Sinn Fein style, Putin not going to like that very much... https://twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1561114291377283072 https://t.me/pushilindenis/2548 Today, the Head of the Presidential Administration in Ukraine, Andrey Yermak, said that, "Our task is to make sure that not only the current generation of Russians, but their children and grandchildren will pay". Eight hours later, Alexander Dugin's daughter Darya was killed. pic.twitter.com/tSNhsxTR7A — Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) August 20, 2022 Denis Pushilin, the Russian proxy leader of Ukraine's occupied Donetsk, angrily blamed “terrorists of the Ukrainian regime” for the blast, writing on Telegram that they had been “trying to liquidate Alexander Dugin” but “blew up his daughter.” “In loving memory of Darya, she is a true Russian girl,” Pushilin wrote. Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels and social media pages similarly blamed Ukraine for the explosion and called on Russians to “avenge” Dugina’s death. This, along with recent attacks inside Crimea, could indeed mean greater escalation in the Ukraine war.