On Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:51:19 -0400 Ted Smith <tedks@riseup.net> wrote:
I certainly think that geopolitics is not in general on topic for this list.
Go figure. Dont like messages about geopolitics? (like the US cunts spying on the whole world), don't read messages about geopolitics.
"Western governments" and "western propaganda" also don't seem to me to be on topic for this list. This is not a list about propaganda or governance.
Really. What about you the great "Ted Smith" completly banning political discussion? Since politics doesn't really have anything to do with 'cypherpunk'?
Since this list is unmoderated, I am sharing my discontent in the hopes of demotivating further threads on this topic.
That said, I guess cpunks was never good, it's meaningless to attempt to stop the shitstorm, etc., and so on. But now there are 2-3 posters who continually post random conspiracy crap and have built an echo chamber that totally drowns out any actual cypherpunking.
Go ahead. Post some 'actual' 'cypherpunking'. Maybe ask Dan Geer for support? Or help from the marines. Or the tor shitbags and their pentagon 'grants'.
Better posters (you know who you are), please stop encouraging this.
Government employees, you know who you are.
On Tue, 2015-06-23 at 17:44 -0300, Juan wrote:
On Tue, 23 Jun 2015 15:05:20 -0400 Ted Smith <tedks@riseup.net> wrote:
What's the cypherpunk link in this?
That was part of a discussion on the nature of western governments and western propaganda.
Do you think that discussions on the nature of western governments are off-topic? Maybe banned?
Maybe we should instead talk about how terrible the suffering of US military murderers is?
paging Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com>
On Thu, 2015-06-18 at 19:41 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Summary at bottom, summarizing shifting position of "west" over some time: "So let us recount the western position: - It claimed to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries and the inviolability of borders in Europe - However, this did not extend to the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Federal Yugoslavia which could be trampled at will - Nonetheless, albeit the territorial integrity of Federal Yugoslavia itself wasn’t worth anything, the territorial integrity of its constituent republics seeking independence was holy - Albeit the territorial integrity of the Yugoslav constituent republics of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was holy, the territorial integrity of Serbia was not - Albeit Slovenes, Croats and Bosnian Muslims could leave Yugoslavia, Serbs could not leave Croatia and Bosnia - Albeit Serbs could not leave Croatia and Bosnia, Kosovo Albanians could secede from Serbia - Albeit Kosovo Albanians could secede from Serbia, Kosovo Serbs could not secede from Albanian-run Kosovo - Albeit Kosovo could unilaterally secede from Serbia under NATO military control, Crimea could not unilaterally secede from Ukraine under Russian military control
May world be spared hunger, plague and western principles. "