “Our administration has been working across state government to develop a plan to ensure these individuals will have access to the services they need going forward, and Joint Base Cape Cod is well equipped to serve these needs.” The move by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, sparked outrage among left-wing commentators and pundits on social media. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, claimed the Department of Justice should investigate DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on human trafficking charges busing illegal immigrants. Hillary Clinton today agreed with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending 50 undocumented migrants to Martha’s Vineyard is “literally human trafficking.” Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says giving illegal aliens bus and plane tickets to New York City and Martha's Vineyard is "literally human trafficking." Ignores the fact Biden has been flying them around the country in the dark of night for the past 2 years. pic.twitter.com/VYpeYW1jUN — Ishikawa Katsumi (@TwistedEagle49) September 16, 2022 On the program, Scarborough repeated the common claim that this transportation qualifies as “human trafficking.” In fairness to Scarborough and Clinton, some law professors have echoed this view which is wholly at odds with not just the governing statutory provisions but controlling case law. Clinton, who is a lawyer, chimed in with the same dubious analysis: “I think, Joe, you have laid out the craziness of the time in which we’re living where some politicians would rather not only have an issue but exacerbate it to the extent of literally human trafficking, as you said.” So, as Jonathan Turley writes, MSNBC and these legal experts are telling the public that the consensual transport of migrants within the country constitutes human trafficking. While Turley notes there are good-faith reasons to oppose the transportation to migrants to the island, he points out in detail here that, as a legal matter, this is legally nonsense. But DeSantis argued Thursday that the Biden administration has failed in its duty to secure the border, while Abbott said that New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. are suitable locations for illegal immigrants due to their “sanctuary city” status. After the Martha’s Vineyard deployment, few Democrats made mention of the crisis that’s emerged along the U.S.–Mexico border or the White House’s immigration policies. ‘America Knows These Problems’ Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) told Fox Business that he believes DeSantis’ decision to send two flights of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard will help highlight problems with the southern border. “I will tell you, House Republicans have highlighted all the problems, and I think America knows these problems,” Gonzales, who represents Texas’s 23rd Congressional District, told the outlet Friday. “I say now it’s time for House Republicans to show action. We’re going to win back the majority here in November.” The White House, meanwhile, criticized DeSantis’s move to bus illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard and Abbott’s recent decision to send buses of illegal immigrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence in Washington. “The children … deserve better than being left on the streets of D.C. or being left in Martha’s Vineyard,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said. A report last month issued by the Federation for American Immigration Reform found that illegal immigration has skyrocketed under the Biden administration, with nearly 5 million people illegally entering the United States in the past year and a half. The group blamed the administration’s policies as well as its decision to reverse several Trump-era immigration rules. “Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities,” the group wrote in August, attacking the White House for having no “willingness to enforce our laws.” Buses have arrived in Edgartown to transport migrants from St. Andrew’s Parish House. There is one big bus and two shorter buses to transport folks off the island. People with bags are taking selfies and hugging volunteers goodbye pic.twitter.com/wuauiZM4Y3 — Samantha J. Gross (@samanthajgross) September 16, 2022 Sheriffs from across the U.S. slammed the Democratic leaders of several sanctuary cities for complaining about receiving illegal migrants from the southern border, they told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s an example of just the height of hypocrisy much like I’m seeing in my local community. We have people of that mind that think basically ‘anywhere but my backyard,'” Culpeper County, Virginia, Sheriff Scott H. Jenkins told the DCNF Friday. “It’s happening in every community,” Jenkins explained. “So, it’s time for America to wake up and realize it’s not a southwest border issue or a Texas, Arizona issue, it’s every county is a border county.”

Massachusetts Gov. Activates National Guard, Sends Martha's Vineyard Illegal Immigrants To Military Base
Martha's Vineyard - Democrats Exposed https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1570802007220563971 "Martha's Vineyard Official Poster - All Are Welcome Here!" https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1570585089272053761 For hundreds of years, Martha’s Vineyard has suffered from the soul-crushing effects of its own whiteness. Island residents understood there was only one cure. They badly needed diversity. Relief finally arrived from an unlikely source yesterday: Ron DeSantis. https://twitter.com/hippojuicefilm/status/1570740095468339200 Notice they didn't start asking the doj to investigate when it was TX & AZ sending them...but Ron, well he is a real threat and now it will be the full force of the federal government to stop potentially the next president.... B/C he had the nerve to do what they've been doing Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom What @GovRonDeSantis and @GregAbbott_TX are doing isn’t clever, it’s cruel. I’m formally requesting the DOJ begin an immediate investigation into these inhumane efforts to use kids as political pawns. https://web.archive.org/web/20220916203154/https://www.nbcnews.com/news/lati... https://twitter.com/hippojuicefilm/status/1570929941608566784 King Royce Lopez II @hippojuicefilm They just don't have the room! Why didn't @Airbnb pay for these properties in Martha's Vineyard. 50 immigrants and 57 homes available. You have 7 homes to spare. https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1570872988710637568 https://web.archive.org/web/20220917071057/https://nitter.net/pic/orig/media... @NBCNews deleted this tweet comparing illegal migrants to trash https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1570779393227911168 This person is reportedly a teacher in @HaltonDSB Quick update on this I am talking to a current student of this school and they say the teachers name is Stephen Hannah "He used to be a normal guy last year... he’s been teaching there for a long time" The student wants to remain anonymous as to not be reprimanded. The student went on to say "I myself am bisexual and I totally support transgender people but this is crossing a line especially in a workplace" King Royce Lopez II @hippojuicefilm I don't remember my shop teacher looking like this Inexperienced technique, apparently teaching not using eye and ear pro too. https://twitter.com/JeremyRedfernFL/status/1570916264918536195 Yesterday, WPATH published their newest “Standard of Care” for “Transgender and Gender Diverse People.” They issued a correction on the same day. What was corrected? Without justification, it was “corrected” to remove all age restrictions for receiving “gender-affirming care.” Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog (Thread) The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an radical leftist group originally founded by a quack "social psychologist" who worked with John Money, the guy who performed sexual experiments on children which caused two of them to kill themselves https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1570852757908910080 Chicago Public Schools put out this training material for teachers. They claim there are students in Pre-K who are transgender and educators should work to “expand childrens’ understanding of gender” Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck Camp Road Middle School in Charleston, South Carolina @CCSDConnects gave this @Scholastic handout to 7th grade students. 7th graders are around 11 years old. It encourages chest binding, sex change hormones and searching social media for sexual identity + trans content. @libsoftiktok Portland Art Festival is having an event that’s free for black people to attend. All others are charged $80 for a ticket

Massachusetts Gov. Activates National Guard, Sends Martha's Vineyard Illegal Immigrants To Military Base
Martha's Vineyard - Democrats Exposed
Democrat hypocrisy lies and fraud keeps rolling in... https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1570896998911328259 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser spins bullshit propaganda "We're not a border town. We don't have an infrastructure to handle this type of and level of immigration to our city ... We're not Texas." https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1570867584194461698 Biden: Republican governors transporting illegal immigrants to other states is “wrong,” “un-American,” and “reckless.” Also Biden: Did the same thing. https://www.gop.com/rapid-response/dems-didnt-care-about-gila-bend/ @GovRonDeSantis: "[Biden] didn’t scramble...when we had millions of people illegally pouring across the southern border ... It’s only when you have 50 illegal aliens end up in a very wealthy, rich, sanctuary enclave that he decides to scramble on this.” https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1570957060849930240 “Do you believe [biological males] should be allowed to play on women’s sports teams at the youth through college level?" JOHN FETTERMAN: “Yes.” https://gop.com/rapid-response/fettermans-lone-vote-to-release-scissor-kille... Biden Admin repeatedly caught fudging economic numbers and distorting with bogus claims. Does the WH realize they are touting states led by Republicans? Thanks for the free advertisement @WhiteHouse - Vote Republican. The White House @WhiteHouse Thanks to President Biden’s economic plan, 18 states have unemployment rates at or below 3%. And, nine states are at their lowest unemployment rates on record. This is a sign of America’s very strong labor market.

US Libertarian Party https://twitter.com/LPNational https://lp.org/
Chris Russomanno runs Libertarian for New Jersey USA... https://www.chrisrussomannoforcongress.com/ https://twitter.com/russomannocd3 https://twitter.com/beinlibertarian https://twitter.com/Liberty_In_Mind

US Libertarian Party https://twitter.com/LPNational https://lp.org/
https://twitter.com/IAPolls2022/status/1587390223503196161 NYT: Arizona Libertarian Senate candidate Marc Victor announces he is dropping out and endorsing Blake Masters nytimes.com/2022/11/01/us/po…

The races have begun... And so has...
The Political Prisoner Podcast Introducing “The Political Prisoner Podcast” With Host Jake Lang from Prison This Week Jake Interviews Ashli Babbitt’s Mother From His Prison Block https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/introducing-political-prisoner-podc... https://rumble.com/embed/v1gdlat The Gateway Pundit is pleased to announce “The Political Prisoner Podcast” with Jake Lang, sponsored by The Gateway Pundit live from solitary confinement. Jake was nearly killed on January 6th when he was gassed and smothered in a huge pile of people after the Capitol Police attacked Trump supporters outside the US Capitol. While Jake was buried under the pile, Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him. He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was killed by police when they trampled her and pushed Trump protesters on top of her. He also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body laying next to Rosanne Boyland. Jake was able to pull Anderson to safety and save his life. There was never any justice for Rosanne and today, Lang languishes in jail awaiting his trial. Jake premiered his powerful documentary “The Truth About January 6th” at TGP. With “The Political Prisoner Podcast,” Jake is doing what he can to spread hope and truth while he awaits his fate at the hands of a Washington DC kangaroo court. In the inaugural episode, Jake interviews Micki Witthoeft, Ashli Babbitt’s mother. Ashli Babbitt was murdered on January 6, 2021, by Capitol Police Lt. Mike Byrd in cold blood. Micki has been holding nightly vigils outside the DC Gulag in support of the political prisoners detained indefinitely inside by their government. Micki told Jake if her daughter was alive today she would be outside the prison speaking out against this shocking injustice. “The Political Prisoner Podcast” will air each week on The Gateway Pundit. We are honored to provide this podcast and Jake’s story to our fellow Americans.

The races have begun...
And so have the honest ads. These honest ads were not paid for by David Barrett's Woke Dollars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c42evG9DR1E Full Metal Snuggie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoJgqi4oVkI Fathers Day with Joe Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYbBIfVN3M4 Joe Kamala: Greatest Hits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcqAk4PHt3A What is a Woman? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ65Ie54Emo Female Identifying Men Dominate at Womens Basketball Tryouts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck3pkETARWE How The Lincoln Project Exposes Itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9J9arCUU3A The Talk

Claremont Institute Chairman Thomas Klingenstein: Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement October 13, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_4n_MmNdxA Tom Klingenstein explains why 2020 may be the most consequential election since 1860--and why President Trump is the man most uniquely suited to the moment. Read his entire remarks from the October speech below, via American Greatness. Klingenstein is a principal in the investment firm of Cohen, Klingenstein, LLC and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Claremont Institute. THOMAS KLINGENSTEIN: My name is Tom Klingenstein. I am the chair of the board of the Claremont Institute which is a conservative think tank, managing partner of a New York investment firm and playwright. I wish to make three points. First, Trump is the perfect man for these times, not all times, perhaps not most times, but these times. Second, Republicans are not doing a good job explaining the stakes in this election. They must explain, and this is my third point, that the Democratic Party, which has been taken by its radical wing, is leading a revolution. This makes the coming election the most important one since the election of 1860. Let's begin there. Unlike most elections, this one is much more than a contest over particular policies--like health care or taxes. Rather, like the election of 1860, this election is a contest between two competing regimes, or ways of life. Two ways of life that cannot exist peacefully together. One way of life, I'll call it "the traditional American way of life," is based on individual rights, the rule of law, and a shared understanding of the common good. This way of life values hard work, self-reliance, volunteerism, patriotism, and so on. In this way of life there are no hyphenated Americans. We are all just Americans. Colorblindness is our aspiration. The other way of life I call multiculturalism. Others call it "identity politics" or "cultural Marxism" or "Intersectionality". The multicultural movement, which has taken over the Democratic party, is a revolutionary movement. I do not mean a metaphorical revolution. It is not like a revolution; it is a revolution, an attempt to overthrow the American Founding as President Trump said in his excellent Mt. Rushmore speech. Republicans should say the same thing. Republicans everywhere, at every level, and at every opportunity. Multiculturalism conceives of society, not as a community of individuals with equal rights but as a collection of cultural identity groups--defined by race, ethnicity, gender, and so forth. According to the multiculturalists, all these identity groups are oppressed by white males. Their goal is to have each identity group proportionally represented in all institutions of American society. As should be immediately clear, achieving this proportional representation requires a never-ending redistribution of wealth and power from some groups--and not just from whites--to other groups. Such a massive redistribution can only be achieved by a tyrannical government and like in all tyrannies, one where dissenters are silenced. In order to achieve this proportional representation, the Democrats require not just endless affirmative action but genuine socialism, open borders, unrestricted trade, seizing guns, sanctuary cities, and much more. The Black Lives Matter/Democrats understand (which Republicans seem not to), that if they are to achieve this policy agenda they must get Americans to change their values, their principles, and the way they understand themselves. They must get us to believe that national borders and colorblindness are racist; that we are not one culture but many; that the most important thing in our history--the thing around which all else pivots--is slavery. More broadly, the multiculturalists must get us to believe that we are unworthy--not just that we have sinned (which of course we have)--but that we are irredeemably sinful, or, in the language of today, "systemically racist." And sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and all the other "ists" and phobias. Simply put, multiculturalism must get us to believe we are bad This suggests one way to frame the coming election: as a contest between a man, Trump, who believes America is good and a man, Biden, who is controlled by a movement that believes America is bad. I do not think it is any more complicated than that. For the multiculturalist to change traditional values and principles they must destroy, or radically restructure, the institutions that teach those values and principles. The most important of these institutions is family, but also very important is religion, education (which they have mostly destroyed already) and community life, replacing the latter with government bureaucrats. It is here--in these value-teaching institutions--that we see the underpinnings of the Revolution. This is where the real action is. Republicans seem to be missing in action. Republicans need to explain that BLM and their Democratic enablers wish to destroy the traditional mother-father family. To substantiate this claim, Republicans have only to point to the BLM mission statement. The mission statement, written by avowed Marxists, also lets us know that BLM holds transgenderism to be the burning issue of our time. Republicans must also explain that religion, because it teaches American values, is also on the chopping block. Republicans also must make American see that the taking down of statues is not about removing a few confederate generals; it's about destroying America's past, as is the New York Times 1619 Project. The rioters, and their BLM-Democrats enablers, are tearing down the statues even of people like Frederick Douglass who fought against slavery. This is not an accident. It is not collateral damage. Frederick Douglass was a great American. He believed that America in her soul was not racist. He believed in hard work and self-reliance. And because of his embrace of American values the BLM-Democrats have to get rid of him. They must also get rid of Abraham Lincoln, for it is he who best explains what we should aspire to. And it is he who is the best defender of the American Founding. In one sense, this election is a referendum on the Founding. Whether America was founded in 1619, as the BLM-Democrats contend, or, in 1776 as Lincoln, and, until recently, all Americans believed. Republicans must make more of political correctness and cancel culture, which, as we have seen so vividly of late, brutally punishes apostates. Who does Twitter think it is, censoring an American president? Republicans simply cannot stand for that. And Republicans must explain, as I earlier explained, that the multiculturalists are trying to get us to believe that we are systemically racist so that we will surrender to their policy agenda. This too must not be allowed to stand. The American people need to hear what they know in their hearts: they are not racists. Republicans should stand up and say, "no, America is not racist." Period. If Americans are systemically anything, it is a systemic commitment to freedom and equal rights for all. Perhaps most importantly, Republicans must say over and over that America is "incredible," to use President Trump's adjective of choice. They must remind the American people that, as a friend of mine is fond of saying, America has brought more freedom and more prosperity to more people than any country in the history of mankind. Most Americans know this, but this too they need to hear from their leaders. In order to make the case that the Democrats are leading a revolution, Republicans must delegitimize Black Lives Matter--the organization, of course, not the sentiment. To BLM and their Democratic enablers, Republicans must say: "Absolutely, black lives matter. They just don't matter to you. You don't care about Mr. Floyd, the black businesses you have destroyed, the blacks who are getting killed because you have forced the police to back off. You're here for destruction. Not black lives, not any lives." After delegitimizing Black Lives Matter, the next step for Republicans is to tie BLM's revolutionary agenda around the necks of Democrats. The BLM wing of the Democratic party has captured the entire party. Run-of-the-mill Democrats may not agree with all of the BLM agenda but they go-along, so they might as well agree. Joe Biden is one of the go-along Democrats. So do not expect all Democrats to sing the BLM tune; even so, most will kneel before them. Listen to Biden. On one occasion Biden said, "Let's be clear, transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time." A year ago, Biden may not have even known what transgenderism is. He does not seem to know it, but he has been radicalized. Biden now regularly talks about "systemic" racism. On one occasion Biden said, though without evidence, there is "absolutely systemic racism in law enforcement." "[But] it's not just in law enforcement," he continued, "it's across the board. It's in housing, it's in education . . . It's in everything we do." He is wrong on every count, but if indeed he believes that racism is in "everything we do," that it is systemic, then he believes, whether he admits or not, that the system must be overturned. Biden does not realize it, but he is calling for the overthrow of the American way of life. I presume that is not his intent, but when the words he is reading off his BLM teleprompter get translated into policy, that will be the consequence -- the destruction of the American way of life. Biden demurs. There is nothing to fear from Biden says Biden: "Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?" No, he does not, but what he does look like is a sap. Republicans must make it clear that these are the "Biden riots." This brings me to my last point: Trump. I know President Trump has many faults. I myself sometimes cringe listening to him. Sometimes he is his own worst enemy. He is a braggart, often misinformed, petty, sometimes even vengeful. And more. And yet, we are very lucky to have him. I am almost prepared to say that having him is Providential. How else to explain that we find ourselves with this most unusual, most unpresidential man who has just the attributes most needed for this moment. At any other time, he might well have been a bad president. But in these times--these revolutionary times--he is the best president we could have had. He has the indispensable attribute of a leader: courage. As a leader must, he goes where others are afraid to go. And he has common sense, which means he generally wants to go to the right place. Above all else, and above anyone else, Trump is committed to America. He is unreservedly, unquestionably pro-America. He feels no guilt for America's past. He makes no apologies. He concedes nothing. These may not always be the attributes one wants in a President, but in this day of woke guilt they are the most essential things. And Trump has unlimited confidence in America. In this time of national doubt, this too is just what the doctor ordered. He thinks our culture is "incredible" and that's the way he wants to keep it. Trump not only thinks America is incredible, he knows we are in a fight for our lives. And despite what one hears ad nauseum from the Democrats, Trump is perhaps among the least racist presidents we have ever had. Trump is not defending the white way of life; he is defending the American way of life, a colorblind way of life which is open to anyone who is willing to embrace it. If we want to save our country, then we should support him--unequivocally. I am. I think this election is that important, and I think Trump is that good. I hope you agree. Remember, Trump versus Biden is the choice between a man who believes America is good and a man who is controlled by a movement which believes America is bad.

The races have begun...
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok PROJECT VERITAS EXPOSES The ongoing pathetic DemLeftSocComMarxProgWoke Indoctrination Camps in Schools and their Incitement to Violence continues... NYC Middle School Teacher Encourages Students to Engage in Political Violence, Throw Bricks at People with Opposing Views (VIDEO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aux5bXCvPfc PV: Schools Exposed https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/project-veritas-nyc-middle-school-t... Project Veritas on Sunday released part 4 of its Secret Curriculum series. The latest undercover video shows NYC Middle School teacher Ariane Franco admitting she encourages her students to engage in political violence. Ariane Franco told her students to throw bricks at people with opposing views. Ms. Franco also said the Pledge of Allegiance is not respected in her classroom. Her students will not stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. “I tell them — my kids — we don’t stand up for the Pledge [of Allegiance]. We do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, you know, but we keep going on our business. It was a class decision at the beginning of the school year: ‘They’re not talking about me, so I’m not standing up,’ you know?” Ariane Franco also said she changed the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. “At one point, when I first started challenging it [the Pledge of Allegiance], I had my kids change the words…It was something like — I think we added at the end, ‘And we will fight for those who this does not address,’ or something like that. We added to [it] because it’s like, ‘And liberty and justice for all, and we will fight until that is true.’” Franco also told the undercover PV journalist that the students in her class would “kneel” during the Pledge of Allegiance. Via Project Veritas: Ariane Franco, who teaches English to NYC middle school students, was recorded admitting how she advises teenagers to engage in violence against those who stand in the way of her political agenda. “This is what I told my students. I was like, ‘Guys, there’s strategic ways to do this [protest].’ You want to…I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose — and they didn’t do it in their own neighborhood…They didn’t do it to black and brown communities. Doing it to our own community does not make sense,” Franco said. “You got to go after the people who it’s not directly affecting…Throw it [brick] at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change.” NYC Middle School Teacher Encourages Students To Engage In Political Violence https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-... Project Veritas brings us another covert recording of a public school teacher engaging in ideological grooming of children in her classes. If you want to know where the sudden rise of "woke" cultism is coming from, organized propaganda within public schools and universities is clearly the main source. Teachers on the political left at some point decided that their job is not about teaching kids the basics of academics, but to serve as activists and to mold their students into the social justice fold. This also explains the sudden and inexplicable rise of "trans" identification among teens in the US today, when such a thing was highly uncommon only six years ago. Interesting notes from this recording include the teacher's emphasis on encouraging kids to question parental views (children with zero life experience regurgitating the political talking points implanted by their teachers as a means of rebellion against their parents). Not to mention, the teacher's admission that her students are taught to engage in political violence and the specific targets to direct that violence. At the core of most Marxist/Communist movements is the exploitation of ignorant youth. While many apologists will argue that these systems focus only on economics, this is simply not so. They rely heavily on social instability and fabricated revolutions based on exploitation. The ongoing woke movement showcases all the characteristic of classic Cultural Marxism.

Democrats-Biden in panic about anyone having even a bit more relative Freedom than them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWHOKm2Lmfs DeSantis at NCC2022, ftw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=balGGAd6ZrI Thiel at NCC2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH-FWfDupbw Hawley at NCC2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgffRHoW_90 Scott at NCC2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KJonmTQPak Rubio at NCC2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwC3RMV0z3s NatCon Squad

The races have begun...
So have the polls, predictions, and their markets... Forecasting The Midterm Elections https://dailyreckoning.com/forecasting-the-midterm-elections/ There are 435 seats in the House of Representatives (not counting nonvoting seats for D.C. and some U.S. possessions) and all of them are up for election in November. Right now, the Democrats control the House with 219 Democrats versus 211 Republicans (there are five vacancies). It takes 218 votes to control the House. This means if the Republicans hold the seats they have and pick up just seven seats from Democrats, they will control the House. Will this happen? The 2022 election cycle is more challenging to predict than usual because it’s the first election since the 2020 Census that the House map had redrawn to reflect population gain or loss on a state-by-state basis. Texas gained two House seats, while Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon gained one each. The losers were California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, which lost one seat each. The new district maps favor Republicans on the whole. Another factor favoring the Republicans is that voters often turn back to the party opposing the incumbent president, either out of dissatisfaction with their presidential choice or simply to balance the scales in ways that keep any one party from becoming too powerful. The average loss for the president’s party in a first-term midterm since 1982 was 30 seats. If that were the only information I had, my forecast would be that the Republicans would gain 30 seats this November. That would put the House at 241 Republicans and 189 Democrats, a solid 47-seat majority. Interestingly, a RealClearPolitics forecast based on the average of numerous polls has a forecast of 219 Republicans and 182 Democrats, with 34 seats in the too-close-to-call category. If those toss-ups were decided in the same ratio as the likely winners (55% Republican to 45% Democrat), that would sort the undecided into 19 Republicans and 15 Democrats. That would produce a final House of 238 Republicans and 197 Democrats, almost exactly the result that the historical track record predicts. But can we go beyond statistics and polls to discern idiosyncratic factors that could push the results away from the central tendency? There are two. The first is the trend of Hispanics and African-Americans toward Republicans and away from Democrats. The Hispanic vote has historically been around 70% for Democrats, but recent polls show the Republicans may capture more than 50% of the Hispanic vote this time because Hispanics are trending conservative and are culturally anti-abortion, anti-crime and in favor of controlling the border. Hispanics make up about 20% of the total population. If you shift 20% of voters by 20% in preference, that yields a 4% gain for Republicans in the overall vote. With many districts split close to 50/50, a four-point pickup is huge. We’ve already seen this dynamic with Republican gains in seats on the Texas/Mexican border that were solidly Democratic until this year. The same trend is clear in the African-American community. They are 12% of the electorate and vote about 90% Democrat. However, recent voting results and polls show that the African-American vote could go as much as 20% for Republicans this time. A 10% gain in a 12% community adds another 1.2% to the Republican column. Crime and the economy are the big issues for African-Americans. Combined with the Hispanic shift, this could put over five percentage points in the Republican column, enough to tip a lot of close races to Republicans. The second trend that could push the results away from statistical tendencies is Biden’s very low approval ratings. Right now, Biden’s approval rating is 41.8% based on the average of 11 major polls. However, the polls contained in the average include some conducted as long ago as Aug. 15 (Marist) or Aug. 12 (NBC News) when Biden was riding high based on some legislative accomplishments. The more recent polls show Biden at 38% approval (Reuters, Aug, 30). So it is likely that Biden is in a real-time downtrend back toward the 39% level he held most of the summer. Based on these idiosyncratic variables, it seems reasonable to push the expectation of 241 Republicans and 189 Democrats to an adjusted result of 245 Republicans to 185 Democrats, a 34-seat gain for Republicans, leading to a 60-seat Republican majority. In summary, my forecast for the 2022 midterm House result as of now is: Republicans – 245 seats, Democrats – 190 seats. Forecasting the outcome in the Senate is both easier and harder than forecasting the House. It’s easier because there are fewer races and even fewer contests that are genuinely competitive. It’s harder because the smaller sample size makes it more difficult to use statistical methods. We have to go state by state and candidate by candidate to produce an accurate forecast. The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. The current split is 50 Democrats/independents and 50 Republicans. Under the Constitution, the president of the Senate, Kamala Harris (the vice president), can break a tie vote. This puts the Democrats in control of the Senate even with the 50/50 split. There are 35 Senate seats in play this election. The Republicans are at a slight disadvantage going in because they currently hold 21 of the 35 seats being contested, whereas the Democrats only have to defend 14 seats. The good news for Republicans is that 16 of the 21 seats they are defending are rated “Solid” or “Likely” to stay Republican by The Cook Political Report. The Democrats have nine out of 14 seats they are defending rated “Solid” or “Likely.” This means that only 10 of the 35 Senate seats in this election are truly competitive. Control of the Senate will come down to those 10. The Republicans and Democrats currently hold five of the competitive seats each. To control the Senate, either party has to hold their five competitive seats and take one from the other party. If you lose a seat, you have to pick up another just to stay even. It’s that close. My current best estimate is that Republicans will retain Florida, North Carolina and Ohio. Likewise, the Democrats should retain their seats in Colorado and New Hampshire. This means control of the Senate comes down to Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. If that list seems familiar it should. Those were the same five states that were hotly contested in the 2020 presidential race. All five went for Biden. Although those remaining races are all close, I rate Nevada and Georgia as wins for Republicans. Those two wins represent a pickup of two Senate seats for Republicans since both are currently held by Democrat incumbents. I rate Arizona a win for Mark Kelly, which is a hold for the Democrats. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are both extremely close, but right now one would have to rate those as wins for the Democrats. That’s a pickup of two for the Democrats since both seats are currently held by Republicans. If that forecast holds, we’re back to a 50-50 Senate. A few states would change from Democrat to Republican (Nevada and Georgia) or from Republican to Democrat (Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) but the total 50-50 split would be unchanged. I have one other forecast: The current forecast will change. They always do when you’re still two months away. We could see Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin tip Republican over the next two months. Georgia could remain in the Democratic column. All I can say is I’ll be watching closely and keeping you updated every step of the way. A prudent investor would keep an above-average allocation to cash, both to withstand the volatility from potential wild cards and to profit from attractive entry points on certain assets while others are losing fortunes. Strap in, it’s going to be a bumpy but fascinating ride.

https://nypost.com/2022/09/14/facebook-spied-on-private-messages-of-american... https://twitter.com/itsmercadante/status/1562896597905600512
Biden-Dems Reincarnate their Political Office of Disinformation... Biden Launches Censorship Programmes to Allow and Push for more of Democrats Extreme Leftist Violence Hatred and Racism Immunity for the Left (mee), but not for the Right (thee)... Biden Asks Congress to End Social Media Immunity at White House Summit on ‘Hate-Fueled Violence’ https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-asks-congress-to-end-social-media-immuni... Multiple initiatives to combat 'hate-fueled violence,' racism, and extremism announced at summit At a summit at the White House on Thursday to address “hate-fueled violence,” President Joe Biden denounced white supremacists and urged lawmakers in Congress to end special immunity for social media companies. Biden also called on Americans at large to speak out against racism and extremism at the event, dubbed the “United We Stand” summit, which was attended by bipartisan local leaders, experts, and survivors of hate-based violent attacks. The event sought “to counter the destructive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety, mobilize diverse sectors of society and communities across the country to these dangers, and put forward a shared, inclusive, bipartisan vision for a more united America,” the Biden administration said on the summit event’s website. “All forms of hate fueled by violence have no place in America,” the president said at Thursday’s summit, recalling various attacks, including a mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016, and another at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York earlier this year. “White supremacists will not have the last word,” Biden said, without mentioning any other groups that have incited violence and hate in the United States in recent years. Biden briefly mentioned the events of Jan. 6, 2021, when the U.S. Capitol was breached, saying that the event didn’t reflect “who we are” as a nation. He contended that the United States has long had a “through line of hate” against minority groups and that politics and the media have given it “too much oxygen” in recent years. The Democrat said he wants Congress to “hold social media companies accountable for spreading hate.” The remarks received a standing ovation from attendees. “I’m calling on Congress to get rid of special immunity for social media companies and impose much stronger transparency requirements on all of them,” Biden said, alluding to Section 230. Publishers can be held liable for any content they post, while social media platforms are protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a federal law that shields online companies from liability related to content posted by users. In particular, part of the law states that “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” The Biden administration has repeatedly called for revoking Section 230 and has also supported ramping up anti-trust and transparency enforcement on technology companies, some of which currently allow users to post anonymously. The FBI said in 2021 that hate crimes in the United States hit a 12-year high in 2020, the latest available data. The Department of Justice has said it would increase efforts to counter it. Epoch Times Photo U.S. President Joe Biden delivers a keynote speech at the United We Stand Summit in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on Sept. 15, 2022. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) Multiple Initiatives The Biden administration on Thursday announced what appears to be a plethora of initiatives from the public and private sectors to address hate-motivated violence. This included a $1 billion investment to be pushed by a group of philanthropists called “New Pluralists” to have funders support a 10-year effort to “build a culture of respect, belonging and collaboration in communities and organizations across America” and “stand behind the essential work of courageous uniters, healers, and bridgers.” Attorney General Merrick Garland announced at the summit that all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices would work on a “United Against Hate” initiative over 2023. “Earlier this year, our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices for Massachusetts, New Jersey, and the Eastern District of Washington completed United Against Hate pilot programs,” he said. “And today, I am pleased to announce that this initiative will expand to 16 more U.S. Attorneys’ offices and will launch in all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices within the next year.” Meanwhile, the Department of Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence is developing a website of “key reports and resources on financing domestic violent extremism to help inform the public and private sectors.” “Treasury will also undertake strategic engagement with regional financial institutions across the United States to discuss risks associated with financing domestic violent extremism, and hold a workshop with virtual currency firms on domestic violent extremist use of virtual assets,” the Biden administration announced. Tech Companies Act The summit at the White House also featured announcements from four tech companies—YouTube, Twitch, Microsoft, and Meta—of actions they’re taking to combat violent extremism online. The Biden administration said that “but advancements in digital technologies, including social media and other online platforms, have also led to unintended consequences.” The unintended consequences included “the spread of violent extremist ideologies and mobilization to violence—for which the technology sector must bear responsibility.” “Americans know how the internet can fuel hate, misogyny, and abuse with spillover effects that threaten the safety of our communities offline,” it added. YouTube said that among other actions, it will remove “content glorifying violent acts for the purpose of inspiring others to commit harm, fundraise, or recruit, even if the creators of such content are not related to a designated terrorist group.” Meta, formerly Facebook, will engage in a new research partnership with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies’ Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC). The research will “analyze trends in violent extremism and tools that help communities combat it.” Twitch, a live-streaming platform owned by Amazon, is set to release a new tool to “accelerate its ongoing commitment to deterring hate.” The tool “empowers its streamers and their communities to help counter hate and harassment and further individualize the safety experience of their channels.” There were no specifics announced about the new tool. The company will also be launching “new community education initiatives on topics including identifying harmful misinformation and deterring hateful violence,” the Biden administration announced. Meanwhile, Microsoft is “expanding its application of violence detection and prevention artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools and using gaming to build empathy in young people.” Microsoft has developed some AI/ML tools “that can help detect credible threats of violence or to public safety,” and will make these tools more basic and affordable so that schools and smaller organizations can use them “to assist in violence prevention.” Microsoft is also developing a “new experience” for Minecraft: Education Edition—a game-based platform for creative learning— to “help students, families and educators learn ways to build a better and safer online and offline world through respect, empathy, trust and safety.”

https://rumble.com/v1g9sdx-tucker-carlson-on-how-criticizing-the-fbi-isnt-al... https://rumble.com/c/ThePostMillennialClips Nancy Pelosi Booed Mercilessly at Her ‘Surprise’ Appearance at NYC Music Festival https://trendingpolitics.com/nancy-pelosi-booed-mercilessly-at-her-surprise-... https://trendingpolitics.com/biden-stuns-with-tasteless-remark-at-elton-john... “By the way, it’s all his fault we’re spending 6 billion dollars in taxpayer money this month to fight AIDS, HIV/AIDS,” Biden remarked re Elton john. https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-to-fight-white-supremacy-whether-fbi-can... https://thepostmillennial.com/jim-jordan-calls-for-fbi-to-explain-domestic-e... Watch the Awkward Silence When Hollywood Actor Tries to Joke About Globalist ‘Conspiracy Theories’ ‘Resign Immediately’: AOC Gets Wrecked After Absurd Comment on Murdered Iranian Woman Hillary Clinton Smears Trump Supporters, Compares Them to Nazis. “I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler. How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving (aka: Joe Biden's Philadelphia Speech), and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people?’” Clinton, the Left's Head Screecher in Charge, said in a manufactured "I remember" story. Defense attorneys in Oath Keeper case file motion to reveal identities of federal informants. California man arrested after allegedly planning 'Las Vegas-style' massacre. Armed black protesters march in Austin, Texas to demand end to illegal immigration amid Biden border crisis. New Orleans, murder capital of America, hiring civilians to do police work in wake of cop exodus. North Dakota man who killed teen claiming he was 'Republican extremist' out on low bond, no house arrest. FBI whistleblower speaks out to TPUSA: 'the patriots are being attacked'. https://thepostmillennial.com/revealed-facebook-spied-on-americans-who-quest... REVEALED: Facebook spied on Americans who questioned 2020 election results "It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause," one of the sources told Devine. "Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena." Sep 15, 2022 Hannah Nightingale In a column written by Miranda Devine on Wednesday for the New York Post, the Laptop from Hell journalist revealed that Facebook had been spying on and collecting messages from Americans who had questioned the results of the 2020 election. According to sources from within the Department of Justice, who spoke with Devine on conditions of anonymity, Facebook had been spying on the private messages of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they had questioned the outcome of the election, or expressed anti-government or anti-authority sentiments. In an operation in collaboration with the FBI, Facebook had red-flagged private messages in the last 19 months, then transmitted a redacted version of these messages to the domestic terrorism operational unit at the FBI headquarters, done without a subpoena. "It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause," one of the sources told Devine. "Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena." According to Devine, those messages were then given to FBI field offices across the country in the form of "leads," which led agents to request subpoenas from their partner US Attorney’s office to officially obtain the private conversations that they had already seen. But when an investigation was launched into Facebook users behind the messages, many times nothing criminal or violent would turn up. "It was a waste of our time," one source familiar with the subpoena requests said. Users targeted by Facebook through their private communications were all reportedly "conservative right-wing individuals." "They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence or massacring or assassinating anyone. "As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just waiting for that legal process so they could send it." One source said that the "most egregious parts highlighted" in the redacted messages, leading to the comment being taken out of context. "But when you read the full conversation in context [after issuing the subpoena] it didn’t sound as bad … There was no plan or orchestration to carry out any kind of violence." "They [Facebook and the FBI] were looking for conservative right-wing individuals. None were Antifa types." Facebook has denied these findings, with Erica Sackin, a spokesperson at Meta, the parent company of Facebook, sending two statements saying that the interactions with the FBI were to "protect people from harm." "These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law enforcement. We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users whenever permitted," Sackin’s first statement read. Sackin sent another "updated" statement over an hour later, with language altered to say that the claims are "wrong," not "false" as previously stated. "These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’ private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it," said Sackin. Communications Director Andy Stone echoed Sackin’s comments on Twitter, writing, "These claims are just wrong." "The suggestion we seek out peoples' private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it," Stone wrote, echoing Sackin’s statement. Stone continued on to say, "The truth is we carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure the requests are legally valid and narrowly tailored - and we often push back, including in court." "We only respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users when permitted by law," he concluded. The FBI neither confirmed nor denied the allegations regarding its joint operation with Facebook in a statement on Wednesday, with the statement focused more on foreign threats than domestic ones. "The FBI maintains relationships with US private sector entities, including social media providers. The FBI has provided companies with foreign threat indicators to help them protect their platforms and customers from abuse by foreign malign influence actors. US companies have also referred information to the FBI with investigative value relating to foreign malign influence. The FBI works closely with interagency partners, as well as state and local partners, to ensure we’re sharing information as it becomes available. This can include threat information, actionable leads, or indicators. The FBI has also established relationships with a variety of social media and technology companies and maintains an ongoing dialogue to enable a quick exchange of threat information."

The races have begun...
The Left's Fraud totally owns the Fake News Media, that's bad. All Left channels screeched in unison about Barre Seid's $1.6B donation to the Conservative Right, ascribing to them all sorts of foul intonations, tax accusals, nefarity, bad for the USA, etc... https://www.propublica.org/article/barre-seid-heartland-institute-hillsdale-... https://www.levernews.com/how-a-secretive-billionaire-handed-his-fortune-to-... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/22/us/politics/republican-dark-money.html Yet those very same Democrat owned Media, aka hyprocrites, are utterly silent on critique and fully supportive with praise when they get $3B for their causes. To hear about that one you have to go to alt news or biz news... Patagonia Founder's 'Donation': Benevolent Planet-Saver Or Giant Tax-Dodge https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-15/patagonia-billionaire-who... Now that the mindless lemmings in the mainstream media have finished gushing over the idea that Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard, was giving up all of his company's profits for benefit of fighting climate change, the reality of the situation can finally start to make its way out. No doubt you saw a headline somewhere this week praising Yvon Chouinard for forfeiting ownership of his company and giving away its profits to a "charity fighting climate change". There were no shortage of liberal "I told you so's" being passed around on social media, citing Chouinard as some type of living proof that capitalism is evil and that everything will eventually revert to a Marxist utopia where all profits are collectively shared for the greater good. Here's CNBC's headline from this week, writing that "Earth" was now Patagonia's only shareholder: And of course, NPR gushed similarly: That was, of course, until Bloomberg dropped a reality check on the situation late in the day on Thursday with the pesky facts behind exactly how Chouinard was setting up the transfer of his company. Hilariously, the same lot praising the move to "fight climate change" are often those advocating that billionaires pay their "fair share" in taxes. Which is why it was really funny when, late in the day on Thursday - after the love fest for Chouinard had fully run its course - Bloomberg dropped the not-so-gushy headline that Chouinard was actually skirting $700 million in taxes by how he structured the transfer of his firm. Oops! And to make matters worse, the move was also structured in a way that allows Chouinard and his family keep control of the company while they protect it from tax bills that "could have totaled hundreds of millions of dollars," the report says. "Chouinard seems to have structured his Patagonia transfer with at least a few purposes in mind," Bloomberg writes, noting that the receiving company is a 501(c)(4), which allows it to make "unlimited political donations" unlike a 501 (c)(3). The moves also mean that "Chouinard won’t have to pay the federal capital gains taxes he would have owed had he sold the company", the report says. That would have been about $700 million on a $3 billion company sale. Additionally, he also avoids the U.S. estate and gift tax, which would have been a 40% chunk of change when his company was transferred to its heirs. Ray Madoff, a professor at Boston College Law School, commented: "We are letting people opt out of supporting all the expenses of government to do whatever they want with their money. This is highly problematic from the point of view of democracy, and it can mean a higher tax burden for the rest of Americans.” Ellen Harrison, a tax attorney at McDermott Will & Emery in Washington, confirmed that using a 501 (c)(4) allows Chouinard and his family continue to effectively control the company. She concluded: “I suspect the driver was trying to preserve the company. Founders often 'almost view these companies as part of their family.'" So, uh, how many trees did we save today?

The races have begun...
Drugs, addicts, crime, violence, disease, corruption, all spreading... Violence In California Reaches "Epidemic" Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/violence-in-california-reaches-epidemic-l... https://twitter.com/StokingFreedom/status/1569726738355339266 http://themostimportantnews.com/archives/they-have-been-destroying-our-cultu... https://studyfinds.org/california-violence-epidemic/ https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/964210 https://hotair.com/david-strom/2022/09/13/decline-in-americans-quality-of-li... https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia-shoplifting-rising-retail-2022090... https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/nearly-200000-in-stolen-goods-seiz... https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1490130669875253250 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11206757/Progressives-turned-San-Fr... https://dailycaller.com/2022/09/12/crime-police-defund-seattle/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMFRJqddlqc https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Snyder/e/B01DUPOJL2 I can’t understand why anyone would still want to live in California. Yes, there are lots of high paying jobs and the weather is very nice, but crime is completely and utterly out of control. As you will see below, a new report that has just been issued is warning that violence in the state has now reached “epidemic” levels. The police are doing what they can to try to contain the violence, but at this point they are vastly outnumbered by the predators. Sadly, this is the end result of literally decades of cultural rot, and what is happening in California is going to happen to the rest of the nation if we do not take urgent action to turn things around. Originally, I was going to write about something else today. Tens of thousands of rail and port workers were threatening to go on strike, and this could definitely cause some substantial economic disruptions… America is bracing for chaos as tens of thousands of railway, port, and hospital workers look set to strike over the winter – plunging the country into further disruption. As many as 60,000 railway workers, 15,000 nurses, and 22,000 West Coast port workers are plotting mass walkouts as they seek better working conditions. Several US freight railroads said they were preparing for widespread strike and service interruptions Friday, a deadline set by two holdout labor groups in protracted talks with railroad carriers about better benefits. But even though these strikes could cause severe short-term problems, they will eventually be resolved. [And were resolved right before the strike was set to take place] So in the greater scheme of things, they really aren’t a major concern. On the other hand, our cultural decay is a massive ongoing crisis that isn’t going to go away. As I mentioned earlier, a brand new report that was just released is warning that violence in the state of California has risen to “epidemic” levels… The Golden State is losing its luster. A troubling new report labels physical and sexual violence in pandemic-era California a statewide “epidemic.” To put it simply, violence is on an alarming rise. According to the new annual report from the California Study on Violence Experiences across the Lifespan (CalVEX), violence statistics have seen a significant increase since COVID-19 emerged. The report, conducted by scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, reports more than one in six Californians (18%) experienced either physical or sexual violence in just the past year. If you live in one of the biggest cities in California, this isn’t news to you. Once upon a time, the state was a place of great beauty and great tranquility, but now it has been transformed into a crime-infested hellhole. I was particularly alarmed by the numbers on sexual violence in this new report… While more than 1.5 million adults in California admit to committing acts of sexual violence in the past year, men were more than two times as likely as women to report that they perpetrated sexual violence and intimate partner violence. Women also showed greater mental health impacts and life disruptions due to violent experiences, with 82 percent of women reporting anxiety or depression as a result of physically aggressive, coercive or forced sexual behavior. Of course much of this violence is being fueled by illegal mind-altering drugs. Some of these drugs are so immensely powerful that they literally put people into catatonic states for an extended period of time… Can anyone explain to me why Democrat voters enjoy seeing this so much they just keep voting for more? pic.twitter.com/hq4unJn0S8 — 🗽🐷Piglosi's Peaks🗻🐘 (@StokingFreedom) September 13, 2022 I will never understand why people would willingly do that to themselves. Today, we are facing the biggest drug crisis that we have ever seen in American history, and addicts will often do whatever it takes to get another fix. Sadly, this is one of the factors that is contributing to skyrocketing rates of shoplifting all over the nation… We are all painfully aware of the huge rise in shoplifting and even violent robberies of stores. We watch the videos of thugs brazenly raiding stores, and read about the organized crime rings that have sprung up to profit from the trend. Shoplifting has become a big, if criminal business. Chances are that if you use eBay to purchase a wide range of products at reduced prices you have unwittingly purchased stolen goods. No good way for eBay to stop the practice. One homeless man that originally came from Alabama recently admitted that he regularly shoplifts in order to fund his heroin use… People say high rent causes homelessness but Ben, who has been homeless in San Francisco for 7 years, says the “vast majority” are homeless due to addiction. Just 6-7% are from SF. Ben says he "boosts" (shoplifts) and breaks into cars to pay for his $60/day heroin habit. pic.twitter.com/uewKTtBuOS — Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) February 6, 2022 There have been homeless addicts in the streets of San Francisco for years, but now we have reached a point where they are seemingly everywhere. The following is what one reporter witnessed during a recent journey through the city… I saw complete hopelessness in the eyes of haunted souls dragging themselves down the street looking for their next fix. I saw men and women of all ages hunched over on the sidewalks with open wounds all over their bodies. I saw the filthy tent cities stinking with human excrement and strewn with needles and pipes. I saw children staring in horror at people dying right in front of them. At one time, such activity was limited to the bad portions of the city. But now addicts that have been drugged out of their minds are pulling down their pants and crapping in the streets right in front of some of the most expensive real estate in San Francisco. This has made the wealthy people really angry, and Mayor Breed says that she is finally going to “get serious” about this crisis. Of course “getting serious” doesn’t mean arresting a bunch of people and throwing them into prison. That just wouldn’t be very “progressive”. Instead, authorities in San Francisco are getting ready to launch a “soft-touch” program that will seek to “interrupt” drug trafficking… City supervisors released a resolution for a vague ‘soft-touch’ initiative called ‘San Francisco Recovers.’ And here’s the catch, and it’s a doozy: the plan is being touted as, ‘a way that nobody’s going to jail but we’re doing an effective job of interrupting the drug market and drug scenes.’ Is this a sick joke? Yes, it certainly sounds like a sick joke to me. Good luck with all that. If major cities such as San Francisco actually want to have a chance of turning things around, they need to send the police out to round up all the drug dealers. Unfortunately, police forces in many of our biggest cities are rapidly getting smaller. In fact, a whopping 122 officers have left the Seattle Police Department in 2022 alone… The liberal city of Seattle is losing police officers amid a major spike in crime, 770 KTTH reported. “We’re screwed,” former King County Sheriff John Urqhart said, according to 770 KTTH. In total, 122 officers have left the Seattle Police Department in 2022, including six that left in August, 770 KTTH reported, citing a police source. Since the city council voted to defund the police department in 2020, nearly 500 police officers have left the force. I wouldn’t want to be a police officer in a major west coast city at this point either. They are underpaid, the politicians treat them with tremendous disdain, and they are often hindered by absolutely ridiculous regulations which keep them from doing their jobs effectively. We like to think that we are so “advanced”, but the truth is that if you compare video footage from major cities on the west coast from decades ago to video footage from today there is absolutely no comparison. Our society is melting down right in front of our eyes, and if we stay on the path that we are currently on there is no future for our country. But the politicians insist that people like me have it all wrong. They continue to tell us that things are better than ever and that a glorious future for our nation is dead ahead. You can believe that if you want, but the truth of what is really happening to our society is on display for the whole world to see. America is dying, and we are quickly running out of time to turn things around.

‘Toxic’ Values Undermining US Ability to Tackle Beijing: Senator https://www.theepochtimes.com/toxic-values-undermining-us-ability-to-tackle-... Visiting Australian Senator Andrew Hastie says basic struggles with identifying gender are undermining the ability of the United States to lead the developed world in opposing military aggression from Beijing. “These tensions are tearing at the fabric of our democracies, many among us are no longer confident of truth, tradition, and our democratic values,” Hastie, a former Special Air Service operative, told the Hudson Institute on Sept. 15. The now-opposition defence minister pointed to research by Prof. James Kurth, of Swathmore College, who said the real culture clash was not between the “West and the rest” but within the West itself. “This is a clash between Western civilisation and a different grand alliance, one composed of the multicultural and the feminist movements. It is, in short, a clash between Western and post-Western civilisations,” Kurth wrote in The National Interest in 1994. The professor predicted in his article that there would be a lack of consensus on basic issues like humanity, justice, and within politics. Epoch Times Photo Andrew Hastie during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra on Nov. 27, 2019. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) In turn, Hastie said this conflict was no longer just playing out in universities but in the mainstream. “Toxins are in the mainstream now, seeping through the media, entertainment, in our schools, and our families. It has brought disruption and political consequences for the Western body politic. It makes it harder for our leaders and policymakers to deal with the strategic challenges,” the senator said. Hastie said smaller nations could not set into play grand strategies and could only follow bigger countries like the United States. “Put starkly, if we can’t agree on basic definitions of gender, how can we possibly agree on national strategy? If we can’t agree on Western values, how can we defend the West?” he added. “If we look up from the cultural chaos at home, we see China encroaching on Taiwan and Russia on Eastern Europe.” An example of the ongoing debate regarding gender identity is recent orders within the U.S. Pacific Air Forces for leaders to stop using gender, age, or race pronouns in written format, claiming such a move would improve “lethality.” “We must embrace, promote and unleash the potential of diversity and inclusion,” according to an email sent out in May to commanders in Guam, a U.S. territory just hours away from the South China Sea. Speakers Take Aim at Media Mischaracterising AUKUS Hastie also joined a panel discussion moderated by senior fellow Peter Rough, along with Patrick Cronin, Asia-Pacific security chair of the Hudson Institute, and Bryan Clark, former submariner and expert in naval operations. Cronin took aim at Australian media for focusing too much on issues like capability gaps, money wastage, “alienating options” for dealing with China, and mischaracterising the deal as one where Australia was becoming an “adjunct to the U.S. Navy.” “While there is some validity to these points … it completely misses the fact that America is taking a big gamble on Australia. We’re not talking about just any technology transfer … we’re talking not just about nuclear propulsion, but about technology writ large,” he said. “Are we going to get ahead of it? Are we going to harness it? At the university level, or governments and militaries? Or are we not going to do that, we’re going to cede that ground?” While Clark said AUKUS institutionalised several decades-long arrangements between Australia, the UK, and U.S., particularly “in the area of undersea warfare.” “Sometimes it misses the fact that this is something that’s been going on for a while now, and we’ve actually taken it and codified it in a way that’s going to allow us to get a lot more benefit for the next decade.” Hastie also said he was telling school kids to get ready to be involved in AUKUS over the “next 20 years” across a range of areas, including quantum technology, artificial intelligence, and hypersonics. AUKUS was formed to counteract ongoing military aggression from Beijing in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan. The deal could potentially shift the power balance in the Indo-Pacific substantially and give the United States a strong anchor (Australia) in the region.

https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1570477997836173312 Senator @HawleyMO Grills Facebook Executive And Gets Him To Admit That They Have Coordinated With The Biden Administration To Censor Constitutionally Protected Speech Boom (again)! Fake News Media and Big Tech... more than enough influence to swing the election, and proven interested in and documented doing the censorship bias deranking deplatforming defunding etc to that effect. Donald J Trump Won the 2020 US Presidential Election.