Dnia środa, 8 stycznia 2014 12:45:55 dan@geer.org pisze:
5) another realization upon hearing the 30c3 talk of Jacob Appelbaum was the 'earth firewall' then indicates that the NSA controls the internet, and that it is not operating as a subset within it, and instead everything that occurs is within its domain....
The Internet is not controlled, i.e., there is a power vacuum that will soon be filled. There are many, many players and soon to be more. The question to be contemplated, if any, is this: Do you prefer that the competing claims of control over the Internet be resolved by way of (1) dramatic Balkanization or by way of (2) making the Internet an organ of world government?
And the answer to the above is: no. I'll elaborate (Capt. Obvious, but whatever). The possibilities and technologies of connecting and communicating had made such strides during the last 20 years, that we really do not have to limit ourselves to these two suboptimal (to say the least) situations. We can have a decentralized and non- controllable network if we want to, and it can piggy-back on or run within any network that is controlled by the government (not sure about balkanized networks but I guess that would also be doable to some extent). Just use the current "Internet" just as Internet used the telephone system, as infrastructure. The infrastructure was controlled by the government and big telcos -- meh, whatever, we just layered a better network on top. The other way -- and a great one, but a bit harder -- is mesh networking on or as close to the physical level as possible. Just look what these smart cheese- lovers are doing: http://ur1.ca/gdcy5 Think: "we can rebuild the decentralized network, we have the technology" instead of "we're fucked".
A thought experiment, if needing one: is VoIP a part of the Internet or is it not, that is do you have two networks in your home/office or one?
Why is it a question that needs answering? -- Pozdr rysiek