Karl wrote:
<we can come up with these forever, and have the next one drafted too,
Those were pretty good. A charming portrait of our brave new world, created by 'technology'. Speaking of which, you might find this interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WaUkZXKA30 It's a talk from a guy called aldous huxley in the ~1960s, in which he discusses how Scientific Progress will achieve ultimate mind control. Just the thing for our Enlightened Technology Worshippers and their insane garbage about 'crossbows'.
but it is too hard to continue for me to write it right now. it involves describing what it is like to communicate things when your behavior and medical treatment are augmented by machine learning algorithms each made or influenced by a different warring faction trying to manipulate you toward their own particular ends. sorry ran out of steam, got triggered too badly in #4>