Please stop top posting.
When replies are excessive, I will trim them. When a particular snippet of quoted text is immediately relevant (as above) I will top-quote. However, sorry, but I'll continue emailing as I always have done; if I come from a different internet culture to you, and if top-posting is anathema to you but not I, that's just a difference we'll have to reconcile to stay high-signal and on-topic. However, in the spirit of 2015, which will consist mostly of code-golf and optimism, here's a Python one-liner in the most brutalist sense that will solve your problem, at least for the "offending" email to which you were replying. It may be broken across lines by my or your email client or an ignorant intermediary; filter newlines to resolve. Sorry it's so verbose, inlining those imports might help, but by now I'm bored. (lambda P=__import__('email',fromlist=['parser']).parser.Parser(),A=__import__('sys').argv,Re=__import__('re'):(lambda E=P.parse(open(A[1])),B=P.parse(open(A[1])).get_payload(),R=Re.compile('On.+?wrote:(?=\n>[^>])'),O=open(A[2],'w'):(E.is_multipart()and str(E))or(O.write('\n'.join([': '.join(i)for i in E.items()]+['']+[ ""]+[L for L in B.splitlines()if Re.match('>[^>]',L)]+['']+[L for L in B.splitlines()if(not L)or(not Re.match('(>|On.+?wrote:)',L))])+"\n")))())() On 04/01/15 01:37, grarpamp wrote:
Windows + third party + opensource + gui + full disk encryption. I doubt its volumes were portable like ZFS. You could Windows mount iSCSI/SMB/NFS from a VM of FreeBSD+GELI+ZFS.
Please stop top posting.