zeynepaydogan: Ukrainian Nazi Army abused , tortured Russian civilians
Don't be naive to history... once wars start, *all* sides devolve into doing base shit, it's human nature encoded in DNA brain. Humans are also quite capable of destroy humanity themselves, they don't care about that, it only ends when they all get tired give up and go home, or erase their "leaders" that they foolishly put in power, or obliterate their opponents. History is not unrollable, but there are moments of choice, Putin chose to initiate a major new aggression across borders with a massive army blasting and killing, thereby triggering a new wave of escalation war abuses and violence in the world that will get 10k/100k/1M+ killed, including perhaps many here. The next point of choice will be when it's over... whether or not to continue repeating the mistake of reinstalling powerarchy into that beautiful vacuum and moment of peaceful life. Stop repeating that mistake.