Interesting times to say the least: National University of Ireland schedules 3 day conference to debate that Israel has no right to exist http://bbs.dailystormer.com/t/national-university-of-ireland-schedules-3-day... https://rehmat1.com/2017/01/05/irish-university-israel-has-no-right-to-exist... The conference is organized by Israel-born professor Oren Ben-Dor whose earlier attempt to hold a similar conference at the Southampton University was cancelled by then home secretary Theresa May under Jewish Lobby pressure in March 2015. http://bbs.dailystormer.com/t/tom-hanks-jigaboo-granddaughter-reminds-us-why... http://www.tradyouth.org/2015/07/jewish-baby-boom/ “There was a time in my 20s when everything I learned about the history of racism made me hate myself, my Whiteness, my ancestors… and my descendants,” squawked Ali Michael’s Huffpo act of contrition. “I remember deciding that I couldn’t have biological children because I didn’t want to propagate my privilege biologically.” Ali was writing in defense of Rachel Dolezal, and to encourage the creators and maintainers of Western civilization to forgo reproduction by pretending to be one of us. “If I was going to pass on my privilege, I wanted to pass it on to someone who doesn’t have racial privilege; so I planned to adopt” she followed with anguish. ... This isn’t a question of cognitive dissonance, as some have theorized. It’s not misguided idealism from the notoriously materialistic tribe. This is Jews when they’re 2%, and don’t have the numbers to treat us like the people of Gaza. This is the passive-aggressive ideological violence that misuses modern technology, weaponizes concentrated capital, and employs blackmail and guilt to convince and compel targets of Jewish venom to gradually thin themselves out. That is, until Ali and friends figure out the logistics on how to do us like they did the women and children of Cyprus and Cyrene in the Kitos War.