https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/1339354663716409344 This is incredible. Two weeks before the election Twitter changed how you retweet because they obviously didn’t want certain things to go viral. Now that they got the result they want, they’re going back to the old way. Big tech is manipulating us in ways we can’t imagine. https://pic.twitter.com/J7jH0ogqli "The solution to bad information and bad ideas is never censorship. What censorship is for is to protect bad ideas. Really kooky conspiracy theories are put out as a kind of false flag, to paint genuine people with the conspiracy brush, and to justify censorship." https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes/status/1339379118417326082 Freedom of speech is being fired from your job and banned from Paypal, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Stripe, Air BnB, and Uber because you question the ruling ideology of the American Regime. https://t.co/zm5bnYRoez https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-twitter-idUSKBN28Q2V3 Twitter Inc said on Wednesday that users will be required to remove new tweets that advance harmfully false or misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccinations, in an expansion of its rules on coronavirus misinformation [snip... endless speech and freedom cancellation weasel words]. The following quote has been censored... " In China, you are censored if you: Talk against the government aggressively, and in particular if you attack Xi Jinping or the communist party directly. In America, you are censored if you: Talk about Jews Point out that Jews are the single wealthiest group of people in the world Research the Holocaust Say the n-word Misgender a tranny Make jokes about a dead fat woman Say that trannies aren’t women Oppose homosexual marriage Post black crime statistics Post CDC coronavirus statistics Post about Hunter Biden Ask any questions at all about the coronavirus Ask any questions at all about the coronavirus vaccine Post information showing that Trump won the election There is no reality in which Americans have more free speech than the Chinese. Anyone who tells you that is lying to you on purpose. It is objectively untrue, and it is obviously untrue. There is no way to make the argument in support of this claim, which is why they just ban you if you question it. "