"Communication in a world of pervasive surveillance ... 2.8.1 – Sabotage ... The NSA estimated in 2011 that they performed around one thousand attacks against VPN sessions per hour and NSA projected it would soon be performing one hundred thousand such attacks in parallel per hour. It is reasonable to assume that this number is significantly higher after more than a decade." Tor is not immune to such things... attacks and advances in attacks. Yet everyone still refuses to talk about that, and Tor Project Incorporated and it$ minion$ $till apologize$ for it$elve$ and refuse$ to acknowledge that "Tor Stinks -- NSA" Tor's users are at risk because of Tor Project Incorporated and its minions, and its money and money sources, among other things. And Tor now officially advertises offering secret paychecks to its minions, and still masks its players. As some say, more better to hide the corruption and protect its corrupt actors and hide chains of employer and funder relationships. Regardless, so much for their bogus meme of transparency and openness. Tor Project literally hired a CIA agent, and at least one of its Board of Directors had ongoing carnal relationship with at least one NSA agent. For real. And Tor Project Inc censorbans all people who mention any of these things (and more) off all their comms forums. And remember that FOIA request from the free independent tor user community that got ignored and craftily closed. Seems Tor Project Incorporated has some big things to hide. "Of the three, OpenVPN is a protocol without a basis in formal specifications or peer review except where TLS or DTLS is concerned. IPsec is a pro- tocol built by committee as part of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Re- quest for Comments (RFC) process. Both are understood to have been weakened [ins14b,BBG13,PLS13,Lar13] 2 by the NSA intentionally. The techniques are not entirely understood but it appears that the NSA uses every option available when they deem it necessary. What they deem necessary is not always what is expected. This includes sending people to standardization meetings to sabotage the security standards as well as sending people into companies to perform so-called cryptographic enabling; this is how NSA euphemistically describes sabotaging cryptography or security. It is difficult to overstate the level of subterfuge understood to be attributed to the NSA, both by external investigations and by their own internal documents. The normally classified and thankfully leaked black budget [GM13a] shows hundreds of millions of dollars budgeted and specific successes against specific U.S. domestic and international companies."