Dāvis Mosāns wrote:
GamerGate is not about that, you've read too much into some propaganda. I know only single such case about 1 game. And I haven't seen any harassers admitting that they do it for GamerGate or journalism, but IMO they're just trolls who like to use this opportunity. They like publicity (even if it's bad) and that's what they're getting. I'm not sure if you can imagine this mindset, but I can't deny that it must be exciting to read news story about death threats you wrote. It actually encourages to do it again. There's well know internet Rule 14 "Do not argue with trolls — it means that they win." so as usual - Don't feed the trolls.
First of all, it is never *ever* someone's fault when random internet creeps stalk and harass them. If continuing to have an opinion and be in an industry is "feeding the trolls" then you should seriously consider changing your views on the subject.
That's not what I said nor meant. Media and those gaming "journalists" are feeding the trolls, they can't stop writing about how many death threats and harassers someone have acquired. I understand if it would be just one time, but they just keep writing about it. They want more views and know
By Newsweek's count, Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian got nearly 80'000 twitter comments in response to their views on GamerGate itself. Eighty thousand -- that's more than all journalists and news outlets combined (including Kotaku). Tell me this isn't about the ongoing harassment of women who have an opinion. I don't watch AS's videos and find her conclusions to be quite thin at times. Doesn't matter -- she has the fundamental right to voice an opinion.
Reason why journalists don't get so many tweets are because it's just not controversial enough. Only GamerGate supporters care about that. But with Brianna and Anita everyone talks about it - GamerGate, Anti-GamerGate, others and trolls. That's why there's way more tweets, because it's back and forth talk. You provoke one side and get support from other and then vice-versa. And only small percentage of those tweets are negative. Some
2014-10-28 1:51 GMT+02:00 Griffin Boyce <griffin@cryptolab.net>: that this will gain them, but in same time it is also increasing amount of trolls and other haters who participate in it and thus they can write about it again :D people really can't stand them because of bullshit they say and that have nothing to do with that they're women, but that other's don't like their opinion and them as a persons. Amplify this by media coverage. Do you really think that if this wouldn't have been so publicized, all over media, that it would still happen? I doubt that, not much people would care if journalists wouldn't write so much about it. Also I truly believe and could bet that if we would swap genders, they claiming how misandrists Gamers/GamerGate are then nothing would be different and probably would get even more threats. Anyway I fully agree that everyone has right to say their opinion, no matter who you are. But you can't expect that there won't be people who won't agree with it or won't get angry over it. But that's not what GamerGate is about and that's not the problem (regarding GamerGate), problem is that their opinions are published on a lot of gaming and news sites. When I'm reading news about latest game releases or game reviews, I don't want to hear what Anita thinks about games. But currently large part of gaming sites publish such very opinionated articles which cover only one side of it - article writers side. This is also one of GamerGate issues, that gaming sites publish such trash articles which goes against some gamers beliefs and journalists don't do any research or ask what's gamers opinion about it. And if you don't want to be associated with abject harassment, then don't
hitch your wagon to a cause that harasses people. Form a group of sane people and pick a different hashtag. I have literally *no* sympathy for sane people who aren't willing to use a different hashtag. They're sacrificing integrity in order to ride a wave of abjectly shitty publicity.
Again, GamerGate is not about harassment, it's not a hate movement. I really suggest everyone interested to read https://medium.com/@aquapendulum/my-letter-to-jason-schreier-about-gamergate... it's best article I've read on this topic.