Putin violates residences, schools, apartment complexes, civilians, nuclear power plants. Sen. Lindsey Graham calls for Russians to carry out a Julius Caesar-style assassination of Vladimir Putin: 'Is there a Brutus in Russia?' "Just because one guy wants something, why should these kids suffer." https://v.redd.it/0cltr4i958l81 https://v.redd.it/voursd11g8l81 https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WVDlX0AI4OcP.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WWWGWQAMk075.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WWI5XwAIIEoB.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WV8wXIAA2rDB.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9WVvpXoAA6eHG.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8d4C7WYAQbFHc.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8d3olWUAcL466.jpg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499470800428183571/pu/vid/640x352/vNpW... https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499430125762404355/pu/vid/360x640/wvl2... https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499435125997817856/pu/vid/720x1280/Mnj... https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t4usmj/burning_national_university... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM9HB2KXsAERDS0.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8njOFXoAI1VWJ.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8ni-vXoAIppkr.jpg https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFM8TuJsXoAYPIJN.jpg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499454440717365259/pu/vid/478x848/VvPc... https://nitter.nl/pic/media%2FFMsu-eYWQAAadXI.jpg Join the Ukraine Foreign Legion, 16k already moving. "Lady Death of Donbas'... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-kill-andrei-s... https://i.redd.it/526gfg6809k81.jpg Help engineer Belarus access... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agznZBiK_Bs https://nypost.com/2022/03/03/ukraine-president-zelensky-survived-three-assa... " Garry Kasparov We are witnessing, literally watching live, Putin commit genocide on an industrial scale in Ukraine while the most powerful military alliance in history stands aside. It's impossible not to be emotional, but let us also be rational and focus our rage on the facts. Putin once again told Macron to go to hell, no surprise. NATO/EU has already told Putin they won't touch his forces, so why should he listen? Russia is lifting target limitations and the death toll is rising every hour and lack of water & electricity is critical. No treaty forbids NATO nations from fighting to defend in Ukraine. It's a choice based on the risk of Putin going nuclear, many say. That arming Ukrainians is an acceptable risk of WWIII & the citizenship of the pilot or soldier changes Putin's nuclear calculus, or NATO's. If they care so much about the fine print and think Putin does too, ask Zelensky to issue Ukrainian passports to any volunteer to fly in combat. Sell jets to Ukraine for \xe2\x82\xac1 each and paint UKR flags on them. Do you think Putin will care? Is it worth the lives lost? This is already World War III. Putin started it long ago & Ukraine is only the current front. He will escalate anyway, and it's even more likely if he succeeds in destroying Ukraine because you have again convinced him you won't stop him even though you could. Biden & others insist NATO would retaliate should Putin attack Baltic members. Watching Ukraine, I am not sure of that at all, and Putin won't be either. If the calculation is about nuclear risk, it's no different over Estonia than Ukraine. Don't say "Putin would never". If this sounds familiar, it's the same argument from 2014, when Putin invaded E Ukraine and annexed Crimea. It was too risky to stop him, I was told, as I pleaded for intervention and warned he would never stop there. Here we are, with bombs raining down. Risk and costs are higher now because the "reasonable" people in the West always choose lower risk today to guarantee higher risk tomorrow. Clearing the UKR skies after a warning period is risky. Letting Putin destroy Ukraine is riskier, & a human and moral disaster. There is no waiting this out. This isn't chess; there's no draw, no stalemate. Either Putin destroys Ukraine and eventually hits NATO with an even greater catastrophe, or Putin falls in Russia. He cannot be stopped with weakness. The corridors to get weapons, food, and medicine in and refugees out are narrowing and can be closed. Putin can bomb the trains, close the borders with NATO nations. The odds of Russian forces hitting a NATO asset are increasing, and then what? Still watching? If your answer is no, that if a wing of a RU jet crosses Polish airspace, of course NATO will engage immediately, ask why thousands of Ukrainians civilians dying first matters less than a treaty, and what that says to Putin. That you're honorable, or a fool? We know. As I said in 2014 and a fateful week ago, the price of stopping a dictator always goes up. What would have been enough to stop Putin 8 years or 6 months or 2 weeks ago is not enough today, and the price will rise again tomorrow. Fight. Find a way. Putin vows to exterminate Ukrainians while we watch. Ukraine did nothing wrong but try to join the democratic world that is now witnessing crimes against humanity in real time. Not unable. Unwilling. #CloseTheSky "