US general says Elon Musk's Starlink has 'totally destroyed Putin's information campaign'
Lol, even if so, didn't do any good. Putin, the murdering invader and rampaging destroyer, now totally controls the aforementioned areas, and just destroyed two of the west's prized bling weapons. Ukraine confirmed to be secretly crawling with western agencies on the ground, yet is still losing. Will take long time to win anything back. Prepare yourselves so you don't suffer same fate as ill-prepared Ukraine. Anyway, Putin is an asshole that needs to die... https://twitter.com/UA_struggle/status/1543221420272001025 Another video of the Russian shelling in the #Odesa region. It was recorded right after the missile struck. It is horrifying what #Russia does to the Ukrainian people. #RussiaIsATerroristState Ukrainian forces are currently advancing in several tactical directions, including in the south - in the Kherson region, in the Zaporozhye region. We will not give up our land – the entire sovereign territory of Ukraine will be Ukrainian. In the south of our country, in the occupied areas, Russian forces blocked any opportunity for people to know the truth about what was happening. Block access to social networks, messengers and YouTube. People need to know about it.. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to talk to people in the south – Kherson, Henichesk, Berdyansk, Melitopol and other cities and villages – please spread the truth there. Take every opportunity to tell people in the occupied areas that we remember them. -- Zelensky The same one who came to power through the blood of Muslims throughout the North Caucasus? The same one who streamlined the "fight against terrorism" will turn this into a flywheel of repression of Muslims in Russia? The one who killed thousands of Muslims in Syria? And the one who killed your own people? -- @Islamicfront1