On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 10:31 AM, <dan@geer.org> wrote:
The advance of technology seems to be making everyone like spies and so forth.
/ coderman wrote: / and the hacker has today? We are all independant spies and intel agencies, complete with various responsibility, ethic and philosophy. / you see cyber as dual use. does same apply to spy? / ( gotta know side channels to close the side channels ... ) Cyber like a career?, it usually constrains to follow good or bad path. But the spy can be selective in its use. And the more self aware it becomes, the more that use tends toward what non spies would consider bad.
Hal Varian somewhat famously said that what the rich have today everyone will want tomorrow. I'd suggest that what the intelligence community has today the rich will want tomorrow.
And in many cases, what intel has today, the rich gave them yesterday.
so much in the wider world where I have concluded that the cure for technologic threats is not more technology, but less.
Now that we're becoming, are able to, and have built some of the systems early cpunks could previously only think of and warn about, we'll get to see if tech continues to be sprayed about as a liberal be-all cure-all, or develops some conscious genuine brakes.
since I'm on the record, I may as well admit it
We Are All Intelligence Officers Now 2014 RSA Conference, California http://geer.tinho.net/geer.rsa.28ii14.txt
That record coming from the CISO of In-Q-Tel ;)