@SallyMayweather’s post, and it’s certainly true that Imperial Americans in DC benefit most from their control over the dollar. They decide who is sanctioned, who gets the printed money first, etc. Other Americans are often their victims https://www.wsj.com/graphics/red-economy-blue-economy/ https://river.com/learn/terms/c/cantillon-effect/ @balajis Mar 26 DID REPUBLICANS PAY FOR 2008? Let's revisit 2008. Lots of money printed. All good, right? Well, no. Someone was diluted. That's what inflation is. It's dilution. And maybe we can see *who* was diluted. In 2008, Republican and Dem districts were equal. See the outline of both distributions below? But by 2018, Democrats had pulled way ahead.[1] That's the blue dots, with center ahead of red. Remember, printed money went to coasts first. And Cantillon effect[2] gave purchasing power. And most on the coasts were Democrats. And 2008-2016 was a Democrat administration. Perhaps just a coincidence that Dems rich by 2018. And Republicans suddenly became poor. But it does seem like the cost of the print... ...was imposed on the political opposition. In a deniable and invisible way. Unconscious even to those doing the imposing. [1]: wsj.com/graphics/red-economy… [2]: river.com/learn/terms/c/cant…