https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753016296562724886 https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1753376327481151946 For the first time in the history of world wars, a group strike by naval drones guided by a space satellite destroyed a warship that was sailing on the high seas in full combat readiness. On February 1, 2024, maritime drones of the Group 13 unit of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine destroyed a Russian Project 12411 missile corvette in the Black Sea near a protected naval base on Lake Donuzlav in the temporarily occupied Crimea. The Project 12411 missile corvette, with a displacement of up to 500 tonnes and a crew of 40, is armed with supersonic Moskit P-270 anti-ship missiles. A group of six Ukrainian Magura V5 maritime drones infiltrated the Russian Black Sea Fleet base Donuzlav undetected, and then attacked consecutively one after another. The missile corvette was apparently conducting combat patrols and defending the base. It is worth noting that Russian intelligence did not notice the approach of the drones. The crew of Ivanovets, judging by the video, noticed the approach of the drones visually, and the corvette was in motion at the time of the attack and could maneuver. A missile corvette can reach speeds of over 30 knots and simply escape from the drones. But the Ivanovets did not have time to gain speed. The bow 76 mm AK-176 anti-aircraft artillery system, as can be clearly seen, was in a stowed position, i.e. it was not activated and did not open fire. It is also not evident that the Russians managed to deploy two 30mm anti-aircraft artillery systems AK-630 in time, which are capable of delivering dense fire against moving targets at close distances. But apparently, the drones were hit by machine gun fire from close range by the watch on duty. However, due to the small size, speed, and maneuverability of the drones, Russians failed to hit them. The Group 13 commanders' well-chosen attack tactics are admirable - the first drone hit the stern of the corvette from the starboard side to disable the propellers. The corvette was unable to reach full speed, but did not stop. Then the second drone also hit the propellers, but on the port side. With these two strikes, the corvette was reliably deprived of movement and maneuver. After that, the ship was skillfully finished off. The third drone struck the middle of the hull under the Moskit missile launchers, causing a large hole in the port side. The drone operator sent the fourth drone directly into that hole. The explosion from the fourth drone was fatal for the ship. The impact detonated four Moskit missiles with a total weight of 4 tonnes each. The Ivanovets missile corvette literally blew to pieces, leaving the crew with little chance of survival. The brilliant success of the Ukrainian soldiers, the command and operators of the Group 13 of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine showed a high level of intelligence, planning, preparation and management of the operation. The attack tactics deserve to be studied as a model. It is worth noting that the goal of the attack was not to hit, but to completely destroy the ship, so a whole group of drones was dispatched to ensure proper execution of the task, which allowed for maximum losses to be inflicted on the enemy. Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en Feb 1 On the night of January 31-February 1, 2024, soldiers of the Group 13 special unit of the Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine destroyed the Ivanovets missile boat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The enemy vessel was on the roadstead of Lake Donuzlav in the temporarily occupied Crimea. As a result of a number of direct hits the Russian ship sustained damage incompatible with further movement - the Ivanovets sank. The cost of the ship lost by the aggressor state is approximately $60-70 million dollars. According to preliminary information, the search and rescue operation of the Russian occupiers in Donuzlav was unsuccessful. The operation was made possible with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the United24 platform," the intelligence officers said. 📹: Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Feb 1, 2024 · 11:23 AM UTC 582 2,832 272 18,273 0 gerry Karisson @KarissonGerry Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en This is one of the best documented sea operations to date. Good job. Russia has no way to replace ships Ukraine sinks. 11 77 1 1,271 Derek Kelly 🇨🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱 @Derekintherain Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Oh man, the double tap through the same hole is just stone cold. lol 7 13 463 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Ukraine has destroyed the last myth about the power of the Russian navy 14 87 3 992 veronika 🇨🇿 💙💛 🇺🇦 @veronik81490261 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Russia, give up, it's over!!! Ukraine 👌👏🫶 5 16 294 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Comrade Putin What happened to the "Ivanovets" missile carrier? - It sank 8 11 263 Посланник Мира @ChroniclesofWa1 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en We will wait for a statement from an official representative of the Russian government who will say that the ship was transporting Ukrainian prisoners of war 6 16 2 422 Prunesquallor @Prunesquallor10 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en “sustained damage incompatible with further movement”. Priceless 16 20 367 Steins Gate 🇺🇦 #NAFO OFAN @SteinsG59247290 Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en That's a gottem 1 37 verdverm @verdverm Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Drones have forever changed military and war 1 4 1 65 ❤️🇺🇸 AmaximApps 🇺🇦🇮🇱🦜 @amaximapps Feb 1 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en This is so freaking cool, Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦💪 2 45 Load more Dr Jacqui Taylor | Empathy Economy Founder @jacquitaylorfb Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en I'm concerned at the level of detail you have shared on this mission. I agree as a strategy it deserves to be studied however I would ask @Gerashchenko_en you delete this post and create one which shares the success and congratulations but not the execution of the mission. 30 6 4 122 Jean-Pascal @JeanPascalMorin Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en What a feat! It’s not a first, but that’s the best execution so far. Now, submarines to blow up the piles of the Kerch bridge. 1 14 1 169 Blue @kvnqle Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en We will wait for a statement from an official representative of the Russian government who will say that the ship was transporting Ukrainian prisoners of war 10 27 1 555 Sergio 🇺🇦 @SergioCentaurus Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Russia: Looks like Moscow suburbs will have to make do without water or heating for a while longer 😅 2 12 20 0 KING KUNLE 🤴🏾 @amefricana Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en I wonder how many Ukrainian POWs were on board! Probably a few hundreds according to Russian logic 🫢 4 2 60 Craig Gordon @craig10102 Feb 3 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en The Russians left Afghanistan because the stinger missles knocked hundreds of their helicopters out of the sky at $25 Million a pop. It was just too costly and the Russian people hated seeing so many of their boys come home in body bags. I hope that the Ukrainian’s are able to extract such a high price from the Russians that they will realize it is in their best interest to stand down and go home. In the 21st century it makes no sense for a first world country to get bogged down in a long war. I just hope that we aren’t forced to use our space based weapons on people who won’t know what hit them. In 10 minutes we can destroy every aircraft and sink every ship in the world, ok maybe 5 minutes. Lasers travel at the speed of light. I just hope we aren’t put into a position of needing to exercise our overwhelming force. 5 7 1 37 Muslimah ❤️ @muslimaahgirl Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Technology rules nowadays 22 MantasB @MantasBin Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en That’s incredible. 1 33 Al S @GDR_Trading Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Anton writes a clear and accurate explanation of the events in play. This is a defining characteristic of this channel. Well done !! 1 2 42 Dr. K. Khan @DrTausifKamalK1 Feb 2 Replying to @Gerashchenko_en Super amazing attack by Ukraine 3 52