the thing to notice here is that the biggest US jewnazi warmongers are the DEMOCRATS. The hitlery cunt for instance is always foaming at the mouth when she mentions putin. the other thing to notice is that the biggest warmonger turd on this list, grancrap, is fully aligned with the DEMOCRATS. yep, the same trumponazi turd who likes to whine about the 'left' is actually the most devoted robot of the US WARMONING 'left'. The vaccine nazi jim bell is also another right wing asshole, who now parrots 'left' wing US jewnazi war propaganda to a tee. Guess these US nazis are very united when it comes to defend US nazism eh. for comparison, here's the truth about the war in ukraine, coming from a half-honest US conservative https://original.antiwar.com/paul/2022/02/28/it-all-comes-back-to-nato/