On 4/5/23, efc@swisscows.email <efc@swisscows.email> wrote:
So you wouldn't say that Tor is good since it is the least worst way for people to browse?
Users getting jailed or murdered by the State's traffic analysis and sybil systems is for them perhaps the worst way to die. Does voting for least worst politicians get you much of anything in your lifetime, vs ignoring, defunding, routing around and removing them all permanently.
It is definitely not perfect but perhaps it could generate more noise in which to bury the few signals that are out there?
Sure. Defenses to those two attacks have been reasonably discussed on this list, and on the Tor lists back when they used to let the occaisional open critique post get past their censor team, and to this day Tor Project Incorporated refuses to implement them. Most people fail to consider that tor's origins are US Military which doesn't need perfect to operate only better enough than their competitors yet still able to defeat them, and that many of Tor's staff, even new ones, are Govt agents and Govt funded payees sucking at the teat of Govt for their mortgage and lifestyle. So is it really any wonder that Tor Inc has not adopted fixes and censors open critique while falsely advertising safety. The real solution is to both fork tor, and also to design and compete entirely new network overlays. "Tor Stinks -- NSA, vulns known since before 2012"