On 09/22/2015 05:26 AM, rysiek wrote:
They are both fucked up, in many *different* (systemic racism in the US; systemic homophobia in Russia), and several *similar* ways (oligarchy running things). And yet they are able to play us, because predominantly we simply cannot see the bigger picture and cannot seem to understand *anything* more complicated than the simplified beyond belief "USA BAD RUSSIA GOOD" (or the other way around) worldview.
For so many years now the geopolitical 'grand game' has been "Good Cop/Bad Cop", "Mutt and "Jeff" played on the typically indigenous people-d extractive resources nations (and in other ways against the west's manufacturing satraps) by the US AND Russia. Either you pick one side or the other or we have a war in YOUR country where YOUR people get killed and your society/way of life destroyed. There are no "nice guys". On the other hand I bristle when Syria's ally is accused of warmongering for doing what allies are supposed to do. Come to their defense in the traditional manner against an army of mercenaries that the West claims on one hand to be fighting, and on the other, had a large part in it's creation. Americans just sat idly by with their thumbs up their asses in denial while the State Dept and CIA created AQv2 from the Libyans we hired to sodomize Muammar al-Gadaffi with swords, and if the Russians want to eradicate that threat to Syria and the region, have at it.